英语词汇教学的探讨 (中学英语教学论文) |
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(番禺区教育学会第十五届年会论文三等奖) 内容提要: 本文遵循英语词汇的教学原则,通过分析当前初中英语词汇教学中存在的一些问题,探讨解决学生因此而产生的心理障碍,以求激发学生“积极学习”,能以较轻松的心情较快地识记单词并掌握它们,从而提高初中英语词汇教学的效果。 关键词:词汇教学 积极学习 直观教学 解释法 语境 1. 引言 现代英语的词汇总量已达到200多万,是世界上词汇量最大的语言,而且随着社会的发展,科技的进步而不断地更新、扩大。而词汇教学成了当今英语教学中令教师最为头痛的一个难题,初中英语词汇教学问题成为一个值得探讨的课题。本文拟遵循英语词汇教学原则,就此课题作一探讨。 2. 词汇教学的重要性 词汇是语言的三要素(语音、词汇、语法)之一,是语言的基本材料,离开词汇就无法表达思想。没有足够的词汇就不能有效地进行听、说、读、写,就无法有效地用英语进行交际。著名语言学家里弗(River)也认为,掌握足够的词汇是成功运用外语的关键,没有词汇就没有能运用所学的结构和功能的意念。 而事实上,一个人词汇量的大小也在一定程度上表明这个人英语水平的高低。由此可见词汇的重要性。 词汇是学生的最大的“拦路虎”,英语词汇不但数量大,而且非常活跃,随着人类社会不断地发展变化,语言也不断发生变化,其中词汇的变化最快、最明显。主要表现在:(1)新词的不断出现。如kickback(回扣),hippie(嬉皮士), special economic zone(经济特区),yumcha(饮茶), realwoman(淑女)等。(2)旧词又增添了新义,一词多义的现象更加普遍。如:runs on the board: successes; achievement. (口语)表示“榜上有名”。又如:facility(功能:电子装置具有的具体能力或功能), eyeball(观察), cowboy(莽撞鬼/标新立异的人),Catch you later!(再见!) clone(克隆/复制品)等。(3)英语大量吸收了外来词。如:elite(优秀的团体,精华,杰出的人物)是来自法语, kung-fu(中国功夫)来自汉语, judo(柔道)来自日语等。 英语词汇的多变性让学生望而却步,但其实在《九年义务教育全日制初级中学英语教学大纲》中,“对初中毕业生在词汇方面要求能熟练地运用基本拼读规则拼写单词;能根据所学的构词法判断和记忆派生词和合成词的词义和词类;能掌握800个左右单词,200条左右习惯用语及固定搭配,能够在笔头实际中运用。此外,还要求扩大400-500个左右的认读词汇。”(中华人民共和国教育部,2001)①从以上可看出,学生学习三年英语,再加上小学三年,他们只需掌握1500左右单词,似乎也不算太高要求,再加上派生词、合成词和转化词,所剩下的基本词也就更少了。但从中也可看出,词汇教学包括教授词汇的读音规则、构词法,要掌握它们的词义及词类,更要掌握习惯用语和固定搭配,这就要求教师应科学地、系统地把单词教给学生,而且词汇要放在一定的语境里教,才能使学生能更好地掌握单词的词义、词类和习惯用语及固定搭配。然而在实际教学中,有些教师所谓的“词汇教学”更让学生无所适从。他们只注重了语音、语法和句型的教学,对这些知识,反复讲解,反复操练,不厌其烦,只想让学生在考试时能取得高分。对于词汇教学却一点也不重视,认为词汇并不需要教学,只要教会学生去读这个单词和理解它的意思,课后让学生自己去背,然后给学生听写就完成词汇教学。教师的不重视也导致了学生对词汇的轻视,不愿花功夫在词汇学习和积累上,只是考试前突击一下,抱着侥幸的心理应试,考完之后也忘得七七八八了。这样一来,学生对词汇老是念不出、拼写易错,他们花在记忆单词的时间多但遗忘快,而且连常用词汇的基本含义也掌握不好,换个场合和搭配就不懂了。在听说训练时常因为不认识单词而听不明白、说不好英语;阅读时遇到生词时就无计可施,不会运用词汇知识去猜测词义,有的甚至查了字典也弄不懂,既影响阅读速度,又影响理解;在做看图写话时,看图能理解故事的大意,但由于词汇知识的缺乏,一提笔却抓破头皮也写不出一个词来。以上种种可看出,不是学生在刚开始学习英语的时候就失去了兴趣,而是教师在刚开始的时候在词汇教学方面没有给予应有的重视,导致学生找不到正确的学习方法,对英语学习失去了信心,从而也失去了兴趣。 3. 当前初中词汇教学中存在的一些问题 要发现初中英语词汇教学中存在的问题,首先看教学是否符合英语词汇教学原则。“词汇教学原则包括以下三方面:(1)质量并重,逐层加深。((2)立足于词汇教学系统之上,着眼于词汇教学之外。(3)集中分散,交替互补。”(胡春洞,1990)③ 3.1 重均衡用力,轻主次分明 初中的英语词汇通常由常用词、根词等组成,而这些词在英语总词汇量中只占一小部分,这些词数量虽少,但用途却非常广泛,要求学生掌握这些词的本义、转义、比喻义、引申义、修辞义等。英语教学大纲对每个单元的单词都作了具体的要求,主要从听、说、读、写四个方面作出不同等级的要求,但有的教师在教学中,没有依据大纲的要求,而是对每个单词都同等对待,都“一古脑儿”地传授给学生,没有明确地告诉学生哪些单词只要求能听懂,哪些单词要求能听、说、读,哪一些是最重要的,要求听、说、读、写都行,这样无疑给学生的学习增加了难度,加重了学生的负担。也正是由于这样,学生产生了逆反心理,不但大部分的单词都不会,而且连常用的词也掌握不了。也正是这样,不少学生对掌握词汇失去了信心。在阅读文章时,遇到较多的新单词,便对自己的能力产生了怀疑,对文章便看也不看,胡乱选个答案,特别在看到似曾相识的词汇,又认不出的时候,便产生一种焦虑的心理,以致于看到单词就害怕,从而降低了学习的效果。从中也可看出这样教学违反了“质量并重,逐层加深”的教学原则。 3.2 重孤立讲解词义,轻创设语境 在初中英语词汇中,有许多单词在不同的句子和语境中表达出来的意义也完全不同,如:Is he running in the 100 meters?(赛跑)Run for President.(竞选)The report ran in all the newspapers.(刊登) He ran a cow into a barn.(赶)等。正是由于词汇的多义性,所以讲授单词一定要放在一定的语境中,使学生知道什么时候使用这个词,怎么用。然而,在实际教学中,有的教师,为了贪图方便,只按照单词表一字不漏地教授单词,有些教师还成了“词典专家”,把那个单词的意义一个不少地抄给学生,然后让他们课后去背。如:dark这个单词,教师只告诉学生,它的意思有:名词:黑暗、愚昧无知;形容词:黑暗的、深色的、棕黑的、神秘的、无希望的、悲伤的、无精打采的、未启蒙的、意义不明的、暧昧的等,这种把单词单独讲授,而与一定的语境脱离的教学方法,使许多学生觉得学习单词太枯燥无味,对单词渐渐失去了兴趣,觉得老记不住这一连串毫无联系的符号,久而久之,便产生了厌烦的心理。在这样的心理控制下,学习时得不到快乐,尤其在遇到困难时,就会产生抵触心理,接受不了教师输入的信息,导致成绩下降,只有20、30分,这样的成绩又反过来加重了学生厌烦,抵触的心理。整个学习过程便由于教学方法的不当和不正确的学习态度而陷入了恶性循环。 3.3重词汇的字面意义,轻词汇的文化内涵 语言是交际的工具,但即使有一口流利的英语,在许多情况下,也会出现与别人沟通不了或出现尴尬的场面。这是因为习俗是文化的一个重要组成部分,而文化更是语言的深层基础。然而有的教师只按照课后的词汇表,详细地讲解单词的拼写、音标、词性和搭配等,对于单词的文化背景却只字不提,觉得这些一点也不重要,多讲浪费了上课的时间。殊不知,多讲解一些文化习俗的知识,既开阔学生的视野,更激发了学生的学习兴趣。也正是由于英汉两种语言不同的文化背景和语言习惯,也由于学生在学习外语时,已掌握了一定程度的汉语,这样在词汇学习中学生就喜欢用汉语词汇的读音、类别、释义来规范英语词汇,用汉语的语言习惯来表达英语。比如说在听到一个外国人说:“You look very beautiful today.”中国学生第一个反应却是:“哪里,哪里,一点也不漂亮。” 谦虚是中国人的美德,当听到别人夸奖时自谦一番也是符合中国文化的,但在西方,由于不同的文化习惯,当听到别人称赞时,西方人说声:“Thank you。”便坦然、开心地接受,要不称赞者会以为自己判断力有问题,也会因此而不高兴,由此可见词汇的文化内涵是多么重要,也由于中国学生受汉语的影响,产生了母语定势的心理,这种心理无助于学生学习英语,反而拖了学习的后腿。这种方法违背了“立足于词汇系统之上,着眼于词汇教学之外。”的教学原则。 为了使学生能最大程度上参与学习,形成教师为主导,学生为主体的教学,使学生能逐步形成积极学习的观念。“外语积极学习的实质是:教学过程要在教师的指导下,树立学生是外语学习主人翁的观点,充分调动学生学习的主动性,积极参与耳听、眼看、动脑、动手的学习活动,掌握自辩、自治、自理、自学能力,知识技能和运用知识的能力,发展智力、情意,从而使学生达到德、智、体、美、劳和个性全面发展的目的。”(章兼中,1995)④ “别利雅也夫认为,从心理学的观点看,词就是一个复合刺激(在感知和理解说和写的过程中),又是人的同等结构复杂的反应(在口关头或书面表达自己思想时)。”(转引自程世禄、张国扬,1996)⑤就是因为词的这些特点,所以在教学中要想方设法调动学生对外语的积极学习,只有这样学生才不会觉得学习英语很单调、枯燥,只有这样才会积极参与解决上面所产生的多种心理障碍,达到预期的学习效果。 4.1 利用直观教具教单词 从前面基础教育阶段英语课程的任务第一点“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣”就可看出兴趣是多么重要,爱因斯坦也说过“兴趣和爱好是最好的教师”而直观教具的使用恰恰也激起了学生学习的动机。“斯波斯克(B.Spolsky)认为,外语学习动机本身包括三方面内容:对待学习外语的态度、学习这种语言的愿望和为学习这种语言而付出的努力。”(转引自林崇德, 2001)⑥当教师首先呈现的东西能吸引学生的注意力,使他们产生兴趣,那他们对待外语的学习态度将会是积极的,心中也就会很渴望学会这种语言,虽然学起来较难,巩固较难,但由于态度积极、而且有种强烈想法的感情,他们便愿意下苦功,掌握这种语言,以便达到他日能在同学、教师面前有好表现,甚至见到外国人也能说上两句。如:玩“Simon says.”这个游戏时,由教师或学生发命令,如, “Hands on head”, “Pencils in desk.”, “Hands on shoulders”, “Hands behind your back”等等,当在命令前加上“Simon says”这句话,学生就执行命令,如果命令前没有“Simon says”这句话,学生就静止不动。这个游戏正符合了学生们好动的特点,但如果他们不会说单词和句子,就无法参与,这样就使他们迫切想学会单词,自然他们也愿意为此而付出汗水。这一些都是因为处于青少年这个阶段虚荣心较强,爱表现,想引起别人注意的年龄特点。 也正是这样,在适当的时候教师采取直观教学,笔者认为能起到“催化剂”的作用。直观教学是采用如图片、实物、玩具、幻灯片等一系列辅助教具及手势、动作、表情开展的手段,对于一些表示具体事物的名词、表示具体动作的动词、表示情感的动词及形容词一般可采用直观教学。对于初学者,对英语是一窍不通的,我们如能采用直观教学,不但能吸引学生的注意力,还能使他们参与。如学习apple这个单词时,教师可一手举起苹果,口中问到:“What’s this? It’s an apple.”再延伸举起两个苹果问:“What are these? They are apples.”自问自答,再展开教师问学生答,学生问学生答,这样反复操练,学生不但掌握apple这个单词的词性,单复数,而且在运用时也琅琅上口,教师如能在学生回答得好之后,把苹果奖给他,那课堂气氛就更好,从而激励了学生积极参与学习。 4.2 利用音形结合、构词法教单词 “英语词汇总量虽上百万,但基本构词成分却是有限的。无论就音形而言,还是就意义而言,每个英语词都同其他词有千丝万缕的联系,是整个英语词汇系统中的一个分子。”(胡春洞,1990)⑦由此可见,各个词汇之间是有联系的,而且系统性很强,教师在教学中也应该利用词汇的这些特点,立足于词汇系统之上,当然对于这些特点教师也不能够直接把它们说出来,最好能在集中教学词汇时呈现出来,让学生自己去总结、发现,这样的学习有学生亲自的参与,更能培养他们的学习能力。 如学习care这个单词,可用构词法,引申出care –careful-carefully-careless 这样不但减轻了学生记忆的负担,也学得了词汇的知识,再如集中学习单词时,可把形音相近的单词,如: window-low-blow-grow-know-flow-borrow-throw, lake-face-date-page-gate-name-hate-rare. bird-first-third-thirsty-birthday 等归纳在一起学,从以上的单词可看出,它们不但词形大致相同,发音也一致,特别是元音字母a的发音[ei]后都有是元音字母+辅音字母+不发音字母e构成,这样的规律,也教会了学生用音标记单词,对于单词,学生自然也不会那么恐惧。 4.3 英语解释法 “学习语言的首要条件就是要多听、多读,通过听读这两条渠道向大脑输入大量的、可理解的语言材料。有了大量的、足够的语言输入与积累,才能融会贯通形成语言规则。”(林祟德,2001)⑧这就要求教师在上课时要用英语来教学,用英语来解释单词、句子等,并用英语设置交际情境来启发学生用英语思考,在英语教学大纲中,也要求教师尽量使用英语,适当利用母语教学。因为中学生身处的环境是说汉语的环境,如果在每天一节英语课上已不能完全接触英语,没有一个说英语的环境使他们锻炼和培养自身的听说读写能力,更别说课后能说得更多。而这种英语解释法正符合了用听、说向大脑输入大量语言材料的要求。英语解释法是用简单的,学生们已学过,熟悉的词汇来解释新的单词,使学生利用自己原有的知识掌握新单词的听、说、读、写。这样用简单英语解释单词,不但训练了学生的听力,而且对于旧的单词能得到反复重现,也使学生找到了同义词,了解更多的词汇知识。学生对于教师所说的英语能听得懂,又知道新单词的意思,这样增添了学生们学习的信心,厌烦心理也自然消失得七七八八了,自然也提高了学生参与学习,积极学习的信心。 如可以这样解释下列单词:(1) holiday:time off from work (2) invite:ask someone to dinner or a party (3) housework:work done around the home (4) afternoon:between 12:00 and 6:00 in the daytime (5) exam:an important school test (6) different:not the same (7) entrance:place where you go in 。当然用简单英语解释英语单词,是要求教师在课前做一定量的收集工作去查找最简单的词汇。 4.4 语境教学法 “语境不仅包括文章或言谈的上下文,而且也包括了各种社会环境。”(王文斌,2001)⑨如果没有一定的语境,任何词汇也将变得没有意义。由此可见语境非常重要的,也就是说学习词汇一定要放在某个语境里学习。正如语言学家吕叔湘先生所说:“词语要嵌在上下文里头才有生命,才容易记住,才知道用法。”由此可见语境教学法可使学生通过语境更加深刻地理解单词的用法和多种意义,从而对于单词的记忆更加牢固。归纳起来说,笔者认为利用语境教学法可以从以下两方面入手: 4.4.1 通过句型或上下文来教单词 当遇到讲授新单词时,教师课前也是要花时间来准备的。如:water这个词,在讲授时可以借助一些教具或动作,如花洒、浇水的动作和喝水的动作等,这些都必须是学生熟悉的行为,再呈现以下的句子。如:(1)I’m very thirsty, I want to drink some water. (2) The flowers are dry, I must water them every day. (3) There is some water in the bottle., we can drink it. 从语境中我们可猜测出(1)、(3)句中的water 是水,(2)句的是浇水的意思,从中我们也可以知道water 不同的词性和用法。 利用上下文教单词的道理也是一样,比如说我们学习umbrella时,可以用下面这段文字: It’s raining and I want to go out. I don’t want to get wet. I haven’t a raincoat but I have an umbrella. I’ll put up my umbrella. The rain is coming down on my umbrella but it isn’t coming on me. My umbrella is protecting me from catching rain. Now the rain has stopped. I’ll take my umbrella down., An umbrella is very useful when it is raining. 这样把umbrella放段落中学习,不但教会了学生这个单词,而且培养了学生的思维能力。 4.4.2 利用情景教单词 利用情景教单词,是中学生较喜爱的一种方法,因为情景虽然是模拟的,但至少也像置身于真正的交际情景中,这些可以使学生真正参与的活动,也是他们日常熟悉的场景,比如说,学习打电话用语时便可拿两部会响的电话,让他们好像真的在打电话一样,在交际中,学得了知识。如: A: Hello! May I speak to Jim? B: I’m sorry he isn’t here. Can I take a message for you? A: OK! This is Kate. My telephone number is 87654321. B: All right. A: Thank you very much. Bye. B: Bye. 学习交际用语还可以有购物、借物、问路、邀请和看病等情景可以用。这样学生不但兴致勃勃地学知识,让他们多参与,既能说,又能听,还能激发他们的英语学习的积极性。当然使用语境教学法,教师的工作量是比较大,而且对教师的自身素质要求较高。首先课前准备要充分,所使用的英语单词是学生学过而且比较熟悉的,上课时要能使用全英教学,轻松自如地用英语解决上课遇到的问题。 4.5 通过谜语教单词 猜谜语也是激发学生学习兴趣的一种方法,有了兴趣,再积极参与,从而听、说、读、写等方面的能力得到提高,最终把单词牢牢记住。但在实际教学中教师较少采用这种方法,觉得猜谜语在一节课上不太可能,一节课45分钟可能会浪费掉20分钟左右,特别单词多的时候,更不可能。但是教师们没有注意到教授单词绝对不是只采用一种或两种方法,对于不同类型的词汇或根据词汇的特点,应该找出一种最适合教某个单词和最吸引学生注意力的方法,有些单词采用谜语形式来猜测,会达到事半功倍的效果,而且久而久之便也提高了学生的理解力。 例如:(1) What has four legs but only one foot? (A bed ) (2) What has a bed but never sleeps, a mouth but never speaks? (A river) (3) What fruit is never found singly? (A pear) 等等,这些谜语都是浅显易懂的,也锻炼了学生的听说能力和思维能力。 4.6 通过游戏教单词 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。“心理学家也研究认为,兴趣可增强记忆,兴趣是人对事物的积极而持久的认识倾向,它与大脑皮层中思维活动的兴奋中心相伴随。”(程世禄、张国扬,1996)⑩而玩是孩子的天性,对于这种天性我们不能压抑,只能加以引导。游戏便是一种集知识性与趣味性为一体的娱乐方式,也是孩子们偏爱的一种学习方式,不用说小孩,连成年人也不喜欢呆板,沉闷、枯燥的课堂,在这样的课堂学生学习的积极性是为零的,要想调动他们学习的积极性,就让孩子们在“玩中学,学中玩”吧,在词汇教学中更要采取活泼多样的形式,来减轻学生对单词厌烦和焦虑心理,教师只有帮他们清除了这些心理障碍,孩子们的各方面能力才会有所提高。 关于词汇的游戏是多不胜数,下面只举几个例子,如(1)What is it?一队的学生描述一件东西,如:“It has four legs. It’s made of wood. It’s used for sitting.另一队学生就可答:“It’s a chair.”这种猜测游戏可锻炼学生的思维能力。(2)学数词也有不少游戏,如:“Who has number… ?写些数词卡片,根据所教数词的多少,卡片上分别写上从1到25,从25到100,从100到1000和超过1000以上的数词。当教师指卡与学生背诵、做游戏时,就用数字代替他们的各字。就像他们的英文名字一样,使用多了就记熟了,这个游戏锻炼了学生们的记忆能力。(3)Add-on这个游戏结合图片、实物来做,学生1:“I see a living room.”学生2:“I see a living room and a kitchen.”学生3:“I see a living room a kitchen and a bathroom.”如此类推。或者学生1:“I like milk.”学生2:“I like milk and pie.” 学生3“I like milk, pie and cake.”也是如此类推,看谁坚持说得最长时间、最多的词汇,这样培养学生口头表达能力、复述能力和单词的贮存量。 当然词汇教学的方法不止上面所说的这些,比如说:词性转化法,同义近义辨析法,交际法,图表法,比较法,集中单词教学法等等,这里就不再一一列举了。 5. 结语 总而言之,初中英语教师必需按照有关教学大纲的要求,遵循中学英语词汇教学的原则,认真地分析学生学习英语词汇中存在的问题,因应不同的情况,采用不同的词汇教学方法,才能使学生对英语词汇学习感兴趣,才能有法可循有样可学,积极学习,从而达到提高初中英语词汇的教学效果。 参考书目 [1] 胡春洞,1990,《英语教学法》[M], 北京:高等教育出版社。 [2] 章兼中,1993《外语教育学》[M], 浙江教育出版社。 [3] 程世禄、张国扬,1996,《ESP的理论与实践》[M], 广西教育出版社。 [4] 汪榕培,2000,《英语词汇学研究》[M],上海外语教育出版社。 [5] 林崇德,2001,《英语教学心理学》[M], 北京教育出版社。 [6] 中华人民共和国教育部,2001,《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)》,北京师范大学出版社。 [7] 董蔚君,2001,《英语游戏》[M],安徽教育出版社。 [8] 王文斌,2001,《英语词汇语义学》[M],浙江教育出版社。 [9] 中华人民共和国教育部,2001,《九年义务教育全日制初级中学英语教学大纲》,人民教育出版社。 [10] 胡文仲,2001,《中英文化习俗比较》[M],外语教学与研究出版社。 [11] 余德敏,2002,“探索英语词汇教学”[J],《中小学英语教学与研究》2002年第1期。 [12] 王华英,1997,“英语词汇学习中的心理障碍分析及排除”[J],《中小学英语教学与研究》1997年第6期。 [13] 刘道义,1999,《九年义务教育三年制初级中学教科书英语第四册》,人民教育出版社。 Language Context and the English Teaching 江苏省如东县兵房中学 蔡平 Improvisation or transfer is the core of a course,based on the communicative approach.That is,the students are required to transfer what they learned in the textbook to real-life situation as far as possible.And in the present-day textbook of Middle School,the courses are organized in authentic everyday situations in which students can easily identify.So in the process of English teaching,it is very important for the teachers to set the language contexts correctly and flexibly. Ⅰ.The meanings of the language context Generally speaking,the language context can be divided into two major types:situational context and sociocultural context. Rivers suggests that items of language in total isolation have no function;they need a system and a setting to give them both function and meaning.Children often ask for the meaning of a word in isolation,without seeing the need to provide anything for it;too quick and too casual a reply can often have unexpected consequences.eg.When the child asks what cricket is and you say it is a game,and then discover that it was a“cricket”in the context of insects.Even if we know the strict linguistics,we still need to check further into the situation and even into the society and culture to be sure of what item of the language is appropriate or acceptable. In a narrow sense,the language context means the situational context.In Halliday’s opinion,the situational contexts include the setting,the way of talking,and participants.But Hymes divides it into eight elements:setting,role,function,notion,style,stress and intonation,grammar,vocabulary and language aids.Those factors affect each other and decide which language form is appropriate. The situational context and sociocultural context can’t be isolated from each other.In certain sociocultural context,people must obey the particular communicative rules when they use a certain language.And in a certain situational context,people should not only pay attention to the social communication rules but also adjust themselves according to the factors of the situational context.That is,the situational context and sociocultural context affect each other and are complementary to each other. Ⅱ.The language context and the communicative competence “Competence” is a central issue in linguistics,whether in terms of abstract syntactic theory(as with Noam Chomsky)or in terms of social interaction(as with Dell Hymes).And Hymes thinks the communicative competence should include four types:language competence,sociolinguistic competence,strategic competence,and context competence.If we consider the language competence is the core of the language teaching,then the other three abilities must also be taken into consideration. Wallwork suggests that“sociolinguistic competence is necessary to language study and to attempt to study language without society is like studying anatomy without a body.”A knowledge of our society will enable us to predict with some degree of accuracy the probability of certain kind of language being used in any particular situation,and conversely give a sketch of language we can predict with some reliability.eg.Go to a country where you understand not a word of the language around you.But by observing the social context and listening to the noises,you learn the meaning.So one can’t be said to know fully the meaning of any language without knowing the social context in which it may or does occur.Widdowson also points out that the English teaching also involves an understanding of the communicative value of linguistic elements in context and this is based on a knowledge of how these elements may serve as clues which can be interpreted by reference to share conventions of communication.So in the English teaching,the teachers should train the students’sensitivity to judge which language form is right in certain language context. The context competence and strategic competence can be realized in certain language context and have their effects on communication.In a normal language context,we often communicate in discourse,not in a single phrase or sentence.A learner who can communicate with the correct language forms has a strong context competence and knows how to use the signals to convey the information and conform it to the meaning.And according to these signals,they can understand each other better.In different language contexts,we can also make use of the strategic competence to start,end,maintain or extend a conversation.And the communication strategies we often used are such as avoidance,tolerance,suspense and accommodation. Ⅲ.How to set the language context A.Use all kinds of teaching aids In the classroom,students should be provided with a chance to experience the language in meaningful ways and try out their skills,so the teachers should try to use all kinds of teaching aids to set the language context for the students.And we should not only be acquainted with the use of flash cards and wall pictures,but also we need to learn to collect and make visual aids,such as pictures from magazines,used objects like can and boxes,flannel board,and stick-figures.So with a piece of chalk,objects,people,animals,settings are created on the blackboard and the students’interest and attention are aroused.A relaxed atmosphere is created.Another technique is to use latern slides,not to tell a story but to creat situations when the students are asked to act out their dialogue or play their roles against the background of a restaurant,street,playground.We can use an over-head project,then the students can talk like real“native speakers”.And when we use the pictures,we should know the picture with accompanying voice(sometimes with music accompaniment.)will impress the students greater than a printed text or the voice alone. B.Design all kinds of activities The role of the teacher in acommunicative classroom is not an informer or a supervisor but amanager or helper.The teachers should try to design all kinds of activities to help the students perform or interact among themselves as much as possible.But designing a course which prepares students to interact in specific roles in real-life situations requires that the course designer first discovers that what part is played in these activities by the language of different kinds.He must find out what topics come up often enough to be worth discussing in class,and we must also bear in mind the kind of people the pupil will eventually have to deal with.So we should let the students have the opportunity to learn,and become proficient in the games and diversions of English-speaking people.They should be able to participate in verbal competitions,where there are special activities to be associated with festivals or national holidays,students should be able to engage them at the appropriate time,decorating the Christmas tree and singing Christmas carols,celebrating Guy Fawkes Day,rolling eggs at Easter,dressing up for trick-or-treat,preparing a Thanks-giving dinner etc.On the other hand,much autonomous interaction can take place at the English language students' club or at class excursions and on picnics.So we can arrange some visits to see exhibitions of American or British paintings,to eat at restaurants which serve English or American specialities,to see films in English,or to attend performances by visiting theatrical companies.Groups within class may take turns preparing typical meals and inviting the others.We also invite some foreign guests and students to have a talk with us.And students should try to show their towns or schools to English-speaking visitors or tourists.For these courses,activities such as those described above will plunge the students into normal use of language. C.Use paralinguistic features Sometimes when we set the language context,using paralinguistic features such as gestures,facial expressions and some actions will be more convenient and vivid than using teaching aids such as pictures or slides.eg.In Unit 5 of SB1A,when we explain how to grow cabbages,if we use the teaching aids such as pictures,or slides,it will take us a lot of time to prepare the teaching materials before class.But if we act out the process of growing cabbages in class with a few actions,the students will understand the process more vividly in a shortwhile.So no matter when teachers present,demonstrate,drill,practise the teaching material we should pay attention to using paralinguistic features flexibly and appropriately.And paralinguistic features are complementary to the teaching aides in the English teaching. Ⅳ.The rules of setting language context How to set the language context correctly and flexibly becomes a problem which teachers are concerned about. A.The language context must be real Situational teaching and meaning teaching both mean that the teaching materials should be those normal utterance made in real-life situations and be practised in authentic everyday situations. B.The language context must be relevant Situations set for practice should be those which the students are likely to encounter in their present and future communication.It is a waste of time to ask them to discuss problems beyond their level of maturity and knowledge of the world. C.The language context must be definite When we set a language context,we should take all the factors of language context into account.For example,in a shop,we can start a conversation between shopkeepers and customers,and we can also start the conversation between the customers.Then what is the objective of the conversation?What kind of language form can be used in the language context?It requires that the teachers must give some clear or definite explanation to the students.Only when the students know what kind of roles they will play and what the objective of the talking is,they can avoid mechanical memorization and be able to start a free conversation in the language context. D.The language context must be helpful in developing the students'creativity In the process of English teaching,teachers should not remain satisfied with the memorization of the language,but should extend the development of language skills through language study and proceed from the manipulated practice to the communicative use of the language.After the students have learned some language points in a dialogue,they may be asked to create a new dialogue by giving them some new ideas and lines,which could,of course be in conformity with the original dialogue. Bibliography. Halliday,M.A.K.Towards a Sociological Sementics.In Brumfit&Jahnson(ed),1979. H.G.Widdowson.1978,From Teaching Language as Communication,Oxford University Press. Hymes.D.H.On Communicative Competence,University of Pennsylvania Press,1971. J.F.Wallwork.1968,An Introduction to the Study of Language,London:Longman. Rivers.W.M.&Temperley.M.S.A Practical Guide to Teaching English as a Second Foreign Language,Oxford University Press,1978. Tom M.c.Arthur.A Foundation Course for Language Teachers,Cambridge University Press. This is a common problem. Most course books focus on teaching students what words mean but don't help them wiht all the other things they need to know.In order to use a word and don't nearly enough to help them remember the words . English also has one of the biggest vocabularies in the world so teaching words is very important and remembering them,especially for younger students,takes a lot of work.Here are some things you can do to help: Revise and Recycle Remember to do lots of revision and recycling.Research show that the sooner and more often you revise and recycle words the more likely students are to remember them. Spell and pronounce Try to focus on other aspects of the words like the spelling and the pronounciation. Visuals Try to use visuals and realia to reinforce the meaning of the words and help students remember them. Hear and say Make sure that students have lots of opportunities to both hear and say the words . This will help them to remember. Glossary focus(v) 集中注意力revision (n) recycle(v)使再循环realis(n)教具,教学用品(visual aids) visuals (n) 直观教具reinforce (v)强化,加强 魔鬼宝盒复习单词游戏 Get a box about the size of a shoesize or bigger and cut a round hole large on the top.Draw a face of a monster around the hole with the hole as the monster's mouth.Get some postcard size pieces of card .Each new word that you teach in class should go on a card and on the other side of the card there should be a picture or translation of the word. THese cards can then be put into the monster's mouth and kept in the box. When you want to do some revision , you or the children can take the cards from the monster's mouth.Below is an wxample revision idea. Preparation Take the word cards you would like to revise.Put the students inot small groups of three or four. Procidures: one student holds the wordcards for hteir group and acts as the quizmaster. The quizmaster has to convey the the meaning of the word.This can be done through mime.The quizmaster mimes the word and the other students have to quess the word. The student who guesses correctly then becomes the quizmaster and mimes the next word. If there are words you would like to revise that are not are not easy to mime.ask the students to draw a picture of the word on the board or make a noise to represent the word. Follow up Ask the students to make their own cards and [ractice at home with their family. quizmaster (n) 游戏主持人mime(v)模仿 represent (v)表现,表达 convey (v)传达 相关链接:教学论文
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