Unit 3 Lessons 9-12 Body Language

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

A Teaching Design for Body Language
Designer:Qiu Ai-xia Senior 2 Classes 7&11

课时数 5 Periods
学习目标:1.Improve the ability of the Ss’ listening , speaking, reading and writing.
2.Enable the Ss to have a better mastery of some important words and expressions.
3.Enable the Ss to use some key sentence patterns correctly.
4.Enable the Ss to have some knowledge about body language.
技能目标 :
重点词汇: manage, proud, wave, agreement, manner, distance, pleasure,
realize, expression ,follow, must
重点短语: take sth./sb. for example, help sb. with sth./(to) do sth., show sb. to + 地点名词/how to do sth., accept …. as, English-speaking, for the first time, do some reseach on…, keep a certain distance away, communicate with, a day or two later
主要句型: What (How) about…?, make oneself understood, while表对比, either…or,
make + 宾语 +宾补, not…but…
交际用语: Offer help
Can/shall I help you?
Would you like me to do…?
Would you like some help?
Is there anything else I can do for you?
Accept help Refuse help
Thanks./Yes, please. It’s all right, thank you.
Thank you for your help. I can manage.
That’s very nice of you. No, thanks. I can manage it myself.
That’s very kind.
考点提示: pleasure, realize, follow, help sb. with sth./(to) do sth., What(How) about…? , while表对比, make + 宾语 +宾补
语 法: 1.部分否定;2.with+n.+补足成份成独立主格结构;3.动词不定式作主语时的形式主语It; 4.疑问词后跟动词不定式
教学手段: slide, overhead projector, tape recorder, computer
Lesson 9 Dialogue Period One
Teaching aims and requirements:
1. Improve the ability of the Ss’ listening and speaking.
2. Enable the Ss to understand and read the dialogue fluently.
3. Enable the Ss to get a good mastery of some important sentence patterns.
Teaching Procedure:
Step 1. Revision
Check the homework exercises. Revise simple phrases for asking permission:
Can/shall I help you?
Would you like me to do…?
Would you like some help?
Is there anything else I can do for you?
Step 2. Presentation
SB P13, Part 1. Ask What does Mr. Lee do for Dr Yang?Get the Ss to read the dialogue quietly to find the answers. Go through the dialogue and deal with any language points.
Step 3. Language focus
1.It’s a pleasure to meet you.认识你很高兴。
(1) It’s a pleasure to do sth.“很高兴做……”,It’s nice/great to do sth.如:
It’s a pleasure for me to be invited to speak here.应邀在这儿发言我很荣幸。
(2) 短语for pleasure意为:“为取乐(开心);为消遣”
I went to New York for pleasure, not on business.我是去纽约玩,不是出差。
(3) It’s my pleasure.意为:“不客气;不用谢”。常用于回答对方道谢。如:
—Thank you for your help.
—It’s my pleasure.
(4) with pleasure,意为:“当然可以;非常愿意;乐意效劳”。如:
—Would you hold this for a moment﹖
—With pleasure.
2.I can manage it myself.我自己能扛得动。
(can/could) manage to do sth. “设法做到”
The box was heavy but he managed to carry it.
manage to do:“成功地做成了某事(尤指困难的事)”,
try to do“努力或设法做某事”,但不一定成功。
He managed to finish his work on time.
He tried to pass the final exam, but he failed.
3.That’s very kind.= That’s very kind of you.
4.Is there anything else I can do for you?=Can I help you in any other way?
5.help sb. with sth.
6.do shopping
Would you like anything else to drink?
Who else’s house have you called at today?
She told us to show our tickets.
They have show me the way to the railway station.
Please show me where he had put it.
Step 4 Practice
.Speech Cassette Lesson 9. Play the tape or read the dialogue for the Ss to listen and repeat.
Then let them to practise the dialogue in pairs. Encourage them to look at their partners, not
at their books , when they speak. Ask a pair to act out the dialogue.
Check two or three groups after 5 minutes. Go through the phrases in the table and make sure the Ss understand them .
Offer help Accept help Refuse help
Can/shall I help you? Thanks./Yes,please. It’s all right, thank you.
Would you like me to do…? Thank you for your help. I can manage.
Would you like some help? That’s very nice of you. No, thanks.I can manage it
Is there anything else I can That’s very kind. myself.
do for you?
Step 5. Workbook
Turn to page 83 and do Exx. 1-3.
Ex.1. We may use different expressions to make another dialogue with a student about the same picture . Then let the Ss practise in pairs with the other three pictures .
Discuss the answers to Ex 2 & 3 in pairs. Then check the answers with the whole class. The Ss are encouraged to give the different answers .
Step 7.Homework
1. Do some exercises on English Weekly.
2. Practise reading the dialogue and try to recite them if they can.
Lesson 10 Body language Period Two
Teaching aims and demands:
1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.
2. Enable the Ss’ to have a general idea of the whole text.
3. Introduce some new word and sentence patterns.
Step 1.Revision
Check the homework exercises , especially WB Lesson 5, Ex 3.
Review the dialogue in SB Lesson 9.
If necessary, give the Ss more drillings in the asking permission phrases in SB Lesson 9.
Step 2.Presentation for reading
Show some signs of body language and ask :
What does this mean ?
SB Page 14, Part 1. Ask the Ss What do we say in English when we meet some one for the first time? Collect answers. Hello!, How do you do?,Make a handshake gesture. Help the Ss to say We can shake hands,etc. Do the Chinese and British have similar body language?
Step 3.Reading
1.Wb Lesson 10, Ex. 1. Go through the exercise and make sure the Ss know what to do. Let them read the text silently by themselves and try to answer the questions, working in pairs or small groups. Check the answers with the whole class.
2. Deal with any language points that arise.
1.Although we may not realize it, when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words.我们同别人谈话时,并不仅限于用言语让人明白自己的意思,对于这一点我们可能并没有意识到。
(1) realize作“意识到;了解到”解,后接名词或宾语从句。它还可作“实现”解。
He came to realize that he was wrong.他终于认识到自己错了。
I didn’t realize that until he told me.直到他告诉我,我才意识到那一点。
Today our hope has been realized at last.今天我们的希望终于实现了。
(2) make oneself understood“让别人明白自己的意思(听懂自己的话)”。
He spoke in a loud voice in order to make himself heard.
We are working hard to make our country more beautiful.
The boy made a face just to make others laugh.
We make him our leader.我们让他当领导。
4.But not all the body language means the same thing in different countries.但是,并非所有的体势语在不同的国家都表达相同的意思。
not all…表示部分否定。not与all, every, both, each, always和often连用,表示“并非全部;并非每个人;并非每件事;并非总是”等。如:
All is not gold that glitters(=Not all is gold that glitters.).发光的并非都是金子。
Not every man can do it well.并非每个人都能把这件事做好。
英语中表示全部否定时,常用no, none, nobody, nothing, neither, never等。如:
None of my friends smoke.我的朋友都不吸烟。
He never came to the city.他从未来过这个城市。
5.In France, it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning.在法国,每天早上在办公室里和人握手是一种习俗。
custom n.“风俗、习俗、习惯”。
It is the custom for sb.to do sth.(某人习惯做某事)
It is one’s custom to do sth.做某事是某人的习惯。如:
Social customs vary in different countries.社会风俗各国不同。
It is the custom for the Chinese to take off shoes when they get into a hall.
It is Mary’s custom to get up early and to go for a walk before breakfast.
6.Scientists have done some research on “Touch” in different countries.科学家们对不同国家的人相互“触碰”的情况作过调查研究。
do some research on“对……进行研究”。do可换成make,carry;on可换成into。如:
Scientists are making some research into the problem of food.
Step 4. Reading aloud
Speech Cassette Lesson 10. Read or play the third paragragh of the passage for the Ss to listen and repeat, paying attention to correct phrasing and intonation.
Step 5 Comparison
SB Page 15, Part 2. Ask the Ss to read the passage again and find out all the body language mentioned in the text and get the meanings clear. Tell them not all the body language means the same thing in different cultures. Different people have different ways of making communication through body language. Make sure the Ss know the importance of body language. Check that the Ss understand the meanings of the body language in the table and know what they have to do.
Step 6. Workbook
Wb Lesson 10, Exx. 2&3.
Both the exercises check the Ss’ comprehension of the passage. Make sure that the Ss are familiar with the contents.
Do Ex.2 with the whole class. You may say the sentences in Ex.2 and let the Ss raise their own opinions. Then get them to give correct information.
Ex.3 can be done first in pairs, then in class. Write the answers on the Bb.
Step 7. Consolidation
Revise the contents of the passage. Ask some focus questions, such as:
1. What did you learn about touch?
2. How should you eat in Arab countries? Etc.
Step 8 . Homework
Practise reading the text fluently. Complete the Workbook exercises. Write down the correct sentences for Ex. 2.
Lesson 10 Body Language
Lesson 11 Period Three
Teaching aims and requirements:
1. Improve the Ss’ ability of reading comprehension.
2. Enable the Ss to master some new words and sentence patterns.
Step 1. Revision
1. Check reading the text.
2. Ask two pairs to retell the dialogue.
Step 2.Preparation for reading
Step 3. Reading
Ask the Ss : Why can’t people stop smoking ? Let the Ss read the passage carefully to find the answer . Go through the passage with the Ss and discuss the information in it. Check to see if the Ss understand it .
Step 4 . Language points
It is not good manners to speak with your mouth full.和In some parts of Asia you mustn't sit with your feet pointing at another person.现将其常见结构及其在句中的作用归纳如下:
1.with +名词/代词+现在分词。其中现在分词表主动或正在进行的动作。如:
He fell asleep with his radio still working.
With you standing here,we can't fix our attention on the job.
2.with +名词/代词+过去分词。其中过去分词表被动或完成了的动作。如:
Tom stood for a moment with his hand still raised.汤姆举着手站了一会儿。(伴随状语)
With the problem settled,we all felt happy.问题解决了,我们都感到高兴。(原因状语)
3.with +名词/代词+不定式。其中不定式表示将要发生的动作。如:
With so much work to do,we can't kill any time by playing cards.由于有这么多工作要做,我们不能打牌来消磨时间。(原因状语)
With the teacher to help us,we will make greater progress.在老师的帮助下,我们会取得更大的进步。(原因状语)
4.with +名词/代词+形容词。如:
The girl entered the room with her eyes full of tears.这女孩走进屋里,眼泪汪汪。(伴随状语)
He likes to sleep with the window open.他喜欢开着窗户睡觉。(伴随状语)
5.with +名词/代词+介词短语或副词。如:
The emperor walked in the street with nothing on.皇帝走在街上,一丝不挂。(伴随状语)
The wood cutter was standing next to a fallen tree, with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him.伐木工人站在一棵砍倒的树旁,前面有许多碎木片。(伴随状语)
Step 5. Language study
SB Page 16, Part 2. Teach the new words guest, host and fist. Do one or two sentences orally in each part as an example, then let the Ss work in pairs, making up suitable sentences.
(1) I want to know all about it. (一般式)
(2) He wants to be sent where he is most needed.(一般式被动语态)
(3) Good-bye, Tommy, I’m glad to have spent a good night with you(完成式)
He seems to be singing in the hall.(进行式)
2. 具有名词,形容词和副词的作用,在句子中作主语表语录宾语定语状语补足语等。
(1) It’s important to learn a foreign language.(主)
(2) To do the work is quite easy.(主)
(3) His job is to look after the crops.(表)
(4) He learned how to do it in the factory.(宾)
(5) Have you got a key to lock the door?(定)
(6) She jumped with joy to hear the news.(状)
(7) I hope he will advise me how to finish it in a short time..(宾补)
3. 否定形式:not to do…..
tell sb. not to do…, decide not to do sth., warn sb not to do…, etc.
Step 6. Practice
SB Page 17, Part 3. Go through the example. Teach the new word juice. Let the Ss work in pairs. At the end of this activity ask some pairs to act out in front of the class.
Step 7. Discussion
SB Page 17, Part 4. Ask the Ss to list out all the body language they have learned and write them on the Bb. Then let the Ss work in pairs and discuss what the body language will help to do.
Step 8. Workbook
Turn to page 85 and finish the Exx.1-3.
Make sure the Ss have full understanding of the reading passages before starting to do Ex.1.
Let the Ss discuss the answers in pairs. Then check the answers with the whole class. The
Ss should read out the whole passage.
Do Ex. 2 orally in class.
If time permits, do Ex.3 in class. Encourage the Ss to think of different answers.
Step 9. Homework
1. Read the text fluently and try to retell the text .
2. Finish the exercises on the exercise book.
Lesson 11 Body Language (2)

Good manners don’t like English people like American
(Arab) in the country in the city



an Arab and an Englishman talking…
distance(stand closer, keep a certain distance away)

Lesson 12 Period Four
Aims and requirements:
1. Improve the Ss’ speaking ability.
2. Enable the Ss to use the new sentence patterns to express themselves fluently.
Step 1. Revision
1. Check the homework exercises.
2. Revise the use of Inf. in Lesson 11. Get the Ss to make sentences using Inf.
Step 2. Dictation
Dictate some new words phrases.
Step 3.Preparation for listening
SB Page 18, Part 1 . Wb Listening . Unit 3. Ex 1. Go through the example and make sure the Ss know what to do . Note that , for this exercise, they only need to tick the subjects which they are talking about.
Step 4. Listening
Play the tape once or twice as necessary, then let the Ss check their answers in pairs. Do Exx 2 and 3 in the same way. Finally , discuss the answers with the whole class.
Step 5.Writing
SB Page 18, Part 2. Go through the words in the box and make sure the Ss know what they are going to do . Teach the new word : club in Sentence 5. Get them to do this exercise individually. Then check the answers in pairs.
Step 6. Discussion
SB Page 18, Part 3. Questions for discussion: Briefly revise the points about customs and habits in SB L10&11. Go through the task with the Ss and let them work in groups of four. Ask some Ss to make a report of their group discussion to the whole class. Collect ideas on the Bb.
Step 7.Checkpoint
Go through Checkpoint 3. Revise the use of Infinitives. Deal with any points that you or the Ss raise.
Step 8. Writing
SB Page 18 , Part 4. Group work.. To collect ideas on the Bb before the Ss start to work on their sentences. Go round the class and look at the sentence prepared by each group.
Step 9.Workbook
WB Lesson 12, Exx. 1-4. Look at the pictures of gestures. Explain briefly to the class what they have to do. Get the Ss to work in pairs and then check the answers with the whole class.
Read aloud the phrases in Ex.2 for the Ss to listen. Ask them to pick out the right words for them. Do this exercise in the way of a quiz.
Do Ex.3 orally in class. Get the Ss to write the English sentences in their exercise books.
Ex.4 is treated as optional.
Step 9. Homework.
Get ready for the examination.

Revision of Unit 3 Period Five
Aims and demands:
1. Review all the key points in this unit.
2. Finish explaining some language points and grammar.
3. Finish doing all the exercises on the exercises book.
Step 1. Revision
1. Check the homework
2. Check reading the text.
3. Do some reading exercises.
Step 2. Unit 3 同义词(组)辨析
1.meet;meet with
meet可作“遇见”、“迎接”解。meet with表示“遇见”、“碰到”时,常含有“偶尔”的意思(=come across,come upon)。此外,meet with还可表示“遭遇”或“经历”的意思。在美国英语中,meet with还可以表示“会见”。
I often meet her on the street.
She said she had to go to the station to meet her uncle.
I have met with this word many times in my reading.
You should not lose heart when you meet with difficulty in learning a foreign language.
The department head met with her in his office.
2.meeting; conference; gathering; party
The students had a class meeting last Friday.
The summit meeting of the state heads came to an end two days later.
Many reporters came to attend the press conference.
The annual conference of geologists will be held in Chicago this year.
A public gathering was held in Zhongshan Park on May Day.
Mary and I were invited to Jane’s birthday party the other day.
Mr.Brown gave a dinner party last Thursday.
Though/Although it was late,the farmers kept on harvesting the crops by the lights of the tractors.
Though poor, he is always neatly dressed.
Poor though I am, I can afford it.
Tired as he was, he went on working with his workmates.
Child as he is, he knows a lot about the computer.
close, closely这两个词都可以用作副词,close表示“靠近”、“紧紧地”,closely则表示“紧密地”、“严密地”、“密切地”。如:
I went closer, and saw clearly a tall man in the moonlight.
Come close, I want to tell you something important.
The policeman followed the strange man closely.
The scientists got closely in touch with the astronauts.
Step 2. 单元知识点与高考考点透视(Unit3)
1.课本原句:Would you like me to type your composition for you?
考例1):(NMET 97)I would love ____ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.
A.to go B.to have gone C.going D.having gone
考点点拨:would(should)like(love)的意思是“愿意、希望、想”,后跟名词、代词或不定式作宾语,不可以跟V-ing形式,如果表示“希望某人做某事”可以用含动词不定式的复合宾语,即would(should)like(love) sb.to do sth.。考例1)表示本来想去参加晚会,而实际上没去,不定式要用完成式形式,故选B。
2.课本原句:Waving one's hand is to say“Goodbye".
考例2):(2001上海)In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they ____ .
A.have survived(幸存、生还) B.are to survive C.would survive D.will survive
1. You must speak out if we are to remain friends.(如果我们还想做朋友的话,你就痛痛快快地把话都说出来。)由于状语从句的谓语动词不可以用将来时,考例2)可先排除C、D项,而A项的完成式不符合题意,故选B。
3.课本原句:In France,it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning.
2. 考例3):(MET 89)Is ____ necessary to complete the design before National Day?
A.this B.that C.it D.he
4. 课本原句:Although we may not realize it,when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words.
考例4):(MET 91)The speaker raised his voice but still couldn't make himself ____ .
A.hear B.to hear C.hearing D.heard
考点点拨:make oneself done结构中的make是使役动词,跟过去分词作宾语补足语时,宾语补足语与宾语之间是被动关系,意思是“使自己被……”,如:Would you like to make yourself known?(你能自我介绍一下吗?)本题选D。句意是:演说者提高了嗓门,可是人们还是听不到。
5.课本原句:If you touch an English person,you should say "Sorry".
考例5):(NMET94)Here's my card.Let's keep in ____ .
A.touch B.relation C.connection D.friendship
考点点拨:touch作动词解的意思是“触摸、接触、碰到”,作名词解的意思是“触摸、接触、联系”,短语keep in touch with sb.的意思是“与某人保持联系”,如表示“与某人取得联系”则用get in touch with sb.。由考题中的here's my card,可知选A。
6.课本原句:But English people do not like to be too close to one another unless there is a reason.
考例6):(2001京皖春招)The men will have to wait all day ____ the doctor works faster.
A.if B.unless C.whether D.that
考点点拨:连词unless的意思是“除非、如果不”,相当于“if...not”, unless从句多接肯定式来引导条件状语从句,当主句用一般将来时态的时候,从句一般要用一般现在时态,考例6)选B。
Step 3 .English weekly
1. Explain some key points on the English weekly.
2. Let the Ss’ ask some questions and explain.
Step 4. 单元测试Unit 3
1. It is the c____ in China to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival.
2. We can c____ with people in most parts of the world by telephone.
3. The invitation was meant as a friendly g____.
4. They had to put off the meeting because of the____(意见不一).
5. They____(数)the number of times that people touched each other.
1.It is difficult____________(照顾这么小的一个孩子).
2.I pretended____________(睡着了).
3.Mr Green seemed____________(越来越不喜欢他).
4.He decided____________(成为物理学家).
5.The woman came out____________(看看在发生什么事).
6.I mean____________(完成这个任务),one way or another.
7.The enemy is believed____________(已被击败).
8.He appears____________(是你的朋友)but I doubt if he is.
9.I happened____________(在挨着他站着)when he was shot.
10.The teacher wanted the composition____________(在课堂上完成).
1.If you go to Britain,you must ____ British customs.
A.have B.follow C.take D.share
2.Dark clouds are a ____ of rain while a smile is a of friendship.
A.gesture;sign B.sight;method C.sign;gesture D.mark;way
3.It is a ____ to celebrate Christmas on December 25th in some English-speaking countries.
A.custom B.manner C.habit D.holiday
4.It is strange that the creature should(居然)____ to live without eating for so many months.
A.turn on B.keep on C.manage D.try
5.The speaker couldn't make himself ____ because of the great noise.
A.heard B.hearing C.hear D.to hear
6.Mr Smith felt more nervous with so many people ____ him.
A.watch B.watching C.watched D.to watch
7.How could you leave the classroom with all the lights ____ on?
A.turn B.turned C.turning D.to turn
8.It is well known that British people seldom ____ when they meet.
A.kiss hello each other B.say hello each other
C.kiss each other hello D.say each other hello
9.The animal is dangerous.____ from it.
A.Keep on B.Keep out C.Keep off D.Keep away
10.Your account can't be accepted ____ the true version.
A.for B.about C.by D.as
1.He spoke so fast.So I didn't understand what he said.
He spoke so fast that he didn't ____ ____ ____ .
2.Some of the students in our class are good at English,while some aren't.
____ ____ ____ ____ in our class are good at English.
3.If you call me up,I'll come tomorrow.
I ____ come tomorrow ____ you call me up.
4.They are friendly to us all.
They treat all of us ____ ____ ____ ____ .
5.Do your children kiss you before they go to bed?
Do your children ____ you ____ ____ ?
1.“Thank you for helping me.”“With pleasure.”( )
2.He tried to get to the bus stop and caught the first bus.( )
3.The two sisters were caught in a strong storm .They encouraged one another all the way.( )
4.The celebration of Christmas is a habit.( )
5.I don't like to talk with him.He has no good manner.( )
Step 5. Homework
1. Review all the language points in this unit.
2. Preview the new words and lessons in Unit 3.
Key:I:1.custom 2.communicate 3.gesture 4.disagreement 5.counted
II. 1.to look after such a little baby 2.to be asleep 3.to dislike him more and more 4.to become a physicist 5.to see what was happening 6.to complete the task 7.to have been defeated 8.to be your friend 9.to be standing next to him 10.to be finished in class
III.III.A)1—5BCACA 6—10BBCDD B)1.make himself understood 2.Not all the students 3.won't,unless 4.in a friendly way /manner 5.kiss,good night C)1.With→My 2.tried→managed 5.one another→each other 6.habit→custom 9.manner→manners D)One possible version:
Dear Tom,
Thanks for your letter.It's interesting to learn your story.Now I'd like to answer your questions.
In China,we have our own way to greet each other when we meet.In your country,friends may say “Hello!”or “Hi!”to each other.In China,people,especially old people love to ask “Have you had your meal?or “Where are you going? In fact, they really don't want to know whether you have had your meal or not,or where you are going.They just express their care or attention to you by saying so.Of course,you may feel embarrassed to hear these words.But if you stay in China a little longer,you will get used to it.
OK,does my explanation sound reasonable?
Best wishes!
Zhu Feng




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