驮卟 Unit 4 Lesson 16

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Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework exercises.
2 Write these nouns on the Bb and ask Ss to write down the irregular plurals:
policeman child person goose mouse ox (policemen children people geese mice oxen)
Step 2 Preparation for listening
SB Page 24, Part 1. Wb Listening, Unit 6. Tell the Ss We‘re going to listen to an interview about food crops. Then read the introduction aloud and read through the question in Ex. 1 and make sure the Ss understand what to do.
Step 3 Listening
Listening Cassette Unit 4. Do each exercise in turn. Play the tape, then let Ss discuss their answers in pairs. Play the tape again if necessary, then check the answers with the whole class.
Listening Text
Feed the world
A food scientist is discussing the main types of
food crops. (S = Scientist; I = Interviewer)
I: One of the most important food crops in the world of course is rice. Why is it so important?
S: Well, for one thing, everyone can eat it, and it’s suitable for sick people and young children.
I: Is it grown all over the world?
S: No. It needs a hot climate and lots of water. So it can‘t be grown in cold countries or where there is little water. But where the conditions are right, you can grow three rice crops in a year.
I: Can you live on rice alone?
S: No. It doesn’t contain all the foods a body needs to stay healthy. Also it‘s better to eat the whole grain, but in many parts of the wond it’s the custom to remove the brown outside part of the grain.
I: What about the potato?
S: Well, the potato is a very good food for the human body. So you could live for six months just by eating potatoes. In a year, you would also need to eat a little fat and some fresh fruit to stay healthy.
I: Where are potatoes grown?
S: They can be grown in cold countries, like the north of Europe and up in the mountains of South America, where the potato came from.
I: What about bread?
S: Bread can be made from different grains. It‘s an important food in the north of Europe where it’s cold but also in the Middle East. It‘s a very good food, but you need to eat other foods like fresh fruit and vegetables to stay healthy.
I: Are there any other foods we haven’t men々tioned?
S: Yes, there‘s Indian corn. This came from America, but is now a very important crop all over the world. You need a warm sunny climate to grow maize, but it doesn’t need as much water as rice. Mind you, if you water your maize, you will get a better crop.
I: And we haven‘t mentioned noodles.
S: No. Very important! Noodles and pasta are both made from a type of hard grain. The grain is turned into a powder, mixed with water and then formed into different shapes. In Asia and the Middle East these are called noodles and in Italy these are called pasta.
Exx. 1-3:

a hot climate and lots of water

cold countries

cold countries, the Middle East

warm, sunny climate; needs less water than rice

a type of pasta
hard grain

Ex.4: 1 2  Correct
3 Brown rice (the whole grain) is healthier than white rice.
456 Correct
7 Noodles are eaten in the Middle East and pasta is eaten in Italy.
Step 4 Checkpoint
Go through Checkpoint 6. Revise Noun Clauses. Practise the useful expressions and deal with any language points that you or the Ss wish to raise.
Step 5 Test
Give Ss the following test on Noun Clauses. Get the Ss to write down five correct sentences using the tables below:
The problem
The question
they are going to pay for the goats.
they wanted to keep geese.
they are going to sell in their cafe.
he wants to become a butcher or a farmer.
ruined their tractor.

It is clear that
It is true that
It is not true that
It is likely that
It is unlikely that
it costs a lot of money to keep fish.
we shall sell the cows for a lot of money.
goats damage young trees.
anyone will want to buy that hilly farmland.
the cost of food is rising every year.

Step 6 Word study
SB Page 24, Part 2. Teach the new word spoon, preferably by showing the object, or alternatively with a picture or Bb drawing. Then get the Ss to do this exercise individually. Check the answers at the end. Answers:
1 Wipe 2 mice 3 mountainous 4 filled 5 oxen 6 damp 7 jar 8 celebrate 9 Geese 10 ruined
Step 7 Writing
SB Page 24, Part 3. Read out this sample version while Ss follow in their books so that they can see how to put the phrases together.
China has only 7% of the world’s land, but success々fully feeds 22% of the world‘s / world population. It has the largest irrigated area of farmland in the world and grows more than a third of the rice crop. Fish farming is also important. Fresh-water fish can be produced locally wherever you live. Vegetable waste is used to feed pigs and chickens. Gas is produced from human and animal waste and is used for heating and cooking. In a word, if the rest of the world had fair ownership of land like China, there would be no more starvation.
Then let them practise orally in groups of four. Finally get them to write their paragraphs either in class or for homework.
Step 8 Workbook
Wb Lesson 16, Exx. 1-3.
The aim of Ex. 1 is to get the Ss to make another effort to consolidate the text. Do this exercise in the same procedure as Step 7 in TB Lesson 23. Encourage the Ss to talk more freely.
For Ex. 2, the Ss should go over the sentences and get the meaning clear. Do this exercise in pairs fast, then with the whole class.
Ask the Ss to read aloud the sentences in Ex. 3 and put them into Chinese. If there is time, ask them to translate the Chinese into English.
Finish off the Workbook exercises. Finish the paragraph about agriculture in China.




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