模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature 重点词组和句型(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)

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Unit 3 Science versus nature
1. beyond one’s imagination (p42) 超出某人的想像
2. on the one hand,…on the other hand 一方面…, 另一方面…
3.point out 指出;指明
4. interfere in/ with 干涉;干扰
5.on one’s way/on the way to(to为介词) 接近,快要;在去…的路上
6.in general 一般来说,通常
7.be praised for 因…而受到表扬
8. scientific breakthrough 科学突破
9. focus/concentrate (efforts/attention …) on… 集中(努力/注意力…)于…
10.with the intention of … 带着…的目的
11. even though/if 即使
12. cause anxiety 引起忧虑
13.be desperate to do/for sth 迫不及待的想去做/想得到…
14.be related to 与…有关系
15.push ahead with 义务反顾地进行…
16. succeed in doing 成功地做了…
17. the first to clone a human being 克隆人类的第一人
18. deal with the consequences (p43) 应付各种后果
19. end up replacing us 最终取代我们
20. for sale 供出售,待销售
21. use up Earth’s resources 用尽地球资源
22. point out 指出
23. comment on/ make comments on 点评…;对…做出评价
24. be in complete agreement with 完全同意……
25. on a personal note 根据我个人的观点
26. go against nature (p45) 违反自然
27. put ……in place 把…准备就绪;把…准备妥当
28. be best left… (p47) 最好让某人/某物…的状态
29. be similar to 与…相似
30. in the field of science (p49) 在科学领域
31. figure out 想出,理解,明白;计算出
32. on one’s part 就某人而言
33. height-increasing operation (p52) 增高手术
34. free-range (p53) 在农场自由放养的…
35. weight gain or loss (p55) 体重增加或减少
36. side effects (p56) 副作用
37. follow in one’s footsteps 效法某人,继承某人的事业或传统
38. in/with reference to 关于
39.in response / reply to 应答;回应/答复
40. conduct a survey 进行调查(民意、收入等)
41. to conclude/to sum up /in a word 总而言之
42. perform a test/survey/study….. (p57) 进行测试/……
43. be limited to 限制在……内
44. be resistant to 抵制……
45. endlessly overdevelop Earth’s resources 没完没了地过度开发地球资源
46. be in favor of sth 赞成,有利于
47. the point of view 观点
48. meet/satisfy one’s needs 满足某人的要求
49. spell disaster 招致灾难
50. turn out to be/ that… 结果是,结果证明
1. A recent announcement by scientists that they have successfully cloned the first
human embryo has caused much debate and has shocked many people around the
2. On the other hand, many people, including some scientists disagree and fear that
if mankind interferes with nature in this way, they may be on their way to producing a real-life Frankenstein’s monster.
3. Although he researches cloning, his intention has never been to create copies of humans.
4. I’m desperate to have a child of my own.
5. If I had a chance, I would have a cloned baby tomorrow.
6. While cloning human embryos is illegal many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with research so as to deliver a cloned human baby.
7.China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.
8. I think some things are best left the way they are.
9. Now you can see how similar your school life is to your body.
10. Now there is an alternative!
11. To conclude, I urge you to seek the opinions of the people of the UK on this matter so we can end this immoral practice immediately.
12. So far, research has been limited to increasing production profits, rather than ensuring safety.
13. Not everything that is best for nature is good for people.
14. From the point of view of some people, we are only doing what humans have always done, using nature to meet our own needs.
15.The developing and developed countries of the world need to work together to ensure that people enjoy healthy and productive lives, without the environment around them suffering.
16. Most of the time it turns out that humans are not really profiting when they damage the environment.



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