译林牛津模块5 Unit3学案(教师版)(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教学案例)

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Unit 3 Science versus nature (Part I)
For the use of teachers
I. Words:
1. announcement n. 口头通知 草拟书面通知 draw up a notice
make an announcement发(口头)通知 a TV announcer 电视播音员
announce 宣布 固定结构是announce sth. to sb.,不可以是announce sb. sth.;
declare宣布 (如公开声明战争/和平/中立等,较正式的场合),和announce有时可互换。
The Declaration of Independence 《独立宣言》 The court declared him guilty / innocent.
The teacher announced to us that there would be a celebration for the 80th anniversary of our school.
The super power declared war against that small country in April, 2003.
Everyone was silent as the chairperson announced/declared the results of the Spoken English Contest.
2. advanced 高级的;先进的;发达的 advanced countries/technologies/courses/studies
与时俱进 advance with the times 高级教师 a senior teacher
in advance 提前;预先 同义词组:beforehand ;ahead of time
make great advances 取得较大进步/进展 同义词组:make great/rapid progress in
3. including 用include或contain的正确形式试填下列各空:
This book contains forty maps, including three maps of China.
Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol.
He was upset about losing the key to the drawer containing important documents.
In the air crash in Brazil, 197 people died, including the 9 on the ground/the 9 on the ground included.
4. praise n./vt. 表扬;赞扬 praise sb. for sth. 反义词组: blame sb. for sth.; criticize sb. for sth.
sing high praise for 高度赞扬 同义词组: think well/highly of ; speak highly of等
反义词组有:think little/nothing of; speak badly of 等
The leader spoke in praise of the teacher who had given his life for the education cause.
与in praise of 结构相同的短语有:in celebration/need/want/memory/honor/hopes of
5. interfere vi. 干涉;干预;摆弄;妨碍 固定搭配:interfere with sb./sth. interfere in sth.
你曾经因为完乐而妨碍了你的职责吗?Do you ever allow pleasure to interfere with duty?
Who has been interfering with the clock? It has stopped. 是谁摆弄这个钟来着?现在不走了。
请不要干涉我的事情。Don’t interfere in my business. 别妨碍我。Don’t interfere with me.
不干涉他国内政。None interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
在他工作的时候不要打扰他。Don’t /interfere with /bother him when he’s at work.___________ _
6. cure vt. 治疗;治愈 惯用搭配有:cure sb. of a disease 类似结构的短语还有:
rob sb. of sth. 抢走某人某物 cheat sb. of sth. 骗走某人某物 ensure sb of sth. 使某人确信某事
remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事persuade sb. of sth. 说服某人相信某事
convince sb. of sth. 使某人确信某事 短语翻译:患上不治之症 have an incurable disease
他在医院接受了三个月的治疗,但是医生没能治好他的病。(选词造句treat/treatment, cure)
He was treated/received a medical treatment in hospital for three months, but the doctors couldn’t cure his disease. / He received a three-month medical treatment, but…
7. anxiety n. 焦虑;担心 n. 渴望;欲望 试译出下列斜体短语的意思:
He was waiting for his brother’s return with anxiety (= anxiously). 焦虑地
Jackson’s poor performances at school caused his parents great anxiety. (give anxiety to) 使…焦虑
Although his grades are not so satisfactory, he seems to feel no anxiety for his future. 对……不犯愁
The teacher praised him for his anxiety for knowledge. 求知欲
The manager’s anxiety to please his boss turned out to be a failure. 急切讨好老板
be anxious to do /be anxious for sth. 渴望做/获得…… 类似的短语有:hope for/to do;
desire for/to do; long for/to do; die for/to do; have an itch for/to do; be eager for/to do; feel an urge to do
8. desperate adj. 绝望的;孤注一掷的; adv. desperately
A desperate look appeared on the face of the patient with a desperate disease.
a desperate cry for help 绝望的呼救声 a desperate criminal 亡命之徒
a desperate situation 令人绝望的处境 feel a desperate urge to tell the truth 急切想说出真相
be desperate for recognition/water 急于得到认可/渴望得到水
9. adopt (vt.) 收养,领养;采用,采纳(议案、意见等)
adopt measures/ new methods/ an idea 采取措施/ 采用新办法/ 采纳意见
adopt a resolution 通过决议 an adopted son 养子 adopted words 外来词
The medicine was developed adopting the most advanced technique in the world.(适当形式填空)
adopt/adapt辨析: adapt 使适合;使适应 常见结构有: adapt…to…; adapt…for…
She had to adapt herself to the local conditions. 她必须使自己适应当地的情况。
This English novel was adapted for the stage. 这部小说被改编成了剧本。
10. deliver vt. 接生;传递;发表(演讲等) Her baby was delivered by an experienced doctor.
deliver sb. from danger 救某人于危险境地 deliver sth. to sb. 把物品带给某人
deliver a message/ a letter 传话/ 送信 deliver a speech 发表演讲
deliver sb. of a baby be delivered of = give birth to
11. benefit n. 利益;好处; vt.& vi. 有益于
be of benefit to = be beneficial to 对…有裨益 for the benefit of…为了…的利益
It is said Yoga is of great benefit to shaping a fine figure.(用shape的正确形式填空)
The policy will benefit the whole nation. The whole nation will benefit from the policy.
为了学生的身心健康,我们学校周围两公里以内的所有网吧将全部关闭。(for the benefit of)
For the benefit of a healthy body and mind of the students, all the Internet cafés within a distance of
two kilometers around our school will be shut down. (也可为句式平衡调整结构)
12. consequence as a consequence of 因为…;由于… 同义短语有:because of;
as a result of; on account of ; thanks to; due to; owing to等。 adv. consequently
13. challenging adj. 具有挑战性的,难度大的 a challenging task/job
Their team challenged ours C a football match this Saturday afternoon.
A. to play B. playing C. to D. played
Opportunities come hand in hand with challenges. We must strive hard to grasp opportunities and meet
challenges bravely as well.
14. unfamiliar adj. 不熟悉的
I’m unfamiliar with many botanical names. = Many botanical names are unfamiliar to me.
His familiarity with French gave me a big surprise. 他的法语如此娴熟让我很吃惊。
II. Phrases:
1. conduct an interview
conduct an experiment 做实验 conduct electricity 导电 conduct an orchestra 指挥乐队
conduct a survey 进行一项调查 conduct sb. around the museum 带某人参观博物馆
conductor 乐队指挥;售票员 interviewer采访者;面试考官 interviewee 被采访者;面试者
a job interview 工作面试 have an interview with sb. 采访某人
2. beyond our imagination
beyond comparison 无可比拟 beyond one’s power 超出某人的能力
beyond praise(太好)再怎么赞扬都不过分 beyond (one’s) description 难以形容;无法描述
beyond (one’s) reach 够不着;超出能力外 beyond one’s grasp/capacity力所不及;难以理解
It is beyond argument (There is no doubt) that the earth moves around the sun.
I’m sorry it is beyond my power to make a final decision on the project. (2004上海高考)
This new model of car is so expensive that it is beyond the reach of those with average income.
—— What do you think of Mountain Lushan? (从上列短语中选择并填空)
—— The scenery is beautiful beyond comparison/ beyond description/beyond praise.
What lies beyond the mountain? / We can travel to the moon or beyond./beyond midnight午夜后
an imaginative writer = a writer full of imagination an imaginary story 想象出来的故事
Can you imagine the poor and miserable life of the Iraqi people ? (伊拉克人民的穷苦生活)?
I can’t imagine such a fat man B C E F up a high mountain like this. (多项选择题)
A. climb B. climbed C. climbing D. to climb E. should climb F. could climb
I just couldn’t imagine such a promising student ____A C F__ a thief. (多项选择题)
3. around the world 全世界范围内;同义短语有:all over the world; in the world ; across the
world; throughout the world; in every part/corner of the world等
4. on (the) one hand…on the other hand… 一方面……;另一方面……
注意:单独使用on the other hand时,hand不能省略,但与on (the) one hand连用时,可省略
On one hand, rapid development of the economy will improve the living conditions of the people. On the other hand, it will speed up environmental destruction.
at hand 在手头;近便;临近 by hand 手工 in hand 手头上 hand in hand 手拉手
Hands off! 请勿触摸! Hands up! 举起手来 a green hand 新手 left-handed左撇的
hand in 上交 hand over 交接 hand out 分配;施舍 hand down流传下来;传递
from hand to hand 传递 live from hand to mouth 过着衣食无忧的生活
5. point out 指出 He pointed out my mistake/the importance of self-discipline.
point to/point at 指着,指向某人或某物(两个词组可互换使用)
“Can’t you read by yourself?” she said ______A ____ to the notice.
A. angrily pointing B. angrily pointed C. pointed angrily D. to point angrily
point at 对准,瞄准 = aim at They pointed (a gun ) at her head but she was not scared.
point to 表明,指向(主语为证据、时针以及宾语为某一方向时)
The evidence points to him as the criminal. / The hands of the clock pointed to half past three.
The compass needle points to the north.
6. be used to save human lives
豆油过去常被用来点灯。 Soybean oil used to be used to burn a lamp.
Take it easy! You’ll soon get used / accustomed to the climate and surroundings here.
7. be on their way to producing a real-life Frankenstein’s monster
on one’s (the) way to doing sth. “正在……过程中” ;“即将” 同义短语:be on the point of doing
他即将成为一名大学生。 He is on the way to becoming a university student.
I’ve just heard a warning _____A____ the radio that a storm may be ________ its way.
A. on, on B. over, in C. on, above D. from, on
on one’s (the) way to 在去…的路上;即将 by the way 顺便问一下 by way of_途径
in a way在某种意义上,在某种程度上 in this way用这种方式 in one’s (the) way _挡路
8. in early 2003
在19世纪初叶 in the early 19th century 在20世纪80年代晚期_in the late 1980s________
在凌晨时分 in the early morning 在傍晚时候 __in the late afternoon
在初春时节__in the early spring 仲夏夜之梦 a dream at a mid-summer night
在他年近花甲的时候 in his late fifties 在他步入而立之时 in his early thirties
9. in the animal world 动物界 the world of art/sport ¬¬¬¬艺术/体育界 the film world 电影界
in the world of science = in the field of science 科学界
feel on top of the world 得意洋洋;兴高采烈 a world of surprise = much surprise
10. in general 一般说来,总体看,大体上 Generally, red is the most popular color this season.
in a general way 一般,通常 as a general rule 在一般情况下
11. scientific breakthrough
科学研究scientific research 科学成就 scientific achievement 科学进步 scientific advances
科学发现scientific discoveries 科学发展观 scientific view of development
查词典:breakout 爆发 handover 交接 breakdown故障 makeup 构成
12. consider cloning human beings
(1). 考虑 consider +n./v-ing consider a travel plan/changing a job.
I’m considering where I should go for the National Day holiday. (句型转换)
I’m considering where to go for the National Day holiday.
(2). 认为consider…as/to be/不填…. 翻译:林肯被认为是美国历史上最伟大的总统之一。
Lincoln was considered to be/ as/-- one of the greatest presidents in American history.
类似的结构还有: have … as … ; regard … as… ; treat … as… ; think of … as/to be …;
look on … as…; refer to …as …等。
郑和被认为是 “中国的哥伦布”。(refer)Zhen He was referred to as the Chinese Columbus.
Bell was generally considered _____D____ the telephone.
A. to invent B. inventing C. having invented D. to have invented
将上句改写再比较总结:It was generally considered that Bell invented the telephone.
B she’s only a beginner of English, she’s speaking quite well.
A. Considered B. Considering C. To consider D. to be considered
13. concentrate on 全神贯注 同义短语有:centre on, focus on, concentrate on, fix one’s attention on,
pay attention to, be absorbed/buried/lost/engaged in, be addicted to, devote one’s energy to,
put one’s heart into, apply oneself/one’s mind to
14. with the intention of 以…为目的或意图, “in hopes of ”
He has decided to go abroad to study with the intention of improving his English and getting a(期望提高英语并且在回国能找到更好的工作。)
without intention 无意地;并非故意地 make one’s intention clear 阐明自己的意图
state/ announce one’s intention 陈述自己的意图
I began reading with the intention of finishing the book, but I never did.
15. show no respect for show sympathy for 对……怜悯同情 show mercy on 对……仁慈同情
show around 带领参观 show off _炫耀 _ show up 出现
16. be genetically related to me be related to 与…有关联;与…有联系
Can you relate what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind?
请列出与中国相关的所有邻国。Please make a list of all the neighboring countries related to China.
It is hard for a child to relate to the life of a scientist. 查词典解释斜体短语的意思: 理解
relation (n.) 关系,联系,家属,亲属 in/with relation to 做后置定语时等同于related to
relative (adj.) 有关系的,相对的;相对而言_relatively speaking (n.) 亲戚,亲属
含义相近的短语结构有:(1) connect A with/to B (2) link A to B (3) associate A with B
17. push ahead with 推进;推进;毅然继续做某事 还可以是:push ahead/ forward/ on with sth.
It is hard to push ahead with such an unpopular policy. 这样不得人心的政策很难推行下去的。
push our way through the crowd 从人群中挤过 push sb. around 摆布
push sb./ sth. over 使某人/某物倒下;推倒某人/某物
I’m not going to be pushed around by you or anybody. 我不想被你或任何人随意摆布
我们必须赶快做完我们的工作。 We must push ahead with our work.
18. focus their efforts on 努力做…… 同义短语:make effort to do sth. / spare no effort to do sth./
go all out to do sth. / do…to one’s strength /do everything (all; what) sb. can to do sth.
19. as well as (1). 和……一样好 Peter plays football, if not better than, as well as Jack.
(2). 短语介词, 连同……;和…… 可以用 together with 或 along with 进行替换。
Mr. Henderson, as well as his children, is fond of watching football matches on TV.(be填空)
Jackie Chan is my favorite film star, because he is diligent, warm-hearted and humorous as well.
(3). may as well… 不妨;不如(表建议语气)
既来之,则安之。 Since/Now you’ve come, you may as well enjoy your stay.
20. end up replacing us end up 以……而告终;落得……下场
We couldn’t get along very well at first, but we ended up as good friends (成为好朋友).
The young couple quarreled yesterday and the wife ended up crying (大哭起来).
If you continue to drive at such a speed, you’ll surely end up in hospital (进医院).
After his years of research, the experiment ended up with failure (失败告终).
21. one day/some day/ the other day/another day 试填下列各空,可多选。
I’m quite occupied right now, perhaps we can discuss this issue another day .
I’m quite occupied right now, perhaps we can discuss this issue some day next day.
One day , a fairy lady came to the town and promised to dig a well for the locals.
I ran across an old friend of mine in the Times Extra the other day .
I’m confident that I will become something one day/ some day .
22. be delighted to have a mother
be surprised/disappointed/shocked/pleased/frightened/delighted to do sth. (表情绪的形容词)
much to one’s delight/to one’s great delight 令某人十分高兴的是
类似的名词还有:to one’s joy/surprise/disappointment/sorrow/satisfaction/anger/shock等
23. comment on your article comment (n.& vi.) 评论,评注
make (a comment)comments on sb./sth. = comment on/ upon/ about sb./sth. 评论某人(某事)
我们想让观众来评价我们的新剧。We’d like the audience to comment on our new play.
24. be in complete agreement with 完全赞同
come to /arrive at / make /reach an agreement 达成协议 sign an agreement 签署协议
25. after all (置句首,表强调理由)毕竟,终究,别忘了 (置句末,表与前句的转折)
You shouldn’t have scolded the child so strictly. After all, he is just a boy in his teens.
We all thought that he would fail, but he succeeded after all.
外面下着瓢泼大雨,但他们还是去了海边。It’s raining hard outside, but they went to the seaside after all .
26. on a personal note 依我个人之见
in my opinion; from my point of view; as far as I know; as far as I’m concerned
27. come across = run into / run across
come into use 投入使用 come into being 形成;出现 come into power 上台执政
come into sight/view出现 come into effect 生效 come about 发生(强调来龙去脉)
come out开花;出现;出版 come on 加油;得了吧(表反驳) come up with 想出(主意;办法)
不要每次阅读时一碰到生词就查词典。It’s better not to look it up in the dictionary each time you come
across a new word while reading.
When it comes to helping his mother with housework, Jack never grumbles.
试译上句,注意斜体部分的用法和意思,并从《学英语》报第四期第一版找出该结构的语句填写在此行:I forgot the time when it comes to leaning. (出自The power of knowledge 第三段第一句)
28. strict laws should be put in place 严格的法规应该施行
put … in place 实施;执行= put …into practice /effect; bring …into practice/effect; carry out
put up 张贴;举起;支起 put down 放下;镇压 put forward 提出(理论)
put out 扑灭 put off 延期;推迟 put away 收起来
put aside 放在一边 put the blame on 责备某人;把责任归咎某人
29. introduce tighter laws
Is Mr. Smith here? Will he stand up and make himself introduced to us? (introduce)
When first B to the market, these products enjoyed great success. (2004全国高考)
A. introducing B. introduced C. introduce D. being introduced
30. be made up of many small parts
The committee is made up of five members. =The committee consists of five members.
Girls make up one third of the whole class. / I won’t listen to you. You are making up a story.
Matthew was sick last week and now he is trying to make up for the missing lessons.
31. compare your body to your school life 将你的身体比作学校生活
表示“比较”,结构为compare…with/to… 表示“比作”,结构为compare…to…
When C different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without
noticing the many similarities. (2006浙江高考)
A. compared B. being compared C. comparing D. having compared
D with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. (2004湖北高考) A. Compare B. When comparing C. Comparing D. When compared
Shall I compare thee to a hot summer day? 我可否把你比作火辣辣的夏日
莎士比亚曾把人生比作大舞台。 Shakespeare compared life to a big stage.
32. the life you lead at school lead a rich/happy/miserable/simple life 过着…样的生活,也可用live
III. Important sentences:
1. I look just like my brother, that’s because I am a clone.
①---What is Tom like? ---He is handsome and kind.
②---What does Tom look like? ---He is handsome, just like Beckham.
③---How does Tom like the film? (=What does Tom think of/like about the film?) ---Interesting!
The reason why Steven Spielberg couldn’t enter a film academy was that his grades were too low.
_Why Steven Spielberg couldn’t enter a film academy was ___¬¬¬because his grades were too low.
Steven Spielberg’s grades were too low. That was __why he couldn’t enter a film academy.
Steven Spielberg couldn’t enter a film academy. That was _ because his grades were too low.
2. While cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries, some scientists are already
pushing ahead with research so as to deliver a cloned human baby.
While I show pity on the the victims in the southeastern Asian hurricane, I can’t help them but to give away my pocket money.
One of my good friends is going to stay in my house for a few days while I’m away on holiday.
Many people are wasting food while many others are suffering from starvation.
Johnson has many good friends while I have none.
I do every bit of housework _while my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. (04广西)
We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, __while , in fact, there were 40.(06全国高考)
3. He has declared that he wants to be the first to clone a human being.
Mr. Yang Liwei was the first Chinese astronaut to travel into space.
The Maori people were the first to settle in New Zealand.
Christine is a diligent student and she is always the first to come and the last to leave.
4. After this comes the heart. 完全倒装句
在两座花园之间坐落着的是我们的教学楼。Between the two gardens stands our teaching building.
农舍的门口坐着一个小男孩。 In front of the farm house sat a little boy.
小偷夺门而逃。_Out rushed the thief. 鸟儿飞走了。_ Away flew the bird.
巴士来了。 Here comes the bus. 他来了。 Here he comes.
Unit 3 Science versus nature (Part II)
I. Words:
1. trap n. 陷阱;圈套 vt. 使……受困 捕鼠器 a mouse-trap
fall into a trap _掉入陷阱;落入圈套 set a trap for sb. 为某人设圈套
be trapped in 受困于 同义短语有:be caught in; be stuck in
困电梯中be trapped/caught in the elevator遭雨 be caught in the rain身陷泥沼 be stuck in the mud/bog
2. prove vt.&vi. 证明;证明是;结果是
Benjamin Franklin’s experiment proved to be a great scientific breakthrough. (= turn out to be )
Benjamin Franklin just wanted to prove that thunderstorm is caused by…
It has been proven that he is guilty. / He has proven himself (to be) an efficient employee.
The suspect was released due to a lack of sufficient ___proof (词形变化:prove )
3. otherwise 试解释下列三句中斜体单词的含义。
Do what you’ve been told, otherwise you shall get punished.
The rent is high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory. (短语解释: on the other hand )
He should have been working now, but he is otherwise occupied.(短语解释:in a different/another way)
4. behave vt.& vi. 行为;举止 n. behavior
The mother felt ashamed because the child behaved so badly at the dinner party.
Behave yourself! 放规矩点;放礼貌点 a well-behaved gentleman 举止得体的绅士
5. cautious adj. 小心谨慎的 常用结构是:be cautious about/of …
花钱仔细 be cautious of/about spending money 提防陌生人 be cautious of strangers
While going rafting, do be cautious not to hit rocks. _______________________________
On rainy days at the entrance to the office building, there will be a sign _reading “Caution: Wet
floor”. (用read正确形式填空)
6. alternative n.& adj. 可替换之物;可选择之物;可替换的;可选择的
Plastic containers are cheaper alternatives to the metal ones in the old days.
你的提议没有变通的余地了吗?__Is there no alternative to what you propose/your proposal.
You have the alternative of working hard and being successful or of not working hard and being
7. involve vt. 使……卷入;包含
The man is under arrest because he has got involved in a bribery scandal.(时态语态填空题)
Nurse is a job involving great patience. (用短语解释 calling for )
你最好不要让自己卷入这场纷争当中去。You’d better not get yourself involved in the dispute.
He was involved in working out a plan. 他正全心全意地制订计划。
8. representative n. 代表 vt. represent 注意与stand for 的区别
The representatives from the two companies are having a negotiation over the damage caused by
an accident of ship sinking.
The letters UNESCO _stand for the United Nations Education Science and Culture Organization.
UNESCO __stands for the United Nations Education Science and Culture Organization.
Tian Liang and Hu Jia _ represented China to compete in the World Diving Championship.
9. advocate n.& vt. 倡导者;倡导 He advocates lengthening the time of evening classes.
an advocate for the civil rights 民权的拥护者
我们的总理主张提高教师的工资。Our premier advocated raising teachers’ payment.
10. conclude vt.&vi. 结束 = put an end to; come to an end n. 结论 _conclusion
He concluded his speech by wishing us a happy new year.
第十届全运会在国歌声中落下帷幕。The 10th National Games concluded in the National Anthem
得出结论 come to/arrive at/reach/draw a conclusion
to conclude 总而言之 同义短语有:to sum up; all in all; to be brief/briefly; in a/one word等
11. urge n.& vt. 催促;敦促 最常见搭配:urge sb. to do sth.
urge a horse on/onward 策马而驰 have/feel an urge /no urge to travel 渴望去旅行/不想去旅行
妈妈催我早点上床休息。___Mum urged me to go to bed early.
12. seek vt.& vi. 寻求;找寻 job-seeking 求职 look for; hunt for; search …for…
seek shelter from the rain ___寻找避雨之处 seek help/advice/ a chance 求助/征求意见/寻找机会
13. argue argue with sb. about/over sth. argue against/for 为支持/反对…而据理力争
Medical specialists are arguing about the cause of SARS.
The National Day holiday is around the corner, the students are arguing for a 7-day off.
They argued against the use of death penalty on murderers.
It is beyond argument that… ……是无可争辩的
II. Phrases:
1. on your part 对你来说 = as for you/ as to you
The agreement has been kept on my part, but not on his. 我遵守了协议, 而他没有。
2. burn out 烧光 burn down 烧毁 burn up the garden rubbish 焚毁花园里的垃圾(有目的地清除)
He arrived at last only to find his houses had been burnt down and all the furniture burnt out.
或者是only to find (that) his house had burnt down and that all the furniture had been burnt out
或者是only to find his house burnt down and all the furniture burnt out.
3. take turns to ask and answer the questions
take turns to do/doing sth. 轮流做某事 = do sth. in turn/by turns
On the trip back home, we took turns driving/to drive the car. …we drove in turn/by turns.
turn down 拒绝;调小/低 turn out 结果是;生产 turn over 侧翻;翻身 turn up 调高/大;出现
4. with reference to 参照;参考 参考书:reference books
You’ll get paid with reference to the regulations concerned. _将按有关规定付给你报酬。
5. follow in their footsteps 跟风做……;学……做…… 用follow的正确形式填空。
Some film stars dye their hairs brown, which leads to many teenagers following in their footsteps.
6. the majority of people minority n. 少数
The/A majority of children like the food in KFC. / The majority is /are against the plan.
7. end this immoral practice immediately 立即结束这种不道德的做法。 practice n. 做法
(2005全国高考试题阅读理解A篇)Sue Chaseling of Petcare Information Service said that the
practice of keeping office pets was good both for the people and the pets.
8. donate a lot to the hungry people donate vt. 捐赠  n. donation
donate…to… 捐赠 同义短语:devote…to… ; give away…to…; contribute…to…
9. for a long time
in ancient times 在古代 in modern times 在现代 in Shakespeare’s time 在莎士比亚时代
at the same time 同时 during the wartime 在战争时期 at no time =by no means 决不
once upon a time 从前 How time flies! 光阴似箭, in times of peace
in no time _立刻;马上__ (right away; at once; immediately)
at times 时而不时地 (from time to time; now and then; sometimes; occasionally)
Don’t speak at a time. At one time (= in the past), he came to my house every day.
It’s the first time that I have been (be) in Shanghai.
It’s time for you to go to school now. = It’s time that you went to school now.
When I traveled by plane _for the first time , I felt a little bit dizzy.
The first time I traveled by plane, I felt a little bit dizzy.
10. natural resources 自然资源
自然灾害 natural disasters 违背自然 go against nature 自然公园_ a nature park
11. in favor of 支持;赞成 I am in favor of stopping work right now.
Most people were not as much in favor of the new regulation as was previously thought/expected.
do sb. a favor 帮某人一个忙 win the favor of the king 赢得君王的恩宠
12. meet our own needs 满足我们的需要 satisfy/meet one’s need/desire
13. at a fast rate 以较快的速率 the interest rate 利率
Maglev train can run at an amazing speed of 420 km/h.
In order to return for the Spring Festival early, the young man sold the beef at a low price.
14. be blamed for blame sb. for sth. 因……责备…… He was blamed for breaking the glass.
你该对这个被宠坏的孩子负责。 You are to blame for the spoiled child.
15. leave a lasting impression leave/make a …impression on 给……留下……印象
What impressed you most when you traveled around Hangzhou?
The West Lake left a deep impression on my mind with its special charm.
III. Important sentences:
1. He must have been working too hard to notice.
be + n./adj. 或do You must like beer very much, don’t you ?
(一般现在时) You must be tired, aren’t you ?
You wear a pair of glasses, you must be a student, aren’t you ?
must be doing
(现在) (现在进行时) The light in the office is still on, Mr. Xu must be preparing
lessons, isn’t he ?
have done Tom is watching TV, and he must have finished homework,
(现在完成时) hasn’t he ?
have been +n/adj. You must have been very tired then after such a long trip, weren’t you ?
或have done The ground is wet, it must have rained last night, didn’t it _?

must have been doing —I tried to call you at 8:00 last night, but I couldn’t get through.
(过去) (过去进行时) —Oh, someone must have been using the telephone.
have done —When I got to the cinema, the film had already begun.
(过去完成时, —I suppose it must have begun 30 minutes before, hadn’t it ?
He B the meeting yesterday afternoon, as he was at home looking after his sick child.
A. mustn’t have attended B. couldn’t have attended
C. shouldn’t have attended D. needn’t have attended
How ___C___he have finished such heavy work within one day?
A. must B. should C. could D. need
2. The very genes that make crops resistant to pests and disease could be harmful to animals.
be resistant to… 对……有抵制力/抵抗力 resist the temptation 抵制诱惑
Farmers have been spraying pesticide and some pests in the field are now strongly resistant to it.
对……有好处: be good for; be beneficial to; do good to…; do… much good
对……有害处: be bad for; be harmful to; do harm to…; do… great harm; cause/do damage to
3. research has been limited to increasing profits, rather than ensuring safety./Many developed
nations are now concerned about saving nature rather than developing or destroying it.
rather than; more than; other than;
Media do more than just record what happens at home and aboard.
The farmer decided to sell his tomatoes at a low price rather than carry them back home.
In no countries_other than Britain does the weather change so sharply within a day.
I have no desire other than to live a quite life, free from pressure.
4. Not everything that is best for nature is good for people. (翻译该句)当not和each; every;
both; all连用时表示部分否定。若表示两者的全部否定用neither; 三者或以上用none.
Everything that is best for nature is not good for people. 并非对自然有益的一切事情对人类都是好的
发光的并非都是金子。Not all that glitters is gold. / All that glitters is not gold.
5. We are moving towards an important point of understanding in our relationship with nature.
There didn’t seem much point in working on my PhD — I didn’t expect to survive that long.
He was on the point of leaving the office ____A_____ the telephone rang. A. when B. while C. as D. for
a case in point 适当的例子 keep to the point 切题
go off the point 偏题 a turning-point 转折点




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