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1.abandon vt. 放弃;抛弃
Many developing countries have already resolved to abandon efforts to bid for the Olympic Games. (许多发展中国家已决定放弃申办奥运会的努力。)
2.ABM <缩写> anti-ballistic missile 反弹道导弹
Analysts believe that both me plan itself and its clear intention to abrogate the ABM Treaty can only further erode mutual trust.(分析家们认为,这一计划的本身及其毫不含糊的要废除反弹道导弹条约的意图,都只能进一步危害相互信任.)
3.abolish the system of life-long tenure in leading post 废除领导职务终身制
4.abortive coup attempt 未遂政变
5.absent trial 缺席审判
6.absent voting 缺席投票
7.absolute majority 绝对多数
8.absolute monarchy 君主专制政体
9.abstain from voting 弃权;不投票
10.abuse of power for personal gain 以权谋私
11.academia n. 学术界
12.academic career 学历;学业
13.academic city 大学城
14.academic credentials 学术资历;学术造诣
15.academician n. 院士
16.Academy Award (美国)电影艺术与科学学会年度奖;奥斯卡金像
17.academy of sciences 科学院
“Botanical Gardens of China”, a book recording their development over the last 50 years, has been published in Chinese and French by Science Press under the Chinese Academy of Science.(一本记载中国植物园50年来发展历史的书籍《中国植物园》一书,已由中国科学院所属的科学出版社以中法两种文字出版。)
18. accelerate v. 加速
The editorial called on the whole people to be united with the Party central committee and strive hard to accelerate the realization of the four modernizations.(社论号召全国人民团结在党中央的周围,为加速实现四个现代化而奋斗。)
19. accident n. 意外事件;事故
20. accompany vt. 伴随;陪同 vi. 伴奏
21. accomplice n. 同谋犯
22. accord n. 协定;协议
The officials of the two countries have signed a new grain sales contract, extending a recently expired accord.(两国官员已签署了一份新的粮食销售合同,从而延长了最近到期的一项协定。)
23. According to an anonymous source… 据一位不愿意透露姓名的消息灵通人士说……
24. accredited journalist 特派记者
25. accumulated deficit 累计赤字
26. accuse vt. 指责;控诉
It might accuse the company of not paying its taxes for the past four years.(它可能会控告这家公司没有交纳过去4年里应交的税款。)
27. acknowledge vt. 承认
The prime minister acknowledged his country’s expenditures have for years exceeded income. (总理承认国家的开支多年来已超过了收入。)
The spokesman openly acknowledged that this expensive crash test, spectacular though it was, was not conducted primarily as a scientific experiment. (这位发言人公开承认,这次代价沉重的撞击试验虽为壮观,但首先并不是作为科学试验而进行的。)
28. acoustics n. 音响效果
The performance was slightly marred by the hall’s poor (由于大厅音响效果不尽人意,演出因此稍受影响。)
29. acquit vt. 宣告……无罪;无罪释放
He was acquitted of the charges.(指控不成立,他被无罪释放。)
30. acrobatic a. 杂技(表演)的
It was a rare experience to attend a show at once so innocent, so charming, so skilled, and so fresh, as that given at the Shanghai Acrobatic Tester.(既天真无邪又妩媚动人,既技艺绝伦有活泼新颖,能在上海杂技场看上这样一场表演,的确是人生一次难得的经历。)
31. acrobatics n. 杂技
32. across-the board wage increase 全面增长工资
33. acting president 代总统
34. action platform 行动纲领
35. action policy 行动方针;实施方针
36. active capital 流动资本
37. active substance 放射性物质
38. active trade balance 贸易顺差
39. activist n. 活动家;活跃分子
40. add vt. (1).增加;增添
One of the best ways farmers can make their land richer is to add nitrogen to the soil.(农民们能够使他们的土地肥沃的最好办法之一,就是在土壤中加施氮肥。)
China has been relentless in its pursuit of economic reforms, and has adopted an earnest and down-to-the earth attitude in its WTO negotiations, the Chinese delegate added.(中国代表补充说,中国一直在坚持不懈地进行经济改革,并在世界贸易组织谈判中持认真务实的态度。)
41. administration party 执政党
42. administrative a. 行政的;执政的
43. admit vt. (1).承认
Later, the foreign minister may admit what he had said on TV was wrong. (稍后,这位为外交部长可能会就其电视讲话的内容承认他是错的。)
last week both the north and south Koreas were admitted into the Untied Nations.(上周,南北朝鲜被获准加入联合国。)
45. admit the best examinee 择优录取
46. adopt vt. 采用;选定;正式通过
47. adult education 承认教育
48. advance booking office 预售票初
49. advance country 发达国家
50.advanced production worker 先进生产者

新闻报道中的经典词汇 9

所以,to blackball someone就是投个黑球,表示“反对某人家入”或者“主张逐出某人”的意思。有一个很接近的词是ostracize,放逐,这是来自于希腊文的字眼。词根ostr代表骨头或贝壳、陶片等。古希腊时代投票表决是否要放逐某人时,用陶片等为选票,上面刻字后投如大瓶中。所以,to ostracize someone也表示放逐某人,或拒绝与其交往的意思。像南非共和国在施行种族隔离政策(apartheid)的时代,国际社会不但对其施以经济制裁(economic sanction),甚至体育活动也禁止南非参加。这就是南非受到国际社会ostracize。
如果某位众医院靠着总统候选人(尤其是竞选连任的现任总统)替他站台,拉抬声势而获得胜选,那么他就是得力于总统候选人充分的coattail effect支撑,也可以说,他能进入众议院是riding on the President’s coatails,拉着总统的衣尾搭顺风车。反之,如果总统的声势不足,选情不看好,则不太容易发挥出衣尾效应。这时新闻就会这样说这位总统:His coattail is very short.他的衣尾很短(拉不了几个人)。
布什在1994年竞选连任时,因经济不景气而声望一路下滑,共和党参、众议员候选人避之惟恐不及,深怕染上霉气,受到连累。当时的新闻报道中介绍布什就说:President Bush’s coat has no tails!布什总统的衣服没有尾巴!





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