牛津高三Module10 Unit2 教学资源 Welcome to the unit(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

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●Section 3: Words and expressions
●Welcome to the unit
1. I just got a new job in another country. I think it’ll be fun to experience a new culture.
(P17)我刚刚在一个国家获得一份工作, 我想体验一种新的文化肯定很有趣。
1). experience
1 [U] (the process of getting) knowledge or skill which is obtained from doing, seeing or feeling things: 经验,体会
The best way to learn is by experience (= by doing things).
I don't think she has the experience for the job (= enough knowledge and skill for it).
2 [C] something that happens to you that affects how you feel: 经历;体验
I had a rather unpleasant experience at the dentist's.
It was interesting hearing about his experiences as a policeman.
I did meet him once and it was an experience I shall never forget.
experience 经历;体验
verb [T]
If you experience something, it happens to you, or you feel it:
We experienced a lot of difficulty in selling our house.
New companies often experience a loss in their first few years.
1. (2005浙江)
I am sure David will be able to find the library—he has a pretty good _______ of direction.
A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense
答案及解析:D 方向意识、方向感:
noun [U]
pleasure, enjoyment, amusement: 快乐、享受
Have fun (= Enjoy yourself)!
I really enjoyed your party - it was such good fun.
She's great fun to be with.
It's no fun/not much fun (= not enjoyable) having to work on Saturdays.
adjective [before noun]
enjoyable: 快乐的、有趣的
There are lots of fun things to do here.
一、首先是明白funny 与 fun 词性不同:funny 是形容词,意为“有趣的,滑稽的,奇怪的”;fun 是名词,意为“有趣的事”。
二、两者含义上也有差别:funny 表示“有趣的,滑稽的”,它指的是一种滑稽可笑的“有趣”,侧重点是让人觉得好玩或发笑。而 fun 则主要指“有趣,好玩”,不像funny 那样强调“滑稽”。
It is more fun to go with someone than to go alone. 偕伴同去比自己独自去好玩。
It's funny to see a man walk with his hands and head. 看见一个人倒立走路很滑稽
1. (2005重庆)
Daddy didn’t mind what we were doing, as long as we were together, _______ fun.
A. had B. have C. to have D. having
答案及解析:D 高兴就好;
2. Where would you like to move if you could choose a place to move to? (P17)
1). choose
verb [I or T] chose, chosen
to decide what you want from a range of things or possibilities: 选择,挑选
She had to choose between the two men in her life.
Danny, come here and choose your ice cream.
He chose a shirt from the many in his wardrobe..
[+ object + to infinitive] The firm's directors chose Emma to be the new production manager.
[+ to infinitive] Katie chose (= decided) to stay away from work that day.
choose, select, pick, elect 辨与析
(1)及物动词 vt. 挑选;选择;挑出
take out what you want from several things or people
Which one did you choose? 你挑了哪一个?
You have chosen the biggest.
He was chosen out of a hundred他是从一百个人里头挑出来的
He was chosen King挑选他为国王。
(2)及物动词 vt. 宁愿;决定;认作某事适当choose to do, prefer, decide,
or think fit to do something
She chose to accept his offer. 她决定接受他的提议
He chose to say nothing about this to anyone他不愿意把这事对任何人讲
(3)及物动词 vt. 要;欲want; desire
Take anything you choose拿你想要的任何东西
(1)及物动词 vt. 选举、推选及物动词 vt. 选举、推选
They elected him chairman of the meeting
Reagan was elected President. 里根被选为总统
elect a chairman选举一个主席
(2)elect 指通过投票选择某人担任某职位。例如:
We all elected him monitor. 我们一致推举他当班长。
Washington was elected president in 1787. 华盛顿于1787年当选为总统。
(1)及物动词 vt. 拾起;采集take something up with the fingers;gather things
The children were picking tomatoes in the garden孩子们在园里摘西红柿
Pat picked some flowers to put in a vase. 帕特摘了一些花放到了花瓶里
(2)及物动词 vt. 选择;挑选 choose someone or something
He always picked the hardest and dirtiest jobs. 他总是挑最脏最累的活干
The sports master picked the best boys for the team体育老师挑选了最好的男生参加运动队
(3)及物动词 vt. 窃取;偷take the contents by stealing;steal from
He had his pocket picked. 他的腰包被掏了
pick 指标准不太严格的选择。例如:
Pick the best, please. 请你挑最好的。
select指“精选”, 即有所淘汰。
He looked through the suits and selected the cheapest one for me. 他细细地翻看这些衣服,给我挑了一件最便宜的。
He has a copy of Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung. 他有一套《毛泽东选集》。
1. (2005 湖北)
This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can _______ my father.
A. find out B. pick out C. look out D. speak out
She______Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.
A. picked out B. made out C. made up D. picked up
3. (2007 四川)
It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly ___________ my friend.
A. turn out B. bring out C. call out D. pick out
4. (2007 浙江卷)
Of the seven days in a week, Saturday is said to be the most popular ____ for a wedding in some countries.
A. way B. situation C. event D. choice
1. B 辨认出;
2. D 学习到;
3. D 辨认出;
4. D 选择;




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