译林牛津英语模块10 Unit 4 金色教案及教学资源打包(学英语报)●Word power(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

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1. If the police have enough evidence to prove that the person is guilty, they will charge the person with the crime. (P54) 如果警察有足够的证据证明这个人有罪, 他们将会指控这个人的罪行.
charge: verb 指控
She's been charged with murder.
She is charged with murdering her husband.
The paper charged her with using the company's money for her own purposes.
charge sb. with sth.: 指控某人犯了…罪, 相当于accuse sb. of sth.
(1) verb 冲, 冲锋
[I or T] to move forward quickly and violently, especially towards something which has caused difficulty or annoyance:
The bull lowered its horns and charged.
The violence began when the police charged (at) a crowd of demonstrators.
(2) noun 负责
responsibility for controlling or caring for something:
Her ex-husband has charge of the children during the week and she has them at the weekend.
His boss asked him to take charge of the office for a few days while she was away.
Who will be in charge of the department when Sophie leaves?
I left Jack in charge of the suitcases while I went to get the tickets.
take charge of: 负责
in charge of: 负责
in the charge of: 在…的负责之下
(3) verb 索价
to ask an amount of money for something, especially a service or activity:
How much/What do you charge for a haircut and blow-dry?
They charge you $20 just to get in the nightclub.
The local museum doesn't charge for admission.
charge sb. some money for sth.: 因…向某人索要…
(4) noun 费用
the amount of money that you have to pay for something, especially for an activity or service:
Is there a charge for children or do they go free?
There's an admission charge of £5.
They fixed my watch free of charge.
free of charge:免费
2. …then the suspect must go to court for a trial. (P54) 然后这个嫌疑犯必须上法庭接受审判.
go to court: 上法庭, 起诉
court作为抽象名词,前面不加冠词, 但作为具体含义时,要加冠词, 试比较下面几组短语:
in hospital: 在住院
in the hospital: 在医院里
at school: 在上学
in the school: 在学校里
go to college 上大学
go to church: 去教堂做礼拜
go to the church: 到教堂里去
When he left college , he got a job as reporter in a newspaper office . (2004天津)
A. 不填;a B. 不填;the C. a ; the D. the ; the
选A. 此处college为抽象名词, 前面不加冠词.



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