2008高考第二轮专题复习--读写任务(广东)(新课标版高三英语教案教学设计) |
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高三英语第二轮复习材料——读写任务 2008-04-02 一、读写任务的特征和基本要求: 读写任务写作是具有一定开放性的写作命题。选材内容:考生熟悉或比较熟悉的题材,文体要求:议论文或记叙文。读写任务写作必须涵盖三个方面: 1.首段:用一两句话概述原文内容要点,约30个词; 2.主体:依据材料陈述自我观点并加以例证来验证,约100个词; 3.尾段:套语配名言来进行点题,要前后呼应,三位一体,约30个词。 二、读写任务的写作思路及方法: 1.概括文章的中心思想。 (定位中心词—﹥找出中心句—﹥概况中心思想) 2.考虑概括段与下文的承接。(承接的方式视原阅读材料的文体而定) 3.罗列要点(观点),理顺写作思路。 考虑各个观点之间的逻辑关系;尽量避免使用一些没把握的词汇、短语、句型;适当考虑高级词汇、多种句式的运用(分词短语/定语从句/状语从句/名词性从句/强调句/倒装句等)及语句间的衔接。 Part 1. 30个词的摘要怎么写 Ⅰ、什么是摘要? A summary is a short account giving the main points of something longer or detailed. 概括部分包含几种能力。第一要看清楚文章的结构,设法反映出原文中作者的观点。第二要具有意义筛选的能力,学会区分事实和观点、重要和次要、普遍与特殊、相关与不相关、原因和结果等复杂的逻辑关系。第三要有用英文解释英文的能力,用自己简单的语言解释比较复杂的语言文字,不能抄袭原文。 一、概括的标准:抛弃次要,瞄准写作目的。 标准的概括采用浮凸式的表达方式,第一句话是主题句,清楚明白地告诉了读者文章的写作目的,这句话的质量决定了概括的成败。后面的句子对主题句进行解释和支撑,凡是意义在主题之外的要毫不吝啬地予以删除。 二、概括的写作步骤: 1. 确定主题句。确定阅读文章的主题句,一般在段首。没有主题句的需要自己组合。 2. 寻找关键词。分析主题句意义,确定关键词,关键词一般体现为名词、形容词,关键词的数目决定了概括的信息浓度。 3. 重构主题句。概括的主题句逻辑上要统摄后面所有的支撑句。可以从作者的写作目的逆推,反映写作目的主题句是高度抽象的,它基本决定了概括的质量。 4. 重组支撑句。支撑句的意义在逻辑上受制于主题句,可以是补充过程或者提供证据。 口诀:简括为:缩长见短,省却细腻。(括:概括性。见:间接引语。短:短的连词。细腻:细节和例子) 三、概括的形式:“主题句+支撑句” 即“主题+主题的什么”。 文体 主题句 支撑句 议论文 文章论点(一句) 文章论据(两三句) 记叙文 故事的写作目的/ 主题(一句) 故事大意(两三句) 说明文 说明的对象/ 观点/ 现象 解释/ 分述 附:2007年广东高考概括部分评分细则: 1.完全糊涂地照抄原文,连人称都不改的,得0分; 2.机械死板地照抄原文,只改人称的,得1分; 3.稍微灵活地抄原文,改主语,宾语、原文词序的,得2分; 4.创造性地抄,改主语,宾语、原文词序还有句子结构的,最多得3分。 5.结构、用词,词性变化比较好的4至5分。 抓住文章的主要信息点,剔除细节信息是写摘要的基本要求。下面就议论性文章和叙事性文章分别举例加以说明。 1. 议论性文章 American is the land of automobile. This country has only 6% of the world’s population but 46% of the world’s car. Right now, there are 97 million privately-owned cars consuming 75 billion gallons of gasoline and traveling an 1000 billion miles a year. The figure also affirms something we know every time we refill our gasoline tank; the automobile is a very thirsty piece of technology. Of the total petroleum supply in the United States, 30 percent goes to quench that thirst. Every year for each passenger car, about 800 gallons of gasoline are consumed. Other aspects of our commitment to the automobile also bear mentioning here. It takes a great deal of energy to manufacture one automobile about 150 million BTU’s of energy. This is equivalent to 1200 gallons of gasoline, enough to run a car for about 1600 miles. We expend energy in the process of shipping cars from factories to showrooms, displaying them for sale and making replacement parts for repairs. One out of six jobs in the nation is associated with the automobile business. About two gallons of gasoline are consumed in the process of making every ten gallons that are pumped into an automobile’s gas tank. 阅读上面这篇文章,然后讨论如下几个问题: 1. 文章的类型:(议论文) 2. 这类文章的结构:(论点、论据、结论) 3. 概括这类文章大意的技巧:(段意合并法,抓中心句,关键词) 4. 找出各段的中心句。(文章中的斜体部分)一般来说议论性文章的第一段均为主题段,每段还有一个中心句,有关键词,把中心句意思串起来,就可以写出摘要。 5. 如何用自己的话表达中心句的意思。(写摘要不能抄袭原文,所以要学会自己重组语句)。 参考摘要: From the passage we learn that the USA has a large number of cars and each year a great deal of energy is consumed. The energy is used not only when driving cars but also when producing them. 2. 叙事性文章 My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling lawyer, but I always knew he was special. He never criticized, but used to praise out our best. He’d say, “If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t give them water, they die.” I remember as a child I said something unkind about somebody and my father said, “Any time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you.” He explained that if I looked for the best in people, I would get the best in return. I’ve tried to follow this principle in running my company. Dad’s also always been very understanding. At 15, I started a magazine. It was taking up a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a choice: stay in school or leave to work on my magazine. I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision, as any good father would. When he realized I had made up my mind, he said “Richard, when I was 23, my dad persuaded me to go into law. And I’ve always regretted it. I wanted to be an archeologist, but I didn’t pursue my dream.” As it turned out, little publication went to become Student, a national magazine for young people in the U.K. My wife and I have two children, and I’d like to think we are bring them up in the same way Dad raised me. 阅读上面这篇文章,然后讨论如下几个问题: 1. 文章的类型:(叙事性文章) 2. 这类文章的结构:(主题+情节) 3. 概括这类文章大意的技巧:(写摘要时,不仅要写出故事情节,还要点出主题) 4. 找出叙事中夹带的议论,挖掘出文章的主题。(见文中的斜体部分,可总结出主题:成功的家庭教育)。 5. 用自己的话把主题和主要情节组织成摘要。 参考摘要: The passage tells us that the author’s father has a special way of teaching his children. He always praises them for their progress and explained to them what is good and encouraged them to be persistent. Because of this,the author became successful. (1) Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate red with a strong feeling like anger. Red is also used for signs of danger, such as stop signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of leaves in autumn. People say orange is a lively color. They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the color of sunlight. People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow, too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in spring. People say it is a refreshing color. (2) Everyone has an experience they would rather forget.Some are embarrassing,some are moving,and some teach us a lesson.Here is a story of mine. Last Sunday 1 went fishing.After setting up my fishing rod with bait,I sat down on the bank of the lake.But two hours later, I didn’t catch any fish.I got very angry and began to pack up my stuff, preparing to go back home. Just then,I saw an old man sitting near me.To my surprise,his basket was full of fish,so 1 went over to him,wanting to know why.“Excuse me,but how long have you sat here?’’I asked “About four hours.” he answered.‘‘Four hours?’’I couldn’t believe my ears.“Yes.It's very important to be patient,”the old man said.“Don’t consider fishing a tiring sport.Just enjoy it."Suddenly,I understood what he said.I must leam to be patient.Then I sat there and waited for fish patientlv.I felt a fish touch the bait,but I didn’t move and waited to the right moment to reel it in.At last,I caught it.This made me very happy.In the following six hours,I caught over 10 fish. On my way home,I thought what had happened on the bank.I gradually realized that the secret of success was patience. Part2. 巧妙发表opinion 同学们都知道读写任务的第二部分即opinion部分分值为20分,若想在这一大题中取得好成绩,opinion部分是关键。那么,如何才能发表出中肯的“观点”,在众多考卷中脱颖而出,获得阅卷老师的青睐呢?下面我们就以实例来具体分析其解题思路及备考策略。 [示例一] 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 It is an in-depth relationship combining trust, support,communication,loyalty,understanding,sympathy and intimacy. These are certainly aspects of life that a11 of us desire.Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship.Remember when you were young you went with a friend to her grandma’ s for the weekend.It was fun but when you got home,home was wonderful.①Your feeling was“ I am home.I can relax now.” That’s what a friendship should be.You go out into the world and do your best.You have your ups and downs,your problems and triumphs,your fun and tribulations.You charm and perform. Then you come “home” to a friend.You can relax, put up your feet;you are relieved.If you still have to be charming and/or performing,it’s not a relief.Friendship is a comfortable situation like home.You get home,kick off your shoes.Relax and sigh,“Ahh,home.” ② But no one can form a friendship until he/she realizes that the basis of being fiends is meeting the needs of the other person.③One must be a friend to have a friend. Never forget that friends relate.Relating is the basis of friendship. 【写作内容】 1) 以约30个词概括短文的要点; 2) 然后以约120个就“On Friendship”这个主题发表看法,并包括如下要点: a)根据你的亲身经历,你觉得朋友给你的生活带来了什么? b)你对友谊的理解是什么? c)你觉得如何才能建立起真正的友谊? 【写作要求】 你可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。 一、解题思路 1.认真审题,领悟题意,明确写作内容和写作要求 2.整理要点,谋篇布局,划分文章段落及文章层次 此篇文章我们可以把opinion部分直接按照a)b)c)三个点分成三段,也可以把a)b)放在一段,c)则单独自成一段。这样,阅卷老师一眼就能看到你是否把要点写全。此外,各段的笔墨分配要有机平衡。 [高分绝招]力求开门见山,画龙点睛,建议使用航标式主题句来凸现我们的个人观点。(好处:第一、保证不离题,有的放矢地瞄准内容要点的要求。第二、帮助阅卷老师追踪我们的思路,留下好印象。) 如本文opinion部分的要点是:a)经历、朋友带来了什么b)友谊是什么c)如何建立友谊 这些字眼要有意识地在每段开头出现,并加以修饰润色。 如:opinion部分的航标式主题句 第一段 According to my experience,I think friends bring me________. 第二段 To me, friendship is_____________________________________. 第三段 To build up true friendship , you should___________________. 3.组织材料,充分论证 1)调动经验,大胆想象 本文的题材是夹叙夹议,其中a)要求我们要有自己的亲身经历。这时我们就应充分调动已有的生活经验或者大胆发挥想象,虚构经历。这段文字可以按照记叙文的五个基本要素来组织(what/who/when/where/what to learn或者how)。 2)复读材料,移花接木 虽说不能抄袭原阅读材料中的句子但我们可以利用原文中的论点、论据,用自己的话进行阐述,充实文章的内容。此乃移花接木也。如参考原文中的第①句话就可以用来写b)你对友谊的理解是什么? E.g. To my mind,friendship is a harbor where…… 再如参考原文中的第②③句可以用来写c)如何建立友谊 e.g. trust your friend; be honest with your friend; when he/she is in trouble, give a hand, etc. 4.注意衔接,自然过渡 由summary过渡到例证(experience),可用以下短语或句子过渡:(1)As to me/To me, friends bring me a lot. (2)In terms of me, friends have always been the postman bringing happiness to me. (3) According to my experience, I think that what friends bring me is not only trust, understanding but also happiness. 5.勘误润色,锦上添花 检查时态、语态是否正确;主谓是否一致;句子结构是否完整;词语搭配是否恰当;单词拼写是否有误;标点符号是否准确等。表达尽量多样化,语言尽量地道化。 ******* 1)请同学们根据以上解题思路,完成这篇文章。(课堂练习) [实战演练] 2)homework(选做) 组织学生分组讨论后请就下面两个标题发表议论。(100词左右) My Opinion On Cheating in Examinations How to Improve English Reading Skills [示例二] (必做题) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 I was brought up in the countryside by my grandmother. She was very courageous and inspiring woman and was very beautiful, too. In comparison with her or some of my classmates, I always felt that I was not beautiful or pretty. In fact, when I was studying in middle school, I thought I was ugly and just because of these negative feelings I was not very confident. I often felt self-conscious. One day when I was walking with my grandmother after lunch, we met one of her friends. We talked for a few minutes. Just as my grandmother’s friend was about to leave, she turned to me and said, “Xiao Wen, you look so beautiful today in that green dress.” No one had ever made a comment like that to me before. It was so encouraging. Suddenly I felt confident and happy. I couldn’t believe that someone described me as beautiful. It is true that those words turned my life around. And I admit that I treasured that green dress for a long time. 【写作内容】 1.以约30个词概括短文的要点 2.然后以约120个词写一篇记叙文,描写表扬或称赞给人带来的愉快和鼓舞, 并包括以下要点: a)叙述你或你的朋友被老师或其他人表扬的一次真实或虚构的经历; b)被表扬后的感觉是怎么样的; c)这次称赞、表扬带来的影响。 【写作要求】 1.可以参照阅读材料的篇章结构,组织故事,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2.标题自定。 二、备考策略 1.扩大阅读面,积累语言素材;2.多思考,多问为什么,培养发散性思维; 3.每周一至两次的作文训练(用好《英语周报》的写作训练) 4. “万能”句型的积累; (写作范式见后面) 5. “错题集”的建立(把平时写作当中常用到的易错词汇如:convenient,succeed,opinion,nowadays,important,necessary,society,successful,support,science,future,chance,economy,future等及常被写错的句式专门记录在一个本子上,经常翻阅,以防重蹈覆辙。如:(1)As is know that…/ (2)With the economy developed;/(3)Most students are agree;/(4)People are convenient to do …./(5) There are many people hold the opinion.等(请你把这些句子纠正)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.勤练书写,保证卷面整洁 Part3. 议论或说明类型文章的写作 任务型写作(共1小题;满分25分) 请根据以下的任务说明和写作要求,写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 【任务说明】 你要参加一场英语演讲比赛,主题是“中国是否应该鼓励私家车”。在参赛之前,你要查阅相关资料。并准备你的演讲发言。请认真阅读下面的短文,然后完成以下的任务。 1)概括短文的内容要点,该部分的字数大约30; 2)就“中国是否应该鼓励私家车”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包括以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约120: a)你现在采用的交通方式是什么?你满意吗? b)你是否同意鼓励私家车的发展?为什么? c)以环保为理由限制私家车是否成立? d)是否鼓励私家车主要取决于什么因素? 【写作要求】 你可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。 【阅读材料】 Should China Encourage Private Cars? With the living standards rising rapidly, more and more Chinese people can afford cars. But the increase of private cars produces unfavorable effects in many aspects. I think private cars should not be encouraged in China. Private cars have to be restricted in China. To begin with, the sharp increase of private cars worsens the already terrible traffic situation in China. China has the largest population in the world. The number of vehicles is increasing much more rapidly than building roads. Mass transportation vehicles are more suitable means to solve the traffic problems in China. However, more traffic jams will happen, which is really a public hazard to all of us. The number of private cars in urban areas should be limited while the number of buses should be increased. Secondly, private cars contribute to air pollution. A lot of big cities in China are now plagued by serious ar pollution. It people are to have cars of their own, the already contaminated atmosphere will get even dirtier. Finally, more and more traffic accidents occur due to poor driving skills of inexperienced private car owners. In short, China should not encourage private cars. As far as the great demand for means of transport is concerned, we can develop mass transportation system to take the place of private cars. 解题指导: 评分标准告诉我们,文章从内容(完整性)、语言(句子结构的复杂度和语法的准确性)和文采修辞(连贯性)三个方面进行评价。我们可以分两个阶段若干个小步子完成任务。 第一个阶段,概括全文大意。 (注意:概括阶段并不需要加上个人的见解) 1.认真阅读全文,找出作者观点,确定主题句,用横线划起来。(见文章原文) 2.用英语对主题句进行解释,即I think private cars should not be encouraged in China. 注意:概括的主题句是陈述客观的事实而非发表主观的见解,发表主观见解用形容词 (例如necessary,important,easy等等)或情态动词(例如should,ought to,must等等)居多,陈述客观事实用实义动词(例如show、prove、explore、explain等等)居多。例如,我们从第一句话的意义核心词think可以知道这是一个鲜明的观点。但是,我们概括是要用客观的口气进行陈述。 因此.我们用新的语言表达这一个意思,即: This paper tries to explain the reasons to limit the number of private cars. 用支撑句举出一到两个例子证明主题句,注意支撑句必须来源于阅读的文章,不能够自己随意发挥。这时候还没有让我们发表见解,只是检查我们的阅读理解是否到位。 文章原来的结构是这样的: 论点 I think private cars should not be encouraged in China. 论据一 To begin with,the sharp increase of private cars worsens the already terrible traffic situation in China.China has the largest population in the world. 论据二 Secondly,private cars contribute to air pollution.A lot of big cities in China are now plagued by serious air pollution. 论据三 Finally,more and more traffic accidents occur due to poor driving skills ofin— experienced private car owners. 出路 we can develop mass transportation system to take the place of private CarS. 现在,同学们来实践一下,用英文对上面的句子进行paraphrase(用英文解释英文),完成对原文的概括。 第二个阶段,发表个人见解。 注意:可以同意或者反对文章观点,也可以对文章的各种观点进行折中。一般情况 下,如果文章中只有一种观点,那么,同意文章的观点并且证明它是比较容易的。 根据题目要求,文章至少包括以下的内容要点. a)你现在的采用交通方式是什么? 你满意吗? b)你是否同意鼓励私家车的发展?为什么? c)以环保为理由限制私家车是否成立? d)是否鼓励私家车主要取决于什么因素? 为了紧扣内容要点,我们建议使用航标式主题句来凸现我们的个人见解,例如: 1)I usually travel 2)In my opinion, 3)It’s to limit private cars 4)In my opinion, the factor that counts 这样,第一可以保证不离题,有的放矢地瞄准内容要点的要求;第二可以帮助读者追踪我们的思路。 概括段与下文的承接 读写任务型写作既然是先“读”后“写”,是读后有感而发,那么,“读的内容”和“感的内容”要有机地联系起来,即短文概括与发表议论的段落要合理地承接起来才是一篇连贯的文章。当然,具体的承接方式需要根据具体的写作内容而定。一般情况下,承接的方式可视原阅读材料的文体而定。 阅读材料如果是议论文,作者已有鲜明的观点,可采用以下的句式承接下文: 1. What the writer said sounds reasonable. 2. I can’t agree more with what the writer said. 3. I quite agree with the writer’s idea. 4. I’m for the writer’s idea that … 5. I don’t agree with the writer’s view. 6. I’m strongly against the writer’s idea. 7. I partly agree with what the writer said. 8. I feel such an attitude is negative, and that it can bring…; some people argues as if it is a general truth that …;But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. 说明文或新闻报道是为读者提供一定的信息或揭示描述某种社会问题的,作者的写作意图往往没有明白地在文章表达出来,所以我们在概括完原文的要点后,往往要先把作者的写作意图点明后才发表自己的意见。这时,我们可采用以下句式承接下文: 1. This passage should arouse our awareness of … 2. This passage draws our attention to.. 3. The phenomena mentioned in this passage reflects that … 4. The problem talked about in this passage is worth our concerns. 故事性的文章,需要考生先揭示主题,引出作者的观点才能进行议论,一般可采用以下的句式承接下文: 1. This story shows us the importance/necessity of… 2. We can see from the passage that… 3. It can be inferred from this passage that… 4. From this passage we can know that… 注意:在发表你的opinion之前要有过渡词或过渡句。常见的过渡句有: 1.表达自己的意见 In my opinion,….; As far as I am concerned, …; As for me,… 2.表示赞同 I agree with the statement that…; I fully support the statement above because I am very sure… 3.表示不赞同 I feel such an attitude is negative,and it can bring…;Some people argues as if it is a general truth that…; But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. 参考范文: This paper tries to explain the reasons to limit the number of private cars.More private cars may cause heavier traffic jams, more serious air pollution and more serious traffic accidents. I usually travel on foot or by bus, with which I’m not satisfied because it takes me too much time. Personally, I agree to increase private cars. First, owning private cars is a demand from the Chinese people, who are getting richer day by day. Second, private cars are a symbol of a country’s modernization. However, I don’t take environmental protection as a valid reason to limit the development of private cars. We can solve this problem by using science and technology. For example, we can run cars with green fuels, and also improve public transportation systems for more efficient service. In my opinion, the factor that counts should be people’s demand of cars. 参考摘要: (1) Different colors usually give different feelings to people. (2) The story is about an unforgettable lesson of the writer from an old man while fishing, through which the writer realized patience was very important and that it was the secret of success. 任务型写作指导补充材料 写作范式1:话题作文 Nowadays, there are more and more ______.It is estimated that ______. Why have there been so many _______? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is _______. Besides, ______. The third one is_______. To sum up, the main cause of ______ is due to _____.It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, _______. On the other hand, ______ . All these measures will certainly reduce the number of _______. 写作范式2:论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法 The topic of_______ is becoming more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is _______.They hold their view for the reason of _____.What’s more, ______. While others think that B is a better choice.Firstly, ________. Secondly( Besides), ________. From my point of view,I think _______. The reason is that________. As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. 写作范式3:要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that______. They think________. In my opinion,I never think this reason can be the point.For one thing,________. For another thing, _________. I agree to the thought that ________. 写作范式4:“一分为二” 观点的议论文 Nowadays more and more people________.______ has/have both advantages and disadvantages. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.Firstly,______. Secondly, ________. In addition/What’s more ________. Every coin has two sides.The disadvantages are also obvious.To begin with______; To make matters worse, _____;Worst f all,_________. All things considered,we can see that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.Therefore _______. 写作范式5:现象说明文 Recently_______, what amazes us most is______, it’s true that ________. The main reason is________. What is more,______. Thirdly, ________. As a result, _______. In my opinion,_______.For one thing, ____, for another, ___________. 写作范式6:阐述主题题型 In my opinion,________. The good old proverb _______ remind us that______. Indeed, we can learn many things form it.First of all,______. Secondly, ____. Another case is that ______. Furthermore, ____________ . 写作范式7:解决方法题型 In recent days, we have to face the problem ________, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ______ .Second, _________. In this situation, we should take some measures to deal with the situation. For one thing, _________. For another _______. Finally, ________. Personally, I believe that ______ . Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is waiting for us because ______. 写作范式8:说明利弊题型 Nowadays many people prefer ______ because it has an important role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First, ______. Besides, _______. But every coin has two sides. The disadvantages are also clear. One of the important disadvantages is that ________. To make matters worse, _______. Personally, I believe that ______. Therefore, I would like to _______. Answers: [参考范文一] Friendship plays a big part in our life, just like a home where you can get relaxed. But to keep and form it needs relating and being ready to help other. According to my experience, I think friends bring me not only trust, understanding but also warmth. Once on a weekend I fell badly ill. Unfortunately, I lived at school and my parents had no idea of my illness. I had thought about lying in bed all day. But one of my friends had me sent to hospital and looked after me without having a rest, which moved me a lot. It is friendship that gives me a hand when I’m in trouble. As I enjoy making friends, I value friendship a lot. And I think friendship is a relationship which requires both honesty with each other and sharing. Thus, to my mind, to build up real friendship, we should make friends with those who we can trust, then take serious concerns on our friendship and always get ready to help each other. [参考范文二] The writer was once praised by one of her grandmother’s friends for her beautiful green dress. This praise not only made her happy but also changed her attitude towards herself. Praise is really magical. Perhaps many of us had such experience. Take myself as an example. I was very naughty in the primary school. Most of the teachers and even my parents felt headache of me. But it happened that I once got a very high mark in and examination and the headteacher reported this to my parents. My parents praised me crazily for this for quite a long time and told neighbors about that. I felt really happy and became polite to others. Every time when I heard others talk to me about my excellent examination result, I thought to myself that I would work even harder and made greater progress. Just as Shakespeare said, “ Our praises are our wages.” [发表议论参考答案] How to Improve English Reading Skills To improve your English reading , you should, first of all, choose something you feel important or interesting to read. Don’t try to read everything. You should begin with those written in simple English. Don’t read those which prove difficult for you at the beginning. While reading, don’t read too slowly or look up every new word you meet with. After reading a passage and having its main idea in mind, you may turn back and read it again. This time you read it slowly and look up some new words if necessary. Keep on reading like this and you will surely make progress little by little. My Opinion On Cheating in Examinations It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school. As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and don’t work at their lessons. So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers. In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it break the rules of school. We students should be honest and try to get good marks by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. What’s more, for examinations we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations. [句子纠错] (1) As is known,……/ It’s known that……/We all know that…… (2) With the development of economy,…… (3) Most of the students agree with it./are for the idea that… (4) It’s convenient (for people) to do sth. …… (5) There are many people holding the opinion./who holds the opinion. |
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