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This new railway is still under construction . 这条新铁路仍在建设中。
本句中的under construction “正在建设中”。介词under构成的短语,如果它的宾语是表示动作的名词,通常含有被动意义,意为“在……过程中”。它可改换为被动语态。但介词结构使句子言简意赅,避免过多地使用被动语态。这种介词短语在句中常作表语,也可作补足语或定语。例如:
Your suggestion is still under discussion . 你的建议正在讨论中。
He is said to be under arrest for stealing . 据说他由于偷窃被捕了。
The house under repair is our classroom building . 正在修建的房屋是我们的教学楼。
under attack在进攻中,under arrest在关押中,under consideration在考虑中,under construction在建设中,under contact在联系中,under discussion在讨论中,under examination在审查中,under investigation在调查中,under repair在修理中,under review在审议中 under treatment在医治中,under trial在受审中
还有一些介词,如in , on , for , above , beyond , past , out of , within等,也可以构成表示动作的介词短语。如:
The writer has finished writing his novel but it is not yet in print . (= …being printed)
Grapes from XinJiang are on sale . (=…to be rented) 还有两间房出租。
His virtue is above all praise . (=…can’t be praised completely) 他的美德赞颂不尽。
The fellow’s insolence is beyond endurance . (=…can’t be endured) 这家伙傲慢无礼,叫人受不了。
His car was out of control . (=…could not be controlled)那部汽车失去了控制。
The pain was almost past bearing . (=…couldn’t be borne) 痛得简直受不了。
The city is already within sight . (=…can be seen already) 城市已经望得见了。(在视野之中)

1. Those programmes are usually easy to receive and not difficult to understand .
2. They were still difficult to read and were very heavy to carry .
3. The sick woman needs ______ ( MET88 – 2 )
A . Looking after B . to be looking after
C . to look after D . being looked after (A)
4. We think the film is ______ ( MET85 – 1 )
A . worth to see B . worthy of seeing
C . worth seeing D . worthy to see I
句1意思为:这些节目通常很容易接收到而且也不难理解。句2意思为:这些书籍读起来还是很费劲,拿起来又很重。在学习句1句2时,学生习惯误译为:1. Those programmes are usually easy to be received and not difficult to be understood . 2. They were still difficult to be read and were very heavy to be carried . 所以总结一下主动形式表被动意义的情况是十分必要的。

(一) 不定式主动形式表被动意义
1 . 当不定式用在作表语的形容词后,在句中作状语,而句中的主语又是不定式的逻辑宾语时,通常用不定式主动形式表示被动意义。如上述句1句2。能带主动语态的不定式而表达被动意义的形容词常见的有:easy、difficult、heavy、hard、nice、bitter、dangerous、light、interesting、important、expensive、fit、comfortable、pleasant、impossible等。其句型为S + link v + adj . + infinitive ( 主动语态 ) ,类似这种貌似主动实为被动的系表结构的又如以下例句。
Habits are easy to make but hard to break . ( Habits是to make、to break的逻辑宾语 ) 。
The water is fit to drink .
The picture is pleasant to look at .
2 . 当不定式所修饰的名词或代词是动词的宾语,而句子的主语也是不定式的逻辑主语时。例如:
Mathilde only has a small cold room to live in . ( Mathilde是to live in的逻辑主语 )
He bought some magazines to read . ( He是to read的逻辑主语 )
3 . 当不定式所修饰的名词或代词,是及物动词的直接宾语,而间接宾语是不定式的逻辑主语时。例如:
Mother always gives her little daughter some picture books to read . ( Her little daughter是to read的逻辑主语 )
The teacher gave the students some paper to write on . ( The students是to write on的逻辑主语 )
4 . 当不定式所修饰的名词或代词,是“there be…. ”结构句中的主语时 ( 此处用主动或被动式,一般说来无意义上的不同 ) 。例如:
There are many problems to work out . ( to be worked out )
(二) 在动词want、need、require等后面常用动名词表示被动含义,等于不定式的被动形式。再如:
The bike needs ( wants ) repairing ( = to be repaired ) . 自行车需要修理了。
(三) worth后跟动名词主动形式表示被动,但是不跟不定式的被动。再如:
This novel is well worth reading。这本小说很值得阅读。
(四) 有些动词不及物动词,只有主动形式,常视为主动表被动。如:
1 . take place、happen、break out等。
A big fire happened / took place / broke out last night .
2 . 感官动词 ( taste ; feel ; smell ; sound ; look ) 用主动形式表示被意思。请看:
How sweet the music sounds !
Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth .
3 . write、read、sell、keep、prove、weigh、number、drink、wear、pay、wash、open常用主动形式表被动意义。请看下面句子:
The book sells well . ( 这本书销路很好。 )
The door will not open . ( 这扇门就是打不开。 )
This dress washes better . ( 这衣服较好洗。 )
The sign reads as follows . ( 这牌子告示如下。 )





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