
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

1. 拯救地球 save the earth
2. 地球面临的最大问题是什么?
What is the biggest problem facing the earth?
3. 一个有价值的资源 a valuable resource
4. 造成严重的污染 cause serious pollution
5. 讨论该问题 discuss the issue
6. 烧煤 burn the coal
7. 用一个比较好的方式 in a better way
8. 做笔记 take notes of…
9. 得出结论 draw a conclusion
10. 支持/反对 be for/ against
11. 交换意见 share ideas
12. 取得进步 make much progress
13. 主题 main theme
14. 可持续发展 sustainable development
15. 谈论 speak about/ of
16. 在不破坏环境的情况
without damaging the environment
17. 出席国际会议
attend the international conference
18. 做了一个很重要的演讲
make a very important speech
19. 根据世卫组织的意思
according to the World Health Organization
20. 愿意做某事 be willing to do
21. 参加活动 take part in
22. 自由利用 have free access to
23. 与。。。和谐 in harmony with
24. 结束死亡和苦难
put an end to the death and suffering
25. 擦干净 wipe out
26. 对。。。有影响 have an effect on
27. 劝说某人做某事 advise sb to do
28. 尽所能去做某事 do whatever one can to do
29. 在农村地区 in rural areas
30. 采取行动 take action
31. 采取措施 take measures to do
32. 有大的成效/有所不同 make a difference
33. 空调 air conditioner
34. 改变现状 improve the situation
35. 对。。。有更好的了解
have a better understanding of
36. 对。。。掌握;熟悉 have a good knowledge of
37. 找到解决办法 find solution to the problem
38. 教育是未来的关键
Education is the key to the future
39. 上学 attend school
40. 对学习满意 be content/satisfied with
41. 偶然 by chance
42. 充分利用时间 make full use of time
43. 以。。。的速度 at a speed of
44. 防御 defend oneself against/from
45. 因。。。表扬。。。 praise sb for sth
46. 强调保护水资源的重要性
stress the importance of protecting
the water resources
47. 对。。。负责 be responsible for
48. 刚。。。就。。。 hardly/ barely/ scarcely… when
no sooner…than
49. 照顾;护理 attend to
50. 与某人有共同的信仰/信念
share one’s belief/faith
51. 一个备用轮胎 a spare tire
52. 在空闲时间 in the spare time
53. 递给我一个婚礼请柬
hand me a wedding invitation
54. 加强;增强 build up
55. 消息传开 Word got around.
56. 一位著名的教育专家
a well-known educational expert
57. 有意义;行得通;有道理 make sense
58. 在危险中 at risk/ in danger
59. 与其说。。。不如说 more… than…(分开)
60. 不仅仅 more than (不分开)
61. 面对激烈的竞争 face fierce competition
62. 受益于 benefit from
63. 店员 a shop assistant
64. 受到压力 under pressure
65. 带某人参观 show sb around sp
66. 展览 on show
67. 名胜古迹
a place of interest/ places of interest
68. 过得高兴 have a wonderful time
69. 为你的观点辩护 defend your argument
70. 插嘴 cut in / break in
71. 插队 jump the queue
72. 令我惊讶的是 to my surprise
73. 收到某人的来信 hear from sb
74. 找出, 发现, 查明(真相等), 认识到, 想出, 揭发 find out
75. 别无选择只能 have no alternative but to do



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