2008英语大纲新增词汇讲解系列(1-8)(人教版高三英语教案教学设计) |
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2008英语大纲新增词汇讲解系列一 1.absence n. 1.缺席,不在2.缺席的时间,外出期3.缺乏,不存在 【同】inadequacy; nonattendance; vacancy 【例】 1. 缺席的,不在场的[(+from)] Three members of the class were absent this morning. 今天早晨该班有三人缺席。 2. 缺少的,不存在的 Snow is absent in his country. 他的国家不下雪。 3. 茫茫然的,心不在焉的[B] He had an absent look on his face. 他脸上露出心不在焉的神色。 2. absent adj. ①[表语]缺席、不在②[定语]心不在焉的 注意:be absent from + 地点表示“不在某地” be absent in + 地点表示“外出去某地” be absent from the meeting“缺席” be absent in...当主语是无生命的名词时,意为“没有……” [例句与例词] an absent look on his face心不在焉的表情 He is absent in Europe.他现在外出在欧洲。 He is absent from Europe.他现在外出不在欧洲。 He is absent from the meeting.他开会缺席了。 He was absent from his work.他擅离职守。 Snow is absent in some countries.有些国家终年无雪。 3. abuse n. 1.滥用,妄用2.虐待,伤害3.辱骂,毁谤 vt. 1.滥用,妄用2.虐待,伤害3.辱骂,毁谤 【同】insult; mistreat; victimize 【例】 It's easy to abuse one's power. 人容易滥用权力。 They talked about how the uses and abuses of figures to prove things in politics. 他们谈到人们如何在政治问题上使用及滥用数字来混淆视听。 4. accommodation n. [常pl.] 住处,膳宿 【同】settlement; convenience; lodging 【例】 I have no method to make accommodation to my quests. 我无法给客人们安排住宿。 Hotel accommodation was scarce during the Olympic Games. 奥运会期间,旅馆房间很难找。 It's a great accommodation to me. 这对我极为方便。 This hospital has accommodation for 200 patients. 这家医院有二百个床位. 5.ache n. 疼痛 vi. 痛, 哀怜, 渴望 【医】 疼痛 The aching tooth has been nagging at me for a whole week. 牙痛已经使我整整一周不得安宁了 The children are aching for the holidays. 孩子们急盼假期的到来 My shoulders feel stiff and my back aches. 我肩酸背痛。 6. acid n.〈化〉酸,迷幻药 LSD adj. 酸味的,像醋的,脾气坏的,〈化〉酸性的;酸的 a solid acid formed by reactions of orthophosphoric acid. 一种固体酸,由正磷酸反应形成。 n acid derived from sulphuric acid. 从硫磺酸衍生而来的酸。 synthesis of nucleic acid 核酸的人工合成 7. acre n. 英亩(一英亩=4046.87平方公尺, 相当于中国6.070亩); [pl.]土地.耕地, 地产; [口]大量, 甚多 1. Developing a30 - acre tract. 开拓三十英亩土地不适合 那所房子周围有500英亩起伏不平的草地.不适合 3. Seed that yields up to 300 Bushels per acre. 每英亩能产三百蒲式耳的种子不适合 4. Erosion has dissolved acres of topsoil. 侵蚀作用已使大量表土层流失 8. afterward(s) adv.然后,后来地 [特征] afterwards是英国的用法,美国人更多的是用afterward,这两个词意思一样。 Afterwards the girl left Guangdong for Shanghai. 后来这女孩离开广东去了上海。 We saw the film and afterwards walked home together. 我们看了电影后一起走回了家。 Soon afterwards, the balloon began to descend and it landed near an airfield. 过了一会儿,气球开始降落,并且在一个机场附近着陆了。 She had her supper and went out soon afterwards. 他吃过晚饭不久以后就出去了。 [备考必背] 辨析afterwards和later 这两个词有时可以互换。但later可以和具体的时间连用,而afterwards不能。 - He will realize his mistakes afterwards/later. 他以后会意识到他的错误的。 - I saw her three days later. 我三天后见到了她。 9. airplane n. 飞机 【同】aeroplane, plane 【例】 1. The airplane is airworthy. 这架飞机是适于飞行的。 2. The airplane was attacked by dropping bombs. 这架飞机遭到炸弹的袭击。 3. The airplane ascended higher and higher. 飞机渐渐升高。 4. An airplane alighted on the airdrome. 一架飞机在机场着陆。 5. The airplane flies at 900 kilometers an hour. 飞机以每小时900公里的速度飞行。 6. How is it possible for a boy of ten to fly an airplane? 一个十岁大的男孩会开飞机,这怎么可能呢? 7. When do you guess the airplane will take off? 你猜飞机何时要起飞? 10.alarm n. 警报,惊慌,警告,报警器 v. 使...惊慌,警告 词形变化: 副词:alarmingly 动词过去式:alarmed 过去分词:alarmed 现在分词:alarming 第三人称单数:alarms 例句与用法: 1. I gave the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke. 我一看见冒烟,就发出了警报。 2. The news of the radiation leak caused widespread public alarm. 辐射泄露的消息引起了公众的普遍恐慌。 3. The government is alarmed by the dramatic increase in violent crime. 政府对暴力犯罪案件的急剧增加感到恐慌。 2008英语大纲新增词汇讲解系列二 11. album ['ælbəm] n. 粘贴集,影集,邮集,歌曲集 常用短语: 1. photograph album 影集 2. autograph album n. 亲笔签名簿 3. stamp album n. 集邮册 参考例句 1. Her latest album is a com-pilation of all her best singles. 她最新的一套唱片是她的最佳单曲唱片的汇集. 2. Mary showed us her album. 玛丽给我们看她的影集。 3. She treasures her photo album. 她珍爱她的像册。 4. Let me have a look at your album. 让我看一看你的相簿。 5. This is an exquisite photo album. 这是一本精致的相册。 6. Their new album is sheer dynamite. 他们这套新唱片一下子轰动起来. 7. He asked if he might glance through my album. 他问可不可以翻翻我的相片簿。 8. They were gaga over the rock group's new album. 他们对滚石乐队的新专辑迷得发狂 12. ambassador [æm'bæsədə] n. 大使 词形变化 名 词:am•bas'sa•dor•ship' 形容词:am•bas'sa•do'ri•al 参考例句 1. The amBassador presented her credentials to the monarch. 外交官将她的证明书呈交国王。 2. The ambassador radioed an urgent message to his government. 大使急电他的政府。 3. He never failed to send the ambassador a report each week. 他每个礼拜必送报告给大使。 4. The government has recalled its ambassador from Paris. 政府已经将大使从巴黎召回。 5. Ambassadors report him the ablest man in the country. 大使们都说他是该国首屈一指的大能人。 6. He was appointed ambassador to Great Britain. 他被任命为驻英大使。 7. The one [person] who met us is the ambassador. 是大使会见了我们。 8. A papal ambassador or representative. 13. amusement [ə'mju:zmənt] n. 娱乐的状态,娱乐,乐事 常用短语 1. amusement park 公共游乐场 2. amusement arcade n. 游乐场 参考例句 1. The children had a gorgeous time in the amusement park. 孩子们在露天游乐场玩得快活极了。 2. The Roman gladiatorial contests were bestial amusements. 罗马角斗是野蛮的娱乐 3. The old ladies played for small stakes just for amusement. 老太太们下小赌注赌钱只是为了取乐。 4. She could not disguise her amusement at his mistake. 她对他的错误忍俊不禁 5. To my great amusement his false beard fell off. 使我感到极其好笑的是他的假胡子掉下来了 6. Used to express amusement or scorn. 用来表示戏谑或嘲讽 7. His chief amusement is reading novels. 他的主要消遣是看小说。 8. Amusement gleamed in his eyes. 他眼睛流露出愉快的神情。 14. annual ['ænjuəl] n. 年刊,年报 a. 一年一次的,年年的,一年生的 词形变化 副 词:an'nu•al•ly 常用短语 1. annual ring n.[植]年轮 2. annual parallax 周年视差 参考例句 1. The annual average temperature here is 24 degree celsius. 这里的年平均气温为24℃。 2. We'd like to see your annual report for the last two years. 我们想看看贵公司过去两年的年度报告。 3. The body's annual intake of metallic iron is infinitesimal. 人体对金属铁的年摄入量是微不足道的。 4. The family's annual income is in the vicinity of $15000. 这家一年的收入在一万五千美元左右。 5. The annual Southeast asia festival is held in our region. 咱们有一年一度的东南亚电影节? 6. You must show your annual earnings in the tax form. 你必须在税单上注明你的年收入。 7. Income tax rates are related to one's annual income. 所得税税率与个人年收入的数额相关。 8. The company offered him an annual salary of $94K. 那家公司出价九万四千美元年薪雇他 15. ant [ænt] n. 蚁,蚂蚁 常用短语 1. ant bear n.[动]大食蚁兽(产于南美洲) 2. ant cow 蚜虫,蚁牛 3. ant lion n.蚁狮 4. carpenter ant 木蚁 5. white ant n.[昆]白蚁 参考例句 1. The proverb tells us to emulate the industry of the ant. 这格言告诉我们要效法蚂蚁的勤勉。不适合 2. Many kinds of ants milk little bugs called ant cows. 许多种蚂蚁会挤一种称为蚁牛的小虫子的液汁吃。不适合 3. The social order of ants is very interesting. 蚂蚁的社会结构非常有趣.不适合 4. The branch of entomology that deals with ants. 蚁学研究蚂蚁的昆虫学分支不适合 5. Some ants have extra powerful jaws. 有些蚂蚁的上下颚特别强而有力。不适合 6. Ants and bees are laborious insects. 蚂蚁与蜜蜂是勤劳的昆虫。不适合 7. We found a colony of ants under the tree. 我们发现树下有一群蚂蚁。不适合 8. The young ants are wrapped in silk cocoons. 幼蚁裹在丝茧里面。 16. appointment [ə'pɔintmənt] n. U任命,选派;C职位;C约会,约定,约 常用短语 1. power of appointment 财产处理权,财产指定权 参考例句 1. It striked on me that I have an appointment this morning. 我突然想起今早有个约会。 2. I must congratulate you on your appointment as a manager . 我一定得祝贺您荣任经理之职。 3. She gobbled down her lunch and hastened to her appointment. 她大口吃完午饭便匆忙赴约去了。 4. She wants to change her appointment from Tuesday to Friday. 她想把她的约会从星期二改到星期五。 5. She informed him that he has a two o'clock appointment. 她通知他两点有个会议。 6. A woman who holds a peerage by descent or appointment. 有爵位的女人一个由世袭或任命而获贵族爵位的女人 7. A man who holds a peerage by descent or appointment. 一个由世袭或任命而获爵位的男人 8. I 'd like to make an appointment to see the dentist. 我要预约去看牙医。 17. arithmetic [ə'riθmətik] n. U算术 a. 算术的 词形变化 比较级:ar•ith•met•ic also ar'ith•met'i•cal 名 词:a•rith'me•ti'cian 副 词:ar'ith•met'i•cal•ly 常用短语 1. arithmetic mean 算术平均数(总和除以个数) 2. arithmetic progression 等差级数 3. binary arithmetic operation 二进制算术运算,二进制运算,二进制运算操作 4. arithmetic operation 【计】 算术运算【经】 算术运算 参考例句 1. Some hard problems in arithmetic bewilder me. 算术上一些难题使我糊涂。 2. Arithmetic has to be hammered into that boy's head. 算术得往那男孩脑子里灌才行。 3. I do the arithmetic homework for her. 我替她做算术课家庭作业。 4. The arithmetic searching for oil is stark. 寻找石油的等差级数是严格的。 5. That problem in arithmetic still sticks me. 那道计算题还在难着我。 6. You need further instruction in arithmetic. 你需要更多的算术教育。 7. She grounded her pupils well in arithmetic. 她给自己的学生打下良好的算术基础. 8. He is good at mental arithmetic. 他擅长心算。 18. arrow ['ærəu] n. 箭,箭头计号; 词形变化 时 态:arrowed, arrow•ing, arrows 参考例句 1. The arrow on the map indicates where the accident happened. 图上的箭头指示事故发生的地点。 2. The direction of a force can be represented by an arrow. 力的方向可用箭头表示 3. A good archer is not known by his arrows But his aim. 神箭手因其射中靶子而非因其箭而闻名 4. He saw a series of white arrows painted on the road. 他看见马路上画有一连串白色箭头。 5. He sent the arrow forthright toward the target. 他把箭径直射向目标。 6. The hunter lodged an arrow in the tiger's head. 猎人一箭射中老虎的头。 7. The afternoon sun emptied down invisible arrows. 下午的骄阳正倾射出一支支无形的光箭。 8. The natives use poisoned arrows to kill big game. 土著用毒箭射杀大猎物。 19. ashamed [ə'ʃeimd] a. 羞愧的,惭愧的 参考例句 1. You may come to be ashamed of what you have done today. 有一天你可能会为你今天干的事情感到羞愧的。 2. He felt too ashamed to go back home to see his elders. 他觉得无颜见江东父老。 3. You made me feel ashamed of myself. 你让我感到羞愧 4. I am half ashamed to confess it. 承认这事我真有些羞愧。 5. She was ashamed of having failed in the examination. 她因考试不及格而感到羞愧。 6. I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct. 我得承认因自己的行为而感到羞惭。 7. He was somewhat ashamed of his own unseemliness. 他有些自惭形秽。 8. Don't do that which you will be ashamed of later. 别做那件以后会让你为耻的事。 20. aside [ə'said] ad. 在旁边,撇开不谈 n. 独白,旁白 参考例句 1. We'll leave aside the problem of agency until next week. 我们暂时把代理问题搁置到下周 2. urgent problems that society can no longer shunt aside. 社会再也无法回避的紧急问题 3. The UN first set aside World Water Day in 1993. 联合国早在1993年就设立了世界水日。 4. The old car has been set aside and is out of use. 那辆旧车已被搁置一旁不再使用了。 5. The saleswoman set aside the coat for the fat lady. 女售货员给这位胖女士留下了一件外套。 6. He set aside his responsibilities for the weekend. 他为了周末而不顾他的责任。 7. He took the player aside to counsel her. 他把选手叫到一旁去劝导她。 8. The freighter was laid aside for repairs. 货船因需修理而未能使用。 2008英语大纲新增词汇讲解系列三 21.astronomy [əs'trɔnəmi] n. 天文学 词形变化 复 数:as•tron•o•mies 常用短语 1. radio astronomy n.射电天文学 参考例句 1. Astronomy is an abstract subject. 天文学是一门深奥的学科。 2. Astronomy inherits from astrology. 天文学的前身是占星术。 3. Physics and astronomy are cognate sciences. 物理学和天文学是相关联的科学. 22. atom ['ætəm] n. 原子;微粒,微量 常用短语 1. atom bomb n弹 原子弹 2. atom smasher n.核粒子加速器 3. gram atom 克原子 参考例句 1. The haemoglobin molecule contains only four atoms of iron. 血红蛋白分子只含有四个铁原子。 2. Nanometer sized grains contain only about 900 atoms each. 纳米尺寸的晶粒每个只包含大约900个原子。 3. The atom bomb is the offspring of the 20th century physics. 原子弹是20世纪物理学的产物。 4. There are two aldoses containing three carbon atoms. 有两个包含三个碳原子的醛糖 5. An acid having one replaceable hydrogen atom. 一元酸只有一个可置换氢原子的酸 6. There was not an atom of evidence to convince him. 没有一点能使他信服的证据。 7. Atom number eight is called oxygen. 原子序数为8的物质叫做氧。 8. The atom bomb is of catholic concern. 原子弹受到普遍的关注。 23. automatic [ɔ:tə'mætik] n. 自动的机器 a. 自动的,无意识的 词形变化 名 词:au'di•bil'i•ty, au'di•ble•ness 副 词:au'di•bly 常用短语 1. automatic choke 自动阻气门 2. automatic data processing 自动数据处理 3. automatic drive n.(汽车等)自动驾驶 4. automatic pilot n.[航空]自动驾驶仪 5. automatic pistol 自动手枪 6. automatic rifle n.自动步枪 7. automatic teller machine 自动取款机 8. automatic transmission n.(=automatic drive)自动驾驶 9. automatic data processing system 【计】 自动数据处理系统【经】 自动信息处理系统 参考例句 1. In it was an expensive-looking 9mm automatic pistol. 里面有一支看来相当高级的9毫米自动手枪。 2. Automatic modification of the index register. 自动修改变址寄存器内容。 3. A volley of automatic rifle fire could be heard. 一阵自动步枪的扫射声传了过来。 4. My camera has automatic focusing. 我的相机是自动对焦的。 5. The oven has an automatic timer and other refinements. 这个烤箱有自动定时器及其他改进装置. 24. avenue ['ævinju:] n. 林荫道;大街;途径,手段 常用短语 1. fifth avenue n.(纽约市的)第五街 参考例句 1. They were taking a walk on the broad avenue after dinner. 晚饭后他俩在宽阔的林荫道上散步。 2. Fifth avenue is a good place for window shopping. (纽约市)第五街是逛街的好去处。 3. Hard work is a sure avenue to success. 勤奋是可靠的成功之道。 4. Hard work is the surest avenue to success. 勤劳为成功最稳当的途径。 5. It's on Madison avenue between 78th and 79th. 在七八街与七九街之间的麦迪逊大街。 6. I stroll down Fifth Avenue. 我漫步在第五大道上。 7. We have explored every avenue. 我们已经探索过了各种途径. 8. Tall trees wall the broad avenue. 高大的树木大墙似地排列在宽阔的林阴道旁。 25. balloon [bə'lu:n] n. 气球 vt. 使成气球状 vi. 膨胀如气球,激增 词形变化 时 态:bal•looned, bal•loon•ing, bal•loons 名 词:bal•loon'ist 常用短语 1. pilot balloon n. 测风气球 2. exiansausage balloon 圆柱形系留气球 3. hot-air balloon n. 热气球 4. balloon sail 游艇帆 5. barrage balloon n. [军]阻塞气球 参考例句 1. The balloons were popping when the children burst them. 气球被孩子们弄破时发出"砰砰"的响声。 2. The children were popping balloons. 孩子们把汽球弄得劈啪作响. 3. A balloon expands when it is blown up. 气球吹气后会膨胀起来。 4. Balloon ascents overcome this hazard with ease. 升空的气球能轻而易举地克服这一困难。 5. He balloons his cheeks when he is hesitant. 他迟疑不决时会鼓起双颊。 6. Helium leaking slowly from the Balloon. 氦气慢慢地从气球中漏走 7. They like to go ballooning at weekends. 他们周末喜欢乘气球玩. 8. The balloon burst. 气球爆炸了。 26. bamboo [bæm'bu:] n. 竹子 词形变化 复 数:bam•boos 常用短语 1. bamboo shoot n. 笋,竹笋 2. black bamboo 紫竹 3. bamboo curtain n. 竹幕(西方资产阶级舆论界过去对我国的诬蔑性用语) 参考例句 1. Each bamboo house was surrounded by a thriving orchard. 每座竹楼周围都茂密的果园。 2. Fresh bamboo shoots will be on the market this month. 新鲜竹笋本月将上市。 3. Everything there is made of bamboo. 那里的一切东西都是竹子做的。 4. It’s made of bamboo and animal’s hair. 它是竹子和动物毛制成的。 5. He did athletic stunts on bamboo ladders. 他在竹梯上表演了体育绝技。 6. Some furniture is made of bamboo. 有些家具是竹制的。 7. I don't think we have any vase made of bamboo. 我想我们没有竹制的花瓶。 8. This bamboo basket is my own work. 这只竹篮是我自己编的。 27. banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n. 香蕉,芭蕉树;喜剧演员 常用短语 1. second banana 次要滑稽演员 2. top banana 主要滑稽演员 3. banana oil 香蕉油,乙酸戊酯 4. dwarf banana 粉蕉 5. banana republic n. 香蕉共和国(指中、南美洲发展中国家) 6. banana split 香蕉半剖条 参考例句 1. He had a banana and a wedge of cheese for lunch. 他中饭吃一根香蕉和一块楔形的奶酪。 2. The boy booted the banana skin to the garbage heap. 男孩把香蕉皮踢到垃圾堆旁。 3. Add a spoonful of banana flavouring. 加一匙香蕉香糕。 4. They freighted the boat with bananas. 他们把香蕉装载在船上了。 5. I won't be deceived by her Banana oil. 我不会被她的花言巧语所欺骗 6. The truck was carrying a load of Bananas. 这辆卡车装着一车香蕉。 7. I slipped on a banana peel. 我踩到香蕉皮而滑倒。 8. Bananas are tropical fruit. 香蕉是热带水果。 28. barbecue ['bɑ:bikju:] n. 烤肉 vt. 烤肉,烧烤 词形变化 时 态:bar•be•cued, bar•be•cu•ing, bar•be•cues 常用短语 barbecue sauce 在全烧(或全烤)时涂抹烤物用的沙司烧烤鱼或肉时所用调味液烤肉调味酱 参考例句 1. The sunshine bodes well for our barbecue. 明媚的阳光对我们的烤肉野餐是个吉兆。 2. Want to join us for a barbecue? 想同我们一起去烧烤野餐吗? 3. We can't calculate on (having) good weather for the barbecue. 我们不能指望著(有)好天气才去烧烤. 4. If you're not busy Sunday, we'd love to have you both over for a barbecue. 如果你周日有空,我们想请你们俩来吃烧烤。 29. barrier ['bæriə] n. 栅栏,障碍,壁垒,关卡 常用短语 1. sonic barrier n. 音障 2. sound barrier n.(=sonic barrier)[空]声障,声垒,音障 3. trade barrier 贸易保护壁垒 4. barrier island 障壁岛 5. barrier reef n.堤礁(珊瑚礁的一种) 6. heat barrier n.[空]热障,速度极限 7. junction barrier 结势垒 8. thermal barrier 热垒,热障 9. barrier strip 阻挡带 10. crash barrier n. (公路上的)防撞护栏,防撞隔离墩 11. language barrier n. 语言障碍 12. movable barrier 可移动阻片 参考例句 1. The color of one's skin shouldn't be a barrier to success. 肤色不应该成为成功的障碍。 2. This barrier provides two useful electrical phenomena. 这个电化学降提供了两种有用的电现象。 3. The ice skater rammed into the barrier. 溜冰者撞到护栏上了. 4. Poor health may be a barrier to success. 健康欠佳可能成为取得成功的障碍. 5. You must show your ticket at the barrier. 必须在检票处出示票. 6. Taxes are the biggest barrier to free trade. 税收是自由贸易的最大障碍。 7. A body of water controlled by such a barrier. 由水坝或堰控制的水. 8. Show your ticket at the barrier. 请在检票处出示票以备查验. 30. bat [bæt] n. 蝙蝠,球棒 vt. vi. 用球棒打,眨眼 n. DOS文件扩展名:批文件 词形变化 时 态:bat•ted, bat•ting, bats 常用短语 1. vampire bat n.吸血蝙蝠,吮吸膏血者,勾引并导致男人毁灭的女人 参考例句 1. The visiting team Bats first at the top of each inning. 客队在每一局开始先击球。 2. To shorten one's grip on the handle of a bat or racket. 在球棒或球拍把手上缩短握拍距离. 3. He heard the bad news without batting an eyelid. 他听到这个坏的消息丝毫没动声色(没贬眼睛)。 4. Some bats locate flying insects on which they feed. 某些蝙蝠找到它们赖以生存的飞虫。 5. He batted the ball at least 300 feet. 他将球击出至少三百英尺。 6. Bats flitted about in the darkening sky. 蝙蝠在暮色苍茫的天空中飞来飞去。 7. Bats sleep in the daytime. 蝙蝠白天睡觉。 8. The bat is a flying mammal. 蝙蝠是会飞的哺乳动物 2008英语大纲新增词汇讲解系列四 31. bathe [beið] vt. 洗澡,沐浴;弄湿,浸湿 词形变化 时 态:bathed, bath•ing, bathes 名 词:bath'er 参考例句 1. The little dog whimpered when I tried to bathe its wounds. 当我想给那小狗清洗伤口时它悲嗥起来。 2. The movie star was Bathed in hugs and kisses from his fans. 电影明星沉浸在影迷的搂抱亲吻中。 3. A fur coat is incongruous with a bathing suit. 皮大衣和游泳衣是不相称的。 4. That weirdo never bathes or changes his clothes. 那怪胎从不洗澡或换衣服 5. The doctor told him to bathe his eyes twice a day. 医生叫他每天洗眼两次。 6. Convenient for the fresh parents to bathe the baby. 方便新手父母替宝宝洗澡。 7. The garden was bathed in moonlight. 花园在月光笼罩之下。 8. The fields were bathed in sunlight. 田野沐浴在阳光中。 32. bathtub ['bæθtʌb] n. 浴缸 常用短语 1. bathtub gin 私烧锦酒 参考例句 1. My bathtub drain is clogged. 我的浴缸堵塞不通。 2. The bathtub drain needs repairing. 浴盆的排水管需要修理。 3. She loves to soak in the Bathtub. 她喜欢泡在浴缸中。 33. beast [bi:st] n. 野兽,牲畜,兽性;凶残的人,举止粗鲁的人 常用短语 1. beast of burden 驮畜,驮载用的大牲口 参考例句 1. Beasts at bay will fight back. 困兽犹斗。 2. He was saved from those savage beasts by a narrow margin. 他从那些猛兽口中死里逃生。 3. The wild beast was caught in a trap. 这只野兽堕入了陷阱。 4. His drunken habits made a beast of him. 他宿醉的习惯使他像个野兽。 5. At last he got hold of the beast's tail. 最后他总算抓住了动物的尾巴。 6. A tiger is a Beast of prey. 老虎是一种捕食的猛兽。 7. Savage Beasts of the jungle. 丛林里的野生动物 8. The beast preys on living animals. 这野兽捕食活的动物。 34. blouse [blauz] n. 宽松的上衣 常用短语 1. middy blouse 水手衫 参考例句 1. This blouse needs to be finished off before I can wear it. 这件(女)衬衣还要再加一下工我才能穿。 2. She wore a sexy see-through blouse to the cocktail party. 她穿一件性感透明的上衣去参加鸡尾酒会。 3. Her blouse had parted company with her skirt. 她的上衣从裙子里出来了. 4. Please don't crease the blouse when you pack it. 包装时请不要将衬衫弄皱了。 5. She was wearing a skirt and blouse. 她穿着裙子和衬衫. 6. That's a very smart blouse you're wearing. 你穿的这件衬衫真时髦。 7. She wore a white organdy blouse. 她穿着一件白色蝉翼纱上衣。 8. She has red buttons on her blouse. 她的衬衫的钮扣是红的。 35. bonus ['bəunəs] n. 奖金,红利 词形变化 复 数:bo•nus•es 参考例句 1.exianA sales force that was inspired By the prospect of a Bonus. 为未来的红利而激发的销售人员 2. The firm offered her a generous bonus as a sweetener. 公司提出给她一笔可观的花红藉以拉拢她. 3. She's very dissatisfied at not getting a bonus. 她因没得到奖金极为不满。 4. The warm weather in winter has been a real bonus. 冬天有这样暖和的天气真是喜出望外. 5. Bonus acts as a stimulus to industry and commerce. 奖金对工商业起促进作用。 6. Our Christmas bonus should be restored. 我们发圣诞节赠金的做法应予恢复. 7. I shall not quit my job until after I get my bonus. 我要在领奖金以后再辞职 8. A hefty serving of mashed potatoes;received a hefty bonus. 一道丰富的土豆泥菜;得到大量奖金 36. boot [bu:t] n. 长靴,踢,解雇,效用 vt. 穿靴,踢,解雇,有用 词形变化 时 态:boot•ed, boot•ing, boots 常用短语 1. boot out 踢开,驱逐,解雇 2. to boot 加之,而且 3. top boot n.长统靴 4. boot camp n. <美口>海军训练新兵之营地 5. chukka boot n. 高帮皮马靴 6. desert boot n. 沙漠靴,沙地靴 7. half boot n. 半长统靴 8. riding boot n. 马靴, 长统靴 9. rubber boot 胶靴 10. ski boot n. 滑雪靴 参考例句 1. She got the Boot for stealing money. 她因偷钱被解雇了 2. My boots were punished by our long trek in the mountains. 我的靴子因为我们在山中漫长的徒步而受损。 3. My Boots were punished By our long trek through the desert. 我的靴子由于我们穿越沙漠的长途旅行而被磨损了 4. My boots are punished by our long trek in the mountain. 我的靴子因为我们在山中漫长的徒步而受损。 5. I'd like to get my hands on a nice pair of cowboy Boots. 我想得到一双帅气的牛仔靴。 6. My boot is pressing against a blister on my toe. 我的靴子挤压了我脚趾上的水泡。 7. These rental ski boots are a little small for me. 这些出租的滑雪鞋有点紧。 8. His new boots had given him blisters on his heels. 他的新靴子使他的脚后跟起了泡。 37. brake [breik] n. 制动器,刹车,闸 vt. 制动,刹车 词形变化 时 态:braked, brak•ing, brakes 常用短语 1. shooting brake 小型载货汽车,客货两用车 2. brake pedal n.刹车踏板 3. hand brake 手制动器 4. brake band 制动器带,制动闸 5. brake cylinder 闸缸,制动器缸 6. brake drum 制动鼓,轮闸鼓 7. brake lining 闸衬片,制动衬带,制动衬面,制动闸衬,刹车垫,刹车面 8. brake shoe 制动块,制动器闸瓦 9. brake system 制动系统 10. coaster brake 倒轮式刹车,倒轮制动,脚刹车 11. dive brake 俯冲制动器 12. drum brake 鼓式制动器,鼓形制动器 13. emergency brake 应急刹车,紧急制动器,安全制动器 14. foot brake 脚刹车,脚踏式制动器,脚踏闸 15. hydraulic brake 液动闸,液力制动器,液压制动器 16. power brake 电力制动器,动力制动器,机动刹车 17. disc brake n. 〈汽车〉盘式制动器 18. disk brake 盘式制动器, 圆盘闸 19. parking brake 停车制动 20. brake disk 【机】 煞车圆板 参考例句 1. A lot of the cost of maintenance went into renewing brakes. 很多的维修费用都花在了更换刹车方面。 2. The sudden application of the brakes plunged him forwards. 突然的刹车使他猛地一个前倾。 3. He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision. 他使劲踩下煞车踏板以避免撞车。 4. I was braking to avoid hitting a motorcycle. 我在煞车以免撞到一辆摩托车。 5. The brake failed to operate. 刹车失灵了。 6. The brake doesn't grip properly. 刹车不灵了。 7. The brakes failed to grip and the car ran into a wall. 汽车刹车失灵撞在墙上了。 8. The bicycle has no brakes you ride it at your peril. 这辆自行车没闸--你要骑可太危险了. 38. brand [brænd] n. 商标,烙印,污名 v. 打上烙印,铭记;玷污 词形变化 时 态:brand•ed, brand•ing, brands 名 词:brand'er 常用短语 1. brand name n. 商标, 品牌 参考例句 1. The boy saw a pony with a brand-new saddle over its back. 男孩看到背上有崭新鞍子的小马。 2. It is this brand of shampoo that can give your hair bounce. 这种洗发剂能给你的头发带来缕缕春色。 3. The registered trade mark of the products is... brand. 产品注册商标为. 4. Every brand name and trademark has a separate patent. 所有商标和商标名称均享有专利。 5. The farmer branded a hundred calves in one afternoon. 这农夫一个下午就给100头小牛打上了烙印。 6. Billie was wearing a pair of Brand-new glasses. 比莉戴着一副崭新的眼镜 7. A majority of the people prefer the other Brand. 大部分的人较喜欢其它的牌子。 8. He had on a brand-new pair of shoes. 他穿着一双簇新的鞋子。 39. bridegroom ['braidgrum] n. 新郎 参考例句 1. A lyric ode in honor of a bride and bridegroom. 新婚喜歌献给新娘新郎的抒情颂歌 2. The bride is beside the bridegroom. 新娘在新郎旁边。 3. He proposed a toast to both the bride and bridegroom. 他提议为新娘和新郎干杯。 4. We toasted the Bride and Bridegroom. 我们为新娘新郎的健康干杯。 40. broken ['brəukən] a. 坏掉的,打破的,断掉的 n. vbl. break的过去分词 词形变化 时 态:broke, bro•ken, break•ing, breaks 常用短语 1. broken wind n.喘气 2. broken heart 伤心, 绝望, 心碎 3. broken home n. (因父母离异而子女缺乏照顾的)破裂家庭 参考例句 1. A part or device that makes or breaks such a connection. 造成或中断这种接触的部分或装置. 2. I broke the typewriter I borrowed from you. 我把向你借的打字机弄坏了。 3. There was a loud ping as the elastic broke. 橡皮带断裂时发出砰的一声巨响. 4. The prisoner Broke away without us noticing. 我们没有注意到这犯人逃脱了。 5. Little Bob cut his hand on the broken glass. 小鲍勃的一只手被碎玻璃割破了。 6. Suppose the machine should break down again. 设想这部机器又坏了。 7. His repression broke out. 他的压抑终于爆发了。 8. They decided to Break up. 他们决定分手。 2008英语大纲新增词汇讲解系列五 41. broom [bru:m] n. 扫帚 词形变化: 形容词:broomy 动词过去式:broomed 过去分词:broomed 现在分词:brooming 第三人称单数:brooms 参考例句: 1. He stopped sweeping and rested on the broom. 他停止扫地,倚着扫帚休息。 2. He picked up the broom to help me sweep the floor. 他拿起扫帚帮我扫地。 3. A bundle of twigs attached to a handle and used as a broom. 长柄细枝扫帚一捆细枝固定于一长柄上,用作扫帚 4. A new broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火. 42. bunch [bʌntʃ] n. 串,束;群,帮 词形变化 时 态:bunched, bunch•ing, bunch•es 名 词:bunch'i•ness 形容词:bunch'y 常用短语 1. bunch grass 疏丛性禾草,束生草,簇生草 2. bunch up 聚成一团 参考例句 1. The reorganization will give us a whole bunch of problems. 重新改组会给我们带来一连串的问题。 2. The new legislators are a bunch of worthless politicos. 新的立法委员们是一群毫无用处的政客。 3. He carried a big bunch of flowers done up in white tissue. 他拿了一大束用白色薄纸包着的花。 4. He has a bunch of two by fours in his basement. 他的地下室里有一些2英寸厚4英寸宽的木材。 5. My brother and his bunch are basketball fanatics. 我兄弟和他的伙伴们都是篮球迷 6. Most palms have a bunch of large leaves at the top. 大多数棕榈树顶部都有一束大叶子。 7. I have a bunch of keys in my pocket. 我衣袋里有一串钥匙。 8. His friends are just a bunch of hooligans. 他的朋友们只是一群流氓。 43. cage [keidʒ] n. 笼,槛,战俘营 vt. 关进笼内 词形变化 时 态:caged, cag•ing, cag•es 常用短语 1. squirrel cage 无休止的乏味工作 2. rib cage n. 胸腔 参考例句 1. The tiger in the cage gnawed listlessly at a bone. 笼子里的老虎在没精打采地啃一根骨头。 2. It is cruel to confine lark in cage. 将一只云雀关在笼中是残忍的事。 3. The tiger paced up and down his cage. 老虎在笼中走来走去。 4. The bird fluttered its wings in the cage. 鸟在笼中拍着翅膀。 5. The canary was trilling away in its cage. 那只金丝雀在笼中鸣啭. 6. She trained her camera on the caged panda. 她把照相机对准笼子里的熊猫。 7. That cage is a monkey house. 那边的笼子是猴馆。 8. He freed the bird from the cage. 他把鸟从笼子里放了出去。 44. camel ['kæml] n. 骆驼,打捞浮筒 常用短语 1. camel's hair n. 骆驼毛 2. bactrian camel 双峰驼 参考例句 1. Aba: a fabric woven of the hair of camels or goats. 驼毛织物:山羊毛织物驼毛或山羊毛织物 2. The camels smelt the water a mile off. 骆驼嗅出一英里外有水。 3. Camels browse on trees as well as on ground cover. 骆驼既吃地被植物也吃树的枝叶。 4. The Arab mounted the camel and rode away. 那个阿拉伯人骑上骆驼走了。 45. canteen [kæn'ti:n] n. 食堂,军中福利社,临时流动餐馆,小卖部 参考例句: 1. The canteen is more than usually busy today. 今天食堂比往常忙得多. 2. He always bring a canteen with him on a hike. 他作徒步旅行时总是带著水壶。 46. carpenter ['kɑ:pintə] n. 木工,木匠 词形变化 时 态:car•pen•tered, car•pen•ter•ing, car•pen•ters 常用短语 1. carpenter ant 木蚁 2. carpenter bee 木蜂 3. carpenter's hammer 木工锤 4. carpenter's plane 木工刨 5. carpenter's rule 木工尺 6. carpenter's saw 木工锯 7. carpenter's square 木工尺,矩尺,矩尺,曲尺 参考例句 1. The carpenter slanted the roof to allow water to run off. 木匠使屋顶倾斜以便泻水。 2. A carpenter smooths a piece of wood with sandpaper. 木匠用砂纸把一块木头打光滑。 3. The carpenter screwed the hinges to the door. 木匠用螺钉将铰链固定到门上。 4. The carpenter was busy sawing the logs into planks. 这位木匠正忙着把圆木锯成厚板。 5. A carpenter must measure accurately. 木工必须要测量准确。 6. He is learning the carpenter's trade. 他在学木匠手艺。 7. My father works in a carpenter's shop. 我父亲在木工厂工作。 8. The carpenter is planing away at a plank. 木工在使劲刨一块木板。 47. carriage ['kæridʒ] n. 马车,客车,举止,运输 常用短语 1. baby carriage n.<美>童车,婴儿车(亦作baby buggy) 2. carriage return n.回车 3. carriage trade n. 上层阶级 4. carriage bolt 车身螺栓,螺丝栓 5. gun carriage 炮架 6. carriage wrench 套筒板手 7. hackney carriage n. 出租马车 8. slip carriage n. 卸下的车厢 参考例句 1. To work step by step is as good as riding in a carriage. 安步当车 2. Lock the carriages on to the engine with this hook. 用这个挂钩把客车车厢挂在机车上。 3. He was spilt from a carriage. 他从马车上抛落下来。 4. It's at the ends of the carriage. 在车厢的两头。 5. The carriage was dashed to pieces. 这马车被撞得粉碎。 6. He rolled in his carriage to town. 他乘马车进城去了。 7. Smoking in this railway carriage is prohibited. 本节车厢禁止吸烟。 8. They coupled the carriages of the train together. 他们把火车的车厢连接好。 48. carrot ['kærət] n. 胡萝卜 常用短语 1. wild carrot 野胡萝卜 参考例句 1. Using Both a carrot and a stick to keep allies in line. 同时用胡萝卜和大棒政策来使联盟保持一致 2. There is a salad of grate carrot and French dress . 曾有过胡萝卜丝加法式色拉油做的色拉。 3. The rabbit munched on the fresh carrots. 兔子咯吱咯吱地嚼着新鲜胡萝卜。 4. Crisp carrot and celery sticks. 鲜嫩的胡萝卜和芹菜梗 49. cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] n. 卡通画,漫画 vt. vi. 画漫画 词形变化 时 态:car•tooned, car•toon•ing, car•toons 名 词:car•toon'ist 形容词:car•toon'ish, car•toon'y 常用短语 1. animated cartoon n. 卡通片, 动画 2. cartoon strip 连环漫画 参考例句 1. Designed or constructed in the form of an animated cartoon. 用动画片形式设计或编制的。 2. This is one of the most vivid cartoons I have ever seen. 这是我所见到的最生动的漫画之一。 3. Walt Disney is famous as cartoon - maker. 沃尔特•迪斯尼是一位著名的动画制作人。 4. The art or process of preparing animated cartoons. 摄制动画片的制作艺术或过程。 50. cell [sel] n. 区, 细胞,血球;小室,牢房;电池,光电管;基层组织 词形变化 时 态:celled, cell•ing, cells 常用短语 1. blood cell 血球,血细胞 2. cell division n. 细胞分裂 3. flagellated cell 鞭毛细胞 4. reproductive cell 生殖细胞 5. prison cell 【法】 监房, 囚室 6. dry cell n. 干电池 7. cell death 细胞死亡 8. cell nucleus 胞核 9. cell theory 细胞学说 10. photoelectric cell 光电管 11. photovoltaic cell 光伏管,光生伏打电池 12. primary cell 一次电池,原电池 13. red blood cell n.[医] 红血球 14. standard cell 标准单元,标准电池 15. brain cell n. [医]脑细胞 16. cell organelle 细胞器官 参考例句 1. Carrying a prophage within the cell.Used of a bacterium. 产噬的在细胞内带有前噬菌体的。用于细菌 2. Parenchyma cells are widely distributed throughout plants. 薄壁组织细胞广泛地分布于整个植株。 3. It passes on the hereditary material to each daughter cell. 它将遗传物质传至每个子细胞。 4. Most cells of the pancreas produce digestive enzymes. 胰腺的大部分细胞产生酶。 5. The prisoner rapped out a message on the cell wall. 那囚犯敲打囚室的墙来传达讯息. 6. The prisoner clawed at the cell door in desperation. 囚犯绝望地乱抓牢房的门. 7. The nucleus is the information center of cell. 细胞核是细胞的信息中枢。 8. A small mass of tissue or aggregation of cells. 结组织的小结块或细胞的聚集 51. centigrade ['sentigreid] a. 分为百度的,摄氏的 常用短语 1. centigrade thermometer n.摄氏寒暑表 2. centigrade scale 百度表,百分标,百分温度标 3. degree centigrade 百分度 参考例句 1. It 's twenty - five degrees centigrade. 现在是摄氏度25度。 2. The temperature will drop to 10 degrees centigrade. 气温将降至摄氏10度。 3. It's 30 degrees Centigrade. 现在摄氏30度。 52. chalk [tʃɔ:k] n. 粉笔,白垩 vt. 用粉笔写,记录 词形变化 时 态:chalked, chalk•ing, chalks 名 词:chalk'i•ness 形容词:chalk'y 常用短语 1. chalk line 粉笔画的线 2. chalk out 用粉笔画出来,设计出… 3. chalk up 用粉笔记下,记录;取得,赢得 4. tailor's chalk n. 划粉 5. chalk pit 白垩矿场 6. chalk talk 注入式教学法技术战术讲解(因讲解者常用粉笔作说明而得名) 7. french chalk n.滑石粉 参考例句 1. Describe a circle on the floor with a piece of chalk. 用一支粉笔在地板上画个圈。 2. You can rub out the chalk marks with the eraser. 你可以用黑板擦把粉笔印擦掉。 3. Such a young child does not know chalk from cheese. 这样年幼的孩子是不辨是非的。 4. His chalk scraped on the blackboard. 他的粉笔在黑板上擦擦作声。 5. The chalk fell off the desk and broke. 粉笔从书桌上掉下来摔断了。 6. The chalk jarred against the blackboard. 粉笔在黑板上发出吱吱声。 7. Chalk marks deface the wall of the house. 粉笔痕迹破坏墙壁的外观。 8. Dust yourself down you're covered in chalk. 把你自己身上掸掸——你满身都是粉笔灰。 53. chef [ʃef] n. 厨师 参考例句 1. I 'd suggest the chef 's delight: sour soup Sichuan style. 我建议您点厨师的拿手菜:川式酸辣汤。 2. French pastry is the chef's specialty. 这个厨师的特色菜是法式面点 3. It's our chef's recommendation. 这是我们大厨的拿手菜。 4. The chef in the carver wears a long white apron . 切肉的厨师系一件白色长围裙。 5. The chef is preparing a roast of lamb. 厨师正准备烤羊肉。 54. chemist ['kemist] n. 化学家;药剂师 常用短语 1. chemist's shop 药店,药房 参考例句 1. The chemist resolved the mixture into its different parts. 化学家将这种混合物分解成其各种成分。 2. The chemist made a mistake when making up the prescription. 药剂师配错了药. 3. The chemist experimented with a new formula for dyes. 化学家试验一个新的染料配方。 4. Chemists discovered how to make synthetic rubber. 化学家发现如何制造人造橡皮。 5. Take this prescription to the chemist 's. 把这药方拿到配药处去配药。 6. The chemist has won worldwide recognition. 那位化学家赢得举世公认 7. The chemist dissolved water into its elements. 该化验师把水分分解为原质。 8. He went to a chemist's shop. 他去药店。 55. chess [tʃes] n. 象棋,国际象棋 常用短语 1. chess player 下象棋者,棋手 2. chess set 象棋比赛的一盘 参考例句 1. They got out the chess-board and arranged the pieces. 他们拿出棋盘把棋子摆好。 2. His skill in chess is unmatched in the school. 他的棋艺在全校是独一无二的。 3. The first software he wrote was for playing chess. 他的第一个软件就是为下棋而编写的。 4. She is playing chess with some boy. 她在和一个男孩下棋。 5. Chess is a highly intellectual game. 象棋是需用高度智力的运动项目。 6. He had been soundly defeated at chess. 他下棋输得很惨。 7. He has been soundly defeated at chess. 他在国际象棋比赛中一败涂地. 8. They were playing chess under the tree. 他们在树下下棋。 56. circus ['sə:kəs] n. 马戏团,马戏,竞技场 词形变化 形容词:cir'cus•y 参考例句 1. Circus clowns are experts at walking and running on stilts. 马戏团的小丑善于踩着高跷走和跑。 2. He coaxed his elder sister into taking him to the circus. 他诱哄他姐姐带他去看马戏。 3. The children were spellbound by the circus performance. 孩子们被马戏表演迷住了。 4. The child wondered at the amazing circus acts. 这孩子对新奇的马戏团表演感到惊奇。 5. He wanted to join the circus troupe. 他想加入那个马戏团。 6. The clown flounced about the circus ring. 那个小丑以夸张的动作在马戏场中走动。 7. The circus has the greatest show on earth. 这马戏团有全世界最伟大表演。 8. The horses trotted around the circus ring. 马绕着马戏场小跑。 57. claw [klɔ:] n. 爪,钩,抓伤 vi. vt. 用爪抓,搔,搜刮 词形变化 形容词:clawed 常用短语 1. claw hammer 燕尾服,拔钉锤 2. claw hatchet 爪斧,拔钉斧 参考例句 1. The owl swooped down and picked up the mouse in its claws. 猫头鹰猛扑下去用爪子抓起了老鼠。 2. The puppy clawed the door because it wanted to come inside. 那小狗用爪抓车想进来 3. The prisoner clawed at the cell door in desperation. 囚犯绝望地乱抓牢房的门. 4. The cat tried to cling to the edge by its claws. 猫用爪子拼命抓住那边缘。 5. The talon or claw of a bird of prey. 爪鸟类捕食的爪子 6. The rooster clawed a hole in the earth. 那只公鸡在地上扒出个洞来。 7. The cat's sharp claws penetrated my skin. 猫的尖爪刺入我的皮肤。 8. The Big Bird carried its prey in its claws. 这只大鸟用爪子抓着捕获物。 58. cloudy ['klaudi] a. 多云的,阴天的;混浊的,模糊的 词形变化 比较级:cloud•i•er, cloud•i•est 名 词:cloud'i•ness 副 词:cloud'i•ly 参考例句 1. A cloudy sky may deter a man from undertaking a journey. 阴暗天色有时使人不敢启程。 2. It's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this noon. 照理今天中午应该又是多云刮风的。 3. It's fine/cloudy/ raining/snowing/windy. 天晴/多云/下雨/下雪/有风。 4. These cloudy days depress us all. 连日阴霾使我们心情沮丧。 5. It has been cloudy and drizzly for days on end. 近几天一直阴雨连绵。 6. The water from the faucet was cloudy. 水龙头里流出的水很混浊。 7. Lightning ripped the cloudy night sky. 闪电划破乌云密布的夜空。 8. Lacking clarity or distinctness; cloudy or obscure. 模糊的不清楚的或者不明显的;含糊的或者朦胧的 59. collar ['kɔlə] n. 衣领,颈间 vt. 控制,扭住衣领,抓取 词形变化 时 态:col•lared, col•lar•ing, col•lars 形容词:col'lared 常用短语 1. collar cell 领细胞 2. dog collar n.狗脖套 3. clerical collar n. 某些教士所带之硬白领 4. hot under the collar 发怒的, 气得要争吵的 参考例句 1. He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind. 他竖起大衣领抵御寒风. 2. The smoking gun was the lipstick on his collar. 他衣领上的口红是确凿的证据。 3. The little girl can't fasten the collar button. 那个小女孩系不上领扣。 4. This stiff collar is strangling me. 这硬领把我的脖子卡得喘不过气来. 5. He loosened his collar of his overcoat. 他解开了大衣领口。 6. He loosened his collar and tie. 他松开衣领和领带。 7. Spray starch on the shirt collars before ironing them. 熨衬衫领要先喷些粉浆再熨. 8. A secretary has always been a pink collar job. 秘书总是粉红领阶层所从事的工作。 60. comedy ['kɔmidi] n. 喜剧,有趣的事情 词形变化 复 数:com•e•dies 常用短语 1. low comedy n.滑稽戏,滑稽杂耍 2. musical comedy n.歌舞喜剧 3. situation comedy 情景喜剧 4. high comedy n. 高雅喜剧(主题严肃, 含意深长的喜剧) 参考例句 1. The Marx brothers were famous for their comedy routine. 马克斯兄弟因表演一套喜剧剧目而出名。 2. He could run off a comedy monologue in half an hour. 他能在半个小时里迅速写出一段喜剧独白。 3. Word play is a way to create fun in comedies. 喜剧也会借助双关语逗人乐。 4. This comedy has been attributed to Shakespeare. 这个喜剧据说是莎士比亚所作。 5. A drama combining elements of tragedy and comedy. 悲喜剧一部结合了悲剧和喜剧成分的剧作 6. I think the settings for this musical comedy are good. 我认为这些布景对于这出音乐喜剧来说是好的。 7. She did the leading lady in several comedies. 她在若干喜剧中扮演过女主角。 8. A16th - century genre of comedy derived from this. 幕间喜剧一种起源于此的16世纪喜剧类型 61. commit [kə'mit] vt. 把…交托给,提交;犯,干;使承担义务,使作出保证 词形变化 时 态:com•mit•ted, com•mit•ting, com•mits 形容词:com•mit'ta•ble 常用短语 1. commit suicide 自杀 参考例句 1. The crime seemed to have been committed without motive. 这一罪案似乎并无作案动机. 2. The magistrates committed him for trial at the Old Bailey. 地方法官把他送往伦敦中央刑事法院受审. 3. They committed many horrible crimes against the people. 他们对人民犯下许多可怕的罪行。 4. The man who had committed several rapes was arrested. 那个犯了多起强奸案的男人被抓起来了。 5. You've committed a serious breach of the regulations. 你严重违反了规定。 6. They tried to persuade her to commit perjury. 他们竭力说服她出庭作伪证. 7. prepared to commit any atrocity to demoralize.. 准备好接受干任何罪行打击… 8. The pressured worker decided to commit suicide. 这受压迫的工人决定自杀。 62. commitment [kə'mitmənt] n. 委托,实行,承担义务,赞助 参考例句 1. My aunt has a sincere commitment to Buddhism. 我姑妈笃信佛教。 2. His political commitment is only skin-deep. 他政治上的承诺只是表面文章. 63. consideration [kənsidə'reiʃən] n. 考虑,思考;要考虑的事;体谅,关心 常用短语 1. without consideration 不考虑 2. under consideration 在考虑中 参考例句 1. Budgetary concerns overrode all other considerations. 预算之事比其它一切要考虑的事都重要 2. We've given your claim our careful consideration. 我们已经就你们提出的索赔做了仔细研究 3. A Bad plan unworthy of our consideration. 不值得被我们考虑的一个糟糕的计划 4. I submit this plan for your consideration. 我把这个计划提交给你考虑。 5. This option is currently under consideration. 这个选择正被考虑中。 6. Considerations of safety override all other concerns. 对安全的考虑压倒一切。 7. A prior consideration. 优先考虑 8. To leave out or omit from consideration;reject. 排除不予考虑或忽略;拒绝 64. constitution [kɔnsti'tju:ʃən] n. C宪法;U体格,体质;U构成,构造,组成 常用短语 1. genetic constitution 遗传成分,遗传素质 参考例句 1. His quick recovery is ascribable to his sound constitution. 他的迅速康复是由于他的健全的体质。 2. Article 15 of the constitution deals with this problem. 宪法的第十五条款谈及此问题。 3. The constitution was amended so that women could vote. 宪法经过修改以使妇女拥有投票权。 4. The Constitution defines the powers of the president. 宪法规定总统的权力。 5. The Constitution provides for a Bicameral legislature. 宪法规定立法机构必须是两院制的 6. The constitution guards the liberty of the people. 宪法保护人民的自由。 7. The President swore to uphold the constitution. 总统宣誓维护宪法。 8. Constitution is prior to all other laws. 宪法优先于其他一切法律。 65. construct [kən'strʌkt] vt. 构造,建造,想出,作图 n. 构成物 词形变化 时 态:con•struct•ed, con•struct•ing, con•structs 名 词:con•struc'tor, con•struct'er 形容词:con•struct'i•ble 参考例句 1. Bob ad his father constructed a tool shed in the backyard. 鲍伯和他父亲在后院建了一间放工具的仓库。 2. Designed or constructed in the form of an animated cartoon. 用动画片形式设计或编制的。 3. Many woven fabrics are constructed using the plain weave. 许多机织物由平纹组织构成。 4. It takes about two years to construct a large bridge. 建造一座大桥需要两年左右的时间。 5. The building was constructed of reinforced concrete. 这栋建筑是用钢筋水泥建造的。 6. I am slow at learning theoretical constructs. 我学理论概念相当迟钝 7. It took them two years to construct the bridge. 他们用了两年时间建这座桥。 8. They are planning to construct a new supermarket. 他们正在计划建造一个新的超级市场。 66. correction [kə'rekʃən] n. 订正,改正,改正的地方 词形变化 形容词:cor•rec'tion•al 常用短语 1. house of correction 教养院,改造所 2. error correction code 误差校正码 参考例句 1. The composition was scored with corrections in red ink. 这篇作文用红笔批改过。 2. The prisoner was sent to a labor camp for correction. 囚犯被判往劳工营改过自新。 3. I feel it necessary to make a correction. 我认为有必要修正一下。 4. I 'd like these correction made. 我要(你)把这些错给我改出来。 5. Fair copy: A correction-free copy of a document. 清样:完全没有错漏的文件样本。 6. A corrections institution for youthful offenders. 一个少年罪犯的惩罚所 7. Voltage Control and Power Factor correction. 电压控制与功率因素调整 67. counter ['kauntə] n. 柜台;计数器 a. 相反的 ad. 与…相反地 vt. 反对,反击 vi. 反对,反击 词形变化 时 态:coun•tered, coun•ter•ing, coun•ters 常用短语 1. snack counter 快餐部 2. counter check 银行取款单 3. counter tube 计数放电管,计数管,电子注开关管 4. crystal counter 晶体计数管,晶体探测器 5. electronic counter-countermeasures 电子反对抗 6. proportional counter 比例计数器,正比计数器 7. proportional counter tube 正比计数管,比例计数管 8. pulse counter 脉冲计数器 9. scintillation counter 闪烁计数管,闪烁计数器 10. spark counter 火花计数器 11. bean counter 极善于计算的人 12. geiger counter n.盖氏计量器 [核]盖革(-缪勒)计数器 13. over-the-counter market 【经】 买卖双方直接交易市场, 场外交易的市场 参考例句 1. The thief snatched the money on the counter and ran away. 那贼抢了柜台上的钱跑掉了。 2. Our counter offer is in line with the international market. 我方的还盘与国际行情是一致的。 3. I countered by asking whether she actually knew this man. 我反问她究竟认识不认识这个男人。 4. Ownership of the land gives us a strong bargaining counter. 领有这片土地使我们在谈判中处于优势. 5. Please pay your bills at the checkout counter. 请到收银台付款。 6. The thief whipped the jewels off the counter. 那贼一下子拿去了柜台上的珠宝。 7. I'm afraid we can't accept your counter offer. 我们无法接受你方的还盘。 8. Your counter-offer is much more modest than mine. 你们的还盘比我的要保守得多 68. courtyard ['kɔ:t'jɑ:d] n. 庭院,天井 参考例句 1. The courtyard is thronged with visitors and vehicles. 门前车水马龙。 2. The fountains played in the courtyard. 喷泉在庭院中喷水 3. They went out to the back courtyard for a quiet chat. 走至后院说体己话. 4. This gate leads into the courtyard. 这门通向院子。 5. These bricks are to pave the courtyard. 这些砖要用来铺院子。 69. crew [kru:] n. 全体人员,群众,全体机员 词形变化 时 态:crewed, crew•ing, crews 名 词:crew'wom'an 常用短语 1. crew cut n. 平头 2. air crew 机组,机务人员 3. crew member 乘务员 4. crew neck n. 水手领 5. ground crew n. 地勤人员 参考例句 1. The lifeboat brought off the crew of the stricken tanker. 救生艇把遇难油船上的船员都救了出来。 2. The Titanic and all her crew were in Davy Jones's locker. 泰坦尼克号及其全体船员均都葬身鱼腹。 3. The ground crew is to make ready the airplane for take-off. 地勤人员将为飞机的起飞作准备。 4. The plane is carrying twenty passengers and five crew . 飞机运载着20位旅客和5位机组人员。 5. The lifeboat brought off all the crew from the ship. 救出艇把所有的船员都运走了。 6. The crew abandoned the burning ship. 水手们离弃了燃烧中的船。 7. Men are needed to crew the lifeboat. 需要有人来做救生艇的船员. 8. A captain controls his ship and its crew. 船长管理着他的船和船员。 70. cyclist ['saiklist] n. 骑脚踏车的 参考例句 1. Pot-holes can be lethal for the unwary cyclist. 路上的坑坑洼洼骑车的人一不小心就有致命危险. 2. The motor-cyclist raised/lowered his visor. 那个骑摩托车的人把面甲往上托/向下拉 2008英语大纲新增词汇讲解系列六 71. decoration [dekə'reiʃən] n. 装饰,装饰品 常用短语 1. interior decoration 内部装饰物/ator n.室内设计家 2. decoration day 校庆日 参考例句 1. Twigs or branches of evergreen plants used as decoration. 常绿树枝条用作装饰品的常绿植物的枝或小枝 2. Don't shake down the decorations on the Christmas tree. 别摇落圣诞树上的装饰品。 3. The baker iced the cake with fancy decorations of sugar. 面点师往糕点上装饰—上糖饰品。 4. Ornament: Flourish pattternused as a decoration on page. 装饰图:书页上装饰用的花式图案。 5. They are putting up decorations for the festival. 他们在为节日布置装饰品。 6. The king invested him with a decoration. 国王授予他勋章。 7. Decoration with sculpted or painted foliage. 花叶形装饰带有雕刻或绘制的叶子的装饰物 8. The decoration on the cake was a work of art. 这个蛋糕的装饰匠心独妙. 72. delighted [di'laitid] adj. 欣慰 词形变化 时 态:de•light•ed, de•light•ing, de•lights 参考例句 1. I am delighted to have been able to do you this service . 能为您效劳十分高兴。 2. I 'd suggest the chef 's delight: sour soup Sichuan style. 我建议您点厨师的拿手菜:川式酸辣汤。 3. They are only too delighted to accept the invitation. 他们非常乐意接受邀请。 4. She was in a transport of delight at the good news. 她听到这好消息欣喜若狂。 5. The children celebrated the Christmas with delight. 小孩子愉快地庆祝圣诞。 6. We were delighted at [by] your success. 我们为你的成功而感到高兴。 7. My parents will be delighted to see you. 我父母见到你会很高兴。 8. I'd he most delighted to have your help. 我很高兴得到您的帮助。 73. dentist ['dentist] n. 牙科医生 参考例句 1. The dentist presented his bill for filling my teeth. 牙医寄来了给我补牙的帐单。 2. I 'd like to make an appointment to see the dentist. 我要预约去看牙医。 3. Visited the dentist;a priest visiting his parishioners. 看望牙科医生;巡视他教区的牧师 4. I had a most unpleasant time at the dentist's. 我在牙医那里受了大罪. 5. I had to have two fillings at the dentist's today. 我今天要请牙医给我补两颗牙. 6. The dentist stopped my tooth today. 牙医今天给我将牙齿填补好了。 7. The dentist extracted her wisdom tooth. 牙科医生将她的智牙拔出。 8. The dentist extracted her wisdom teeth. 牙医拔掉她的智齿 74. dessert [di'zə:t] n. 餐后甜点 常用短语 1. dessert plate 点心碟 2. dessert spoon 中匙 3. dessert wine n. 甜酒 参考例句 1. You need to clean off your plate before dessert. 上甜点前你必须吃光你盘子里的东西。 2. She decided to forgo dessert for a few days. 她决定几天不吃甜点心。 3. We had ice cream for dessert. 我们饭后吃了冰淇淋。 4. I'll have ice cream for dessert. 我的甜点是冰淇淋。 5. I had an extra serving of dessert. 我多吃了一份甜食。 6. I 'd like some strawberry ice - cream for my dessert. 给我来点草莓冰淇淋做甜食 7. Americans in general like to eat sweet desserts. 大多数美国人喜欢吃甜点。 8. I think I can make room for dessert. 我想我的肚子还填得下甜点。 75. dictation [dik'teiʃən] n. 听写,口述,命令 参考例句 1. I wrote it from his dictation. 这是我按他的口授写的。 76. disability [disə'biliti] n. 无力,无能,残疾 词形变化 复 数:dis•a•bil•i•ties 常用短语 1. disability benefit 残废偿金 2. disability insurance 残废保险,残废险 3. learning disability 无学习能力 参考例句 1. His disability prevents him from holding a job. 他的伤残妨碍他就业。 2. never received a penny during her disability. 在伤残期间分文未收 3. Physical disability causes mental anguish. 生理伤残会引起心理苦闷. 4. Blindness is a very serious disability. 失明是非常严重的残疾。 77. disappointed [disə'pɔintid] a. 失望的 词形变化 时 态:dis•ap•point•ed, dis•ap•point•ing, dis•ap•points 参考例句 1. The Boss was disappointed in the new employee. 老板对新职员失望。 2. You disappointed us by not coming to our party. 你没来参加我们的晚会真让我们失望。 3. As things go you shouldn't be too disappointed. 就一般情形而言你不应该太失望。 4. I must say I am disappointed in it. 我得说我对它感到失望。 5. He feels his friend to let him disappoint. 他觉得他的朋友让他失望了。 6. It looks as if he is a little disappointed . 他仿佛有点失望。 7. He was quite disappointed. 他很颓然。 8. She looked a shade disappointed. 她看上去有点失望。 78. dismiss [dis'mis] v. 解散,开除; v. 轻视,忽略 词形变化 时 态:dis•missed, dis•miss•ing, dis•miss•es 名 词:dis•mis'sion 形容词:dis•miss'i•ble 参考例句 1. The servant was dismissed for being lazy and dishonest. 这个仆人因懒惰和不诚实而被解雇。 2. Major Parker was dismissed from the army last October. 帕克少校去年10月被军队开革。 3. To be unceremoniously dismissed or terminated. 被非正式地解雇或中止工作 4. Japan's Mori dismisses speculation he may quit. 倒阁声浪四起森喜朗传将辞职。 5. Their theories were once dismissed as erroneous. 他们的理论曾被认为是不正确的而受摒弃。 6. Papa dismissed the suggestion with a shake of head. 爸爸摇摇头表示不考虑这提议。 7. The poor girl was dismissed instantly. 这个可怜的姑娘被当即解雇。 8. Bethink ere thou dismiss us. 在你打发我们走以前再请仔细考虑一下吧。 79. doll [dɔl] n. 洋娃娃,美丽但无头脑的女人 常用短语 1. doll up 把…打扮的漂漂亮亮的 2. doll's house 玩偶之家,很小的住宅 3. rag doll n.碎布制玩偶,布洋娃娃 参考例句 1. The doll's house had miniature tables and chairs. 洋娃娃的房子里有很小的桌子和椅子。 2. Mother gave her a doll as a gift on her birthday. 在她生日那天母亲送给她一个洋娃娃作礼物。 3. Kitty deviled her mother for a doll. 基蒂缠着她妈妈要个洋娃娃。 4. The little girl mourned her lost doll. 这小姑娘为她失去的玩偶而悲伤。 5. With a few snips she cut out a paper doll. 她几下就剪出一个纸娃娃。 6. The little girl clutched her doll tightly. 小女孩紧抓着她的洋娃娃。 7. The girl put Back the doll. 女孩把娃娃放回原处。 8. The baby looks like a doll. 这个婴儿看起来像个洋娃娃。 80. dot [dɔt] n. 点,圆点,小孩子 小东西; v. 作小点记号,加小点于,点缀; 词形变化 时 态:dot•ted, dot•ting, dots 名 词:dot'ter 常用短语 1. on the dot adv.准时地 2. dot matrix 点矩阵,点阵,点阵法 3. dot matrix printer 点阵式打印机 4. dot printer 点式打印机,打印机 5. dot product 点乘,数量积,标量积 6. polka dot n. 圆点花样的布料 参考例句 1. Any of the styluses that form a dot matrix on a printer. (打字机的)针点一种在打字机上能形成点阵的针点 2. History is dotted with rum and inexplicable occurrences. 历史中不时穿插着一些离奇而难以说明的事件。 3. I've been going there every summer since the year dot. 我从很久以前每年夏天就都到那里去. 4. Beads of sweat were beginning to dot his forehead. 汗珠开始布满他的前额。 5. Trees and bushes dotted the broad lawn. 树木与灌木点缀着那片广阔的草地。 6. Join the dots up to complete the drawing. 顺点连线把图画好. 7. It is 5:43 pm on the dot. 现在是五时四十三分整。 8. She was told to arrive at 8 o'clock on the dot |
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