9B Unit 2 Robots 语言要点(译林牛津版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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9B Unit 2 Robots(1)
第二单元 机器人
1. I’m writing a complaint letter. 我在写一封抱怨信。
 ① You have no cause for complaint. 你没有理由来埋怨。
② I’m going to write a letter of complaint. 我打算写封投诉信。
③ There’s no real reason for complaint. 没有真正抱怨的理由。
④ If your neighbors are too noisy, you’ll have cause for complaint.
 ① My sister wrote me to make so many complaints.
② Some children are full of complaints about their food.
③ I have a number of complaints about the hotel room you’ve given me.
④ The police received several complaints about the noise from our party.
 ① She is always complaining. 她老是发牢骚。
② He complained to me about the food. 他向我抱怨食物。(抱怨食物不好)
③ I’ve got nothing to complain of really. 真的我没有什么可以抱怨的。
④ He complained that he couldn’t find a job anywhere. 他抱怨说自己到处都找不到工作。
2. What have I done wrong? 我做错了什么?
do wrong意为“做错事”,其中的wrong用作名词,意为“坏事”“不法行为”“错误”等,do sb. wrong或do wrong to sb. 意为“冤枉某人”。如:
 ① She did no wrong. 她不会干坏事。
② They have done us a great wrong. 他们对待我们十分不公正。
③ A terrible wrong has been done. Those men should never gone to prison.
④ You shouldn’t do wrong to me. 你不应该冤枉我。
3. Mr Jing is the first person is Sunshine Town to own a robot.
 ① This house is mine. I own it. 这房子是我的,归我所有。
② She owns a car, but she rarely drives it. 她有一辆小汽车,但她很少开。
③ Who owns this land? 这块土地归谁所有?
④ His family owned neither land nor house. 他家既无田地又无房子。
 ① They own that the claim is justified. 他们承认那要求是正当的。
② I own I was wrong. 我承认我错了。
③ It was my fault. I’ll own it. 这是我的过错。我会承认的。
 ① I saw it with my own eyes. 那是我亲眼看到的。
② I wish I had my own room. 但愿我有自己的房间。
③ He did it in his own way. 他以自己的方式做这件事。
 ① May I keep it for my own? 我可以把它当作自己的吗?
② The workers took him as one of their own. 工人把他当作自己人。
③ This house is my own. 这房子是我自己的。
★on one’s own是一个习惯短语,意为“独自地”“独立地”。如:
 ① She still lives on her own. 她仍然独自一人生活。
② I’ll do the work on my own. 我将独立地工作。
4. ‘In order to have more free time, I have to buy a robot,’ Mr Jing thought.
★in order to意为“为了”“以便”,后接动词原形,其否定形式为in order not to。如:
 ① Yao Ming went to America in order to get further practice on basketball.
② They did anything in order to make money. 为了赚钱他们什么事都做。
③ I walked quietly in order not to wake the children. 为了不吵醒孩子,我走得很轻。
④ In order to catch up with the others, the girl works even harder.
★so as to也表示“为了”“以便”之意,相当于in order to,其后跟的是动词原形,否定形式为so as not to,有时so和as to可以分开。如:
 ① The twin brothers took a taxi so as to be in time for the interview.
② Please take enough money with you so as to buy anything you want.
③ The man searched the room again so as not to leave anything important.
④ The woman went to the bank early so as to be the first one.
=The woman went to the bank so early as to the first one.
【注】in order to与so as to两者意义基本相同,只是在位置上有所区别,前者不仅可以用于句子中间,也可以用于句子开头,而后者只能用于句子中间。如:
 ① The child didn’t have his lunch so as to/in order to buy his mother a birthday present.
② In order to buy his mother a birthday present, the child didn’t have his lunch.
(此句中只能用in order to)
★in order that意为“以便”“为了”,引导目的状语从句。如:
 ① Bring the picture nearer in order that I can see it clearly.
② I turned on the TV quickly in order that I could see the result of the basketball match.
③ Students are carefully preparing for the coming test in order that they can get a good result.
★so that意为“以便”“为了”,也引导目的状语从句,常与may, can, will等连用。如:
 ① I will give up my claim so that you may have the property.
② Tom got up early so that he could get to school on time.
★so…that…引导结果状语从句,意为“太……以至于”,so后接形容词或副词,有时可与too…to或enough to互换。如:
 ① The shoes are so small that I can’t wear them. 这双鞋子小得我都穿不上。
② He was so excited that he could not speak. (=He was too excited to speak.)
③ He was so foolish that he accepted her invitation. (=He was foolish enough to accept her invitation.)
④ The mark was so small that I could hardly see it. 那个标记非常小,我几乎看不见它。
⑤ She was so tired that she didn’t want to eat anything. 她太累了以至于什么也不想吃。
 ① It is such bad weather that we can’t go out to play football. (不能说so bad weather)
② They are such useful books that I want to buy all of them. (不能说so useful books)
 ① It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.
=It was so cold a day that there was nobody on the street.
② It was such an important meeting that everybody was required to attend it.
=It was so important a meeting that everybody was required to attend it.
③ It is such an interesting book that every student likes reading it.
=It is so interesting a book that every student likes reading it.
【注】“such+形容词+复数名词/不可数名词+that”不能用so结构来代替,但当复数名词或不可数名词前有many, few, much, little(少)修饰时,应用o。如:
 ① There were so many types that he didn’t know which to choose.
② There was so little water that only small children were given some.
5. The robot also ironed Mr. Jing’s shirts and made a lunchbox for him every day.
 ① This material irons well/easily. 这种材料很好/容易熨。
② I prefer to iron my shirts while they are damp. 我喜欢在衬衫潮湿的时候熨烫它们。
 ① It is as hard as iron. 它和铁一样坚硬。
② The gate is made of iron. 这扇大门是用铁做成的。
③ She has a will of iron. 她有钢铁般的意志。
6. As a result, Mr. Jing no longer needed to get up early to do housework and he could stay in bed for an extra hour.
★as a result是一个习惯短语,意为“因此”“结果”。如:
 ① As a result, the discussion was put off until the following week.
② He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. As a result he had to be away from school for two or three months.
③ As a result he was sent away from school. 结果他被赶出了学校。
④ He didn’t practice, and as a result he lost. 他没有练习,所以输了。
⑤ The traffic was very heavy and as a result we didn’t arrive on time.
★as a result of意为“因为”“由于”“……的结果”,用来作状语。如:
 ① He is unable to go to work as a result of the fall off the horse.
② He was late as a result of the heavy snow. 他迟到是由于大雪所导致的。
③ As a result of warning, nobody was hurt. 由于得到了警告,因此没有人受伤。
 ① The result of the examination was quite unexpected. 考试的结果令人完全难以想像。
② I was late, with the result that I missed my train. 我迟到了,结果没能赶上火车。
③ All our hard work produced little or no result. 我们的艰苦劳动没有多少结果。
④ We worked hard all day, but without any result. 我们整天努力工作,但没有多少效果。
⑤ The result of the match was a draw. 这场比赛的结果是平局。(不分胜负)
⑥ I heard the football results on the radio. 我在广播中听到了足球比赛的结果。
 ① Our efforts resulted in success. 我们的努力终于成功了。
② The talk resulted in getting on well with each other. 那次谈话使得双方和好了。
③ The accident resulted in three deaths. 那次事故导致了三人死亡。
④ His careless speech resulted in much argument. 他发言过于草率,因而引起许多争议。
 ① Sickness often results from eating too much. 疾病是由于吃得过多所引起的。
② The accident resulted from your carelessness. 这次事故是由于你的粗心所引起的。
③ His failure resulted from not working hard enough.
④ His injuries resulted from a fall. 他的伤是因摔倒所致。
7. no longer, not…any longer与no more, not…any more
★no longer相当于not…any longer,意为“不再”,通常用来指某一动作的不再延续或发生。如:
 ① We can no longer stay here. =We can’t stay here any longer.
② John was no longer a thief. =John was not a thief any longer.
③ She could no longer go to school. =She couldn’t go to school any longer.
④ He was no longer working there. =He was not working there any longer.
⑤ Tom no longer bought picture-books. =Tom didn’t buy picture-books any longer.
【注】no longer或not置于句首时,句子须部分倒装。如:
 ① No longer did he come here after we quarreled.
=Not did he come here any longer after we quarreled.
★no more相当于not…any more,意为“不再”,大多用来修饰终止性动词。如:
 ① He drank no more after that accident. =He didn’t drink any more after that accident.
② Time lost will return no more. = Time lost will not return any more.
③ He phones me no more. = He doesn’t phone me any more.
④ I have seen him no more since he left here.
= I haven’t seen him any more since he left here.
★no more后跟倒装句,意为“也不”。no more还可作表语,表示人或物“不存在了”,语气比dead要委婉。如:
 ① He can’t afford a new car, and no more can I. 他买不起一辆新汽车,我也买不起。
② He is very ill. I am afraid that he will soon be no more.
③ The ancient city of Trojan is no more.
8. extra一词的用法
 ① They can get extra pay for extra work. 他们额外的工作能够得到额外的报酬。
② The bus company provided extra buses because there were so many people.
③ The football match went into extra time. 足球赛进入了加时赛。
④ They said they were going to give us one extra song.
⑤ I don’t suppose they wanted any extra help.
 ① Her bill for extra was $ 30. 她的额外费用是30美元。
② The dinner cost £80 without any extras. 这顿饭花了80英镑,不需要任何额外费用。
③ Her school fees are $ 440 a term, music and dancing are extras.
9. While Mr. Jiang was at work, the robot would clean his flat.
 ① While the discussion was still going on, George came in.
② He had an accident while he came here. 他来这儿的时候,在路上出了事。
③ She always phones while we are having lunch. 她总是在我们吃饭时打电话来。
④ He called while I was out. 我不在家的时候,他来访了。
 ① While (he was) listening to the radio, he fell asleep. 他在听收音机时睡着了。
② While (he was) going to school, he met a friend. 上学时,他遇到了一位朋友。
 ① Nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement.
② I earn only 50 dollars a week, while she earns 80 dollars.
③ Some people are very rich while others are very poor.
④ I’m interested in sports while my sister is fond of music.
⑤ There’re plenty of rain in the southeast, while there’s little in the northeast.
 ① I like sports but I don’t like music. 我喜欢体育但我不喜欢音乐。
 ① While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.
② While I admit his good points, I can see his shortcomings.
★while用作连词,意为“只要”,相当于as long as,表示条件。如:
 ① While there is water, there is life. 只要有水,就有生命。
② While there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。
③ We can surely overcome these difficulties while we are closely united.
【注】while, when以及as的区别
★当从句中的谓语动词表示持续性动作时,我们可以用while, when或as。如:
 ① While/When/As I was walking down the street, I noticed a police car in front of the bank.
② While/When/As we dancing, a stranger came in.
③ Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially while/when/as father was away in France.
④ While/When/As he was at college, he studied hard. 他在大学时,学习很努力。
 ① Why do you want a new job when you’ve got such a good one already?
② Sorry, I was out when you called me.
③ When I stopped my car, a man came up to me.
★当要表示“就在那时”“就在这时”,即at that/this moment或and then的意思时,要用when,不能用while或as。且引起的句子一般放在句尾。如:
 ① He was about to leave when the telephone rang. 他正要离开,忽然电话铃响了。
② We were watching TV when suddenly the lights went out. 我们正在看电视,突然灯灭了。
③ They had just arrived home when it began to rain. 他们刚到家,天就开始下雨了。
④ He was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door.
 ① When you have finished your work, you may have a rest.
② When I got to the airport, the guests had left.
当我赶到飞机场时,客人们已经离开了。(got to的动作后发生)
 ① As years go by, China is getting stronger and richer.
② The little girls sang as they went. 小姑娘们一边走一边唱。
③ As the day went on, the weather got worse. 日子一天天过去,天气越变越坏。
 ① When the manager comes here for a visit next week, I’ll talk with him about this.
② You shall borrow the book when I have finished reading it.
10. After dinner, the robot would wash the dishes and Mr Jiang could relax and watch his favourite TV programmes.
 ① Forget your worries and relax. 忘记你的烦恼,放松自己。
② Let’s stop working and relax for half an hour. 让我们停止工作,放松半小时。
③ Relax and enjoy yourself. 放松些,痛痛快快地玩。
④ He needed a good book to relax himself. 他需要一本书来调节自己。
 ① He is feeling relaxed now. 他现在觉得很轻松。
② A relaxed atmosphere made me feel better. 轻松的气氛使我感觉好多了。
③ He was lying in the sun looking very relaxed and happy.
11. asleep, sleepy和sleep的用法
 ① He was very tired and soon fell asleep. 他很疲劳,不久就睡着了。
② He seems to be fast asleep. 他似乎睡得很香。
③ He was asleep with his head on his arm. 他把头枕在手臂上睡着了。
 ① This is a small sleepy village. 这是一个宁静的小村庄。
② She always has a sleepy expression. 她总是没有精神。
③ I’m sleepy. I want to go to sleep. 我困了,要去睡觉了。
 ① He slept very badly. 他睡眠很不好。
② Don’t wake him up. Let him sleep on. 别叫醒他。让他继续睡吧。
③ As he slept, he dreamed a dream. 他睡着的时候做了一个梦。
④ He was very tired and soon got to sleep. 他很疲劳,不久就睡着了。
⑤ She fell into a deep sleep. 她睡熟了。
12. Mr Jiang was very happy with his robot. 江先生对他的机器人感到很满意。
★be happy with意为“对……感到满意”。如:
 ① She is not happy with her present job. 她对现在的工作并不满意。
② He was not happy with your explanation. 他对你的解释不满意。
③ I’m not very happy with what you have done.  我不是很满意你的所作所为。
★be pleased with和be satisfied with都可表示“对……满意”的意思,与be happy with同义。如:
 ① She was pleased with her new room. 她对她的新房间很满意。
② My parents aren’t at all pleased with me at the moment. 目前父母对我很不满意。
③ He was looking very pleased with himself, so I knew he had passed the test.
④ I was not satisfied with the result. 我对那个结果感到不满意。
⑤ They asked for white wine, but I think they’d be satisfied with red wine.
⑥ She is satisfied with her son’s progress. 她对她儿子的进步很满意。
13. But then, things started to go wrong. 但是接下来情况就开始出问题了。
★go wrong意为“出毛病”“不对头”“失败”“搞错”“弄错”。如:
 ① Something has gone wrong with the engine. 发动机出毛病了。
② Everything has gone wrong today. 今天事事不对劲。
③ All our plans went wrong. 我们所有的计划都失败了。
④ If you read the instructions, you will see where you went wrong.
⑤ I’m afraid we’ve gone wrong. We should have taken the other road.
14. The robot caught a virus and caused a lot of problems.
 ① He caught a cold. 他感冒了。
② My computer has caught a virus. 我的计算机感染了病毒。
③ I’ve got a terrible cold. I must have caught it from someone at work.
④ She caught a fever so she couldn’t go to school.
 ① The policeman has caught the murderer alive. 警察已把凶手活捉。
② Yesterday he caught some fish. 昨天他抓到了几条鱼。
③ A nail caught her dress. 一枚钉子钩住了她的衣服。
④ Hank was caught in the earthquake. 汉克被地震所困。
⑤ I threw the ball to him and he caught it. 我把球扔给他,他接住了。
 ① He didn’t appear at the meeting, because he didn’t catch the train.
② He caught the bus into town. 他坐公共汽车去城里。
③ We arrived just in time to catch the beginning of the film. 我们刚好赶上电影开场。
④ I ran to catch the last bus. 我跑着去赶最后一班车。
 ① Sorry, I didn’t catch you just now. 对不起,我刚才没听清楚你说什么。
② I’m sorry, I didn’t catch what you said. 很抱歉,我没有听懂你的话。
③ I don’t quiet catch the idea. 我不十分明白那意思。
④ I don’t catch the meaning of this sentence. 我不理解这个句子的意思。
★“catch + sb. + doing”意为“偶然撞见”“发觉”。如:
 ① I caught him stealing. 我发现他在偷东西。
② The teacher caught him sleeping in the class. 老师发觉他在上课时打瞌睡。
③ I caught him taking a pen from my pencil-box. 我碰巧撞见他从我的铅笔盒里拿钢笔。
【注】catch构成的常用短语有catch up with意为“赶上”,后接人或事;catch sight of意为“看见”;catch hold of意为“抓住”。如:
 ① He was walking very fast and I had to run to catch up with him.
② Go on ahead, I’ll soon catch up with you. 请你先走,我很快就会赶上来。
③ Work hard and you will catch up with the others. 努力学,你会赶上其他人的。
④ I caught sight of the man at the end of the street. 我在这条街的尽头见到了那个人。
⑤ Please catch hold of the rope. 请抓住绳子。
⑥ He was caught hold of by the arm. 他被抓住了手臂。
15. While Mr. Jiang was at work, the robot would knock things over.
★knock sth. /sb. over意思是“撞倒/撞翻某物或某人”。如:
 ① You’ve knocked over my drink. 你把我的饮料打翻了。
② I’m sorry to knock you over. 非常抱歉,我把你撞倒了。
③ Be careful not to knock over the children. 小心别把孩子们撞倒了。
★knock down意为“击倒”“撞倒”,强调“倒下”,还可表示“拆除”的意思。如:
 ① He knocked down the thief. 他把小偷打倒了。
② His son was knocked down by a car. 他的儿子被汽车撞倒了。
③ He knocked his match down with a blow. 他一拳把他的对手击倒。
④ He almost knocked me down before he saw me. 他几乎把我撞倒了才看见我。
⑤ These old buildings will be knocked down soon. 这几幢老房子很快就要被拆掉了。
 ① Be careful not to knock your head when you get up. 起床的时候,小心撞头。
② He knocked the vase onto the floor. 他把花瓶碰到了地上。
③ Someone is knocking at/on the door. 有人敲门。
④ He knocked (= hit) his head on/against the wall. 他的头撞在了墙上。
⑤ Can you hear somebody knocking at the door? 你听到有人在敲门吗?
★knock用作名词时,意为“短促的敲或打(的声音)”“(发动机的)爆震声”“(板球的)一局”,词组take a knock意为“蒙受经济或感情上的打击”。如:
 ① If you not up by eight o’clock I will give you a knock.
② He fell off his bike and got a nasty knock. 他从自行车上摔下来,摔得很重。
③ What’s that knock I can hear? 我听到发动机有爆震声是怎么回事啊?
④ That was a good knock: 86 not out. 那局真漂亮,打了86分还未出局。
⑤ She took a bad knock when her husband died. 她丈夫的死使她受到了沉重的打击。
16. When Mr. Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a mess: food was on the floor and his books were in the sink.
 ① The kitchen is a mess. 这厨房很脏乱。
② The children have made an awful mess in the room. 孩子们把这房间弄得凌乱不堪了。
③ The spilt milk made a terrible mess on the floor. 洒出的牛奶把地上弄得一塌糊涂了。
 ① My life is in real mess. 我的生活真是狼狈。
② You’ve made a mess of the job. 你把你的工作弄得一团糟。
 ① Don’t mess you hair. 别把你的头发弄乱了。
② Stop messing about and come and help. 别胡闹了,过来帮帮忙。
③ I love just messing about in the garden. 我就喜欢在花园里闲逛。
17. In the end, Mr. Jiang sent the robot back to the robot shop.
★in the end意为“终于”“最后”,表示经过许多变化或周折,最后发生了某事。如:
 ① He worked hard, and in the end he succeeded. 他努力工作,最后他成功了。
② In the end he won their trust. 最终他赢得了他们的信任。
③ I’m sure everything will turn out satisfactory in the end.
④ In the end things will mend. 船到桥头自然直。
⑤ We did experiment after experiment, and in the end we got a good harvest of rice in Africa.
【注】in the end, at last和finally虽然都译作“最后”“终于”,但他们在使用中是有明显区别的。
   in the end表示经过许多变化、困难或捉摸不定的情况后发生了某事,也许是期待中的情况,也许是非期待中的情况;而at last仅仅用于表示经过周折、等待或努力出现所期待的结果,不用于出现非期待的结果;finally既可用于表示时间位置,相当于in the end,也可用于表示时间的先后顺序,如同first(ly), second(ly), third(ly), next, then, last, lastly等词的用法。试比较:
 ① He failed the examination three times but in the end/at last/finally he passed.
② My son is at home in the end/at last. 我儿子终于回家了。
③ They did not pay any attention. In the end/finally, I could not bear it.
他们置之不理,最后,我忍无可忍了。(不宜用at last)
④ In the end, I think one must blame these children’s parents.
我想,到后来人们要责怪的还是这些孩子的家长。(不宜用at last)
⑤ Finally, I’d like to thank you all for coming and wish you a safe journey home.
最后,我要感谢诸位的光临,并祝大家回去一路顺风。(不宜用in the end或at last)
★at the end of意为“在……的末了”“在……的一端”。一般说来,at the end of用于表示具体事物或场所,也可以用来表示比喻意。如:
 ① The school is situated at the end of the street. 该校位于这条街的尽头。
② We’ll have an exam in English at the end of January. 一月底我们要参加英语考试。
③ There is a fountain at the end of garden. 花园的尽头有一个喷水池。
④ At the end of six months he had learned enough to read.
⑤ They were at the end of their patience. 他们忍无可忍。
★by the end of用于表示时间的场合,往往含有“不迟于”的意味。值得注意的是,at the end of亦可用于表示时间的场合(如例句②),但其意思与by the end of有所不同,at the end of January意为“一月底(指一月份的最后一天)”,而by the end of January意为“一月底之前(指一月份结束前的几天)”。如:
 ① We are to complete the task by the end of the year. 年底之前我们必须完成此项任务。
② The project will have been finishing 1/2 by the end of this month.
③ By the end this month, a new Olympic-standard swimming pool will have been built.
④ By the end of last term, we had studied English for three years.
18. The robot was just too much trouble. 机器人实在太麻烦了。
★too much意为“太”,可用作形容词、副词或代词。too much用来修饰不可数名词,在句中作定语,放在不可数名词前;也可用来修饰动词,在句中作状语,放在动词后,还可单独使用,相当于一个代词,在句中作主语、宾语或表语。如:
 ① I think Americans have too much meat. 我认为美国人肉吃的太多了。
② I have spent too much time on her. 我在她身上花的时间太多了。
③ We have got too much homework to do. 我们有太多的作业要做。
④ It’s bad for your eyes to watch TV too much. 电视看得太多对你的眼睛有害。
⑤ Too much has been said about this topic. 关于这个话题谈论得太多了。
⑥ It’s bad for your eyes to watch TV too much. 电视看得太多对你的眼睛有害。
★much too意为“太”“十分”,在句中用作副词,修饰形容词或其他副词。如:
 ① This paper is much too difficult for students. 这份试卷对学生来说太难了。
② The digital camera is much too expensive. 数码相机太贵了。
③ Let us have a rest. We are much too tired today. 让我们休息一下吧,我们今天太累了。
④ He eats too much meat, so he is much too fat. 他过多地吃肉,所以胖得过头了。
⑤ Accidents like this happen much too often. 这样的事故发生地太频繁了。
19. trouble一词的用法
 ① His life is full of trouble. 他的生活充满了烦恼。
② We can read trouble on his face. 从他脸上我们可以看出他正在烦恼。
③ What the trouble? 有什么困难吗?
④ I hope I have not given you any trouble. 我希望没有给您增添麻烦。
⑤ Please tell me about your trouble. 请把你的烦恼告诉我。
⑥ I’ve got back trouble (heart trouble) again. 我的背痛(心脏病)又犯了。
⑦ Thank you for your all trouble. 多谢你费心。
 ① What’s troubling you? 什么使你心神不定?
② I’m sorry to trouble you, but do you think you could call me back later?
③ I’m afraid I must trouble you to come to the office. 我恐怕得麻烦你到办公室来一趟。
④ Can I trouble you with one more question. 我可以再提一个问题麻烦你吗?
⑤ That student sometimes troubled the teacher with difficult questions.
⑥ You look troubled; is anything worrying you? 你好像很烦恼,有什么事使你不安吗?
★in trouble意为“处于困境之中”“处于麻烦之中”。如:
 ① Don’t hesitate to ask me for help when you are in trouble.
② If I don’t get home by 11 o’clock, I’ll be in trouble.
③ He was said to be in trouble with the boss. 据说他受到了老板的训斥。
★get into trouble意思为“陷入困境”。如:
 ① He is always getting into trouble. 他总是遇到麻烦。
② If you don’t take your teacher’s advice, you will get into trouble.
★have trouble in doing sth.意思为“做某事有困难”,此时的trouble相当于difficulty, problem等,其中的in可以省略。如:
 ① I have some trouble (in) reading her handwriting. 我认她的笔迹有困难。
② We had no trouble (in) finding her house. 我们毫不费力地找到了她家。
③ I have trouble getting the car started. 我没有办法开动车了。
★ask/look for trouble意为“自找麻烦”。如:
 ① Driving like that he is just asking for trouble. 他那样开车是自找麻烦。
② You must be careful. Don’t look for trouble. 你得小心,不要自找麻烦。
★make trouble意为“惹麻烦”“惹事”。如:
 ① That boy often makes trouble for his teachers. 那男孩常使老师们感到头痛。
② He often makes trouble for me. 他经常跟我过不去。
③ His son often makes trouble at school. 他儿子在学校经常惹事。
★put sb. to the trouble (of…)意为“麻烦某人”“打扰某人”。如:
 ① I’m to put you to so much trouble. 对不起,给你添了那么多麻烦。
② I don’t want to put you to trouble of meeting me at the station.
★take (the) trouble to do/over sth. 意思为“不辞辛劳做某事”。如:
 ① We must thank you for taking the trouble to cook us a meal.
② He took a lot of trouble over the design. 他花了许多工夫设计这份图样。
③ The boss took the trouble to explain the situation to me.
★The trouble is (that)…意思为“麻烦是……”“困难在于……”。如:
 ① The trouble is that he doesn’t have enough money. 困难在于他缺钱。
② The trouble is that we don’t know her address. 麻烦就在于我们不知道她的地址。
③ The trouble is that we can’t understand each other. 困难就在于我们无法相互理解。
★What troubles me is…意为“使我不安的是……”。如:
 ① What troubles me is that he is suffering from heart trouble.
② What troubles me most is that he didn’t take an umbrella with him in such a rainy day.
③ What troubles me is that I don’t know how to comfort him.
19. the process of washing clothes洗衣服的过程
 ① China has begun the difficult process of reforming the education system.
② I’m afraid getting things changed will be a slow process.
③ We’re in the process of selling our house. 我们正在出售自家的住宅。
④ People are afraid of the ageing process. 人们害怕自己的老化过程。
⑤ It’s a normal part of the learning process. 那是学习过程中的正常现象。
⑥ The Middle East peace process is going on slowly. 中东和平进程进展缓慢。
⑦ The producing process of this kind of machines is easy to master.
 ① Most of the food we buy is processed in some way.
② We sell processed cheese. 我们销售加工好的干酪。
③ I sent three rolls of film away to be processed. 我送了三个胶卷去冲印。
④ That is the biggest sewage processing plant in the city.
⑤ It will take a week for your application to be processed.
21. made clothes smooth with an iron 用熨斗把衣服熨平整
 ① It feels very smooth. 它摸上去很平整。
② She makes her clothes smooth with an iron every evening.
③ The sea was smooth. 海上风平浪静。
④ The piece of wood is very smooth. 这块木板非常光滑。
⑤ The baby’s skin is very smooth. 婴儿的皮肤非常光滑。
 ① He brought the car to a smooth stop. 他把汽车稳地煞住。
② Our plan made a smooth landing. 我们乘坐的飞机平稳地降落了。
③ Our trip to Beijing was very smooth. 我们的北京之行一帆风顺。
④ The process in this matter has not been smooth. 这件事的进展不大顺利。
 ① She smoothed her dress. 她把衣服捋平。
② The sea has smoothed down. 海上风平浪静。
③ Don’t forget to smooth down the board before you apaint it.
④ He is smoothing the soil in a flower bed. 他在平整花圃的泥土。
 ① The lift didn’t work smoothly. 这电梯运转得不顺畅。
② My work has been going quite smoothly. 我的工作进展得很顺利。
22. Will a robot bring any bad changes to your life?
★bring用作动词,意为“带来”“取来”或者“带……到某处”,强调从别处拿到说话者处,常用bring sth. to sb.和bring sb. sth.结构。如:
 ① Please bring me that book. 请把那本书拿给我。
② Don’t forget to bring her some flowers. 不要忘记给她带些花来。
③ They didn’t bring any present to the boy when they came on that day.
④ Did you bring your photos to your friends?
 ① The old car will bring about £10. 这辆旧车大约可卖十英镑。
② His writing brought him lots of money last year. 去年写作为他赚了很多钱。
 ① The bad news brought tears to his eyes. 坏消息使他不禁流下了眼泪。
② The opening brought many changes. 开放引起了许多变化。
【注】bring, take, fetch, get和carry的异同。这五个词都可以作“拿”“取”“带”解,其区别重要在于:bring指从别处向说话人所在位置或地方拿,多译作“取来”“拿来”;take指从说话人处“将……拿(带)走”;fetch和get基本相同,都表示专程“去某处将……拿(带)来”,其中get较口语化;carry没有方向性,但含有负重的含义,可以理解为“扛”“背”“提”等。如:
 ① Remember to bring your homework next time. 下次记住把家庭作业带来。
② Take away the empty box and bring me a full one.
③ I still remember being taken to Taiwan by my uncle when I was very young.
④ He took his coat and left. 他拿了自己的外套后离去。
⑤ The chair is in the garden, please fetch it. 椅子在院里,请把它搬来。
⑥ He was sent to the office to fetch the paper. 他被派去办公室拿文件了。
⑦ May I get a cup of tea for you? 可以给你拿杯茶吗?
⑧ You’d better get the child along to a hospital. 你最好送那孩子去医院。
⑨ Could you carry these books to your classroom? 你们能够把这些书拿到教室里去吗?
⑩ The bus can carry more than 80 people. 这公共汽车能够载八十多人。
23. Some changes are good but some are not. 有些变化是好的,但有些并不好。
 ① Did you see the change of his expression? 你看到他表情的变化了吗?
② I want to make a change in the plan. 你想把计划作一点改变。
③ There have been many changes in the village since I lived there as a boy.
④ There was little change in his living condition. 他的生活境况没有多大变化。
⑤ Let’s go to a restaurant for a change. 我们去饭馆换换口味吧。
⑥ Take two changes of clothes with you. 带两套换洗的衣服。
 ① I have no change with/on/about me. 我身边没零钱。
② Can you give me change for a one-pound note? 你能替我换一镑零钱吗?
③ He needs some change for a phone. 他需要零钱打电话。
④ Here is your change, sir. 先生,这是找给你的钱。
 ① He wants to change his job. 他想换一份工作。
② I’m sorry I have changed my mind. 对不起,我已经改变主意了。
③ The wind has changed its direction. 风向变了。
④ Can I change seats with you? 我可以和你换换座位吗?
⑤ You have changed a lot since I last saw you. 自从我上次看到你以来,你的变化很大。
⑥ The traffic light changed from red to green. 交通灯从红色变成了绿色。
 ① Can you change the sentence into a question? 你能把这个句子变成问句吗?
② He wanted to change RMB into dollars. 他想把人民币换成美金。
③ The next morning, the water had changed into ice. 次日早晨,水结成了冰。
④ My hometown has changed into a beautiful modern city.
24. So can you stay in bed for a bit longer? 如此说来你能在床上多呆一会儿吗?
 ① Stay in your classroom until it is time to go home.
② He stayed with his father while he was ill. 当他生病时,他和父亲待在一块儿。
③ The doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks.
④ Won’t you stay for supper? 留下来吃晚饭好吗?
⑤ I’m not staying at a hotel; I’m staying with friends.
【注】表示“住旅馆”时常说stay at/in a hotel,而不宜说live at/in a hotel。
 ① You can’t expect to stay young forever. 你不能期望永远年轻。
② He still stays single. 他仍然是单身。
③ The shop stays open till 6 pm. 商店开门到下午六点。
④ The patient’s temperature stayed around 40℃。 病人的体温持续在40摄氏度左右。
⑤ What a lovely day! I hope it’ll stay fine. 多好的天啊!我希望能一直晴下去。
★stay out是一个习惯短语,意为“留在外面”“在外过夜”。如:
 ① Don’t stay out. It’s dangerous. 不要呆在外面,太危险了。
② Her mother was worried when she stayed out so late.
★stay up意为“熬夜”“通宵不睡”。如:
 ① Don’t stay up too late. It’s bad for your health. 不要熬夜太晚,这对你身体不好。
② We sometimes let the children stay up late. 有时我们让孩子们晚一点睡。
★stay away意为“远离某人或某物”,常与from连用。如:
 ① Stay away from my daughter! 离我的女儿远点。
② She was ill and stayed away from school for two days. 她病了,两天没上学。
★stay in意为“呆在家里”。如:
 ① In the evenings, we usually stay in and read. 晚上我们通常呆在家里看书。
② I won’t go out today; I’ll stay in and work. 今天我不出去了,我留在家里工作。
 ① He had a short stay here. 他曾在这里短期停留过。
② I went to see my aunt during my stay in Beijing. 在北京逗留期间,我去看了我姑姑。
25. a bit与a little的用法比较
★a bit和a little用在肯定句中修饰形容词或副词时可通用,表示“一点”,“有些”。如:
 ① It’s a bit/a little cold today. 今天有点冷。
② He’s a bit/a little tried. 他有点疲倦。
③ This pair of shoes is a bit/a little too large for me. 这双鞋我穿有点大。
★然而not a bit和not a little的意思完全相反。not a bit表示“一点也不”;not a little表示“非常”,相当于very。如:
 ① I’m not a bit tired. 我一点也不疲倦。
② I’m not a little tired. 我非常疲倦。
★用a bit of或a little修饰不可数名词,表示“少量的”“一点”。如:
 ① Please give me a bit of/a little bread. 请给我一点面包。
② Please lend me a bit of/a little money. 请借给我一些钱。
【注】a little of后面的名词一般为特指,表示“……中的一些”。如:
 ① May I have a bit of/a little of your ink? 用一点你的墨水好吗?
26. laugh一词的用法
 ① His joke made everyone laugh. 他讲的笑话使得人人都笑了。
② They all laughed to themselves. 他们都暗自发笑。
③ Her eyes are laughing. 他的眼里露出笑意。
④ It’s was so funny that we couldn’t stop laughing.
⑤ Nobody laughs at his jokes. 没有人听了他的笑话而发笑。
★laugh out loud意为“放声大笑”。如:
 ① They all laughed out loud when they heard his story.
② Don’t laugh out loud. They are having a meeting. 不要大声笑,他们在开会。
★laugh at somebody意为“嘲笑某人”“讥笑某人”,是贬义的短语。如:
 ① Don’t laugh at a person who is in trouble. 不要嘲笑处于困境的人。
② She is not afraid to laugh at herself. 她不怕自我解嘲。
③ It’s not polite to laugh at others. 嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。
④ Don’t laugh at him. He can’t help the way he speaks.
 ① He said with a short laugh. 他笑了笑说。
② Her jokes got a lot of laughs. 她的笑话博得了不少笑声。
③ We all had a good laugh at what he had written. 他写得东西叫我们笑得很开心。
④ His story raised a laugh in the whole class. 他的故事使得全班笑起来。
27. Miss you. 思念你。
 ① We’ll miss you very much if you move. 如果你搬家,我们会很想念你的。
② We’ve missed you badly since you left. 你走之后,我们都非常想念你。
③ What did you miss most when you lived abroad? 你在国外生活的时候最怀念的是什么?
 ① You can’t afford to miss meals when you are in training.
② She said she was sorry to have missed you. 她说她没有见着你很遗憾。
③ She regretted having missed the film. 她后悔没看上那场电影。
④ I’m afraid we have missed the point. 恐怕我们没有抓住要点。
⑤ His house is on the left side at the end of the road, so you can’t miss it.
 ① He shot at the bird but missed. 他向鸟开枪,但是没有打中。
② I threw the ball to him but he missed it. 我把球扔给他,但他没有接着。
③ You have missed out one word. 你漏掉了一个字。
 ① He is said to be missing. 据说他失踪了。
② Is anything else missing? 还有什么东西丢失吗?
③ The little boy has been missing from home for two days.
28. Usually, the clauses begin with words such as ‘when’, ‘since’, ‘because’ and ‘where’.
通常,这些从句都以 ‘when’, ‘since’, ‘because’和 ‘where’此类词开头。
 ① What time do you usually get up? 你平常什么时候起床?
② I am not usually so late. 我平时并不来得这么迟。
③ The baby usually wakes up at six. 这婴儿通常六点醒来。
④ Usually, they go out on Sundays. 他们通常星期天外出。
 ① He arrived later than usual. 他到得比平时晚。
② It is usual for him to sit up late at night. 他对熬夜已习以为常。
③ I sat in my usual seat. 我坐在惯常坐的座位上。
④ It’s a usual thing with him. 这对他来说是平常事。
★as usual是一个习惯短语,意为“跟往常一样”“像平常一样”“照例”。如:
 ① As usual, he had forgotten something. 他跟往常一样又忘了什么东西。
② As usual, Mark was the last to arrive. 跟往常一样,马克是最后一个到的。
③ He works very hard as usual. 他跟往常一样努力工作。
29. begin with的用法
★ begin with意为“以……开始”“以……开头”。如:
 ① The meeting began with a song. 那次会议是以一首歌开始的。
② This word begins with “L”. 这个单词以“L”开头。
③ A year begins with January. 一年开始于1月。
④ The story began with a plane crash. 这个故事以一宗飞机坠毁事件为开始。
★to begin with意为“首先”“第一”,主要指当说话或写作时有几个观点要表述,可以按顺序优先依次用to begin with, secondly等来表示。
 ① It can’t be done. To begin with, there’s no time to plan it, and secondly, we haven’t got enough men.
② We can’t possibly go. To begin with, it’s too far and we can’t afford it either.
③ I am not going. To begin with I have no ticket, and secondly I don’t like this play.
④ I can’t come. To begin with, I have no time. Besides, I don’t feel well.
★to begin with意为“起初”“开始”,相当于at first。如:
 ① To begin with, we had very little support. 开始时,我们几乎没有多少支持。
② To begin with he had no money, but later he became quite rich.
③ To begin with, the weather was bad, but it improved later in the week.
★begin by意为“以某种方式开始”。如:
 ① The teacher began by telling a joke. 老师上课前先讲了个笑话。
② I should like to begin by thanking everybody for coming. 首先,我想谢谢各位光临。
③ I began by explaining the situation. 我以解释情况作为开始。
30. Do not try to repair the robot yourself unless you are an expert.
★try to do的意思是“尽力去做(某事)”,相当于try one’s best to do。如:
 ① We tried to stop him smoking in bed, but he would not do it.
② Of course the exercises are difficult, but you must try to do them by yourself.
③ He tried to pass the exam, but failed. 他尽力想通过考试,但是没能及格。
④ Please try to be home by eleven o’clock. 请尽量在十一点之前回家。
⑤ I tried hard not to laugh when I saw his new haircut.
★try doing表示“试着做(某事)”。如:
 ① If the car won’t start, try pushing it. 如果车发动不起来就试着推推它。
② Try putting the aerial over there-it might work better.
③ If you can’t turn the key, try putting some oil in the lock.
④ If it doesn’t work this way, why not try doing it another way?
⑤ If something gets into your eye(s), try washing with cool boiled water as soon as possible.
【注】try to do是指“试图”“想要”“设法”“努力”去做某事,不强调结果,其结果可能完成(或成功),也可能没完成;而manage to do则表示“设法而且完成了(某件困难的事)”,且manage后只跟动词不定式。如:
 ① I managed to get what I wanted. 我设法得到了我想要的东西。
② Finally we managed to get there in time. 最终我们设法按时到了那儿。
③ How do you manage to stay so slim? 你是如何把身体保持得这么苗条的?
④ He managed to get the work done with very little help.
⑤ He tried to escape from the fire, but couldn’t find the fire escapes.
⑥ He managed to escape from the fire, though hardly hurt.
31. There is no need to send your robot back to the shop every year.
★There’s no need for you to thank me可说成It’s not necessary for you to thank me,意思是“你不必谢我”。Need在这里是名词,表示“必要”“义务”,常用于There’s no need (for sb.) to do…句型,注意这里名词need后面用不定式作定语,而不用动词-ing形式。再如:
 ① There’s no need for you to come (= You don’t have to come) if you don’t want to.
② There’s no need to hurry. We have still got a few minutes left.
 ① He’s badly in need of a room to live in. 他急需一间房子居住。
② There’s a growing need for food in this area. 这一地区对食品的需要在增长。
③ They supplied all our needs. 他们向我们提供了一切需要的东西。
④ A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。
⑤ We are collecting money for families in need (= poor families).
【注】need可作情态动词或实义动词。在疑问句中,既可说Need he come?也可说Does he need to come? 在否定句中,既可说He needn’t come也可说He doesn’t need to come; 在陈述句中,need后面只能接不定式,不能用作情态动词,只能说He needs to come,不能说He need come。
【注】当我们说I didn’t need to go there时,其含义可能是So I didn’t go there,也可能是But I went there。

9B Unit 2 Robots(2)
第二单元 机器人
32. Unless you want a longer battery life, you can keep your robot switched on all the time.
★switch on意为“打开”“接通电源”,相当于turn on。如:
 ① Please switch the radio on. I want to listen to the news.
② Switch on the light, please. It’s dark here. 请打开灯,这里太暗了。
③ Please switch it on if you want to watch TV. 如果你想看电视,请把它打开。
★switch off意为“关闭”“关掉电源”,相当于turn off。如:
 ① The TV made a loud noise. Please switch it off.
② Switch off the TV when you are doing your homework. 做作业时,把电视关了。
③ Don’t forget to switch off the cooker. 别忘了关掉炉子。
 ① Don’t switch the subject of our conversation. 不要转移我们谈话的主题。
② They switched the light from green to red. 他们把绿灯换成了红灯。
③ He is always switching from one job to another. 他老是在变换工作。
④ The match has been switched from Saturday to Sunday. 比赛从星期六改到星期天进行。
 ① I want to buy a light switch. 我想买一个电灯开关。
② Please turn off the switch. 请关掉开关。
③ There is a switch in the timetable. 时间表作了一个变更。
33. all the time等词组的用法
★all the time意为“一直”“一向”“向来”,强调在某一段时间内一直做某事。如:
 ① They are talking all the time. 他们一直在不停地交谈。
② The baby kept crying all the time. 那婴儿一直在不停地哭。
③ I looked everywhere for my keys and they were in the door all the time.
★at times = sometimes,意为“有时”“间或”。如:
 ① The tide is, at times, very high. 潮水有时会涨得很高。
② At times he is late for work. 有时候他上班迟到。
③ At times I go out to the beach. 有时候我到海滩去。
 ① Work hard, or you will fall behind the times. 努力学习,不然你就会落后时代。
② Don’t worry about me. I’ll go with the times. 不要担心我,我会随大流。
③ He is one of the best writers of the times. 他是当代最伟大的作家之一。
④ Times are hard for the unemployed. 失业者的日子很难熬。
⑤ Computers are used in every field in modern times. 在现代电脑运用于各个领域。
⑥ Women were looked down upon in the ancient times. 妇女在古代受到歧视。
★at one time意为“从前”“曾经”。如:
 ① At one time there were not so many cars in the street. 从前街上没有那么多汽车。
② We were good friends at one time, but now we are not.
★at a time意为“依次”“逐一”“每次”。如:
 ① We can’t do two things at a time. 我们不能一次做两件事。
② He slept for hours at a time. 他一次睡了几个小时。
③ The doctor asked me to take the bills two at a time. 医生叫我每次服两粒药。
★at the same time意为“同时”“但是”“然而”。如:
 ① Don’t all speak at the same time. 大家别同时说。
② She was laughing and crying at the same time. 他一面笑一面哭。
③ This is a difficult problem, at the same time it is very interesting.
④ It is expensive. At the same time, I think it is useful. 它很贵,但我认为它很实用。
★ahead of time意为“提前”。如:
 ① They finished the work ahead of time. 他们提前完成了任务。
② He handed in his paper ahead of time. 他提前交卷了。
③ They arrived ahead of time. 他们提前到达了。
★for the first time意思是“第一次”“首次”,表示有生以来或一段时间中第一次做某事,在句中一般单独作状语。如:
 ① They talked on the internet for the first time. 他们第一次在网上交谈。
② I saw her at the wedding party for the first time. 我第一次见她是在那次婚宴上。
③ He will go to Tibet for the first time this summer. 今天夏天他将第一次去西藏。
④ They were invited to an important ball for the first time in their life.
★in time意为“及时”“不太晚”“来得及”。如:
 ① If you hurry, you’ll be in time for the last bus. 如果你快点,你还能赶上最后一班车。
② He was just in time for the flight. 他刚好来得及赶上那班飞机。
③ She will be back in time to watch the football match. 她还来得及回来观看足球比赛。
★on time意为“准时”“不早不晚”。如:
 ① The train was on time. 火车很准时。
② He comes to school on time every day. 他每天准时到校。
③ The plane took off on time. 飞机准时起飞。
34. Unless you want your robot to go to school with you, we recommend that you keep it at home.
 ① The teacher recommended that we should read the novel. 老师建议我们读那本小说。
② The doctor recommended that I (should) stay a few more days in hospital.
③ Her father recommended that she (would) go there by plane.
【注】recommend sb. to do sth. 意为“劝告/建议某人做某事”。如:
 ① They recommended us to discuss the question with the others.
② We’d recommend you to book your flight early. 我们建议你早点预订机票。
③ I recommended him to be careful with the work. 我告诉他工作要小心。
④ I’d not recommend you to go there alone. 我建议你不要孤身一人去那儿。
【注】recommend后可接doing,意为“劝告/建议做某事”,相当于recommend sb. to do sth.结构。如:
 ① I recommend meeting his first. 我建议先去看看他。
② I recommend buying this dictionary. 我建议买这本字典。
③ I recommended walking in the park first before shopping.
 ① Can you recommend me some books to read? 你能不能给我推荐几本书看?
② You can recommend us another hotel. 你可以给我们再推荐一家旅馆。
③ I’ll go to see the doctor they recommended. 我将去找他们推荐的医生去看病。
④ He recommended this kind of soap to us. 他向我们推荐这种肥皂。
 ① What would you recommend for getting ink stains from my blouse?
② Who do you recommend for this job. 你推荐谁来干这个工作?
③ We recommended her for our monitor. 我们推荐她做我们的班长。
35. copy一词的用法
 ① I kept a copy of the letter I wrote. 我留下了一份我写的信的副本。
② The painting isn’t an original, of course, it is only a copy.
③ I need three copies of the letter. 这封信我需要三份复印件。
 ① Copy this passage in your notebook. 将这一节抄写在你们的笔记本上。
② Watch me and copy what I do. 看着我,照我的样子做。
③ I want you to copy carefully from this model. 我要你仔细地照这个模式仿制。
④ Please copy down his address. 请把他的地址抄下来。
⑤ It is illegal to copy videos. 复制录像带是违法的。
⑥ He was caught copying from his neighbor in the exam.
36. I’m talking about a robot exhibition, not any other things related to robots.
 ① The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the oil price.
② The related questions will be solved in three weeks.
③ I am related to her by my marriage. 我与她有姻亲关系。
 ① The police are still trying to relate these two pieces of evidence.
② I can’t relate what he does to what he says. 我无法将他所做的事和他说的话联系起来。
③ She related to them how it happened. 她给她们讲述事情发生的经过。
④ The two men just can’t relate to each other. 那两个人怎么也合不来。
 ① Relations between the two countries are getting worse.
② He is a near/disant relation of mine. 他是我的近/远亲。
37. However, I am not at all satisfied with this robot and I would like to get my money back.
★句子中satisfied是形容词,意思是“满意的”“满足的”,用作表语时,其主语通常是人;也可用作定语,但也只能用来指人。be satisfied with是固定的词组,意思是“对……感到满意”。如:
 ① I felt quite satisfied after my big meal. 一顿大餐之后我感到很满足。
② I am satisfied with his answer. 我对他的回答感到满意。
③ Are you satisfied with what he said? 你对他所说的话满意吗?
④ He left my room with a satisfied smile. 他带着满意的微笑离开了我的房间。
⑤ He began to smoke a cigarette with a satisfied air. 他开始带着满意的神情抽烟。
 ① This is a satisfying result. 这是一个令人满意的结果。
② The dinner is satisfying. 这顿饭是令人满意的。
 ① Nothing satisfies him. He’s always complaining.
② The food satisfied his hunger. 这些食物使他消除了饥饿。
③ She has satisfied the conditions for entering the college.
④ Will this information satisfy your curiosity? 这个消息会符合你的好奇心吗?
⑤ Riches do not always satisfy. 财富永远不会使人满足。
 ① He satisfied me that he could do the work well. 他使我相信他能够把这件事做好。
② Have you satisfied with yourself of the truth of the report?
38. Also, its batteries only lasted for one week. 而且它的电池仅能维持一个星期。
 ① Our food




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