射阳县盘湾中学2008届高三英语一轮复习学案模块1 Unit 3(译林牛津版高考复习英语必修一学案设计)

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一、教学内容: 牛津高中英语模块一 Unit 3 (page 41~ page 51)
二、教学要求:1.掌握page 41~ page 51上出现的重要单词、词组与句型。
I. To revise some important words & expressions in Unit 1 (page 21~ page 31)
stay ashamed work. recover failure match follow
advise seldom embarrassed consider effect recognize figure
1. The weather has s___________ warm all week.
2. You ought to be a___________ of your behavior.
3. It’s a good idea, but it won’t w___________.
4. He is slowly r___________ from his illness.
5. She died of heart f___________.
6. The curtains and the carpet don’t quite m___________.
7. The film star walked to his car, f___________ by a crowd of young people.
8. The doctor a___________ me to get more exercise.
9. He s___________ went to see a film, did he ?
10. Don’t be e___________ about your weight.
11. I surely c________ it necessary to tell him the news now.
12. The incident had a good e___________ on him.
13. I know him, but when I saw him last night, I could hardly r___________ him.
14. We must f___________ out how to solve the problem.
Phrases from Page 41 to 45

1. 极想做… ________________
2. 收到…来信________________
3. 锻炼身体________________
4. 苗条身材________________
5. 减肥________________
6. 对…感到羞愧________________
7. 从…中(疾病、灾难)恢复____________
8. 后悔做过…________________
9. 含有有害化学物质________________
10. 使…做…;导致…(P42)____________
11. 与…完全匹配 ________________
12. 把…捐赠给…________________
13. 拯救…性命________________
14. 听从某人建议________________
15. 至少;至多________________
16. 照顾________________
17. 对…感到尴尬________________
18. 节食________________
19. 偶然遇见________________
20. 秘密地________________

Phrases from Page 46 to 51

1. 既然;由于________________
2. 受伤;________________
3. 想要做…________________
4. 增强体质________________
5. 独立地做…________________
6. 考虑做…________________
7. 对…有(负面)影响(P49) ____________
8. (头发)脱落________________
9. 冒险________________
10. 未来;以后________________
11. 期盼某人做…(P50) ________________
12. 同意…观点________________
13. 像往常一样________________
14. 体重增加________________
II. Sentences to be recited:
1. My mother is right: don’t damage your health for a slim and attractive figure.
(1) n. [U] 损害,毁坏。如:do/cause damage to …
The storm ___________________________________. 暴风雨对农作物造成了极大的伤害。
(2) vt.损害,毁坏,如:
Tell the children_____________________________. 告诉那些孩子不要破坏这些果树。
[比较] damage和destroy
(1) 相同点:两者都可用作及动物动词。
(2) 不同点:damage可作不可数名词,而destroy不能用作名词,其名词形式为destruction。在破坏的程度上,damage要小于destroy,damage可以指不同程度的损害、毁坏,而destroy则一般指毁灭性的破坏。体会下列句子的差别:
The strong sandstorm damaged most of the young trees.那场强烈的沙尘暴损坏了大部分小树。
The hurricane destroyed the whole village.飓风把整个村子都毁坏了。
2. I’m amazed that in China someone’s liver matched yours!
 amazed adj. (人)感到惊愕、吃惊 be amazed to do.. / at sth / that … 因…大感惊讶
________________________ her dressing. 我们对他的衣着感到吃惊。
________________________ he was still alive. 他仍然活着,她感到惊讶。
____________________________there. 我们发现他在那儿,吃了一惊。
 match vi.& vt. 用作及物动词和不及物动词。
(1) 与……相配。如:
The curtains and the carpet match perfectly.窗帘与地毯十分谐调。
To our surprise,his DNA__________________________________________.
(2) 与……较量,匹敌。如:Who _______________________? 在英语方面谁能是他的对手?
 match n. 相配的人或物:与另一个十分相似或和谐的人或物; 对手,敌手
The napkins were a nice match for the tablecloth.餐巾和桌布相配得很好
The boxer had met his match.拳击者遇到了他的对手
3.Everyone has advised you not to go on a diet, haven’t they?
(1) 表建议或要求的内容的从句中用should加动词原形,should可省,这类词除advise外,还有suggest,propose,ask,order,demand,require,insist。如:
I advise __________________________________.我建议她应该明天去那儿。
(2 ) advise doing sth./advise sb. to do sth.,类似advise用法的还有allow,permit,forbid等词。如:
His father________________________.他父亲被要求不能吸烟。
His father__________________. 他父亲允许吸烟。
[链接] advice n. 忠告,建议 advisable可劝告的;可取的;适当的;明智的
4. Writers must be sure to include the class and level you surveyed, the number of students that answered the questionnaire and the results.
(1) contain:have or hold sth. in itself,表示“包含,含有,内装”。侧重“整体内有”,指在某一范围或容器内能容纳某物。不用于进行时态。如:
These valleys ___________________.这些山谷中有金矿。
(2) include:have sth./sb. as a part of a whole,表示“包括”。侧重包含者只是整体中的一部分。如: The list____________________.名单上有我的名字。
[注意] 常用include的现在分词或过去分词来作解释说明,意为“其中包括”。如:
The atlas contains forty maps,_____________________________________.
At least twenty people were killed,_________________________________ !
III. Grammar: (The Attributive Clause / Question tags ) (请回顾语法专项复习学案)
1. They are planning to have a spring outing, _______ is not approved by the headmaster.
A. that B. what C. it D. which
2. I’m doing different types of exercises, and ______ are quite helpful to my health.
A. all of which B. all of that C. all of it D. all of them
3. Let us go out for a run, _______ ?
A. will you B. shall we C. won’t you D. shan’t we
4. Mary, turn off the lights, _______?
A. doesn’t she B. won’t she C. will you D. do you
5. Little Children are often told not to play by the river, _______?
A. do they B. don’t they C. are they D. aren’t they
6. John dislikes pop music, _______?
A. does he? B. doesn’t he C. won’t he D. is he?
7. They hardly recognize him in the photo, ________?
A. do they B. can they C. are they D. does he
Ex 1:完成下列句子翻译(共30分。每句3分)
1. 我很想吃点东西。(dying for)
2. 你应该为说这些谎话而感到羞耻。(ashamed)
3. 你的主意听起来不错, 但是就是行不通。(work)
4. 他的感冒彻底痊愈了。( recover) .
5. 这帽子和上衣很相称。(match)
6. 这本小说值得再读一遍。(worth )
7. 前几天,我偶然看到过一本你可能喜欢的书。(come across)
8. 老人暗地里埋藏了金子, 没人知道在哪儿。(in secret)
Ex 2:
1. I am ________ to see you. A. dying B. longing C. eager D. all the above
2. His mother asked him to give up smoking, but it doesn’t _________.
A. help B. work C. do D. A and B
3. Time is ___ so we mustn’t waste it. A. priceless B. invaluable C. worthless D. A and B
4. His kidneys are failing, so he must find a __ for himself. A. match B. fit C. suit D. kidney
5. How I regret __________ your advice.
A. not to take B. having not taken C. not having taken D. not to have taken
6. The place is __. A. worth a visit B. worth visiting C. worthy of being visited D. all the above
7. She felt __ at the __ situation. A. embarrassed; embarrassing B. embarrassing; embarrassing
C. embarrassing; embarrassed D. embarrassed; embarrassed
8. How was it that you ____________ this rare book?
A. came across B. came upon C. ran across D. all the above
9. She lost her purse on the way down the mountain, which _________ later by a villager.
A. was picked B. was picked up C. was looked for D. was discovered
10. ---I’m considering ______ a holiday next week? Any suggestions?
---Lianyungang is considered ______ a perfect place to go to.
A. to have ; to be B. to have ; being C. having ; being D. having ; to be
11. __ up early, you will catch the train. A. Get B. You get C. Getting D. To get
12. The life of the wounded soldier_________ is still in danger.
A. operating on B. operated on C. having been operated D. to operate on
13. If you haven’t enough money for a drink, I will ___ you. A. treat B. pay C. charge D. cost
14. The big snow has a good ______ wheat while it ______ my health badly.
A. affect on ; effects B. effect in ; affects C. effect on ; affects D. affect in ; effects
15. ---___ you ___ the manager at the airport? ---No, he ___ away before my arrival.
A. Have; met; has driven B. Did; meet; had been driven
C. Have; met; had driven D. Had; met; was driven
Ex 3:书面表达
支持身体健康者 支持外表者
1. 一切活动或饮食要以健康为基础 1. 如果没有外表的美丽,健康也没有用
2. 有了健康的身体,就有了学习工作的根源 2. 外表的美丽可以为学习和工作带来成功的捷径
3. 有了健康的身体,才会找到真正的自我 3. 有了美丽的外表,更容易找到自我
4. 如果光有美丽的外表而没有健康的身体只会成为社会的负担 4. 举例
Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good (1)答案
I. Useful expressions:
A.单词:stayed ashamed work. recovering failure match followed advised seldom embarrassed consider effect recognize figure
Phrases from Page 41 to 45

1) be dying to do sth
2) hear from
3) work out;
4) a slim figure
5) lose weight
6) be ashamed of …
7) recover from …
8) regret doing
9) contain a harmful chemical
10) cause … to …
11) an exact match for …
12) donate … to sb
13) save one’s life
14) follow/take sb’s advice/ suggestions
15) at (the) least
16) look after; take care of; attend to sb.
17) be embarrassed about …
18) go on diets
19) come across
20) in secret

Phrases from Page 46 to 51

1. now that …
2. get hurt
3. would like to do …
4. build up one’s strength/body
5. do … on one’s own
6. consider (doing) sth
7. have (side) effects on …
8. fall out
9. take a risk; take risks
10. in the future
11. expect sb to do …
12. agree with sb/one’s idea/ what sb says
13. as usual
14. put on weight

II. Sentences to be recited:
1.The storm did/caused great damage to the crops. Tell the children not to damage the fruit trees.
2. We were amazed at her dressing. She was amazed that he was still alive.
We were amazed to find him there. To our surprise,his DNA should match that of Mr. Smith.
3. I advise that she (should) go there tomorrow.我建议她应该明天去那儿。
His father isn't allowed to smoke. His father allowed smoking.
4.These valleys contain gold mines. The list includes my name.
The atlas contains forty maps,including three of Great Britain.
At least twenty people were killed,two children included.
Ex 1 :
1. I am dying for something to eat. 2. You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such a lie.
3. Your idea sounds good but won’t work? 4. He has fully recovered from the cold.
5. The cap is a good match for the coat. 6. This novel is worth reading a second time..
7. The other day, I came across a book you might like.
8. The old man buried his gold in secret and no one knows where it is.
Ex 3:One possible version
Class 3 of grade 1 held a discussion yesterday afternoon, they had a heat discussion about health and appearance.
The students for health thought that we should take activities or have food on the basic of health, and that good health is the resource of study and work. They insisted that the people who owned good health could be themselves easily but the people who only owned beautiful appearance couldn’t make great contributions to society, on the contrary this kind of people would be burden of society.
But the supporters of beautiful appearance believed that only healthy body would bring nothing good to us and beautiful appearance would surely help us to be successful in study and work. They were fond of the idea that if we were good looking, we could be real very easy.




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