
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学总结 手机版

一、 先将句子分成三类:1)含有am, is, are 的句子。
(1) 如果是第一类,即含有am, is, are 的句子。只将把am, is, are 调到句首。I am 和We are 要变成are you,some变成any,my变成your,句末用问号。否定句只在be后加not。如am---am not; is ---isn’t; are----aren’t。如:
① I am a boy. (否定句)----- I am not a boy.
-----Are you a boy? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
② She is my mother.( 变成一般疑问句)
-----Is she your mother? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
③ This is a book.( 变成一般疑问句)
------Is this a book? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
④ These are strawberries.( 变成一般疑问句)
----Are these strawberries? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
⑤ There is some chicken on the table.( 变成一般疑问句)
-----Is there any chicken on the table? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
①I / We / You / They 时,要借助于助动词do的帮助来变成一般疑问句。即句型为:
Do + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他?否定句只在动词原形前加don’t。 例如:①②③④
I have some tomatoes in my backpack.(否定句)I don’t have any tomatoes in my backpack.
( 变成一般疑问句)-----Do you have any tomatoes in your backpack?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
We play sports every day.(否定句)---We don’t play sports every day.
( 变成一般疑问句)----Do you play sports every day? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
②He / She / It 时, 要借助于助动词does的帮助来变成一般疑问句。即句型为:
Does + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他?否定句只在动词前加doesn’t,然后将单三还原成原形。
She watches TV every evening. (否定句)---She doesn’t watch TV every evening.
( 变成一般疑问句)----Does she watch TV every evening?
Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
注意:如果是其他名词的话,在简略回答中要用人称代词来替代,但替代都在第三人称中,即 he, she, it, they四个中。如:
my mother ---she your brother ---- he a book ----it five photos-----they
this/that-------it these/those------they my family name-----it Tom----he
Mary--------she Amy’s sister -----she some friends------they
(3) 如果是第三类情态动词,如can 时,一般疑问句只将can提到句首,否定句将can 变成can’t。同时注意一变二,二变一,三不变,some变any。(情态动词不受人称的限制)
I can play basketball. ( 变成一般疑问句)----
Can you play basketball? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
I can play basketball.(否定句)-----I can’t play basketball.
种类 句中作用 例句
疑问副词 When 时间状语,提问何时 When is your birthday?
Where 地点状语,提问地点 Where is my backpack?
Why 原因状语,提问表示原因的短语或句子 Why does Jim like English ?
How 方式状语,提问程度或方式的副词或短语 How do you spell “watch”?
疑问代词 Who 主语、宾语、表语,用来表示“人”的各种成分 Who has a ruler?
Who does he like?
Whom 宾语,用来提问宾语的人是“谁” Whom
Whose 定语、表语,用来提问“谁的” Whose pen is it?
Whose is the red pen?
Which 主语、宾语、表语、定语,用来提问“哪一个/位”等。 Which
Which is your sister?
what 主语、宾语、定语、表语,提问谓语动词或表语等“干什么” What do you have for dinner?
What’s your phone number?
二、句型为:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句?
1. My name is Gina. (划线提问)
What is your name?
2. My telephone number is 2720016. (划线提问) 我的电话号码是2720016。
What’s your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少?
3. Tom’s sweater is orange. (划线提问) 汤姆的毛衣是橙色的。
What color is Tom’s sweater? 汤姆的毛衣是什么颜色?
4. He goes to school at six o’clock. (划线提问) 他六点去上学。
What time does he go to school? 他几点钟去上学?
5. His father likes bananas and apples. (划线提问) 他的父亲喜欢香蕉和苹果。
What does his father like? 他的父亲喜欢什么?
6. I want to join the music club. (划线提问) 我想加入音乐俱乐部。
What club do you want to join? 你想加入什么俱乐部?
7. His father likes documentaries. (划线提问) 他的父亲喜欢文献片的电影。
What kind of movie does his father like? 他的父亲喜欢什么类型的电影?
8. Mary’s mother is fine. (划线提问) 玛丽的妈妈身体健康。
How is Mary’s mother? 玛丽的妈妈身体怎么样?
9. I’m thirteen. (划线提问) 我十三岁了。
How old are you? = What’s your age? 你多大了?= 你的年龄是多少?
10.The red sweater is $ 23. (划线提问) 这件红色的毛衣23美元。
How much is the red sweater? 这件红色的毛衣多少钱?
11.Lily has twelve apples. (划线提问) 莉莉有12 个苹果。
How many apples does Lily have? 莉莉有多少个苹果?
12. My birthday is November 17th. (划线提问) 我的生日是十一月十七日。
When is your birthday? 你的生日在何时?
13.How do you spell this word? 你如何拼写这个单词?

1. January is the first month of a year.
2. February is the second month of a year.
3. March is the third month of a year.
4. April is the fourth month of a year.
5. May is the fifth month of a year.
6. June is the sixth month of a year.
7. July is the seventh month of a year.
8. August is the eighth month of a year.
9. September is the ninth month of a year.
10. October is the tenth month of a year.
11. November is the eleventh month of a year.
12. December is the twelfth month of a year.
1. Sunday is the first day of a week.
2. Monday is the second day of a week.
3. Tuesday is the third day of a week.
4. Wednesday is the fourth day of a week.
5. Thursday is the fifth day of a week.
6. Friday is the sixth day of a week.
7. Saturday is the seventh day of a week.
1. June 1 st is Children’s Day.
2. April 1 st is April Fool’s Day.
3. August 1 st is the Army Day in China.
4. July 1 st is the Party’s birthday of China.
5. January 1 st is New Year’s Day.
6. September 10 st is Teachers’ Day.
7. October 1 st is National Day.
8. March 8 th is Children’s Day.
9. December 25 th is Christmas Day.
介词on 、in、at的用法:
1) on用在特定的某一天,如七个星期前,周末前,节日前,几年几月几日前用on,几月几日前用on ,几日前用on,特指某一天的早晨、下午或夜晚前用on。
On Friday在星期五; on weekend,在周末; on Teachers’ Day,在教师节
on November 24, 2006; 在2006-11-24;
On the morning of November 24, 2006;在2006-11-24的早晨
on Monday afternoon.在星期一的下午。
2) in用在早晨、下午和夜晚前,年前用in,月前用in,几年几月前用in,四季前用in。
3) at用在时间点前。
七年级英语上册知识点总结(Summarize by Warren)
1.this---these 2.that---those 3.photo---photos
4.video----videos 5.piano----pianos 6.tomato----tomatoes 7.watch----watches 8.class----classes 9.bus-----buses 10.brush----brushes 11.box----boxes 12.family----families
13.strawberry----strawberries 14.comedy----comedies 15.documentary----documentaries 16.dictionary----dictionaries
17.city---cities 18.hobby---hobbies 19.boy---boys
20.key----keys 21.am / is ----are 22.he / she / it---they
23.friend----friends 24. foot---feet 25. tooth---teeth
1.for----four 2.know----no 3.to/too---two 4.aren’t----aunt
5.R-----are 6.U------you 7.C-------see 8.B------be / bee
9.buy---bye/by 10.our----hour 11.I------eye 12.O--------oh
1.father---mother 2.sister----brother 3.son---daughter 4.this----that
5.these----those 6.yes-----no 7.aunt----uncle 8.first---last
9.white----black 10.big---small 11.long----short 12.happy---sad
13.boy----girl 14.lost----found 15.on-----under 16.buy----sell
17.come----go 18.student—teacher 19.new----old 20.before—after
1.I’m---- I am 2.you’re----you are 3.he’s----he is 4.she’s ----she is
5.it’s ----it is 6.we’re----we are 7.they’re----they are 8.who’s----who is
9.don’t--do not 10.doesn’t--does not 11.isn’t----is not 12.aren’t----are not
13.can’t--can not 14.that’s--that is 15.name’s----name is 16.where’s-where is
17.No.---number 18.P.E.---physical education
七年级英语上册知识点总结(Summarize by Warren)
one----- first two----- second three -----third four-----fourth
five----- fifth six -----sixth seven-----seventh eight-----eighth
nine -----ninth ten-----tenth eleven----- eleventh twelve-----twelfth thirteen-----thirteenth…. twenty -----twentieth forty-nine -----forty-ninth
forty〔四十〕 eighty(八十) ninety(九十)
first---1 st second-----2 nd third-----3 rd fourth-----4 th
人称 单数 复数
主格 宾格 主格 宾格
第一人称 I me we us
第二人称 you you you you
第三人称 he
it him
it they them
1. are good friends.(us)
2. Let go to school.(we)
3. I can help with your English.(you)
4. Tom’s mother likes very much.(they)
you, he /she and I ; 麻烦事情我站前,其他人称没意见
we, you and they I and he broke the glass just now.(刚才我和他把玻璃打破了。)
物主代词表示所属关系,可分为形容词性和名词性两种。形容词性的物主代词不能单独用,必须在后面加名词,(my book)在句中只能作定语;名词性的物主代词只能单独用,(mine)后面再不能跟名词,在句中可做主语、宾语和表语。
单数 复数
第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称
形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our your their
名词性的物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs
中文 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们的
mine=my book /my mother... He is my father.(I)
by oneself ,(独自) for oneself,(为/替自己) teach oneself=learn by oneself,(自学) enjoy oneself ,(玩得愉快) dress oneself , (给自己穿衣)help oneself to…(请随便吃)
this, these 靠近我, that, those 远离我。
this, that 指单数, these, those 指复数。
都可用the 来代替,务必牢记在心里。
1. socks are only six dollars. Come and see for .
A. This; you B. These; your C. These; yourself
2. Mr Green is (we) music teacher.
3.We want to play soccer. Come and join .
A. we B. us C.our
特殊疑问词用来构成特殊疑问句,也就是用来划线提问的,一般应放在句首。分为疑问代词(who, what)和疑问副词(how, where, why, when)
① 问姓名用what’s your / sb’s name?
② 问颜色用what color-----red, yellow, orange, white , black, blue, green
③ 问电话号码用What’s your / sb’s telephone number?
④ 问年龄用What’s your / sb’s age?= how old
⑤ 问爱好用What’s your / sb’s favorite …?
⑥ 问时间点用What time = when
⑦ 问什么类型的用What kind of movies/ books…
⑧ 问俱乐部用What club
⑨ 问价格用What’s the price of …? = how much
⑩ 对动词划线提问以what开头以do结尾
11.问星期用What day is it today?
12.问日期用 What’s the date today?
① 问年龄用how old
② 问价格用how much
③ 问多少用how many + 复数名词
④ 问身体健康状况用How are you/is she/he?
⑤ 问方式用How do you spell this word?
① on在……上on the desk(在桌子上) on TV(在电视上) on the sofa…
② under在……下under the table(在桌子下); under the bed(在床下)
③ in在……里 in my backpack(在我的背包里); in the drawer(在梳妆台里)
④ at在……地方 at school(在学校里) at home(在家里)
She likes English because English is very interesting. (划线提问)
Why does she like English?
Tom’s brother has an English-Chinese dictionary.(划线提问)
Who has an English-Chinese dictionary?用has不能用does have。
☆动 词 短 语☆
1.call sb at…拨打***找***
2.thanks for…为……而感谢
3.take …to sb把……拿给某人
4.bring…to sb把……带给某人
5.watch TV (watch…on TV)看电视或在电视上看……
6.have / eat breakfast (lunch, dinner)吃早饭/午饭/晚饭
7.have a look (at…)看一看(……)
8.play with…和…..玩耍
9.play the piano /violin / trumpet /drums / erhe弹钢琴/拉小提琴/吹喇叭/打鼓/拉二胡
10.play basketball / volleyball / baseball / ping-pong /tennis…打篮球/排球/棒球
11.play sports做运动
12.play chess / computer games下棋/玩电脑游戏
13.get to 到达 get to school 到达学校 get home到家
14.get up起床
15.speak English / Chinese / Japanese…讲英语/讲汉语/讲日语
16.take / have a shower淋浴 /洗澡
17.have math / English /Chinese /art /music/biology…上数学课/英语课/语文课..
18.go to school去上学
19.go to work去上班
20.go to bed上床睡觉
21.go home回家
22.go to a movie/ go to movies去看电影
23.do one’s homework做作业
24.take the number…bus乘……路公共汽车
25.help sb with sth在某事上帮助某人
26.help sb (to) do sth帮助某人干某事
27.learn about了解有关……
28.want to do sth想要干某事
29.let sb do sth让某人干某事
30.do Chinese Kung fu 打中国功夫
31.brush one’s teeth 刷牙
32.listen to 听…… listen to music 听音乐
33.look at 看…… Look at a girl in a red sweater.请看哪个穿红毛衣的女孩儿。
34.work very long hours 工作了好长时间
35.run around with sb. 跟着某人到处跑
36.have a good time过得愉快
37.tell sb. about …告诉某人有关什么情况
38.go to see a movie/a comedy/a thriller/a documentary/an action movie
39.Excuse me 对不起
40.I’m sorry. 很抱歉
(1) Let’s go (go) to school.
(2) Does Tom’s mother like (like) action movies?
(3) Do you have (have) a soccer ball?
(4) He can sing (sing) an English song.
(5) May I help (help) you?
(6) Mary often helps me (to) learn (learn) my English .
(7)Please bring (bring) that apple to me.
(1) He wants (want) to join the swimming club.
(2) She likes (like) Chinese Kung fu.
(3) Bob’s mother watches (watch) TV every night.
(4) Gina’s sister has (have) a nice ruler.
(5) It sounds (sound) interesting.
(6) That sounds (sound) boring.
★ Mike’s mother wants to see an action movie.(see)★
★ It’s time for us (we) to have (have) English .该到我们上英语课的时间了。★
1.I am a teacher. You are a good student.(be)
2.Here are some books for you. (be)
3.There is a book, two pens, three pictures on my desk. (be) [取决于最靠近be这个名词的单复数,叫就近原则。]
4.My family is very big/small. But my family are very friendly(友好的).(be)
☆介 词 短 语☆
1. in English / Chinese / Japanese用英语/汉语/日语
2. on the floor在地板上
3. in the drawer在抽屉里
4. under the chair在椅子下
5. at a good price以很好的价格
6. for only $25只售价25美元
7. on sale廉价出售;出售
8. in the morning /afternoon / evening在早上/下午/晚上
9. on weekends在周末
10. on Monday /Tuesday /Wednesday /Thursday/Friday /Saturday /Sunday
11. after class / school课后 / 放学后
12. for yourself 为你自己
13. at home 在家
14. on TV在电视上
15. at 9:00 o’clock在9:00钟
16. for three hours大约三小时
17. in red 红色的
18. from…to…从……到……
19. on Monday /Tuesday /Wednesday /Thursday/Friday /Saturday /Sunday morning (afternoon, evening) [特指某一天的早上、下午或晚上要用on。]
(1)The clothes store sells skirts in red and blue for thirteen dollars.
(2)What’s this in English .
(3)Does Tom go to school at around eight-fifteen?
☆ 形容词和副词短语 ☆
1. every day 每天
2. lots of =a lot of 修饰不可数名词相当于much;修饰可数名词复数相当于many
3. a little 少许;少量。修是不可数名词
4. some 一些 既修饰可数名词复数,又修饰不可数名词(常用于肯定句、陈述 句和征求对方意见的疑问句中)
5. any 一些 既修饰可数名词复数,又修饰不可数名词(常用于否定句、疑问句中);任何一个 any subject 任何一门学科
6. be good with 和……相处融洽
1.I have some English books.------ Do you have any English books?
I don’t have any English books.
☆名 词 的 格☆
②以s结尾的只加’. Teachers’ Day, Women’s Day , Children’s Day.
John and Jim’s room (共有,两人同住一间房)作主语谓语要用单数。
John’s and Jim’s rooms (每人各住一间房) 作主语谓语要用复数。
in today’s newspaper,在今天的报纸上 five minutes’ walk五分钟的路程
⑤表示无生命的名词一般要用of 格。
a map of China . at the gate of the school.
a friend of mine 我的一个朋友 =a friend of my friends(考点)
a book of Mary’s 玛丽的一本书 =a book of Mary’s books(考点)
1. What’s Mary’s mother’s age?
2. When is Lily’s birthday?
3. How much are Tom’s shoes?
来看看我Come and see me ---- ☺冠词☺
冠词 用法区别 被修饰的单词或字母
a 用在以辅音音素开头的词前 b. c. d. j. k. q. t. u. v. w. y. z.
European, one, university
an 用在以元音音素开头的词前 a. e. f. h. i. l. m. n. r. s. x. o
evening, egg, American, hour, uncle
①用于单数可数名词前,表示:“一”,但数的概念没有one强。如:I have a mouth, a nose and two eyes.
②第一次提到某人或某物而非特指时。如:This is a pen. The pen is red.★考点★
The third is the best of all.第三个是所有当中个子最好的。
My books are on the desk.
The Greens like watching TV in the evening.
She plays the piano/violin/guitar/Erhu /accordion(手风琴) very well.
It’s Thursday. June 1 is Children’s Day. It’s summer.
We often play football after lunch.
Mother, I don’t like math at all.
He often goes to work at night by bus.
1.There is “m” in the word “merry”.
A. an B. a C. the D. / (1998 Sichuan)
2.One morning he found a bag. There was “s” on the corner of bag.
A. a; a B. a; the C. an; a D. an; the (2000 Gansu)
an apple一个苹果; an egg一个鸡蛋;
an orange一个橘子; an hour一小时;
an action movie一部动作片; an actor一位演员;
an English book一本英语书; an interesting book一本有趣的书; an aunt一位阿姨; an uncle一位叔叔;
an eraser一块橡皮; an e-mail一个电子邮件;
※名 词 短 语※
1. first name 名字
2. last /family name姓氏
3. phone number电话号码
4. ID card身份证
5. lost and found失物招领
6. a set of keys一串钥匙
7. a photo of one’s family某人的全家福照片
8. ice cream冰激凌
9. healthy food健康食品
10. bag for sports运动包
11. birthday party生日聚会
12. date of birth出生日期
13. speech contest演讲比赛
14. school trip学校观光旅行
15. School Day学校庆祝日
16. basketball game篮球比赛
17. Art Festival艺术节
18. movie star电影明星
19. Chinese history中国历史
20. Beijing Opera京剧
21. Music Festival 音乐节
22. Help wanted.需要帮助
购 物 用 语
1. Can I help you? = May I help you? = What can I do for you? 你想要什么?
2. Yes, please. I want to buy a book /sweater. ….是啊! 我想买一本书/一件毛衣.
3. What color do you want?想要什么颜色?
4. How much is it / are they? 它多少钱?/它们多少钱?
5. It’s fifteen dollars. / They are forty yuan.
6. I’ll take it. / I’ll take them.我将把它买上./我将把它们买上.
and 和or
I want to buy a sweater and a shirt.(变成一般疑问句)我想买一件毛衣和一件衬衫。
Do you want to buy a sweater or a shirt? 你想买一件毛衣还是一件衬衫?
I can’t sing or dance. 我不会唱歌也不会跳舞。
at用在时间点前;at 5:00
on Tuesday ; on Saturday morning; on Teachers’ Day; on December 21, 2006
in某年某月或在早晨、下午和晚上。In 2007; in the morning
1、 指示代词this和these互变;that和those互变。
2、 系动词be的两种形式am和is要与are互变。
3、 疑问句中do和does要互变;don’t和doesn’t要互变。
4、 可数名词单数形式要和复数形式互变,并去掉不定冠词a或an;而修饰名词的形容词不变。
5、 句中的定冠词the、疑问词如what / how / where…..、形容词、副词、介词短语等保持不变。
原则:一 一 对 应 原 则。
① This is an orange.-------These are oranges.
② That is a student.-------Those are students.
③ I am a boy.------We are boys.
④ She is a teacher.-------They are teachers.
⑤ It is an ID card.-------They are ID cards.
⑥ The jacket is red.-------The jackets are red.
⑦ He is a good boy.------They are good boys.
⑧ That is my friend.------Those are my friends.
⑨ What does he eat for breakfast?-----What do they eat for breakfast?




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