模块10 Unit 2 People on the move 主阅读教案(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

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课题:模块十第二单元主阅读——People on the move
总课时:第________课时 备课时间:____年____月____日
主备人:衡爱明 上课时间:____年____月____日
1.look at
I asked the engineeer to look at my car because I did not like the noises it was making.
The company is loking at a new way to market their latest products.
My tooth feels painful. I would like to have it looked at by a dentist.
2. on the move
My friend Mike likes travelling very much. He has been always on the move ever since he bught a jeep and joined a travel club.
In China, many people from the country are on the move to big cities because they think they will have a chance of finding a job and earning more money there.
3. aged
A woman aged about 60 won the lottery last night.
It is said that this IT company only employs men aged 20 to 30.
Who took care of the aged couple after their only son went abraod?
With more and more young and middle-aged people going to work in cities, many villages, were left with only children and aged people.
4. trend
Young men seem to be following the trend of weaing pink T-shirts this summer.
The company’s shares are following the general trend, and starting to clubm again.
His clothing designs are very popular with women because they do not follow any one trend.
5. elderly
As there are more and more aged people, the government pays a lot of attention to making public facilities convenient for the elderly to use.
The students in our school often go to help the elderly in the community at the weekend.
A well-dressed elderly lady announced the opening of the ceremony.
People are maing adaptations to their lives to try to cause less damage to the environment.
He had made some adaptations to the car to make it go faster.
The children’s quick adaptation to the new environment meant that they were very happy in the kindergarten.
7. attractive
The house’s low price was very attractive to a lot of people.
The foreign company made me a very attractive offer for my business.
The south of France is a very attrctive place for holiday makers in the summer.
8. speak with one voice
In the matter of environmental protection, even rival companies are speaking with one voice.
The family argue a lot and do not usually speak with one voice about anything.
9. partner
All of the business people brought their partners to the company dinner.
There are two partners in every marriage. They were life partners.
The children had to each have a partner when they went on a school trip to the zoo.
1. For decades, Florida has been attracting older resients.
2. It is not surprising that Florida’s Charlotte County is known as the oldest place in the USA.
3. That’s why moving somewhere warmer makes sense.
4. The one thing that is clear, however/ though, is that young people are speaking with one voice, “To the cities!”
5. I have to go where the big companies are because I want to be a top accountant.
1.on the move 2.head south 3.the survey conducted in 2000
4.be home to 5. account for 6. be known/ famous as
7. a variety of reasons 8.make sense 9. cater to
10.be surrounded by 11.a boom in population 12.speak with one voice
13. drive sb. to do sth. 14. look at 15. one’s flesh and bood
1.变老 2.朝…前进 3.高速公路
4.常年的 5.季节性的 6.居民
7.易变的 8.滑倒 9.业主
10.海鸥 11.移动的,流动的 12.当地居民
13.房租 14.职员 15.会计
16.女主人 17.标题 18.便士
1.mobility 2.pension 3.landscape4.ambulance
5.Oceania 6.Midwestern 7.database
8.allowance 9.buffet 10.brunch
1.season/ seasonal
(1) We change our clothes with the ________.
(2) ________ fruit and vegetables are always cheap and easily got in this small island.
2. change/ changeable
(1) It is a reality that human caused climate ________.
(2) This article is on why our life is so ________ and puts forward some suggestions.
3. mobile/ mobility
(1) Wherever you are, you can keep contact with your family folks by ________ phone at any time.
(2) A reform and opening policy offers greater opportunities for social ________.
4. adapt/ adaptation
(1) The main reason why he failed in his job is the lack of working environmental ________.
(2) When you go to a new country, you must ________ yourself to new customs.
5. variety/ various
(1) There are numerous ________ of goods in the shopping mall to choose from.
(2) According to ________ reports, many people died in the car accidents last year.
6. edit/ edition
(1) Several new words appear in the second ________.
(2) The editor asked the colleagues to ________ the text carefully to make sure it is suitable for publication.
rent; local; pension; permanent; retire; slip; age; opportunity
1. The ________ government did it for the interests of the whole community.
2. After they got married, they ________ a house and moved away from their parents.
3. We’ll have another ________ to visit the exhibition next year.
4. The small-sized coalmine is demanded by the government to stop mining coal ________.
5. My home is a(n) ________ place with tens of years and surrounded with tall green trees.
6. After ________, he got a sum of pension allowance from his former company.
7. He was looking at the ceiling when the stranger ________ into the house.
8. He is out of work now and lives on the unemployment ________.
head for; be home to; be known as; account for; cater to; graduate from; make sense; be tired of
1. Good readers are always aware of the occasions when they are confused or when the text does not ________.
2. After the play we all ________ the bar.
3. Africa ________ the largest number of wild animals in the world.
4. Each time we have to go home, we ________ 10 hours’ journey on the train.
5. Finding out that he didn’t even ________ college, he regretted wasting too much time on computer games.
6. Many schools in the new term offer a wide range of subjects to ________ the students’ interests and needs.
7. We find that only a samll number of factors ________ the growth in urshasing houses.
8. In the past five years, Harriet has written hundreds of articles on the blog and now she ________ a blogger.
1. “It’s ________ your business,” the young man said rudely.
A. much of B. none of C. neither of D. nothing of
2. To their great fear, they found ________ in the heaviest snowfall they had ever had.
A. they were catching B. themselves caught
C. they had caught D. themselves catching
3. His idea of having weekly famiy meals together, which seemed difficult at first, she ________ many good changes in their lives.
A. turned into B. got through C. resulted from D. brought about
4. If you are not yet ________, you are forbidden to buy cigarettes and drink in this pub.
A. eighteen years B. at age of 18 C. 18-year-old D. 18 years of age
5. His behaviour at the party last night seemed rather ________. Many of us were quitye surprised.
A. out of practice B. out of place C. out of politenes D. out of pity
1. 为了在国际上占有更大的一份市场,很我国有企业正在努力让它们的产品更具竞争性。
In order to ________ ________ ________ ________ in the international market, many state-run companies are striving to ________ their products ________ ________.
2. 我需要一只结实的箱子,把这些书全放进去。
I want a strong box to ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.
3. 他在穿过一条河流探险时,有一次被凶猛又危险的鳄鱼围住。
When he made an adventure across a river, he was once ________ ________ fierce and dangerous crocodiles.
4. 最近的股市指数继续呈上升趋势。
The latest figures continue the ________ ________ in the stock market.
I. 1.(1)season (2) Seasonal 2.(1)change (2)changeable 3.(1)mobile (2)mobility 4.(1)adaptation (2)adapt 5.(1)varieties (2)various 6.(1)edition (2)edit
II. 1.local 2.rented 3.opportunity 4.permanently 5.aged 6.retirement 7.slipped 8.pension
III. 1.make sense 2.headed for 3.is home to 4.are tired of 5.graduate from 6.cater to 7.account for 8.is known as
V. 1.gain a bigger share; make; more competitive 2.pull all these books into/ in 3.surrounded by 4.is experiencing a boom 5.growing trend




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