新课标模块8 Unit 1 A land of diversity 教学设计(新课标版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

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About the topic and the structures
单元话题和结构 本单元主要围绕具有多元文化的美国这一主题展开,重点介绍了加利福尼亚的多元文化特征,使学生对加州移民有深入了解并认识到“美国是民族的熔炉”。通过本单元学习,培养学生跨文化交际意识,进一步拓宽视野,为终身学习奠定良好基础。通过本单元的语言技能训练,要求学生掌握书面表达中如何使用“方向和位置(direction and position)来介绍一个地方或描述一个事件,以及鼓励别人说话的方法。
Period 1
阅读课 Warming Up 课本用一幅美国地图启发学生运用他们已有的知识,以看图填充形式引导学生对美国的地理位置有个全面的认识,同时有助于学生弄清楚加利福尼亚州在美国所处的位置,美国西部山脉、五大湖、最长河流及主要城市等。让学生通过英文释义得出具体地名然后填图,有利于培养学生用英文思维的能力。教师也可以采用本书提供的Warming up by talking about California进行热身活动。
Pre-reading 通过Pre-reading by discussing,学生观察图片(包括“阅读”部分的图),叙述加州的土著人、金矿工和中国城的情况,进行讨论,为后面的阅读做铺垫。
Reading 介绍了加利福尼亚州的美洲土著人、西班牙人、俄罗斯人、金矿工人、后来移民、最近移民与未来移民,使学生进一步认识到加州是一个多民族、多文化的地方,并对加州的变化、发展过程有了更深的了解。教师可以参考使用本书提供的下列程序:Reading for forms; copying and making sentences; transferring information; reading the text again to draw a diagram of it and retell the story in your own words; closing down by writing a history account 帮助学生从形式到内容两方面掌握课文、活用课文。
Period 2
Learning about language
知识课 Learning about Language 课堂辅导应该贯彻讲练结合,精讲多练的原则,教师的讲解应该帮助学生比较确切地了解语法规则的概念、结构和用法,要突出语法现象中的难点、疑点和重点。适量的练习可以帮助学生在语言实际的实践中逐步掌握符合语法规则的语言表达方式。教师可以参考使用本书提供的下列程序: Warming up by talking about Hollywood; Learning about English word formation and discovering useful words and collocations; Revising Noun Clauses ; Closing down by watching The Incredibles, a Hollywood movie
Period 3
Using language
运用课 Using Language课本围绕加利福尼亚州这个话题设计练习。”Listening and speaking”练习形式活泼多样,有听录音、填写明信片、填写表格、讨论、问答活动等,容易使学生产生身临其境之感。此外,练习还要求学生变换角色编对话,增强语言的交际性。“Reading and writing”部分以“George’s diary”为主线设计了丰富多彩的练习,使人目睹加州美丽的自然风光和人文景观,领略加州文化。本部分把读、写有机地结合在一起,并注重培养学生的语篇意识,注重学生综合语言运用能力的提高。建议教师参考使用本书提供的下列程序进行教学: Warming up by listening and reading aloud; Reading for forms; Copying and making sentences; Making sentences of Noun Clauses ; Closing down by reading and writing travel diaries。
Period 1
将Warming Up、 Pre-reading、Reading和Comprehending整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。
Period 2 将Learning about language 和Workbook中的 USING WORDS AND COLLOCATIONS、USING STRUCTURES 整合在一起上一节“语言知识课”。
Period 3 将Using language 设计为一节包括听说读写单项技能或组合技能训练的“综合技能课(一)”。
Period 4 将Workbook 的READING AND LISTENING和TALKING整合在一起上一节“听说课”。
Section 1
背景 围绕单元话题“Festival around the world”,《金色教案》提供了几则语言规范、短小精干的趣味性材料。这些材料既可以作为教师教学参考材料为教师所用,也可以直接或改写、重组后作为课堂内外的拓展性阅读材料呈现给学生。
Section 2
解析 重点针对“阅读课型”中的课文难句,《金色教案》不仅提供了详尽的,就句论句的解析和翻译,而且还以解析的焦点话题为线索,进行了一定的归纳、辨析和总结,以帮助教师更好地实施“语言形式”的教学。
Section 3
词汇 按照课本单元词汇表顺序,《金色教案》重点提供动词、短语搭配的讲解。所提供的例句,经典、地道、实用、易懂,完全可以直接用于教学。
Period 1 A sample lesson plan for reading
In this period, after the warming up, students will be guided to pre-read by discussing, read for forms, copy and make sentences. Then they shall read the text to transfer information. Next they will read the text again to draw a diagram of it and retell the story in their own words. The period will end by students writing a history account.
To help students understand the text’s forms and contents and learn about a land of diversity
To help students communicate on the topic in focus with the words, collocations and structures learned in this unit
Words illustrate, indicate, swap, slip, hire, insert, react
Collocations by means of, occur to, team up with, mark out, take in, a great many
Patterns 1. Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California, no one really knows.
2. However, in 1846 the United States declared war on Mexico and after it lost the war, Mexico had to give California to the United States.
3. Although Chinese immigrants began to arrive during the Gold Rush Period, it was the building of the railway from the west to the east coast that brought even larger numbers to California in the 1860s.
4.Now that you have read the text, you know a lot more about the pictures on pages 1-3.
Multimedia facilities, tape-recorder, photos, diagrams
1. Warming up by talking about California
California is a state located on the west coast of the United States. It is by far the most populous state in the U.S., as well as the most physically diverse, with the highest and the lowest points in the lower 48 states located within 150 miles of each other. If California were an independent nation, it would have the fifth largest economy in the world (after the rest of the U.S., Japan, Germany, and Britain; see economy of California). The state's official nickname is "The Golden State" in reference to California's 1849 Gold Rush. [1] California's U.S. postal abbreviation is CA, and its Associated Press abbreviation is Calif.
2. Pre-reading by discussing
Look at the pictures on page 1. Discuss them in pairs.
The famous Hollywood sign, a symbol of the city's world famous entertainment culture.
Silicon Valley is a commonly used nickname for the southern part of the San Francisco Bay Area in northern California, USA, originally referring to the concentration of silicon chip innovators and manufacturers, but eventually becoming a metaphor for the entire concentration of high tech businesses.
3. Reading for forms
Read the text to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful collocations.
4. Copying and making sentences
A collocation is two or more words that often go together. These combinations just sound "right" to native English speakers, who use them all the time.
Then how to learn collocations?
• Be aware of collocations, and try to recognize them when you see or hear them.
• When you learn a new word, write down other words that collocate with it.
• Read as much as possible. Reading is an excellent way to learn vocabulary and collocations in context and naturally.
• Revise what you learn regularly. Practice using new collocations in context as soon as possible after learning them.
While going over the text, try to recognize the collocations, treat them as single blocks of language and copy them out into your Collocation Book.
Useful collocations from CALIFORNIA
the third largest state in the USA美国第三大州, have the largest population人口最多, the most multicultural state in the US 美国最具多元文化的州, know the history of California了解加州的历史, at various times 在不同的时代, attract… from… 吸引了来自……的…, it is likely that… 很有可能……, at least fifteen thousand years ago 至少在15,000年以前, by means of… 通过……, a land bridge 大陆桥, exist in prehistoric times史前时期曾经存在过, in the 16th century 在16世纪,after the arrival of … 在……来到……之后, force… into slavery 迫使……成奴隶, in addition 此外, die from… 死于……, survive the terrible times 经历着些恐怖时期而活了下来, be ruled by… 被……所统治, in the early 16th century 在16世纪初期, fight against…与……打仗, take the land 夺去了土地, two centuries later 两个世纪以后, along the northwest coast of… 在……西北沿海地区, religious men 宗教人士, teach the Catholic religion to… 向……传授天主教, gain one’s independence from… 从……获得了独立, declare war on… 向……宣战, lose the war 战败, a strong…influence in… 在……仍保持……的影响, over 40% of … 有40%多的……, speak…as a first or second language 把……作为第一或第二语言, in the early 1800s 在19世纪初期, live in and around… 住在……及附近, the dream of becoming rich quickly 发财梦, achieve one’s dream of becoming rich 圆了发财梦, make a life for oneself 过自己的生活, become the thirty-first state 成为第31个州, a multicultural society一个多元文化的社会, during the Gold Rush Period在淘金热时期, from the west to the east coast 从西海岸到东海岸,bring even larger numbers to…吸引了更大批量的……到……, a large percentage 很大比例, stay in the “Chinatowns” of…… 住在……的“中国城”, establish a town of one’s own建立了他们自己的城镇, keep up one’s culture 保持着自己的文化, establish the film industry 建立的电影行业, have the second largest Jewish population 拥有第二大的犹太人口, at the beginning of the 20th century 在20世纪初期, work in the ship and aircraft industries 在船厂和飞机厂工作, in more recent decades 在最近的几十年里, since its beginning in the 1970 从20世纪70年代开始, the mix of nationalities 多种国籍的混合, major racial or cultural groups主要的种族或文化群体, a mixture of many races and cultures多种族、多文化的混合体
5. Transferring information
Now you are going to the text again to note down the most important events in the California history.
Native Americans Native Americans living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago; crossing the Bering Strait from Asia to Alaska by
means of a land bridge; in the 16th century the native People suffering greatly
The Spanish In the18th century, California being ruled by Spain; first arriving in South America in the early 16th century; two centuries later, the Spanish having settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of what we now call the Untied States; there being still a strong Spanish influence in the state
Russians In the early 1800s, Russian fur trappers settling in California; today there being about 25,000 Russian-Americans living in and around San Francisco
Gold minors In 1848, gold being discovered in California; the nearest, and the first to arrive being were South Americans, and people from the United States; adventurers from Europe, then later from Asia and even the Pacific Islands arriving soon after; California becoming the thirty-first state of the United States of America in 1850, being a multicultural society
Later arrivals the building of the railway from the west to the east coast bringing larger numbers of Chinese to California in the 1860; Italians arriving in California in the late 19th century; in 1911 immigrants from Denmark establishing a town of their own; by the 1920s the film industry being well established in Hollywood,California; today California being the second largest Jewish population in the United States; Japanese farmers arriving in California at the beginning of the 20th century; people from Africa living in California since the 1800s
Most recent arrivals In more recent decades, California having become home to people from Asia, including Cambodian, Koreans, Vietnamese and Laotians
The future People from different parts of the world still immigrating to California
6. Reading the text again to draw a diagram of it and retell the story in your own words
Most texts have a three-part structure—introduction, body, and conclusion. You can see this structure in texts whether they are narrating, describing, comparing, contrasting, or analyzing information. Each part of the text plays an important role in communicating writer’s meaning to the reader. Now read the text for its structure and draw a text diagram. Retell the text story with the help of the diagram if possible.
Type of writing and summary of CALIFORNIA
A expository writing of CALIFORNIA
Part 1:Native Americans ● Native Americans living in California at least 15,000 years ago
Part 2:
The Spanish ● In the18th century, California being ruled by Spain;
● The Spanish first arriving in South America in the early 16th century
Part 3: Russians ●In the early 1800s, Russian fur trappers settling in California
Part 4:
Gold minors ●In 1848, gold being discovered in California
Part 5: Later arrivals ●Chinese coming to California in the 1860;
Italians arriving in California in the late 19th century
Part 6:
Most recent arrivals ●In more recent decades, California becoming home to people from Asia
Part 7:
The future ●People still immigrating to California

7. Closing down by writing a history account
To end this period you are to write a history account of your own city. You are required to use the collocations from the text you have just learned this period.
The brief history of Guangzhou
Guangzhou is the third largest city in China. And it not only has the third largest population in the country, but also is the most multicultural city. Few people in the North know the history of Guangzhou. At various times, people have been attracted from all overt China to this beautiful city. The first people arrived here the pre-history years. It is likely that, at least fifteen thousand years ago, the northern people had crossed the Changjiang River to come to this city by means of small boats which had been existing in prehistoric times. In the 16th century,people here suffered greatly from both flooding and drought. Many of them were forced into slavery. In addition, many died from terrible illnesses. But the strongest survived the terrible times.

Period 2 A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language
(Revise Noun Clauses )
In this period students will be first helped by the teacher to discover and learn to use some useful words and collocations, and then to discover and learn to use the following useful structures: noun clauses . The following steps of teaching may be taken: Warming up by talking about Hollywood; Learning about English word formation and discovering useful words and collocations; Revising Noun Clauses ; Closing down by watching The Incredibles, a Hollywood movie.
To help students Revise Noun Clauses
To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and collocations
To help students discover and learn to use some useful structures
1. Warming up by talking about Hollywood
Hollywood is a district of the city of Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., situated northwest of Downtown. Due to its fame and identity as the historical center of movie studios and stars, the word "Hollywood" is often used colloquially to refer to the American film industry. Today much of the movie industry has dispersed into surrounding areas such as Burbank and the Westside, but significant ancillary industries (such as editing, effects, props, post-production, and lighting companies) remain in Hollywood.
2. Revising Noun Clauses
We have leaned about Revising Noun Clauses before. Before we do the four grammar exercises on page 5 let’s revise Noun Clauses first.
English Grammar:名词性从句
1. It 作形式主语和it引导强调句的比较
It 作形式主语代替主语从句,主要是为了平衡句子结构,主语从句的连接词没有变化。而it引导的强调句则是对句子某一部分进行强调,无论强调的是什么成分,都可用连词that。被强调部分指人是也可用who/whom。例如:
It is a pity that you didn’t go to see the film.
It doesn’t interest me whether you succeed or not.
It is in the morning that the murder took place.
It is John that broke the window.
2. 用it 作形式主语的结构
(1) It is +名词+从句
It is a fact that … 事实是…… It is an honor that ……非常荣幸
It is common knowledge that ……是常识
(2) it is +形容词+从句
It is natural that… 很自然…… It is strange that… 奇怪的是……
(3) it is +不及物动词+从句
It seems that… 似乎…… It happened that… 碰巧……
(4) it +过去分词+从句
It is reported that… 据报道…… It has been proved that… 已证实……
3. 主语从句不可位于句首的五种情况
(1) if 引导的主语从句不可居于复合句句首。
(2) It is said, (reported) …结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如:
It is said that President Jingo will visit our school next week. (right)
That President Hu will visit our school next week is said. (wrong)
(3) It happens…, It occurs… 结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如:
It occurred to him that he failed in the examination. (right)
That he failed in the examination occurred to him. (wrong)
(4) It doesn’t matter how/whether …结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如:
It doesn’t matter whether he is wrong or not. (right)
Whether he is wrong or not doesn’t matter. (wrong)
(5) 含主语从句的复合句是疑问句时,主语从句不可提前。例如:
Is it likely that it will rain in the evening? (right)
Is that will rain in the evening likely? (wrong)
4. What 与that 在引导主语从句时的区别
What 引导主语从句时在从句中充当句子成分,如主语、宾语、表语,而that 则不然。例如:
1) What you said yesterday is right. 2) That she is still alive is a consolation.
1. 作动词的宾语
(1) 由that引导的宾语从句(that 通常可以省略),例如: I heard that be joined the army.
(2) 由what, whether (if) 引导的宾语从句,例如: 1) She did not know what had happened.
2) I wonder whether you can change this note for me.
(3) 动词+间接宾语+宾语从句。例如: She told me that she would accept my invitation.
2. 作介词的宾语
例如:Our success depends upon how well we can cooperate with one another.
3. 作形容词的宾语
例如:I am afraid (that) I’ve made a mistake.
That 引导的从句常跟在下列形容词后作宾语:
Anxious, aware, certain, confident, convinced, determined, glad, proud, surprised, worried, sorry, thankful, ashamed, disappointed, annoyed, pleased, hurt, satisfied, content 等。也可以将此类词后的that 从句的看作原因状语从句。
4. It 可以作为形式宾语
It 不仅可以作为形式主语,还可以作为形式宾语而真正的宾语that 从句则放在句尾,特别是在带复合宾语的句子中。 例如:
We heard it that she would get married next month..
5. 后边不能直接跟that 从句的动词
这类动词有Allow, refuse, let, like, cause, force, admire, condemn, celebrate, dislike, love, help, take, forgive等。这类词后可以用不定式或动名词作宾语,但不可以用that引导的宾语从句。例如:I admire their winning the match. (right) I admire that they won the match. (wrong)
6. 不可用that从句作直接宾语的动词
有些动词不可用于“动词+间接宾语+that从句“结构中,常见的有Envy, order, accuse, refuse, impress, forgive, blame, denounce, advise, congratulate等。例如:
He impressed the manager as an honest man. (right)
He impressed the manager that he was an honest man. (wrong)
7. 否定的转移
若主句谓语动词为Think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, fancy, guess, imagine等,其后的宾语从句若含有否定意义,一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上,从句谓语用肯定式。例如:
I don’t think this dress fits you well.(我认为这件衣服不适合你穿。)
表语从句在复合句中作表语的名词性从句,放在系动词之后,一般结构是“主语+连系动词+表语从句”。可以接表语从句的连系动词有be, look, remain, seem等。引导表语从句的that常可省略。另外,常用的还有the reason is that… 和It is because 等结构。例如:
1) The question is whether we can make good preparation in such a short time.
2) This is why we can’t get the support of the people
3) But the fact remains that we are behind the other classes.
4) The reason he is late for school is that he missed the early bus.
1. 同位语从句的功能
1) The king’s decision that the prisoner would be set free surprised all the people.
2) The order that all the soldiers should stay still is given by the general.
2. 同位语在句子中的位置
He got the news from Mary that the sports meeting was put off.
3. 同位语从句与定语从句的区别
(1) 定语从句中的that既代替先行词,同时以在从句中作某个成分(主语或宾语),而同位语从句中的that是连词,只起连接主句与从句的作用,不充当句中任何成分。
(2) 定语从句是形容词性的,其功能是修饰先行词,对先行词加以限定,描述定的性质或特征;同位语从句是名词性的,其功能是对名词进行补充说明。例如:
1) The news that he told me is that Tom would go abroad next year.(他告诉我的消息是汤姆明年将出国。)(第一个that引导的从句是定语从句,that在从句中作宾语)
2) The news that Tom would go abroad is told by him.(汤姆将出国的消息是他讲的。)(同位语从句,that在句中不作任何成分)
Now you may turn to page 5 and finish the four grammar exercises in pairs.
3. Closing down by watching The Incredibles, a Hollywood movie
Plot Summary for The Incredibles (2004)
Mr. Incredible is a superhero; or he used to be, until a surge of lawsuits against superheroes submitted by the people they've saved forced the government to hide them in witness protection programs so they could lead normal, anonymous lives. Now known exclusively by his secret identity, Bob Parr, he lives with his wife Helen, formerly Elastigirl, and their three children Violet, Dash, and Jack Jack. He works as an insurance claims specialist, and he's fed up with his pushy boss and his immoral profession, but his wife's worked too hard to build a normal life for her family to abide his nostalgia for heroism. When Mr. Incredible's offered the chance to play the role of hero again by a mysterious informant, he jumps at the opportunity, but when it turns out to be a trap set by an old nemesis he had a hand in corrupting, the whole family must reveal themselves to save Mr. Incredible and countless innocents.
Period 3 A sample lesson plan for Using Language
Language is learned to be used in and for communication. So in this period we shall have the students read, listen, write and speak in English, making use of the focused words, collocations, structures and topic ideas covered in this unit. The teacher may follow these steps: warming up by listening and reading aloud, reading for forms, copying and making sentences, making sentences of noun clauses , closing down by reading and writing travel diaries.
To help students read the passage GEORGE'S DIARY 12-14 JUNE
To help students to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writing
1. Warming up by listening and reading aloud
Language is created to be listened to and spoken first. So open your book to page 2 and read the text aloud while listening to the recording. Watch your pauses between the thought groups.
2. Reading for forms
Read the text GEORGE'S DIARY 12-14 JUNE on page 8 to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful collocations.
3. Copying and making sentences
You are asked to copy all the underlined collocations into your notebook after class as homework. You may make your own sentences with these collocations.
Useful collocations from GEORGE'S DIARY 12-14 JUNE
arrive early this morning 清晨抵达, go straight to… 直赴……, drop one’s luggage 放下行李, a ride on a cable car 乘缆车, get spectacular view of… 看到了……的壮丽景色, find a better form of transport 找到一种更好的交通方式, see a terrible accident 看到一次可怕的事故, slip down the hill 滑下山去, have late lunch 午饭吃的很晚, in the late 19th century 在19世纪末, begin the fishing industry 开始了捕鱼业, a tourist area 一个旅游区, catch the ferry to… 乘渡船去……, do much exploring at… 在……看了这么多东西, feel like doing… 想要做……, team up with… 和……做伴, hire a car 租了一辆小汽车, drive around city 驱车游览城市, a great drive 一种特棒的驾车活动, mark… out for… 专门为……选定的……, have blue and white sign 有蓝白两色相间的标记, with…on… 上边标有……, a 79 km round-trip 一次往返79公里的旅行, admire the view 欣赏风景, take photographs照相, have really good idea of… 对……有了一个很好的了解, settle in… 在……定居, look like…看上去像……, a number of… 大量的……, a great many… 大量的……, have a delicious meal 吃了一顿可口的饭菜, walk back down… to… 沿着……步行回到……, have a good view of… 观赏了……, keep prisoners 关押囚犯, freezing cold 冰冷, be pulled out of…被从……拉了上来
4. Making sentences of Noun Clauses
To revise Noun Clauses you are next to make sentences with the useful collocations from GEORGE'S DIARY 12-14 JUNE.
Sentences made with useful collocations from GEORGE'S DIARY 12-14 JUNE
1. When she arrived this morning is still unknown.
2. I have now idea whether he would go by bus or go straight there on foot.
3. Where you are to drop your luggage is a question.
4. How you will take a ride on a cable car has nothing to do with me.
5. The fact is that he needs to get spectacular view of the city first.
6. Finding a better form of transport is what we are considering at the moment.
7. Whether he saw a terrible accident or not in the street is of no importance to me.
8. Slipping down the hill, he dragged with him what he could reach on the way down.
9. After having his late lunch, he began studying what is called the fishing industry science.
10. In this tourist area, people are doing much exploring for what was left by the Japanese invaders.
5. Closing down by reading and writing travel diaries
Kids, have you ever kept a journal of your trip?
Not only is it fun to write but it is a great mement when the special time has passed. Now start writing and sending your travel diaries to us!
Foot tour of Tonsville
This morning we sent on a short foot tour of Tonsville to get our bearings for the next couple of days. It’s nice to be back in a town that is big enough to have good facilities, and in a picturesque setting. Our hostel is located next to the marina, a short stroll into the heart and soul of townsville town centre, which at night reminded me of something out of Miami with all the neon pink and blue street lighting, pretty and alluring.
Having spent the morning taking photos and acquainting ourselves with the town settled down for a swim at the hostel pool and catching up on some reading and work emails...
Home, Home Again
By pummel
March 15th 2006
Our final breakfast on the Nimrod was more basic than the others, perhaps reflecting that we had run out of food, or perhaps more likely that two of the crew had been throwing up all night thanks to the storm. We took a bus from Port Douglas, where we moored down to Cairns and being thoroughly exhausted did little but drink coffee, and go to the cinema. This is something that I had no intentions of doing, but the thought of two hours in a comfy chair that wasn’t rocking and rolling was very appealing to me.
I ended up going for a few drinks that evening with people I met at my hostel, and at the start of the night I couldn’t decided if they were boring, shy or that there was some sort of language barrier. After several hours out on the town including Sohos and the Legendary Woolshed I decided that they were in fact boring, and went home, leaving them like Pilchards amongst Potato Cod(I think Potato Cod is a type of Grupper Shawna).




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