模块11 Unit 4 全单元教案(英语周报)高考模拟试题 (译林牛津版高三英语教案教学设计)

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Grammar and Vocabulary
Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.
Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.
1.If you made most of the equipment, there would be rise in production.
A./, / B.the, a C.the, the D.the, /
2.The number 9.11 is a special number, , I think, that will be remembered by the Americans forever.
A.what B.it C.which D.one
3.The failure was nothing serious, but seemed to have lost confidence.
A.in itself B.by itself C.of itself D.to itself
4.A short, thin man past middle age, visited the manager and applied for the position.
A.well B.much C.too D.highly
5.The WHO estimates that 9,700 people will eventually die of the disaster’s aftereffects, but Greenpeace last week predicted that the total will be .
A.as nine times high B.nine times higher
C.higher than nine times D.as high nine times as
6.If you stop smoking, you can only expect to have a bad cough.
A.won’t B.would not C.does not D.can not
7.My mother the soup and it salty.
A.is tasting … tastes B.has tasted … is tasting
C.is tasting … is tasted D.tastes … has been tasted
8.The monitor suggested to the Sea World in the summer vacation.
A.to me visiting B.their visiting C.to me their visit D.they visit
9.With two more professional hands you with the work later on, scarcely will you have any trouble your task ahead of time.
A.helping … fulfilling B.help … to fulfill
C.will help … fulfilled D.to help … fulfilling
10.Troops in Guantanamo say they are serving a role as important, if not as dangerous as the one by soldiers in Iraq now.
A.is being played B.being played C.to be played D.plays
11.Water will continue to be it is today --- next to oxygen in importance.
A.how B.as C.that D.since
12.There no hurry, need there?
A.need to be B.doesn’t need C.need be D.needs
13.He was a born sailor and I can’t remember any occasion he had any sort of accident with the boat.
A.when B.where C.at which D.why
14.On the winding path .
A.were footprints of some strange animals to be found
B.were to be found footprints of some strange animals
C.to be found were footprints of some strange animals
D.footprints of some strange animals were to be found
15. not one thing on its own but the combination of posture, distance, time, facial expression, eye contact etc. plays such an important role in the attraction to the beloved ones.
A.It is … which B.There’s … that C.It is … that D.that is … that
16. I bet none of our politicians know it feels like to have to raise everything important off the floor every time a hurricane strikes Louisiana.
A.that B.whether C.what D.which
17.The of the relief to the flooded area was held up because of the inconvenient road conditions.
A.carriage B.transportation C.delivery D.arrival
18.The plant manager was promoted to a(n) position. Which choice is wrong?
A.administrative B.better – paying C.executive D.higher
19.He the role of the leader in the emergency.
A.assumed B.entitled C.required D.qualified
20.When computer first stepped out of the lab, people feared that it would our human beings sooner or later.
A.get over B.come over C.take over D.turn over
Directions: for each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Essays for Early Writers
21 for the essay writers: For each essay, begin with a topic (focus) sentence that 22 the main ideas that you will be writing about. Then write at least four to five sentences that clearly explain the 23 of your essay. End the essay with a strong closing sentence that summarizes what you wrote. Check that your grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct. 24 to use complete sentences and write neatly!
General Topics:
Book Report: Use this form to write a book report, noting the book’s name, author, main character, 25 ,and plot summary.
Movie Review: Review a movie. Include a description 26 the characters, the story, the scenery, and what you liked the 27 and the least about the movie.
A Veteran’s Story: Write a page about a relative or friend who was in the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, or National Guard. Who was this person, when did this person 28 , was it during a war, what did that person do during their service, and what are their recollections (回忆)of their service?
A Friend: Write about what being a friend means to you. 29 what friends do and how they behave with each other and with other people. What happens when friends disagree?
Improve the World: what you would do to improve the world? Think of actions you could take to help make the world a 30 place. June 23 is United Nations Public Service Day.
21.A.Instruments B.Installments C.Indications D.Instructions
22.A.states B.talks C.speaks D.says
23.A.object B.words C.point D.purpose
24.A.Insure B.Make sure C.See to it that D.Assure
25.A.setting B.content C.people D.topic
26.A.with B.for C.to D.of
27.A.best B.more C.most D.better
28.A.study B.serve C.do D.stay
29.A.Describe B.Imagine C.Review D.Report
30.A.clean B.easy C.better D.neatly
It moved without a ripple, a moon – white circle under the surface, and in a few seconds it was as far away as it had been when he had first seen it. Then it 31 the top of the water. Jonsai gasped (took a breath).
It was a turtle. (海龟)
Jonsai rubbed his eyes, thinking that the sun had 32 them. It was not unusual to find turtles feeding near the edge of the coral (珊瑚). But this was not an ordinary turtle. It stayed there on the surface, as 33 as foam (泡沫) or bone or sun – dried coral, shining like oyster shell. The turtle stayed still for some time. So did the boy. Leaning forward, he stared without moving, disbelief giving way to a small 34 . He even dared not move for a short while. There was 35 as a white turtle. His 36 moved first. Tonight the men would return from the pig hunt. Samu and Aesake would be at the dinner with the men. He, Jonsai, would have to 37 with the women and children. But what would happen if, at the height of the dinner, Jonsai brought forward a gift for Chief Vueti, something he had never 38 before, a present that would make him the 39 of every chief on the island? His heart beat fast, but steady now, as he paddled closer, moving 40 like a thief. He must try his best to catch the turtle.
31.A.discovered B.broke C.spoiled D.reached
32.A.brightened B.bathed C.burnt D.weakened
33.A.light B.bright C.white D.pretty
34.A.surprise B.excitement C.fear D.disappointment
35.A.not such things B.no such thing C.not such thing D.no such a thing
36.A.hands B.feet C.head D.mind
37.A.deal B.stand C.sit D.wait
38.A.seen B.heard C.found D.got
39.A.chief B.respect C.envy D.hero
40.A.freely B.suddenly C.proudly D.swiftly
Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C, and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
Waller was a liked – by – all fellow full of fun who often went to coffee houses to tell people interesting stories, of which some even brought him money. One day, asked by an office secretary who told Waller that his boss was a never – seen – before serious man and he never even smiled, Waller would tell a most funny story. “Well, sir,” Waller said before he began the story. “What will be given in return if I succeed?” “$ 100,” replied the secretary. “I haven’t seen him have a bright face since I worked in his office.”
“Then let’s make it,” Waller went to the man’s table and whispered to him, “Please tell your boss that the funny man Waller’s hen gave birth to a baby.”
Three days later a letter reached Mr Waller in which were $ 100 and a piece of yellow paper with the words: “Mr Waller, you have succeeded. When I repeated your $ 100 – worth sentence, my boss burst into frightening laughter, saying that whoever has managed to make him laugh during the business hours will get dismissed!”
41.Waller often went to coffee houses to tell people interesting stories in order to .
A.make money B.practice telling stories
C.enjoy himself D.draw the secretary’s attention
42.The secretary asked Waller for a most funny story because he .
A.was tired of his boss seriousness
B.tried to please his serious boss with it
C.wanted to improve his working conditions
D.wanted to see his boss’s laughing face
43.The best title for the passage is .
A.Things Went Opposite to Wishes B.Satisfying Both Sides
C.Killing Two Birds with One Stone D.Either Is in His Proper Place
Questions are based on the following advertisements:
Media Director
Job Code: A – 05 – 010 Posted: Mar. 13
Salary: $90,000 – S 120,000 Location: Irving TX
Employer: Michaels Stores Inc. Type: Full Time – Experienced
The Media Director is responsible for managing the Media Department. The Media Director is responsible for overseeing market analyses and media recommendations for all existing, new and prospective retail locations. The Media Director manages and reviews all advertising expenses that pertain to media and oversees all media agreements for newspapers, radio, television, outdoor and magazine advertising. The Media Director is responsible for the training and development of staff. The Media Director determines the media goals and objectives for the company and executes overall media strategy.
Notes: U. S. Residents Only. Salary is based on full compensation package including bonus and executive stock plan.
Bachelor’s Degree: Degree in Advertising, Marketing or related field.
Work Experience:
Minimum of 10 years in all phases of print media buying and planning.
Desktop Technology Consultant
Salary: $ 41,000 --- $ 59,000 Location: Washington D. C. metropolitan area
Employer: Jameson Stores Inc. Work Schedule: Full Time
Computer Information Systems professionals: if you enjoy being the one that everyone comes to for computer technical help, then we are looking for you. You will respond to incoming customer calls for IT assistance; provide one – on – one consultation and applications troubleshooting assistance.
44.The media director is responsible for the following except .
A.reviewing advertising expenses
B.overseeing media agreements for outdoor advertising
C.executing media strategy
D.the welfare of the employees
45.The applicants for the position of media director should .
A.be living in the United States
B.have Ph. D. degree
C.have stock share
D.have more than 10 years in a business environment
46.The technology consultant will .
A.help customers with IT problems B.purchase IT products for the company
C.sell computers to customers D.sell IT information to customers
47.Both ads offer clear information about the following except .
A.education requirement B.location of the job
C.salary D.description of the job
Of all the problems facing modern astronomers, perhaps the most fascinating is: “Can intelligent life exist elsewhere?” Since the Earth is an unimportant planet moving round an unimportant star, it would be a pride on our part to suppose that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe. But to obtain proof is difficult.
The main trouble is that our neighbor worlds, the bodies in the solar system appear to be unsuitable for advanced life forms. The Moon may be ruled out at once; it has hardly any atmosphere. Venus is little better; the surface temperature is extremely high and the atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide. Mars with a very thin atmosphere and a severe shortage of water, may well support simple plant life but there seems no hope of finding animals, while the attractive Martians of the story – tellers have long since been given up.
Of course this has not stopped the flow of bright ideas for communicating with the supposed people on Mars. In the early nineteenth century the great mathematician Gauss suggested planting tree – patterns in Siberia, so that the Martians would see them and replay suitably.
Following up this idea, the Austrian scientist Karl Littrow proposed digging very wide ditches in the Sahara, triangular in patterns, and then filling them with petrol or some substance so that, when lit, the ditches would present Martian observers with a “flaming triangle” which would show the existence here of intelligent minds. Even better were the plans of Charles Cross, a French writer of the 1870’s, who wanted to build a large mirror to reflect the sun’s rays and concentrate them on the surface of Mars, thereby making a vast burning – glass. By swinging the mirror around, Cross explained it would be practicable to write words in the Martian deserts simply by burning the sand. For many years he bombarded (炮轰) the French government with literature about this plan and was very disappointed when no official interest was shown.
48.The opinion of the writer is that .
A.there may be other intelligent beings in the universe
B.there are other intelligent beings in the universe
C.people living on the earth are almost certainly the only intelligent beings in the universe
D.people living on the earth are definitely the only intelligent beings in the universe
49.There is unlikely any life on Venus because .
A.the surface is too hot B.the weather is too cold
C.it is severely short of water D.it has a very thin atmosphere
50.It seems that Mars .
A.may be inhabited by attractive Martians
B.may have some vegetable life
C.can have no life at all
D.may have both vegetable and animal life
51.Charles Cross felt .
A.angry when the government paid little attention to his ideas
B.pleased when the government did take notice of his plan
C.surprised that the officials were interested in his suggestion
D.disappointed at the lack of interest shown in his plan
“There will always be bears, and there will always be bulls, but one can never know when one will dominate the other.” This quote by noted economist William Urster efficiently summarizes the economic theory of market cycles, in which periods of economic growth must inevitably be followed by periods of downturn, and vice versa. These respective periods play off one another, reinforcing a positive trend of growth over the long term.
It is a tradition on Wall Street to refer to periods of sustained economic loss and recession as “bear” markets. The name is derived from the way a bear attacks its prey, by swinging downward with its claws, thus indicating the market’s downward charted trend. The “bull” market, however, is explained as following the upward motion a bull uses to attack its enemy with its horns, signaling an upward trend for the economy. As the bear and the bull do battle, the investors find the economy quite unpredictable, and thus hard to apply the time – honored philosophy of buying stocks when the market is low, so as to sell when the market is high, at a substantial profit.
Such market timing is not necessary, however. Over the history of the American stock exchange, the long – term pattern for the economy has always been up. In fact, the American economy, as gauged by the Standard and Poor’s Index, has grown at an astonishing 11% average per year. Thus, by simply investing at an appropriate time and keeping one’s money in the market, long – term investors who can stomach the roller – coaster (忽好忽坏的) ride through the down periods will come out much richer for it in the long run.
Few seem to have the patience and discipline to think long – term in the market, however, preferring to gamble instead, by hopping in and out of stocks, hoping to catch the buy at the lowest point and the sell at the highest. It has been statistically proven, however, that such short – term trading tends to result in losses over time. Aside from losses due to bad sales, tax consequences and brokerage fees chip away at these short – sighted traders’ pockets, reinforcing the lesson. “Patience is a virtue,” it’s said, and the stock market certainly provides no exception.
52.It is argued that the least successful investors are those who .
A.invest only in the short term
B.try to time market periods by constantly buying and selling
C.maintain a long – term view of the economy
D.have the discipline to invest for long – term periods
53.The underlined word “gauged” means .
A.calculated something by using a particular instrument
B.tried to make a judgment about something
C.made an estimate
D.expressed an opinion about something
54.What can be inferred from the text?
A.If an investor has patience, he will see his money grow in the stock market.
B.Without discipline, an investor cannot make money in the United States stock market.
C.The US economy is best characterized by the metaphor of the bull.
D.Even when losses are suffered, a long – term approach will end in profit.
55.The author uses the quote by Urster in the first paragraph in order to .
A.support his hypothesis by showing that a prominent figure agrees with him
B.use an expert’s opinion as the basis of his argument
C.explain why the stock market is such an unpredictable institution
D.introduce the main point of the text
Directions: Read the text and choose the most suitable heading from this list for each paragraph of the text. There is one extra heading.
Growing numbers of foreigners are showing a desire to learn the Chinese language, according to the latest official statistics. It is estimated that the number coming to China to learn the language has maintained an average annual growth rate of 35 per cent over the past few years.
China’s continuous economic expansion and the strengthening of its trade and business ties with the rest of the world have been behind the interest in learning Chinese. These kinds of business engagements have in turn sparked a huge demand for professional employees in foreign countries with a good command of Chinese.
The trend is more evident among some of China’s largest trading partners, particularly Japan, the United States, the Republic of Korea and some nations in southeast Asia. “I think good knowledge of Chinese can help me secure a good job back in my country as there is a growing number of companies setting up operations in China,” said a 24 – year – old female student of Peking University who comes form South Korea. She added that a certificate of the Chinese Proficiency Test, or Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK), is important when seeking a job in a large foreign trade company in South Korea.
The HSK test began in Beijing in 1988. It is a national, standardized test designed to assess foreign students’ command of Chinese. So far, the Office of the State Commission for the Chinese Proficiency Test has set up 44 testing centers in 27 cities in China, including Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, and 55 centers in 24 other countries in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Oceania. Since 1991, a total of 380,000 people from 120 countries have taken the test in those centers, said Vice – Minister of Education Zhang Xinsheng.
“The Chinese language as well as Chinese culture and other languages and cultures – has played a tremendous role in developing human civilization and pushing forward social progress.” Zhang said. “Hopefully the exchange of languages can help enhance understanding and friendship between peoples of different countries.” He added.
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
3.近来,中国的贫富悬殊引起了广泛的关注。(There be…)
Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words, according to the cues given below in Chinese.
Grammar and Vocabulary
Reading Comprehension
A.41-43 CDA B.44-47 DAAA C.48-51 AABD D.52-55 BCDD
E.56-60 DBCAE
During the Spring Festival, the train fares are likely to
1 1
remain / stay / keep unchanged / the same.
It’s likely that the train fares will remain / stay / keep unchanged / the same
1 1
during the Spring Festival.
Nowadays, being equipped / equipping oneself with a knowledge of computer
1 0.5
is an important qualification for most / most of the posts.
1 0.5
3.近来,中国的贫富悬殊引起了广泛的关注。(There be…)
Recently / Lately , there is a widespread concern over the large gap
1 1
between the rich and the poor in China
It was such a kind of hidden power that enabled us
1 1
to do / work / perform wonders/ miracles.
If you continue to focus on chatting by internet.
1 1
you will no doubt / undoubtedly / certainly regret frequently in the future.
1 1
Young people should not avoid difficulties. On the contrary.
1 1
they should try / do their best / make every effort to overcome / get over them.
1 1
Guided Writing
档次 内容 语言 组织结构
A 9~10 9~10 4~5
B 7~8 7~8 3~4
C 5~6 5~6 2
D 3~4 3~4 1
E 0~2 0~2 0
答题卡97分 听力8分 中译英20分 作文25分




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