模块7 Unit 2 Reading (language points教学案)(译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)

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M7 U2 Reading
编写:周红梅 审核:曹刚
1.L2. open up a package 打开包裹、open up a new restaurant 开业,开张
open up undeveloped land 开发 open up a medicine cupboard 打开药柜子
1)The story of Helen Keller’s life opens up a whole new world to us._______________
The debate could open up sharp differences between the countries.这次辩论能够_______________________.
2) We're going to open up our kitchen by knocking down a couple of walls.我们打算把墙壁推倒来_____________..
3)I've never ______________to anyone like I do to you. 我从来没有对任何人象对你一样地敞开心扉.
2.L2.There is a high/strong probability that…. 类似结构:There is possibility that…
It is probable that… It is possible that…
There is little probability that ______________________..
= There is little probability of ______________________.
=It is probable that_______________________________.
probable: adj. 很可能的,与likely意思相近,有时可以互换;
It’s probable/possible for sb. to do sth.
It’s probable/possible that…
It’s likely that…
sb./sth. is likely to do sth.
3.L7… recommended drinking a tea made from the dried leaves of a particular plant to reduce body pains.
1)recommend sth/sb
eg: She has been_____________________for promotion. 她已经被推荐提升了.
2)+ (that) (注意后接should 或用动词原型)
eg: The doctor recommended (that) I___________ more exercise. 医生建议我进行更多的锻炼 .
3)+ ing
eg: I recommend______________your feelings down on paper.我建议你把自己的感觉写在纸上.
4) recommended adj.
It is dangerous to take more than the _____________ dose of this medicine.服用超过这种药的建议量是很危险的.
5) recommendation n.
I got the job on his _________________. 在他的举荐下我得到了这份工作.
The report makes the ________________ that no more prisons should be built.这份报告建议不要再建造监狱.
4.1) 强调结构:L11&46
It was in 1897 _______ a European chemist… (Line 11)
It was not until World War II________two other scientists… (Line 46)
It was in the very house _____ was built with wood _____ the Japanese spent his childhood.
2) 强调结构的正确使用:
a. It was me that met him in the street.
b. It were you that the teacher wanted to see.
c. What it is that you want to say?
d. It was at six this morning when I woke up.
e. It was at the party that they met each other, didn’t they?
1. It was not until she got home _______ Jennifer realized she had lost her keys. (2006全国II)
A. when B. that C. where D. before
2. It was after he got what he had desired _______ he realized it was not so important. (2006辽宁)
A. that B. when C. since D. as
4)用两种方法改写:It was not until World War II that two other scientists managed to use new chemical techniques to purify it. (Lines46-48)
1) _______________World War II __________________to use new chemical techniques……
2) two other scientists _________________to use new chemical techniques to purify it ________World War II.
5.L20. not only… but (also)…
1) 他不仅自编剧本,还饰演其中的角色。
He_______________ his own plays, _____________ acts in them.
____________he write his own plays, ____________ he acts in them.
2) 不仅我, 他也错了。 Not only I but also he is wrong .
6.L.24. thin (adj.)---thin (v.)
eg. 1) Add more water to the mixture to ________ it.
2) War and disease are the two main causes of ______________ population.
quiet thin slow narrow calm dirty empty yellow busy better lower warm dry
1) The train _________ down to half its speed.
2) The river __________ at the point.
3) I couldn’t __________ her.
4) Please ____________ the milk.
5) Nothing ____________ sooner than a tear.
6) Don’t ____________ your hands, children.
7)He ____________ his voice not to wake her.
7.L25.prove 常见搭配
prove sb /sth to be +adj/n
prove sth that……
1)The task _____ more difficult than we’d thought.
A)is proved B)was proved C)proves D) proved
2) The extra room ______ very useful when we had visitors.
8. L26 carry out, carry on / carry on with sth
1)carry out a plan / promise / survey/ experiment_____________________________
2)___________ unitl you get to the corner, then turn left.
3)After his father’s death, Billy _____________the business.
4) Chinese astronauts ____________the mission in space exploration successfully.
5) Once a plan is made, it should __________ no matter how difficult it is.
9.L27.prevent the stroke……
prevent sb (from) doing sth
stop sb (from) doing sth
keep sb from doing sth
keep sb (from) doing sth
protect sb from …
People wear sunglasses to _________ their eyes ________being hurt by the strong sunlight.
Nobody can ______________us doing that. 没有人可以阻止我做那件事。
9.L29.risk 常见搭配
risk doing sth 冒险做某事
at the risk of 冒着…的危险
take/run a risk 冒险
take/run the risk of doing 冒…的危险
at any risk不论冒什么危险
at risk 处于危险中
1)I wouldn’t _____ the risk of ___________for work.(冒上班迟到的危险)
2)He saved my life ______________losing his own.(冒失去生命的危险)
10.. Lines49-50 …so mass production started quickly. 大规模的生产
The new policy raised a storm of mass protests.
The sun makes up about 99% of the mass of solar system.
The trains provided cheap travel for the masses.
Stored in the computer is a huge mass of data.
11. Lines 50-51 Due to the widespread use of penicillin, many lives were saved during World War II.
该句中due to 译为因为青霉素的广泛使用
The flight will arrive late_______________________.因为大雾
When is the next train due?___________________________
Please let me know when the rent is due in advance.____________________________
The strike is due to begin on Tuesday. _____________________________________
12. It was a dream come true. Line 51
Young people look up to Yang Liwei as an example of a man who managed to ______his dream.实现梦想
John always lives ______ a dream.生活在梦想当中.
Meeting the princess was (like) a dream ____________.实现
13 . Lines 54-56 before 句型
1) It will be/ was + 一段时间+before 过多久才…
It was a long time before he came to._______________________________
It will be 3 weeks before we have a monthly exam._____________________
2)It will not be long + 一段时间+before 不久就…
3) 还没…就…
She rushed out before I could stop her.
练习:It was several hours before we__________________.过了好几个小时我们才到那个村庄
It _______________________________ we meet again. 要过好久我们才能再见面
It ______________________________ you succeed.不久我们就成功了。
14. L 59. wonder drug…
1).v.想知道 eg: I was ________if you could tell me how to get rid of it.
2)n. 奇迹,奇观; 惊奇
It’s a wonder that … 奇怪的是…
It’s no wonder that …难怪…
He hasn’t slept at all for three days. ________ he is tired out.
A. There is point B. There is no need C. It is no wonder D. It is no way
一.Choose the correct answer.
1. If you open up any medicine cupboard in the world, there is a high probability _____ you will find aspirin and penicillin.
A. which B. what C. that D. when
2. Was it in 1897 _____ a European chemist called Dr Felix Hoffmann produced acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) from some other chemicals to make a medicine for his father?
A. when B. which C. that D. in which
3. Lawrence Craven, a doctor from the USA, is the author of several published reports, one of _____ introduced the idea in 1953 _____ aspirin could reduce the risk of heart attacks by thinning blood.
A. which; that B. that; which C. which; which D. whom; that
4. In 1977, a study carried out in the USA showed that the chemical ASA in aspirin could prevent a stroke, ____ is a type of serious illness _____ blood vessels in the brain burst suddenly or are blocked.
A. that; what B. which; when C. that; which D. which; that
5. In 1999, aspirin was 100 years old and yet there have been more discoveries on ____ it can help increase the length of people’s lives.
A. that B. when C. what D. how
6. However, it was ______ World War II ______ two other scientists, Howard Florey and Ernst Chain, managed to use new chemical techniques to purify it.
A. not until; that B. till; that C. not until; when D. till; when
7. Penicillin is also used to treat other illnesses including pneumonia, an illness _____ affects the lungs.
A. that B. which C. / D. Both A & B.
8. So, although Fleming discovered penicillin, it was over a decade _____ someone else turned penicillin into the great drug of the 20th century. A. while B. that C. before D. after
二.Fill in the blanks using the verbs given.
1. In fact, 3,500 years ago, some recipes recommended drinking a tea _____ (make) from the _____(dry) leaves of a particular plant _________ (reduce) body pain.
2. A year later, in 1900, aspirin was sold in shops as a tablet __________ (contain) 500 milligrams of ASA.
3. This is one of the first medicines in the world ever ________ (sell) as a _________ (standardize) tablet.
4. In 1950, aspirin appeared in the Guinness Book of Records as the _________ (best-sell) painkiller.
5. This bacteria-killing medicine is considered by many ____(be) one of the most important medicines in contemporary society.
6. Due to the widespread of penicillin, many lives were saved during World War II. It was a dream _____ (come) true.
7.Not only ____ aspirin saved many people’s lives by ______(reduce)fever and ____(help) stop pain, but there also other things that aspirin can help __________.
8. If you go to have adventures in Africa, you’ll need to take some water _________(purify) tablets and place them in a pan when you boil the water.




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