上海中学星报上的一篇文章阅读Love narrows the gap (Reading)(译林牛津版高二英语教案教学设计)

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Love narrows the gap (Reading)
上海市青浦区第一中学 董红英
第 周 第 课时 教案总序号
课 题 Love narrows the gap (Reading)
1. To get the students to understand the text
2. To get the students to practice reading skills including prediction, skimming, scanning
1. Get them to understand new words by context.
2. Get them to understand the passage by skimming and scanning.
To discuss with them to deal with conflicts between two generations by love, understanding and communication
1. Understand the text
2. Practice some reading sills
3. How to narrow generation gap.
教 学 过 程
教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 说 明
Pre-reading 5’
1. Warming-up
What’s a generation gap?
T: There is a gap in the wall, Is the wall beautiful? Is it safe?
T: Sometimes there is also a gap between our parents and us, for example, in the previous text “Father and Son”, Luo Kahing likes making films but his parents want him to get good results in his exams.. There is a conflict between them, how about your parents and you?
Ask them to find words in the passage to take the place of the words underlined.
A gap in the wall

Since the wall has a gap, people want to repair it, to narrow the gap, or to remove the gap.
The gap is common and natural in our life, and it usually leads to conflicts, quarrel, unhappiness. So what can we do to narrow the gap? Read the text, and it will give us some suggestions. 通过展现墙上的裂缝,引出gap一词的意思,进而启发思考:父母与子女在某些方面的分歧,矛盾也是一种gap,叫做generation gap.
A Gap in the wall Love Narrows the Gap
教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 说 明
T: Read the first paragraph together and give me the definition of it. (What is generation gap?)
Look up in the dictionary./ Try to guess the meaning according to the context. (阅读指导1)
2. Get the meanings of the new words by understanding the sentences. 5’
Ask them to read and spell the words twice.
While-reading: 10’
1. Read Para3 and tell me the writer’s attitude towards generation gap.
2. Read Para4-5 and tell me the writer’s suggestions on closing the gap.
3. If you do as the writer suggests, what will happen?
Generation gap is a term coined by sociologists in the 1960s to describe differences in beliefs and values, family and friends, work and study, career and life goals between young adults and their parents.
Here we have new words, and what will you do if you meet with new words when reading?
1. To our surprise, this book caused excitement for a long time.(generate)
2. Who invented the term “dot-com”?(coin)
3. Owing to his efficient management, his business is developing well. (thrive)
4. These official papers contain the king’s signature. (Document)
5. The old man’s children are fighting over the estate. (offspring)
6. A: Do you think we can ask him for help?
B: Sure. He is an expert who studies societies and human behavior in groups. (sociologist)
S: The gap is not always negative. The gap can help people realize their own problems, e.g. lack of respect, lack of communication, lack of tolerance of imperfection and so on.
S: 1) Through efforts (generated by love and understanding between parents and their offspring)
2) the generation gap is a very natural thing, and a positive attitude and communication between parents and children will help.
S: problems get solved, personalities change, conflicts turn into harmony and the family thrives.
其中coin 和document在词汇手册中没有出现,需要学生猜测出意思。
Topic sentence
Support sentences
教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 说 明
1.Let’s go back to the title. Try to ask questions about the underlined word. 5’
Extensive Reading 10’
“The disappearing generation gap”
Shanghai Students’ Post March 28, 2006-04-21
1. Read the passage and match the title with the contents.
2. Read the passage again, and find out the writer’s attitude towards the new equality between parents and children?
3.Today we have talked about generation gap, and what’s your opinion on it? Is it positive or negative, use the beginning to think about at least 5 sentences to show your opinion. 5’ Love Narrows the Gap
S: What is the gap?
Why should we narrow the gap?
How can we narrow the gap?
Before reading, you can analyze the title carefully and you can know what will be written in the text. It’s a good reading skill.
Let’s read the following titles and passages and match the titles with the passages.
A. Downsides of being equal
B. The new equality in family
C. Generation gap widens in China
D. Generation gap is a natural thing
S: The result can be a rewarding closeness among family members. Conversations that would have been awkward on subjects such as sex and drugs now are comfortable and common between western parents and children.
In my opinion, it is negative (positive) in the following aspects. First, furthermore, last but not the least. In a word.
As far as I am concerned, generation gap is both negative and positive.
课后要求及作业 Composition: A story between my father (mother) and me (conflict) 200 words.
课 后 反 思
在本课中,以Love Narrows the Gap为载体,训练了学生根据上下文理解词义的技巧,改变他们碰到生单词就查词典,浪费时间的方法。同时,将英文解释带到课文中去翻译文中三个长句,加深对词汇的理解,也熟悉了该文中长句的意思,降低了阅读的难度。在六个猜词题目中,注意了老师先示例,学生后练习,在核对检验的过程,让学生在猜词过程中有一定的梯度,不会觉得很难。
第二,教师对标题的提问,启发学生分析标题。学生在回答提问过程中发现作者在文中就是围绕标题来写的。所以,分析标题就能预知全文内容,体现了认真阅读标题的重要性。通过标题的问答,学生清楚地了解了文章的结构布局是由代沟概念---对待代沟的态度--- 怎样缩小代沟来谋片布局的。特别是第三段,作者的观点句是首句:The gap is not always negative. 紧接着是支撑:The gap can help people realize their own problems, e.g. lack of respect, lack of communication, lack of tolerance of imperfection and so on.通过对学生分析文章的布局结构,让学生更好的理解作者主旨。




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