牛津7A Unit 5 Going Shopping 全套教学案(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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The fourth period
Title: Grammar(1)
1、能够说出相关介词。 2、认识到英语里有许多介词具有动态
( )1.The students are going _______the road.
A. across B. on C. through
( ) 2. A bus is going _______a tunnel.
A. cross B. through C. across
( ) 3. This summer I ________another route.
A .take B .will take C .is taking
( ) 4. Are you going to see the doctor tomorrow?
A. Yes, you are. B. Yes. I am. C. Yes, I will.
( ) 5. What are you going to do next Sunday?
A. I visit my uncle B.I am going to the park C. I visited the school.
1) cross表示“横过,穿过(从一边到另一边)”。
They are swimming across the river. 他们正从河一边游到另一边
2) through意为“通过,贯穿”。
A car is going through a tunnel.。娇车从隧道穿过
3) over表示“越过”“从……上边过去”
He climbed over the hill. 他爬过了小山
4) to表示“向”“往”“到”。
I am walking to the door.我在朝门走去。
5 ) from表示“自”“从”“来自……(起点,来源)”
 They are walking from the sofa to the window.
6) along 意为“沿着”
I often walk along the road to our school. 我经常沿着这条路去我们学校。
7) round 表示“围绕,绕”。
The earth goes round the sun.地球围绕同样太阳转。
8) up表示"向上" down表示"向下"
The lift takes us up and down.电梯带我们上下
a. 上周他从盐城飞往北京。
b. 过这座桥你就会见到图书馆。
c. 这条路穿越那座森林。
d. 狗越过了那张桌子。
e. 我们在去上学。
f. 那个男孩在围绕桌子跑。
g. 早晨老人门喜欢沿着那条路走。
Exercises for this period
一. 翻译下列词组
1. 在房间里 ____________ 2. 在家_______________ 3. 在桌子上 ______________ 4. 在窗户和门之间 ____________ 5. 在游泳池边 __________ 6. 在那边 _____________
7. 从一数到一百 ____________ 8. 坐下 ____________ 9. 起立 ____________ 10. 在我家附近 ____________ 11. 在门后 _______ 12. 在房子的前面___________
二. 选用正确的介词填空
1. We must climb ________ to the top of the hill before ten.
2. In P. E. classes we always go running ________ the playground.
3. They went _______ the forest finally.
4. Every day I walk _________ school with my friend, Millie.
5. There is a bridge ________ the river.
6. When the green light is on, you may walk _______ the road.
7. My grandpa takes Eddie for a walk ______ the street every morning.
8. Put ______ the vase or you’ll break it, it’s very expensive.
9. Could you tell me the way _______ the school ________ the railway station.
10. OK, I’ll give you my money, but please don’t push me _______ the van.
三、周老师给Simon 出了十道单选题,你来和他比一比。看谁做得又对又快!
( ) 1.Go ______the street and then you’ll see the library at the end of the street.
A .under .B. along C .above D .across
( )2.After the train goes ______the tunnel, it will go ______a plain.( 平原)。
A .through, across B. across, down. C .into, on D, up, down
( ) 3.When you _________the road, ,you must be careful.(小心的)
A. past, B. cross C .through D. over
( ) 4.There ______a film in our school.
A. is going to B. will have C, .is going to have D. will be
( )5.A train is going ________a tunnel .
A. over B. across C. on D. through
( ) 6.Can you come to my house ________Saturday morning ?
A. in B at C. on D. out
( ) 7.Look! He is _______the river.
A. swim across B. swimming across C. swimming across D. swimming through
( ) 8.The robber went __________the window last night.
A .across B .into C .through D, over
( ) 9.We go to school ¬________Monday _______Friday every week.
A. from through B. to ,from C ,from, to D .to , round.
( ) 10Mr Mu with Simon ________going to start a campfire.
A . is B. are C . will D. am
The fifth period
Title: the Simple Future Tense
2.了解它的构成是:will/shall +动词原形 或be going to +动词原形
1. We __________(see)them tomorrow.
2. They _________( meet)at 8 p.m. this evening.
3. She ________(visit ) her grandfather next Monday.
4. I hope it _______(not rain )tomorrow.
. 一般将来时是本单元的语法重点。也是我们要重点掌握的时态之一。下面就让我们一起走近“一般将来时”吧。
一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作。常与tomorrow, next month, after school, in a week等时间状语连用,例如:
He will come to see you tomorrow.
Mr Wu will be back in an hour.
I’m going to learn Japanese next term.
I will tell you all about it.
They won’t be late next time.
Will you be free this evening?
Shall I open the window?
When shall we meet?
3.be going to+动词原形
I’m going to teach in Shanghai next year.
It’s not going to rain this afternoon.
What are you going to have for supper today?
1) 明天我们上体育课。
We’re going to hold a sports meeting next week.
What are you going to do when you grow up?
Look at the clouds! It’s going to rain.
在下面两种情况下,一般不用be + going to + 动词原形结构,而用will+动词原形:
The sun will rise 6:30 tomorrow morning.
It will be Sunday tomorrow.
I will help you if you need.
I will lend you some money.
Exercises for this period
一. 用括号中的动词的适当形式填空。
1. Most of us think No. 2 Middle School football team ____________ (win) in this match.
2. Mary’s birthday is next Monday, her mother __________ (buy)her a present.
3. What ________ you __________(do) after you ________(leave) school?
4. There ____________ (be) an interesting film in the cinema the day after tomorrow.
5. _________ you ________(help) us clean the window this afternoon?
6. ________ we ________(go) to the Great Wall next Sunday?
7. If he ______ (be) busy tomorrow, he _______________(not hold) the party.
8. Mike’s father ____________ (arrive) in Nanjing in two weeks.
9. He doesn’t like his job. He ____________ (change) his job.
10. We ______________(go) to Summer Palace tomorrow.
二. 改写句子
1. We will work hard at English. (改为否定句)
2. They are going to listen to a talk this Friday. (改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)
3. Tom is going to go fishing tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)
4. He will finish his homework in 2 hours. (对划线部分提问)
5. Simon will call you this evening. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)
6. I am going to travel around the world after I finish my studies.
1.The parents will take their daughter to the hospital tomorrow.(否定句 )
The parents _____ _______ their daughter to the hospital tomorrow..
2.Bill is going to watch TV this afternoon..( 一般疑问句)
________Bill _______to watch TV this afternoon ?
3.We shall meet at the school gate. (对划线提问)
______ _______we meet ?
4.My cousin will fly to Shanghai next week. (对划线提问)
________ _______your cousin _______ next week ?
5.Can you tell me how to get to the park, please ?
Can you tell me _______ ________ ________the park ,please ?
The sixth period
Title: Integrated skills
同学们,带上你的智慧一起去寻吧宝 。相信聪明的你一定能找到知识的宝藏。
1. Take the second turning on the right. 在第二个路口向右拐
本句也可说Turn right at the seconding crossing.
2. Walk past the police station.路过公安局
past .为介词。意思是“路过,经过”。同音词为 passed.如
Then he slowly walked past the window.
He passed the exam at last.
Past 还可以表示“(时间)过去,过后”
It’s a quarter past three.
It’s past one o’clock when he came in.
We ran past her but we didn’t say anything,我们从她旁跑过什么也没说。
Go along the road.
Walk down/up this street.
Walk across the road.
Walk straight on.
Turn left/right at the first crossing.
3.and walk along a small path next to the river. 沿着河边的一条小路走。
Next to “紧挨着,靠着”,它可以
(1) 引起短语作定语
In one room next to his , I found a lot of clothes.
My desk is next to the wall.
We are stranding next to him.
介词by 和beside 引导短语,表示“在 旁边”,该结构作定语,状语,表语等都可以。
Close to 表示“靠近 的”, 具有形容词性,用作表语或定语,不作状语。
He is sitting by /beside the river.
This is a city beside the sea.
The school is close to the shop.
4. When you are at the big tree, turn left and walk towards the bridge.
Towards 为移动性介词,“向,朝,往”,还可以写成toward.
He climbed towards the top of hill, but failed.
She is driving towards home.
Towards 和to 的区别
二者均为介词,都有“向,朝”之意。Towards 用于指移动的方向;to 不仅指方向,而且有“到达”之意。
Look out! A car is coming towards you.
Jim walked to the door and opened it.
5. It’s easy to walk from your building to mine.
It’s +形容词+for sb +to do 意为“( 对某人来说)做某事是…”。如:
It’s important for us to study English well.
It’s easy to do the Maths project.
5.You are inviting a classmate to your home.
Invite sb. to sp. 邀请某人到某地。
I’d like to invite you to my home.
Invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事
Exercises for this period
1. at the bus stop ____________ 2. half past six ____________
3. come from London _____________ 4. on the left ___________
5. on the right ___________ 6. have a party ______________
1. Turn right at the first crossing.
______ ______ ______ ______ on the _______.
2. He goes home on foot every day.
He _______ ______ every day.
3. Don’t stop walking until you see the place.
_______ ________ until you see the place.
4. To walk from your home to mine is very easy.
_______ ______ ______ walk from your home to mine.
1. Pass the wooden house and you will see the river.
______ ______the wooden house and you will see the river.
2. Cross the bridge and you will the school on your left.
______ _____the bridge and will see the school on you r left.
3. Take the second turning on the right.
____ _____at the second crossing.
4. Where shall we meet?
Where _______we ______ ______meet ?
5. What about going fishing tomorrow?
_____ _____go fishing tomorrow ?
1. 过了桥,向右拐。公园就在你右边。
Walk ______the bridge, ______left. You’ll find the park _____ your right.
2. 当交通灯是红色时不能过马路。
Don’t _____ _____the road when the ______ _____is red.
3. 学英语不是很难。
It ______ _____ ______ _____ _____English.
4. 当我路过他家时。把信给了他。
I _______ ______ _______ ______when I_____ ______his house.
The seventh period
Title: Study skills
1. How to search the Internet:
1. Double Left click on the Internet Icon(图标).
2.At the top of the page, type in the Website and press the enter Button.
3. Type in Stars and press the enter button.
4. Left click on any information about Stars
2. 你能理解下列词组吗?请用它们造句;
all over the world   get….. from ….search engine 搜索引擎find….. quickly and easily   a list of suitable websites
1.Finding information on the Internet.
On the Internet “ 在互联网上”,介词on 此处表示“通过,以 方式”
Today we can buy many different kinds on things on the Internet.
I always learn English on the radio.
2.It connects computer networks all over the world
句中connect 做动词,意为“连接,有联系”,常与to 或with 连用。
Would you please connect this wire to the computer?
Are you connected with the traffic accident?
all over the world 全世界 相当于around the world
e.g. We have friends all over the world. 我们的朋友遍天下。
in the world 在世界上
e.g. There are all kinds of animals in the world. 世界上有各种各样的动物。
3. Millie wants to find information about films in the 1960s.
In the 1990s “在20世纪60年代”, 该结构的the 不能换成其他的词。
He is in his forties.
Exercises for this period
1. Class3 students will organize a _______ 告别) party.
2. Thanks for ______ (邀请) me to your birthday party.
3. Let’s take _______ (不同) routes.
4. Their _______ (班长) helped the police catch the robber.
5. They walked _______ (通过) the hotel and didn’t find it.
6. Can he jump _______ (从……过) the pool?
7. Take the first ________ (拐弯) on the left, you will find it.
8. We felt _______ (惊讶). They won the game at last.
9. The _______ (入口) is on the left.
10. The post office is on the _______ (五) Street.
1. We are going to _______ ______ ______ _______ (开个告别派对) for the exchange students.
2. Do you want _______ _______ _______ _______ (邀请老师) and our parents?
3. Most students think the party _______ ______ ______ ______ _______ (应该在星期六下午).
4. 我们应该邀请谁呢?   _______ _______ we _______?
5. 知道你们要去旅游我们非常高兴。
We _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ you will ______ _____ ______ ______.
6. 你盼望去看望你外婆吗?
_______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ your grandma?
( ) 1. I don’t like this coat. Would you please show me ________.
A. other B. the other C. the others D. another
( ) 2. The earth goes ________ the sun.
A. over B. across C. from D. around
( ) 3. My clock doesn’t ________. Can you mend it for me?
A. more B. walk C. use D. work
( ) 4. Jack, with his friends, _________ see Mr Li tomorrow.
A. is going to B. are going to C. go to D. will goes
( ) 5. After he heard the _________ news, he was very __________.
A. surprised, surprising B. surprised, surprised
C. surprising, surprising D. surprising, surprised
(Main task)
1. 重点词汇: farewell, barbecue, picnic, invite, exit, everybody, complete, note, page, yours faithfully, monitor, signature, invite sb. to…, look forward to…
2. 语言目标: 与聚会相关的各项语言知识
3. 语言功能及学习策略: 进一步领会本单元的主要内容并学会写邀请函
1.Class 3 students will organize a __________ (告别) party.
2.Thanks for _____________(邀请) me to your birthday party.
3.Their ___________(班长) helped the police catch the robber.
4.They walked __________(通过) the hotel and didn’t find it.
5.Can he jump ________(从……过) the pool?
6.Take the first _________(拐弯) on the left, you will find it.
7.We felt ____________(惊讶). They won the game at last.
8.The ___________(入口) is on the left.
1) have a trip_________________ 2) 很高兴见到你________________
3) have a holiday______________ 4) 走过一家超市_______________
5) have a picnic_______________ 6) 去参加聚会__________________
7) have a barbecue_____________ 8) 在角落______________________
1) Where shall we have a big farewell party ?
Where _________ we ___________ _________ have a big farewell party?
2) Excuse me, which is the way to the Military Museum?
Excuse me, _______can I _______ the Military Museum?
3) We will invite our teachers to the party for our friends from Australia.(划线提问)
1 信件的格式:
3. most student/ most of the students
half of the students
write an invitation letter for…….
be happy to sth.
would like sb. to do sth.
get to /arrive in/at /reach
(1) Go/Walk along the road/street. Go/Walk past…..
(2)Take the first (second…turning on the right/left
(3)It’s next to (in front of, behind…)
(4)It’s about one hundred metres along on the left.
(5)Turn right/left.=Turn to the right/left.
1.A farewell party. 一次欢送会
Farewell party “欢送会告别会”. Farewell 作不可数名词,“再会,别了”,常用于长期分别时,是一个较正式的用法。
Now , we must say “farewell”.
It’s time to say “farewell”.
We shall have a farewell party before we leave .
除farewell 外,还有很多结构表示“再见”
Good bye! See you again. See you later. See you !
1. Look at the questionnaire and the result below.
Below 是副词作后置定语,意为“下面的,下方的”,反义词为 above . 使用时,below ,above 要放在被修饰的名词的后面。
I looked down at the hill below.
Write your name in the place below.
2. We look forward to seeing you at our party.
Look forward to “期望,期待”, to 是介词,因此 to 后面应接名词,动名词或代词,不接动词原形。
All the students look forward to getting high marks in the final exam.
4. Half of the students want to have a barbecue ,half want a picnic.
half (n.) 半,一半,复数为halves half of + 名词
e.g. Half of the students are girls . 一半的学生是女生。
Half of the books are novels. 这些书有一般是小说。
1.I received an ____________(invite) letter from Daniel yesterday.
2.Everybody __________(be) here now. Let’s begin our meeting.
3.We look forward to ___________(see) the great man.
4.I’d like you ____________(read) the letter for me.
5.We are happy _________(be) here with you.
6.Walk down the street, the __________(enter) of the cinema will be on your right.
7.They failed _______________(win) the game. It’s a pity.
8._________ it ________(rain) tomorrow? I hope not.
1. 我想请你参加我们的比赛。
2. 明天将是个晴天吗?但愿如此。
3. 孩子们期盼着能去海边野餐。
4. 我们很高兴能邀请你们参加我们的告别会。
5. 你认识去警察局的路吗?
1. The robbers try __________(run) away but fail.
2. He is surprised ____________(hear) the sad news.
3. The old man tells us __________(turn) right.
4. He stops ___________(talk)to me when he sees me in the street.
5. The two ____________(rob) get into the car and drive away.
6. It takes me two hours __________(finish) my homework every day.
7. Look at them . How ___________(happy) they are playing.
8. ___________(sudden), the telephone rings.
9. You can ______________(寄) some ____________(明信片) to your parents.
10. My bike is broken .So it doesn’t _____________(起作用)。
11. The sun is shining ______________(穿过) the window.
12. He is ____________( 惊讶) to hear the news.
13. The students in school wear school _____________(制服)on Mondays.
14. Justin tries to open the door _______________(用) a knife.
15. Look . The ____________(强盗) are running away _____________(飞快地)
16. When the ______________(交通) lights are green, you can cross the road.
17. The zoo is _____________(西南)of the railway station.
18. The tall girl wears ________________(笔直的)hair.
19. I try many times ,but I still ___________(失败)。
20. Get out a ____________(出口)A,you’ll find the museum.
牛津初中英语7B UNIT 3 词组
1 follow sb 跟随某人 follow me 跟着我   2 Let’s go down / up here 让我们从这儿下/上
3 Don’t be afraid 别害怕         4 come with me 跟我来
5 go on an outing 出去玩 6 north-west of the zoo 在动物园的西北 south-east of 在……的东南
7 get a call 接到一个电话         8 live nearby 主在附近
9 drive to the zoo quickly 快速驾车到动物园 10 get out of / ( into) the car 下 / 上小汽车
11 at once / right now 立刻 ;马上 12 three men in police uniform 三个穿警服的人
13 run out of the building 跑出大楼 14 ask sb about sth 问某人关于某方面的事
15 push…into… 把……推进…… 16 drive away 开车逃走 run away 逃跑
17 try to do sth 尽力做某事 18 fail to do sth 做某事失败
19 take different routes 走不同的路线 take a route 走……的路线 take another route 走另一条路线
20 go along 6th street 沿着第六大街走 21 turn left into Park Road 左转进入公园路
22 run to the police station 跑向警察局 23 stop at the traffic lights 在交通灯处停下
24 stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下来做某事
25 jump out of the van 跳出货车 jump into the river 跳进河
26 be surprised to do sth 做某事感到吃惊 be surprised at sth 对某事吃惊
27 close the back /front door 关后/前门 28 in the end / at last 最后
29 at the end of the road 在路的尽头 30 be far (away) from 远离
31 at a crossroads 在十字路口 32 tell sb about a story of 告诉某人关于……的故事
33 call sb for help 打电话给某人请求帮助 34 road signs 路标 35 zebra crossing 斑马线
36 teach sb how to read a map 教某人怎样识图 37 at the entrance of the zoo 在动物园的入口处
38 at the corner of the road 在马路的拐角处 39 cross the road 过马路
40 swim across the swimming pool 游过游泳池 41 go through a tunnel 穿过隧道
42 walk along the road 沿着马路走 43 climb up the hill 爬上山
44 walk around the table 围着桌子走 45 jump over the chair 跳过椅子
46 walk down the stairs 走下楼梯
47 tell me the way to the railway station 告诉我去火车站的路
48 walk up / down the steps 走上/下台阶 49 at the other side of the park 在公园的另一边
50 come out of the park 出公园 51 walk over the bridge 走过桥
53 take them to the Summer Palace 带他们去颐和园 54 join sb 加入某人 join us 加入我们
55 meet at the school gate 在校门口集合 56 take an umbrella 带一把雨伞
57 all day 整日 all night 整夜 58 start a campfire 升篝火
59 walk /go on 继续走 60 walk straight on 一直走
61 walk along /down the street 沿着街走 62 turn right / left (into …) 向右/左转进入….
63 take the second turning /(crossing / crossroads) on the right / left 在第二个拐弯处/十字路口向右/左转 64 turn right / left at the second turning / (crossing / crossroads)
65 walk across / (cross) the road at the traffic lights 在交通灯处过马路 66 walk past the supermarket 走过超市
67 walk towards the bridge 朝桥走过去 68 have a farewell party 举行告别会
69 have a picnic 举行野餐    70 have a barbecue 举行烧烤
71 half of the students 一半学生 72 look forward to doing sth 盼望着做某事
73 take the underground 乘地铁 74 join the farewell party 参加告别会
75 walk past the Bank of China Building 走过中国银行大楼
76 send some postcards to his friends 给他的朋友们寄些明信片
77 all over the world 全世界




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