
中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

时态 不定式
主动/被动 动名词
主动/被动 现在分词
一般时 to do / to be done doing / being done doing / being done
完成时 to have done /
to have been done having done / having been done having done / having been done
进行时 to be doing
完成进 行 to have been doing
① 非谓语动词的否定式中not前置与非谓语动词。
② 非谓语动词在固定搭配中的使用。
③ 非谓语动词的时态语态在语境中的使用。
④ 动名词和不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。
⑤ 不定式中to的省略。
⑥ 不定式和动名词作结果状语、主语、宾语、宾补时含义上的区别。
⑦ 动名词的复合结构。
⑧ 独立主格结构的运用。
① 非谓语动词作不同句子成分的用法,寻找非谓语动词的逻辑主语来确定非谓语动词的形式。
② 非谓语动词在特定动词后面、词组中的搭配使用,尤其是用不定式和动名词作宾语的区别。
③ 状语从句省略为连词+非谓语动词结构。
④ 独立主格结构的构成、非谓语动词在独立主格结构中的形式、悬垂结构考查不多,应适当注意
[例1] (2005江西高考)
_____ and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease, the patient sought her doctor’s help to end her life.
A. Having given hope of cure
B. With no hope for cure
C. There being hope for cure
D. In the hope of cure
[互动] 本题考查根据句意正确选择状语。从后半句“病人寻求医生的帮助来结束生命”说明其原因是“没有治愈的希望”,由此判断A、C、D意思都不合题意,只有B表示否定“没有希望”,符合题意。
[例2] What is the way George thought of _____ enough money to buy the computer?
A. to get B. getting C. having got D. being got
[互动]考查学生突破定向思维的能力的同时考查非谓语动词用法。解本题的关键在于要看出题干中的“非直接相邻”现象,不能看到of就认为后面应该跟动名词,而要意识到George thought of是the way的第一个定语,第二个定语是个动词不定式,被George thought of隔开了,应该是“George想到的得到足够的钱买电脑的办法”。
[小结] 出题者有意把两个看似完全不相干的词放在一起作为选项,或者让题干中的词与选项中的词的搭配看上去完全不相干,有时出题人把宾语提前,使谓语与其他成分相连,这种情况在测试题中比较常见,解这些题目要打破定向思维。
1. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _____ whether he was going in the right direction.
A. seeing B. having seen
C. to have seen D. to see
2. I send you 100 dollars today, the rest _____ in a year.(2005湖南高考)
A. follows B. followed
C. to follow D. being followed
3. ---- You should have thanked her before you left.
---- I meant _____, but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.
A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing to
4. When we got back home, I saw a message pinned to the door _____ “Sorry to miss you. I’ll call late.”
A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading
5. With a lot of difficult problems_____, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.
A. settled B. settling
C. to settle D. being settled
6. Prices of daily goods _____ through a computer can be lower than store prices.
A. are bought B. bought
C. been bought D. buying
7. The repairs cost a lot, but it’s money well _____.(2005湖北高考)
A. to spend B. spent
C. being spent D. spending
8. With his money _____, he couldn’t go home.
A. leaving B. missed
C. running out D. run out
9. He hurried to the hospital ____ his breakfast ____.
A. left; unfinished B. leaving; unfinished
C. leaving; unfinished D. left; unfinishing
10. _____ the children the way she does, Sue should become a teacher.
A. Liking B. Liked C. Like D. To like
11. Finding her car stolen, _____.
A. a policeman was asked to help
B. the area was searched thoroughly
C. it was looked for everywhere
D. she hurried to a policeman
12. _____ here in time, they came _____ all the way.
A. Getting; running B. To get; running
C. To get; to run D. Getting; to run
13. At the end of 2002, there were around 3,000 foreign printing companies in China, _____ up around 2 percent of national total.
A. made B. to make C. making D. having made
14. The doctor examined him carefully, only _____ his illness was serious.
A. find B. to find C. finding D. found
15. Daddy didn’t mind what we were doing, as long as we were together, _____ fun.(2005重庆高考)
A. had B. have C. to have D. having
16. To get a better view of the stage, _____.
A. our seats had to be changed
B. our seats were changed
C. we had to change our seats
D. we have to changed our seat
17. ---- What should I do with this passage?
---- _____ the main idea of each paragraph.(2005重庆高考)
A. Finding out B. Found out
C. Find out D. To find out
18. ---- Do you have anything more _____, sir?
---- No. You can have a rest or do something else.
A. typing B. to be typed C. typed D. to type
19. He let me repeat his instruction _____ sure that I understood what was _____ after he went away.
A. to make; to be done B. making; doing
C. to make; to do D. making; to do
20. You can never imagine what great trouble I have had _____ him to stop smoking.
A. persuading B. promising C. making D. having
21. _____ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.
A. The president will attend
B. The president to attend
C. The president attended
D. The president’s attending
22. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ______ it more difficult.
A. not make B. not to make
C. not making D. do not make
23. When _____ help, one often says “Thank you” or “It’s very kind of you”.(2005福建高考)
A. offering B. to offer
C. to be offered D. offered
24. I found the German language hard _____.
A. to learn B. to be learned
C. learning D. learned
25. He glanced over at her, _____ that though she was thin, she seemed very well put together.(2005广东高考)
A. noting B. noted
C. to note D. having noted
26. It had no other effect except _____ him all the anxieties.
A. make B. making C. to make D. made
27. ---- Can the project be finished as planned?
---- Sure, _____ it completed in time, we’ll work two more hours a day.(2005福建高考)
A. having got B. to get
C. getting D. get
28. ---- Why haven’t you bought any butter?
---- I _____ to but I forgot all about it.
A. liked B. wished C. meant D. expected.
29. He was reading a very interesting story, completely ____¬_ to the outside world.
A. losing B. being lost
C. to be lost D. lost
30. It’s necessary to be prepared for a job interview. ____ the answers ready will be of great help.(2005北京高考)
A. To have had B. Having had
C. Have D. Having
31. The party was successful, but we thought it a pity not _____ you.
A. invite B. to invite
B. inviting D. to have invited
32. ---- Li Ming is said _____ abroad. Do you know what country he is in?
---- Yes, in Britain.
A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying
C. to have been studied
33. _____ here at the top of the mountain with no one else near you must be very lonely.
A. Live B. Living C. To live D. To be living
34. Wenhui Daily, a local newspaper in Hongkong, _____ on April 2nd that the famous singer and actor Zhang Guorong killed himself the day before.
A. writing B. wrote C. saying D. said
35. The military actions against Iraq, _____ despite opposition from most countries and people across the world, broke the international law.
A. turned out B. carried out
C. coming out D. taking out
36. The water tower _____ now near the broadcasting station is _____ soon.
A. to be put up; completed
B. being put up; to be completed
C. to be put up; being completed
D. being put up; being completed
37. When asked by the police, he said that he remembered _____ at the party, but not _____.(2005北京高考)
A. to arrive; leaving B. to arrive; to leave
C. arriving; leaving D. arriving; to leave
38. I carefully poured the liquid into the water, my classmates _____ anxiously beside me to see what would happen.
A. stood B. standing C. to stand D. were standing
39. Mr. Smith flew to New York this morning, his assistant ______ him there this Saturday.
A. joining B. to join
C. will join D. wants to join
40. _____ and out of breath, we reached the top of the mountain and stopped _____ the beautiful scenery.
A. Tiring; to admire B. Being tired; admiring
C. Tired; to admire D. Tired; admiring
41. _____ around Tian’anmen Square, the tourists were taken to visit the Palace Museum.
A. Showing B. Having shown
C. Being shown D. Having been shown
42. Unfortunately he fell over some bricks _____ lying on the ground.
A. left B. having left C. leaving D. to leave
43. They were not yet aware of the hopelessness of their situation, _____ the lack of fresh water on the lifeboat.
A. giving B. given C. to give D. being given
44. ____ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice. (2005北京春招)
A. To face B. Having faced
C. Faced D. Facing
45. ---- Shall we discuss the problem at the meeting today?
---- We’d better not. _____, the problem isn’t so burning. What’s more, the manager won’t be back until tomorrow.
A. Begun with B. Beginning with
C. To begin with D. Being begun with
46. The world Trade Organization finally opened its door to China on November 10, _____ a 15-year wait.
A. to end B. ended C. ending D. ends
47. The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life _____ an ugly-looking goat tied to a tree in a field nearby.
A. is B. being C. was D. be
48. It was _____ computer games that took the boy a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his lessons.
A. to have played B. playing
C. played D. having played
49. _____ on a park bench and _____ the brightly colored leaves _____ gently to the ground, he felt at peace with the world.
A. Sitting; watching; fall B. To sit; watch; falling
C. Sitting; watching; to fall
D. To sit; watching; falling
50. ---- What do you think made the girl so glad?
---- _____ a beautiful necklace.
A. As she received B. Receiving
C. Received D. Because of receiving
51. What do you think _____ to make himself _____?
A. Bob will say; believe B. will Bob say; believe
C. Bob will say; believed D. will Bob say; believe
52. How many of us _____, say, a meeting that is not important to us would be interested in the discussion?
A. attended B. to attended C. attending
D. have attended
53. A new garden, _____ near our school, will be under construction soon.
A. said to have been built B. said to be built
C. said to be building D. said to build
54. With the weather conditions _____, they flew to London immediately.
A. considered B. considering
C. to consider D. to be considered
55. _____ Sunday, rather than _____ at home, I preferred _____.
A. It being; stay; to travel
B. Being; to stay; to travel
C. Having been; stay; travel
D. It was; to stay; traveling
56. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan points out that, _____, the situation will get worse and worse in the Middle East.
A. if not dealing with properly
B. if not properly dealt with
C. unless dealing with properly
D. until properly dealt with
57. I am sorry. I can’t help ______ the floor of the waiting room.
A. swept B. sweeping C. to sweep D. to sweeping
58. People in developed countries are supposed _____ more healthy food before than they have today.
A. to be having B. to have C. having
D. to have had
专题10 单项填空 非谓语动词
1-5. DCBDC 6-10. BBCBA 11-15. DBCBA 16-20. CDBAA 21-25. DBAAA 26-30. CBCDC
31-35. DCBDB 36-40. BABBC 41-45. DBBCC 46-50. CBBAB 51-55. CCBAA 56-58. BCD
1. 考查非谓语动词在固定句型中的使用。as if后面可直接跟不定式,但不能接动词-ing形式,故排除A、B两项,而动词不定式的完成时表示过去完成了的动作,不合本题意,因此也可排除。as if = as though“好象”,后跟宾语从句时可根据具体情况使用陈述语气或虚拟语气。
2. 此题考查谓语动词与非谓语动词的辨析,还要理清句子结构。that前是个主句,that引导的是个定语从句,其先行词是a site,在定语从句中many people think是插入语,空格处是谓语部分。插入语经常被出题人放在题目中,使句子复杂化,增加句子的难度,做题时可以把插入语去掉,便于理解句子结构。
3. 本题在考查非谓语动词的同时,考查mean的用法。mean后面既可以跟动名词也可以跟不定式做宾语。mean to do表示“打算做某事”,而mean doing“意味着(做)某事”,还要注意meant过去式表示过去的打算或有意的行为,肯定式表示过去未能实现的计划或打算,而否定式表示过去并非有意要做的事情。本题意思是“我想跟她道谢来着,但走的时候没找到她”,简略回答时,不定式后的动词可省。mean还有“卑鄙的;吝啬的”之意,是阅读中常见的一个词,如:a mean trick(卑劣的把戏)。
4. 考查非谓语动词做定语的用法。表示文字材料上“写着…”或仪表仪器上面的“读数是…”,常用read或say,是及物动词。在本题中reading做message的后置定语,中间的pinned to the door是saw复合结构中的宾补。pin to“钉在…上”,用介词to,类似的有tie to, fasten to“系在…上;拴在…上”
5. 考查非谓语动词作宾补。with后面跟复合结构作状语,宾语a lot of difficult problems与宾补settle之间是动宾关系,在此结构中用不定式的主动表示被动。本句意思是“有许多难题要解决,新当选的总统日子不好过”。如用with a lot of difficult problems settled则表示“许多问题已经解决”。
6. 考查句子结构和非谓语动词的用法。分析句子可见已有谓语动词can be,因此排除A,然后应该知道是考查非谓语动词做后置定语,看被修饰的词daily goods与动词buy之间是被动关系,因此排除D,因为过去分词做定语时本身已表示被动,因此不再需要被动结构,故再排除C。
7. 考查非谓语动词及其逻辑主语。分词做状语时,要与句子的主语是逻辑上的主谓关系,除非是独立主格结构。句中分词putting的逻辑主语是Nancy。put away“收拾好;把收起来”,give away“赠送”。
8. 考查非谓语动词做宾语补足语。with后面接复合宾语结构,本题中应该用现在分词作宾补,因为his money与run out之间是主动关系,run out“用完;耗尽”。表示“用尽;用完”的还有give out,无被动,如:Both my strength and money gave out.
9. 本题考查非谓语动词的用法。句中的谓语动词是hurried,且后面没有其它连词,故不能有两个谓语动词,因此left不可能是过去时,而应该是过去分词,故排除A、D两项。其次还考查了leave+宾语+宾补,unfinish与break之间是被动关系,应用过去分词作宾补。
10. 本题考查非谓语动词做状语的情况。从句意可知“Sue如此喜欢小孩子,她应该成为一名教师”,首先排除C,动词原形不能做状语,再排除D,因为“做教师”不是为了“喜欢孩子”,而不定式做状语常表示目的,最后排除B,因为like与句子的主语Sue之间是主动关系,不能用过去分词。
11. 非谓语动词做状语时,一定要注意其逻辑主语就是句子的主语,否则就是个错句。题干中的状语Finding的逻辑主语是车主she,因此完全可以一下子排除A、B、C。
12. 考查不定式和现在分词作状语时的不同含义。“他们一路奔跑,为的是及时赶到这里”,不定式作目的状语,现在分词作伴随状语。
13. 分析句子结构可知逗号后面应该是个结果状语,因此排除D,再看make与foreign printing companies之间是主谓关系,make当然用主动形式,故排除A,因为动词不定式做状语常表示意外的结果,故排除B,所以句中的making up around 2 percent of national total = which make up…这样一个非限定性定语从句。再如:
European football is played in 80 countries, _____ it the most popular sport in the world.
A. making B. makes C. made D. to make
14. 不定式作状语和动名词作结果状语意义是不同的。不定式作状语常表示意外的结果,而动名词常表示自然的结果。本句意思是“医生仔细给他检查了,发现他的病很严重”。再如:He got to the station only _____ the train had gone.
A. and told B. telling C. told D. to be told
15. 解析 what he could后省略了do,what引导的是宾语从句。不定式to help作目的状语,表示“尽力帮助某人”经常用do what one can to help sb.或do all/everything (that) one can to help sb.
16. 当不定式做状语时,不定式的逻辑主语应该与句子的主语一致,因此可以排除A、B两项,至于D,have to后面应该跟动词原形。
17. 本题考查不定式作目的状语。本句有make use of的被动语态,要突破定向思维,不能以为空格处是个of的宾语。本句的主动式是:We must make full use of every minute to do our lessons.
18. 在have something to do句型中,不定式与其修饰的名词或代词有动宾关系,同时又与句中的另一名词或代词有主谓关系,这时,不定式要用主动表示被动,如You need something to eat中的不定式是to eat是由you发出的动作,是主谓关系,用主动表被动。然而,当找不到能与不定式构成主谓关系的主语时,就要用被动式,如题干中,由上下文可知,第一句中的you并非type的主语,因此用被动,再如I’m going home. Do you have anything to be taken home?也是如此,take的主语不是you。
19. 考查动词不定式。选项中有两个是不定式,两个是现在分词,题干中“他让我重复他的说明来确信我知道他离开后要做些什么事”,因此前面的空格缺少的是动作的目的而不是伴随状态,很容易就排除B、D两项,后半句的主语what是要做的事情,动词不定式应该用被动形式。be to结构表示将来的动作,有“计划、打算、命令、义务、命中注定”之意。
20. 考查对固定词组在复杂句子结构中使用。本题考查的是固定词组have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.这一用法,难点是这一词组在题干中进行了变形,trouble提前做了先行词,而have放在了后面的定语从句中作了谓语,但结构的搭配和用法没有改变,相当于I have had great trouble persuading him to stop smoking,其次动词persuading表示“说服”,强调结果,C、D是搭配错误,其后不能用带to的动词不定式做宾补,promising是意思不符合题意。try to persuade = advice“尽力去说服(但不一定成功)”
21. 考查对句子结构的分析能力。分析句子成分可知,题干中的主语尚未完整,先排除A、C两项,因为陈述句作主语时得用That来引导,构成主语从句。再排除B,因为这是个由不定式作后置定语的名词,而句子的意思是“总统亲自参加会议(这件事)让大家深受鼓舞”,因此主语应该是个事件,只有D项动名词短语在结构和意义上都适合这个句子。that引导名词性从句时,除宾语从句外,都不能省。
22. 考查动词不定式做表语。从结构上看有两个不定式做表语,而且逻辑上是转折意义,因此,后面一个用否定形式。with/for the purpose of“以…为目的”,on purpose“故意”
23. 考查不定式符号to后面动词的省略现象。有时为了避免重复,可以用to来代替前面的不定式,这种情况还常出现在下列动词后:expect, prefer, care, mean, forget, want, wish, hope, try以及be glad/happy等后面。但如果在省略的不定式结构中有be, have, have been等词,这些词要保留,如:
---- Are you on holidays? ---- No, but I ‘d like to.
---- I didn’t tell him the news. ---- Oh, you ought to have.
本题把答语补全就是No, even though I am invited to go.然后根据语法规则变成省略句,将I am和不定式符号后的部分省略。even though = even if“即使”,as though = as if“好像”。
24. 本题考查动词不定式的主动表被动这一用法。当动词不定式作后置定语时,不定式的动词与前面所修饰的名词之间有动宾关系,又与该句主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系时,不定式主动表被动;不定式作表语形容词的状语,和句中主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,也要主动表被动。本题属于后者。另一结构:I find it hard to do…,其中it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。
25. prove后既可跟不定式to be,又可直接跟形容词作表语。而选项B在时态上不合要求。其次,本题中的it是确指某一事物,而不是形式主语,因此prove在这里是系动词的用法,不用被动语态,而如果it作形式主语,那么prove常用被动语态,如:It is proved to be true that this matter is difficult to deal with.
26. 当except、but、save、than、as等连词前面有do动词时,后面接不带to的动词不定式,否则,后面接带to的动词不定式。如:
I have no choice but to wait for him at the very place.
Yesterday he did nothing except see a film.
27. 有些动词,像ask ,tell, try, need, want, wish, expect, hope, like, hate, love, know, care, prefer, mean等,当不定式作它们的谓语、宾语、补语时,为避免重复,常省去与前面动词一致的动词原形,而保留不定式符号,如:
He can go if he wishes to.
I would mend your radio, but I don’t know how to.
28. liked, wished, meant和 expected 都可后接动词不定式作宾语,但从提供的情况分析,是打算买而没买,应填meant。mean to do sth.:打算做某事;mean doing sth:意味着做某事。
29. 过去分词表状态,整个分词短语作状语,对句子的动作作说明。A是及物动词转换来的现在分词,但缺宾语。B是现在分词的被动式,表动作在进行,意思不对;C是不定式,表示将要发生的动作,意思也不对。再如:
______ at failing in the math exam, John wouldn’t like to talk about it to his parents.
A. Disappointed B. To be disappointed C. Disappointing D. Having disappointed
30. burn在此是不及物动词“燃烧”,而lock是及物动词,因此分别用现在分词和过去分词作宾补和表语。
31. 根据题意是指过去的事情,因此用不定式的完成式来表示过去的动作。再如:
Charles Babbage is generally considered ______ the first computer. (NMET 1993)
A. to invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. having invented
32. 根据后面的he is in可以推断是指现在的动作或状态,因此不定式要用进行时,to be studying。
33. 分析句子结构可知本句已有谓语动词,但主语部分不完整,首先排除A,因为动词不能作主语,其次,动名词和不定式都可以作主语,动名词作主语时表示一般或抽象的多次的行为,不定式作主语往往表示具体的或一次性的动作。从本题来看主语是个抽象概念“独居山顶,周围没有一个人(这样的生活)”,因此用动名词living比较合适。D用的是不定式的进行时,表示正在进行的动作与句子意思不符。
34. 首先分析本题的句子结构,发现空格处应该是谓语动词,因此排除A、C。其次区别动词的含义,表示报纸、牌示、仪表盘等等“说;指示着”一般用say,因此选D。表示文字材料上“写着…”或仪表仪器上面的“读数是…”,还可用read,是及物动词。再如:
When we got back home, I saw a message pinned to the door ______ “Sorry to miss you. I’ll call later.”
A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading
35. 本题在辨析动词词组的同时考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知空格处并非谓语动词,而是作为主语the military actions的补充说明,“不顾世界上绝大多数国家和人民的反对而进行”,根据意思应该用carry out,而turn out“结果是”,come out“出来;(真相)大白;出版”等,take out“取出”,这三个选项都不合题意。carried out = which were carried out非限定性定语从句。
36. 根据句中的now,可以断定the water tower是正在进行建造,而且是被动语态,应该用现在分词的被动语态,而谓语动词部分是be to结构表示将来时,to后面是不定式的被动语态,因为complete和the water tower之间是动宾结构,而the water tower是主语。动词不定式作定语通常表示尚未进行的动作,而现在分词作定语表示正在进行或已经发生的动作。再如:
If the building project ______ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will be fined.
A. to be completed B. is completed C. being completed D. completed
37. 根据句子意思“这种病如果不治疗的话能导致彻底失明”。if left untreated = if it is left untreated,是状语从句中的省略现象。
when, while, as, before, after, till, until, once等引导的时间状语从句
if, unless, whether等引导的条件状语从句
though, although, even if, whatever等引导的让步状语从句
as, than引导的比较状语从句
as, as if, as though引导的方式状语从句
当so或not代替上文内容,此时可有if + so/not句式
连词(as, as if, once)+名词
连词(though, whether, when)+形容词
连词(whether, as if, while)+介词短语
连词(when, while, though)+现在分词
连词(when, if, even if, unless, once, until, than, as)+过去分词
连词(as if, as though)+不定式
e.g. Once (he was) a teacher, he now works in a government office.
Work hard when (you are) young, or you’ll regret.
He looked everywhere as if (he was) in search of something.
While (I was) walking along the street, I heard my name called.
The exhibition is more interesting than (it was) expected.
He opened his lips as if (he were) to speak.
Her father told her to be careful when (she was) crossing the street.
Unless (it is) necessary, you’d better not refer to the dictionary.
Get up early tomorrow. If not (= If you don’t get up early), you will miss the first bus.
He may not be at home then, if so (= if he is not at home), leave him a note.
38. 本题考查独立主格结构。独立主格结构是由“逻辑上的主语+逻辑上的谓语部分”构成。逻辑上的谓语包括:现在分词、过去分词、不定式短语、介词短语等。分析句子结构,句子的前半部分已经有了主谓宾,因此后半部分是作状语,又因为my classmates不是整个句子的主语,因此用现在分词的独立主格结构,因为stand的逻辑主语是my classmates。本句意思是“我小心地把液体倒进水中,我的同学们焦急地站在旁边等着看会有什么情况发生”。再如:
The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, ______.
A. her long hair flowed in the breeze B. her long hair was flowing in the breeze
C. her long hairs were flowing in the breeze D. her long hair flowing in the breeze
39. 后半句是个独立主格结构, A项表示正在进行的动作,不符题意;B项表示将要发生的动作,是正确答案;C、D是后半部分成了句子,但又缺少连词,故均错了。
40. 前半部分是形容词化了的过去分词tired和介词短语out of breath作状语,后面是不定式作目的状语。
41. 本题“被带领着参观了天安门广场,游客们又被带着去参观了颐和园”,强调动作发生的先后顺序,因此用完成时较合适,而且是被动语态。
42. 分析句子结构可以知道some bricks后面应该是个定语,leave后面可以跟复合宾语,leave sb./sth. doing表示“使某人/某物保持某种动作/状态”,本题中的some bricks是leave的宾语,因此过去分词作定语表示被动,而且用完成时态来表示动作发生在fell over这一动作之前,having left = which have been left。再如:
Taj majal, ______ by Shah Jahan for his wife, is thought to be one of the great architectural wonders of the world.
A. being built B. was built C. to have been built D. built
43. 过去分词given可以引导一个短语,通常在句中作状语,意思为:“在…的情况下,考虑到…”,相当于Considering …短语作状语。类似的还有Judging by, Generally speaking等,这种结构叫悬垂结构。如:
_____ the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.
A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given
再如:Given his poor English, it’s better to let him live with the foreign students.
44. “陷入沉思”deep in thought,因此排除B、D,“看到某人坐着”see sb. sitting或see sb. seated,因为sit是不及物动词,seat是及物动词,常用seat oneself。
45. 根据上下文的意思,这个问题最好不要在今天的会议上讨论,因为该问题不是那么burning“紧急;要紧”, to begin with通常用来陈述理由,表示“首先;第一”。
46. 动名词结果状语,表示自然而然的结果。
47. 分析句子结构发现句子的主、谓、宾已经齐备,那么空格处应该是状语的一部分,只有being是非谓语动词,在这里是现在分词的独立主格结构。
48. 这是个强调句,动名词短语是被强调的主语,表示一般性的或抽象的行为。
49. 分析句子成分知道句子的前半部分是状语,sitting和watching是and连接的两个状语,逻辑主语是句子的主语he,第三个空格则是watch复合宾语中的不带to的不定式作宾补。
50. 根据提问的疑问代词what,因此答语部分应该是个能作主语的短语或句子,只有receiving合适。
51. 本句前半部分是个双重疑问句,用宾语从句的语序,后半部分的不定式to make是目的状语,make后面用过去分词作宾补,因为believe与himself之间是被动关系,本句意思是“你认为Bob会说些什么来使大家相信他?”。
52. 首先要理清句子结构,因为较为复杂,我们可以将其简单化变成How many of us would be interested in the discussion?那么us后面应该是个定语,say是个插入语,出席会议的我们us attending a meeting,而meeting后面又是一个that引导的定语从句。
53. said过去分词短语作主语a new garden的补充说明,从will be under construction soon可知a new garden尚未开始,因此A、C用的不定式时态错误,D的语态错误。
54. 本句with结构中应该用过去分词作宾补,因为consider和the weather conditions之间是被动关系,“考虑到天气原因”。
55. 理顺句子结构和语序是解题的关键。考查prefer to do… rather than do…结构,本句中rather than前置了,但搭配不变,因此可以排除B、C、D,It being Sunday是独立主格作原因状语。
56. 状语从句的省略形式,if not properly dealt with = if it isn’t properly dealt with。详见37题解释。再如:
When ______ about her result of the English exam, the girl ______.
A. asked; burst into tears B. being asked; burst into laughter
C. he was asked; kept crying D. asked; kept her word
57. 考查相似短语或搭配的含义及使用。有时同学们会牢记一些特殊的词组和搭配而忽视最基本的用法,本题就是一例。can’t help doing和can’t help but do是两个较特殊的词组,意思是“不由得;不得不”,如果没有仔细审题就受到这两个词组的影响,那么很有可能会选B,而实际上本题考查的是help的基本用法help to do“帮忙做某事”。help作为动词,还有“有帮助;(药物等)有效;缓和”,如:
Crying won’t help, you know.
This medicine will help (your headache).
58. 本题结合动词搭配考查非谓语动词。后面的before说明应该用不定式的完成时来表示过去的动作。本句意思是“有人认为,发达国家的人们过去比现在有更健康的食物”。




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