高中英语新教材的新语言现象 (中学英语教学论文)

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人民教育出版社与英国朗文出版集团有限公司合编的新的高中英语课本中出现了不少新的语言现象,令执教者十分惊讶。有些教师甚至把这些新语言现象作为错误在课堂上向学生予以纠正。究竟是教材编写有误,还 是我们的认识有偏差,这是应该弄清楚的。
1. Well,it‘s getting late.I must be off now.Nice to meet you.(SBI,P1)
有人认为,"Nice to meet you"应该改为"Nice meeting you"或"Niceto have met you"。理由是见
面应说"Nice to meet/see you",分手应说"Nice meeting you"或"Nice to have met you"。
固然,"Nice to meet/see you"常用于见面,但也可用于分手。此时意为:It was nice to meet/see
you.=It is nice to have met/seen you.=It isnice meeting you.
2.Yang Mei:How do you do?I’m sorry.I Know only a little English.Ihave
some difficulty in pro nouncing some of the words in English.
Sara:No,you‘re doing fine.(SBI,P9)
多年来部编英语教材中从未出现fine作副词用法,而只出现fine作形容词用法,因此见到"you’re doing
常有的。例如:The machine works fine(=well)if you oil it.He‘s doing fine(=well)in
school.That will suit me fine(=well).
3.Yang Mei:I’d like to study medicine and become a doctor.
Sara:Right.Nice meeting you,Yang Mei.Bye.(SBI,P3)
有人认为此处Right 应改为All right。事实上不改完全正确,用right表达all right之意的用法不乏其 例:
   A:What is the purpose of your visit?
B:Well,I‘m on holiday.
A:I see.And do you have any relatives over there?
B:Yes,my sister.
A:Right.And where are you going to stay?

A:Do you want escudos(葡萄牙和智利的货币单位)?
A:Right.There you are,sir.…
高一(下)课本第1页上也有right表示all right之意的用法:
Sharon:I’ve got a pain here.Just here Ouch!
Dr Yang:Right Let me examine you.
4.Dick:Do you have to feed plants like you feed chickens?(SBI,P17)
Do it like,tell you.
They didn‘t do it like we do it now.
5.Next Friday we are visiting the new car factory in this city.(SBI,P24)
How long are the travellers staying in this country?(SBI,P75)
They’re having a holiday next Monday.
What clothes are you wearing tomorrow?
在现代英语中,特别是在美国口语中,凡能够表示预先计划或安排的动作的动词,无论是短暂性的还是延 续性的,都可以用进行体来表示将来。例如:
I‘m told you are going away.Are you travelling very far?
I’m reading a paper tomorrow.
This afternoon I‘m teaching some of our scouts how the compass works.
6.I suggest that you don’t ask him home for the vacation.(SBI,P55)
这条规则现在应该全面地表述为:多用(should)do形式,也可根据时态呼应或具体情况采用其他形式。例如 :
I suggested that she might come to my office and have a talk withme.
I suggest that the door is painted light blue.
这样我们便能理解新教材中suggest后为什么用了you don‘t ask…这样的谓语形式。
7.A:I was going to play volleyball on Monday,but I can’t now.
B:I‘m sorry./Bad luck!/What a pity!(SBI,P56)
关于交际常识有些书上有这样的表述:听到对方不能满足自己要求或不能践约之类的话时,不能说I’m so rry,而应该说:What a
pity/shame!/Bad luck!
A:I‘d like to go with you,but I’m busy with my examinations thesedays.
A.I‘m sorry. B.Really?
C.What a pity! D.Never mind.
此外,有的书上还对"I’m sorry…"的使用作了这样的说明:它用来表达歉意;应答对方告知的不幸、不



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