人教修订版高三英语Unit 14 Zoology教案及ab卷(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Word study 1. bee 2.transparent 3.dot
4.surrounding 5.troop 6.assumption 7.beyond 8.semicicle 9.apparent 10.sideways11.astonishing
12.maximum13.precise 14.adequate 15.clarify16.upward 17.disgusting
18.psychology19.changeable 20.adaptation 21.stripe
22.zebra 23.camel
25.missile 26.walnut
27.session 1. 蜜蜂2.透明的
3.小圆点4.周围附近的 5.群,(pl)部队6.假设
expressions 1.get hold of
3.over and over again
4.come to light
5.as a matter of 1.抓住
Patterns &
English Debating (辩论)
1. Opening statement
 Background information
 Topic
 Opinion: We think that…because…and…
2. First argument
 Explain and support the first reason
3. Sencond argument
 Explain and support the second reason
4. Questions
 Ask the other team questions
5. Closing statement
 Summarize your argument
 Restate your opinion
Grammer 复习情态动词表推测的用法:(must can could may might)
1. When you are very sure of something, you use must in positive sentences and cannot or couldn’t in negative sentences.
2. When you are quite sure about something, you use can.
3. When you think that something is possible, but you are not very sure, you use could, may or might.
Topics &
Writing 1. Talk about prepare for tests:
①.Plan ahead ②.Keep track
③.Be smart ④.Use your brain power
2.Writing a short essay in which you state and support your opinion.
Do Animals Communicate?
When we think of communication, we normally think of using words-talking face-to-face, writing messages and so on. But in fact we communicate far more in other ways. Our eyes and facial expressions usually tell the truth even when our words do not. Then there are gestures, often unconscious: raising the eyebrows, rubbing the nose, shrugging the shoulders, tapping the fingers, nodding and shaking the head.
There is also the even more subtle "body-language" language “of posture: are you sitting-or standing-with arms or legs crossed? Is that person standing with hands in pockets, held in front of the body or hidden behind? Even the way we dress and the colures we wear communicate things to others. So, do animals communicate? Not in words, although a parrot might be trained to repeat words and phrases which it doesn’t understand. But, as we have learnt, there is more to communication than words.
Take dogs for example. They bare their teeth to warn, wag their tails to welcome and stand firm, with hair erect, to challenge. These signals are surely the equivalent of the human body language of facial expression, gesture and posture.
Colour can be an important means of communication for animals. Many birds and fish change colour, for example, to attract partners during the mating season. And mating itself is commonly preceded by a special dance in which both partners participate.
Warming up
A small animal that helps the police get hold of thieves.
【点拨】get hold of …= take/catch hold of …意思是“抓住…”;“获得…”
e.g. He took hold of the rope and pulled.
I got hold of the sack and lifted it.
I need to get hold of some money quickly.
hold 还用作动词,意为“握住”“拥有”“容纳”“使…保持…”“持…观点”等
e.g. She was holding a book. 她手里拿着一本书。
They held their heads up.他们头抬得高高的。
She holds that the government’s policy is mistaken.
hold a conversation/meeting 进行交谈/开会
hold the line = hold on 别挂电话
hold … back 阻止…
hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸
hold…off 使…与…保持距离
hold …over 使…延期

An animal that isn’t telling the truth.
【点拨】tell the truth“说实话”的意思,tell的相关类似短语有:
tell a/the lie = tell lies 撒谎
tell a story 讲故事
You are going to hear an interview with a woman who works in a zoo.
【点拨】interview 在这里是名词“采访”的意思,还有“面试”之意。
e.g. The film star agreed to give an interview after the wedding.
She’s got an interview for a new job.
interview 还有动词用法,是“采访”的意思,
要区别与cover的用法。interview 可以用interview sb. 或interview sth.
但cover不能用cover sb.只能说cover sth.
e.g. A reporter interviewed the prime minister.
She’s being interviewed for the job.
They sent a great many reporters to cover the conference.
“涉及…(内容)”等含义。请学习下面例句中cover 一词的各种用法
e.g. Since water covers most of the earth, Corsteau knew we should keep the seas clean.
He tried to cover (up)his mistake.
He said he could cover the distance on foot in two hours.
How many pages have you covered? 你读了多少页了?
What are the main points you’re going to cover in your talk ?
We have only just covered our expenses.
e.g. When the water boils, take the cover.
The book needs a new cover .
What’s the problem with the animals at the zoo?
【点拨】What’s the problem with…
=What’s the trouble with…
=What’s the matter with…
=What's your problem?
=What's wrong with you?
The two teams take turns speaking.
【点拨】 take turns doing sth. “轮流干…”,turn是名词。
I. turn (n.) 顺序, 轮流
1. It's one's turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事
It's your turn to make a decision.
2. take one's turn to do sth. = do sth. in turn =do sth. by turns 轮流做某事
The nurses attended the patient in turn / by turns.
=The nurses took turns to attend the patient.
II. turn (vi.) 转动,转向,翻转
turn right / left = turn to the right / left
turn to sth. / sb. (for help)
turn to page 84
III. turn (link-v.) 变得……
turn green / yellow 变绿/黄了
Ten years later, he turned teacher.
A. / B. a C. an D. the
注: 此题考查turn 作连系动词的特殊用法,即 turn 作连系动词时后接表语名词,省略冠词. 所以此题的答案为A. 如果turn 后加into 则须在名词前加冠词a.
IV. 固定词组:
1. turn against 背叛
Nobody will turn against his country.
2. turn down 关小 / 拒绝
He turned down my suggestion without hesitation.
Please turn down the gas.
3. turn from side to side 把身体转来转去
The naughty boy turned from side to side while answering questions in class.
4. turn in 上交
The child picked up a purse on the way and turned it in to the policeman.
5. turn ... into ... (使……)成为……
The farmers are turning waste land into rice fields.
6. turn off 关(水源、 煤气、 电灯等) / 避开(问题等)
Turn off the light when you leave the room.
7. turn on 打开(水、 煤气、 电灯、无线电等) / 对……发怒
turn on the radio
turn the gun on sb.
8. turn out 结果是 / 证明是 / 生产出
The weather yesterday turned out (to be) fine.
The factory turned out more products than they had expected.
9. turn over (使)打翻 / 翻身 / 翻动 / 翻耕(土地) / 转危为安
The man turned over and went to sleep again when the telephone rang.
10. turn up 开大 / 出现 / 找到 / 证明是 (= turn out to be)
The meeting is beginning, but he has not turned up. He might have been lost.
When all the teams are ready, the teacher will start and time the debate.
【点拨】time 是动词,"计时"的意思,还有“安排好时间,使合拍子;安排……的速度"
e.g. How long can you hold your breath underwater ? Take a deep breath and I’ll time you .
He timed his journey so that he could arrive at the hotel before dark .
He tried to time his steps to the music.
Among the different types of bee, it is the honey bee that has most interested scientists because of the “language” they use to communicate with each other.
【点拨】…it is the honey bee that has most interested scientists…是一个由it 引导的强调句,被强调的部分是 the honey bee。如果不加以强调,则全句是:
…the honey bee has most interested scientists…
The development of the  modern beehive in 1851 made it possible to design experiments to research the language of honey bees.
【点拨】 本句是一个简单句:The development… made it possible to design experiments …其中的 it是形式宾语,它所代替的真正宾语是后面的不定式短语 to design experiments。it作形式宾语的句型是:
主语 +及物动词 +it +宾语补足语 +不定式
e.g. I found it important to learn spoken English.
I think it hard to master a foreign language.
She feels it her duty to support her family.
The storm made it impossible for them to march to the city.
Professor Karl von Frisch, a scientist from Austria, spent many years of his life researching the amazing ways honey-bees communicate in their dark hives.
【点拨】amaze vt. 使惊愕;使大为惊讶:
e.g. He amazed everyone by passing his driving test.
amazing “令人惊异的”;在西方人的口中,表示惊讶,经常可以听到amazing这个词。如果有些事情发生得出乎意料,难以置信,也可以用amazing来形容。
e.g. You’re amazing. 你真了不起。
It was amazing that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly.
有些漂亮或另类的东西,总能吸引许多眼球,就可以说是amazing things.
e.g. I am always looking for new and amazing items.
amazed 使(某人)感到惊奇,常用be amazed at / by 感到惊奇。
e.g. He was amazed at all the colours, and all the beautiful fish.
  We are amazed at the changes in Beijing. I can’t even find where my old house is.
【点拨】"...honey-bees communicate in their dark hives."是定语从句,其先行词
是"ways","way"后省略了引导词 “that”,也可用 “in which”,也可以省略引导词.
    e.g. Some English words are not spelt the ways that they sound.
= Some English words are not spelt the ways in which they sound.
= Some English words are not spelt the ways they sound.
He built a transparent wall, through which he could observe what went on inside.
【点拨】 “through which he could observe what went on inside”是定语从句,来修饰先行词,引导词是介词through加which构成.
e.g.This is the house in which I lived two years ago.
某些在从句中充当时间,地点或原因状语的"介词+关系词"结构可以同关系副词when 和where 互换。
e.g. Do you remember the day on which you joined our club?
      =Do you remember the day when you joined our club?
    e.g. The children whom the nurses look after are wery healthy.
In order to tell the bees apart ,he painted some bees with little dots of colour.
【点拨】 tell apart 辨别;识别
= tell … from…;
= tell the difference between … and …
e.g. Some people can't tell blue from green.
Most new cars look so similar that it's impossible to tell them apart.
I confused Jim with Mike because I can't tell them apart.
The two brothers are so much alike that their mother can hardly tell them apart.
They trooped behind the first dancer, copying its movement.
【点拨】课文中 troop作动词用,意思是"结队而行"、"成群涌向"
(come or go together in a group)。用在句中时,句子的主语总是复数。
  e.g. The children trooped into the park.
  The game was over and the players trooped home.
  e.g. a troop of visitors (一群参观者)。
  e.g. We must have our own troops.
  e.g. He is busy copying his composition.
  e.g. Please copy my actions.(=Please act as I do. )
  "Good morning," she said, copying her mother's voice.
You should copy his strong points, not his weak points.
Von Frisch assumed that the dance conveyed more information.
【点拨】 assume的用法
assume vt. 表示“假设,主观认为,假定;装出…样子;开始担任,承担…
e.g. We assumed that you understood the situation.
He assumed a well-informed manner but in fact he knows very little.
assume something to be 猜想某事如何
assume ignorance/an injured air
e.g. Supposing your father saw you know , what would you say?
=if your father saw ……
Assuming that the weather is favourable, Farmers will have a bumper harvest.
assumed 假装的,假的;假定的,设想的:
e.g. an assumed cheerfulness伪装的高兴,
an assumed result假定的结果,
His look of astonishment was assumed.他那惊讶的样子是装出来的。
e.g. He is too assuming in this attitude about the energy supply.
e.g. We are going on the assumption that the work will be finished tomorrow.
I was under the assumption that you were coming tomorrow.
assumptive 被视为理所当然的,自负的,傲慢的:
e.g. assumptive beliefs被视为理所当然的种种信仰,
assumptive people自命不凡的人
One was close to the hive. The other was much farther away ,beyond some trees.
e.g. Beyond the river stood a power station.
e.g. Some shops keep open beyond midnight有些商店营业到半夜以后。
e.g. Your work is beyond all praise.
e.g. These were matters beyond his understanding as yet.
e.g. We succeeded beyond our hopes.
e.g. I know nothing beyond what he told me.
Is there anything more you can say beyond that?
e.g. He didn't believe in people living beyond 100.
e.g. If we cross the mountains we may find people living in the valley beyond.
I'll go with you to the bridge,but not a step beyond.
e.g. He told me nothing beyond.
He marked all the bees that came to the nearby feeding place blue, and all the bees that went to the faraway place were marked red.
【点拨】faraway(远方的)是由 far + away构成的合成形容词。 nearby(附近的)是由 near +by构成的合成形容词。它们在句中都作定语。
a faraway forest(远处的森林),faraway times(遥远的时代);
a nearby hotel(附近的一家旅店),nearby hills(附近的小山)。
注意:faraway在作定语时通常都连写,作表语或作状语时则分写(far away)。如:
e.g. The house is not far away. 那座房子并不远。
He lives far away from the school. 他住得离学校很远。
nearby既可作定语,又可作状语;既可以连写(nearby),也可以分写(near by),还可以 加连字符(near-by)。
e.g. I saw her going to a near-by post-box before lunch.
They live nearby----less than a kilometer.
He gave up his seat to the old man standing near by.
They discovered that the farther away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was.   他们发现,喂食处越远,舞蹈动作的速度就越慢。
【点拨】"the+比较级……,the+ 比较级……"的意思是:"越……,就越……"
e.g. The sooner, the better. 越快越好。 
The more, the better. 越多越好。
The more, the merrier. 人越多,越好玩。
The more he gives his children, the more they want.
The higher we stand, the farther we see.
The more he explains, the more I am puzzled.
So another astonishing fact came to light. 于是又发现一个令人惊讶的情况。 
【点拨】come to light作"发现"、"暴露"(to be discovered/ exposed)解。
e.g. New facts about the ancient Egypt have recently come to light.
She was very pleased when the long-lost ring came to light.
The secret didn’t come to light until the old man died.
Integrating skills
Apes use sight more than smell. 猿不仅用嗅觉,而且使用视觉.
【点拨】more than 用法小结
1. more than后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”。
e.g. Hibernation is more than sleep.
Kate was more than a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils.
2. more than与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。
e.g. I have known him for more than twenty years.
More than ten policemen turned up at the spot where the accident happened.
3. more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常、十分”。
e.g. They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition.
I was more than surprised to see the lion standing at the body.
4. more than与动词连用,对动词起着加强语气的作用。
e.g. Repeated advertising will more than increase product sales.
His progress in English learning more than encouraged him to learn the subject well. 在英语学习方面的进步激励他学好这门课程。
5. more than和含有情态动词的句子连用,有否定意义,表示“是……难以……”或“超过了……所能”之义。
e.g. The beauty of the mountainous country is more than I can describe.
This problem is more than a child like Jack can settle.
6. no more than意思是“仅仅,不过,只是”。
e.g. All his education added up to no more than one year.
Their new flat has no more than 60 square metres.
7. not more than表示“至多,不超过”
e.g. Lying on the ground was a peasant boy of not more than seventeen.
While their societies are different, they all communicate and be have in advanced ways.
e.g. Mary watched TV while she ate her supper.
While she was listening to the radio, she fell asleep.
e.g. We are teachers while (we are) serving as students.
While (he was) yet a youth, he gained many prizes.
He caught a cold while(he was) on vacation.
e.g. Some people waste food while others haven't enough.
You like sports, while I prefer music.
e.g. While I agree with your reasons, I can't allow it.
While he loves his students, he is very strict with them.
While (he was) respected, he is not liked.
4.表示条件,意为"只要",其意思和用法相当于as long as。while可位于句首,也可位于句中。
e.g. You don't have to worry while we are here.
There will be life while there is water and air.
While there is life, there is hope.
e.g. While the book is welcomed by scholars, it will make an immediate
appeal to the general readers.
e.g. Make hay while the sun shines.
Strike while the iron is hot.
While the roses are yet in bloom, will you come with me to see them?
Sometimes they warn each other of danger, and they also communicate simply to keep in touch.
【点拨】 warn sb. of sth.“警告某人某事”,不能说 warn sb's sth.。
e.g. We warned him of the dangerous bridge,but he didn't believe.
一. 表示“通知(inform);警告(warn);指责(accuse);使想起(remind)”等意思的一些动词。
在这一结构中,of的意思相当于 about。
e.g. On the way home my father told me of an accident that took place on his first day at school in Mr. Crossett's class.
We shall inform you of the date of the delegation's arrival.
The teacher accused Jim of cheating in the examination.
Her face reminded me of her mother.
How can I persuade him of her innocence?
二、表示“抢夺(rob);剥夺;解除(cure, heal);免除(rid)”等意思的动词。
e.g. Paralysis robbed him of his ability to do physical labor.
The doctor used special medicines to cure him of the measles.
The medicine healed me of my bad cold.
It is not easy to rid oneself of a bad habit.
He cleared the pavement of withered leaves.
They stripped the writer of his right to publish his books.
She rushed up to relieve me of my suitcase.
Our army disarmed the enemy of his weapon.
类似的动词还有:abridge(剥夺), purge(洗清),disabuse(去掉),despoil(抢劫),divert(脱去),deprive(剥夺)等。
在这一结构里,通常在of前加上 out,out of表示“丧失”,但out可以省略不用。
e.g. How can you fool the little girl(out) of her money?
The beggar cheated the little boy(out)of his candy.
【点拨】 simply的意思和用法
(1)simply是副词,在对话中意为“really(真正)”、“very (much)(非常)”。
e.g. The film is simply wonderful. 这影片真是太美妙了。
She looks simply lovely. 她看起来的确可爱。
His pronunciation is simply terrible. 他的发音简直差透了。
They had simply no shame. 他们简直不知羞耻。
e.g. He is simply dressed. 他衣着朴素。
e.g. It is simply a question of time. 这只不过是个时间问题。
You must believe me simply on my word. 你必须完全照我的话相信我。
It is simply a matter of working hard. 此事只是努力去做的问题。
e.g. The cake is made quite simply. 这糕做起来很简单。
The teacher explained the text quite simply. 老师简单地解释了一下课文。
What may be of greater importance is to observe how primates live in the world.
【点拨】这个句子涉及到 “of+抽象名词”相当于该名词相应的形容词。不过,这种结构常用于较正式的场合,书面语中尤为常见。再看下面几个句子:
e.g. This book will be of great value to him in his students. (=Be very valuable)
  The book is of much interest. (=Be very interesting)
常用于这一结构的修饰语还有:great,little ,some ,any, no, not, much等
常见的抽象名词有importance, value, use, help, benefit(利益、好处),significance(意义、重要性)。最后需要提及的是,“be of + 名词”结构的否定形式一般采用否定名词的做法:
“be of no + 名词”。
e.g. He is of no colour, for he has been ill for two weeks.
As far as the study of English was concerned, what he said was of no point.
“be of +名词”还可以表达以下几种意义:
  e.g. Her story is of some colours of the truth.
   The party's 12th congress is of epoch making significance.
 e.g. The products are of first-rate quality.
e.g. The Americans are of almost all colures and races.
His whole life was of best glory.她的一生是非常光荣的。
4. 这种结构还可表示“年龄”.“出身”“等级”等
We are of the same age. 我们年龄相同。
He was of noble birth and high rank. 他出身于高贵门庭。
(1)、在肯定句中,表示很有把握的推测时用must,而不太有把握时则用may, might或could,三者依次could的语气最弱。
  e.g. You must be very tired. 你一定很累。
     (= I am sure that you are very tired.) ( 很有把握)
   You may / might / could be very tired. 你可能很累吧!
     (=Perhaps / Maybe you are very tired.)(不太有把握)
(2)、在否定句中,can't 则表示“不可能”,语气最强,而相应地may not, might not 语气弱些,表示“可能不”。
   e.g. He can't be at home. 他不可能在家。(很有把握)
    He may not / might not be at home. 他可能不在家。(不太有把握)
   e.g. — Someone is knocking at the door.
     — Who can it be ? 可能是谁呢?
      Where can he be now? 他现在有可能在哪呢?
 二、对过去的动作或状况的推断常用“情态动词+have done”。语气强弱与以上三点相同,可依次类推。但表示“过去不可能”时,除了可用can't have done之外还可用couldn't have done。
  e.g. He must have gone to Wuhan. (肯定已经去了)
    He may / might / could have gone to Wuhan. (可能已去了)
    He can not / could not have gone to Wuhan. (不可能已去了)
    Can he have gone to Wuhan? (可能去了吗?)
   ① can一般用于疑问句和否定句, 极少用于肯定句。
    e.g. ---Can she have gone to school?
     ---No, she can't have gone to school. I saw her just now.
   ② may表推测,一般不用于疑问句;疑问句中该用can, could或might。
    e.g. How could he have forgotten such an important thing? (不用may)
     Might you have met him somewhere? (不用may)
   ③ could, may, might 用于肯定句语气较弱,must用于肯定句语气很强; may,
might 用于否定句语气较弱,can, could 用于否定句语气很强。
    e.g. He could/may/might have gone to school. 他可能上学去了。
      He must have gone to school. 他肯定是上学去了。
      He may/might not have gone to school. 他也许没去上学。
      He can't/couldn't have gone to school. 他肯定没去上学。
   ④ must表推测,一般不用于否定句;否定句中该用can或could。
     误:We mustn't have met before.
     正:We can't have met before.
  needn't + have + done 可用来表示“已做了多余的事”。
 e.g. There is no school today. You needn't have come.
  could + have + done 可用来表示没做某事的“遗憾”。
   e.g. She came here on foot, but she could have come by bus.
  could / might + have + done 也可用来表示委婉的批评。
   e.g. You could have come 5 minutes earlier.
     You might at least have written me a letter.
e.g. He must have been there yesterday, wasn't he?
 He must have been there, hasn't he?
  He can't have been there yesterday, was he?
  He can't have been there, has he?
 三、由上我们可以得出一个结论:表推测时,must只用在肯定句中,而 can只用于否定句和疑问句中。而实际上can可用于肯定句中,但这常用于表可能性,意义有所不同,译为“有时候可能”。
  e.g. Old newspaper can be useful.
   It can get quite cold here at night.
Language pratice
1. Choose the proper word or phrase to take the place of the underlined word(s) in the sentences.
①.glass=transparent ②. think=assume ③. make clear=clarity
④. environment=surroundings ⑤. obvious=apparent ⑥.towards one=sideways
⑦. distinguish=tell…apart… small circles=small dots
⑧. got=obtained enough=adequate
2. Use the words in the brackets to answer the question(refer to the Reading)
3. Fill in the blanks with the proper modal verbs.
Dialogue 1: shall; must; needn’t; can; may; may/ can; would; can’t; must
Dialogue 2: could; can; may; must; may; would; can; may/ might; would
1. (NMET2004 全国) I don't mind picking up your things from the store. _______ , the walk will do me good.
A. Sooner or later B. Besides C. In time D. Still
2. (NMET2004上海春) I am sorry it’s my power to make a final decision on the project. A. over B. above C. off D. beyond
3. (NMET2004上海春) I have read the material several times but it doesn’t make any to me.
A. meaning B. importance C. sense D. significance
4. (NMET2004湖南) ---- Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.
---- You ______ have my computer if you don't take care of it.
A. shan't B. might not C. needn't D. shouldn't
5. (NMET2004 天津)— What were you doing when Tony phoned you ?
— I had just finished my work and to take a shower .
A. had started B. started C. have started D. was starting
6. (NMET2004 江苏) I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.
A. While B. Since C. Before D. Unless
7. A modern city has been set up in was a wasteland ten years ago .
A. what B. which C. that D. where
8. The house tent is expensive. I've got about half the space I had at home and I'm paying __ here.
 A. as three times much B. as much three time C. much as three times D. three times as much
9. (NMET1995) She thought I was talking about her daughter, ______in fact, I was talking about my daughter.
 A. whom B. where C. which D. while
10. [NMET1998上海] We advertised for pupils last autumn, and got________ 60.
A. more than B. more of  C. as much as D. so many as
11.--Would you like me ________ the radio a bit?
--No, it's all right. I'm used to ________ with the radio _________.
A.to turn up; work; on B.to turn down; working; off
C.turning up; working; off D.to turn down; working; on
12.--What's the matter? You really look upset.
-- ___________.
--Well, better luck next time.
A.Why, I always look up to you B.I failed an important test
C.I have a bad cold D.Me? I never look down upon anybody
13. I remember _________ this used to be a very small village.
A.when B.how C.where D.what
14.The computers made by our company sell best, but several year's ago no one could have
imagined the role in the markets that they ________.
A.were playing B.were to play C.have played D.played
15.--When did Miss Wang leave the office?
--She left ________ you turned back to write on the blackboard.
A.the minute B.a time C.until D.unless
1. B besides副词,"况且"
2. D 3. C make sense是固定短语,是"有意义"的意思
3. 4.A 5. D
6. A while 是"虽然…但是…"的意思  7.A
8. D 是对倍数表达法的考查倍数词一律放在"as"之前 9. D
10. A more than 是"多余,超过"的意思
11. D 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. A
第一部分 单项填空
1. Which of the following is right?
A. What’s wrong with the machine? B. What is the trouble with the machine?
C. What is the matter with the machine? D. All of the above.
2.The boat______ , throwing the boy into the water.
A. turned over B. turned down C. turned up D. turned out
3. --The dish is delicious!
--Well, at least it's ________ the one I cooked yesterday.
A. as bad as B. no worse than C. as well as D. not better than
4. Words _____ meaning, as we all know.
A. convince B. convey C. contribute D. conquer
5. You will find a map of great ____ in helping you to get round London.
A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness
6. I told Sally how to get there, but perhaps I _______ for her.
 A. had to write it out      B. must have written it out
 C. should have written it out   D. ought to write it out
7. --I am going to the office.
 --______you're there, can you get me some stamps? (NMET\'99)
 A. As B. While C. Because D. If
8. The engine of the ship suddenly failed and then came a big storm , which the helplessness of the crew at sea .
A.resulted from B.added to C.turned out D.brought about
9._____by the bullets whistling by, the timid fellow hid his head in the bush,_____.
A. Frightened; left his body exposing B. Frightening; and left his body exposed
C. Frightening; leaving his body exposed D. Frightened; leaving his body exposed
10. I have always been honest and straightforward, and it doesn’t matter ____ that I’m talking to.
A. who it is B. who is it C. it is who D. it is whom
第一部分 单项填空
1._____there is no loss of speed over the blades, we can calculate the outlet velocity of the steam.
A. Assuming that B. So that C. Such that D. In order that
2. I know this is not quite the right word, but I can’t be bothered to think of .
A.a better B.a best C.the better D.the good
3.He spent several hours in the wind and snow, .
A.coldly and hungrily B.cold and hungry
C.being cold and hungry D.in cold and hunger
4.—Henry doesn’t seem to be what he was.
—No. so much in the war has made him more thoughtful.
A.Seen B.His seeing C.Having seen D.To have seen
5.If you lend me 500 pounds, it will me having to go to the bank.
A.save B.share C.serve D.help
6.It’s good that we to the park because it has sharted to rain.
A.don’t go B.hadn’t gone C.didn’t go D.wasn’t going
7.I’ve never been so poor able to afford a meal.
A.as to be not B.not as to be C.as not to be D.as to not be
8.I like during the Spring Festival when everyone stays with his family.
A.this B.that C.one D.it
9.There are ten waiting rooms at the newly-built station, in all 20,000 people.
A.seating B.seated C.sitting D.to seat
10.It is the protection for trees really matters, how many trees are planted.
A.what, besides B.that, except
C.that, rather than D.what, other than
11.It is hightly desirable that every effort to reduce the pollution in Beijing.
A.is made B.was made C.were made D.be made
12.—Mary looks hot and dry.
—So you if you had a high fever.
A.do B.are C.will D.would
13.There were a lot of people in the reading room, most of with their heads bent down over their books.
A.them B.whom C.that D.which
14.His income today is double it was five years ago.
A.that B.which C.what D.as
15.Government reports, legal papers and most business letters are the main situations
English is used.
A.when B.that C.how D.where
第二部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)
A soccer referee (裁判)punished for scoring a goal while taking charge of a game has quit the job after being found guilty of bringing the game into shame by the Essex County Football Association. The Essex County Football Association said that they were disappointed by the __1__ of Savill, who hit the headlines last year when his sympathy for a team getting beaten 1-18 went __2__ . “It is a pretty rare __3__ and hopefully it won't happen again.” Essex County FA chief executive Phil Sammons said.
Brian Savill was taking __4__ of a Great Bromley Cup game in the South of England between Earls Colne and Wimple. With 10 minutes __5__ and Wimple falling behind 1-18, Savill found the ball at his __6__ in front of the Earls Colne goal and quickly _7__it into the net, __8__ signaling a goal.
The laws of the game state that the referee is part of the playing area and that the game __9__ if the ball strikes him. There is no laws to differentiate between a (an) __10__or intentional contact. Savill's __11__ goal made__12__ difference to the result as Earls Colne went on to win 20-2, but the officials were __13__. The Essex County FA finally found 47-year-old Savill guilty and __14__ his job for seven weeks.
Savill, a referee with 18 years’ experience, officially announced that he would __15__ the job after finding out about the decision. “__ 16__ haven't got a sense of humor,” he told the Times newspaper. “It brought __17__ to everyone’s lives. It shows __18__ can be enjoyable and that we are not Hitlers running around blowing 19 all the time.” However, he advised other referees against following his __20__.
1. A. decision B. advice C. comments D. statement
2. A. wrong B. too far C. crazy D. very serious
3. A. case B. scene C. game D. score
4. A. pictures B. sights C. pity D. charge
5. A. going B. remaining C. ending D. leaving
6. A. hand B. feet C. back D. side
7. A. threw B. laid C. kicked D. hit
8. A. after B. while C. for D. before
9. A. continues B. wins C. delays D. ends
10. A. thankful B. friendly C. beautiful D. accidental
11. A. strange B. wonderful C. amazing D. helpful
12. A. little B. much C. doubtful D. sensible
13. A. watched B. pleased C. impressed D. tricked
14. A. stopped B. encouraged C. fired D. scolded
15. A. take B. leave C. improve D. refuse
16. A. We B. He C. I D. They
17. A. hate B. violence C. enjoyment D. friendship
18. A. playing B. inspecting C. scoring D. refereeing
19. A. wind B. whistles C. horns D. weapons
20. A. example B. humor C. record D. lesson
第三部分 阅读理解
The trees arrived by post, a half-open parcel. They were thin and straight, rather like arrows but with shiny leaves at one end and muddy roots at the other. Terry and his father took them down the garden and planted them in their prepared places. Terry had great hopes of the middle tree, now set in the holy spot where Henry, his cat, run over, had been laid to rest a year before. The nine trees made an avenue down one side of the garden, where there was already a fifteen-foot stonewall between the garden and the back yards of the Jenkins Street houses.
“Why do we want a row of trees as well as a wall?” Terry asked his father.
His father said, “For privacy. These trees grow very thickly.”
His father’s love of privacy often puzzled Terry, who was not one to keep himself to himself, but he could see part of the point here. The houses in Jenkins Street were on higher ground. His friend Leslie lived in number twelve, and Leslie had only to stand on a box to see right over the wall.
“Will the trees grow higher than the wall?” Terry asked then.
“Oh yes, twice as high if not more. It’ll take a few years but they'll grow.”
So they were going to have nine trees thirty feet tall, to keep them from being overlooked. Terry wondered why this was so desirable. He said, “Our garden is very pretty. Why can’t we let the people over the wall see it? That wouldn’t be showing off, would it? ”
“No, I don’t think it would be,” his father said. “Yet some people might feel a bit less happy if they can always see a good thing that isn’t theirs. We don’t want to be the cause of any jealousy if we can help it.”
This consideration for other people’s feelings must be a grown-up thing. Terry thought. It was not his idea of how to run things. He said, “These trees—it seems a lot of trouble to go to just to stop people being jealous of us,”
His father looked at him. “It isn’t much trouble, Terry,” he said. “These trees will grow without help from us. They’ll be beautiful. And listen to them. You can already hear them whispering to us in the wind. ”
1. How do we know that Terry’s father was expecting the trees?
A. He thought they would grow tall and thick.
B. He expected them because they arrived by post.
C. He and Terry had dug holes for them.
D. The parcel was half open, so he could see they were trees.
2. Part of the garden is called a holy spot because .
A. Henry had been run over just there B. a cat was buried there
C. Terry thought it was holy. D. it was right in front of Leslie’s house
3. We know from the passage that Terry’s father is a man who .
A. was proud of his garden and liked showing it off B. didn’t quite like his neighbors
C. preferred to keep his privacy D. felt jealous of the people in Jenkins Street
4. Why were the trees planted in front of the wall?
A. Because that was where they would grow faster. B. To improve the appearance of the house.
C. To hide the ugly sight of Jenkins Street. D. To stop people from looking inside.
5. According to Terry’s father, the thing that might have made the neighbors feel less happy
was ________ .
A. the wall B. the thriving row of trees C. the well-kept garden D. the privacy of the place
In the 1960s, medical researchers Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe developed a checklist of stressful events. They appreciated the tricky point that any major change can be stressful. Bad events like "serious illness of a family member" were high on the list, but so were some helpful life changing events like marriage.
When you take the Holmes Rahe test you must remember that the score does not show how you deal with stress — it only shows how much you have to deal with. And we now know that the way you deal with these events dramatically(戏剧性地) affects your chances of staying healthy. By the early 1970s, hundreds of similar studies had followed Holmes and Rahe. And millions of Americans who work and live under stress worried over the reports. Somehow the research got boiled down to a memorable message. Women’s magazines ran titles like "Stress causes illness".
If you want to stay physically and mentally healthy the articles said avoid stressful events. But such simplistic advice is impossible to follow. Even if stressful events are dangerous ,many — like the death of a loved one — are impossible to avoid. Moreover, any warning to avoid all stressful events is a prescription (处方) for staying away from chances as well as trouble. Since any change can be stressful, a person who wanted to be completely free of stress would never marry, have a child, take a new job or move. The idea that all stress makes you sick also takes no notice of a lot of what we know about people. It supposes we’re all vulnerable and not active in the face of the difficult situation. But what about human ability and creativity? Many come through periods of stress with more physical and mental strength than they had before. We also know that a long time without change or challenge can lead to boredom and physical and mental pressure.  
6. The result of Holmes Rahe’s medical research tells us ________ .   
A. the way you deal with major events may cause stress   
B. what should be done to avoid stress   
C. what kind of event would cause stress   
D. how to deal with sudden changes in life   
7. The studies on stress in the early 1970s led to ________ .   
A. popular avoidance of stressful jobs   B. great fear over the mental disorder   
C. a careful research into stress related illnesses D. widespread worry about its harmful effects   
8. The score of the Holmes Rahe test shows________ .   
A. how you can deal with life changing events   B. how helpful events can change your life   
C. how stressful a major event can be    D. how much pressure you are under  
9. Why is "such simplistic advice" ( Line 1, Para.3) impossible to follow?   
A. No one can stay on the same job for long
B. No prescription is effective in reducing stress  
C. People have to get married someday 
D. You could be missing chances as well   
10. According to the passage people who have experienced ups and downs may become ________ .   
A. nervous when faced with difficulties    B. physically and mentally tired   
C. more able to deal with difficulties    D. cold toward what happens to them
第四部分 短文改错
Dear Mum and Dad:
This is a quick note tell you that we have arrived 1:________
safely and that we are having a real wonderful time. 2:________
The flight is very good and we arrived at our hotel 3:________
in time for our evening meal. The weather here is 4:________
much better than at home. Sometimes it rain a little 5:________
at night, and it’s sunny during the day. If the 6:________
weather is nice the next week,we’ll go sailing. 7:________
Today I have to write all my postcards. I want it to 8:________
arrive before we will get back home on Sunday. We're 9:________
all well, and looking forward to see you. 10:________
Hope all's well.
Lots of love
注意:1.词数:100左右; 2.参考词汇:《蓉城日报》:Rongcheng Daily
第一部分 单项填空
1—5 DABBC 6—10 CBBBA
第一部分 单项填空
1—5 AABBA 6—10 CCDAC 11—15 DDACD
第二部分 完形填空
1—5 ABADB 6—10 BCDAD 11—15 AACAB 16—20 DCDBA
第三部分 阅读理解
1—5 CBCDC 6—10 ADDBC
第四部分 短文改错
1. note 与tell 之间加to 2. real→ really 3. is→ was 4. √ 5. rain→ rains
6. and→ but 7. 去掉the 8. it→ them 9. 去掉will 10. see→ seeing
One possible version:
It is reported in Rongcheng Daily that a big supermarket has made a new decision that in order to reduce white pollution, the market will no longer provide for the customers free plastic bags. In my opinion, the decision will have both positive and negative effects. As is known, people throw away used plastic bags wherever they want to and the white pollution, mainly caused by plastics, which is hard to break down, is becoming a danger to people’s life. There is no doubt that the decision will do good to the environment. However, it will bring inconvenience to the customers. It’s likely that fewer people will choose this supermarket and therefore the sales of the shop will be badly affected.
To solve this problem, I think the supermarket can provide paper bags or the customers are encouraged to bring along bags of their own. But what I want to point out is that stopping providing plastic bags is far from being the best way to protect the earth from white pollution. It’s not until everyone understands the importance of protecting environment that the world will be really clean.

冯•弗里希想弄清这种舞蹈能不能说明喂食处有多远. 因此,他安排了两个喂食处.
一个靠近蜂箱.另一个远离蜂箱. 他给所有来附近喂食处的蜜蜂标上蓝色,给飞到远的喂食处的蜜蜂标上红色.当蜜蜂返回蜂箱时,冯•弗里希看到了一种奇妙的现象.所有到过近处喂食处的蜜蜂都跳着圆圈舞.所有到过远处喂食处的蜜蜂都跳着一种完全不同的舞--摆尾舞.跳舞的蜜蜂沿着直线飞,腹部左右摆动.然后它转半个圈,再沿直线飞,在另一边又转半个圈.它一遍又一遍地不断重复着这些"舞步".情况清楚了.圆圈舞的意思是食物在近处.摆尾舞的意思是食物在远处.
接下来,冯•弗里希和他的同事们在靠近蜂箱的地方设立了一个喂食处. 接着他们把喂食处慢慢地往远处移动.他们回到蜂箱近旁时,便仔细观察摆尾舞.他们用跑表计算蜜蜂在一分钟内重复舞蹈的次数.他们发现喂食地点越远,舞就跳得越慢,舞蹈越慢,在一分钟内能够重复的次数就越少.于是又发现一个令人惊讶的情况.每分钟摆尾舞的次数说明到喂食地点的距离.他们也发现蜜蜂在它们的蜂房和喂食处所飞的最大距离是3.2公里.
当蜜蜂发现一个喂食处的时候,它们能够从蜂箱直接飞到喂食处. 不一会,一群蜜蜂就象一股小风暴一样从蜂箱飞到喂食处.几个世纪以前,"蜂线"这个单词就出现了,现在,我们就可以得出"给某人或某样东西作一条直线"的表达方式,意思是为某人或某样东西快速沿着一条直线走.




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