模块6 Unit 3 课文导学(译林牛津版高二英语选修六导学案)

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Unit 3 Understanding each other 课文导学
主备人: 单小玲
1 Yeah, people get used to it. 人们已经对它习惯了。
get used to = be used to +sth/ doing 习惯于
be used to do 被用来做
used to do 过去常常
我们习惯吃过晚饭后坐在一起唱歌。_we det used to sitting together and singing songs after supper.
这种药被用来治疗爱滋病。 _This medicine is used to cure AIDS.
他年轻时常常游泳。 _He used to go swimming when he was young.
2 In South American, you can expect to be hugged when you meet someone. 在南美洲你与某人想见时, 你会得到他的拥抱。
(1) 句中can用于肯定句表示客观的(理论的)可能性,并不涉及具体事情的发生,此种用法常常可以说明人或事物的特征。
A left-luggage office is a place where bags can be left for a short time, especially at a railway station.
(2) expect vt 期望,盼望
expect sth 期盼,盼望某事
expect to do sth 指望,盼望做某事
expect sb to do sth 指望某人干
expect sth of/ from sb 对某人有指望,期望
expect that
他在盼着考试成绩. He is expecting the result of the exam.
你不能指望在一星期内学会一门外语. You can’t expect to learn a foreign language in a week.
他指望我帮助他做家庭作业. He expects me to help him with his homework.
父母总是对自己的子女期望过高.Parents always expect too much from their children.
别对他抱多大的希望.Don’t expect too much from him.
When he turned professional at the age of 11, Mike _C____ to become a world champion by his coach and parents. (2006上海)
A. expected B. was expecting C. was expected D. would be expected
3 He gets quite excited whenever it comes to this topics. 每当谈到这个话题时他就格外兴奋.
(1)whenever相当于 no matter when, 引导让步状语从句.
无论你何时见到那个女孩, 她总是面带微笑.
_Whenever you meet the girl, she is always wearing a smile.
(2) whenever it comes to … 是一个常见句型,意为: 无论何时谈及, 当谈到什么的时候
当谈到钱时,大家都严肃起来._Whenever it comes to money, everyone is serious._
(3) come to ①谈及,谈到; ② 来到某地; ③ 总计,总共;④ 苏醒过来,恢复知觉;⑤达到, 得到结果
when it comes to politics, I know nothing. (  1 )
The performance of the play has come to its climax. ( 5 )
His earnigns come to$60,000 a year. ( 3 )
In a few moments he came to himself. ( 4 )
As he came to the bridge, he heard a train approaching. ( 2 )
4 The British teacher didn’t know what he was talking about or what Thanksgiving wan held in celebration of. 而英国教师就不知道对方在谈什么,也不知道为什么要过感恩节.
(1)本句中有两个what引导的两个宾语从句,第一个what 做 _about的宾语_, 第二个what 做 _of的宾语______.
(2) in celebration of 庆祝
People spend Christmas in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
_We’re going to hold a party in celebration of today’s victory._____________
注意比较: celebrate表“庆祝”,宾语是事,即后接sth. 其名词构成的词组为:have/hold a celebration(举行庆祝会) in celebration of…(为了庆祝…)congratulate表“祝贺”其宾语是受到祝贺的人,可组成短语congratulate sb. on sth./doing… 名词congratulation可构成短语: congratulations to sb. on sth./doing…
5 It’s to do with celebrating the first harvest after the settlers from Europe went to live in the USA. 感恩节与从欧洲迁入美国大陆居住的首批移民迁居后庆祝他们第一个丰收有关。
It’s to do with = it has something to do with 和… 有关
have后还可接 much, a lot, a great deal 与…有很大关系
这和我没多大关系。 _This doesn’t have much to do with me.
have nothing/ little with 与。。。没有联系_
The organization declares that it has nothing to do with the terrorist attack.
6 If I got married in the UK, I would expect a present , but if I got married in Italy, I would have to give a present. 如果我在英国结婚,我会收到客人的礼物;而如果我在意大利结婚,我得给客人礼物.
(1) 本句是条件句的虚拟语气, 表示与现在事实相反. 其基本句型为:
与现在事实相反: if + 主语+v-ed, 主语 + would/could/should + v
与过去事实相反: if + 主语+had done, 主语 + would/could/should + have done
If you had joined the chat room ten minutes ago, you would have known what we were talking about.
与将来事实相反:if +主语+v-ed/should+v/were to +v, 主语+ would/could/should + v
_If it should rain tomorrow, we would not have PEclass.__
(2) get married 结婚,也可以说 be married
和…结婚 be married to sb/ marry sb
她希望嫁给一个百万富翁. _She hope to marry a millionaire.
Cinderella got married to the Prince in the end. _最终灰姑娘嫁给了王子。
7 Getting things wrong can be quite embarrassing! 弄错事情是很难堪的!
embarrasse 使…难堪,窘迫
你是想让我难堪吗? _Are you trying to embarrass me?
embarrassing 令人难堪的 an embarrassing question _令人难堪的问题
be embarrassed about 对…感到尴尬,窘迫的
他对自己的衣着感到尴尬。_He was embarrassed about his dressing._
8 It’s quite funny watching the new foreign teachers trying to adjust to doing that.
adjust ①整理,整顿;②校准,调准;③适应(adapt)
adjust sth/oneself to sth/doing
刹车(brake)需要调节了。_The brakes need adjusting.__
She carefully adjusted her clothes and hair before going out.
_Body adjusted to the change of weather._
9 Another thing is, should you come to Brunei, you would have to take off your shoes before going into someone’s house! 还有一件事是,如果你来到文莱,你进别人家门前得脱鞋!
(1)本句是一个非真实条件句,if被省略,在这种情况下句子要进行部分倒装。本句可改写成:If you should come to Brunei, you should have to take off your shoes before going into someone’s house.
Should there be a good film on tomorrow, I would go to the cinema with you.(rewrite) _If there should be a good film on tomorrow,…___
If I were you, I would not do it. (rewrite) _Were I you …
(2)take off ① 脱掉;②起飞;③(指观念、产品等)突然大受欢迎,急升
这部字典极受欢迎。_The dictionary has really taken off.__
Sales of home computers have taken off in recent years.
take away 除掉, 带走 take back 收回 take down 取下, 拆除, 记下
take in 吸取, 理解, 欺骗 take on 呈现, 接纳 take over 接管, 管理
take up 举起, 拿起 占据, 从事 take out 取出
10 It’s time for me to logg off. 我该下线了。
log in/on : 注册,登记 log off/out下线,退出,注销
Log on using your name and password. __用你的名字和密码登陆。
1 You will stay in igloo( house made from snow) or tents and wear clothers made fron animal skins. 你将住在用雪砌成的拱形圆小屋里,或是居住在帐篷里,穿着用动物毛皮缝制的衣服。
句中be made from 是过去分词作定语,修饰clothers
be made from 用…制成,(看不见原材料)be made of 用…制成(看得见原材料)
盐是用海水制成的。 _salt is made from sea water.
这张桌子是木头做的。 The table is made of wood._
2 The Inuit usually live in small family groups but have large summer gatherings for feasts and elebrations where they swap stories. 因纽特人通常按照小家庭单位居住和生活,但会举行大型夏日聚会,大家享受丰盛的食物,举行庆贺活动,同时相互讲故事。
句中where 引导一个定语从句,修饰feasts and celebrations. where 相当于in which.
Hawking, the world- famous astronomer, has written a book, where he descibes blackholes in the universe. where= in the book
3 Here you will have the chance to see Aboriginal ceremies with singing and dancing based on ancient Aboriginal beliefs. 在这里,你将有机会目睹基于古老的土著信仰之上的,人们又唱又跳的土著仪式。
(1) 其中with singing and dancing based on ancient Aboriginal beliefs 是介词短语修饰Aboriginal ceremies, based on ancient Aboriginal beliefs 是过去分词短语作后置定语修饰singing and dancing。
(2) base on 以…为根据,以…为基础
这个电影是以事实为依据的 _The movie is based on a true story._
A judge should base his jugdement on the facts and laws.
4 New Zealand is home to the Maori tribe. 新西兰是毛利民族的家园。
be home to + 表示单位,机构的名称,意为 是…的所在地,总部,基地
地球是人类的家园。_the earth is home to mankind._
Hawaii is home to the US Pacific Fleet. _夏威胰是美国太平洋舰队的基地。

5 They brought with them a Polynesia culture rich in song, dance, carving and weaving. 他们给新西兰带来了在歌舞,雕刻和编织方面有丰富内涵的波利尼西亚文化。
(1) bring sth with sb ,当宾语sth过长时,可将其后置。
那个人经常随身带把雨伞。_the man always brings an umbrella with him.__
When going camping, we have to bring with us a tent, strong shoes and enough food. _在野营时,我们需要带上帐篷,结实的楔子和足够的食物。
(2)本句中的rich in song, dance, carving and weaving作定语修饰Polynesia culture
be rich in 在…方面很丰富,富饶
这个国家自然资源很丰富。 _this country is rich in natural rescources._
西安是一个富有传统的城市。__Xi’an ia a city rich in traditions._




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