Unit 6 Lessons 21&24 Coins 5 Periods

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A Teaching Design for Unit 6 Mainly Revision
Designer: Qiu Ai-xia Senior 2 Classes 7&11
Teaching aims and demands
1).Use the language we have learned to make dialogues to express intentions and wishes, then finish all the listening , speaking ,and writing tasks.
2).Read the passage Coins and Collecting stamps to make sure the students can understand them well, Then finish all the exercises about the passage.
3).Review all the grammar points appeared from Unit 1 to Unit 5 and all the language points.
Teaching focus and difficulties of unit 6
Words and
expression excuse; shame; ring; possibly,trade,whatever; afford, common;be of...,look round hand out; here and there;be about to sooner or later; packs of
1)Coins may be of different sizes, weights, shapes, and of different metals.
2)The largest collection ever found in England was one of about 200000 silver pennies, all of them over 600years old.
3)It can be very exciting to get stamps which you do not have yet.
Making telephone calls
1)Hello.Can I speak to ZhouLan, please?
2〉This is Zh011Lan speaking.
3〉Hello,Zhou Lan. This is Bruce.
Excuse me for ringing you so late in the evening, but I've only just got home.
4〉OK. I’ll ring you if I have any news.
5)Thanks very much. Bye.
Key points:
1.Learn to use new language points
2.To master some daily expressions in communication.
Teaching aids: Slide projector; Tape-recorder; computer;

Lesson 21 Dialogue Period One
I. The goal of this lesson:
We are going to train the students listening and speaking ability through listening speaking, imitating and substituting.
II. The key and difficult point:
Learn to use some daily sentences in communication.
III. Teaching steps:
Step 1.Revision:
Check the homework exercises.
Step 2.Presentation:
I understand that some of you collect stamps. Those who collect stamps,hands up,please.
Good.So many of you are interested in collecting stamps.It seems to me that sometimes you
want a certain stamp very much. Now tell me what you would do at this time?
What are they talking about?
play the recording
Key: They are talking about stamps.
Replay the recording and ask students to follow once or twice。
1) When did Bruce make a telephone call to Zhoulan?
2) What did Bruce ask Zhoulan about?
3) What happened to the cock year stamp Zhoulan once had?
4) What did Zhoulan offer to do for Bruce?
Key: 1)Bruce made a telephone call to Zhoulan very late in the evening.
2)Bruce asked Zhoulan about some stamps. He wanted to know if she still
had the cock year stamp.
3)She sold it the week before.
4〉She offered to help find one cock year stamp for Bruce.
Step 3.Reading:
1. Listen to the tape, then answer the above question.
2. Read the dialogue to make sure that the students can understand it.
Step 4.Notes to the text:
1.Hello. Can I speak to Zhou Lan, please?
自我介绍THIS 询问对方THAT
Hello. …speaking. Who’s that /Who’s that speaking.
This is…. Is that….?
This is …speaking. Is that …speaking?
2. Excuse me for ringing you so late in the evening.
Excuse me for the delay. 请原谅我耽搁了。
Can you excuse him for saying so? 你能原谅他这么说吗?
3. What a pity!
名词pity的意思是“令人遗憾的事”或“同情,怜悯,遗憾”。下文中也有pity的名词用法:It’s a pity I didn’t think of it earlier. 又如:
I’m in pity of his failure. 我很遗憾他的失败。
He took pity on the poor old farmer. 他很同情那个可怜的老农夫。
4.I didn’t know you wanted it.
I only decided to get one today.
It’s a pity I didn’t think of it earlier.
句中的动词decided和didn’t think也表示过去的动作或状态。
5.I’ve been working so hard recently that….
We have been learning English for five years. 我们学英语5年了。
He has been working in his study a whole day. 他在书房工作一整天了。
Step 5 Dialogue:
Ask the students to practise the dialogue..
Step 6. Oral practice:
1). make a phone call 2)ask...about stamps 3)sold it last week 4)offer help
5)ring him if there is news
Bruce made a phone call to Zhoulan and asked her about some stamps. He asked if Zhoulan still had the cock year stamp. Zhoulan told him that she had sold the stamp the week before. Bruce felt very sad, for he wanted the stamp very much. Zhou Lan offered to help him get one and told him that if she had any news she would ring him. Bruce was very pleased.
Do the oral practice of part 2 , lesson 17. and Ex 4.
Step 7. Workbook:
Do Ex 3 orally in class.
1. Finish all the workbook exercises.
2. Make up a dialogue between a journalist and famous star.
Unit 6 Lesson 22 Coins Period 2
Teaching aims and demands::
1、Improve the Ss’ ability of reading comprehension and help them study the structure of the text and understand the text wholly.
2、Enrich the Ss, imagination of the kinds of money and encourage them to talk.
Difficult points:
: 1、Understand the text wholly.
2、Grasp the phrases of the text.
Important sentence patterns:
1.Later, another type of coin was used, with holes in it.
2.Possibly this person died without anyone knowing where the coins were hidden.
3. Coins may be of different sizes, weights, shapes…
4.It contained 54,952 coins dating from the years 260-275 AD.
5. It is possible that one of them kept a kind of bank where the workers could keep their money safe.
Teaching Aids: Over head projector,tape-recorder,multimedia projector.
Teaching Procedures
Step1:Warming up (3 minutes)
I understand that many of you have got different hobbies.
Can you tell me what your hobbies are?
Is there anyone that collects coins in our class?
Do you find it interesting?
What can you learn from collecting coins?
The aim is to get familiar with the students by talking about coins of different periods. Today we are going to learn a new lesson, Lesson 22 Coins (write down on the Bb)
Step2:Presentation for watching(5 minutes)
Give the Ss a few minutes to watch the video “Coins” with their books closed After that,get the Ss to do T or F questions as quickly as possible.
1〉Coins may be of different sizes, weighs, shapes,
but they are usually made of the same metal.
2〉In the past people could find the name of the country,
the value of the coin and the date on the coins.
3)According to the passage, people can put different kinds of metal together to make coins.
4)The writer tells us that sometimes we may have some interesting stories
that have been forgotten from the collections of the coins.
5)The discovery of the pot containing 32000Chinese metal coins
in northern Australia shows that at that time somebody
might keep a kind of bank.
Key:1.False.(Coins may be of different sizes, weights, shapes, and of different meta1s.
2.False.(In the past, the date was not always pressed on the coins.)
5.False.(south Australia)
Step3:Reading (5minutes)
Ask the Ss to read the text carefully and silently with a soft piece of music—Jasmine Flower—as background music to find the answers to the questions of Part2 Note making.
Earliest coins:_bei money(China) from 650BC; coins with holes from 221 BCInformation on the coin :name of country, date, valueMetal and other materials: gold, silver, seashells, wood and so on.Design: head of a famous person, panda, and so on.
Step 4 :Read aloud and analyze the text structure: (8 minutes)
In order to let the Ss get a general understanding of the text. Play the tape and ask the Ss to read aloud and analyze the text structure.
Can you point out the topic sentence?
(para.1) Early coins in the world were used in China from more than 3000 years ago.
(Para.2) Coins may be of different sizes, eights, shapes and of different metals.
(Para.3) Coins can be made of different materials.(Paras.4&5) discoveries of collections in England and Australia.
The text can be divided into _2_ parts:
early coins (Para.1)Part one:formation(Para.2)
Part two:discoveriesof collections in England and in Australia.General idea:
This text tells us the history of coins, their kinds and what they are made of.
We also learn something about collections of coins and a story about collections.
Step5:Language points: (8 minutes)
To enlarge the Ss, vocabulary and grasp the key phrases. Ask the Ss to underline some phrases and idoms,the teacher will explain some main and difficult points if necessary. Give explanations to the following words and expressions.
1.Later, another type of coin was used, with holes in it.
“with +复合结构”常在句中作定语或状语。
Possibly this person died without anyone knowing where the coins were hidden. (Lesson 22))
He is reading a book with the glasses on his nose.
without the glasses on his nose.
We’re having an English class with the windows open,
the door closed and the fans running.
Mr. Liu stood there with his eyes fixed on Tom.
In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person. (Lesson10)
2.…and these were used for the next 2,000 years, that is, from 221 BC until 1916.
That is或That is to say是插入语。注意:插入语一般要用逗号同句子的其它部分隔开。 “即,也就是,也就是说”,引出对上文的补充说明。
This story took place in Paris in 1793, that is, during the French Revolution.
3.Coins may be of different sizes, weights, shapes, and of different metals.
This dictionary is of great use for advanced learners of English.
She is a woman of character.
4.Today the coin is usually pressed with the name of the country.
Press this button and the machine will start.
They pressed the boxes with the date of production.
5.However, in the past the date was not always included.
He does not always get up early. 他并不总是早起。
He never gets up early. 他从不早起。
The book includes twenty of his finest short stories.
Your work includes washing clothes.
6.…wood and pieces of cloth were all used for money.
use sth. for… “把……当作……使用”。例如:
He used the stone for a hammer. 他把石头当锤子用。
What did our forefathers use for farming tools? 我们的祖先把什么当作农具使用?
7.The new Chinese panda coin is made of 99.99% gold.
这个分数词的读法是:ninety-nine point nine nine percent / per cent。百分号“%”的读法已经学过,读作percent / per cent。小数点“.”读作point,小数点后面的小数依次按基数词去读。
8.It contained 54,951 coins dating from the years 260~275 AD.
date from“起始于”=date back to
Her interest in fine art dates from her childhood.
This church dates from as early as the 14th century.
9.…about 200,000 silver pennies, all of them over 600 years old.
all of them over 600 years old是一个独立主格结构,即“名/代词+其它词类”,构成一种逻辑上的主谓关系。在本句中对前面的名词silver pennies加以说明。这种结构既可说明名词情况,作定语;也可修饰动词,作状语。
They were divided into ten groups, each to plant twenty trees. 他们分成10个组,每组要种20棵树。(说明名词ten groups的情况,作定语)
The old hunter leading us, we went into the mountains. 老猎人领着我们,我们走进了山里。(修饰动词went,作方式状语)
10.He discovered in the ground a pot containing 32,000 Chinese metal coins.
现在分词containing短语作定语,修饰名词a pot。现在分词与被修饰名词一般构成主动关系,而过去分词与被修饰名词一般构成被动关系,例如:
The man repairing the bike took no notice of me. 修自行车的人没有注意我。
The bike repaired yesterday is lost. 昨天修好的自行车丢了。
11.It is known that thousands of Chinese worked in the gold mines in the late 19th century.
It is known / said / reported / recorded…that…,意思是“人们知道/据说/据报道/据记载”,是英语中的一个很有用的句式,已在第一册作过介绍。
It is reported that the President made a wonderful speech at Tsinghua University.据报道总统在清华大学作了精彩的讲演。
It is said that he cheated in the examination. 据说他在考试中作弊了。
12.It is possible that one of them kept a kind of bank….
句中it用作形式主语,真正的主语是后面that引导的从句。“It is + 表语 + that从句”是英语中的一个很有用的句式。
It is necessary that we young people master a foreign language. 我们年轻人掌握一门外语是必要的。
It is a pity that I didn’t think of it earlier. 很遗憾我没早些想到。
keep a bank “开银行”。动词keep可表示“经营,开办,养活”。
The old couple kept an inn. 老两口开了一家客栈。
He has a big family to keep. 他有一大家人要养活。
13.Possibly this person died without anyone knowing where the coins were hidden.
I went out without my overcoat. 我没穿大衣就出去了。
He came to the party without being asked. 他没有受到邀请就来参加晚会了。
She stole out of the classroom without the teacher noticing. 她趁老师没注意溜出了教室。
Step 6:Retelling(8 minutes)
Show the stick roles on the screen. Ask the students to retell the story according to the key words.
The earliest coins in the world were used in ___ from more than_______ years ago. Coins may be of different_____,weights, ________,and of different ______. Usually they have different ________on the two sides. There is usually the________ of a famous person on one side. Today the coin ___________ the name of the country,the ______and its______.In the past many things could be used for______ such as___________,rings,bamboo ______and so on. The earliest coins in the West were made of gold______ with silver.Many _________of coins were ____. The largest collection found in ________contained about 200,000 ________pennies that were over 600 years old.
Step 7:Group discussion: (5 minutes)
Give the Ss several minutes to prepare,then get as many answers as possible.
1. What kind of money do you prefer to use, coins ,paper money or credit cards?
advantage disadvantage

2.In the future, what kind of money do you think we’ll use to take the place of
present money? And how long will it take to do so?电子钱包(Ewallet)是一个用来携带信用卡或借记卡 。
4. 及时通知商户接收及认可订单;
5. 随时查询历史交易信息
Step 8:Summary (2 minutes)
Step 9:Homework:(1 minutes)
1、Finish Ex 2&3 on the WB
2、Tell something about your collection.
Blackboard design:
Unit 6 Lesson 22 Coins
The text can be divided into _2_ parts:
early coins (Para.1)
Part one: formation(Para.2)
Part two: discoveries of collections in England and Australia. (Paras.4&5)General idea:
This text tells us the history of coins, their kinds and what they are made of.
We also learn something about collections of coins and a story about collections.
Lesson 23 Collecting Stamps Period 3
Aims and Requirements:
1.Improve the Ss reading ability.
2.Introduce some new word and sentence patterns.
3.Enable the students to know something more about the country after discussing the topic, --- size, population, culture, weather, natural resources, and so on.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1.Revision:
1. Check the homework exercises
2. Revise the dialogue in SB Lesson 25
3. Get some Ss to act out their dialogues.
Step 2. Presentation:
I understand that many of you have got different hobbies. Can you tell me what your hobbies are? Is there anyone that collects coins in our class Do you find it interesting? Read the passage, and
Try to answer the following questions:
what should we do with the stamps that we decide not to keep?
Key: We can trade with other people using the stamps that we decide not to keep.
1)If you want to start collecting stamps, what should you do at the beginning?
2)What kind of envelope is worth keeping?
3〉According to the passage, if a person collects stamps, does he collect all the stamps all the time or does he collect a certain kind of stamp? Why?
4) Why does the writer advise you to join a group?
5) Where do you usually buy your stamps?
6) The writer says that sooner or later you will find something unusual. What does that mean?
Key:1)Collect as many as one can at the beginning•
2)If the envelope is unusual, one may keep it•Be sure to keep the envelope if it is the first date when that particular stamp is used.
3) The passage says that sooner or later one will decide that he wants to collect a certain kind of stamp, Because this will make the collecting more interesting.
4〉Because one may learn a lot about stamps and other people in the group may help you. And you’ll know which stamps other people are collecting and other people will start trading stamps with you.
5) The passage advises people to go to stamp sales because one can often pick up packs of used stamps very cheaply.
6〉(Let the students discuss the answer.) Probably it means that
one may find something valuable or something most unusual in his collection.
Step 3.Reading
Ask the Ss to read the text carefully and silently with a soft piece of music—Jasmine Flower—as background music to find the difficult points.
Step 4. Language points:
1.At the beginning, collect as many stamps as you can.
as…as sb. can或as…as possible意思是“尽可能地……”。例如:
Try to make as few mistakes as you can / as possible. 尽量少出错。
He sang as loud as he could / as possible. 他尽可能大声地唱。
2.The ones which you decide not to keep can be traded with other people.
Stamp collectors often trade stamps with others. 集邮者常和别人交换邮票。
We have traded with their store for ten years. 我们和他们商店作了十年交易。
3.Do keep the envelope if it is the first date ….
Do join a group.
Do come early. 一定要早点来啊。
Do be a nice boy. 千万做乖孩子啊。
4.Go to stamp sales and buy whatever you can afford.
1)whatever引起的是一个宾语从句。Whatever=anything that “不论什么……”,
He had to do whatever the boss told him to. 他必须干老板让他干的任何事。
They can’t afford a house property in Beijing. 他们买不起北京的房产。
I’ll take a holiday as soon as I can afford the time. 我一有时间就休假。
5.It can be exciting to get stamps which you do not have yet.
句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式to get短语。
Step 5 .Read aloud and analyze the text structure:
Step 6.Discussion:
Ask the students to talk about the hobbies they have in groups and exchange ideas on what they have learned from their hobbies SO far, or what fun as been brought tothemselves.
Step 7.Summary:
Step 8.Homework:
1)Retell the text and try to tell other people the main points of collecting stamps.
1) Finish off the arranged exercises.
Blackboard design:
Advice on collecting stamps:
1. Collect as many as you can. Why? Trade with…
2. Collect“first day cover” Why? Interested in…
3. Collect a certain kind (example)
4. Do join a group( Why? Learn… trade …with…)
5. Go to stamp sales( Why? Pick up used stamps)
6. Buy used stamps (Why? Less expensive)
Lesson24 Practice Period Four
Aims and Requirements:
1.Training the Ss’ ability of listening and writing.
2. Revise the usage of the Agreement.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1.Revision:
1. Check the homework exercises.
2. Revise Lesson 23 and ask something about collections.
Step 2. Preparation for listening:
SB Page 36, Part 1. Wb Listening, Unit 6. Tell the Ss Today we are going to find out the five people in the dialogue belong to a Coin Collection Club. Then read through the instructions and the task in Ex.1 and make sure the Ss understand what to do.
Step 3.Listening:
Play the tape for Exx. 1&2, then let the Ss check their answers in pairs. Do Ex 3 in the same way. Finally , discuss the answer with the whole class
Step 4.Grammar
It is a shame that you should tell a lie like that.
Has it been found out who broke the window?
It is well-known that they are a hard-working people.
It is our duty to take care of the patients.
It’s very kind of you to write back so soon.
What a mistake will it be to refuse this offer!
It is no use waiting here.
It is a waste of time talking to her.
Is it worthwhile making this experiment?
it作形式主语引出动名词的情况,一般出现在一些系表结构的句型中,例如It is no good / no use / useless / senseless / dangerous / (a) waste of…等。
1)It seems that he has learned the news.
2)It was Tom that told me the truth.
这是一个固定形式的强调句型,即“It + be + that / who从句”。由于that / who从句不是主语从句,而是一种定语从句类,所以it也就不是形式主语。
Step 5.Writing:
SB Page 36, Part 3.Read through the instructions. Collect any suggestions and write them on the Bb.
Step 6.Homework:
Finish off the Workbook exercises
Revision of Unit 6 Period Five
Teaching aim:
To get the students to understand the important phrases in the exercise with the examples.
Teaching focus:
folded by hand, be determined to do, the coming week, et in, have a test
burn sth to the ground make sure of suffer from in public set fire to do wrong
sentence to death do a good deed
Teaching steps:
Step 1.Revision:
Ask some of the students to retell the story and maybe act.
Step 2.Practice:
Refer to the exercise for the students to work on.
Step 3.Vocaburaly:
1)excuse n./v
Please excuse me for opening your letter by mistake.
The teacher excused the student for arriving late.
There is no excuse for what you have done.
2)be of...
The book is of no use to me now.
Two of my brothers are of the same age; they are twins
The scientist’s invention is of great value.
3)trade n•/v.
International trade is important to us a11.
The early settlers traded copper for corn.
I refuse to trade with that company again.
Thanks to the success of the business, we can afford a new car this year.
I’m too busy to afford time to see a film.
The trees afford us a pleasant shade from the sun.
In the old days’ he couldn’t afford to send all his children to go to school
Pine trees are common in many parts of the world.
People from different countries attended the conference and English was their common
6)look around
I don’t want to buy anything. I am just looking around
Don’t make a hurried decision; look around well first.
7)be about to
I was just about to leave when you telephoned.
-----Have you gone to bed yet?
__---N0,but I was just about to.
8)Sooner or later
If you don’t look after it carefully, sooner or later your car will fall to bits.
If you cheat, you will be found out sooner or later.
9〉add to
Would you like to add anything to what I’ve said, Bill?
The music added to our enjoyment.
If you add 5to 5,you get 10.
Step 4.Dictation:
1. Words and expressions of Unit 6
2. Sentence dictation
Step 5.English weekly:
1. Explain some key points on the English weekly.
Let the Ss’ ask some questions and explain.
Step 6.Consolidation:
Step 7.Homework:
1)Preview Unit 7
2)Finish off the newspaper exercises




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