
中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

Unit 4
I. 词组:
1. get through 通过(考试);穿过;接通(电话)
get through with our work 完成工作
get through the day 度过
2. call up 打电话;唤起;调动(力量)等;提出(议案)
3. play with fire 玩火
4. more than 不仅仅
5. put together 把……结合在一起;装配
6. stand out 突出;显眼
7. win glory 获得荣誉
8. in one’s absence / in the absence of sb. 某人不在时
9. admire sb. for sth. 因……而钦佩某人
10. in comparison with 与……比较
be compared with 与……比较
be compared to与……比较
11. translate…into… 将……译成……
12. light up 点燃;照亮;容光焕发
a lighted cigarette 一支点着的香烟
13. come into being 形成;产生;创立
14. towards the end of the afternoon 将近黄昏
15. the door to knowledge 通向知识的途径
16. fire sb. 解雇某人 fire at sb. 向某人开火
17. from a distance 从远处
at a distance从远处
in the distance 在远处
18. send for help 派人去请求援助
19. go insane / mad / crazy 发疯
20. contribute to 捐献;促进;投稿
21. fall into poverty 陷入贫困
22. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事
II. 单词拼写:
1. It is a very difficult job to t___________ one language into another. And the t___________ of poetry is even more difficult.
2. More and more people are now trying to help those who are s___________ from AIDS. Some are offering medical help. Others are c___________ money to others.
3. Last summer the weather was e____________ hot in this area. For over 40 days the highest temperature was over 35℃.
4. Night Thoughts by Li Bai is one of his most famous poems. It’s about the l_________ of someone who is far away from home.
5. The film r___________ him of what he had seen in Paris.
6. She went to Paris with the _________(意图) of learning French.
7. Would you __________ (介绍) me a good dictionary?
8. Poetry often follows special __________(格式) rhythm and rhyme.
9. The _____________(气氛) over dinner was warm and friendly.
10. With the ______________ (引进) of the new machine, the production of this product has been greatly increased.
Unit 5
1. stand for 代表,象征
2. be separated from 与------分离
3. practice doing 练习---;实践---
4.be made up of/ make up(由--- )组成
5. make the most of 充分利用
6. at one point 曾经,一度
7. consist of 由---组成
8. be surrounded by 被---环绕
9. in general 一般说来
10. throughout the year 全年
11. as much as/ as many as 多达---
12. settle down 安定,定居
13. end up with 以---结束
14. be of great value很有价值
15. get engaged to sb.与某人订婚(动作) be engaged to sb.(状态)
16. raise money酬钱
1. raise sheep养羊
2. bear fruit 结果实
18. be famous for因---出名 be famous as作为---出名be famous to对---出名
3. have advantages over---优于---,胜过---
4. be influenced by被---影响
5. on the basis of 以---为基础
6. upper classes 上层阶级
7. have a clear idea of ---对---有清楚的了解
8. (be)/(go) on a diet 节食
1. The mainland of UK c______ of three kingdoms, Scotland, Wales and England.
2. We pictured the state of the future on the b______ of these theories.
3. Religion has a great i_______ on people’s behavior.
4. The gate is too n________ for a car; we’ll have to walk through.
5. After 5 hours’ walk, all my s________ gave out.
6. The failure of the operation has shaken my b_________ in doctors.
7. The tree is _______(结果) a lot of oranges this year.
8. The _______(上层的)classes can no longer afford to have many servants.
9. What’s the __________(好处) of using nuclear power?
10. ________(强大的)nations sometimes try to control weaker ones.
11. Don’t judge a person only on the b________ of first impression.
Unit 6
I. 词组:
1. get done = be done
2. happen to sb. 某人发生……
3. catch / get a glimpse of sb.一眼瞥见某人或某物
4. environmentally-friendly washing powder环保洗衣粉
5. at an amazing speed of 430 km / h以每小时430公里的速度
6. keep in touch with与……保持联系
7. ensure safety确保安全
8. be controlled by an advanced computer system由先进的计算机控制
9. discover the advantages of online shopping发现网上购物的好处
10. be no longer just a necessity不再只是一种必需品
11. search some place for sth.在某地寻找某物
12. combine shopping with fun将购物和玩乐结合在一起
13. remain active依然活跃
14. pay more attention to the importance of a healthy diet and active life更加注意健康食谱和活跃生活的重要性
15. advances in medical science医学上的进展/进步
16. cure sb. of sth.治疗某人的疾病,改掉某人的恶习
17. keep sb. Company陪伴某人
18. be very different from与……大不相同
19. be programmed to do sth.经过编程做某事
20. download information from…从……下载信息
21. sound absurd to sb.对某人来说听起来荒谬
22. recognize a person’s voice 听出某人的声音
23. travel back in time作穿越时空旅行
24. major trends in contemporary society当代社会的主要趋势
25. pay for their purchases支付购买的物品
26. schools on the air空中学校
27. lifelong learners终身学习者
28. appreciate what is new and different欣赏新的不同的事物
29. be well-prepared for…为……作好充分准备
30. keep… in store for…为……积蓄……
31. allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事
II. 单词拼写:
1. John is a __________() of mine; we were at school together.
2. Take the medicine __________ () three times a day.
3. If you are going out for a walk, I’ll come along and keep you c__________.
4. More and more people are moving to u__________ areas.
5. It is a____________ to believe that number 13 brings bad luck.
6. He made a p_____________ that the government would be defeated at the general election.
7. The smoke from the chimney i__________ someone was in the house.
8. She had her husband carry her p____________().
9. She has been under m__________ treatment.




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