家块6 Unit 3 Cultural differences (Reading)(译狶瑉蔼英语选せ毙毙学设计)

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Module 6 Unit 3 Cultural differences (Reading)
Zhu Pingping from Mudu High School
Aims & demands:
1. Learn the passage about cultural differences.
2. Improve the ssˇ skills of reading, speaking and writing
Step1: Lead-in
1. Free talk between the teacher and ss.
Good morning, everybody. So nice to meet all of you here. Since Iˇm new to you, do you want to know sth. about me? ( age, job, hobbies, marriage)
2. Introduce a woman teacher from America with a question: what questions are improper to ask her? (age, income, address, marriage)
3. Conclusion: Different countries have different cultures.
Today, weˇll learn sth. about cultural differences. Luckily, there are three students talking about cultural differences on the Internet and they can help us to know more .
Step2: Reading
1. Skimming.
A. Have a brief look at the passage and tell me the names of the three students .(class work) Now letˇs have a competition to see who can first find out the places that they come from. ( on the blackboard)
Ma Li: China
Waled: Brunei
Peter: the UK
B. Obviously, all of us here are very curious about the different cultures to be mentioned by them, and I help you to list some .(PPT)
shaking hands/shoes/touching nose/pointing/presents/
hug/wedding/thanksgiving/way of talk/the color of clothing
C. Go through the passage as quickly as you can and find out which of them are actually talked about by the three.(class work)
D. By the way, do you still remember which of them is talked about first and which one is the last? Would you please give them a correct order?
thanksgiving/presents/wedding/pointing/the color of clothing/shoes
Good job!
2. Scanning
Now , we become very interested in the detailed information about all these topics. Boys and girls, letˇs work together and find the answers to these four questions to help us know more about them : (group work)
冘 Where is Thanksgiving celebrated, America or Britain? What is it in celebration of? (more information with colorful pictures about thanksgiving on PPT.)
冘 What do people from the west do when receiving a present? Whatˇs the reason for doing that? (What do you do when receiving a gift? orally)
冘 How many different weddings are mentioned? What are the differences? (blanks to fill in on PPT about different weddings in different countries and a short movie about wedding around the world to enjoy.)
冘 What should we pay attention to while traveling in Brunei? (at least 3)(beautiful scenery of Brunei on PPT. Different meanings of thumb up in different countries. The picture of Sultan.
Ready? Which group can help me to answer the first question?(..) Do you know anything more about thanksgiving? Do you want to more about it? (the teacherˇs introduction with colorful pictures.) and the fourth question.
Of course ,they enjoyed their talk a lot, but Ma Li had to log off because she had some homework to do. Do you still remember Ma Liˇs Homework? What is it?( A composition on cultural differences). To search for more information, Ma Li turned to some books for help, and luckily, she found a joke on this very topic. Do you want to enjoy?(PPT)
冘 What can we learn from the joke?( It is helpful to know about cultural differences)
冘 Find out the advantages of knowing about cultural differences.( pair work)
enrich our knowledge/ make more friends/avoid misunderstanding/help to develop our nation
Step 3 post-reading:
Ma Li, as well as all of us here is hard-working, and it is high time for Ma Li to get down to her composition. Boys and girls, why not help Ma Li finish the outline of the composition first. ( group work. Each has a piece of paper to finish the outline)
cultural differences:
1.There are some cultural differences between America and Britain. For example
3. ___________________________________________________.
advantages of learning about cultural differences:
conclusions :
Letˇs compare your outlines with Ma Liˇs.(PPT)
Do you think Ma Liˇs composition will be a good one with such a perfect outline? But, according to what I know, one thing is still missing. ( a good title) Would you please find a good title for her composition?(.)
Do you want to have a look at Ma Liˇs title? (DO AS ROMANˇS DO)
Homework: Write a composition titled ˉDO AS ROMANˇS DOˇ.



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