
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学案例 手机版

Starter Unit 1 Getting to know you 逐渐认识你
一 Greetings问候
★重点词汇Hello 喂 nice 令人愉快的 meet 遇见 goodbye 再见 this 这 thank 谢谢
★语法聚焦1.一般现在时的用法;2.系动词am, is的用法;3.副词too的用法。
Look and say
Hello, I'm Ben. 你好,我是本。
Hi, I'm Mark. 你好,我是马克。
Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
Nice to meet you, too. 我也是。
This is Kitty. She is my sister. 这是基蒂。她是我的妹妹。
Hi, Mark. 你好,马克。
Hi, Kitty. 你好,基蒂。
Goodbye, Mark. 再见,马克。
Bye, Kitty. Bye Ben. 再见基蒂。再见,本。
Read and Act 读一读,演一演。
Alice: Good morning, Kitty. 艾丽斯:早上好,基蒂。
Kitty: Good morning, Alice. 基蒂:早上好,艾丽斯。
This is Mark .He's my friend. 这是马克。他是我的朋友。
Alice: How are you,Mark? 艾丽斯:你好吗,马克?
Mark: Fine, thank you .And you? 马克:很好,谢谢。你好吗?
Kitty: I'm fine, too. 基蒂:我也很好。
1. Hello, rm Ben,你好,我是本。
【注〕熟人之间,在说了声“Hi,” “Hello”之后,还会关心地补上一句:“How are you?”(你身体好吗?)对方马上回答说:“Fine/Not bad/Very well, thank youhhanks! And you?”(很好/不坏/非常好,谢谢。你呢?),以示给对方的回敬。而陌生人之间,在说了声:“Hello”之后,再补上一句“How do you do?”对方跟着重复一句:“How do you do?”
2. Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。
▲双方初次见面经介绍后常说的一句话,这是陌生人初次见面的客套话。这句话也可用于双方好久未见,偶然相逢时的场合,表示一种高兴的心情。回答时一般说Nice to meet you, too. too意为“也”,放在句末。
3. This is Kitty.这是基蒂。
▲在第三者给双方作介绍时,通常用This is+姓名这一句型。在这种场合通常不说He is...或She is...。如:
Ii Lei: Mum, this is my teacher, Miss Wang. 李雷:妈妈,这是我的老师,王老师。
MisLi: Nice to meet you, Miss Wang. 李夫人:见到你很高兴,王老师。
Miss Wang: Nice to meet you, too, Mrs.Li 王老师:见到你也很高兴,李夫人。
二 Meeting each other互相见面
★重点词汇Friend 朋友 how 如何 teacher 老师 Mr 先生 Miss小姐 Excuse 原谅
★语法聚焦1.陈述句的否定:be + not;2.一般疑问句的回答Yes/No;3.句型Are you...?
Look and say
Mum, this is Kitty and this is Ben. 妈妈,这是基蒂,这是本
They are my friends. 他们是我的朋友。
Hello, Mrs Wang. 你好,王夫人。
Hi,Ben .Hi, Kitty. 你好,本 ,你好,基蒂。
Good afternoon, Miss Li. 下午好,李老师。
This is my mum. 这是我的妈妈。
Mum, this is my teacher, Miss Li. 妈妈,这是我的老师,李老师。
How do you do? 您好!
How do you dc? 您好!
Read and act
Alice: Excuse me, sir. 艾丽斯:打扰了先生。
Are you Mr Smith? 您是史密斯先生吗?
Mr Brown:No, I'm not. 布朗先生:不,我不是。
I'm Jack Brown. 我是杰克•布朗。
Alice: Sorry, Mr Brown. 艾丽斯:对不起.布朗先生
三 Meeting my classmates见我的同学们
★重点词汇name 名字 ;How old 多大;What 什么;everyone 大家,每个人;one , two , three hundred 一 、二、三•••••一百
★语法聚焦 问姓名What is your name?的用法;问年龄How old are you?的用法。
Look and say 看一看,说一说
Hello, I'm Miss Li.What are your names? 你们好,我是李老师。你们叫什么名字?
Hello, my name is Alice.Hi, everyone. I'm Eddie. 你们好,我叫艾丽斯。大家好。我是埃迪。
How old are you,Alice?I'm 11. 艾丽斯你多大? 我11岁。
What about you,Eddie? Are you 11,too?No, I'm 12. 埃迪你呢?你也11岁吗? 不,我12岁。
Ask and answer 问一问,答一答
S1:What's your name? S2:My name is…/I'm... Sl:你叫什么名字?S2:我叫……/我是……
S1:How old are you? S2: I'm... Sl:你多大? S2:我……
1. What are your names?你们叫什么名字?
▲初次见面一般可以询问对方的姓名,英语中常用What's your二?对方可回答My name is…或I'm ...
2. How old are you, Alice?艾丽斯你多大了?
▲询问对方年龄用“How old + be+人称代词?’’这一句型。how是疑问副词,how old意为“多大年龄”,“几岁”。由how开头的疑问句属于特殊疑问句,用降调读。其回答用主语+be十数字+(years old),如:
-How old,you?-I'm ten years old.-你多大?-我十岁。
3. Are you 11, too?你也十一岁吗?
①My mother is coming, too.我母亲也要来了。
We, too,are going away.我们也要走了。
4. What about you, Eddie?埃迪,你呢?
▲ What about…?表示“……怎么样?”或“……好吗?”,常用在征求同意、提出请求或询问看法的问句中。如:1) What about your bag? 你的包怎么办呢?
2 )What about seeing a film this evening?今天晚上去看电影怎么样?
四 Meeting my family见我的家人
★重点词汇this is这是 grandfather 爷爷 father父亲 brother 哥哥;弟弟 Are you…? 你是……吗? mother母亲 sister姐姐;妹妹 grandmother奶奶
★语法聚焦1.一般现在时的用法;2.介绍某人This is... ;3. Nice to meet you.的用法及回答。
Look and say
Simon, this is my mother. 西蒙,这是我的妈妈。
Mum, this is my friend, Simon. 妈妈,这是我的朋友西蒙。
Hello, Simon. Nice to meet you. 你好,西蒙。很高兴见到你。
Nice to meet you too, Mrs U. 我也很高兴见到您,李夫人。
Simon, this is my father. 西蒙,这是我的父亲。
Hello, Mr Li 您好,李先生。
Hello, Simon. 你好,西蒙。
Look and learn
mother brother sister
Say and act
Introduce your family,like this:像这样介绍你的家人:
Sl:This is my grandfather/grandmother/father/ mother/brother/sister. (a family member),this is my friend, (S3's name).S1:这是我的爷爷l奶奶/父亲l母亲l兄弟/姐妹。(一个家庭成员),这是我的朋友,(学生3的名字)。
S2: Hello, (S3's name).Nice to meet you. S2:你好,(学生3的名字)。很高兴见到你。
S3:Nice to meet you too. S3:我也是。
1. Simon, this is my mother.西蒙,这是我的母亲。
第一人称单数 my我的; 第二人称单数 your你的; 第三人称单数 his他的 her她的 its它的
第一人称复数 our我们的 第二人称复数 your你们的 第三人称复数 their他们的
▲在词组或句子中,形容词性物主代词不能单独使用,后面必须加名词才能构成一个完整的意思。例如:This is my father.如果句中没有father,那么这个句子的意思就表达不清了。
2. mum与mother的区别
▲ mother是正式场合向别人介绍母亲时或书面语所用的,相当于汉语的“母亲”,mum主要用于口语中,称呼自己的母亲时所用,相当于汉语的“妈妈”。此外dad的书面语是father; grandma的书面语是 grandmother; grandpa的书面语是grandfather.
Starter Unit 2 Things around us 我们身边的物品
1 Things in the classroom教室中的物品
★重点词汇Blackboard黑板 chair椅子 glue胶水 rubber橡皮 crayon蜡笔 scissors剪刀 bag 书包 paper 纸 knife 小刀 book 书 ruler尺 pair一对,一双bottle瓶子 pencil铅笔 piece张;件;片 desk课桌
★语法聚焦1.Is this/that...?Are these/those...?句型;2.不定冠词a的用法;3.名词的复数。
Look and say
Hi , David. Is this a rubber ? 你好戴维。这是橡皮吗?
Yes, it is. 是的,它是。
Is that a rubber, too? 那也是块橡皮吗?
No, it isn't. 不,它不是。
What is it? 它是什么?
It's a sweet. 它是一块糖。
1. 指示代词:
指示代词this是单数形式,指近处的人或物,复数形式是these. that指远处的人或物,是单数形式,复数形式是those。对含有this,或that一般疑问句或特殊疑问句的回答,用it代替问句中的this或that,用they代替问句中的these或those,以避免重复。请注意比较:
1-What's this?-It's a book. ---这是什么?---是一本书。
2-What are these?-They are pens.---这些是什么?---是钢笔。
〔注〕this或that作主语时,be动词用单数形式is; th,或those作主语时,be动词用复数形式are。
▲a和an都是不定冠词,意思是“一(个,只,支,本)”,但不强调“一”这个数量,强调的是类别。在实际使用中,a限用于辅音音素(即读音为辅音)开头的单数可数名词之前。如:a book(一本书),a bike(一辆自行车),a cup(一只杯子)等。
an限用于元音音素(即读音为元音)开头的单数可数名词之前。如:an apple(一个苹果),an orange(一个橘子),an egg(一个鸡蛋)。如果该名词前有个修饰语,那么用a还是an,则以该修饰语的第一个音素是辅音还是元音而定。如:a desk一张课桌, an old desk一张旧课桌; an apple一个苹果; a nice apple一个好吃的苹果;
a Chinese car一辆中国造的车, an English car一辆英国造的车
【注】音素指读音,而不是字母。有的词虽然是以元音字母开头,但第一个音素不一定是元音,而有的词虽然以辅音字母开头,但它的第一个音素可能是元音。如:an “x”一个x a “u”,一个u
▲a.英语的名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有其复数形式,名词复数形式的构成,有以下几种情况:1)一般在词尾加-s。如:map-maps tree-trees toy-toys girl—girls
2)以s, sh, ch, x等结尾的词加es。如:bus- buses class-classes watch-watches box-boxes brush-brushes
3)以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i,再加-es。如:baby-babies family—families story-stories
【注】toy, boy, key等不属于这一范畴,由于y前是元音字母,所以它们的复数是直接加-s, 以f或fe结尾的名词,变成复数须将f或fe改为ve,然后再加s 。Eg :knife-knives(小刀) thief-thieves(小偷),英语中还有为数不多的名词的复数是不规则的。如:man--men woman-women child-children
▲b.名词复数的词尾读音规则有下面几种情况:如果-s前是清辅音如[p] [t] [k]等,则-s也跟着发清辅音[s]。如:books [ buks ] cats [ k ts ] cups [ k ps ] ;如果s前是浊辅音[b] [d] [g] [1] [rn] [n] 或者是元音,则-s也跟着发浊辅音[z],beds [bedz] bags [b gz] apples ['eplz] planes [pleinz] days [deiz] cars [ka:z]; 以辅音字母+y结尾的词变为复数形式后,词尾读〔z〕。如: babies [beibiz] families ['f miliz], 加-es构成的复数形式及以[s] [z] [ ] [ts]结尾加一s构成的复数形式,读[iz]。如:buses [b siz ] boxes [b ksiz] watches ['w tsiz]
【注】house [ haus]这个词的复数houses的发音很特别,词尾es读〔iz〕,前面本来发清辅音〔s〕的字母。也要改发浊辅音[z],houses要读作['hauziz]
【注】[ ts]和[dz]的发音不能像〔ks〕 [ps] [gz] [bz]等那样读成两个辅音,[ts]和[dz]实际上都分别读成一个音,前者是清辅音,后者是浊辅音。
2. Clothes 衣服
★重点词汇 dress连衣裙 T-shirt T恤衫 shirt男衬衫 coat大衣 shoes鞋 in在……里面under在……下面
★语法聚焦 1.以where引导的特殊疑问句;2. 介词in, on, under的用法及含义。
Look and say
Ben, it's cold today. 本,今天很冷。
Here's your coat. 这是你的大衣。
Thanks, Mum . 谢谢妈妈。
Where's my hat, Ben? 我的帽子在哪,本?
Is it red? 它是红色的吗?
Yes, it is. 是的,它是。
Here it is. 它在这里。
Thanks. 谢谢。
Where are my gloves? 我的手套在哪?
They aren't in the drawer. 他们不在抽屉里。
Here they are . 他们在这儿。
These aren't my gloves. 这不是我的手套。
My glove are blue. 我的手套是蓝色的。
Look and lean
a dress 一条连衣裙,a T-shirt一件T恤衫,a blouse一件女衬衫,a shirt一件男衬衫,socks袜子,shoes鞋
Ask and answer
Sl: Where is/ are the...?    S1:……在哪里?
S2: It is/They are in/on/under...      S2:它/他们在……里面l上/下面。
Sl : Oh, here it is/they are. Thank you.  Sl:哦,它/他们在这里。谢谢。
S2: That's all right.       S2:不用谢。
1.如果询问某物或某人在哪里,可用Where be...?这一句型。如
①--Where is your pen?你的钢笔在哪里?
--It's here.它在这里。
②--Where are the books?书在哪里?
--Here they are.他们在这里。
Where is可缩写为Where's,答语用It is... Where are不能缩写,答语用They…
2. in表示“在……里面”,如:in the box在盒子里;in my吨在我书包里
on表示“在……上面”,如:on the wall在墙上;on the desk在课桌上
under表示“在……下面”,如:under the tree在树下;under the chair在椅子下
3 Food and drink 食品和饮料
★语法聚焦 1. how much引导的特殊疑问句询问价钱,如:How much is the book?这本书多少钱?
2.不可数名词前加容器表示量的大小:a bottle of, a packet of
Look and read
Mum, do you want some flour? 妈妈,你要些面粉吗?
Yes, please. 是的,要。
What have you got, Kitty? 你(筐里)都有什么,基蒂?
I've got some bread, some butter, some jam,some sugar, some fruit,some water, some milk,some chocolate and some coffee.我(这)有一些面包,一些黄油,一些果普,一些糖,一些水果,一些水,一些牛奶,一些巧克力和一些咖啡。
Wok and learn
Yum Yum Superntarket啧啧超市 Special offer特别推荐
big ¥12大的12元 big¥8 大的8元 big ¥5 大的5元
small ¥6小的6元 small¥4 小的4元 small¥3 小的3元
a packet of sweets一包糖果 a cake一块蛋糕 an ice-cream一个冰淇淋
big ¥7 大的7元 big¥2大的2元 big¥13 大的13元
small¥5 小的5元 small¥1小的1元 small ¥8 小的8元
a packet of biscuits一包饼干. a bottle of water一瓶水    a bottle of juice -瓶果汁
Say and act
A small packet of sweets and two big bottles of water, please.一小包糖果和两大瓶水。
Here you are.给你。How much are they?他们多少钱? Ten yuan, please. 10元钱。
1. What have you got ,Kitty?你(筐里)都有什么,基蒂?
▲have got表示“有”。这是口语的习惯用法,相当于have.如:
-Have you got sweets?一你有糖吗?
-Yes, I have.一是的,我有。
2. Here you are.给你。
①当你购物或向别人借东西时,对方说Here you are,意为“给你”。
②当给对方物品时说Here you are. 意为“给你”。
③帮别人寻物,发现时常说Here you are.意为“给你”。
④当你乘车到站时,司机会说Here you.意为“你到站了”。
⑤几个人乘车到站了,自己常说Here we are.意为“我们到了”。
3. How nmch are they?他们多少钱?
▲How much is/are... ?……多少钱?
How much后的连系动词用is还是are依后面主语的单复数而定。如:How much is the bread?面包多少钱?
4 Fruit水果
★重点词汇 pineapple菠萝rough粗糙的smooth 平滑的 smell闻taste品尝
★语法聚焦 1. Have you got any...?句型及回答。
-Have you got any juice?你有果汁吗?-Yes, I've got some juice.是的,我有一些。
-No, I haven't got any juice.不,我没有。
2.祈使句的用法: Smell it.请闻闻。Taste it.请品尝。
Look and say
Have you got any pineapples? 请问有菠萝吗?
Sorry, I haven't got any pineapples 对不起,我这没有菠萝。
Have you got any apples? 请问有苹果吗?
Yes, I've got some apples. 是的,我这有苹果。
Red ones or green ones? 要红的还是绿的?
Red ones, please. 要红的。
1. Have you got any pineapples?你有一些菠萝吗?
1)They are some books.他们是一些书。
2) They are not any books.他们不是一些书。3) Are they any books?他们是一些书吗?
2. Smell it.请品尝它。
▲ 以动词开头而且无主语这样的句子属于祈使句,最前面加Don't,如:
①Don't taste it.不要品尝它。
②Sit down, please.请坐。
Starter Unit 3 Places and activities 地点与活动
1 in the park在公园
★重点词汇 eat吃run跑步rubbish垃圾pick摘,捡play玩,游戏ball球 walk走,散步 grass草地 bicycle自行车football足球bring带来 dog 狗
★语法聚焦1.祈使句的用法: Look at the sign.看这个标记; 2.祈使句的否定:Don't... Don't swim here.不要在这里游泳;3.时间的表达法;4.现在进行时be + doing的用法。
Look and say
At four o'clock, 4点钟,
Eddie and Danny,in the park. 埃迪和丹妮在公园里。
A boy is riding his bicycle in the park. 一个男孩正在公园里骑自行车。
Don't ride your bicycle here. 不要在这里骑车。
Why not? 为什么不让?
Look at the sign 看这个标志!
(1)先说几点,再说几分,如seven twenty 7点20分
(2)半小时以内的时间是“几分+past+几点”,如ten past six 6点10分
(3)过了半个小时的时间是,"(60一原分钟数)+ to十(原钟点数+1)",如five to二8点55分
[注] 时间前如需要加介词可加at,对时间提问用What time is it?或What is the time?
2. Don't ride your bicycle here.不要在这里骑车。
①Don't close the door.不要关门。
②Don't eat.不要吃。
3. A boy is riding his bicycle in the park一个男孩正在公园里骑车。
▲ be+动词的ing形式构成现在进行时。be随人称的变化而变化,即(1)用am, (You)用are,(He, She, It)用is,复数人称用are.
①一般在动词末尾加ing,如:eat-eating drink--drinking go-going
②以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,先去e再加ing,如:come-caming close-closing make-making
③以重读闭音节结尾的动词,中间只有一个元音字母,词尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个辅音字母再加ing,如:put-putting sit-sitting run-running
4. Don't bring your dog here.不要把狗带到这里来。
▲bring表示带某人或拿某物到说话人处。如:Please bring some water tome.请给我拿点水来。
Please bring your guest here.请把你的客人来。
2 After school 放学后
★重点词汇 sing唱歌swim游泳paint画画;涂料 cook做饭run跑步write写dive跳水Jump跳draw画
★语法聚焦 1.情态动词can(表示掌握某技能)的用法;Can you swim?你会游泳吗?‘
2. but连接两个表示转折关系的句子。I can swim but I can't dive.我会游泳但不会跳水。
Look and say
Kitty, can you swim? 基蒂,你会游泳吗?
Yes, I can. 是的,我会。
Danny, can you draw? 丹妮,你会画画(描细边)吗?
No, I can't. 不,我不会。
What can you do? 你会做什么?
I can paint. 我会画画(用扁笔直接画)。
3 Can I do this 我能做这个吗?
★重点词汇 classroom hall noise now library office let playground toilet cross
★语法聚焦1. 情态动词can(表示被允许)的用法: You can sit down.你可以坐下。
2.祈使句Let's的用法; Let's go.让我们出发吧。3. There be句型表示某地有某物。There is a car.有一辆桥车。
Look and say
At home在家
Can I go out, Mum?我可以出去吗,妈妈?
No, you can't. It's raining.不,你不可以。正下雨呢。
Can we watch television?我们可以看电视吗?
Yes, you can.是的,你们可以。
At school在学校
You can't make a noise in the library.你不可以在图书馆发出噪音。
I'm sorry, Miss Li.对不起,李老师。
You can't play ball games in the classroom你不可以在教室里玩球。
I'm sorry, Miss Li.对不起,李老师。
In the street在马路上
Look! There's the red man.看!红灯亮了。Lpok!There's the green man.
Let's cross the mad now.
l . Can I go out, Mum?我可以出去吗,妈妈?
2. Let's cross the road now.让我们现在过马路。
▲let's是let us的缩写形式,但是他们有区别;let’s指包括说话者在内的“我们”,let us指不包括说话者在内的“我们”。
▲let被称作使役动词,其后要求跟动词原形,即let sb do sth让某人做某事,如:
1)The teacher lets us read English every morning. 老师让我们每天早上读英语。
2)Let him go at once.让他马上去。
3) There's the red man.有红灯。
▲There be句型表示“有•一,”be随其后面的第一个名词而变化,如:
1)There is a book and two pens.有一本书和两个钢笔。
2) There are two pens and a book.. 有两个钢笔和一本书。
4 how do you go to…? 你如何去……?
★重点词汇bus公共汽车car小汽车school bus校车bicycle自行车taxi出租车swimming pool游泳池
★语法聚焦1.特殊疑问句How do you go to.. .?的用法;2.介词by表示乘交通工具。
Look and say
How do you go to the swimming pool? 你如何去游泳池?
I go to the swimming pool by bus. 我乘公共汽车去游泳池。
I go by bicycle. 我骑车去。
Kitty goes to the swimming pool by bus. 基蒂乘公共汽泳池。
Danny goes by bicycle. 丹妮骑车去。
How do you go to the park? 你如何去公园?
I go to the park by car. 我乘小汽车去公园。
I go by taxi. 我乘出租车去。
Peter goes to the park by car. 彼得乘小汽车去公园。
Alice goes by taxi. 艾丽斯乘出租车去。
How do you come to school?
I come to school by school bus.我乘校车来学校。
I walk.我步行。
Eddie comes to school by school bus,埃迪束校车来学校。
Kally walks to school.凯利步行来学校。
Do a survey做一个调查
How do students in your class come to school 你班的学生如何来学校?
Write a report.写一个报告。
1. How do you go to the park?你如何去公园?
▲ how是一个特殊疑问词,引导特殊疑问句,表示“如何”,“怎样”的含义。如:-How do you go to school?
-By bus.一你怎样上学?一乘公共汽车。
2. I go by taxi.我乘出租车去。
▲by是“乘坐”的意思,后面可加交通工具,如:by ship乘船 by plane乘飞机
Starter Unit 4 Family and friends 家人和朋友
1 My family
★重点词汇 tall short old young photo doctor
★语法聚焦 1. 特殊疑问句How many…?的用法;2. 形容词的比较级
Read and act
Kitty: How many people are there in your family?
Alice: Mm…seven.
Kitty: Your mother,your father, your grandfather,…
Alice: That’s right. I also have two older brothers and one younger sister.
Kitty: There are only five people in my family. Your family is bigger than mine.
Alice: That’s right. Your family is smaller than mine.
1. How many people are there in your family? 你家里有多少人?
▲这是由how many 构成的特殊疑问句,主要对数词进行提问,后接可数名词复数。如:
1)How many books do you have?你有多少本书?
2)How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少学生?
2. I also have two older brothers and one younger sister。我也有两个哥哥和一个妹妹。
▲elder 和older 辨析
1)My elder sister is three years older than I。我的姐姐比我大三岁。2)I have an elder brother。我有一个哥哥(仅有一个哥哥)3)I have an older brother。我有一个年龄更大的哥哥。(不止一个哥哥)
3. Your family is bigger than mine。 你家人比我家人多。
1)He is taller than I (am tall)他比我高。2)He runs faster than I (run)。他比我跑的快。
2 Relatives亲戚
★语法聚焦1 .How many ... have you got ?句型 2.名词的所有格。如:Alice’s 爱丽斯的
Look and learn
This is Alice's family tree. 这是艾丽斯的家谱。
Look and say
I've got two aunts. 我有两个婶婶。
How many aunts have you got? 你有几个婶婶?
I've got two aunts too. 你有几个婶婶?
I've got two uncles. 我也有两个。
How many uncles have you got? 你有几个叔叔?
I've only got one uncle . 我只有一个叔叔。
1. How many aunts have you got? 你有几个婶婶?
▲have got表示“有”,此句是how many引导的特殊疑问句,询问数量,后接可数名词复数,回答用数字,如:-How many apples have you got?你有几个苹果?-Three.三个
▲a.名词如要表示与后面名词的所有关系,用名词所有格的形式。表示人的名词的所有格形式常有以下几种情况:1)单数名词所有格在词尾直接加“'s"。如:Mary's schoolbag Mary的书包my sister's cat我妹妹的猫
his father's coat他父亲的外套2)词尾为s的复数名词的所有格只在词尾加“’”。如:the students' books学生们的书the boys' game男孩们的游戏the teachers' chair老师们的椅子3)不规则名词复数的所有格形式是在词尾加“'s"。如:Women's Day妇女节men's coats男式外套4)用and连接的两个名词的所有格形式。只在后一个名词的词尾加“'s"。如:Tom and Mike's sister Tom和Mike的姐姐(是他们两个人的姐姐)
Jack and John's room Jack和John的房间(这个房间是两人共同的)
b.动物和表示无生命事物的名词的所有格一般不在词尾加's’构成,而常常用介词of短语,放在被修饰名词的后面,表示所有关系。如:a map of China一幅中国地图a picture of my school我学校的一张照片the name of her cat她的猫的名字 the door of the,房间的门
3 Good friends 好朋友
★重点词汇happy快乐的 angry生气的 helpful有帮助的 both两者都 block大楼 together一起 kind和蔼的share分享
★语法聚焦1. 表示频率的副词usually, always, often等词的用法;2.动词不定式to do的用法。
Look and learn.
Kitty has a good friend.基蒂有一个好朋友。
Her name is Alice.她的名字叫艾丽斯。
They,both eleven years old.他们都11岁。
They live in the same housing estate,他们住在同一个住宅区,
but in different blocks.但在不同的单元。
Kitty lives in Block 1 and Alice lives in Block 3.基蒂住在1号楼,艾丽斯住在3号楼。
Kitty and Alice usually go to school together.基蒂和艾丽斯经常一起上学。
Sometimes they like to eat thei:有时他们喜欢一起
lunch together and share their food.吃午饭并分享食物。
They always play together after school.他们放学后总是一起玩。
They are happy to be together,他们在一ilk高兴。
Answer true/false判断正/误
1 Alice and Kitty are good friends. 1.艾丽斯和基蒂是好朋友。
2 Alice and Kitty are both twelve years old. 2.艾丽斯和基蒂都是12岁。
3 Alice and Kitty live in the same block. 3.艾丽I棒基蒂住在同一个大楼里。
Alice is my good friend 艾丽斯是我的好朋友。
She is always helpful. 她总是爱帮助人。
She is never angry. 她从来不生气。
Kitty is my good friend. 墓蒂是我的好朋友。
She is always kind to others. 她总是善待他人。
She always shares her snacks with me. 她总是和我分享她的小吃。
Who is your good friend? 你的好朋友是谁?
Write some sentences about him/her. 写一些关于他/她的句子。
1.They are both eleven years old.他们都是11岁。
1)They both like music.他们都喜欢音乐。
2)They are both very happy.他们都很开心。
2. They are happy to be together.他们在一起很快乐。
1) We live a happy life.我们过着幸福的生活。
2) I'm very happy to see you.见到你我非常高兴。
3) I am so happy that you could visit us.你能来看我们,我真是太高兴了。
▲never从来不sometunes有时often经常usually通常 always总是
4 Grandma's birthday奶奶的生日
★语法聚焦1. when引导的特殊疑问句询问时间; 2.序数词的变化规律;3.形容词性物主代词。
Look and say
When is our grandma's birthday? 我们奶奶的生日是什么时候?
It's on the fifteenth of April. 在四月十五日。
Read and act
Mum: It's an important day tomorrow. 妈妈:明天是个重要的日子。
Ben: Is it Dragon Boat Festival? 本:是龙舟节吗?
Mum: No, Ben, it's April. Dragon Boat Festival is always in May or June.
Kitty: Is it Grandma's birthday? 基蒂:是奶奶的生日吗?
Mum: You're right, Kitty. 妈妈:是的,基蒂。
Ben: Oh, yes. Now I remember. 本:哦,是的。现在我想起来了。
Mum: Let's go to the supermarket to some food for grandma's birthday party.妈妈:为了奶奶的生日聚会,
Ben and Kitty: Hooray! Let's go!本和基蒂:好呀!我们走!
Do a survey做个调查
In groups, find out your classmates' birthdays.分组,找出你同学们的生日。
Sl : When is your birthday? S1:你的生日是什么时候?
S2: My birthday is on the... of... S2:我的生日是在……
1. When is our grandma's birthday?我们奶奶的生日是什么时候?
-When do you go to school?你什么时候上学?
-At 7.在七点钟。
first(第一),second(第二),third(第三),fifth(第五),eighth(第八),ninth(第九),twelfth(第十二),twentieth(第二十)等。twenty-first(第二十一),thirty-second(第三十二),sixty-fifth(第六十五),eighty-ninth(第八十九),a hundred and fifty-second(第一百五十二)其他情况都在基数词上加一th构成:thirty-sixth(第三十六),ninety-seventh(第九十七),two hundred and thirty-sixth(第二百三十六),first, second等词常缩写为1st, 2nd, 3nd, 20th, 21st等。序数词表示日期:June 23rd六月二十三日October 1 st十月一日February 2nd二月二日August 31st八月三十一日;日期的读法:May 23(rd)读作May (the) twenty-third或the twenty-third of May,July 1读作July (the) first或the first of July。
Starter Unit 5 My neighbourhood 我的邻居
1 People's jobs 人们的工作
★重点词汇doctor医生make使成为(变成);做;制造sick people病人better更好的n。护士waiter服务员。tress女服务员bring带来postman邮递员letter信shop assistant店员sell卖fireman消防员fire火.put out熄灭(火)job工作
★语法聚焦1.用What do you do?询问工作;2. Why...?与Because…句型的用法。
Look and say
Mark's father visits Rose Garden School.马克的父亲参观玫瑰花园学校。
He talks to the students.他与学生们交谈。
What job do you do?你是做什么工作的?
I'm a fireman.我是消防员。
What do you usually do?你经常做什么?
I put out fires.我灭火。
Do you like your job?你喜欢你的工作吗?
Yes. I do.是的。我喜欢。
Because I like to help people.因为我爱帮助人。
Answer true/false判断正误
1 Mark's father is a farther. 1.马克的父亲是一个农场主。
2 Mark's father puts out fire. 2.马克的父亲灭火。
3 He likes to help people. 3. 他喜欢帮助人。
Look and learn
doctor/makes sick people better医生/使病人的病情好转
nurse/makes sick people better护士/使病人的病情好转
waiter/waitress/brings food to people男/女服务员/给人们送食物
cook/cooks food for people厨师/为人们烹饪食物
postman/brings letters to people邮递员/把信带给人们
shop assistant/sells things to people店员/卖给人们东西
Do a survey 做个调查
In pairs, find out about your parents' jobs.两人一组,找出你们父母的工作。
SI: What job does your father/mother do? Sl:你父亲/母亲是做什么的?
S2: He/She is a/an. . . S2:他/她是一个……
Sl: What does he/she usually do? S1:他/她经常做什么?
S2: He/She... S2:他/她……
S1: Does he/she like his/her job? Sl:他/她喜欢他/她的工作吗?
S2: Yes/No. S2:是的/不是。
1 . What job do you do?你是做什么工作的?
▲询问对方的工作还可以有以下表达法:What are you? What do you do? What do you work?
2. Why? Because I like to help people.为什么?因为我喜欢帮助人。
▲(1) a. Why...?问句强调发生某一动作或产生某一情况的原因。通常我们用because来回答why. . .?问句。如:
①"Why do you like P.E.?" "Because it's fun."“你为什么喜欢体育?”“因为体育有趣。”
②"Why are you so angry?" "Because I didn't pass the maths test."“你为什么这么生气?”“因为我数学考试没及格。”
b. What ... for?问句强调什么目的或用途,回答时不用because,而要用表示目的的不定式、for介词短语或其他形式。如:①"What do you buy that for?" "To make pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving dinner.”
②"What do you come back for?" "I'm back for my textbook."“你回来干吗?’’“我回来拿课本。”
【注】反过来说,如果对句中表示目的的不定式或介词短语进行提问时,应该用what... for?问句,而不用Why问句。如对I'm going to her home for Thanksgiving dinner.一句中的介词for短语进行提问,则应说成What are you going to her home for?
▲(2) a. because从句通常用来说明一个直接的原因,引导一个原因状语从句,这时主从句可改成由so连接的并列句。如:1)I can't go with you today because I'm too busy.=I'm too husy today, so I can’t go with you.
2)We all like the little girl because she's very beautiful and clever.=The little girl is very beautiful and clever, so we all like her.我们都喜欢那个小女孩,因为她非常漂亮,聪明。
【注】汉语中可以说“因为……所以……”,但英语中如用了because就不能再用so,用了so就不能再用because。用一个句子作状语叫做状语从句,because引导的是原因状语从句,when引导的是时间状语从句,山朋引导的是比较状语从句。b. because从句常用来回答why引导的特殊疑问句。如: "Why are you late today?""Because the traffic is too bad."“你们今天为什么迟到?’’“因为交通阻塞。”
2 Our housing estate我们的住宅区
★重点词汇playground操场kindergarten幼儿园block大楼shop商店fountain喷泉,garden花园tennis court网球场swimming pool游泳池school学校floor层
★语法聚焦1.特殊疑问句Where do/does sb live?句型;2.表示方位的介词:in front of在……前面
behind在……后面 on the right of在……右面 on the left of在……左面
Look and read
Ben and Kitty live in a housing estate.本和基蒂住在一个住宅区里。
'they live in Block 1.他们住在1号楼。
It has thirty floors.那是个30层的大楼。
They live on the ninth floor.他们住在第9层。
Eddie lives in Block 2.埃迪住在2号楼。
It is in front of Block 1.它在1号楼的前面。
It has twenty floors.它有20层。
He lives on the eighteenth floor.他住在第18层。
Alice lives in Block 3.艾丽斯住在3号楼。It is behind the garden.它在花园的后面。
It has ten floors.它有10层。
Alice lives on the tenth floor.艾丽斯住在第10层。
It is the top floor.它是顶楼。
There is“supennarket.有一个超市。
It is on the right of the garden.它在花园的右面。
There is also a shop,在这个住宅区里也有一个商店,
a school, a kindergarten, a playground,一个学校,一个幼儿园,一个操场,
a swmrnng pool and tennis owrts in the housing estate一个游泳池和网球场。
1.Where does Ed&e live?埃迪住在哪?
▲表示“某人住在哪儿?”使用句型"Where do/does sb live?",其答语是“He/She/They lives十介词短语。如:
-Where do you live?你住在哪?-1 live in Shanghai.我住在上海。
-Where does your uncle live?你叔叔在哪住?-He lives near the school.他在学校附近住。
2. in front of与in the front of的区别
▲in front of意为“在……的前面”,表示某个范围之外的前面。而in the front of则表示在某个范围之内的前部。如:①There is a tree in front of the house.房子前面有棵树。(树在房子外面)
② Li Ming sits in the front of the classroom.李明坐在教室的前面。(李明在教室里)
3. Alice lives on the tenth floor.艾丽斯住在第十层。▲关于“楼层”,英美说法不同,美国和中国相同:
英国 美国 中国
the top floor the top floor 顶楼
the second floor the third floor 三楼
the first floor the second floor 二楼
the ground floor the first floor 一楼
the basement the basement 地下室
3 On the way to school 在上学的路上
★重点词汇bus stop车站crossing十字路口,人行横道traffic lights交通灯 rubbish bin垃圾箱lamp路灯leave离开get on上车get off下车
★语法聚焦1.特殊疑问句What time. . .?的用法:What time do you leave home?你几点离开家?
2.时间表达法:at half past six在6点半at twenty to eight在7点40分at five twenty在5点20分
Look and learn
a bus stop一个汽车站a crossing一个十字路口traffic lights交通灯a rubbish bin垃圾箱 a lamp一个路灯
Look and read
I always leave home at seven o'clock,我经常七点离开家,
and walk to the bus stop.然后走到公共汽车站。
Then I get on a bus at about然后我大约七点十五上另
a quarter past seven.一辆公共汽车。
The bus goes along Yuhua Road.公共汽车延着玉华路行驶,
Then I get off at the bus stop at Rose Garden Road.然后我在玫瑰园路车站下车。
I cross the road at the crossing to my school.我穿过人行横道到达学校。
I usually get there at twenty to eight.我经常七点四十到那儿。
Think and answer
1 What time does Peter leave home? 1.彼得几点离开家?
2 How does Peter go to the bus stop? 2.彼得怎么去公共汽车站?
3 When does Peter get on a bus? 3.彼得什么时候上车?
4 Where does Peter get off the bus? 4.彼得在哪里下车?
About you 关于你
How do you go to school?你怎样上学?
Draw a map to show your route,画一张地图指出你的路线,
then tell your classmates about your journey.然后把你的旅程告诉你的同学们。
1 .What time does Peter leave home?彼得几点离开家?
▲what time通常可以对钟点进行提问,而when则可以就年、月、日、上下午、中午、早晚及钟点进行提问。如:
①-What time/When do you get up?你几点起床?-At seven o'clock.七点。
② -When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?-October 2.十月二日。
2. 1 always leave home at seven o'clock.我经常七点离开家。
▲o'clock是副词,不是名词,须与数词搭配,不可用作复数形式。如:I can't get there before four o'clock. 4点以前我到不了那里。在现代英语中,o'clock只表示整点钟,而不与分钟连用,其前须用介词at,而不用on。如:
Wake me at three o'clock. 在三点钟叫醒我。
4 Out and about 外出
★重点词汇park公园cinema电影院bank银行post office 邮局near在……附近far远quite十分,非常minute分钟take需要,拿;乘(车,船等)hour小时
★语法聚焦1. How long does it take sb to do sth?句型;2.介词near, faraway from的用法。
Look and read
Kitty, Alice and Eddie live near school。基蒂,艾丽斯和埃迪住在学校附近。
It takes them only five minutes to get to school.他们到学校仅用5分钟。
Danny lives not too far away from school.丹妮住在离学校不是很远的地方。
It takes him about fifteen minutes to get to school.她用大约15分钟到达学校。
Kally lives quite far away from school.凯利住的离学校很远。
It takes her about half an hour to get to school.她用半一个小时到学校。
Do a survey
In groups, find out how much time it takes分成小组,找出你同学去
your classmates to go to the above places.上述地点需要多长时间。
Sl: How long does it take you to... ? S1:你去……要多长时间?
S2: It takes me only about ... to get/walk there. S2:我用大约仅仅..…到那/走到那。
1. How long does it take you to get to school?你去学校要多长时间?
▲How long does it take sb to do sth?句型用于询问某人做某事要用多长时间,意思是“某人用多长时间做某事?”如:How long does it take you to do your homework?你做作业要花多长时间?
2. It takes them only five minutes to get to school.他们仅用五分钟到学校。
▲lt takes sb some time to do sth.句型表示某人用多长时间做某事,如:
It takes me three days to finish the job.我用三天时间完成这个工作。I
Starter Unit 6 The world around us我们周围的世界
1 The weather 天气
spring春季autumn秋季kite风筝beach海边umbrella一雨伞summer夏季scarf围巾winter冬季weather report天气预报temperature温度day天山to日期weather天气
★语法聚焦1.询问天气What's the weather like?句型;2.天气的表达法It's sunny/rainy/warn...
Look and learn
What's the weather like today? It's. .,今天天气怎么样?今天……
Read and match
a It is warn. The flowers and trees are growing. a 天气暖和。花繁叶茂。
Birds are making their nests. It is spring.鸟儿在筑菜。现在是春天。
b It is cool and勿.b 天气凉爽干燥。
The children go to the country park。孩子们去了国家公园。
Ben is flying a kite. It is autumn.本正在放风筝。现在是秋天。
c It is very hot and sunny. c天气很热并且阳光充足。
The children go to the beach.孩子们去了海边。
Kitty is lying under an umbrella.基蒂正躺在伞下。
Ben is swimming. It is summer.本正在游泳。现在是夏天。
d It is cold and win衡 .d天气很冷并且多风。
The children wear wann clothes,孩子们穿上保暖的衣服
scarves and gloves.并戴上了围巾和手套。
They are riding their bicycles。他们正在骑自行车。
It is winter.现在是冬天。
Read and write
The weather report天气预报
Here is the weather report for Friday,这是6月14日,
the fourteenth of June.星期五的天气预报。
It's hot and sunny.天气很热,阳光充足。
The temperature is twenty-five degrees.气A是25摄氏度。
Fill in the form below about the weather report.续下面关于天气预报的表格。
Day:星期: Date:日期: Weather:天气: Temperature:气温:
1 .What's the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?
▲what... like二how表示“怎样”,此句话还表达为:How is the weather?天气怎么样?
2. Kitty is lying under an umbrella.基蒂正躺在伞下。
3. It is warm.天气暖和。
▲it指“天气”,通常我们习惯用it描述天气,而不经常用weather。如:It's cold today.(常用)
The weather is cold today.(很少用)
4. The children wear warm clothes, scarves and gloves.孩子们穿上保暖的衣服并戴上了围巾和手套。
5 .Here is the weather report for Friday,…这是星期五的天气预报……
▲here的用法如下:a. here表示地点。如:Put the bottle here.把瓶子放在这儿。
b. here是副词,用作定语时,须后置。如:The children here enjoy a happy life,这里的孩子们过着幸福的生活。
c. here有时可用作主语或宾语。如:
1)Here is where I want to stay.这正是我要呆的地方。
2)Behind here is a garden.这儿后面是座花园。
d. here用于句首,主语是名词时,主谓倒装;主语是代词时,主谓不倒装。如:1)Here are some stamps.这儿是几张邮票。2)Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了!3)Here it is.它在这。
2 Water水
★重点词汇cloud云wind风blow吹land陆地sea大海rain雨river河流through通过reservior水库special特别的factory工厂wide宽的pipe管子rice大米put out扑灭grow种植vegetable蔬莱make制造
★语法聚焦1.使役动词make的用法;What makes you happy?什么使你高兴?
2. First, . . . Next, . . . Then, . . . Finally,,二连接句子。
Look and learn
1 Water comes from the sea. 1水来自海洋。
2 The water makes clouds. 2水变成云。
3 The wind blows the clouds to the land. 3风把云吹向陆地。
4 It rains. 4天下雨。
Read and answer
Water in our city我们城市的水
Every day, people in our city use a lot of water, 每天,我们城市中的人们用大量的水,
but there are no big rivers in our city. 但是我们城市没有大河。
Most of the water we use comes from other cities. 我们用的大多数的水来自于其他城市
First, it comes through very long,wide pipes. Next, 首先,它通过长长的、宽宽的管道运输。其次,
it goes into reservoirs in our city. 水流入我们城市的水库。
Then a special factory makes the water clean.Finally, 然后,一个特别的工厂使水净化。最后,
it goes through smaller pipes to our homes. 水通过更小的管道进到每家每户。
1 Are there big rivers in our city? 1在我们城市里有大河吗?
2 How does water come to our city? 2水是如何来到我们城市的?
3 Where does the water go next? 3水后来到哪里去了呢?
4 What makes the water clean? 4什么使水净化?
Ask and answer
At home在家里clean the flat打扫房间cook rice做米饭make drinks做饮料At work在工作中
put out fires灭火grow vegetables种植蔬菜make things in factories在工厂里制造产品
Sl : How do people use water at home/work? Sl:人们如何在家/工作中用水?
S2: People use water to... S2:人们用水来•一
1 . Then a special factory makes the water clean.然后一个特别的工厂使水净化。
▲make sth十形容词表示使某物怎样,如:① Who makes them so happy?谁使他们这么开心?
②'Ihe meal made her ill.这顿饭使她得病了。
2. People use water to…人们用水来……
▲use sth to do sth用某物做某事,如:We use pens to write.我们用钢笔写字。
3 Fire 火
★重点词汇fire火raw生的cooked熟的meat肉chicken wing鸡翅taste品尝charcoal木炭gas煤气barbecue烧烤electricity电wood木头
★语法聚焦1.形容词的比较级:better than比……更好;2.感观动词后用形容词来修饰。
It smells good.闻起来很好。The beef tastes nice.牛肉味道很好。
Look and learn
fire火raw (meat)生(肉)cooked (meat)熟(肉)
Look and say
Here you are, Kitty. Have a chicken wing.给你,基蒂。吃个鸡翅。
Thanks, Ben. It smells nice.谢谢,本。闻起来很好。
How does it taste?味道怎么样?
It isn't nice. Look, it's raw.不是很好,看,它没熟。
Let's cook your chicken wing some more.让我们把你的鸡翅再做一会。
Thanks, Ben.谢谢,本。
Read and write
I like charcoal better than gas.比起天然气我更喜欢木炭。
The food tastes nicer.食物吃起来更好吃。
Ben likes barbecues.本喜欢烧烤。
He likes to cook with.他喜欢用做饭。
I like wood better than gas.比起天然气我更喜欢木头。
1. Have a chicken wing. 吃一个鸡翅。
▲Have 表示“吃”的意思,如:What do you have for breakfast?你早饭吃什么?
2. How does it taste?它吃起来味道怎么样?
1)The rice smells bad. 米饭闻起来坏了。
2)The fish tastes delicious. 鱼尝起来很好。
3. I like wood better than gas. 比起天然气我更喜欢木头。
▲like…better than…比起…更喜欢…
4. What do your friends like to cook with?你的朋友喜欢用什么做饭?
▲with表示“用”, 通常后跟表示工具的词语。如:1)She opened the car with a key。她用钥匙打开汽车。
2)You must not write your name with a pencil. 你不得用铅笔写上你的名字。
4 Air 空气
★重点词汇traffic交通smoke烟factory工厂dust灰尘constrction site建筑工地power station发电站eye眼睛
★语法聚焦1.介词from表来自于……;2. Where... come from?的用法及含义。
Look and read
Ben and Kitty are shopping in Garden City.本和基蒂在花园城购物。
Ben: What's the matter, Kitty?本:怎么了,基蒂?
Kitty:My eyes hurt.It's the smoke from the traffic.基蒂:我眼睛痛。是因为汽车的尾气。
Ben: There's also a construction site.Look at the dust.本:还有建筑工地。看这些灰尘。
Kitty: The workers are burning rubbish there. Look at the smoke from the fire.
Ben: The air in Garden City is very dirty.本:花园城的空气很脏。
Kitty: There's a lot of air pollution.基蒂:空气污染很严重。
Look and learn
traffic/smoke交通/烟factories/smoke and dust工厂/烟和灰尘construciton sites/dust建筑工地/灰尘
power stations/smoke and dust发电站/烟和灰尘
Ask and answer In pairs,两人一组,
Talk about air pollution in your city,like this:像这样讨论你们城市的空气污染: SI : The air in our city is very dirty. Sl:我们城市的空气很脏。
S2: That's air pollution. S2:那是空气污染。
Sl : Where does air pollution come from? Sl:空气污染来源于哪里?
S2: It comes from... S2:它来源于……
1 . What's the matter, Kitty?怎么了,基蒂?
▲What's the matter? = What's wrong?询问对方发生了什么事。
2. Where does air pollution cane from?空气污染来源于哪里?a. from为介词“从……,自……”的意思。如:
1)I get a book from my teacher.我从老师那儿得到一本书。
2)May I borrow the pen from you?我能借你的钢笔用一下吗?
b.与fmm有关的词组be from“从……来,来自……”,例如:
1)I am firm America.我从美国来。
2)Are you from London?你来自伦敦吗?
come from“从……来,来自”,与be from同义,但是句型转换时须借助助动词do, does。如:
1) Where do you,from?你从哪儿来?
2) I don't come from Japan. I come from Korea.我不是从日本来的,我是从韩国来的。
from... to...“从……到••一,”如:
1)I go to school from Monday to Friday.我从星期一到星期五都上学。
2)Spring is from March to May.春天从三月到五月。
Module 1 Change
Unit 1 What will I be? 我将会是什么样?
★重点词汇good-looking(外貌)好看的model模特儿note评论reporter 记者
Read and match
Kally goes to the shopping centre. She wants to use the Magic Camera. She wants to know what she will be like when she is 25.凯丽去购物中心。她想使用魔法相机。她想知道当她25岁时,她会是什么样子
(1) First, put your photograph into the` IN' box. 首先,把你的照片放到标有“IN”的箱子里。
(2) Next, put in Y 10 when the red light is on. 接着,当红灯亮起时放入10元钱。
(3)Then press the `START' button. 然后按“开始”按妞。
(4)Finally, take your new photograph and read the note on the back. See what you will be like .
Read, draw and write
1 . This is me! 1.这是我!
When you're 25… 当你25岁时……
" you will be 15 centimetres taller. 你将长高15厘米。
" you will be five kilogrammes heavier. 你的体重将增加5公斤。
" you will have long hair. 你将有一头长发。
" you will be more beautiful. 你将更美丽。
2. What will we be like? 我们将会是什么样?
I'm very excited. Let's take a photograph now. 我很激动。让我们现在照张相吧。
Make a photograph for both Dannyand Kitty. Write a note on the back of each photograph. Work in pairs.
Read, think and say
Peter likes helping people. 彼德喜欢帮助别人。
In 13 years' time, Peter will be tall and strong. 13年后,彼德将会又高又壮。
He will be 180 centimetres tall and 他将会身高180厘米,
he will weigh 65 kilogranunes. 体重65公斤。
He will not need to wear glasses. 他将不需要戴眼镜。
He will be good at sports. 他将擅长体育。
Danny loves eating cakes and pizzas.In 13 years' time, Danny will be strong, but he will not be very tall. He will be good at cooking.丹尼喜爱吃蛋糕和比萨饼。13年后,丹尼会很强壮,但他不会太高。他将擅长烹饪。
Eddie loves driving. In 13 years' time,Eddie will be strong, but he will not be very tall. He will be good at English and Chinese. He will also be good at taking photographs. 埃迪喜欢开车。13年后,埃迪将会强壮,但不会太高。他将擅长英语和汉语。他也会擅长摄影。
Kally loves dressing up. In 13 years' time, Kally will be tall and slim.She will be 170 centimetres tall and she will be weigh 55 kilogrammes. She will be good-looking. She will also be good at singing.凯丽喜爱打扮。13年后,她将又高又苗条。她将身高170厘米体重55公斤。她长得好看,擅长唱歌。
Peter will possibly be a policeman.彼德可能会成为一名警察。
Yes. I agree. 是的,我同意。
No, I don't agree. 不,我不同意。
I think he'll possibly be a fireman. 我认为他会成为一名消防队员。
Look and read
I'll possibly be a policeman or a fireman. However, I'd like to be a doctor
I'm poor at English and Chinese.我英语和汉语很差。
I need to study hard.我需要努力学习。
I have to practise English and Chinese more.我必须多多练习英语和汉语。
I have to learn to make sick people better.我必须学习使病人好起来。
1. Kally goes to the shopping centre.. 凯丽去购物中心。
1)He goes to school at seven every day.他每天七点钟上学。
2)Mary likes English.玛丽喜欢英语。
2. She wants to know what she will be like when she is 25.她想知道当她二十五岁时,她会是什么样子。
1) We'll meet at the airport.我们将在机场见面。
2) I'll go home this aftemoon.今天下午我要回家。
▲what是引导宾语从句的疑问词,尽管该从句由疑问词开头,具有疑问含意,但从句的语序需用陈述语序,而不用疑问语序。如:Please tell me where I can get such a book.这一句不能说成Please tell me where can I get such a book.再如:I've no idea where we can find him.我真不知道该到哪儿去找他。
1)John was having his dinner when I saw him.当我看到约翰的时候,他正在吃饭。
2)I’ll do it when I've finished writing the letter.写完信后我就去做。
3. He will be good at cooking,他将擅长烹任。
▲be good at的意思是“擅长于……”常用来表示某人在某个方面有特长。其中的介词at之后一般接名词或动词的一ing形式。be good at在意义和用法上都相当于do well in。如:
1)She is good at singing.=She does well in singing.她擅长唱歌。
2)I am very good at English. = I do well in English.我的英语很好。
4. Kally loves dressing up凯丽喜爱打扮。
▲dress up,如同dress一样,既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词。但它的词义与dress不同,它表示“(使)盛装打扮”、“(使)打扮成”。如:We dressed up for the wedding.我们为参加婚礼而盛装打扮。
5. However, I'd like to be a doctor.然而,我却想成为一名医生。
① They are late. However, they come.他们是迟到了,然而他们来了。
②I did ask them to stay longer. However, they left at last. 我的确让他们多住些日子,不过他们最终还是走了。
6. I have to learn to make sick people better.我必须学习使病人好起来。
▲better是good, well的比较级,意思是“更好的”。英语中在表示“比较……”和“最••…”时,形容词要用特别的形式,称为比较级和最高级,与之相对,原来的形容词称为原级。
Unit 2 Seasonal changes 季节转换
★重点词汇 blazer运动茄克 canteen(工厂、学校的)食堂 chart图表 difference不同 footprint脚印 lolly硬糖
puddle水坑 ribbon丝带 sleeve袖子 trousers裤子
★语法聚焦1.情态动词must等的用法; 2.形容词early,late等的用法;
3.介词:until,before,after等的用法。4.限定词more,not many的用法。
Read and write
Rose Garden School 玫瑰花园学校
To all new student 通知全体新生
(A)Uniforms 校服
In summer 在夏季
All students must wear summer uniforms in September,early October,late April,May,June and July.
You must wear white shirts with short sleeves,grey shorts and short white socks.
You must wear white blouses with short sleeves, grey skirts and short white socks.
Help Miss Guo finish the notice. Write about when students must wear winter uniforms and what they must wear:
Look and write
Let's look at this chart.让我们看这张表。
What are the differences?有什么不同?
Look, read and match
Write 's' for summer and 'w' for winter. ‘s’代表夏季 ‘w’代表冬季。
a The days are longer. (s) a白天长了。
b The days are shorter. (w) b白天短了。
c The nights are longer. (w) c夜长了。
d The nights are shorter. ( s) d夜短了。
e It gets dark early in the evening. (w) e晚上天黑的早了。
f It gets dark late in the evening. (s) f晚上天黑的晚了。
g It will not be dark until half past six. ( s) g直到六点半天才黑。
h The days start before six o'clock. (s) h六点前天亮了。
i The nights start after half past five. (w) i五点半以后天黑了。
Look and read
You are the reporters for the school magazine. Take some potographs about our school life in summer.
In the school garden在学校花园
In summer, there are more flowers in the garden. You can see plenty of butterflies and bees flying in the garden.夏天,花园中有更多花。你能看见许多蝴蝶和蜜蜂在花园中飞舞。
In the playground在操场
In summer, the sun shines and shines. Not many students like playing football in the playground because it is very hot.夏天,阳光灿烂。因为太热,很少有学生喜欢在操场上踢足球。
In the library在图书馆
In summer, more students like staying in the library because it is air-conditioned.
In the canteen在食堂
In summer, more students like having salad for lunch. More students like having ice-cream,ice lollies and soft drinks after school.夏天,多数学生午饭喜欢吃色拉。大多数学生课后爱吃冰淇淋,冰棍和软饮料。
Read Alice and Eddie's notes. Help them write about their school life in winter.
1 . All students must wear stunner uniforms… ……全体学生必须穿夏季校服。
1) We must get to school early.我们必须很早到校。
2) You mustn't play on the road.你不能在路上玩。▲wear, ▲put on, dress辨析
wear表示“穿着”、“戴着”这样的持续状态。如:1}The workers all wear thick clothes and glasses over their eyes.
工人们都穿着厚衣服,戴着眼镜。2)What's Jim wearing?吉姆穿(着)什么衣服?
▲put on是指“穿上”、“戴上”的动作,即由没穿(戴)到穿上(戴上)的过程,而不表示持续状态。如:
1) Put it on, please, Lily.莉莉请把它穿上。
2)Don't be late-Oh, and put on your old clothes.不要迟到—呢,穿上旧衣服。
▲dress既可表示“穿衣服” 这个动作(put on clothes),又可表达“穿着衣服”这个状态(wear clothes)如:
1) Dress yourself more neatly.穿得整洁一点儿。
2) She was dressed in red.她穿着红色上衣。
3. You can see plenty of butterflies and bees flying in the garden.你能看见许多蝴蝶和蜜蜂在花园中飞舞。
▲plenty of的意思是“许多的”“大量的”,既可与可数名词连用,又可与不可数名词连用。
如:①I have plenty of time.我有很多时间。
②There are plenty of students in the room.屋里有许多学生。
4. It will not be dark until half past six.直到六点半天才黑。
▲until 在否定句中,通常与瞬间动词连用,表示“直到……才……”,适用于直到某一时刻,或时间状语从句中谓语动词动作结束,主句谓动词动作才开始的情况。如:
1)The children didn't leave school until five o'clock.=The children left school at five o'clock.五点钟孩子们才离校。
2)Kate didn't go to bed until her mother came back.=Kate went to bed after her mother came back.
Unit 3 Travelling in Garden City 花园城市的交通
★重点词汇air-conditioner空调conductor售票员double-decker双层fare-box投币箱 flyover立交桥 park停车场
★语法聚焦1.限定词none of等的用法; 2.副词nowadays, perhaps等的用法;
3.一般将来时的用法; 4.形容词比较级fewer等的用法。
Look and read
In the past, many people liked travelling by bus. All passengers had to buy tickets. There was a bus-conductor in each bus. He collected money from the passengers and put the money in a bag. Passengers do not buy tickets now. They put their money in a fare-box instead. In the past, there were only single-decker buses. None of them was a double-decker bus. In the past, travelling by bus was not very comfortable. There were no air-conditioners in the buses.Nowadays, most buses have air- conditioners. Most of the bus-drivers are men, but some of them are women. However, in the past, none of the bus-drivers were women . All of them were women .
过去, 多数人喜欢乘公交车出行。所有乘客必须买票。每辆车上有一名售票员。他从乘客手中收钱,然后放入包中。现在乘客不必买票了。取而代之的是他们把钱放进投币箱中。过去只有单层公交车。没有一个是双层的。在过去乘公交车旅行不太舒服。车内没有空调。现在,多数公交车有空调。大多数公交车司机是男的,但也有一些是女的。然而,过去没有一名公交车司机是女的。他们都是男的。
Answer true or false
1 .Nowadays, none of the buses are double-decker buses. 1. 现在,没有双层公交车。
2. Nowadays, some of the bus-drivers are women. 2. 现在,一些公交车司机是女的。
3 .In the past, all of the buses had a fare-box. 3. 在过去,所有的公交车都有投币箱。
4. In the past, some of the buses were air-conditioned. 4. 在过去,一些公交车带空调。
Look and say
What will travelling in our city be like in 10 years' time? Perhaps there wilI be more roads. Perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams. Perhaps we won’t travel by ferry any longer. Perhaps more people will travel by taxi. Think about what travelling in your city will be like in 10 years’ time. Look at the tables below, and then discuss with your classmates.
十年后我们城市的交通将会是什么样? 也许会有更多的路. 也许交通堵塞会很少. 也许我们不再乘渡船了. 也许更多的人乘出租车出行. 想一想十年后你们城市交通将是什么样? 看下表,和你的同学讨论一下.
S1: What will travelling in our city be like in 10 years’ time? S1: 十年后我们城市的交通将是什么样?
S2: Perhaps we won’t travel by any longer./ Perhaps more people will travel by ./ Perhaps there will be more/fewer…也许我们不再乘 出行了/也许将有更多的人乘 出行/也许会有更多/更少…
1 . All passengers had to buy tickets.所有乘客必须买票。
在表示“必须”这个意思时,must和have to很接近。只是must强调主观看法,have to强调客观需要,若用来指现在,两者可以换用。不过用have to的场合较多,尤其是在口语中,have to有时可说成have got to.另外,have to能用于多种时态,而must只能用于一般现在时。如:
①I have to get home to do my work.. 我得回家干活。(可能时间或客观情况不允许我再呆下去。)
② We must clean our room every day. 我们必须每天打扫房间。(作为一种义务,无论干净不干净。)
用于否定句时,mustn't表示“决不可”“千万不能”,而don't have to表示“不必”,相当于needn't. mustn、和don't have to在意义上有很大的不同。如:
1)We mustn't tell her about it.这件事我们决不能告诉她。
2)We don't have to tell her about it.这件事情我们不必告诉她。
3)You mustn't be late again next time.你下次千万不能再迟到了。(不能用don't have to)
2. They put their money in a fare-box instead.取而代之的是他们把钱放进投币箱中。
▲ instead与instead of辨析
instead是个副词,它后面不能跟名词、代词或动名词,而只能作动词的状语或句子的状语,而instead of是复合介词,其后应跟名词、代词、动名词或介词短语。如:
1) If you don't want to go, I'll go instead.你要是不打算去,我就替你去好了。
2) I will go instead of you.我将代替你去。
3. None of them was a double-bus。它们中没有一个是双层巴士。
▲none of之后除可接可数名词之外,也可以接不可数名词。如:
1) None of the milk can be used.这牛奶一点也不能用。
2) None of the rooms are ready.没有一个房间准备好。
4. Perhaps we won’t travel by ferry any longer. 也许我们不再乘渡船了.
▲no longer 与 not any longer
no longer 与 not any longer的词义是相同的, 它们的区别主要表现在词序上. no longer常位于实义动词之前,连系动词、助动词和情态动词之后, 而any longer在否定句中总是放在句尾. 如:
① He’s no longer at school. 他不再上学了.
② I can’t wait any longer. 我不能再等了.
Unit 4 Making a model 做模型
quilt被子 reel 卷轴 straw吸管size大小,尺寸 tape 胶带 wallpaper墙纸tool工具 wardrobe 衣柜
★语法聚焦1.形容词比较级的用法;2.时间副词then, finally用法;3.祈使句的用法。
Look and learn
cardboard boxes 纸壳箱
a cotton reel 线轴
matchboxes 火柴盒
pieces of cloth 布料
wallpaper 墙纸
straws 吸管
Read,think and write
This is Kitty and Ben's model house. It is very small.They made it two years ago. They are going to make a new one. 这是基蒂和本的房子模型。房子非常小。是两年前做的。他们打算做一个新的。
Making a model house 做个房子模型
We will possibly need: 我们可能需要:
.some brushes •一些刷子
.a bottle of glue •一瓶胶水
.some tape •一些胶带
.a pair of scissors •一把剪刀
.some paint •一些颜料
.a matchbox •一个火柴盒
.a ruler •一把尺子
.a pencil •一支铅笔
.a rubber •一块橡皮
.some paper •一些纸
Let's start collecting things.Wait.Let me think what we'll possibly need…
让我们开始收集东西. 等一下. 让我想一下我们可能需要…
Look and learn
curtains 窗帘
quilts 被子
wardrobes 衣柜
Think and match
What do we use these cotton reels for? 我们用这些线轴干什么?
We use them for making tables. 我们用它们做桌子。
Tools and materials 工具和材料
a pair of scissors 剪刀
b glue and tape 胶水和胶带
c paint and brushes 涂料和刷子
d matchboxes 火柴盒
e cardboard boxes 纸壳盒
f straws 吸管
g cotton reels 线轴
h pieces of cloth 布料
i wallpaper 墙纸
.making the cupboards and wardrobes(d) 做碗柜和衣柜
.sticking things together(b) 粘东西
.making lamps(f) 做电灯
.making tables(g) 做桌子




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