模块2 Unit 2 Reading:An Adventure in Africa(译林牛津版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

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Unit 2 Reading An Adventure in Africa
Wang Daizhen from Suyuan High School
I. Free talk
T: Good afternoon, everyone. I’m very glad to be here today. I’m going to take
you to travel.
Do you like traveling?
S: Yes, of course.
T: Good. What places have you been to?
S: I’ve been to…
T: Well, so many places. But can you tell me why people like traveling?
S: …
T: Ok, some…, some…, others .... But what you mentioned just now are all places of interest in China. How about going abroad? Have you been to a foreign country?
S: No.
T: How about Africa? (Presenting a map) Do you know sth. about Africa?
S: Yes. It is …
T: Good, in Unit 1 we talked about Pyramids. It’s one of the wonders in the world. Can you tell me where the pyramids are?
S: …
T: Yes, in Egypt. How about grassland? Many wild animals live there. What else do you know about Africa?
S: …
T: Camels, yes. They are called Boats in the desert. And here’s the largest desert-te Sahara Desert and the rain forests. Africa is rich in natural resources. What about its people?
S: Black people.
T: Yeah, black people. Black people are strong and full of energy. They like singing and dancing. Let’s enjoy their performance. ( A video)
Is Africa a wonderful place? Yes, it’s a land of mystery, charm and attraction. Are you eager to go there? But before going, we have to be clear about our plan.
II. Presentation
Now open your books at p.22. Here’s a letter. Look through the letter quickly and answer the question. “Who wrote the following letter?”
Task 1 Fast reading
T: OK, who’d like to tell me who wrote the following letter.
S: Toby.
T: Good. Toby is going to travel in Africa with his elder brother. Then try to find how long they will stay in Africa. Can you find the answer in the letter? At the end of the letter, Toby told Aihua about it.
S: Four weeks.
T: Right. Now look through the body of the letter, §2-7. Try to find the places and underline them. How many places do they plan to go to? What are they? It’s common that the first few sentences of each paragraph often tell us the important information.
S: …
T: Yes, in Africa they will go to five places. (Draw the travel route on the blackboard). Look at the map of Africa. Toby and his elder brother will fly to Morocoo from London. Then they will go camping in the Sahara Desert. After that they will do white-water rafting down the Rive Nile. Then they will arrive in Kenya. and Tanzania.. At last they will go to Himalayas. That’s their plan.
Task II. Careful Reading.
T: Now let’s find more details about their plan.
Listen to the tape and read after it. Try to get sth. about Toby’s travel through the desert.
S: … ( Read after the tape.)
T: In order to know the exciting part of Toby’s travel down the River Nile and in the magnificent area Kenya, I’d like two of you to read Para. 3-6.
S1: …(Read §3.)
S2: …(Read §4-6.)
T: Well done. Then I’ll ask all of you to read Para.7-8 together. That’s the rest part of their travel.
S: …
T: Now look at the form on the screen. We’ll find more details about their plan.
Toby’s Travel Plan
route transportation activities packings reasons
the Sahara
down the Nile
in Kenya
in Tanzania
III. Practice: Filling the blanks and talk about the paper
T: Ok. Just now we know a lot of things about Toby’s plan. It’s your turn to write down sth. Please take out the paper I gave you. Fill in the blanks using the proper words.
S: …
route transportation 2 packings reasons
3 the Sahara
Desert by 4 camping,
seeing stars tents,
5 bags,
torch to camp
to sleep in, keep warm
to see in the dark
6 the Nile by boat going white-water
7 helmet,
life jacket for white-water rafting
in Kenya on foot seeing wild animals a large, strong, light backpack,
guns to carry 8
of food and water
to take 9
to scare animals 10
in Tanzania on foot climbing
Mount Kiimajaro
T: Now time is up. Let’s check your answers. …Very good.
IV. Consolidation: Pair work: a phone call.
T: Since we are clear about Toby’s travel plan, what do you think Toby’s travel in Africa will be?
S: …
T: Their travel will be dangerous, challenging, scary, exciting and …It’s an adventure. ( Write on the blackboard: An Adventure in Africa.)
T: Suppose you were Toby and you are going to take a travel in Africa. Talk to your friend Aihua about your travel plan on the phone. Don’t forget to tell her the details about your plan. Make a dialogue with your partner.
S: …
( Four pairs.)
V. Group discussion
T: People travel for different purposes. Can you guess what Toby’s purpose is?
S: …
T: Right. If you’re Aihua, what suggestions will you give to your friend Toby when he is out for this kind of travel? I’d like you to have a discussion in your group. Six of you will be a group. A secretary will be made to write down something and a reporter will also be chosen to give a report in the front. Are you clear?
S: …
( Four groups.)
VI. Summary.
T: Today we read Toby’s letter to his friend Aihua and from the letter we know something about their travel plan in Africa. Do you want to have a chance to go there right now?
S: Yes.
T: Let’s go. ( African music.) But don’t forget our homework.
VII. Homework
T: After class read the text aloud and you are asked to write a reply letter to Aihua including the suggestions mentioned in class. See you in Africa.




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