译林牛津英语 Unit 2 课文导学(译林牛津版高二英语必修五导学案)

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1.floor n. 发言权
have/ get the floor 取得发言权
take the floor 起立发言或演讲
1) 他没有取得发言权。____He didn’t get the floor_____
2) 现在请总统讲话。 ___I now invite the president to take the floor________
2.voice v. express in words(用言语)表达,吐露
n. 呼声
__A spokesman voiced the workers’ dissatisfaction._______
_Before this new plan comes into effect, we would like to hear the voice of the workers__
3. the way to do
the way of doing
the way that/ in which/ 省略 + 句子
1)I don’t know the way _to solve/ of solving (solve) the problem.
2)The way _C___ you thought of _____ the problem is excellent.
a. in which; solving b. that; solving
c. /; to solve d. in which; to solve
3) ___D___ matters is not what you said but the way _____ you said that.
a. that; what b. that; / c. what; how d. what; in which
4. wipe out 彻底消灭,摧毁, 除去,取消
__They finally wiped out all the debts after years of hard work.___
wipe sth away/ off/ up 擦净/ 掉
wipe sth from sth 把。。。从。。。上擦掉
1) The whole village was _wiped out______ in the battle.
2) Wipe the writing __from____the blackboard.
3) “Men don’t cry,” she _B____, ______ the tears from my eyes.
a. said; wiped b. said; wiping c. saying; wiped d. saying; wiping
5. have an effect on/ upon … / have an influence on 对。。。有影响
put/ bring sth into effect 使。。。生效, 实施
come into effect 生效, 开始实施
take effect 开始起作用, 见效
1) The book __has a strong influence on me__________(对我有很大影响)
2) The plans will soon be ___put into effect___________________ (即将付诸实施)
3) New controls _come into effect____________ next month.(开始实施)
4) The medicine soon __took effect___________. (见效)
5) _B_______ by the traditional ideas, people often consider ______ unsuitable to wear white on the wedding ceremony.
a. affected; that b.affected ; it c. effected; that d. influencing; it
6. This will have a lasting effect upon the number of fish left for us to eat.
left for us to eat 过去分词短语做fish 的定语。过去分词做定语表示动作的完成,现在分词做定语表示动作正在进行,不定式做定语表示动作没有发生。
1) There were many people _playing______ (play) outside.
2) The bridge _to be built______ next year is just between the one _built______ last year and the one __being built_______ now. (bulid)
3) Hopefully, the government will treat the __polluted_____ (pollute) water.
1. 当。。。时候, 指一段时间(=when)不能用来表示点时间。
__While / when_______ I was sleeping, a thief entered the house.
We were about to go shopping _when__ John dropped in.
2. 并列连词 然而
Some people waste food _while__ others haven’t enough.
3. 引导让步状语从句 = though/ although
尽管我们意见不一致, 我们仍然是朋友。
__while we don’t agree, we continue to be friends.___
4. 只要,既然
It doesn’t matter what you do _while____ you are happy.
for a while _一段时间_________ in a while __一会儿____________
once in a while ___偶尔,间或_____
8. grow to _增长到_____ grow by ___增长了______
increase to, rise to , climb to ; increase by, rise by
Sales of new cars in that country grew _by___ 20 per cent this year.
9. more than
1) There are more than 40 students in this class.
(more than + number )
2) When I asked them fore help, they were more than glad to come.
(more than +adj)
3) This dictonary is more than a dictionary. It’s like a grammar book.
(more than + n )
4) What she said is more than ha can understand.
(more than +主语 + can/ could + 谓语 )
5) She is more shy than unfriendly.
6) A boy of no more than six got on the bus.
A boy of not more than six got on the bus.
(no more than ) (not more than )
7) The book is not more expensive than that one.
The book is no more expensive than that one.
1) This room is _three times _______as __large____ as that one.
2) This room is twice _bigger____ than that one.
3) This room is 3 times _the size of_______________ that one.
注意:The output of cars in 2006 is 7 times _that___(the output ) of 2000.
The output of cars in 2006 is 7 times _what____it was in 2000.
Suggest sth / doing/ that + sb+ (should) +v
1) advise sth/ sb (not)to do = sb against doing sth / doing/ sb on sth/ that + sb + (should) +v 医生建议他不要抽烟
2) suggest作为暗示,表示,使想起时 宾语从句用陈述句语序
Her pale face suggested that she _was ill___ (ill) and her parents suggested that _she go to see a doctor________(看医生)
3) insist(坚持要求)
order/ command 命令
suggest/ advise/ recommend/ propose 建议
require/ request/ demand/ ask 要求
He insisted that he __hadn’t stolen the money________(没有偷钱) and that __he should be set free_______ (set free)
4) 这些动词的名词用于其它名词性从句时都需要用虚拟语气(should + v)
My suggestion is that you __should keep your word__________.(遵守承诺)
His suggestion that we _should get along_____ (应该和同学相处好) is practical.
The suggestion came up at the meeting _C__ we carry out the experiment at once.
a. when b. why c. that d. /
12. cut back on 大量削减
我们应该减少开支 __we should cut back on our expenses.____
cut off cut down
cut up cut out
He _cut down_____ the tree and then __cut it up______.
13. the amount of 。。。的数量
a large / great/ good amount of a great /good many a good few /quite a few
a great deal of /quite a little + 不可数名词
a large/ good/ number of + 可数名词复数
lots of/ a lot of
a large quantity of + 可数/不可数都可以
many a + 可数名词单数+ 谓语动词(单数0
1) They bought __D____ vegetables and meet.
a. a great deal of b. a large number of c. many a d. a lot of
2) Many a student ______ (agree with ) the teacher and _____ (be for) the plan.
14. see…as将。。。视为, 把。。。看作
Look on/ consider/ treat / regard/ think of,etc…as
_His friends see him as a future pop star________
_I decided to treat what he said as a joke.______
15.do 用在适义动词前加强语气,“务必,一定”
__Do_____ come earlier tomorrow.
He __did____ call you yesterday, but you were out.
She _does______ like English very much.
16. the key to 。。。的关键
1)In my opinion, the key to __solving______ (solve) the problem is to meet the demand _made____(make) by the customers.
2)含介词to的短语: make contributions to devote.. to pay attention to
look forward to object to stick to lead to get down to refer to see to
3)The theory he stuck __C______ true.
a. to proving b. to prove c. to proved d. to be proved
17. make + 宾语+ n/ adj/do / done
1) They made it _a rule______ to look after the old man in turns.(一项规则)
2) We should study hard _to make__ (make) our country _stronger___.(更加强大)
3) The boss used to make them _work______ (work) 12 hours a day.
= They used to __be made to work 12 hours a day.__
4).The speaker raised his voice but still couldn’t make himself _heard______. (hear)
18 What I’m here to say is that... I know that …at the same time .
1)__A____ we can’t get seems better than ______ we have.
a. What, what b. What, that c. That, that d. That, what
2)__A____handed in his homework, he was told _____ go home after class.
a. Not having, not to b. Having not, not to
c. Not having, to not d. Having not, to not
3) Did you enter the hall _D_____ him or _______ by him?
a. followed, followed b. following, following
c. followed, following d. following, followed
4) ___B___ with a bottle, a ______ candle will soon go out.
a. Coving, burning b. Covered, burning c. Covered, burned d. Covering, burned




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