模块9 Unit 3 语言点详解(译林牛津版高三英语选修九教学案例)

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1.[词条] sew
[课文原句] These flags are more than just colourful pieces of cloth and thread sewn together.(Page34, Lines 1-2)
[点拨] sew在句中用作接物动词,意为“缝制,缝补”。再如:
I made this skirt just by sewing two pieces of material together.
[拓展] 动词sew还可与up连用,构成短语sew sth up或sew up sth,意为“把…缝起来”。如:
A nurse will come and sew up that wound for you soon.
2. [词条]rid
[课文原句]The French Revolution was successful in ridding society of inequality ,which had a great effect on many other countries ,particularly those in Europe.(Page 34,Lines 20-21)
[点拨] rid 在句中用作接物动词,意为“解除,免除,使摆脱”,后面常接of,构成短语rid sb/sth of sth/sb 。再如:
Our aim is to rid this government of corruption.
[拓展] (1)rid还可构成短语be rid of , 意为“免除,摆脱,去掉”。如:
I didn’t enjoy marking these papaers and I was glad to be rid of them.
(2)rid还可构成短语get rid of , 意为“除掉,卖掉,摆脱掉”。如:
I used weedkiller to get rid of the weeds in the garden.
Have you managed to get rid of your old Volvo yet?
We got rid of our unwelcome guests by saying we had to go to bed.
3.[词条] elect
[课文原句] In fact, some countries elected to subtitute their flags with tricolour flags, after the French.。(Page 34,Lines 21-22)
[点拨] elect 在句中用作接物动词,意为“选择,选定,决定”,后面常接不定式。再如:
The group elected one of its members to be their spokesperson.
[拓展] elect 还可意为“选举,选拔,推选,推举”,后面通常接复合宾语,其宾语补足语是被选举的职务。
She was elected Chair of the Board of Governors.
We elected him as our representative.
Local government elections will take place in May.
[课文原句]As taxpayers,they felt that they could no longer tolerate not having a say in the government. (Page35,Lines 29-30)
[点拨] tolerate在句中用作接物动词,意为“容忍,忍受”。再如:
I will not tolerate that sort of behaviour in my class.
[拓展] tolerate名词为tolerance,形容词为tolerant,副词为tolerantly。如:
My tolerance of heat is considerably greater after having lived in the Far East for a couple of years.
On the continent people are more tolerant of children in public places.
I would tell my grandmother about all the crazy things I'd been doing and she would just smile tolerantly.
[课文原句]They desired independence ,but the British opposed this.(Page 35,Line 30)
[点拨] oppose在句中用作接物动词,意为“反对,反抗,抵抗”。再如:
Most of the local residents opposed the closing of their hospital.
[拓展] oppose的形容词为opposed,可构成短语be opposed to sth/doing sth. 名词为opposition。如:
She's opposed to religious education in schools.
The unions are in opposition to the government over the issue of privatization.
6. [词条] correspond
[课文原句]I also learnt that the same colour can correspond to different meanings in different cultures. (Page 37, Lines 3-4)
[点拨] correspond在句中用作不接物动词,意为“相符,一致,相称”。再如:His story of what happened that night didn't correspond with the witness's version.
[拓展] correspond用作不接物动词,还可意为“通信”。后面常接介词to。如:
The money I've saved corresponds roughly to the amount I need for my course.
We've corresponded with each other for years but I've never actually met him.
correspond的名词为correspondence 。如:
The survey found no correspondence between crime and unemployment rates.
[课文原句]They refused to resign themselves to this status,so they started a revolution.(Page 37, Lines 12-13)
[点拨] resign在此句中用作接物动词,意为“听任,顺从,辞职,辞去”。再如:
She resigned her children to the care of a neighbor.
[拓展] resign用作接物动词,还可构成短语resign oneself to sth。如:
He resigned himself to living alone.
After she had taken my rook, there was nothing I could really do except resign.
Resign的名词为resignation 。如:
I handed in my resignation this morning.
8. [词条] march
[课文原句]They cheer and wave flags as the Queen and her soldiers march by.(Page 41,Lines 17-18)
[点拨] march在此句中用作不接物动词,意为“行军,行进”。再如:
The soldiers marched 90 miles in three days.
[拓展] march还可用作接物动词,意为“使同行”。如:
Without saying a word, she took hold of my arm and marched me off to the headmaster's office.
It is impossible to stop the forward march of progress/time.
9. [词条]calm
[课文原句] A purple face shows a just and calm character. (Page 43,Line23)
[点拨] calm在句中用做形容词,意为“沉着的,冷静的”。又如:
It is important to keep calm in an emergency.
[拓展] calm用作形容词,还可意为“静的,平静的”。如:
After a night of fighting, the streets are now calm.
calm还可用作动词,意为“平静下来,镇静”。 可构成短语calm (sb) down 。如:
He tried to calm the screaming baby by rocking it back and forth.
She sat down and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.
It was the calm of the countryside that he loved so much.
10. [词条]suit
[课文原句]Roses are red, violets are blue,but which of the two really suits you ?(Page 46,title )
[点拨] suit在句中用作动词,表示“适合”。又如:
[考点链接]--- How about eight o’clock outside the cinema?
--- That ______ me fine.(2004全国Ⅱ,26)
A. fits B.meets C. satisfies D.suits
suit me fine 对我很适合,fine在此句中是副词,相当于very well.fit作”适合”讲时,后面直接跟宾语;satisfy使……满意。正确答案为D。
[拓展] suit用作动词,还可表示“相配”。
Short skirts don't really suit me - I haven't got the legs for them.
He is wearing a black suit which attracts tha attention of many girls.
11. [词条]make up
[课文原句]At that time, there were thirteen states, which is far fewer than the fifty that make up today’s USA. (Page34, Lines 26-27)
[点拨] make up在句中表示“组成”。又如:
Eleven football players make up a football team.
[拓展] make sth up还可表示“编造,收拾,凑足,化装,组成,和解,弥补,补充”。如:
[考点链接] Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _______ his notes. (2005 江苏23)
A.turning up B.putting up C.making up D.showing up
make up 意为“编造”, 根据上下文的意思可以判断出Jack善于讲和编笑话。turn up发现,找到; put up建立;露面,露出.答案为C。
Could you make up a list of all the things that need to be done?
I have £20 000 and I need £25 000 but my parents have promised to make up the difference.
We're hoping to make up time on the return journey by not stopping at night.
She takes ages to make up in the mornings.
Road accident victims make up almost a quarter of the hospital's patients.
We often quarrel but we always make it up soon after.
12. [词条] date back to
[课文原句]The flag,which could not be further simplified, is a red band over a white one, and is based on a national flag dating back to the 13th century that had nine red and white stripes.(Page 35, Lines 44-46)
[点拨] date back to表示“追溯到…,始于…”。又如:
Their friendship dates back to the time that they were children.
[拓展] date back to通常用一般现在时,只能用于主动语态。还可以换成date from 。如:
The old temple dates back to /from the Tang Dynasty.
13.[词条]have a link
[课文原句]Another suggestion is that the colours have a link with food. (page 35,Line49)
[点拨] have a link表示“与…有联系”。又如:
Research has showed that liver trouble has a link with drinking.
[拓展] have a link还可用there be a link来表示。如:
There's a direct link between diet and heart disease.
表示“与…有联系”还可用be linked to,be related to,be associated with ,be connected with来表示。如:
The explosions are not thought to be linked to the organization in any way.
14.[词条]have a say [课文原句] As taxpayers,they felt that they could no longer tolerate not having a say in the government. (Page35,Lines 29-30)
[点拨] have a say表示“对…有发言权”。再如:
When he's 18, he'll begin to have a say in the running of the family business.
[拓展] have a say 还可表示have some/one’s/no/little say 。如:
The staff had little/no say in the restructuring of the company.
15.[词条] relate to
[课文原句]However, some people say the colours relate to food because Indonesians eat a lot of rice, which is white,and a tasty kind of sugar that is red. (Page 37,Lines 17-19)
[点拨] relate to sb/sth表示“与…有联系,与…有关联”。又如:
The speech he gave related to the development of Chinese acupuncture.
[拓展] relate to 还可表示“理解”。如:
Many parents find it hard to relate to their children when they are teenagers.
16.[词条] take place
[课文原句]It takes place on Horse Guards Parade , the entrance to the Royal Palace.(Page41,Lines 2-3)
[点拨] take place表示“发生”,不能用于被动语态。又如:
An accident take place at this cross three years ago.
[拓展] occur,happen,take place 三者都表示“发生”,都是不及物动词。happen指“偶然发生”时,主语为“事”;当主语是“人”时,意为“碰巧”。occur 指“发生”时可与 happen 换用,但后接to sb./sth.时,两者含义不同:happen to sb./sth. 指不好的事情发生在某人(物)身上;occur to sb./sth. 指“某种思想等呈现于某人的知觉中”。take place 表示“发生”,可与 happen 或occur换用,但其后面一般不接 to sb./sth.结构;指必然会发生的或计划发生的事情时,多用 take place;此外take place 还可表示“举行某种活动”。如:
He happened to know the place.
When did the earthquake occur/happen?
Didn’t it occur to you to phone them about it?
Has anything happened to him﹖
In 1919, the May 4th Movement took place in China.
1.He______ from the company in order to take a more challenging job.
A.came B. resigned C.graduated D.retired
2.His contribution was of little or no practical _______.
A.wish B. profit C. value D. hope
3.Vitamins should not be used as a(an) ______ for a healthy diet.
A. substitute B. alternative C.imitation D. representation
4.I tried to ___________ in my speech how grateful we all were for his help.
A. convey B.communicate C.contact D.correspond
5.Five hundred troops were sent in, more as a ______ gesture than as a real threat.
A.real B.ideal C.facial D. symbolic
6.We asked a ______ selection of people what they thought.
A.arbitrarily B. random C.ordered D.systematic
7.She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked ______.
A.down B. unconscious C.at D.conscious
8.English is compulsory for all students, but art and music are __________.
A.required B. optional C.included D.obtained
9.His finger was cut off when he caught it in a machine, but the surgeon was able to_____ it back on.
A. sew B.cure C.treat D.operate
10.She______ to take early retirement instead of moving to the new location.
A.accepted B.admitted C.concluded D. elected
11.It seems these ants can_____ temperatures which would kill other species.
A.take B. tolerate C.receive D.suffer
12.In America __________the college senior class gives a ball each spring.
A. occasionally B. completely C. traditionally D. normally
13.The culture that he describes is so different from mine that I sometimes find it hard to__________.
A. relate to B. subscribe to C.indicate to D. declare to
14.Researches have concluded that smoking _________ with heart disease.
A.has an attachment B.has an association C. has a link D.has a contact
15.You'll have to______ the work you've missed while you were away.
A.take up B. make up C.turn up D.pick up
16.We could go now or this afternoon - whatever time_____ you best.
A.matches B.meets C.fits D. suits
17.Does the common man ______ the ideas of political union between European countries?
A.object B. oppose C.be for D. be against
18.She was angry at first but we managed to _____ her ____.
A. calm; down B.calm; up C.slow ;down D.slow; up
19.She_______ into my office demanding to know why I hadn't written my report.
A.drilled B. marched C. ranged D. progressed
20.I______ with several experts in the field for many years.
A. corresponding B. correspond
C. have been corresponding D. corresponds
1-5 BCAAD 6-10BBBAD 11-15BCACB 16-20DBABC




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