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1. 表情感的动词分词形式变来的形容词的用法
~ed: “感到…的”, 一般指人(bored/tired/puzzled/frightened/scared/astonished/moved)
~ing: “令人…的”,一般指物或事(boring/tiring/puzzling/frightening/ astonishing/touching)
(1)It is ________(frighten) to see the terrible accident happen.
(2) I have never spent a more __________(worry) day.
(3)The _____(puzzle) look on her face suggested that she hadn’t understood the ______ question.
2. at ease: 安逸,自在 with ease=easily uneasy: 心神不安的, 不自在的
3.be used to do sth:被用来做… be/get used to sth / doing sth:习惯于做…
used to do sth: (过去)常常做… There used to be…(以前有…)
3. Pay attention to doing sth (to为介词) Look forward to doing sth
4. do用来加强语气“的确/确实”, 有时态变化,其后接动词原形。
I do like eating dessert after meals. Tom did enter the bank last night.
5. “一…就…”的表达
(1) on/upon sth/doing sth Upon finishing his studies , he started to work in a company.
On his arrival at London, he came to see me.
(2) the moment/second/minute+从句 I’ll tell them the good news the moment I see them.
(3) immediately+从句 I heard the phone ring immediately I opened the door.
6.状语从句中的“主语+be” 的省略
情况一:主从句主一语一致时 When/while doing sth:在做…的同时
Even if invited, I won’t go to her party.(=even if I am invited)
If disturbed by noises, the animals will act strangely.(=if the animals are disturbed…)
情况二:if/when (it is)possible/necessary; if (it is) so/not
You should look the new words up in the dictionary when necessary.
注意:系动词一般接形容词不接副词, 不接宾语,无被动,无进行时
He remains weak in English
stay slim/young/ fresh/cold/clean/healthy
go missing/unpunished/hungry/mad/wild/bad/wrong/red/pale
His idea proved (to be) impractical.
8. get+ done: 可看作一种被动语态get done/finished/turned upside down/dressed/changed/married
9. marry sb: 嫁给/娶某人(短暂动作) get married:成婚(短暂动作)
be married to sb:与某人结婚(延续状态)
10. “提供” 的表达 比较: Supply sth to sb / provide sth for sb;
Supply/provide sb with sth
Offer sb sth=offer sth to sb:主动提出(帮助/建议等)
11.as if/though+从句: “好象” (根据情况选用陈述语气或虚拟语气)
Even if/though+从句: “既使”
12. “可是/然而”的表达: but:并列连词,只能放在分句之前,无“,”
though: 一般置于句末时,才用作此意. The film is moving. It is a little long, though.
while:侧重表“对比” She was busy preparing supper, while her husband was watching TV.
13.manage to do sth:设法做了某事(强调结果) = succeed in doing sth
try to do sth:尽力做某事 try doing sth:试着/图做某事
15. 注意下列名词一般只用作不可数名词
Fun: Fishing is great fun. It sounds fun.
Advice: He gave me lots of useful advice on how to learn English well.
A great deal of information
He has made such great progress that we all envy him.
2 pieces of evidence, 3 pieces of equipment
16. clothes: 一般看作复数(an article of clothes ) Cloth:布匹
Clothing: “着装”的总称an article of clothing Clothing and food are our daily necessities.
Attend a meeting/a lecture/school/classes(开会/上学/听讲座)
Take part in the Olympics/after-school activities(参加一些大型的正式的活动)
Join in our talk/discussion(参加一些日常的活动)
Join sb in sth/doing sth:加入某人一起活动
Join sb/ a club/the army/a group(参加组织/团体)
Because/since/as/now that/for+分句
Because 最正式, 可回答“why…?”
as: “由于”,表示一种“客观”原因 语气较because 弱
Since/now (that): “即然”,表示一种“双方皆知的/理所当然的”原因
Now that you have finished your work, let’s go out to play football.
For: 表示“补充/推断”的原因,一般放在主句之后
They can’t have gone, for the light is still on
Because of/owing to/due to/thanks to+词/组
20.With sb/sth doing sth(在做) / to do(要做) / done(已被)
There be sb/sth doing/to do /done(同上)
21. hear/see/find( 感官动词) sb/sth doing sth(正在做) / do sth(做了) / done(被)
被动式:be heard/seen doing sth / to do sth(被动需加“to”) / done
The missing boy was last seen playing by the river.
Tom was heard to open the door and enter the room.
The boy was seen bitten by a dog.
22. (1) have sb do sth = let sb do sth 比较: get sb to do sth
Who would you rather have post the letter for you?
(2) have sb/sth doing sth:听任/任由某人/物…; 听任某人/物长时间地…
We won’t have that happening again.
The workers have the machines running day and night.
(3) Have sth done: 让某事/物被… get sth done
The machine that they had had repaired went wrong again.
The people living by the airport often have their hearing harmed.
23. leave/keep sb/sth doing sth(主动) / done(被动)
I’m terribly sorry to leave you standing outside so long.
They went out to playing leaving the work unfinished.
Leave sb/sth+介短: “把…忘在…” I’m sorry that I have forgotten your book in the park.
25. earn money/a living, earn sb sth (His success earned him great respect from others)
27. prepare lessons/supper(备课/烧饭) prepare for the coming exam prepare sb for sth
be (well/poorly) prepared for sth: 为…作好了准备
make preparations for sth=prepare for sth, in preparation for…为...准备
28.develop an interest in; develop a good habit (培养/养成)
29.regret to do sth:遗憾要做某事; regret doing sth:后悔做了某事
30. inform sb of sth→be informed of sth; inform sb that +从句
32. require sb to do sth→be required to do sth; require that…(should) do sth
require sth of sb We did all that was required of us.
33.act in a play/film; act the part of Zhou Enlai ; act as:作为/充当
34. be in charge of…/take charge of…:负责…; be in the charge of…:由…负责
Charge (sb) money for sth/doing sth(收费); free of charge=for free
35. bring…under control,lose control of…
比较:be in control of…:控制… ; be in the control of…:由…控制
36. the reason for sth/doing sth the cause of…: …的起因
The reason why+从句 is that…从句 For the following reasons / no reason;
37.下列情感动词用作及物动词(please/interest/excite/puzzle/astonish/surprise sb)
It is impossible to please everybody. What she said interested us greatly.
38.Close/deep/wide/high: 用作副词时,指具体的“近/深/宽/高”
get close to, dive deep into the sea, open his eye wide, fly high in the sky
closely(严密地/细致地),deeply(深深地), widely(广泛地), highly(高度地): 指抽象的…
watch closely,deeply moved by his words, widely used, think highly of
39. explain sth to sb; explain to sb sth
40. insist on doing sth; insist that…(should)do: 坚决要求…, insist that从句(一般用法):坚持认为
41. 比较:suggest(暗示/表明)+that 从句(一般用法,陈述语气)
suggest(建议) that…(should) do sth suggest sb/one’s doing sth
advise that …(should) do sth advise sb to do sth;
42.give sb some advice(不可数)on…; ask (sb) for advice; take/follow one’s advice
make some suggestions(可数)
44. contain: 包含/容纳(侧重于指内容/成分)
Include: 包括(侧重于指整体与个体) 作状语:including sb/sth = sb/sth included
45. work(v):行得通,有作用/效果 Your idea won't work in practice.
46.protect…from/against sth/doing sth: 保护…免受…
prevent …from sth/doing sth: 预防/阻止…做
stop…(from)doing sth / keep sb from doing sth
47.forbid sb to do sth / forbid sb from doing sth:禁止某人做某事
forbid doing sth
48. 考虑: consider doing sth
认为: consider sb to do sth→be considered to do sth ;consider sb/sth (to be/as)…
49.take a risk; risk one’s life,risk doing sth
50. recognize sb/sth:辨认出(~ her voice on the phone)
recognize sb as…:公认/认可某人…→be recognized as…
51.接不可数名词:a great/good deal of; a good amount of
接可数复数: a large number of, a great many
皆可: a lot of=lots of; plenty of
52. search sb/sp:搜查/身,search for…:寻找 (search sb/sp for…);in search of: (为了)寻找
53. research into…:探讨/调查 do some research on
54. There is a/no possibility that…从句 / of sth
55. case :案子/病例 The case against her will be heard tomorrow. 3 cases of SARS
case:情况 in that/this case:在那/这种情况下 比较: in case +从句; in case of sth
56. state:州;国家(侧重于指政府) state:状态/况 in a state of disorder
State (v) one’s opinion on…: 陈述对于…的观点
57. in support of…:支持 He has a large family to support(v. 赡养/养活)
58. envy sb sth:羡慕/妒嫉 I don't envy you your journey in this bad weather.
envy(n) : 羡慕/忌妒的根由/对象 He has become an envy of all his friends.
59. reach sp:抵达某地 reach for…:伸手去拿/够… within/out of /beyond one’s reach
60.Claim to do sth:宣称要做… claim against damage=make a claim for damage:要求赔负损失
61. in the form of..:以…的形式 form(vt)a group/ the good habit of… (组建,养成)
62. set sail for sp; leave for sp; set off for sp
63. be present at a meeting/a party:出席/参加 the people present:在场的人
64. result in:导致/引起(=cause/lead to) result from:由…造成/引起
As a result: 因此 as a result of:因为…
65. “确定的” It is certain that…. Sb is sure/certain that…(sure只能指人)
66.把…与…相比: compare… with/to… 与…相比而言(作状语): compared with…
把…比作…: compare…to…
67. have sth/nothing in common (with…):(与…)有/无共同之处
have sth/nothing to do with…: 与…有/无关
68. survive(vt) sth: 幸免于/经受住( The house survived the storm.)
69. pick:挑选 He picked a book to read. (=choose) pick out: 挑选出
Pick apples/tomatoes/cotton:采/摘 pick a pocket:扒窃
Pick up:捡起;(无意中)学到/得到/买到/染上; 增加/改善; 收听
~a valuable stamp at a sale; ~ health/speed; ~ English programs
70. Prove(实义动词) : prove sb/sth/oneself (to be)…; prove sth/ that…从句
He proved himself worthy of confidence
Prove(系动词,无被动): prove (to be)+adj/n The method proved (to be) highly effective.
71. live one’s dream/faith:(在生活中)实行/践梦想/信念
live up to:真正做到/生活得无愧于 We will live up to what our parents expect of us.
72. host (vt)a program the Olympics:主持/主办 host(n):主人/主持人/东道主
73.Be supposed to do sth=should do sth; be supposed to have done =should have done :“本应…”
They were supposed to have come an hour earlier, but they were late.
74.What… do with sth? How…deal with sth?
75. 比较:All the light went out. go out(vi) :熄灭
All the lights were turned off. turn off(vt):关掉
76. work out(vt) the total cost(解决/算出) work out(vi):锻炼/结果 Things worked out very well.
rule out the possibility:排除 look into a room/ the cause of the accident:朝…看;调查
step up(vt) the training: 加紧/促进 show up=turn up:出现/露面
make up:组成/构成;编造,补偿 ~ a medical team/50% of the population/ a story/for the lost time
77. after all:毕竟/终究 above all:首要的是 in all:总之/共 (not)…at all(根本)
78.count(v):数/算数count down(倒数/计时); 有效/重要(Every minute counts)
80. as well as…:以及/包括 as well=too:用于句末
81. pay off(vi): 成功/得到好结果 pay off(vt) debt: 还清(债务)
Part Three: 语法重难点
一、 有关定语从句的一些要点
I. 只能用“that” 的情况
1. 先行词为anything/everything/all/any/little等不定代词时
注:有时all/everything/anything + that定语从句= what+名词性从句(如宾语从句)
We’ll do all (that) we can to help you (= what we can)
The way he solved the problem was different from what we were used to.(=the way that we were used to)
2. 先行词前有序数词,最高级,all /any / the very / the right / the only修饰时
3. 先行词既有人又有物时 We talked about the things and teachers that we all knew.
My hometown is no longer a small village that it used to be.(that在从句中做表语)
5.避免重复时 Who is the person that you want to see.
II. 不能用that 的情况
1. 介词之后 The prize for which he worked so hard was a new bicycle.
2. 非限制性定语从句中,“,”之后 Football, which is a very interesting game, is played all over the world.
III. whose的使用:既指人又指物,替代his, her, their, its及名词所有格(如:Tom’s/the school’s)
The book, whose cover is broken, is not mine. (=the cover of which = of which the cover)
IV. 先行词为表时间/地点/原因的名词时,用where, when, why还是用that/which
作状语, 用where/when/why (往往 =“介词+which”)
1.My sister works in a beautiful city, _where_there are a lot of parks. (=in which)
2.The place_that/which_ interests the children most is Disneyland.(从句中作主语)
3.I often thought of my childhood, when I lived on a farm. (替代in my childhood)
4.Next winter,__which you’ll spend in Harbin, I’m sure, will be an exciting holiday.(作spend的宾语)
5.Mary had to go to Beijing on business on June15, which happened to be her son’s birthday.(作主语)
6.This is the very reason __that_ you all know. (作know的宾语)
V. as引导的定语从句, which指代一句话/一件事
1. the same/as/such/so…as(定语从句): 先行词前有“such/ so, the same/as ”修饰时,定语从句用 “as”引导
★ 比较:such /so…+名词+as ( 定语从句, as起替代作用,从句结构不完整 “象/如…的…”)
such /so…+名词+that (状语从句,从句结构完整 “如此…以致于…”)
Please lend me the same tool as was used the other day.
Mr. Wang is so good a teacher as all the students love and respect
Mr. Wang is such a good teacher that all the students love and respect him
2.as引导非限制性定语从句,指代逗号前后的整个句子,可置于句首、句中或句末。常出现在一些固定表达中。如:as we/all/you know, as is known to all, as we expected/planned, , as is mentioned/said above, as is reported/said, as is natural, as is often the case.有时可看作插入语。
★ as…: 位置灵活,可前可后;且含有“正如/正像…”的含义。
which…: 只能放于主句之后;含有“这…, 这一点…”的含义。
1) Tom, ___as__ had been expected , got beaten in the game
2) They call him “Meat Ball”, ____which______ I think is not correct.
VI. the way ( in which/ that)…: the way作先行词时, 可用“in which” 或 “that”, 且一般可省略。
如: The way in which/(that) they were treated hurt their feelings.
Those who break the law are to be punished.
But there are few modern families that _have no televisions.
比较:He is one of the students who __were_ late for school.
He is the only one of the students who __was___late for school.
★ 若两个分句没有其它任何连接词,而由“,”相连接时,一般把后一个分句看作非限制性定语从句
(1) There is a supermarket near here, _where_ we can buy vegetables, fruit.(定语从句)
There are two thousand students in our school, two-thirds of _whom_ are girls.
There are ten books on the shelf, of which all are of great value.
(2) After an hour we got to the top of the mountain, and_ there we had a picnic.(并列句)
He asked ten students to attend the party , but none of _them_ was from his class.
(3) The bridge, made of stones (=which was made of stones), is said to date back to the Tang Dynasty.
The weight-loss pills containing harmful chemicals(=which contain…._) may damage your liver.
1. It was in the hotel where they stayed(定语从句,修饰hotel) that the murder(谋杀) happened 2 years ago.
It was in the hotel… that the murder happened 2 years ago. (强调句型)
2. He left the key where he had been an hour before. (地点状语从句,相当于in the place where)
This hotel is where we are to stay tonight.(表语从句,相当于the place where…)
X.间隔式定语从句: 一般说来,定语从句总是紧跟在先行词之后。但有时定语从句和先行项之间被其它修饰成分间隔开来,这种定语从句称为间隔式定语从句
1. The photo brought back the memory of an evening at Uncle Alien’s in Belleville ___ all of us were seated around the table and Aunt Pat served spaghetti for supper.
A. when B. where C. since D. after
2.First, areas of land must be found where this rubbish can be put.
3.Finally another material is painted on to the stones which will protect them from water for ever.
I. 强调句型的基本结构:It is/was+被强调部分(词/词组/句子) + that/who +原句所剩部分
★:除强调人时,可用 “who”外, 其它情况都只能用“that”, 原句所剩部分不变,特别是谓语动词不变
It was because he drove carelessly that he had the accident.
It is Tom and Peter who are responsible for the failure of the experiment.
★ not…until句型的强调结构: It was not until…that….
It was not until the dish died in the lake that people realized how serious pollution was.
II. 强调句型的一般与特殊疑问句形式:
一般疑问句:Is/Was it +被强调部分+ that …? Was it in the office that you found my book?
特殊疑问句:When/Where/What + is/was it + that…? --What was it that made Tom what he is today?
III. 注意比较强调句型与某些状语从句。
比较: It was midnight when they arrived home.(状语从句)
It was at midnight that they arrived home.(强调句型)
注:强调句型的一个特征是要“能够还原” 原句为:They arrived home at midnight
1. 陈述部分有few/none/nowhere/ never/hardly/seldom等否定词,问句用肯定
She seldom tells a lie, does she?
2.否定词缀un- / im- /in- /dis- 构成的词仍视为肯定Your father is unhappy, isn’t he?
(1)一般: 与主句一致 They all think that English is very important, don’t they?
(2)特殊:当陈述部分为“I/We (don’t) think/believe/ consider/ + that从句”时,与从句保持一致
I think that he has done his best, hasn’t he? We don’t believe that the news is true, is it?
4.祁使句的反意问句,一般用 “will you”, 表委婉请求或邀请时,可用“won’t you”
You feed the bird today, will you? Don’t make any noise, will you?
比较:Let us stop to rest, will you? Let’s go home together, shall we?
He might have left his pen in the classroom yesterday, didn’t he? (不表猜测时为He left his pen…,didn’t he?)
He must have waited for a long time, _hasn’t he_ ? (不表猜测时为He has waited for a long time, hasn’t he?)
6.He used to live in the country, didn’t / usedn’t he?
To do one good deed is easy for a person, isn't it? Where to hold the meeting has not been decided, has it?
There are two cakes on the plate, aren’t there?
You’d better finish your homework now, hadn’t you?
7. 反意问句或反诘句的答语都应遵循前后一致的原则, 其意义应看后半部分。
--It didn’t rain last night, did it? --Yes, it did, for the ground is wet.
--She never sleeps at class. --_Yes. Sometimes she does.
1. 一般现在时表示:
The geography teacher told us the earth moves around the sun.
2) 现在或目前一般事实; 习惯性的动作或状态, 常与(often/always)表频率的词连用。
All the students here belong to No.1 Middle School.
However busy I am, I write to my parents regularly.
3) 有计划或有规律的事(如车/船/飞机等的时刻表)
The bus leaves at 8 a.m. every day. The shop closes at 11:00 p.m. every day.
2. 一般过去时表示
1) 过去的动作或状态,常与具体的过去时间((at one time, just now, 2 days ago) 连用
At one time he grew very interested in drawing pictures.
2) ★ 表示说话人原来没有料到、想到或希望的事。如:
I thought the film would be interesting, but it isn’t. Why didn’t you / I think of that?’
I forgot to tell you I had been there with my brother before. I didn’t recognize him.
3)表示两个紧接着发生的动作,常由(but/and/when/as soon as/immediately/the moment) 连接
The moment she came in, she told me what had happened to her.
He bought a watch but lost it.
★ 过去习惯性动作的表达: used to do: 指过去经常,而现在不复存在的情况
would do: 仅表示过去常常怎么样
I used to go to the cinema, but never get the time now.
When he was there, he would go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.
3. 现在完成时(has/have done; have/has been done)
1) 动作开始在过去,但对现在产生的影响(一般为短暂动词),常与“already/almost/yet, ever/never, recently/lately, just”等连用
I haven’t heard anything from him yet. Have you ever read such an interesting book?
--Who has taken my dictionary? I can find it now. –Sorry it’s me. I forgot to tell you.
2) 过去开始的某一动作一直延续到现在,常与 “for… ,since…,so far等表示时间段的时间状语连用,需用延续性动词
We have had plenty of rain here since we parted last month.
改错:He has left Shanghai for ten years.→He has been away from Shanghai for 10 years
I have married Jane for 4 years.→I have been married to Jane for 4 years.
3) 表示重复的动作,常与 “ twice/many times/before”等连用。
I have been there many times.
★: 一般过去时与现在完成时的区别:
①:现在完成时: 虽然动作开始在过去,但与现在有关系(强调的是对“现在”的影响和结果,或动作到现在还在继续),不与具体的过去时间连用。
一般过去时: 强调的是动作发生在“过去”,和现在无关系。
改错: He has studied in that university for 4 years. Now he works in a company.(改为studied)
4. 过去完成时(had done; had been done)表示
1)某一过去时间或动作发生之前的动作,强调的是过去的过去,因而一定要有参照的过去时间, 常与“…before/by/by the time /by the end of ” 等时间状语连用
The road was crowded with people. We hadn’t foreseen that before.
--The spy was found at last. –Where had he hidden himself?
By then his family hadn’t heard from him for 3 years.
The plane had already taken off by the time we arrived at the airport.
By the end of last month, 80% of the project had been finished
2) ★ 用had hoped / planned / meant / intended/ wanted /可表示“本想/打算…”
I had planned to finish it on time, but I had not enough time.
I had meant to take a good holiday this year, but I wasn't able to get away.
5. 将来完成时(will have done; will have been done): 将来某一时间之前完成的动作
By the end of this month, we will have found a satisfactory solution to the problem.
The conference will have lasted a full week by the time it ends.
★ 比较:若by/by the time/by the end of +过去时间, 则主句用 “had done”
若by/by the time/by the end of + 将来时间,则主句用“will have done”
6. 现在完成进行时(have/has been doing):强调某一动作或状态到现在一直在进行,并将继续下去.
★ 比较: have been done: 已经被…(被动)
have been doing: 一直在…(主动)
如:she has been writing letters all the morning.(她整个早上一直在写)
We haven’t been told what has happened. (我们还没有被告知…)
7. 过去完成进行时(had been doing):其用法与现在完成时一样,只不过参照的是过去某一时间
I had been studying English for three years before I came to this school.
8. 几种“将来”表达方法的区别
1).be going to do: 侧重于指“近期的打算、安排”,这种打算往往经过事先考虑
We are going to visit the Great Wall at weekends.
2) will /shall do : 侧重于表“意愿”,表示未事先考虑过,即说话时临时作出的决定。
If you will listen to me, I will give you some advice.
We advised him to give up smoking. But he wouldn’t listen to us.(不愿意)
3) be to do(be to be done): 表示“计划、打算”较正式; 或表示“吩咐/命令/禁止/义务”等
A meeting is to be held at 3:00 o’clock this afternoon.
You are to be back by 9 o’clock at the latest.
This trip was to change her life.
4) be about to do:“就要/正要”,不与具体的时间连用,常用于“be about to do when…”句型中
Be quick. Flight No. 302 is about to take off.
They were about to break into the jewelry shop when the police appeared.
5). Come/go/leave/arrive/stay/lose/win/die等词的进行时表示“即将…”
This ship is sailing for Shanghai tomorrow.
It seems to me that our team is losing.
6) ★: 在时间、条件等状语从句中,不能用将来时态表示将来,而要用现在时态(一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时)或过去时态表示。
I’ll call you as soon as I’ve done my work.
改错:It won’t be long before man will land on the Mars.(改为lands)
Jane said he wouldn’t go home until he would finish his work tomorrow.( 改为finished)
We will give him the book the moment we will see him tomorrow.(改为see)
9. 现在进行时(am/is/are doing; am/is/are being done)
1) 现在某一刻或某一时段内正在进行的动作或延续的状态
At present the students are preparing for the entrance exam.
Selecting a mobile phone is no easy task because technology is changing so rapidly.
Nowadays lots of species of plants are being destroyed.
–Is this raincoat yours? --No, mine is hanging behind the door.
I play ping-pong quite well. But I haven’t time to play since last year.
2) 进行时与“always, continually, constantly( 不断地), forever”连用表示赞扬、不满等情感
He is always making the same mistake.
At school he is constantly playing tricks on others.
10. 过去进行时 (was/were doing; was/were being done)
1) 过去某一刻正在发生的动作
--I wasn’t referring to you when I said someone was very lazy.
--Hey, look where you are going? --Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t noticing.
2) 过去某一时段内正在发生的动作或延续的状态
--Has Sam finished his homework? --I don’t know. He was doing it this morning
Last year a dam was being built there, but I don’t know whether it has been finished.
11. 将来进行时(will be doing)
I will be waiting for you outside after school.
What will you be doing at 4 tomorrow afternoon.
We’ll give him the book if he wants it. He decided to fight back if he was hit again.
I’ll call you as soon as I’ve finished my work.
2. 时态的一致(时态的呼应),若主句为过去时态,从句一般要与之协调; 客观真理除外。
改错:He said he has never seen such a beautiful bird before.(改为had)
We were afraid that you won’t be able to join us.(改为wouldn’t)
3. 需用完成时态的一些句型:
★ This (That, It) is (was) the first (second...) time +定语从句;
★ This (That, It) is (was) +形容词最高级+ n +定语从句。
比较:1) It is the first time I’ve seen her
It was the second time that he had been to China.
2) This is one of the best books that I have ever read.
It was the most important tomb that had ever been found.
4. It is(has been) …since…(since从句一般用过去时)
It is (has been) 2 weeks since I came here.
She said it was five hours since she had finished her work.
5. Hardly had sb done sth when…(从句用一般过去时): “一…就…”
No sooner had sb done sth than…(从句用一般过去时): “一…就…”
1)We had hardly got in the crops when it began to rain=Hardly had we got in the crops when ….
2)I had no sooner come into the room than the door was closed.=No sooner had I come into … 
1)lost 遗失;不易找到
• lost keys(定语)
• the Lost and Found失物招领处
• My pen is lost(表语)我的笔丢了。
• Gone{=missing, 但gone只能做表语}
• My watch is gone.(不能说 The gone key) 我的手表不见了
2)Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing
• go missing 失踪。 go 在这儿是系动词
• People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to sightings of puzzling lights in the sky and reports of alien visits around the time( of his disappearance)[大约在他失踪的时间]
• appear vi. appearance n. disappear vi disappearance n
3)due to 由于=owing to;because of
• due to +n (pron) 在句中做状语,不可置于句首;如要放在句首用owing to 或because of
• He arrive late due to the storm.
• He failed due to carelessness.
• Owing to my bussy work,I don’t have much time to go to the club
due to 在句中还可做表语或定语
• 1、给予、应属于
• The first place is due to Milton.第一名属于米尔顿。
• The wage due to him will be paid tomorrow.他的工资明天发。
• 2、由于,由、、、造成,归功于
• His absence was due to the storm.他的缺席是由那场暴风雨造成的。
• What are earthquakes due to?地震是什么造成的
4)put on
• 1.=turn on打开(灯、电器)on是副词
Eg :He put on the radio.
I’ll put the light on.
He put on her coat.
He put on an air of innocence,but it did not deceive(欺骗) us.
The senior class put on a dance
He put on a smile.他假装出微笑。
Put on speed(pressure)
Put on weight
Put on the extra buses during the rush hours
• Milti是一种前缀“多”
• Multi layer 多层的 ;miltimedia多媒体
• Multinational 多国的 miltimodel多种方式的
6)rule out
• 1.排除、、、的可能性
• I can not rule out the possibility of trouble.
• 2.使、、、不可能
• Father’s death ruled out college for Jack.
• 3.不允许
• The headmaster ruled out dances on school nights.
7)look into=research into/on 调查,研究
• We look into this matter together.
• I’ve been looking into that this afternoon.
• He is researching into the reading problems of young school children.
8)take charge of(be in charge of) 负责、管理、照顾
• I have to take charge of the department.
• Can you take charge of the class?
in charge(of)
Who is in charge here.(这儿谁负责?)
The doctor in charge request him to put on his clothes (主治医生)
9)frighten vt. 使惊恐
• Don’t frighten us .不要吓唬我们.
• You frightened me with that sudden noise.你突然弄出这声音吓了我一跳.
• We will not be frightened by the tiger.老虎是不能把我们吓到的.
• The robber frightened the lady into handing over her jewels.
frightened adj.(试与frightening比较) 受惊吓的;害怕的
What made them so frightened?什么使他们这么恐慌.
Tiger is very frightening.(老虎是很吓人的)
• Why are you so frightened of dogs?你干吗这么怕狗?
• He was frightened at the sight.看到这场面他很害怕.
• She threw us a quick frightened glance.她急速惊恐地看了我们一眼
puzzle .vt. puzzling adj,令人迷惑的. puzzled. adj.使人困惑的
• The situation in that country is more puzzling than ever.
The other day ,the maths teacher asked us to do a really puzzling problem.
We are all puzzled by the puzzling prblem
puzzled adj. 感到迷惑不解的
• Judging from his puzzled expression, I realized he knew nothing about the accident.
• 从他迷惑不解的表情判断,我意识到他对事故一无所知。
• His mother felt puzzled at his strange behavior.
• 他母亲对他奇怪的举止感到纳闷
10)puzzle vt 迷惑某人;使、、、为难
• What the litter girl had done puzzled her mother.
• 小女孩的行为使她母亲迷惑不解。
• No maths prblems can puzzle him. 没有数学问题可以难倒他
11)convince vt. 使信服;说服(后接名词、代词、或从句)
• Nobody could convince him.谁也没能说服他。
• A visit to the experimental field convinced the other villagers.
• All this convinced me that he was innocent
convince vt.说服;使相信
• But we failed to convince him of his mistake.
• What convinced you of this.什么使你相信这一点的呢。
convincing .adj . 有说服力的;令人信服的
• That’s a convincing argument.这是一个有说服力的论点。
• His analyses were always so convincing.他的分析是那么令人信服。
• The more he said ,the less convincing he was.他越说越使人不相信
convinced 形容词
• Xiao Li didn’t look convinced.小李看起来没被说服。
• I’m convinced that what you said is quite right.我相信你说的是对的。
• We are cconvinced by the convincing fact.我们完全被确凿的事实说服了
12)rate 评估、估计、认为
He was rated one of the richest men in town.他被认为是镇上最有钱的人。
How do you rate our team’s chance of winning.你如何评估我们队取胜的机会。
He was generally rated highly as a poet.作为一个诗人,他受到了普遍的高度评价。
• I tried to ensure that everybody understand the instructions
• I can’t ensure that he will be there in time.我不能保证他及时到那儿。
• come early to ensure getting a good seat.早点来以确保有个好坐位。
• be sure to do sth务必做谋事
• be sure of 对、、、有把握
• be sure that确保、务必做到
14)confusion 混淆(不可数)
• If you write more clearly, you’ll prevent the confusion of the readers.
• There has been some confusion of names (名字上弄混了);it was Mr Smyth who was to come ,not Mr Smith.
• confuse (vt)
They confused the noun and verb forms他们把动词和名词的形式弄混了
(1) 忽略,不管,没有注意
• It’s not a question that can be ignored。这不是一个可以置之不理的问题。
• They ignored traffic regulations. 他们没理会交通规则
16)approprite 适合的,适当的(adj)
• His clothes were not approprite for the accasion.他的衣服不适合这个场合。
17)conduct(vt)=lead or guide 领导、指导、引导
• Smiss Gao conducted the visiters round the museum.
• The servant conducted me to the door.仆人领我至门口
conduct (vt&vi)管理、指挥、处理;与反身代词连用,意为“行为”
• He conducts his business affairs in a careless way.他处理公事很粗心。
• Who is conducting this evening.今晚由谁指挥。
• He conducts himself well.他行为端正。
• *Copper conducts electricity.铜导电。
18)interview (vt)向、、、采访
• Have you interviewed the manager of the company?
• We are going to interview six candidates this afternoon.
interview (n.)采访
• The Ambassador refused to give any interview to journalists or TV men.
• He has an interview next Thursday for a job on the Los Angeles Times.
• The mayor agreed to give an interview to reporters.市长同意接受记者采访。
Module 2 unit 2
1.view [u]视线;视力
My view of the harbour was blocked by the buildings
If you stand here you’ll get a better view of the procession.
The view from the top of the hill was good.
3. [u]视野
The sea was now in view.现在大海在望。
A range of hills came into view.山脉出现在眼前。
The valley was hidden from view by mist.溪谷隐藏在雾蔼之中,看不见了。
He has strong view on education.
In my view,he should never have been offered the job in the first place.
5.In view of sth鉴于某事物;考虑到某事物
In view of his age and ill health, the police have decided not to prosecute him.
6.On view 在展出
This paintings will be on view at the British Museum until next month.
• 1.(常与 out,for连用)伸手
• He reached out (his hand) for a piece of cake.他伸手拿一块蛋糕。
• 2. 延伸;伸展
• The land reached as far as the river.这块地一直延伸到河边。
• 3.到达
• They reached London.他们到达了伦敦
perfect 完美的;全然的;对、、、最适当的;(动词的)完成的
• His reading is perfect.他的朗读好极了。
• He is a perfect stranger to me.他对我来说,完全是个陌生的人。
• He is a man perfect for this job.他是这个工作的最合适的人选。
• the perfect tense 完成时

• 1. 斑点;污点;地点;场所
• She had spots on her face when she was ill.
• This is a nice spot for a house.
• This is the spot where he was murdered.
• On the spot立刻;当场;在现场;in a spot 处于困境
• She has a tall graceful form.她有着高挑优雅的外形。
• He dislikes any form of exercise.他讨厌任何方式的运动。
• A form of marriage 结婚仪式。
• If you fill in this form,you can take books out of the library.
2 .vt.&vi.形成;培养;组织;成立
• A plan began to form in his mind.计划在他脑子里形成。
• We should form good habits.我们应该养成良好的习惯。
• He thought of forming a club他想到组织一个俱乐部
• 1.环绕,围绕
• The fence surrounds the school.篱笆环绕着学校。
be surrounded with [by]被、、、环绕着,周围都是、、、
• The river is surrounded by green trees.这条河四周环绕着绿树
2.surrounding 四周的,附近的
• the surrounding scenery 四周的风景
3.surroundings 周围,环境
• Pleasant surroundings 舒适的环境
harmony 调和,一致;和谐
• My cat and dog live in perfect harmony.我的猫和狗相处得十分和谐。
• In a beautiful picture there is harmony between the different colors.
• They worked in perfect harmony. 他们合作无间。
be in harmony with 与、、、协调一致
be out of harmony with 与、、、不协调一致
live in harmony with…与、、、和谐相处
• We provided food for the hungry children.=We provided the children with food.我们为饥饿的孩子们提供食物。
2.(常与for ,against 连用)预防,防范
• Provide against flood防洪
• Provide for old age防老
• He has a wife and seven children to provide for他需要赡养妻子和七个孩子
Supply sth to sb=supply sb with sth
provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth
offer sth to sb =offer sb sth
common 共同的;公共的;常见的;常有的;普通的;熟悉的
• a common cup公用杯子
• Snow is common in cold countries.
• the common people 老百姓
• Common knowledge 常识
common 普通的;常见的,不足为奇的/ 共有的
• These birds are very common here.
• They have nothing in common.
feed on 以、、、为主食
• Sheep feed on grass while human beings feed on rice.
• feed(fed,fed)喂养
Have you fed the animals?你喂过动物了吗?
He often feeds fish to the cat.=He often feeds the cat on fish.
give sb an idea of 使某人明白、、、
This book will give you a rough idea of what the everyday life of ordinary Americans is like.
Jion together 连接起来
• Jion the two ropes together.
• This road joins the two villages
be covered with盖满、、、,掩盖
• His desk is covered with dust.
• Our apple tree is covered with fruit.
wish 的用法
• 1.wish to do希望做某事
I wish to go to Hawaii some day.
• 2. wish sb to do 希望某人做某事
We’ll do whatever the Party wishes us to do.
• 3.wish sb+n./adj(表祝愿)
I wish you every success in the future.
I wish you happy.
• 4.wish for sth 希望得到
He wished for a chance to go abroad.
• 5.wish that…从句用虚拟语气
I wish I were a bird.
I wish I had been there yesterday.
I wish I could go to the moon some day.
• hope for sth;hope to do sth;hope that…用陈述语气;I hope so/not
• expect sth./sb; expect to do sth;expet sb to do; expect that…(用陈述句语气表示 “盼望或预料”;I expect so;I expect not=I don’t expect so
Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the southwest of China?
• of+n. 作定语或表语
• They are of the same age=They are of age.
• The two machines are of different kinds.
• This is a stamp of a special kind.
of +use /help/importance/interest/value
• This medicine is of no use=This medicine is useless.
• The meeting is of great importance=The meeting is very important
• He has been to many places of interest.=He has been to many interesting places.
In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever
• In front of the house stands a tall tree.
• On the wall hang two pictures.
• South of the city lies a chemical factory.
• At the gate ___ a soldier ____ uniform.
• A .lying ;in B.lain; worm
• C.laid; dressing D.lay; in
• Four or five miles to the east of them____ the blue waters of a beautiful lake.
• A.lies B.lied C.lying D.lie

Module2 unit 3
curious adj.好奇的;求知的
be curious about adj. 好奇的
Children are naturally curious about everything around them
result from 由于;result in 导致
• His success resulted from hard work .
• His hard work resulted in his success.
It will cost a lot of time .___ I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful.
A. What’s more B.As a result C.At the same time=on the other hand( 另一方面) D. After all
-Would you like some dumplings?
-Well. I’d like to have a few,But ,___ the bad ones last time,I dare not.
A.as a result B.as a result of C.as a matter of D.as far as
1、某种 a certain car
2、确定 A . Sb is certain (=sure) of/about sth 某人对、、、有把握
B. sb is certain (=sure)that-clause 某人相信/认为、、、
C. sb is certain (=sure) to do /be 某人肯定会做谋事
He is certain of his success.
He is certain to succeed .
I’m certain that he will succeed.
3、 It is certain that …(不能用sure)
It is certain that the film is terrible.
It is ___that my friend will come,but I’m not __ whom he will come with.
as well as
• 1 与、、、一样好
• He plays football as well as the teacher.
• 2除、、、之外;同;也;不但、、、而且,相当于not only …but also,当连接两个主语时,谓语与前面的主语一致。
She is clever as well as beautiful.=She is not only beautiful but also clever.
My sister as well as my parents enjoys music.
as well =too 只放在句末
Be famous for/as
Be famous for 以….物体而闻名
Be famous as 以….称呼/身份而闻名
• Be known for/as
Upon (on) doing sth
• Upon(on) doing sth=as soon as …..一 ..就
• Upon graduating from universty,he went to
• work in the countryside.
Die of/die from
• Die of 强调死于内因;die from强调外因
• He died of hunger 他死于饥饿.
• He died from car accident 他死于车祸
Have something to do with
• Have something to do with和…..有关系.
• He said he had nothing to do with the matter.他说他和此事没有关系.
• He likes to ask some questions which have nothing to do with the lesson.
preserved bodies 保存完好的遗体
preserved 是过去分词,意为 “保存好的,保留好的”
• an excellently peserved old house。 一栋保存好的老房子
• He is well preserved at his forties. 他40多岁,保养得很好
in advance :提前,事先
• They will pay a hundred and thirty dollors in advance.
• Send your luggage in advance。 把你的行李提前送走
• Everything has been fixed in advance。一切事先都安排好了。
ahead of time =in advance
in advance of :胜过、在前面
He is far advance of his class。 他在班上遥遥领先。
• advance along=walk forward along
• advanced 先进的、高级的、高等的
• an advanced worker 一位先进工作者
• advanced maths/education/experience
• advance the friendly relation between the two countries增进(推动、提高、预付)两国关系
together with:和、、、一道,一起
• I’m sending you some new shoes, together with a hat and a coat.
• John,together with his brothers ,has gone to the party.
would rather
• 1.would rather do…/would rather not do
What would you rather have ,an apple or a piece of cake?
I’d much rather not leave you here.
I’ll come with you
No,no! Don’t bother.I’d rather not .
• I would rather it was forgotten.
• I’d rather you didn’t do it.
would rather do sth than do
• He would rather die than give up.




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