Lesson seventy-four

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The seventy-fourth

1 Teaching aims and demands: The verbs take and bring , Using indefinite pronouns/ adverbs
2 Important points: The verbs take and bring
3 Difficult points : Using indefinite pronouns/ adverbs
4 Teaching tools : tape , pictures .
5 Situation :
6 Teaching steps :
Step one : Revision
1 Check the homework
2 Revise far /farther / farthest by asking about objects around the room.
3 Read lesson 73 together .
Step two : Pre-read
Have the students discuss the following questions in pairs .
1 Do you like to go to strange places ? why or why not ?
2 How do you feel when you are alone somewhere ? Are you afraid ?
3 Give three or four minutes to discuss. And write the answers on the blackboard .
Step three Presentation
Draw a picture of some children pulling a boat up from the water on the Bb . Then tell the story in Sb Page 22. Explain the new words by gesture or facial expression, e.g. happily ---happy , land on pull—push pull out of look around keep cool all by ourselves perhaps—maybe lots of ---a lot of take back no longer miss—missing cry—laugh get back
Step four Listening listen to the tape and read sentences by sentences . and answer What do the children do on the island ?
Step five Practice
Divid the class into groups of six . One of them plays the part of a narrator. The others play Lucy ,Jim ,Kate, Bruce and Ah Fang. Read the text aloud.Act out the conversation. Ask one or two groups to give their performance in front of the class.
Step six Workbook
Wb lesson 74 ,Exx.2 and 3. For Ex.2 . havee the students fill in the blanks individually and then check the answers with the entire class . For Ex.3 , the students may work in pairs and do it orally.
Step seven : Homework
Finish off the workbook exercises.
Revise the new words and structures in this unit .
Design :
happily ---happy , land on The answer of the
pull—push pull out of discussing :
look around keep cool
all by ourselves perhaps—maybe
lots of ---a lot of take back
no longer miss—missing
cry—laugh get back

Lesson seventy-five
The seventy – fifth lesson
1 Teaching aims and demands : Using indefinite pronouns / adverbs : Positive, Negative , Question too…to … solve
2 Important points : too…to … solve
3 Difficult points : Using indefinite pronouns / adverbs : Positive, Negative , Question .
4 Teaching tools : tape , pictures
5 Situation:
6 Teaching Steps:
Step one : Revision
1 Get the students to retell the story from SB Page 22. Part 2 , Lesson74. If your students have difficulty, you may ask questions about the story to help them.
2 Dictation : the new words by gesture or facial expression. happily ---happy , land on pull—push pull out of look around keep cool all by ourselves perhaps—maybe lots of ---a lot of take back no longer miss—missing cry—laugh get back
Step two : Presentation : Revise the parts of the face . Teach the students these sentences , Performing appropriate actions : I see with my eyes . I hear with my ears . I smell with my nose . I speak with my month . get some students to act them out .
Step three Ask and answer
Listen to the tape ,book closed ! Ask What or who are on the island with the children ? Play the tape and check the answer (some animals ).Book open ,Play the tape again and students listen and repeat . Point out the use of something / somebody, anything anybody and nobody . Read the dialogue again.
Explain the indefinite pronouns
Somebody anybody nobody
something anything nothing
someone anyone no one
不定代词作主语, 谓语动词用单数 。
形容词修饰不定代词 , 形容词放在不定代词的后面。
相互转化 : not anything ==nothing
In pairs have the students substituie the answers in the box to make new dialogues, Ask several pairs to share their new dialogues. Do Wb Lesson 75,Ex.1.
Step 4 puzzle dialogues
SB Page 23,Part 2. Read through the parts of the dialogues with the students. Explain too…to , solve , believe , everybody , sooner or later
Then get the students to work in pairs making sentences.
Step five Read and say
Have te students cover up the dialogue with their hand, Then have them describe the picture to you . Play the tape and get the students to read and repeat . Then ask the students to practise the dialogue in pairs.
Step six Workbook Wb lesson 75, Ex.2 can be done orally in class.
Step seven Homework
Finish off the workbook exercise,
Revise the new vocabulary and grammar for this unit
Revise the whole story about A visit to an island and try to retell it in few words.
Somebody anybody nobody
something anything nothing
someone anyone no one
不定代词作主语, 谓语动词用单数 。
形容词修饰不定代词 , 形容词放在不定代词的后面。
相互转化 : not anything ==nothing
I can’t hear anything =I can hear nothing
Too…to--- not enough to
Solve problem--- answer the question
Sooner or later
Is everything OK? ---- How are you ?
Lesson seventy-six
The seventy-sixth lesson
1 Teaching aims and demands : Go on learning the story of visit an island. Review indefinite pronouns / adverbs .
2 Important point: the story of visit an island.
3 Difficult points : Listening
4 Teaching tools : tape , picture
5 Situation :
6 Teaching steps:
Step one : Revision
Get th students to retell the story in this unit . To help them with the reading , show the pictures in each lesson or ask questions .
Step two : Presentation
Ask : What did the children lose on the island? ------ the basket
Do you think the children will get the picnic basket back? ---- Yes or No.
Step three : Reading
Tell the students to look at the pictures . Ask the students again :
Do you think the children will get the picnic basket back ? Who has the basket ? How did the children get the basket back ? Where is the boat ? Have the students scan the passage for the answer .
Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Teach as ,eat up , run after, run away ,drop , bank.
Step four Listening
Listen to the tape for part 2 ,and try to find what happened next. Answer the questions on page 88. The answers are: 1 in the sea , 2 the monkey , 3 a little monkey ,4 They swan to it and pulled it back to land , 5 They ran , 6 She thought it was exciting .
SB Pages 24-25 , Part 3. Before teacher read the text for the students , explain to them that you are going to read something to them and they need to follow the directions. read the text two or three times.
Step five Writing
Have the students write a report about their last school trip. Ask a group to read their report.
Step Rhyme
SB Page 25 , Part 5 Play the tape and let the students listen and repeat Listen carefully to your students’ intonation, making sure they model the tape exactly.
Step six Checkpoint 19
Go through Checkpoint 19 in the usual way .Spend some time in practicing the difference between take and bring.
Step seven Test
You may use Part 3 from SB Pages 24-25 as a dictation for the test.
Step eight Workbook
Do exercise and have them finish off the workbook exercises.
Run after run away
Drop--- dropped eat up




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