新课标模块1-2 各单元知识点汇总(新课标版高考复习英语必修二教案教学设计)

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Module 1 Unit 1 Friendship
1.add up (把两个或以上的数或量)加起来 add up to 共计(指加起来总和是)
add … to 把…… 加到……中 add to=increase 增加,增添
2. without + n./ v-ing There is no smoke without fire.
He went out without speaking He slipped into the room without being notice.
by + doing 借助于, 靠
3. upset adj.心烦意乱,不舒服的,不适的 disturbed /sick
vt.vi 使不安,使心烦,打乱,打翻 (upset-upset- upsetting)
nervous (rather afraid) :在事情发展过程中有一种害怕的感觉 à 紧张
anxious(worried): 由于害怕某种事情会发生而感到焦急
upset(rather unhappy):由于某事的发生而感到心烦意乱
4. ignore vt. 不理睬,忽视,对……装作不知+sb/sth
5. calm down vt. Vi. 平静下来,使平静
6. concern vt 涉及n. 关心,关注,(利害)关系
be concerned about/for 关心,挂念
7. reason 理由,动机(explain why it happens or what causes it happen)决定做某事或
采取某一行动的理由,由此而得出结论或解释, 具有主观性。(conclusion) + for
cause 原因 (引起某事的后果或起因,usually a bad event ) 具有客观性 (effect ) + of
8. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.
=While you were walking the dog……
当When, while, before, after, once, if, unless, even if等引导的状语从句的主语与句子的主语一致时,可将从句的主语和be动词省去.
While living in England, he picked up some English.
While asked about her family, she began to cry.
9. share vt.分享,分担 share…in sth (with sb.) share (in) sth among / between sb.
10.…, like your deepest feelings (feeling) and thoughts. like= such as
a feeling of… have a feeling that… .
show much feeling for…(对…的感情,同情,体谅 u.n.)
11.go through vt. ①experience ,经历,遭受 ②look at carefully,
③finish sth. or complete sth., use up ④ 穿过,通过
12. hide ( hides -- hiding --- hid --- hidden)
hide away + 地点状语 hide away + 宾语 躲藏,隐藏
hide +宾语 + away
13. set down= write down = put down
14. a series of = a set of一连串的,一系列,一套
Two series of new stamps have come out.
15. crazy adj. be/grow crazy about/of sth.
be crazy to do sth.
16. stay awake (remain / keep)
17. on purpose 故意
for (the) purpose of 为的是; 为了....起见; 为了...的目的
with the purpose of 以(有)......的目的.
18. in order to + do 为了…起见;以便 in order that + 从句
In order to catch the early bus, she got up early.
She got up early so as to/ in order to catch the early bus.
in order not to so as not to
19. dare 情态mod.v dare do(多用于否定句,疑问句,条件状语从句)
dared do (过去时)
dare not do = daren’t do
eg. I daren’t speak to him. No one dared ask him.
实义vt. dare(s) (to) do
don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t dare( to) do
eg. he will dare any danger. He didn’t dare( to )go.
20. happen to do sth. 碰巧做…..
21.It is /was the first time(second time…) that … have/had done(时态用完成时)
22. face to face adv. face-to-face adj.
23. put away把…关起来,收拾,把…放在一边
24. according to + n./代词
25. outdoors --- indoors adv. n. outdoor---- indoor adj.
26. get along (well) with sb. = get on with 与…相处,进展
27. fall in love with (表示动作)
be in love with (表示状态)
28. have got to = have to
29. habit 习惯 have / be in the habit of 有…..的习惯
get into / form the habit of 养成…..的习惯
30. Your friend can’t go until he/she finishes claening the bicycle.
b. It is not until he/she finishes claening the bicycle that your friend can go.
c. Not until he/she finishes claening the bicycle can your friend go.
31.There is /was a time when….. 有段时间怎么了….

Module 1 Unit 2 English around the world
1. more than
①more than +数词= over …. 以上, 超过,多于, ….有余
By then he was more than fifty years old.
②more than + 名词 不只,不仅仅,超过,远不止 (not only)
Helen and Mary are more than classmates. They are close friends.
③more than + 动词 十分, 大大地, 远远地,极大地 (much)
He more than smiled; he laughed outright.
What he did more than satisfied me.
④more than + adj./adv. 非常,十分, 更加, 深为 (very)
I’m more than happy to hear that. He is more than selfish.
When I asked them for help, they were more than glad to come.
⑤more than one 名词单数,后面的谓语动词用单数 “不止一个,不只一个”
More than one person has known it.
no more than 只是,仅仅,只不过 not more than 至多,最多,不超过
2. in (some important )…way(s) / by…means 在……方面
3.one another = each other 彼此,相互之间
4. include including sth. sth included contain
1)用作及物动词,意为“ 包括;包含”,不能用于进行时态。
2)include 还可作“ 包含于…里面;算入”讲,常与in, on, among 介词等连用。
5.play a role / part ( in ) 意为“ 在……中担任角色;在……中起作用”。
take (on) /perform a role 扮演角色 a leading/starting role 主角
6. Because of +sth. / v-ing / what ( n. clause)
Because + 句子
7. nearly 与 almost
(1)两者通用的场合。a.在肯定句中。 b.修饰all, every, always 等时。
(2)只用 almost 的场合。
a.和any, no, none, nothing, nobody, nowhere, never 等连用时。
b.和too, more than 等连用时。 c.和表示感觉或心理活动的静态动词连用时。
(3)只用nearly的场合。 a.被 very, not, pretty等修饰时。
8. than ever before 比以往任何时候更……
在比较级结构中,副词 ever 与比较级和最高级连用,用来加强语气.
ever在不同句型中的意义: 1)曾经;以前(用于疑问句)
2)无论什么时候都(不)(用语否定句) 3)曾经(用于if 从句)
4)到底;究竟(用于特殊疑问句) 5)永远;老是(用于肯定句)
9. for example 同类的“一个”,用逗号隔开,可置于句首,句中和句末
such as 只能举其中一部分,不能全部举出。
10. come up 上来, 走近; 被提出; 发芽; 升起
11.(1) even if ( = even though ): in spite of the fact; no matter whether 即使;尽管
(2) even if 从句所说的不那么肯定。 even though 从句是事实。
12. So why has English changed over time? over= throughout / during
13. actually = in fact = as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上
14. base on/upon… 以…为基础 be based on
15. close v./adj./ close (adv)位置上接近 closely (adv) 抽象关系上的密切
close to 相近, 靠近, 几乎 be close to 表状态 get close to表动作
16. in the 1600’s= in the 1600s
17. make (good/full/no/the most/ the best…) use of使用
18. a number of +可数名词复数 大量的(其后谓语动词用复数)
the number of +可数名词复数 …的数目(其后谓语动词用单数)
The number of the students adds up to 2000 in our school.
只能修饰可数名词的:a large/ great/ good number of,
a good/ great many, dozens of, scores of, quite a few
只能修饰不可数名词的:a great deal of, a large amount of,
quite a little, a large sum of
既可修饰可数,不可数名词的:plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantity of
19. Only time will tell. 时间会证明一切 tell 知道, 判断
tell A from B: 区分,分别
20.Believe it or not.
21. However, even on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way (that/ in which) people speak.
22. recognize = to know and remember sb/sth. one has seen before. 认出。
I know him, but when I saw him last night, I could hardly recognize him.
Module 1 Unit 3 Travel journal
1. When are you leaving? Where are you staying?
用进行时表将来的动词: go , come, leave, start, begin, return, stay, play, fly, drive,
sleep, reach, walking, ride, move…
2. dream about = dream of sth /doing sth. dreamed/ dreamt
dream that… realize one’s dream our dream come true
have a dream= dream a dream
3. It was my sister who first had the ides to…..强调句:
It was/is+强调成分+that-/who-分句
① It + be (not) + 强调部分+ that /who + 句子剩余部分
② Be + it + 强调部分+ that /who + 句子剩余部分?
Was it at the end of 2001 that China joined WTO?
③ 特殊疑问词+ be + it +that /who + 句子剩余部分?
When was it that China joined WTO?
4. .persuade vt.说服; 劝服; vi.被说服
persuade + sb.
sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事
sb. that clause
sb. to do sth. = persuade sb. into doing sth.
sb. out of doing sth. = persuade sb. not to do sth
try to persuade sb to do sth. = advise sb to do sth. 说服未成功
5.although, though引导让步状语从句不能再和but, and, however连用, 但可以和副词yet, still连用。although从句多放在句首, though从句可在主句前,中,后任何位置,而且though可以作副词用于句末,作 “但是,不过”讲,而although无此用法。
6. insist : 坚持认为,坚持主张
1) insist on / upon one’s doing sth 坚持做,坚决做
2) insist that +从句坚持说/认为(后表示一个事实), 后接的从句用陈述语气, 既按需要选择时态。
3) insist that sb. (should) do sth.坚决主张做某事, 后接的宾语从句常用虚拟语气
7.properly (adv.) proper (adj.)
finally (adv.) final ( adj)
8. care about : be worried about 忧虑,关心
care for sb/sth : look after, love or like希望, 喜欢, 照顾
9. determine v. 决定, 下定决心, 确定 determined adj. 坚决的, 有决心的
1) determine to do sth.(动作) 2) determine +从句
3) determine +疑问词+ to do 4) be determined to do sth. 决心做(状态)
He was determined to do it for a long time.
10.change one’s mind 改变某人的主意
make up one’s mind 下定决心 keep…in mind 记住
11.at an altitude of = at a height of 在海拔……米处 attitude
at 后接年龄, 速度, 长宽深高, 价格, 费用等 “在……处/时, 以……”
at the age of at a high / low price at a depth/width of
at the speed of at the cost of at a distance of
12….the air was would hard to breath….
主语 + be + adj.+ to do sth. 即不定式用主动形式表达被动含义
这类形容词有surprised, moved, disappointed, pleased, happy, sad, delighted, sorry, interested, glad, worried, etc.
13. give in (to sb./sth.) 屈服于, 让步, 递交 give up 放弃, 认输
give out 筋疲力尽;分配 give away 捐赠, 泄露
14. across / through /over
across表示从一定范围的一边到另一边或事物交叉位置,“横穿, 横跨”表面,含
义与on 有关
through 表达两边穿过或穿过空间内部, 含义与in 有关
over表示 “越过” 是指越过较高的物体从一侧到另一侧
The new railway winds its way to Tibet, over mountains through tunnels and across rivers.
15. as usual
16. encourage sb. to do sth. encourage sb in doing sth. encouraged/ encouraging
17. To climb the mountain road was hard work but to go down the hill was great fun. fun fun [U n. ] 玩笑, 乐事, 有趣的事
have fun=enjoy oneself It is much/great fun to do… 做……很有趣
18.change v.“换衣, 更换” change n “零钱”
get changed 换好衣服 change A for B 用A换B
19.make camp 扎营, 宿营 go camping 去露营, 去野营
① make +n.+ n. 使…… ② make +n.+ adj. 使……
③ make +n.+ do sth. 使某人做某事 * 被动式 be made to do sth
④ make +n.+过去分词
20.put up ① 举起, 抬起 = raise ② 挂起, 张贴
③ 建造, 搭起 = build ④ 住宿, 留宿
put away 把……收起来, 存放 put back 放回原处
put down 放下, 写下, 镇压 put forward 提出
put off 推迟, 拖延 put out 扑灭, 伸出
put one’s heart to 全神贯注于 put an end to 使结束
21. so far
22. We can hardly wait to see them!
23. for one thing,……for another,…….首先…,其次…
on the one hand,….. on the other hand…..
24. different adj. difference n. differently adv. differ v.
the difference between A and B
A be different from B.
25. be familiar to sb. (主语是物) 熟悉
be familiar with sth. (主语是人)

Module 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes
1. It is always calm before a strom.
2. right away =at once; in no time; immediately right now : at this very moment
3. rise [raiz] vi. 升起, 起身, 增长, 上升, rose-risen
raise [reiz] vt.升起, 唤起, 提高, 使出现, 饲养, 筹集, 使复活 raised-raised
arise [ ‘raiz] vi. 出现, 发生, 起因于 arose--arisen
4. burst : to come open or fly apart suddenly
burst into + n. burst out + doing
burst into tears/ laughter burst out crying / laughing
5. at an end be at an end
at the end of 用于表示具体事物或场所的场合,它也可以用来表示比喻意;
by the end of 用于表示时间的场合到……结束的时候,用于过去完成时态;
in the end 意思“最后、终于”。
6. cut across 横穿,跨越 cut in v.插嘴, 插入,
cut off v.切断, 断绝, 剥夺继承权 cut down. v.砍倒, 胜过, 削减, 删节
cut up v.切碎, 抨击, 歼灭, 使丧气 cut out v.切掉, 裁剪出, 取代, 停止
7. lay in ruins lie—lied —lied —lying 说谎
lie—lay —lain —lying 躺, 平放, 展现(开),位于
lay—laid—laid —laying vt. 放置, 铺设, 布置 vi.下蛋, 打赌
ruin /destroy /damage/ injure
damage指部分“损坏”、“损害”、“破坏”或指使用价值有所降低。N.&V 用作名词时常与to something 连用。
destroy 只能用作v.,指彻底破坏,以致不可能修复,常作“破坏”、“毁灭”解,也
ruin则表示破坏严重,以致不能修复,但这种破坏不像destroy那样毁灭某物,而是强调致使该物的使用价值发生了问题。用作动词时,它作 “使毁灭”、 “使崩溃”,“弄糟”解;用作名词时,它表示 “毁灭”, “瓦解”,“废墟”等抽象概念。ruin也有借喻的用法
8. injure: 身体上, 肉体上,损害健康,成就,容貌的伤害
hurt : 使身体部位,精神上,感情受到伤害,造成损失
wound: 刀,子弹,名声等的伤害 ,战场上受伤
harm: 肉体或精神上的伤害,有时可指引起不安或不便,还可用于抽象事物(尤指不道德的事情)
9. be shocked be trapped in
10. wonder : v. in wonder
wonder to do sth. / w- to do sth. /at / about n.奇迹, 惊奇, 惊愕
It is no wonder (that)= No wonder (that) 难怪…
11. All hope was not lost.
all…not …= not all…, some…but not all(表示部分否定)
all, both, each, every + not
All of their answers were not right. = not all of their answers are right.
12. dig out
13. bury vt bury oneself in= be buried in devote oneself to= be devoted to
14.congratulation n.祝词, 贺辞 常用复数 + on congratulate sb. on sth.
15. Judging from/ by = to judge by 由……判断之
Generally speaking Strictly speaking Frankly speaking
16. honor n.尊敬, 敬意, 荣誉, 光荣 vt.尊敬, 给以荣誉
in honor of sb./sth. in one’s honour 为了纪念/尊敬……
17.Prepare sth / to do sth./ sb to do sth. / for 准备, 预备,
be/get prepared for in preparation for
Module 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela – a modern hero
1.ask for 要求得到 ask for sb. 找某人,要求见某人
2. be willing to do sth 乐意(自愿)做, 心甘情愿做
3. be active in 积极参加
4. lose heart 丧失信心 lose one’s heart 爱上某人
5. in trouble 处于不幸中,有麻烦,在监禁中
6. die for 为……而死 die for 也意为“渴望,切望”(只用于进行时态)
7. fight (fought, fought)
fight for 为……而战 fight with + 人,国家 与…并肩作战
fight against + 事物n. 为反对……作斗争
fight against + 人,国家 和(同)…斗争 =fight with
8. believe in sb. 信任某人 believe sb= believe what sb says. 相信某人的话
9. be free from摆脱(不好的东西)的,无……的
10. be in prison. 在狱中,被监禁
put…in prison = send/take…to prison = throw …into prison 把……投入监狱
11. The time when I first met …… was a very difficult period of my life.
This was a time when one had got to ….
12. advise sth
(one’s) doing sth.
sb.to do sth.建议某人干advise sb.not to do sth=advise sb.against doing sth.
sb on sth. 就……给某人出主意
that clause sb (should) do
advice (n.) a piece of advice take sb’s advice 接受某人的劝告
ask for advice on… give sb.(some) advice on. 给某人建议
13. be +距离/时间+ away 有……远
14. continue to do /doing sth
15. fee 付给医生,律师,学校的费用,考试,俱乐部,入场卷收取的费用。
fare (交通工具的)票价
reward 报酬,奖金 vt. 酬谢,给以报答 in reward 作为报酬
16. After trying hard, I got a job in a gold mine.= after I tried hard….
17. be worried about =worry about 担心
18. out of work=lose one’s job 失业 (反)be in work
19. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights …
The parts of town where they lived were places decided by white people.
20. vote 投票,参加选举,强调其过程
choose选择,指从众多事物中挑选 选举, elect强调选举结果
21.He has got himself into a dangerous situation where (in which) he is likely to lose control over the plan.
22. accept 主观接受 receive客观收到
23. Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.
only then 此处引起倒装句,当only修饰状语位于句首时,句子采用部分倒装
only 修饰主语时,句子不倒装。
24. as a matter of fact= in fact事实上
25. blow up 使充气,爆炸 blow off 吹掉,吹走
blow down 吹倒 blow out 吹灭
26. be equal to 等于,相当于
27.imagine +n. / doing sth. /sb.+doing / that… n. imagination
28. escape from sp. 逃脱, 避开, 溜走 escape doing sth. 避免
29. in one way = in a way (M2 Unit 3) = in some ways
all the way 一直,一路上 by the way 顺便一提
in this way 以这种方式 in the way 妨碍 挡路
on one’s/the way 在途中 in no way 绝不 No way!门儿都没有!
lose one’s way 迷路 lead the way 带头, 领先
30. He taught us during the…… when we should have been asleep.
should do应该做,一般指现在或将来的动作,指过去的动作时应站在过去的角度。
should have done 表示本应该做而没有做的.站在现在的角度上评说过去的事情。
asleep 是表语形容词,意为“睡着的”。 sleep 是动词或名词,意为“睡觉”。
sleepy 是形容词,意为“打盹的”
31. As they were not cleverer than me, but did pass their exam….
“did pass” 为强调结构,强调谓语动词时,在动词原行前加do, does, did.
eg. Do be careful! He does speak English well!
I do hope you have a merry Christmas!
32. come to power = come into power 执政, 当权,上台 in power 当权,执政
33. I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.
every time,每次…就…immediately,the moment/ minute /instant=as soon as ,
next time下次…..时,等起从属连词的作用,引导时间状语从句。
I thought her nice and honest the first time I met her.
Next time he comes, he asks me for some money.
34. set up set out to do sth = set about doing sth. 着手做某事
35. be sentenced to
36. terror n. 恐怖,可怕的人或事 fear n. &vt. 恐惧,可怕
fear + n./to do /that… for fear of … for fear that… 担心 惟恐
37.beat n. 敲击,跳动 beating n. 打、输
Module 2 Unit 1 Cultural relics
1. survive vt &vi 幸存 survivor (n.) 幸存者 survival (n.) 幸存
2. remain (1) vi. 留下, 遗留
(2) link-verb. 后接 n. adj. / 介词短语 / 表位置的adv.
3. the rest 作主语时, 根据指带对象不同,可能是单数,也可能是复数.
4. look into 调查
5. state 状态, 可数名词; condition 条件, 复数形式表 “环境, 状况”;
situation 指处境, 局势。 state侧重于政权 country侧重于疆土 nation侧重于民族
6. belong to 不用于进行时态和被动语态
7. 情态动词 + have done 表示对过去发生的事情的推测、批评、反悔等意。
can’t/ couldn’t have done不可能做过
could have done 可能做过;本来可以做(却未做)
might have done 或许做过;本来或许会做
may have done 或许做过
would have done 本来要做(却未做)
must have done 肯定已做过(表推测)
needn’t have done 本来没必要做(却已做)
should(n’t) / ought (n’t) have done 本来(不)应该做(却做了)
8. gift 礼物; 天赋 have a gift for sth. gifted (adj.) 有天赋的
9. be used to do sth. 被用来做……
be used to doing 习惯于做某事(表状态)
used to(do) 过去常常做某事,(现在不了)
get used to 表示由不习惯到习惯的变化
be used to +n./doing 表示已经习惯或已形成的状态
否定:didn't’t use to/ usedn’t to/ used not to
一般疑问:Did… use to…?/ Used … to…?
10. Although it feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when (it is) heated.
11. Once it is heated, the amber can be made into any shape.
12. The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days.
“be + of + 名词(词组)” , 表示主语的某种形状、特性或特征。
of great importance=important of interest=interesting
of use=useful of help=helpful of value=valuable
be of + size/ length/ height/ depth be of the same size
fancy + that-/one’s doing sth / sb to be…/ sb as /sth /doing sth.
13. be made into 被制成 be made up of 由……组成/构成
be made of 由……制成(能看出原材料)
be made from 由……制成(看不出原材料)
be made in产于,生产于(某地/某时)
14. in return. 回报,作为报酬 in turn 轮流地,依次; 反过来
by turns 轮流地,时而…时而…
15..serve as 担任,充当 act as work as 以…(的身份)工作, 当…
He serve as a waiter there
16. In 1770, the room was completed (the way(that/ in which/ 不填) she wanted it.
“the way”后跟定语从句,在从句中作方式状语, the way的用法与连词相同,
I still remember the way that ( in which, / )she did it.
I liked the way that / in which she organized the meeting.
当way前面有adj.作定语时, 其前不省略in
He always writes in a careless way.
17. 介词+名词 (表状态)
at war/work/home/table on show/duty/sale/holiday/fire/watch
in trouble/danger/battle/doubt under repair/discussion/construction建设
18. a piece of / a set of furniture.
19. There’s no doubt that… (肯定句)doubt whether /if
There’s no need to do / for sth / sb There’s no possibility that…
There’s no doubt of / about +n. There’s no doubt about his honesty.
20. missing: “丢失的, 缺少的”, 强调不在场;
lost: 过去分词, “失去的, 丧失的”
gone: 过去分词, “过去的,不在的,丢了”,常作表语和补语。
21 take apart 拆开 tell … apart
They look almost the same, it’s hard to tell them apart.
22. consider sth./ doing / that clause考虑,认为 considering 就…而言
consider…as = consider…. to be
consider …. to have done ------
be consider to have done He is considered to have stole the picture.
23. prove
The scientist finally proved the fact.那位科学家最终证实了那个事实。
The fact proved that his statement was true. 事实证明他的说法是正确的。
3)prove+宾语+(to be)…(作宾补)
He proved himself (to be) honest.他证明自己诚实。
另外,prove还可作系动词,后接(to be)+名词/形容词,构成系表结构,意“结果是…,证明是”,没有被动语态。 The book proved (to be) interesting.
24. pretend sth/ to do /that-clause/ to be doing 假装
25. think highly /much / well of 看重,器重
think little / nothing / badly / ill / poorly of 轻视,不重视
26. Nor do I think they should give it to any government.
Nor could slaves or women. (M2 unit2)
Module 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games
1. compete: (vt) take part in a race, contest, exam, etc.
(1) compete in 在…中比赛/竞争
(2) compete against / with… 与…竞争/比赛
(3) compete for 为…而竞争/比赛
competitor 竞争者 competition 竞争,比赛 competitive (adj) 竞争性的,比赛性的
2 .take part in (正式) + 运动/ 罢工/ 运动会/ 战争/游戏/ 试验/ 谈话等
join (非正式)+ 团体, 活动成为一员+ 参军/ 入党/ 入团
join in (正在进行的活动, 有时=take part in )
attend (= be present at 出席)
3. host做东, 主办 hold 举行, 召开
4. On a journey 在进行旅行 on business 在出差
journey 较长时间或教长距离的旅行,“行程,旅程”
travel 泛指一切旅游
trip 一般指往返的旅行,尤其指娱乐性的短途旅游。
tour 指考察、观光等巡回各地的旅行,也指短途旅游。
5 .magical adj. 不可思议的=unbelievable magic (n.) magician (人)
magically adv.
6. interview n/ v interviewee (被采访者) interviewer 采访者
Make an interview Have an interview with sb. interview sb.
a job interview 求职面试 a television interview 电视采访
7.time “时代,时期”, 单复数均可
all the time 一直,始终 at all times 无论何时,一直
at one time曾经,一度 at times 有时,不时
from time to time 有时,不时 in no time 立刻,马上
ahead of time 提早(前) at a time 每次,一次
in time及时 on time 准时 at times =sometimes有时
at the same time
sometime 某时 some time 一段时间 some times几次
8. find out : 经过努力有意去 “找”, “打听”, “弄清楚”;
find: “找到,发现”, 强调结果。
discover: 发现本来就存在但未被人所知的事物, 地方, 思想等
9.every +基数词+ 名词复数 “每…”
every +序数词+名词单数
every + few + 复数名词 “每隔几…”
every + other + 单数名词 = every two + 复数名词: “每两…”
every other day=every two days=every second day 每隔一天,每两天
10.a set of
11. admit 许可…进入,录取,承认,容纳,容许admitted
admit sth / doing sth. 许可做某事/ that-clause/ sth to be + adj.
admit to doing sth.承认做某事 admit into
be admitted as 被接受为……,
12. That is why…….
13. in honour of 为向…表示敬意,为纪念…,为祝贺…
honour sb. with/by… 用…给某人荣誉/光荣
Show honour to sb. 对某人表示敬意
14. as well as 也,同,和 +名词,代词,形容词,介词
1)as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数根据前面一个主语确定。
rather than, together with, along with, with
2)as well as后接动词,一般用ing形式。3)as well as = besides 除…外还有
4) as well as 同级比较,“与…一样好” 5) as well = too
15. as much + 名词+ as 像…一样
16. replace +A+with/by +B 用B去替换A take the place pf
17. prize / medal / reward / award
medal 奖牌/章; prize 奖金, 奖励, 获奖名次;
award 奖品, 奖金; reward 报酬, 回报
18. game / match /contest / competition
game 游戏,比赛,运动,球赛为美式英语,指棋类、桥牌类;复数为运动会;
match 球赛为英式英语, 指预先安排好的正式比赛,如摔跤, 拳击等;
contest 指智力和知识竞赛 (=competition)
competition 通过个人体力, 智力,技能 等获取名词。
19. relate to 与…..有关系 relate….to… 把…与…联系起来
20. marry sb.
be married to get married to
21. promise sth/ to do sth./ sb. to do sth./ sb. sth. / that-clause
22. one after another 陆续地,一个接一个地
23. be ready to do sth.-

Module 2 Unit 3 computer
1. in common: 共同的;共有的;共用的
have nothing / little/ much/ something/ a lot in common ( with sth/ sb.)
2. in one’s opinion= in the opinion of sb. = in one’s view
3. analytical adj.分析的, 解析的 analyzer (analyser) n.分析者, 分析器
analyze (analyse) vt. 分析, 分解 analysis n. 分析,分解 ( pl. analyses )
analyzable adj. 可被分析的, 可以分解的
analyst n. 分析家 analytic adj. 分析的;分解的
technology 技术(指科学和工业) technique(n.)技术(指做事的方法,技巧)
technologist (person) technical 专业的 adj.
4. simple-minded 头脑简单的 absent-minded 心不在焉的
open-minded 没有偏见的 narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的
single-minded一心一意的 strong-minded 意志坚强的
weak-minded 低能的,愚蠢的 noble-minded 思想高尚的
5.anyway =anyhow无论如何 someway 意为“以某种方式;不知怎么地”
Anyway it’s worth trying.
6. artificial adj. 人工的,人造的 artificial intelligence 人工智能
artificial flowers/limbs/pearls 假花/假肢/假珍珠
7. As the years have gone by, go by: (of time) pass (从...旁)走过, 依照,
The car went by us. You should go by the rules
8. totally=completely adv. 整个地;完全地 in total 总共
total adj. 完全的; 整个的 totally blind 全盲 total silence 寂静无声
9. so+adj./adv.+that 或Such+(a/an)+(adj.)+n.+that 如此……以致于……
10. in the 1960s.(in the 1960’s)
in/during the 1950s/1950’s 在20 世纪50 年代
in his forties 在他40多岁时
11. alone adj./adv. : by oneself, without others(作表,不作前置定语)
lonely adj.: unhappy because one is always away from his family or friends(作表,定)
I am alone, but I never feel lonely.
The old man lives alone in the lonely small mountain village.
12. since then. 从那时起(常与完成时连用)
13.deal with
1) 对待(人、事) = get along/on with, do with 2) 论及......,= refer to
3) 与......交易 deal in sth. 买卖/交易 4 )deal sth. out 分发;分配
表示“处理”, 在特殊疑问句中, do with与what连用,deal with与how连用。
14. connect… with /to 把…与…连接起来
be connected with 与……有关系/联系
She is connected with The Smiths.
15. enough 在名词前后都可以 在adj./adv. 后 fast enough
It’s adj. enough for sb. to do sth. It’s late enough for us to stop work.
16. choice n.选择, 抉择, 精选品, 选择机会, 选择权 choose (v.)
17. is suitable for
18. personally = as far as I am concerned = speaking for oneself
19. move (n./ v) 行动, 移动, 迁居, 步骤 vt.移动, 感动, 鼓动
make a move 采取行动 on the move 在进行中
be deeply moved by 被…..深深感动 be moved to tears 感动得流泪
20. make up
21. after all 结果,终究, 表示结果与预想不同。通常放在句末。
毕竟,究竟, 导出原因,放于句首
first of all = 首先,首要的是
at all 完全,根本(否定。疑问,条件)
above all (M2 Unit 5)
22. with the help of = with one’s help
23. watch over. 照顾,照管,看守,看管 watch out注意,留神
24. wander vi.漫步, 徘徊, 迷路, 迷失方向, 离题
Module 2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection
1. as a result : 作为…的结果;因此;由于
as a result of + sth /sb /v-ing /what.=because of “由于…”
result from… 起因于…. result in … 结果为….,导致…
2. die out: disappear completely
(动.植物的)灭绝, (风俗,习惯,观念的)逐渐消失, (火,光)逐渐熄灭
die away(sound, wind, light)becomes weaker and finally stops 渐渐消失,
die down 指物质特性或情感 “逐渐平息”
die off 相继死亡;(草木)先后枯死
die of 因…而死 ,由于疾病,饥寒,情感原因造成的死亡.
die from.除疾病,情感之外的原因造成的死亡
3. in peace 和平地; 和睦地
be in danger (of) : 处于危险之中 endangered
4. get done / get +adj. get dressed
get hurt get killed get married get separated get excited
get caught get bored get lost get tired get paid
get drunk get broke get angry get ill get fat
5. She turned round and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her.
…,with everyone clapping and enjoying your singing. (M2 Unit 5)
“with + n. /pron. + Ving”的结构。用作状语,说明与谓语的动作同时发生的情况。
with + sb + to do sth
with + sth. + done
with+n./pron.宾+宾补adj./adv./doing/to do/done/介词短语
①The student always listen to the teacher with his eyes wide open.
②He left his room with the light on.
③With the old man to lead the way, we’re sure to get there in time
④Mary felt shy with the whole class looking at her.
⑤The thief sat in the corner, with his hands tied to a chair.
⑥The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand.
there are only 72,000 of us left.
“there + be + N./ 代词 + 非谓语动词”
其中非谓语动词的形式取决于句子中名词/代词和该动词之间是主动关系还是被动关系。 是主动关系时用现在分词形式, 如果是被动关系则用过去分词形式。
There are some students singing in the classroom.]
There were two students killed in the fighting.
Newspapers reported that there were hundreds of houses burned in the great fire.
6. stomach n. 腹部;胃 stomachache n. 胃、肚子痛
7. Would prefer + sth. 更愿意…
Would prefer to do sth. 更愿意做某事
prefer + sth. 更愿意要…
sb. to do sth 更愿意让某人做某事
doing / to do sth. 更愿意做某事
that sb. should do…更愿意让某人做某事
to do… rather than do…宁愿做…也不宁愿做…
(doing) sth… to (doing) sth.宁愿(做)某事也不宁愿(做)某事
8. apply v. 申请
apply (to sb. ) for sth. 向(某人)申请… apply oneself to… 专心; 集中精力
apply to do sth. 申请做某事 apply to sb. /sth. 适用,应用
9.suggest 提议; 建议
①+ sth
② + doing sth.
③ + sb’s doing sth.
④ + sth. to sb.
⑤ + that sb. ( should ) do sth.
⑥ It’s suggested that sb. ( should ) do sth.
10. No longer = not any longer 不再(时间,状态上不再延续)
No more = not any more 不再(数量上的不再延续)
11. thick adj. a thick rope粗绳
thick black hair浓密的头发 a thick forest茂密的森林
a thick door厚重的门 thick smoke浓烟
12.rub v. ~ sth on /over rubbed
13.protect v. protection n.
protect sb /sth from (against) sth 保护…不受…伤害
keep … from doing sth.
stop … (from )doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
prevent …. (from)…
14.affect (v.) = have an effect on 影响
have an effect on/ upon sb./ sth.
15.pay attention to: give your attention to
16. No rain forest, no animals and no drug.
No. A, no B. (如果)没有……就(没有)….. No pains, no gains
17.Would like + sth. 想要某东西
to do sth. 想做某事
sb. to do sth 想某人做某事
feel like + doing sth.= want to do sth. 想做某事。
18. Three of us我们中的三个人 the three of us我们三个人
19. bite- bit –bitten
20. come into being
Module 2 Unit 5 Music
1.roll 翻身, 打滚,卷起,滚下来,铺开, 离开, 大声朗读
roll over
2. folk n. 人们(复数形式可加s, 也可不加, 表示家里人, 父母(常加s)
folk music folk tale folk song folk dance folk singer
3.musician 音乐家 →music音乐n. → musical音乐的adj
4. honest adj. honesty n / honestly adv. / dishonest adj.
be honest with sb To be honest, … 老实说= to tell the truth
be honest about sth 对…老实, 诚恳 It is honest of sb. to do sth.
be honest in ( doing ) sth
5. form vt. 形成, 组成, 养成 n. 表格, 形式, 形态
Be formed of =be made up of 由……组成
in the form of以…形式 in form形式上, 情况良好
6.passers-by 合成词构成复数是一般在前面加复数:
lookers-on 旁观者 sons-in-law 女婿
但是由man或woman构成的合成词, 复数前后的词都要加复数.如men-doctors
7. earn vt. 赚得, 使得到 earn one’s living = make a living 谋生
8. extra adj. 额外的;外加的;特别的;另外的
adv. 特别; 额外 n.额外的东西;另收费的事物
9. play jokes/a joke on … 开玩笑, 戏弄某人
=make fun of…=laugh at…= play tricks/ a trick on…
10. lively
11. advertisement 做广告; 登广告 advertise v. 做广告宣传
advertise on TV在电视上做广告
12. actors 演员 actress 女演员 act n. 行为,举动 act v. 演出;当演员
13.fan (1) n. 扇子 (2) vt. 扇;吹向 fan oneself 扇自己; fan a fire扇火
(3) n. 狂热者,迷 pop fans 发烧友
14. 1) or so “大约;……左右” ,通常位于数量词之后。
2) about , some, round 均为“大约”之意,但它们放在数词之前
15. instrument n.1) 器具;仪器 a surgical instrument 外科器械
2) 乐器(guitar, flute长笛 , saxophone萨克斯管)
16..break up ① 破裂, 拆散, 打碎 ② 驱散 ③ 停止, 结束,放学了。
break down 出故障,拆毁,失败,精神崩溃, (身体)垮
break into/in 破门而入,闯进
break off 中断;停止,断交;突然停止
break out 爆发;突然发生
break away from 脱离;摆脱
17. hit n. 成功, 风靡一时, 打击 vt. hit sb on/in + 身体某一部位
beat +sb. win+match/prise/
18. afterwards
19. go wrong= something is wrong with…]
= there is something wrong with…
go +adj. go mad go bad go pale go grey . go hungry
20. be / feel confident +clause/ of / about/ in
21. stick to
22. hear of听说 hear about听说, 接到消息
hear from接到...的信, 受...批评 hear that
23. at first = at the beginning; 起初,含有后来不这样之意
first of all 首先,指按时间,顺序等处于第一位的。
the first time 第一次 做宾语、表语,作连词引导从句;
for the first time 第一次 作状语,不引导从句
At first she was afraid of water, but she soon learned to swim.
First of all let me say how glad I am to be here.
I’ll never forget the first time I went to Japan.
It was there that they met for the first time.
24. hang –hanged-hanged 绞死 The man was hanged for murder
hang--hung --hung 悬挂, 垂下, 装饰, A picture is hung on the wall.

1.enjoy suggest practise, mind, risk, avoid, , escape, keep, , admit, advise, consider, appreciate, excuse, delay, finish, imagine, miss, feel like, stand (忍受) look forward to, can’t help, put off, give up,set about , insist on +doing
2.It’s +adj, +for sb. to do sth. (对某人来说做…)
It’s +adj, +of sb. to do sth. (某人如此…而做
It is /was +…+ who/ that…
It is/was the first time that…+主语+ have/ had done…某人第一次做…
It’s said / reported / hoped / believed / announced that 据说/报道/希望/相信/据称
It’s a pity / a shame / a wonder … that 可惜/可耻/奇怪的是…
It happens / appears / seems +that 恰巧/好像
It looks / seems as if 看起来好像
It’s up to sb. to do 该某人做
It’s (high) time that + 主语+ did/ should+ do 是该做的时候了




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