家块11 Unit 3 单じ毙(璣语㏄报)Welcome to the unit(译狶瑉蔼英语毙毙学设计)

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Teaching and learning plan for
M11U3 The secret of success
The first period----Welcome to the unit
Teaching aims:
1. Train the studentsˇ ability of speaking.
2. Get the students to discuss success.
Teaching Important Points:
Finish the task of talking about how to become a successful person to train the studentsˇ speaking ability.
Teaching Difficult Point:
How to help the students finish the task of speaking.
Teaching Methods:
1. Free talk, discussion and speaking to train the studentsˇ ability to use English.
2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
兂Step ⒐ Greetings and Lead-in
Many people Work very hard to become successful in their chosen career. Look at the following pictures of successful individuals and discuss the questions below with a partner.

兂Step II Listening
兂Step III talk about welcome to the unit:
1. What qualities do you think each person above has that made them successful?
2. Do you know any successful people? What did they do?
3. Do you want to be successful? How do you think you could achieve success?
兂Step V: Homework
Preview the reading text.



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