人教新课标)必修1 Unit 2-5(Reading) 说课简案(新课标版高一英语必修一说课)

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New Senior English For China Student’s Book1
(Reading Part)
北大附中 黎桂华 2008、7
P9 Unit2 English around the World
(Period 1 Warming up and Reading)
Teaching explaining:
This is the first teaching period of this unit. At the beginning of the class, the teacher can lead in the topic of the unit by organizing some activities, such as getting the Ss to discuss how many countries use English as their native languages, whether they speak the same English, differences between British English and American English, and so on.
As to Warming Up, the teacher had better organize a read-discuss activity. First ask them to read the short passage in this part on Pag 9. Later let them guess which of the following words on the screen British English is and which American English is. This activity helps to make the Ss ready for Reading.
Before reading the passage The Road To Modern English, the students should discuss the questions in the part Pre-reading in pairs to know about the reasons why so many people speak English in the world today. This makes for getting the Ss thinking about the general topic of the reading passage.
The reading passage titled The Road To Modern English offers a very brief history of English language . Since it presents information in chronological order, it is best to examine it paragraph by paragraph. So, the teacher can ask the Ss first to read quickly to get the main idea or topic sentence of each paragraph, then read carefully to locate particular information for Exercise 1 in Comprehending, and finally follow up to do Exercise2. During the course of reading teaching, the teacher can not only develop Ss’reading ability, including skimming, scanning and further understanding, but also get the Ss to learn about English language. Because there are too many new words in the reading passage, in order not to let Ss feel much difficult, the teacher should deal with any language problems while they are reading.
To consolidate the contents of the reading passage, the Ss should be reqired to introduce briefly the history of English language at the end of the class. In order to arouse the Ss’interest, the teacher can hold a competition between groups.
Teaching Keys:
1.Get the Ss to learn different reading skills. 2. Get the Ss to learn the English language
Teaching Difficulties:
Develop the Ss’reading ability.
Teaching methods:
1. Task-based teaching and learning
2. Cooperative learning
3. Discussion
Teaching aids:
The multimedia and other normal teaching tools
Teaching aims:
Knowledge aims:
1. Get the Ss to learn the following useful new words ans expressions in this passage.
2. Get the Ss to learn English language.
Ablility aims:
Develop the Ss’reading ability and let them learn to use some reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.
Emotional aims:
Enable the Ss to learn English language and know different kinds of English as as to communicate with people from different countries. .
Teaching Steps:
Step 1 Lead-in and Warm Up
To arouse the Ss’ interest and lead in the topic, the teacher can organize some activities or ask them some questions, such as “How many countries use English as their native language?”, “Are there any differences between British English and American English?”, and so on.
Step 2 Pre-reading
Get the Ss first to discuss the two questions with their parents and then answer them.
1. How many people speak English in the world today?
2. Why do so many people speak English?
Step 3 Reading
1. Skimming
Ask the Ss to read quickly to get the main idea of the text.
Paragraphs Main ideas
Paragraph1 The spread of the English language in the world
Paragraph2 Native speaker can understand each other but they may not be able to understand everything
Paragraph3 All languages change when cultures communicate with one another
Paragraph4 English is spoken as a foreign language or second language in Africa and Asia
2. Scanning
Let them read the whole passage carefully to locate particular information. Do Comprehending Exercise 1 (on Page 10)
3. Language problems
While checking the answers with the whole class, deal with any language problems.
4. Reading aloud
Play the tape of the passage for the Ss to listen to and follow.
5. Following up
Work in groups. Discuss the two questions in Comprehending Exercise 3 and then ask two groups to report their answers to the class.
Step 4 Workbook
Do Exercise 1 and 2 in Using words and expressions on Page49.
Step 5 Discussion
Get the Ss in groups to discuss how their generation could influence English.
Step 6 Homework
1.Learn the new words and expressions in this part by heart.
2. Read the text again and again. Try to retell it.

New Senior English For China Student’s Book1
(Reading Part)
北大附中 黎桂华 2008、7
P17 Unit3 Travel Journal
(Period 1 Warming up and Reading)
Teaching explaining:
This is the first teaching period of this unit. At the beginning of the class, the teacher can lead in the topic of the unit by brainstorming some questions, such as: Do you like traveling? Why do you like traveling? Where have you ever been before?
As to Warming up, the teacher can follow the steps on Page17. Its purpose is to get Ss talking about the six question prompts and the topic of this unit. So it does not matter whether they can find the correct fares. They can estimate, or give a good guess about how much it will cost. The important thing is to get Ss to carry on conversations in pairs using the Present Continuous Tense to express planned actions in the immediate future. This part helps to make the Ss ready for Reading.
Before reading the passage, the Ss should discuss the two questions in the part Pre-reading in pairs. This make for getting the Ss thinking about the general topic of the reading passage.
The reading passage is the first part of Journey Down The Mekong. It gives Ss the background about the bike trip, especially the planning that went into it. This part also introduces Ss to the four young people who made the trip: Wang Kun, the writer of the journal and his sister, Wang Wei, and their cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang. This section also introduces Ss to many of the geographical terms they will use throughout the SB and Wb parts. So, the teacher can ask the Ss first to read quickly to get the main idea of the passage and topic sentence of each paragraph, then read carefully to locate particular information for Exercise 1 in Comprehending (on Page 19), and finally do Exercise 2: List the countries that the Mekong River flows through. During the course of reading teaching, the teacher can not only develop Ss’reading ability,including skimming, scanning and further understanding, but also get the Ss to learn the common knowledge about travel and the Mekong River. Because there are too many new words in the reading passage, in order not to let Ss feel much difficult, the teacher should deal with any language problems while they are reading.
After reading the passage, the Ss should discuss in pairs: Wang Wei’s and Wang Kun’s similar and different attitudes about the trip.
To consolidate the contents of the reading passage, the Ss should be required to retell the story at the end of the class. In order to arouse the Ss’interest, the T can hold a competition between groups.
Teaching Keys:
Get the Ss to learn different reading skills.
Teaching Difficulties:
Develop the Ss’reading ability, especially the ability of understanding implied meanings.
Teaching methods:
1. Task-based teaching and learning
2. Cooperative learning
3. Discussion
Teaching aids:
The multimedia and other normal teaching tools
Teaching aims:
Knowledge aims:
1. Get the Ss to learn the following useful new words ans expressions in this passage.
2. Get the Ss to learn about the usage of The Present Continuous Tense to express future actions.
Ablility aims:
Develop the Ss’reading ability and let them learn to use some reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.
Emotional aims:
Stimulate the Ss’love for nature by getting them to know the greatness of a river .
Teaching Steps:
Step 1 Lead-in and Warm Up
1.Brainstorming some questions
Do you like traveling? Why do you like traveling? Where have you ever been before? How did you get there? If you are given a chance to travel around the world, what kind of transportations will you use and why?
2. Following the steps of the Warming up on Page 17.
Step 2 Pre-reading
1. Imaging and sharing
Do you like traveling along a river? What role does a river play in people’s daily life? That is, how do people who live along a river use it?
2. Talking and sharing
As is known, the world has many great rivers. Please match names of some great rivers with their locations where the rivers lie.
Ask the Ss: If you could travel down only one of them, which one would you choose? Why?
Step 3 While-reading
1. Skimming
1)The Ss read the passage quickly and answer the question: What are Wang Kun and Wang Wei going to do?
2)Fill in the table:
Type of writing This is a travel journal
Main idea of the passage Wang Kun and Wang Wei’s dream of taking a great bike trip, their different attitudes, Wang Wei’s determination, and their preparations for the trip.
Topic sentence of Paragraph1 It was my sister who first had idea to cycle along the Mekong River
Topic sentence of Paragraph2 Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that---
Topic sentence of Paragraph3 We found a large atlas with good maps that showed the details of the world geography.
2. Scanning
1)Go through Comprehending Exercise 1 and make sure the Ss know what to do. Let them read the whole passage again to locate particular information and answer each question on Page 19.
2)Choose the best answers according to the passage.
3. Language problems
While checking the answers with the whole class, deal with any language problems to see whether the Ss can guess the meanings of new vocabulary such as persuade, determined, altitude, etc.
4. Reading aloud to the recording
Play the tape of the passage for the students to listen and follow.
5. Listing the countries that the Mekong River flows through.
The Ss read the map and the third paragraph to list the countries that the Mekong River flows through.
Step 4 Post-reading
The Ss discuss in pairs: Wang Wei’s and Wang Kun’s similar and different attitudes about the trip ( Comprehending Exercise 3 on Page 19).
Step 5 Consolidation
Ask some Ss to retell the passage in the third person.
Step 6 Homework
1. Finish off the workbook exercises.
2. Retell the passage in your own words within two hundred words.

New Senior English For China Student’s Book1
(Reading Part)
北大附中 黎桂华 2008、7
P25 Unit 4 Earthquakes
(Period 1 Warming up and Reading)
Teaching explaining:
This is the first teaching period of this unit. At the beginning of the class, the teacher can lead in the topic of the unit by showing Ss some pictures of natural disasters and talking about them.
As to Warming up, the teacher had better ask Ss to describe the two photos on Page 25. In a sense, the photos show two cities famous for their earthquakes during a period of calm. Ss must imagine what an earthquake could do to the buildings, roads and bridges they see in the photos. When Ss try to express their ideas, they will probably have difficulty. This activity provides them with the chance to learn how to do this. It is also a good chance for the teacher to teach them the new words and phrases for the unit, such as cracks, cut across houses, roads and canals, fall down, lie in ruins and destroy.
Before reading the passage A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep, the Ss should discuss the two questions in the part Pre-reading. Encourage Ss to think freely about the question and think of a reason why such might happen. This part prepares Ss for the reading passage.
The reading passage titled A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep recounts the terrible earthquake that nearly destroyed the city of Tangshan in Hebei Province in 1976. The earthquake caused a greater loss of life than any other in the last century. The teacher can ask Ss first to read quickly to get the main idea or topic sentence of each paragraph, then read carefully to locate particular information for exercises in the part Comprehending or some other exercises, and finally have a discussion of style in order to understand the passage better. During the course of reading teaching, the teacher can not only develop Ss’ reading ability, including skimming, scanning and other reading skills, but also get the Ss to learn about basic knowledge about earthquakes and learn from the bravery of the people in Tangshan to face the reality and rebuild the city. Because there are too many new words in the reading passaage, in order to let Ss feel much difficult, the teacher should deal with any language problems while they are reading.
To consolidate the contents of the reading passage, the Ss should be required to retell the passage iin their own words at the end of the class. In order to arouse the Ss’ interest, the teacher can hold a competition between groups.
Teaching Keys:
1. Get the Ss to know basic knowledge about natural disasters.
2. Get the Ss to learn about Tangshan Earthquake.
3. Get the Ss to learn different reading skill.
Teaching Difficulties:
Develop the Ss’reading ability.
Teaching methods:
1. Task-based teaching and learning
2. Cooperative learning 3. Discussion
Teaching aids:
The multimedia and other normal teaching tools
Teaching aims:
Knowledge aims:
1. Get the Ss to learn the following useful new words ans expressions in this passage.
2. Get the Ss to know basic knowledge about natural disasters.
Ablility aims:
1. Develop the Ss’reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.
2. Train the Ss’ ability to collect useful information from the Internet by themselves.
Emotional aims:
1. Get the Ss to know damages earthqukes bring about and the ways to reduce losses of earthquakes.
2. Get the Ss to know how to protect oneself and help others in earthquakes.
3. Get the Ss to be aware of terrible disasters, meanwhile get them to face it, treat it in a proper way, and never get discouraged.
Teaching Steps:
Step 1 Lead-in
Show the Ss some pictures about natural disasters and ask them:
1.Have you ever experiences any natural disaster? Look at the pictures, can you name all the disasters?
(volcano, fire, typhoon, flood, sandstorm, hailstone, thunderstorm, hurricane, earthquake)
2. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Can you describe how terrible an earthquake is?
(The earth is shaking; all the buildings will fall down; the roads will be destroyed; many people will be killed or injured; a lot of children will become orphans---)
Step 2 Warming up
Turn to Page 25. Ask the Ss to read and look at the photos of Tangshan and San Francisco to describe what they see in the two photos to a partner.
(beautiful cities; broad roads; tall building; large population---)
Imagine there has been a big earthquake in these two cities, what might happen to all the things in the photos?
(If a big earthquake happened, the whole cities might be in ruins. Large quantities of tall buildings might collapse. The broad and busy roads might be destroyed. Many people might be killed or injured---)
Step 3 Pre-reading
1. Imaging and sharing
Imagine there is an earthquake now. Your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? Is it money, water, fruits, mobile phones, a torch light, or anything else? Why?
2. Talking and sharing
What do you think may happen before an earthquake? Talk about the pictures on Page 25.
(Cows, pigs and dogs become too nervous to eat. Mice run out of the fields looking for places to hide. Fish jump out of ponds. The water in the well will rise and fall. The well walls will have deep cracks in them. There will be bright light in the sky---)
Step 4 Reading
Tell the Ss: Today, we are going to read a news report about the strongest earthquake in China’s history, which happened in Tangshan, Hebei, in 1976.
1. Fast reading
Ask the Ss to read the passage quickly and pay attention to the first sentence to each paragraph.
1)Answer the question.
Question 1: In what order was the passage written?
Question 2: What is the general idea of the passage?
(The text is written in time order. The general idea is the mixture of the first sentences of each paragraph, that is , the text tells us something that happened before the earthquake, during the earthquake and after the earthquake.)
2)Fill in the table.
Type of writing This is a news report
Topic sentence of Paragraph1 Strange things were happening in the countrysie in northest Hebei.
Topic sentence of Paragraph2 Everything began to shake and it seemed that the world was at an end.
Topic sentence of Paragraph3 Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.
Topic sentence of Paragraph4 All hope was not lost.
General idea of the passage The passage tells us something that happened before the earthquake, during the earthquake and after the earthquake.
3)Do some true or false exercises.
2. Careful reading
Ask the Ss to read the passage carefully to locate particular information.
1)Do the exercises in the part Comprehending on Page 27.
2)Do some multiple choices.
3. Language problems
While checking the answers with the whole class, deal with any language problems that the Ss can’t understand
4. Reading aloud
Play the tape of the passage for the Ss to listen to and follow. Then play the tape of Paragraph 1 of the passage once more; this time the Ss listen and repeat.
Step 5 Game
Work in pairs. Suppose you are a newspaper reporter, and the other is a witness of the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake. Now the newspaper reporter is interviewing the witness.
Step 6 Externsion
Show the questions on the screen and have a discussion.
1. From whose point of view are events described? How do you know?
2. What is the mood of this passage? How is it created?
3. Why do you think the writer chooses to express his feelings about the quake rather than simply report what had happened?
4. Why does the writer use A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep as the title?
5. What does the sentence “Slowly, the city began to breathe again” mean?
Step 7 Consolidation
Ask the Ss to read the passage again and try to retell it.
Step 8 Homework
1. Learn the new words and expressions in this part by heart.
2. Read the text again and again and write a summary of the text.
New Senior English For China Student’s Book1
(Reading Part)
北大附中 黎桂华 2008、7
P33 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero
(Period 1 Warming up and Reading)
Teaching explaining:
This is the first teaching period of this unit. At the beginning of the class, the teacher can lead in the topic of the unit by showing Ss some pictures of famous or great persons and talking about them.
As to Warming up, Ss may have a discussion of the two questions in groups. This part should encourage the Ss to think what qualities they have. It can be used as an exercise on its own or can be continued into the Pre-reading section. After discussion, the teacher can help the Ss to sum up the qualities a great person should have.
Pre-reading is a key part of this unit. It is important because it is where the Ss examinethe difference between a famous and a great person and think of the qualities that are needed to make a great person. The teacher can first collect from the Ss a list of five or six qualities that they think great persons have. Then ask the Ss to read the information of each of the six persons, discuss in pairs what qualities make a great person and find out whether he is a great person or not.
The reading passage titled Ellias’ Story is to introduce Ss to the qualities and abilities that make Nelson Mandela such an interesting person to study. Not only was he able to inspire many to follow hm despite many difficulties but he became international symbol for fairness and justice. Many people in the world were so inspired by him that they followed the ANC call for a boycott of South African goods sent abroad for export. It was hoped that economic pressure from abroad would help to change the political system and make life fairer for all in South Africa. But it was the black people of South Africa who had to put the greatest pressure on the government to make changes. The story is told from their point of view. Elias tells the story so that Ss do not lose sight of the problems that so many black people had to face in South Afica before black majority rule. ――――The teacher can first get the Ss to skim for topic sentences of each paragraph and general idea, and then scan for further understanding. Because there are too many new words in the reading passage, in order not to let Ss feel much difficult, the teacher should deal with any language problems while they are reading. After reading the text, have a class discussion and play an interview game for the Ss to understand more about the text.
To consolidate the contents of the reading passage, the Ss should be required to retell the passage in their own words at the end of the class. In order to arouse the Ss’ interest, the teacher can hold a competition between groups.
Teaching Steps:
Step 1 Warming up
Discuss some questions to lead in the topic: the qualities a great person should have.
1.When talking about a person, what adjectives can you think of to describe his or her qualities?
2. What kind of a person are you? Do you think you have the qualities to be a great person?
3. What are the qualities you should find in a great person?
Step 2 Pre-reading
1. Looking and answering
Look at the six people in the part Pre-reading and answer some questions.
1)Can you recognize them? Who are they?
2)Do you think they are important people? Why or why not?
3)Do you think all of them are great people?
2. Discussing and speaking
Discusss in pairs what qualities make a great person and find out whether each of the six persons is a great person or not.
(Notes: A famous person may be well-known but if he or she has not gone through struggles and difficulties for their noble cause, they can not be called a great person. Take ---for example, he went through a lot of struggles and difficulties and even sacrificed his life to realize his dream, so he is a great person that everybody who picks up the Bible must think of.)
Step 3 While-reading
1.Lead-in and guessing
Tell the Ss: So far we have talked a lot about great persons. Do you want to know more about them and learn from them? Well, we are going to read about Nelson Mandela, a great leader who fights for the rights of the black people and is considered as a modern hero. Now open your books to Page 34 and read the title of the text. Can you guess what kind of writing the text is?
( A story is usually a piece of narrative writing)
2. Skimming for topic sentences and general idea
Give the Ss three minutes, ask them to read the text fast and then fill in the form.
Topic sentence of Paragraph1 The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life
Topic sentence of Paragraph2 Sadly I did not have this passbook because I was not born there and I was worried about whether I would be out of work
Topic sentence of Paragraph3 The day when Nelson Mandela told me what to do and helped me was one of the happiest day of my life.
Topic sentence of Paragraph4 The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.
Topic sentence of Paragraph5 We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful; when this was not allowed--- only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.
Main idea of the passage Elias describes how Nelson Mandela helped the black people through his own experience.
3. Scanning for detail information
Do Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 in the part Comprehending.
4. Further understanding
1)What disadvantages did Elias have iin finding a job/
2)How did the white people stop the black people from being treated fairly?
3)How did the new government in South Africa treat the white people?
4)Why did Elias support Mandela?
5)Why did he support violence when he did not agree with it?
5. Language problems
While checking the answers with the whole class, deal with any language problems.
6. Reading aloud to the recording
Step 4 Post-reading
1.Discussing and answering
1)What do you learn about Nelson Mandela from Elias’Story/
2)Do you think the way Elias tells his story? Give a readson.
2.Playing an interview game
Work in pairs. Suppose one is a journalist, and the other is Elias. A journalist is interviewing Elias.
Step 5 Consolidation
Ask the Ss to retell Elias’s Story according to the following clues: Elias’ problem; Mandela’s help; Elias’support.
Step 6 Homework
1. Finish off the related exercises in the textbook.
2. Read the text Elias’ Story again and try to retell it.




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