牛津英语模块10 Unit 2 Welcome to the unit & Word Power(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

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Period One Welcome to the unit &Word Power(for students)
Previewing exercises for Period One:
1. What’s the topic of the unit we are going to learn now?
2. What do you think people “on the move” means?
3. Can you think of any reasons why people are on the move?
II. Let’s study the five pictures on P17 and try to discuss the following questions in groups of four.
Where the people move and why they move?
Picture 1
I just got a new job in another country. I think it’ll be fun to experience a new culture
We are moving to _________________
The reason for moving is ______?______
Picture 2
We want to live somewhere warm. We’re tired of the snow!
We are moving to _________________
The reason for moving is ______?______
Picture 3
I’m going abroad to study. I hope to get a better job when I return home.
I am moving to _________________
The reason for moving is ______?______
Picture 4
I have to move to a city. There are no jobs in this small town where I live.
I am moving to _________________
The reason for moving is ______?______
Picture 5
We’re moving to a new flat. We need more space so we can all live together.
We are moving to _________________
The reason for moving is ______?______
III.Choose the right definition for each word:
1. industry a. producing goods in factories
2. agriculture b. the process by which a place starts to develop industries
3. industrialization c. the countryside
4. rural area d. a way of measuring how good people’s lives are
5. urban e. growing goods on farms
6. urbanization f. area covered by a town or city
7. population g. the number of people in an area or a country
8. migration patterns h. how expensive people find it to live their everyday life
9. modernization i. the process of introducing new ideas to the development of an area
10. living standards j. the mass movement people form one place to another
11. cost of living k. the process of areas of countryside turning into industrial cities
Language points for Period One:
1. It’ll be fun to experience a new culture_______________
2. be tired of ______________
be tired from/with _______________
He was tired of answering his little son’s continual questions.
I am tired from running as fast as I can.
3. go abroad _______________ 4. in a positive way ______________5. other than除了
Other than, except, apart from, besides, but 辨析:
1)except和besides都可作“除……之外” 但含义不同。
except “从所提到的人或物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分”,表示递减,含义是否定的
besides “除了…之外,还有…”,指“在整体中加入一部分”,表示递加的概念,含义是肯定的。
①We all went except him. 除他之外,我们都去了。(他没有去)
②We all went besides him. 除他之外,我们大家也都去了。(他也去了)
(1)besides常与other/more/else等词连用 ,except常与all/every/everyone/none/nobody/everything/nothing等总括词连用。
eg. He had other people to take care of besides me.
All the students in Class One went to the cinema except Li Ping.
eg. I had no choice except to obey/besides obeying his order.
eg. She has nothing to do except/besides go with him.
eg. ①Besides that he explained the theory he gave us some examples.
②He is a good student except that he sometimes comes late to school.
(5)except后面可接for(构成短语except for)或其他介词短语,而besides不能。
except for主要有三层含义:
eg.Your composition is quite excellent except for several spelling mistakes.
②表示非同类事物进行比较。 eg. The street is empty except for several cars.
③置于句首,表达except的含义。eg. Except for this, everything is in order.
except for后接名(代)词,可以转移为except+从句或其他介词短语。
eg. The climate here is good except for some rainy days.(except when it rains;except that it sometimes rains;except on the rainy days)
2). apart from兼有besides和except for两种含义,后接名词、代词或动名词。
3). but含义与except相同,都表示递减的概念,二者在多数情况下可以互换,但稍有区别。
②but for含义有时与except for相同,但主要表示“要不是…”,常用于虚拟句,表示假设。
No one but I (=except me) knows it. No one knows it but me (=except me).
4) other than含义与except/but相同,表示从总体中除去一部分,后接名词、代词或不定式。
eg. In that case there is nothing you can do other than wait. (2001年上海春季高考题)
7. Therefore, these places gradually come to have more and more similarities with the industrialized, urban areas. (P22)因此,这些地方逐渐和那些工业化的市区有了相似处。
1.) come to: 逐渐,慢慢的
I have come to realize that life is just like playing basketball. (第四次周练 完型填空)
come across ______________: to find (something or someone) by chance
He came across some old love letters
come up with_____________:to suggest or think of (an idea or plan)
Reublinger came up with a great idea for the ad campaign.
come at: to move quickly (someone) to attack them
He came at me with a knife.
come on (HURRY)___________ : to move or act quickly or more quickly
Come on -- we're going to be late if you don't hurry!
come to (BECOME CONSCIOUS)__________:to become conscious again after an accident or medical operation
She sat by the child's bedside until he came to.
____________: to reach (a particular point) His hair comes down to his shoulders.
We haven't come to a decision on the matter yet.
If you come to terms with something, you learn to understand and accept it: ________
He's trying to come to terms with his wife's death.
If something comes to light, it becomes known: ___________
Fresh evidence has recently come to light.
If something comes to rest, it stops: _________
The car hit the curb and came to rest in a ditch.
come true_____________: If something you desire comes true, it happens:
I'd always dreamed of owning my own home and now my dream has come true
The Second Period Reading
I: Words and phrases
1. look at: to examine or judge something to find out whether it is good or correct
eg. I asked the engineer to look at my car because I didn’t like the noises it was making. ________
The committee wouldn't even look at my proposal. 委员会对我的提议甚至_________.
I haven't had time to look at your essay yet. 我还未得空__________你的文章.
2. on the move「解析」 在旅途中,在迁徙中; 在运动中, 在发展中; 在忙碌中 如:
We’ll be on the move next week, so you won’t be able to reach us. ______________________
It’s an industry on the move. ______________________________
He’s always on the move and never has time to talk. _______________,根本没有时间说话。
常用短语: make a move 移动;挪动 make no move 不做任何事 如:
Don’t make a move; they’ll see you. _______,它们会看见你的。
She made no move to help with the cleaning. ______________________。
3. head south「解析」 head 这里是动词(及物或不及物),通常有以下几种意思:
(1)____________ e.g.Who headed the department?
(2)__________________ e.g.We're heading home.
(3)(常与for连用)______________ e.g.The thirsty animals headed for the water.
(4)(常与for连用)____________ e.g.You're heading for an accident if you drink and drive.
4. aged: adj. 1). at the age of, …years old
eg. A woman aged about 60 won the lottery last night. ________________________
2). very old, used before a person or some people
eg. Who took care of the aged couple after their only son died? ________________________
For the next ten years, Jane lived together with her aged mother until her mother died. _____
5. account for
「解析」account for 分别有四种不同用法: 如:
(1) account for sth. _____________________
A number of factors account for the differences between the two scores.
account for sb./sth. _______________________
Repeated purchases account for 73% of our sales. 重复购买__我们销售量的73%。
(2) account for sth. ______________________
You will be brought before the discipline panel to account for your behaviour.
(3) 弄清……下落(常用被动语态)
One small child was still not accounted for. 还有一个小孩子下落不明。
6. give a reason __________7. less changeable than ___________8. make sense ______________
9. trend trend: n. a general tendency, change or development
eg. Young men seem to be following the trend of wearing pink T-shirt this summer. ____________
The company’s shares are following the general trend, and starting to climb again. ________
His clothing designs are popular with women because they don’t follow any trend. _____
10. cater to _______ 11. make a change ___________
12. elderly: adj. & n. old; people who have passed middle age
eg. The students in our school often go to help the elderly in the community. _________
A well-dressed elderly lady announced the opening of the ceremony. __________________
13. adaptation: n. the process of changing something
eg. He had made some adaptations to the car to make it go faster. ________________________
The children’s quick adaptation to the new environment meant that they were very happy in the kindergarten. ________________________
14. flesh and blood _______________ 15. seek excitement ________________
16. speak with one voice: a group of people all agree and have the same opinion on a certain topic
eg. The family argue a lot and do not usually speak with one voice about anything.
The parents agreed that they had to speak with one voice when their children were naughty.
17. partner: the person that you are married to; a boyfriend or girlfriend; a person who does an activity or sport with you.
eg. The children had to each have a partner when they went on a school trip to the zoo. _________
18. get married______ 19.have fun_______ 20. drive…to_______ 21. bring a text to life______
II. Important sentences:
1.Older Americans are on the move. Throughout the Midwest and the North-east, people aged 60 over are packing their bags and heading south along the freeway to states like Florida.(page 18)
2. The question is, though, why are so many people retiring and spend their pensions in Florida? (page 18)
3. Recently, there has been a boom in population mobility, and according to the national population survey of 2000, 17 percent of the population moves every year. (page 19)
5. However, as the number of older Americans moving there increases, more changes are made to cater to them.(page18.)
6. I have to go where the big companies are because I want to be a top accountant.(page19)
7. Ambition can drive some young people to the city to be ‘where the big companies are’. (page19)
Unit 2 People on the move
(for students)
Period One
Previewing exercises for Period One:
Sample answers:
1. people on the move
2. It means “move to another place”
3. to study in a university
to work in a company/school
to be with their family
to live in a nicer environment
to move somewhere for a better quality of life
II. Group work. Look at the five pictures below. Let’s study them one by one and try to discuss the following questions in groups of four.
Where the people move to Why the people move
● to another country
● to a warm place
● to a university abroad
● to a city
● to a new flat ● have got a new job there; to experience a new culture
● have become tired of snow
● to study so as to get a better job when returning home
● cannot find jobs in the small town
● need more space to live together
III. Answers;
1. a 2. e 3. b 4. c 5. f 6. k 7. g 8. j 9. i 10. d 11. h
Language points for period one:
1体验新的文化真有趣。 2 厌倦;因…疲倦 3出国 4 积极地
7 偶然遇见,提出, 袭击, 表示一种催促,鼓励,
苏醒过来, 达到,提到 , 接受 ;明了,变清晰 ; 停止; 实现
Period Two
1.仔细检查;不予考虑 ;仔细地读
2. 下周我们将出游,因此你找不到我们。
这是个发展迅猛的产业;他总是忙个不停 ; 别动 ; 她没有帮忙打扫
3. 1)为首;率领; 主持;领导 ( 谁主管着这个部门?)
2)朝着…方向走去 (我们正朝着家走。)
3)往…去 (干渴的动物向水走去。)
4 1)60岁左右 2)老年夫妇; 年老的母亲
5. 1)是……原因;引起;导致 (若干因素导致了这两个分数之间的不同。)
2)(在数量或比例上)占,占据 ;占
6 给出理由 7 变化较少 8 有意义;有道理 9 流行; 大势; 潮流
10 迎合 11 改变
12 老人;一位穿着整齐的年长的女士 13 修整 ;孩子们很快适应了
14 骨肉,亲人 15 寻找刺激 16 用同一个声音说 17 伙伴
18 结婚 19 玩得开心 20 驱动…到 21使复活/活跃




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