牛津英语模块2 Unit 1 Welcome & reading(盐城市第一中学)(译林牛津版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

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Unit 1 Tales of the Unexplained
Welcome to the Unit and Reading
教学目标:1. Help Ss practise spoken English.
2. Help Ss express their opinions boldly and imaginatively.
3.Checking and enhancing Ss’ reading abilities.
4.Help Ss gain an overall understanding of the news article.
5.Help Ss learn to read in different ways according to the types of the article they’re reading.
6.Help Ss grasp the usage of the words and expressions
教学重难点:1. Help Ss gain an overall understanding of the article.
2. Help Ss learn to read in different ways according to the types of the article they’re reading.
3.Help Ss grasp the usage of the words and expressions
一、课文理解(T or F)
( ) 1. People have shown great interest in Justin’s disappearance not because the strange lights in the sky but reports of alien visits.
( ) 2. Justin disappeared probably because he was taken by aliens.
( ) 3. Mrs. Foster was worried about her son’s safety, so she called the police immediately.
( ) 4. According to Kelly, a bright light appeared inside Justin’s room then disappeared.
( ) 5.Mavis wood said he had once been taken away by aliens and then returned him to his home.
( ). 6. Police would not give up until they found convincing evidence.
1. You might run into a Yeti in the Himalayas, or just see a few footprints, but you’d still be lucky.(p1)
run into : to meet sb. by chance 偶遇,撞见;

2. The reason for building the pyramids in Egypt is still unknown even today.(p1)
=People today still don’t know the reason for building the pyramids.
the reason for…: …的原因 the cause of… :…的起因
…的原因是因为… : The reason for + n/ Ving is that…
The reason why….is that…

3. Boy missing, police puzzled.(p2)
= A boy went missing, and the police got/were puzzled.
标题中missing 和puzzled后都省略了系动词,missing 和puzzled分别为现在分词和过去分词作表语。现在分词作表语描述主语性质;过去分词作表语描述主语所处的状态。
eg: The news was exciting and the students got so excited at it.

4. Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing two days ago in Dover.(p2)
step up:增加,促进;加快,加速

go missing: 失踪,不见了 go是系动词, “处于, 变为”
坏了 发疯 挨饿
5. People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to sightings of puzzling lights in the sky and reports of alien visits around the time of his disappearance.(p2)
show/have/take/feel (an/great/no/little) interest in 对……有兴趣(关心)
due to: prep=. because of/ owing to/ as a result of由于,因造成

puzzling lights 让人迷惑不解的光亮
puzzling & puzzled & puzzle
The other day, the Maths teacher asked us to do a really problem.
He was at what the teacher said.
What the little girl had done her mother.
strange-looking creatures 相貌奇特的动物
supporting details 附加细节
amazing speed 令人惊讶的速度
6. When Justin did not show up at the family lunch the next day, Mrs. Foster became worried and told her husband to call the police.(p2)
show up出现,出席,到场(=turn up, appear);使清晰,(使)显露;揭露

7. The aliens took me away so that they could do research on me.(p3)
research n. 研究工作[U], 一次研究工作[C]
do research on 对…做研究
vt. & vi. 研究

8. Police have not ruled out the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, but are also looking into other possibilities.(p3)
rule out 排除(可能性)
look into 向里面看; 调查,检查,了解;
关于look 的相关词组:
(1) look up查找,向上看 (2) look through翻阅,浏览
(3) look on旁观 (4) look on…as看作
(5) look out (for) 当心 (6) look about / around/round四下查看
(7) look down upon瞧不起 (8) look back upon回忆,回顾
(9) look sb. up and down;
look sb. in the face/eyes

that… 引导同位语从句, 它可以对前面的抽象名词possibility, news, word, hope, wish, doubt, information, message, fact等进行补充说明,that 只起连接作用, 在句子中不做任何成分,不省略。而定语从句中的that担当句子成分, 充当宾语时可省略。
I don’t believe the news that he told me. 从句
I don’t believe the news that he has gone abroad. 从句
9. “Sometimes people make up such amazing stories.” says Detective Sam Peterson, who has taken charge of the case.(p3)
make up 编造,捏造;弥补,把……补上;化装,打扮 ;构成:
take charge of/ be in charge of 负责(处理某事或照顾某人),接管
10. The second paragraph gives the important facts that the writer was unable to include in the lead.(p3)
include vt. 包含,包括;
including prep.
1) At least 80 persons were injured, five policemen.
2) Everyone laughed , me .
1.加强,加紧 2. 搜寻,寻找
3.失踪 4.对…表现出浓厚的兴趣
5.一个失踪的男孩 6.偶尔遇见
7.高科技 8.一条沉船
9. 由于 10.出现,露面
11.播放CD 12.掀起窗帘
13.感到恐惧 14.排除可能性
15.调查 16.编这种耸人听闻的故事
17. 负责 18. 对…感到失望
19.对…做研究 20.讲神秘的故事
21.外出 22.满月
23.做噩梦 24.令人信服的证据
25.飞过 26.外层空间
( ) 1.When I returned to the classroom, I found my pen .
A. going B. losing C. missing D. missed
( ) 2. The murderer was sentenced to death today’s newspaper.
A. according to B. due to C. thanks to D. owing to
( )3 . All the passengers on abroad the captain.
A. are in charge of B. are in the charge of
C. take charge of D. take the charge of
( )4. They show great in visiting the places of , such as Guilin, Guangzhou.
A. interest; interest B.interest; interests
C. interesting; interesting D. interests;interest
( )5. He told me it was the reason ____ he explained just now ____ made him come late yesterday.
A. which; which B. which; that
C. why; that D. why; which
( )6. She likes the film , , she has to stay at home to look after her sick mother.
A. but B. therefore C. anyhow D. however
( )7. The police are searching .
A. the thief in the building B. the building for the thief
C. for the thief in the building D. both B and B
( )8. A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left____ .
A. unsatisfied B. unsatisfying
C. to be unsatisfying D. being unsatisfied
( )9. Readers can _____ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.
A. get over B. get in
C. get along D. get through
( )10. ___! There’s a train coming.
A. Look out B. Look around
C. Look forward D. Look on
( )11. Happily for John’s mother, he is working harder to ____ his lost time.
A. make up for B. keep up with
C. catch up with D. make use of
( )12. , he left the manager’s office without any results.
A. Disappointing B. Being disappointed
C. Disappointed D. Because of disappoint

一、 F T F F FT
二、 1. Guess who I ran into when shopping today.
2. The reason why he was late was that his car broke down on the way.
3. The movie was so frightening that the girl felt very frightened.
4. They must step up the building of the new school.
go wrong/ bad go mad go hungry
5. The accident was due to careless driving.
puzzling puzzled puzzled
6. Why didn’t you show up at the meeting yesterday?
7. He has done a great deal/amount of research on that subject.
8.定语 同位语
9. including included
1.Step up 2. search for
3.Go missing 4.show great interest in
5.a missing boy 6.run into
7.advanced science and technology 8.a sunken ship
9. due to 10.show up
11.put on CD 12.pull back the curtains
13.get frightened 14.rule out the possibilities
15.look into 16.make up such amazing stories
17. take charge of 18. be disappointed with
19.do research on 20.tell mysterious stories
21. stay out 22.full moon
23.have nightmares 24.convincing evidence
25.fly over 26.outer space




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