矿大附2007级中高一英语强化训练:译林牛津英语模块1 unit 1 词组(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

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Unit one School life in the UK
1. be present at =
2. attend (on) sb照料,看护= take care of sb
3. 参加会交谈 join in our conversation
4. win/ earn respect 受到尊重
show respect for sb 尊重某人
respect oneself 自重
5. 平均地 _____ the /an average
___ (the) average 高于平均
an average of +数字 平均有….
6. 错过, 逃脱 miss doing sth
7. 一位有经验的老师 an ____ teacher
8. 较平时___usual;照常;与往常一样__ usual
9. 免费地 ___free = free of charge
10. 毫无用处 of no use = useless
11. 了解,听说有关情况 know of /about
12. 放学后______; 毕业,退学 _____
13. 意味着 mean ____; 打算 mean ___
mean sb to do sth 打算让某人做..
14. 有点累/有点以较暖和
a bit/ a little tired/ warmer
not a bit = ______; not a little =______
一点水 a little water = a _____ water
15. 起初 ___ first ; 首先 first ____ all
在学期结束时 ________
16. 准备饭prepare the meal
为…. 做准备 prepare ___
=make preparations for sth
让某人准备做 _______
为…准备好be prepared for
准备好做 be prepared ____
17. 为人民服务____ the people
serve tea 上茶
serve in the arm 服兵役
18吸引某人的主意力 draw /catch/ attract one’s ____
fix one’s attention ___ 集中精力于……
18. 参考,涉及,谈到 refer ___
查字典look up a word in the dictionary
19. 几天前 the ___ day 将来某一天 someday
20. 一完成学业,…____finishing his studies=_________
21. 喜欢A 甚于喜欢B prefer A ____ B
prefer doing __ doing= prefer to do ___ do
=would rather do ___ do
prefer to/ doing sth 喜欢做….
22. 后悔做了…regret ____;遗憾要做regret ___
23. 因某事祥某人道歉 ____ to sb for sth= make an _____to sb for sth
24. cause sb to do sth 使某人做某事
cause sth to be done 使某事被做
the cause of sth 某事的起因
25. (某事)需要做require ____ ;要求某人做 require sb to do sth; require +that 从句应should +动原形
26. compare A____ B 把A与 B相比
compare A ____ B 把A比作B
compared with/ ___ 和….相比(作壮语)
27. 轮流做..take turn ___ sth…in turn 轮流,依次
28. 要完成的事 things _______
29. 发生 take _____ 节省空间 ____ space
30. I find my book ____(不见了).
31. 省去, 漏掉, 不考虑 leave ____
32. relate to _______
33. ______(最好) to make as many ___ as you can 尽可能多的比较.
34. 通知某人做某事 ___ sb of sth =be informed of sth 创办个俱乐部 ____ a club
35. 播放学生唱的歌 play songs ____ by the students
36. 对…负责 be responsible ____
37. 由…构成 _____ of
38. 对…确信,有信心 be _____ of
39. more than +n./adj/v. 不仅仅,不止于
no more than 仅仅,只不过
not more than 不多于,不超过
40. Jack is no longer the lazy boy that he used to



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