译林牛津模块8 Unit 2 教学一体化详案(译林牛津版高三英语选修八教案教学设计)

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Unit 2 welcome to the unit ---- word power
1.universal adj.
the Universal Declaration of Human 世界人权宣言/ 宇宙的 ;全世界的
a universal rule 普遍规律/ 普通的;一般的;全体的=general
a universal meter 通用电表/ 通用的万能的
Ex: 那年普遍干旱_________________________________________________.
2 witness
A witness told the police how the fire started,
He witnessed the accident on the highway.
After the explosion,the policeman did a lot of work to find out some clues from the ____-
A.lookers-on B.viewers C.people D.witness
3.star n. the North/polar star北极星
a shooting star 流星
The sun is a star 、、、是恒星
a five pointed star 五角星/ [星状物]
a film star [明星]
In the list the starred questions are the most difficult. (starred; starring) [常用被动态]用星(或星状物)装饰;加星号
an old film starring Charlie Chaplin 以、、、为主演
Ex: We know something about the play which ________ Wang Ji.
A. stars B. starring C.to star D.having starred
4.cast vt.及物动词
vt. 投;抛;掷;脱落
-He shut me up in the copper jar and had it cast into the sea.
• -The fisherman cast his net into the water. -渔民把网撒在水里。
• -The horse cast a shoe. -马脱了蹄铁。
He was cast for the part of Yang Zirong.他扮演杨子荣。
The part was cast to him.这个角色分配给他演。
5.be set in 以、、、为背景
The book is set in the 17th century Spain.这本书是以17世纪的西班牙为背景。
6.for the first time 第一次,首次,
the first time 第一次做某事的时候(引导时间状语从句)
________ (第一次) I went abroad.I could hardly understand what the foreigners said.
This is __________ (第二次)that you have been late this week.
This is the first time she had been out with him alone.=This is the first time _____ her being out with him alone.
7. take on 呈现出、、、;演绎
Her eyes took on a hurt expression 她的眼睛里流露出受委屈的神情
The company is taking on new staff.
He is always ready to take on heavy responsibilities.
Jackie Chen is going to take on the leading role in this movie.
8.be drunk with 醉心于、、、,对、、、痴迷,陶醉于、、、
He is drunk with success
Ex: translate:不要沉迷于网络。___________
They are drunk with making a fortune.____________
9.dare vt/vi
He dare speak in public.
He dare to speak in public.
Ex: The shy girl _____ dance before so many strangers, ______ she?
A.daren’t ;does B. daren’t ; dare C.doesn’t dare ; dare D.dare not; dares
10.exercise control over 对、、、实施控制,控制
We should think of a way to exercise control over our expenses.
Ex: 1)The pilot _______ _______ ________ (失去控制)the plane.
2)She managed to ________ _______ _______(控制住)her car on the ice.
3)She may be old ,but she is still _____ _____ (掌管)
Ex:翻译1)He exercise his right as a citizen._____________
2)Teachers exercise authority.___________
11.terrify vt.恐吓,使感到恐怖
The thunderstorm terrified the child.大雷雨把这孩子吓坏了。
terrified adj.害怕的,吓坏了的
The animals were terrified by the storm.动物被风暴吓坏了
They were terrified by his sudden appearance.他的突然出现,把他们吓了一跳。
The children were terrified of being scolded.那孩子害怕挨骂。
12.threaten v. 恐吓,威胁;预示、、、的凶兆;有、、、的危险
He threatened to make the phone public.
The heavy black clouds threaten a storm.乌云密布预示着暴风雨将到来。
The robber threatened me with a gun.
threaten sb with death用死威胁某人
threaten to do sth威胁要做谋事
Ex. 翻译:他扬言要辞职。______________
Threaten peace_________
Threaten sb with death____________
13.condemn vt.判刑,处刑;声讨;谴责
Most people are willing to condemn violence of any sort as evil.
Ex: The judge _______ him for fraud.
A. denounced B. condemned C. charged D. accused
Unit 2 Gramma---- Project
1.privilege n. 特权;特别待遇 vt.给予…特权
eg. It was a privilege to make his acquaintance.
1) 在许多国家,受教育是一种特权。
2 )与他交谈是很荣幸的事。
2. voyage n. 航海旅行
1) voyage指不论路程长短的水上或空中的旅行
2) journey一般指时间和距离都较长的陆路旅行,不含有回到原出发地的意思
3) trip指短距离的旅行,常回到原出发地
4) tour指周游或巡回旅行,常常是访问一系列地方后又回到原出发地
5) travel泛指旅行这一行为过程。指具体的旅行时常用复数,用单数一般表示旅行的抽象概念
用voyage, journey, trip, tour或travel填空。
1) His parents are on a____ by ship now.
2) He made a __ around the Greek Island.
3) ____ in the mountains can be slow and dangerous.
4) Did you go to Pairs during your____?
3. play a role in 在…担任…角色
eg. Helen wished to play the leading role part.
1) We don’t like her as she is always speaking highly of the role she___ in the groups.
A. makes B. plays C. takes D. acts
2) 翻译句子 The question of cost will play an important role in our decision.
4. anchor v. 使固定,使稳定;使停泊
be anchored in… 扎根于…之中
be at anchor 在停泊中
The large ship ___ ____ ____(停泊在) Huangpu River.
5. essential adj. 不可或缺的,极为重要的;根本的,本质的
c.n. 常用复数,必需品,要素,要点
eg. Previous experience is not essential.
the essentials of maths 数学纲要
1) There is no___ ___(根本区别) between the two methods.
2) Sun and water are___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____(是作物生长不可或缺的)。
6.decline n. 衰弱,减退,减少(常用单数)
v. 拒绝,谢绝;衰落,减弱
decline sth. 谢绝…..
decline to do sth. 谢绝做…
on the decline 衰退中,走下坡的
1) There has been___ ____ ____(逐渐减少) in the population of the town.
2) He___ ____ ____(拒绝回答) my question.
7. intend v. 打算, 想,意图是
1) intend to do sth.
intend sb. to do sth.
intend + that 从句(从句用虚拟语气)
2) intended to have done 本来打算做
1. 句型转换
They intended the plan to be put into practice.
= They intend that the plan___ ___ ___ into practice.
His good intentions were repaid by good results.
8.break up v. 分解,拆散
break out (战争,火灾)爆发
break in 闯入,插入
break off 使终止,打断
break into 闯入,打断(带宾语)
break through 出现;突破
break down 分散,拆散;坏了;身体垮下来
1) You will___ sonner or later if you keep working like that.
A. break off B. break down C. break into D. break out
2) Can he___ away from old habits?
A. do B. put C. take D. break
9. appeal n.v. 呼吁;恳求;诉诸,求助
1) appeal to sb. for sth.
appeal to sb. to do sth. 恳求某人做某事
2) appeal to 诉诸…
1. The idea appealed___ Mary.
2. These subjects have lost their appeal___ most students.
3. He made one last appeal___ his father to forgive him.
1. 不使用替代词的省略
(1) 省略主语
I have done more than (what ) is required.
(You) Open the window and the door for me,please.
(2) 省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分
Why (do) not (you) say goodbye to your lovely cousin ?
(Are you ) Ready ?Try to answer these questions in your own words.
(3) 省略宾语
---Which of them is better ?
---Well,it is hard to tell (which of them is better).
(4) 省略表语
---Are you hungry ?
---Yes, I am (hungry).
(5) 省略所有格后面的名词
Jack and his sister stayed in his uncle’s(home) during the summer vacation.
The girl’s handwriting is much better than his brother’s (handwriting).
(6) 省略定语从句中的关系代词
The book (that) he bought last week is written by Guo Jingming.
Here is the wonderful book (which )I have read many times.
The man (whom) you had said hello to was my English teacher.
(7) 不定式中的省略
a 英语中为避免重复,经常省略上下文已提到的动词原形,只保留不定式中的
wish,would like和love等。如:
She asked me to dance with her,but I didn’t want to (dance with her).
---Do you want to give us a lecture about how to use an English dictionary ?
---No,I prefer not to (give a lecture about how to use an English dictionary)
b 在have to,need,ought to,be going to,used to等后省略动词。如:
I really didn’t want to go there with him,but I had to (go there with him).
c 在某些形容词等后省略后面的动词。如:
---Will you join in our discussion ?
---I’ll be glad to (join in your discussion).
d 如果不定式中带有be,have,have been等,通常保留be,have,have been。如:
---Did he pass the driving test ?
---No,but he ought to have (passed the driving test).
(1) 通常情况下,在省略了某个词、短语或句子时,还需要用某个替代词。常用的
替代词有:do /does /did,so,not,neither,nor和the same等。
用助动词do /does /did来替代上下文出现的动词,以免重复。如:
She speaks English more fluently than her elder sister does.
(2) 用so可替代单词、短语或句子,作believe,be afraid,expect,do,fear,hope,suppose,
say,think 等的宾语。如:
---Will it be fine tomorrow ?
---I hope so. (I hope that it will be fine tomorrow.)
3. 常见的省略结构
Had I had time,I would have gone shopping with you.
Were I you, I would go there and help him.
Should the teacher have time next week,he would come to the party.
The old woman was knocked down while (she was)crossing the street.
The little girl began to cry when (she was) asked by the police.
(3)有些状语从句中,如果从句的主语是it,其后的be动词及其主语可以一起省略。这种结构通常为if it is possible,when it is necessary等。:如:
Please try to finish your homework by yourself if (it is) possible.
We’ll have the old house pulled down when (it is) necessary.
The work (having been)done,the secretary left the office and went home.
The weather (being)fine,we decided to go on a picnic on the beach.
(5) 由and连接的that引导的两个从句,第二个that不能省略。如:
The teacher told me (that) I had passed the driving test and that I could have a rest
the next day.
一、 单项填空
1.--Do you think it will snow tomorrow ?
-- _______.
A.I don’t think B.No,I don’t think C.I don’t think so D.No,I don’t
2. –Will you go home tomorrow evening ?
--No.I am going to a lecture,or at least,I am planning _____.
A.it B.on C.so D.to
3.Edward became a good football player _____ in college.
A.when B.because C.as soon as D.even though
4.____ green ,the door might look more beautiful.
A.You painted B.If painted C.To paint D.Have it painted
5.What surprised me was not what he said but ____ he said it.
A.the way B.in the way that C.in the way D.the way which
6.---You should have given them some advice.
-- _______.But who care what I offered ?
A.So it was B.So I should C.So I did D.So should you
7.—I would never come to this restaurant again.The food here is terrible!
-- _____.
A.Nor am I B.Neither would I C.Same with me D.So do I
8.—Would you like to have some cakes ?
--thank you._________.
A.I’d like to B.I’d like to have C.I’m full D.I’d better to home
9.The teacher told us to remain silent unless ________.
A.to be asked B.being asked C.asked D.you asked
10.—(asking a patient) ________ ?
--Much better.
A.Are you feeling better today B.Better today
C.How are you feeling today D.Above all
11.—You should have thanked her before you left .
--I meant _____,but I couldn’t find here anywhere when I was leaving.
A.to do B.to C.doing D.doing so
12._________it snow tomorrow,we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge.
A.Were B.Should C.Would D.Will
13.I ______and will never ask suvh a silly question.
A.have never B.never C.have asked D.have never asked
14.—Did Jane pick up some Russian when she was on business abroad ?
--I imagine _____.
A.that B.she was C.so D.it
15.She opened her mouth as if _____something important.
A.saying B.to say C.having said D.to have said
16.—She must look like a very pretty girl.
--Yes,I imagine _____.
A.to B.that C.it D.so
17.---Everyone says you are a good employee.You never make a mistake,do you ?
---_______ .
A.Yes,never B.Yes,sometimes C.No,sometimes D.Oh,really
18.One of the sides of the paper should be painted yellow ,and ______.
A.the other is white B.another white C.the other white D.another is white
19.--Who has been planning the summer camp ?
--Everyone in the class ________.
A.is B.have C.has D.are
20.—She’s not an English teacher,is she ?
-- _________________.
A.Yes,and she isn’t B.Yes,but she was
C.No,but she isn’t D.No,but she was
21.If the weather is fine,I’ll wash my clothes.If _____,______.
A.not;not B.no;no C.not;no D.no;not
22.John plays football ______,if not better than,David.
A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as
23.—Mary is not coming tonight.
--But she ______.
A.promises B.promised C.will promise D.had promised
24.—Have you found the dog ?
A.I am B.I’m C.I’m just going to D.I’m just going
25.The twins are different in appearance but _____in characteristics.
A.not B.no C.aren’t D.don’t.
二、 将下列句子改写为省略句
1. You come this way,please.
2. I beg your pardon .
3. She works harder at English than I work.
4. Is there anybody you want to see ?
5. Why don’t you go picknicking with us in the mountain ?
6. You may go with us if you want to go.
7. Mary likes reading better than she likes going to parties.
8. What a pity it is you can’t come with us !
9. I will go to the party unless I am invited.
10. Unless it is necessary,you’d better not refer to the dictionary.
11. Get up early tomorrow.If you don’t get up early,you will miss the first bus.
12. --I didn’t go to see our former teacher while I was in Shanghai.
--But I think you should have gone to see him.
三、 看看省略了什么,写出完整的句子。
1.Beg your pardon .
2.Sounds like a wonderful idea.
3.No wonder he can play computer so well.
4.This way,please.
5.Any more questions ?
6.Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long a time.
7.Going to Science Museum with me this afternoon?
8.Got to go now.
四、 单句改错
1. Why not asking me about it ?
2. How about go to Shenzhen for our holidays ?
3. Though tiring,he kept on working.
4. When first introducing to the market,these products enjoyed great success.
5. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him not to do.
6. If giving the same treatment again,he is sure to get well.
7. –You should have seen her off at the airport yesterday.
--I meant to do,but I had to attend an important conference.
8. --Did you enjoy the performance last night ?
--Yes, I do enjoy it.
9.I asked him to see the film,but he didn’t want to see.
10. –Did he tell you that the meeting was put off ?
--No,but he ought to.
11. After killed,he was thrown away into the river.
12. I don’t know whether he has passed the exam.If is so,I’ll be very glad.

1.Music has been called ‘the u language’ because people do not need to speak the same language to understand it.
2.The film (由……主演)of the world’s greatest film stars.
3,Shylock was a c moneylender,who was always cruel to the people who borrowed money from him.
4.He was found guilty and c to death.
5.Big Joe Tuner never achieved much fame when he was alive mainly because there was still racial d in the USA then.
6.The film is a (令人心碎的)love story.
7.That man is with(醉心于)power.
8.Princess Turandot (折磨)Liu , and Liu kills herself.
9.She speaks (流利的) Italian.
10.An orchestra is a group of m that mostly play classic music.
11.Brought up by his grandmother, Tom felt a great a for her.
12.If the factory is closed,many people will face u .
13.She went live abroad after the break-up of her (婚姻).
14.The pain caused the boy to cry (大声地).
15.Rain and snow are (现象) of the weather.
16.Not only did she speak (正确地),but she spoke easily.
17.When she came out of the water ,she was t with cold.
18.All the while she was (使……感到恐惧) by the fear that she had cancer.
19.I don’t think he is the kind of person to say (恼人的) things.
20.A chemist can separate a medicine into it’s (成份).
21.The (员工) has been greatly increased this year in our department.
22.As one grows older one’s memory d .
23.My parents hired a private t to help me with my English.
24.The v from England to India used to take six months.
25.Music has little (吸引力) for me.
26.Every citizen has the p of equality.
27.He looked at her with a m of admiration and curiosity.
28.Bill spent two weeks in the hospital r his strength after the operation.
29.After months of overworking, Jack was suffering from m and physical exhaustion.
30.As he pushed her, she (摇摆) higher and higher.
1.世界语言 2.五颜六色的服装和脸谱
3.弦乐器 4八场演出的首场
5.歌剧演唱家 6.在他生命的最后时期
7.以日本为背景 8.对――完美的
12.---的关键要素 13.故事的背景
14.领取失业救济金 15.人事部
16.首张专辑 17.流行歌曲排行榜上的冠军
18.醉心于―-沉溺于―― 19.对―――实施控制
20.食言、收回承诺 21.被处死
22.申请 23.民歌
24.扎根于――之中 25.种族歧视
26.发财、赚钱 27.征召―――入伍
28.解散、解体、分手 29.从摇摆乐到摇滚乐
It _________ some of the world`s greast singers. Many Chinese _________ were also _______.
It has been _________ _________the _______ ________a beautiful and ________ love story.
There ________ _________ be a __________ setting.
The story then _________ ________ a classic love ________ _______ Calaf、Turandot and Liu.
Turandot is ________ ________ learn his name and _________ and _________ lLiu
The opera __________ __________ a beautifully- _________ final _________.
He __________ his _________ as one of the most popular composers.
The performance left me ____________ _____________ excitement.
welcome to the unit ---word power
1. The drought is universal that year. ;Football is a universal game.
2. D 3.A. 6.The first time ; the second time;of 7.那家公司正在招人,你可以去试一试。;他总是乐于挑重担。;成龙将在这部影片中扮演主角。8.Don’t be drunk with network . 他们醉心于发财致富。9.B 10.Lost control of; keep control of; in control 他行使公民权。;教师对学生进行管束。12.He threatened to resign.; He doesn’t mean to threaten.; 威胁和平; 用死来威胁某人13.B
Grammar--- project
1. Education is a privilege in many countries.
To talk with him is a privilege.
2.voyage, trip, travel, travels 3.B 成本问题将在决策中起很重要的作用。
4.was at anchor 5.essential difference essential to the growth of crops
6. a gradual decline declined to answer
7. should be put 他的善意得到了善报。
8.B D 9.to , for, to
一、 单项填空
1----5CDABA 6----10CBCCD 11---15BBDCB
16---20DBCCD 21---25ABBCA
二、 将下列句子改写为省略句
1.This way,please. 2.Pardon.
3.She works harder at English than I.
4.Anybody you want to see?
5.Why not go picnicking with us in the mountain?
6.You may go with us if you want to.
7.Mary likes reading better than going to parties.
8.What a pity you can’t come with us !
9.I will not go to the party unless invited.
10.Unless necessary,you’d better not refer to the dictionary.
11.Get up early tomorrow.If not,you will miss the first bus.
12.—I didn’t go to see our former teacher while in Shanghai.
--But I think you should have.
三、 看看省略了什么,写出完整的句子
1.I beg your pardon.
2.It sounds like a wonderful idea.
3.It’s no wonder he can play computer so well.
4.come this way,please.
5.Do you have any more questions ?
6.I am sorry to have kept you waiting for so long a time.
7.Are you going to the Science Museum with me this afternoon?
8.We / I have got to go now.
四、 单句改错
1. Why not ask me about it ?
2.How about going to Shenzhen for our holidays ?
3.Though tired,he kept on working.
4When first introduced to the market,these products enjoyed great success.
5The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him not to .
6.If given the same treatment again,he is sure to get well.
7.–You should have seen her off at the airport yesterday.
--I meant to ,but I had to attend an important conference.
8.--Did you enjoy the performance last night ?
--Yes, I did enjoy it.
9.I asked him to see the film,but he didn’t want to .
10. –Did he tell you that the meeting was put off ?
--No,but he ought to have.
11. After being killed,he was thrown away into the river.
12. I don’t know whether he has passed the exam.If so,I’ll be very glad.
1.universal 2.stars 3.cold-hearted 4.condemned 5.discrimination 6.heartbreaking 7.drunk 8.tortures 9.fluent 10.musicians 11.affection 12.unemployment 13.marriage 14.aloud 15.phenomena 16.correctly 17.trembling 18.terrified 19.disturbing 20.components 21.pesonnel 22.declines 23.tutor 24.voyage 25.appeal 26.privilege 27.mixture 28.regaining 29.mental 30.swung
1.the universal language 2.colourful costumes and face paint
3.string instrument 4.the first of only 8 performances
5.opera singer 6.towards the end of his life
7.be set in Japan 8.be perfect for
9. decorated panels covered with red and gold
10.in a moving solo performance
11.leave his future in one`s hands 12.the key components of
13.the setting for the story 14.collect unemployment benefits
15.Personnel Department 16.the first album
17.a number one hit on the pop charts 18.be drunk with
19.exercise control over 20.break one`s promise
21.be condemned to death 22.apply for
23.folk song 24.be anchored in
25.racial discrimination 26.make a fortune
27.be drafted into 28.break up
29.from swing music to rock and roll
30.tour and perform their old music
1.starred musicians cast 2.transformed into location for heartbreaking
3.could not better 4.takes on triangle featuring
5.desperate to threatens terrifies 6.finishes with sung duet
7.deserves status 8.breathless with




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