以学生为本,注重单元整体教学 (中学英语教学论文)

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① “格式塔心理学”是许多心理学、教育学观点的基础,它的核心内容是:“整体不仅仅是部分的总和。” 学生在学习的过程中往往比较关注其中的情节或部分细节,而不太注意从整体的角度来分析和解决问题。作为教师应该培养学生这方面的能力。
② 整体优化既可以减少学生学习的盲目性,又可以降低教师授课的随意性,使师生双方均做到有的放矢。
③ 心理学研究表明,在教学的各个环节向学生提出明确而具体的任务是激发和维持学习动机的主要手段。学生在任务的驱动下学习语言知识和进行技能训练,有利于保持学生的学习兴趣,强化学习动力。
高一英语教学主要是对新知识的传授与讲解,因此,授课的重点应着眼于“小四位一体”的教学;我的具体做法是: 以建构主义学习理论为指导,以“四位一体”教学模式为中心,打破传统的课课传授的方法,重新编排整合每一单元的内容,将每一单元作为一个整体,采取四步教学策略:第一步,词汇及语言点;第二步,对话及语法教学;第三步,阅读理解教学;第四步,练习及反馈。寻找每一步最佳教学方法,形成具体的教学操作模式。
① 导入——激发学生的阅读兴趣
② 泛读——表层理解
③ 精读——把握文章脉络
④ 细节理解——理解课文深层含义
Title: Unit 19 Jobs Lesson 74-75
Class Type: New Lesson
Teacher: Ruan Ming-guang from Jixian Kangkezhuang Senior High School, Jixian County, Tianjin
Teaching Aims:
1. To help the Ss review the contents of the dialogue (lesson 73)
2. To help the Ss grasp the story of Mr. King as an engineer
3. To train the Ss’ ability of analyzing an article
4. To improve the Ss’ ability of reading comprehension
5. To educate the Ss in moral character to respect the woman in the real world
Teaching Method: 1.“Four in one” Teaching Method
2. Task-based Methodology
Teaching Aid: Computer
Teaching Procedure:
Step 1. To review the contents of the dialogue:
① What are Jane and Zhou Lan talking about?
② Is it easier for women to get to the top of a company?
③ What kind of company prefers to employ women? Why?
Step 2. Lead -in:
Please translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1. Men are stronger than women, but women live longer than men.
2. While looking themselves in a mirror, men enjoy their body
and women enjoy their clothes.
3. There is only one woman in twelve young outstanding mathematicians.
4. Women grasp foreign languages faster than men.
Today, we will know a person whose name is Mr. king. He is an engineer. He is a very successful person. But he has a secret. From the text, we should know what the secret is.
Step 2 First, listen to the tape carefully; then , give the Ss a few
Minutes to write down the main idea of each paragraph:
The main idea of each paragraph:
Paragraph 1:
Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 3:
Paragraph 4:
Paragraph 5:
Paragraph 6:
Paragraph 7:
Paragraph 8-9:
Step 4: Another task: the outline of the text
1. Before the secret:
His job:
Work in: (company; country)
How long:
2. The secret is out:
An accident took place: the reason
the result
Refuse to take off her trousers: the feeling of others
the reason
Tell the truth: first the doctor : the doctor’s words
Mr. King’s words
then her boss: when where
How the secret is out: The doctor: Mr. Pattis: how
3. The secret: what the secret is:
why pretended a man:① ②
4. After the secret is out:
Hold a meeting: when
Mr. Little’s opinion: the reason① ②
Mr. Pattis’ opinion:the reason① ②
The result of meeting: try to guess
Step 5 Details of the text:
1. Mr. King is the best engineer in Notco Company
2. An engineer is a person who design new machines.
3. Mr. King went to the hospital by himself.
4. She pretended a man in order to cheat the boss.
5. Mr. Little knew the secret from others.
6. Women had some difficulty in finding a job at that time.
7. Ms. King isn’t an honest person.
8. According to Mr. Pattis’s opinion, for a company, sex is more important than the ability. (能力)
Step 6 According to the text, finish the following exercises:
① Correcting the mistakes:
1.As a student, you mustn’t say a lie to others.
2. She pretended sleeping when I entered.
3. The room, its windows face south, is our classroom.
4. To my great surprising, he didn’t fell surprised at his failure.
5. Those boy students are going to call on woman scientists tomorrow.
6. I’m going to call on your office.
② Doing the exercises 4 on page71
Teacher’s Activity: Guide the students to finish the analysis of the text
Students’ Activity: Finish the tasks that are given by the teacher actively alone or with their partners
Homework: Finish the other exercises on Page 70(2) 71(3)
Unit 20 Mainly Revision
The first lesson: words and key points:
1. develop/ development/developing country/developed country
2. lightly/light(v,n,adj,)/lighted, lit
3. unknown/known/well-known
4. everyday/everyday
1. come out
2. throw away
3. form/ in the form of
4. include/contain
5. used to/ would
6. Thirty passengers were hurt in the accident, including 5 children./five children included.
1. They have been widening the road.
They have widened the road.
2. It is believed that/ It is hoped that/ It is said that…
3. too+adj.+for+sb./sth
1. With the ______(发展) of industry, great changes have taken place in the factory.
2. _______(竹子) can be used to make paper.
3. Do you know the history of ______(印刷术)?
4. It was________(陌生的) country to me.
5. The book _______(包含)ten short stories.
6. Our teacher is showing us a new m______ of writing.
7. A plan began to f____ in his mind.
8. This is an e________ dress.
9. My pen is out of i____, could you borrow me some?
10. There was s______ coming from the cooking-pot.(锅)
The second lesson:
Book closed, listen to the tape carefully, then answer the following exercises:
1. What are Susan and Mrs. Zhu talking about?
A. The development of paper.
B. The development of printing.
C. The development of writing.
2. Which is the beginning of printing?
A. The way using stones.
B. The way using rocks.
C. The way using wood.
3. Which is the right order of carving characters on rocks?
a. brush ink on the paper
b. beat the paper lightly
c. put a wet of paper on top
d. carve the characters
A. d-b-a-c B. b-c-d-a C. d-c-b-a
4. What’s the shortage of carving words on a piece of wood?
A. The wood would be useless after printing the whole book.
B. It is difficult to carve because it is so soft.
C. In the past, the wood was very expensive.
5. How many ways of carving characters are they talking about?
A. 2. B. 3 C. 4
The third lesson: reading comprehension of the text:
Outline of the text:
The history of making paper:
①In China: before paper was invented: how to keep records
(before writing was developed)
after paper was invented: how to keep records(carved words on sth. or write)
first( animal bones)-------then(metal pots)--------bamboo or wood--------silk
--------the fibres of plants(let’s the students find out the process of paper and
the advantage or disadvantage of each method)
②In the world: about 2000 years -----appeared in China(the result)
In other parts of the world(character and the reason)
The first century----- become common in China
Later on ------reached other countries
In the 18th century:
In 1150:
In 1567:
Since 1690:
Details of the text:
1. China is one of the earliest countries that used paper to record things.
2. In some countries, the history is unknown because the people in the past didn’t record things.
3. People wrote words on pieces of bamboo or wood because they were easy to carry.
4. 2140 years ago, everyone in China could write or draw on paper which was made from silk.
5. The paper made from fibres of plants became common because it was as soft and light as silk , but much cheaper.
6. The paper came to Europe from China.
The fourth lesson : go over the main points of the unit and do exercises:
throw away, worth, remove, pay back, pick up, seem, look down upon, offer, pretend , rush
1. There is plenty of time, we needn’t ______.
2. Have I _____ the $10 you lent me?
3. It’s ______ making an effort to look well dressed.
4. She ______her suitcase and went out.
5. There ______ to be many people in that room.
6. You mustn’t ______ to know what you don’t’ know.
7. As it was warm enough in the room, she _____ her hat and coat.
8. During their work in the village, people there _____ them a lot of help.
9. Don’t _____ those magazines, I haven’t read them.
10. It’s not right to______ others’ jobs, for any job is important and necessary.
Key Answer:
1. rush 2. paid back 3. worth 4. picked up 5. seems
6. pretend 7. removed 8. offered 9. throw away 10. look down upon




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