译林牛津模块8 Unit 1 Reading 教案(译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

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Step1: Lead in
1. Do you know some famous works of the Chinese literature?
2. What about the foreign literature?
3. Who is the author of the Great Expectations?
Step 2: Background information of Charles Dickens.
Charles Dickens was born on 7 February 1812 in Portsmouth, England. He had a happy childhood after his family moved to Chatham. At the age of 12, Dickens had to leave school because his father was imprisoned for debt. The poverty and adversity Dickens experienced as a child greatly influenced his later views on social reform. Before his death on 9 June 1870, he wrote about 15 major novels and many short stories, most of which are famous for their surprising endings. If you want to learn more about this great novelist, you may visit the following website:
Step 3: Fast reading for general ideas
Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A on Page 2. Just focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questions.
Step 4: Detailed reading for important information
Let’s read the passage a second time and complete answer the questions.
1. Some people think that classics are old-fashioned because of the following statements except __________.
A. they were written a long time ago.
B. the language used in them is quite different from the language used today.
C. they are difficult for people to understand.
D. They can only be found in bookshops and libraries.
2. Which of the following statements is wrong?
A. Clueless, the award-wining film is based on Charles Dickens’s novel.
B. the film based on Great Expectations was released in 1998.
C. At first, Charles Dickens published many novels in newspaper.
D. Good classics are examples of great writing and wisdom.
3. When and where is Great Expectations set in?
A. in the USA in the 1800s. B. in England in the early 1800s.
C. in England in 1812.. D. in the USA in 1870.
4. What is /are the theme(s) in Great Expectations?
A. Wealth does not buy happiness.
B. What it means to be a gentleman.
C. Friends are more important than a fancy education.
D. All of the above.
5. According to the author, classic literature_____.
A. is old-fashioned and boring
B. has nothing to do with life today
C. is novels that can be made into films
D. still has a place in today’s world
6. What is the author’s intention in writing the article?
A. She tries to convince us to adopt a new point of view towards classics.
B. She asks us to reconsider our ideas about the films based on classics.
C. She tells us that classics are the antiques of the literary world.
D. She suggests that there are enough classics in bookshops and libraries.
Step 5: Post-reading activities
.Please fill in the blanks.
Charles Dickens
(Lived from_______ to ______): born in ________; is considered as __________________. His best-known works such as ___________, __________________,________________,_____________.
About Great Expectations
The symbol:____ meaning:_________________
The theme:______________________________ wealth and friendship
Character development of Pip:
At 7:_______________________________
At 18:______________________________
In London: developed _________________________________________;hoped to be a gentleman and __________________
At the end: understood that wealth does not buy happiness and friends are __________________________
Step 6: Reading Strategy
Discussion: What makes a good persuasive essay?
1. There was a terrible noise _____the sudden burst of light .
A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed
2. The first textbooks ____for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century .
A. having written B. to be written C. being written D. written
3. The next morning she found the man _____in bed dead .
A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying
4. What’s the language ______ in Germany .
A. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speak
5. She’s upstairs______ letters .
A. writes B. is writing C. write D. writing
6. Most of the articles _____ to the party were from South Africa .
A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited
7.The computer center , ____ last year , is very popular among the students in this school .
A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened
8.The speaker raised her voice but still couldn’t make herself ____.
A. hear B. being hearing C. to hear D. heard
9.The salesman scolded the girl caught ______ and let her off .
A. to have stolen B. to be stealing C. to steal D. stealing
10.She set out soon after dark____ home an hour later .
A. arriving B. to arrived C. having arrived D. and arrived
11.With trees , flowers and grass _____ everywhere , my native town had taken on a new look .
A. planting B. planted C. to plant D. to be planted
12.You will find the word “psychology” ____under “ p” in your dictionary .
A. have listed B. list C. listed D. listing
13.In the past few years , we have had thousands of trees_____ around our school .
A. plant B. plantedC. planting D. being planted
14.Is this the recorder you want_____?
A. to have repaired B. to repair it C. to have it repaired D. it repaired
15.She was glad to see her child well____ care of .
A.take B. to be taken C. taken D. taking
16.The result of the entrance exams was not made______ to the public until last Thursday .
A. knowing B. known C. to know D. be known
17.He found them___ at a table ____.
A.sat…to play chess B.sitting…to play chess C. seated…playing chess D. seat…playing chess
18.I can make you _____ what I say , but you can’t make yourself ____ in English .
A. understand… undertstand B. understand….understood
C. to understand…understand D. understand… to be understood
19.The girl asked him not to leave the door_____.
A. to close B. closed C. to be closed D.closing
20.I have often heard the “ABC Song”_____, but I have never heard Alice_____ it .
A. to be sung B. being sung…sang C. sung…sing D. sang…singing
21.John rushed out in a hurry, ____ the door____ .
A. leaving …unlocked B. leaving…unlocking C. left…unlocked D. to leave …unlocking
22.Before she came to England , she had never heard a simple English word____.
A. speaking B. spoken C. to speak D. speak
23.____poor at English , I’m afraid I can’t make myself___.
A. To be…understand B. I’m …to understand C. Being…understanding D. Being…understood .
24.I have had my bike_____ , and I’m going to have somebody______ my radio tomorrow .
A. repair… to repair B. repairing…to be repaired
C. repaired…repair D. to repaire…repairing
25.---- Who are you going to have_____ this letter for you ?
----- My secretary .
A. type B. typed C. been typed D. been typing
26.____ the room , the nurse found the tape recorder_____ .
A. Entering…stealing B. Having entered…to be stolen
C. To have entered…being stolen D. Entering…gone
27.When his wife returned ,the husband noticed her hair____short .
A. cutting B. to be cut C. being cut D. cut
28.The students are told to have their homework _____ in before tomorrow afternoon .
A. hand B. to hand C. handed D. handing
29. We are pleased to see the problem_____ so quickly .
A.settled B. settling C. be settled D. having been settled
30.I could feel the wind_____ on my face from an open window .
A. to blow B. blowing C. to be blowing D. blown
答案:1---5 :B D A B D 6---10 : A D D D D 11---15 : B C B A C
16---20: B C B B C 21.---25 : A B D C A 26---30 : B D C A B
1. the house on fire, he dialed 119.
A.To see B.Seeing C.Having seen D.Being seen
2.I fell down and broke three of my teeth. I wonder how many times I have to come here and get my false teeth .
A.fix B.fixing C.fixed D.to fix
3.We're to listen to her voice. It's to hear her sing.
A.pleased; pleasing; pleasure B.pleased; pleasant; a pleasure
C.pleasing; pleased; a pleasure D.pleasing; pleasant; pleasure
4. a post office, I stopped some stamps.
A.Passed, buying B.Passing, to buy
C.Having passed, buy D.Pass, to buy
5. with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.
A.Comparing B.To compare C.Compared D.Having compared
6.Here are some new computer programs for home buildings. A.designing B.design C.designed D.to design
7. a little money, Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp. A.To save B.Saving C.Saved D.Having saved
8.The teacher came into the classroom by his students.
A.following B.to be following C.followed D.having followed.
9.With the money , he couldn't buy any ticket.
A.to lose B.losing C.lost D.has lost
10.There was so much noise in the room that the speaker couldn't make mself______. A.being heard B.hearing C.heard D.hear
11.The result of the test was rather .
A.disappointed B.disappointing C.being disappointed D.disappoint
12.I've never heard the word in spoken English.
A.use B.used C.using D.useing
13. how to do the homework, I went to ask my teacher for help.
A.Not to know B.Not knowing C.Knowing not D.Not known
14.Deeply , I thanked her again and again.
A.being moving B.moved C.moving D.to be moved
15.With winter on, it's time to buy warm clothes.
A.came B.comes C.come D.coming
16.______ the office, the foreign visitors were shown round the teaching building.
A.Having shown B.Showing C.Has shown D.Having been shown
17.He went from door to door, waste papers and magazines.
A.gathering B.gathered C.gather D.being gathered
18.The student corrected his paper carefully, the professor's suggestions.
A.follow B.following C.followed D.being followed
19.People in the city do not know the pleasure of country life.
A.live B.to live C.lived D.living
20.The foreigner tried his best, but he still couldn't make his point .
A.understand B.understanding C.to understand D.understood
21.The scientists were waiting to see the problem .
A.settle B.settled C.to settle D.settling
22.The ground is with leaves.
A.covering, falling B.covered, falling
C.covered, fallen D.covering, fallen
23.Lessons easily were soon forgotten.
A.to learn B.learn C.learned D.learning
24.The wallet several days ago was found in the dustbin outside the building.
A.stolen, hidden B.stealing, hiding C.stealing, hidden D.stolen, hiding
25.A person a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language all about his own.
A.to learn, to forget B.learning, to forget
C.to learn, forgetting D.learning, forgetting
26. different kinds of pianos, the workers farther improved their quality.
A.To produce B.Being produced C.Produced D.Having produced
27.The students in the university are all taking courses a degree. A.coming to B.going to C.leading to D.turning to
28.Many things impossible in the past are very common today.
A.consider B.considering C.considered D.be considered
29. many times, he still couldn't understand.
A.Having been told B.Having told C.He having been told D.telling
30.China is one of the largest countries in the world, 9.6 million square (平方)kilometres.
A.to cover B.covered C.covers D.covering
31."We must keep a secret of the things here", the general said, at the man in charge of the imformation office.
A.discussed, stared seriously B.being discussed, seriously staring
C.to be discussed, seriously stared D.discussed, stared
32.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, that he had enjoyed his stay here.
A.having added B.to add C.adding D.added
33. the composition, John handed it to the teacher and went out of the room. A.Writing B.Having written C.Written D.Being written
34.Were you when you saw that wild animal?
A.fright B.frightening C.frightened D.frighten
35.Properly with numbers, the books can be easily found.
A.marked B.mark C.to mark D.marking
36.At this moment the bell rang the end of class.
A.announce B.announcing C.announced D.to announce
37.He walked down the hills, softly to himself.
A.sing B.singing C.sung D.to sing
38.I had to shout to make myself above the noise.
A.heard B.hearing C.hear D.to hear
39.The graduating students are busy material for their reports.
A.collect B.to collect C.collected D.collecting
40.The cars in Beijing are as good as those in Shanghai.
A.produce, produce B.produced, produced
C.produced, producing D.producing, producing
41.When I came in, I saw Dr. Li a patient.
A.examine B.examining C.to examine D.examined
42.① a satisfactory operation, the patient recovered from illness very quickly.
② a satisfactory operation, the doctor believed the patient would recover from his illness very soon.
A.Having been given B.Having given C.Giving D.Being given
43.He wrote a letter to me that his trip to Japan had been put off because of the bad weather.
A.say B.saying C.said D.being said
1.She caught the student (cheat) in exams.
2.When I got there, I found him (repair) farm tools.
3.When I got there, I found the farm tools . (repair)
4.Just then he heard someone (call) for help.
5.He worked so hard that he got his pay . (raise)
6.The missing boys were last seen (play) near the river.
7. (compare) with the old one, the new building looks more beautiful.
8.The workers had the machines (run) all night long to finish the work on time.
9.People in the south have their houses (make of ) bamboo.
10. (lose) in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

1. Look round when you cross the street.
2. When she heard the news, she burst into laughter.
3. As she was still rather weak, she could not stay up for too long.
4. Gentlemen always shake hands when they are introduced to each other.
5. A cold rain was falling. It was mixed with snow.
6. While we were walking in the street, we met some friends of ours.
7. The old man walked slowly. He was supported by his little grandson.
8. The ground which is covered with white snow looks very beautiful.
9. There is a tall tree which covers the entrance to the cave.
10. The worker wrote to the police and disclosed who stole the money.

Ⅰ、1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.C
11.B 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.B 20.D
21.D 22.B 23.C 25.C 26.A 27.D 28.D 29.C 30.C
31.A 33.D 34.B 35.C 37.B 38.C 39.A 41.B 42.B 43.C 44.D 45.B 46.B 47.A 48.B 49.B

Ⅱ、1. cheating 2.repairing 3.repaired 4.calling
5.raised 6.playing 7.compared 8.running
9.made of 10.lost

Ⅲ、1.Look round when crossing the street.
2.Hearing the news, she burst into laughter.
3.Being still rather weak, she could not stay up for too long.
4.Gentlemen always shake hands when introduced to each other.
5.A cold rain was falling, mixed with snow.
6.While walking in the street, we met some friends of ours.
7.The old man walked slowly, supported by his little grandson.
8.The ground covered with white snow looks very beautiful.
9.There is a tall tree covering the entrance to the cave.
10.The worker wrote to the police disclosing who stole the money.
Ban the Band (乐队)?
Every year, our school has a dance for all the students. It’s a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colourful 36 , instead of the usual school uniform.
Most of us think the dance is great 37 , — even the teachers enjoy being there. _38 , two weeks ago someone said that there would be no 39 band this year — only CDs.
“I don’t 40 it!” Amy cried out during the lunch break.
“Someone said the school couldn’t 41 a band, and they think it’s too noisy anyway,” added Daniel.
“Well, I don’t think it’s 42 enough without a band!” declared Angela, “and I’m going to see what can be done.”
Angela was as good as her 43 . In the afternoon she went to see the school headmaster who agreed to give the 44 some more thought. And he suggested that one _45 for having a band was to increase the price of each ticket from $5 to $10. Angela had to 46 out whether the students would like to do that.
“I need all of you to help me,” she 47 on our group before school the next day. “Mr. Berry gave me a list of all the names, and suggested we ask each one their 48 about the band and the extra cost.”
_49 the day we asked around as Angela suggested, and wrote down people’s feelings about the band and the cost. We were amazed how much 50 there was for the band and everyone agreed to pay the extra $5.
“I’m surprised,” smiled Mr. Berry, when we gave him the 51 . “I really thought that only a few people 52 their band and that the cost would be too high. OK, Angela, your next 53 is to find a good band and line them up for the dance.”
Angela was all smiles and 54 the news to Amy and Daniel. “You’re 55 ,” smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having a less than perfect dance.
36. A. shapes B. dresses C. flowers D. pictures
37. A. fun B. work C. effort D. progress
38. A. Besides B. Otherwise C. However D. Therefore
39. A. new B. live C. foreign D. marching
40. A. mean B. need C. accept D. believe
41. A. lead B. serve C. afford D. form
42. A. good B. clear C. useful D. easy
43. A. look B. behavior C. mind D. word
44. A. schedule B. situation C. view D. action
45. A. possibility B. concern C. decision D. chance
46. A. call B. find C. carry D. point
47. A. admitted B. replied C. apologized D. announced
48. A. knowledge B. instruction C. opinion D. information
49. A. On B. For C. By D. During
50. A. trust B. money C. support D. care
51. A. results B. notices C. questions D. examples
52. A. welcomed B. wanted C. defended D. invited
53. A. task B. business C. exercise D. duty
54. A. showed B. wrote C. broke D. read
55. A. amusing B. interesting B. exciting D. amazing
Karen, grown up in a very traditional family in the western United States, maintained high moral (道德的) standards throughout her youth.. In 1984, at the age of 23, she married Bill. They were blessed with two children, a boy and a girl.
By 1991 their love had deepened, and they were happy. Later that year, Bill developed a white spot on his tongue. He visited a doctor.
One day shortly after that, Bill called Karen to sit beside him. He said with tears in his eyes that he loved her and wanted to live forever with her. The doctor suspected that he had been infected with HIV, the virus that leads to AIDS.
The family was tested. Bill and Karen’s results were positive. Bill had become infected before he met Karen; then he passed the virus on to Karen. The children’s results were negative. Within three years, Bill was dead. “I don’t know how to express what it is like to watch the once handsome man you love and intend to live with forever dying slowly. I cried many nights. He died three months short of ten years of our marriage,” says Karen. Though a doctor told Karen that she would soon follow her husband into death, she is still alive. The infection has progressed to the early stages of AIDS.
Karen is but one of about 30 million people now living with HIV/AIDS, a figure larger than the combined populations of Australia, Ireland and Paraguay. According to one UN report, Africa has 21 million of these victims. By the turn of the century that number could reach 40 million and the disease will bring on the greatest disaster in human history. Of the world’s sexually active adults aged 15 to 49, 1 in 100 has already been infected with HIV. Of these, only 1 in 10 realizes that he or she is infected. In some parts of Africa, 25 percent of the adults are infected.
Since the beginning of the spread of AIDS in 1981, about 11.7 million people have died of it. It is roughly calculated that in 1997 alone, about 2,3 million people died of it. Nevertheless, there are fresh reasons for optimism in the battle against AIDS. During the past few years, there has been a drop in new AIDS cases in wealthy nations. In addition, promising drugs hold out hope of better health and longer life.
61. By telling the story of Karen, the author intends to .
A. warn people against high risk behaviors B. stress the importance of medical tests
C. express sympathy for AIDS victims D. show the consequences of AIDS
62. The underlined part in Paragraph 1 most probably means “ ”.
A. were lucky in having B. were asked to adopt
C. regretted having D. gave birth to
63. Bill was suspected of being infected with HIV after .
A. he got married to Karen
B. the family members were tested
C. Karen persuaded him to see the doctor
D. he found something wrong with his tongue
64. It can be concluded from the passage that .
A. promising drugs will soon stop AIDS
B. the spread of AIDS could be controlled
C. it is hopeless to win the battle against AIDS
D. the death rate of AIDS patients has been reduced
Almost every child is scared of something, from monsters in the cupboard to dogs in the park. But the fact that such fears are common and normal doesn’t mean they can be taken lightly. Kids experience fears and phobias (恐惧症) much more strongly than adults. And the influence of the fear can be physical as well as psychological (心理的). It can build up so they almost seem scared of everything — a kind of childhood anxiety. Dr. Creswell says: “Your child may always seem to expect the worst to happen and lack confidence in his or her ability to deal with any challenge.” So don’t make the same old mistake of treating them as if they’re silly for being a “scaredy cat”. Handling the fears is essential.
Children can be born nervous and., if you have such a baby, you’ll tend to prevent them from getting worried. So if they fear dogs, you’ll keep them away from dogs, but in fact that can just confirm to the child that dogs are scary. What is worse, keeping your child away from what they fear can turn that feeling into a phobia. Instead, you should encourage them to get in touch with the thing they fear, in a safe and supportive environment. Dr. Andy Field, a researcher of childhood fears, says: “You shouldn’t force, for example, a dog anxious child to go up to a dog. But you can approach it yourself, show them there is nothing to be afraid of, stroke (抚摸) it, and talk about the dog being friendly. Once your child dares to stroke a dog — one that’s good with children, of course — then you should encourage them to carry on until they feel calmer, and reward them for ‘being brave’.”
69. Children’s fears are usually taken lightly because .
A. they will not develop into phobias B. their influence is psychological
C. they exist widely in the world D. they will disappear gradually
70. If we fail to help children to overcome fears, they will .
A. make the same old mistake B. overcome them by themselves
C. experience the worst of things D. grow up lacking self-confidence
71. According to Dr. Andy Field, if a child is afraid of a cat, parents should .
A. tell the child not to be afraid of it B. show the child how to approach it
C. keep the child away from it D. ask the child to stroke it




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