Unit 7 Lessons 25&28 Canada 5 Periods

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A Teaching Design for Unit 7 Canada
Designer: Qiu Ai-xia Senior 2 Classes 7&11
I. Teaching aims and demands:
1. Improve the abilities of the Ss’ listening, speaking, reading and writing.
2 .Enable the Ss to have a better mastery of some important words and expressions.
3. Enable the Ss to use some key sentence patterns correctly.
4. Enable the Ss to comprehend the whole text and know something about Canada
II Important and difficult points:
Expressions generally speaking notice differently settle a great deal of
make use of race clear up eastern official struggle
against freeze(ing) average exploit refer to bloc
accent hunt minus all the year around
1.…can’t tell the difference between……
2.As in China, the weather is different from area to area.
3.The temperature can fall to -60℃, that is 60℃below
4.They made clothes and shoes from furs and from
skins of seals.
What do you mean by…?
I’m sorry, I don’t follow you.
Do you use American or British spelling?
Are there many differences?
American spellings are used more and more in Canada
Grammar: The usage of the Agreement
III.Teaching Aids: slid,overhead projector,computer tape recorder
V. Time needed: 5 periods
Lesson 25 Dialogue Period 1
Teaching Aims and Requirements:
1 Improve the Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.
2 Enable the Ss to understand the dialogue completely.
3 Enable the Ss to get a good mastery of some words and expressions.
4 Enable the Ss to learn about the differences between Canadian English and American English.
Teaching Procedures
I. Revision
1. Check the homework exercises
2. Ask the Ss In which countries in the world do the people speak English?
II Presentation
1. Say to the Ss In this unit we’re going to learn about Canada. In today’s lesson , we meet Dean; he’s Canadian. He’s talking about Canadian English.
2. Get the Ss to read the dialogue quickly and answer the question below
Which of the following does he talk about: grammar, vocabulary, spelling or pronunciation?
III Reading:
1. Get the Ss to read the dialogue silently. Ask them a few questions:
Is an American accent very different from a Canadian accent?
Do people have the same accent all over the country?
V Language Points:
1.A lot of people can’t tell the difference between an American accent and a Canadian accent.
(1) tell the difference between “知道……的区别,分得清……”,常和情态动词can连用。:
That worthy gentleman cannot tell the difference between a sheep and a goat.
Can you tell the difference between the twin sister?
Nobody could tell what would happen next.
Our English teacher has very obvious American accent.
The accent of the word “photographer” is on the second syllable.
2.We fill our cars with “gas”, which is American, but we turn on the “tap” which is British English.
American British meanings
tap faucet 水龙头
gas petrol 汽油
corn maize 玉米
eraser rubber 橡皮擦
fall autumn 秋天
highway main road 公路
mail post 邮件
movie film 电影
railroad railway 铁路
store shop 商店
vacation holiday 假期
rest room public toilet 公共厕所
3.Generally speaking, newspapers follow the American way.
generally speaking,“一般说来”,是插入语,对全句加以说明。
usually speaking, strictly speaking,
frankly speaking, personally speaking,
exactly speaking, broadly speaking, etc.
Frankly speaking, I don’t think this is a wise decision.
Judging from her appearance, she is from the north of the country.
We will succeed if we follow her advice.
He did not install the machine following the instructions.
4. You mean it looks strange! I’ll tell you something that does sound strange.
①look和sound都是连系动词(link verb),和表语一起构成谓语。类似有:feel, fall, get, seem, taste, smell, be, keep, appear, become, grow, go, turn等等
This pancake tastes delicious.
This material feels so soft.
She appears old though she is just in her thirties.
sound作名词时,注意区别sound, noise和voice
e.g. Light travels faster than sound.
Not a sound was heard. (寂静无声)
I can’t hear you because of the noise from the street.
He spoke in a quiet ( loud / angry / kind ) voice.
I couldn’t recognize Tom’s voice on the phone.
②does用来加强语气。助动词do(does, did)常用于肯定句或祈使句中表示强调。
You do speak English perfectly.
Tom does practise the piano every day.
They did increase his salary last month.
Do join a stamp-collecting group.
5…that the people there speak quite differently from the rest of Canada.
Can you tell the difference between the twin sisters?
What is the difference between “above” and “over”? “above”和“over”的区别是什么?
These two machines are different in function.
They talk quite differently from well-educated people.
VI Practice:
1. Play the tape of the dialogue for the Ss to listen and follow .
2. Get the Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs.
3. Get a good pair of Ss to act out their dialogue in front of the class.
VII Workbook:
Wb Lesson 25,Exx.2and 3
VIII Homework:
1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Lesson 26 Canada (1) Period 2
I Aims and Requirements:
1. Improve the Ss reading ability.
2. Introduce some new word and sentence patterns.
3. Enable the students to know something more about the country after discussing the topic, --- size, population, culture, weather, natural resources, and so on.
II Revision:
1. Check the homework exercises
2. Revise the dialogue in SB Lesson 25
3. Get some Ss to act out their dialogues.
III Presentation:
You know English is widely used in the world, so it’s very important for us to learn English well. If you’re given a chance, which country will you go to? ( The United States, England, France, …Canada.) OK. I’m sure that you’ve already known something about Canada, maybe just a little. It doesn’t matter. The lesson we’re going to learn today is Canada. Before learning the text, let’s discuss the following questions.
1.Which continent does Canada belong to? ( class work )
2.Which is the largest country in the world? ( individual work )
the 2nd largest
the 3rd largest
the 4th largest
( Russia , Canada, China, USA )
3. Group activity ( group work )
Country Capital Language Population People National Flag
Russia Moscow Russian 145 million Russian
Canada Ottawa English French 29 million Canadian
China Beijing Chinese 1200 million Chinese
U S A Washington English 254 million American
4. What do you think the weather is like in Canada?
IV Reading:
1. Read aloud the task written above the passage and read the passage quickly to find the answer to the question.(All the subjects listed, except art, agriculture and sports).
2. Go through Wb Lesson 26, Ex 1 and let the Ss read the whole passage carefully then answer them.
the 2nd largest country …
larger than the USA.
Size nearly a quarter of the way …
over 5,500 km.
six of the world’s 24 time areas.
Population about 29 million
Capital Ottawa
Languages French & English
Settlers arrived from England : 1497
History France : 1534
struggled against … to … for …
in the north: winters, long and hard, snow …-60 C
Weather in the south: winter, -10 C ; summer, 21 C
in the west: Jan. 3 C , July 18 C,rain, plants grow well
Natural resources fresh water, coal, oil, natural gas, wood ...
Try to find the main idea of each paragraph ( group work )
Para. 1 : Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world.
Para. 2 : Its population, capital, languages, and history
Para. 3 : The weather in Canada
Para. 4--5: Natural resources
V Language points
1.Canada is the second largest country in the world.
. Canada is the second largest country in the world.
The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.
The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.
___________________ is the third longest river in China.
2.It is larger than the USA and reaches nearly a quarter of the way round the earth..
e.g. The woods reach as far as the river.
The park reaches to the foot of the mountain.
reach作及物动词,译“抵达”(get to)或“伸手碰到”(stretch out the hand for sth.)
We reached Beijing about half past pen.
Can you reach that apple on the tree?
3.The distance from east to west is over 5,500 kilometres….
from morning to night 从早到晚
from door to door 挨家挨户
from hand to mouth 挣了钱就吃光(表示收入无富余)
又如下文的from area to area,area也不带冠词。
4.…and the country covers six of the world’s 24 time areas.
cover “覆盖,涵盖,占(地)”。
How many time areas does China cover? 中国跨越几个时区?
The city covers ten square miles.(占有…面积)
Jim was sent to cover the Science Conference in Beijing.(采访)
Please cover the table with a tablecloth.(覆盖,遮盖)
We covered 50 miles that day.(走完)
5.Today, one province of Canada is French-speaking.
French-speaking “说法语的”,
Australia is an English-speaking country.
Is this area Chinese-speaking?
6.As in China, the weather is different from area to area.
As in China “如同在中国一样”, As it is the case in China。
e.g. As in the last experiment, he again got the same result this time.
In 1939, as in 1914, there started a terrible killing of man.
Last year, as in 2000, they got a big harvest.
7. In the north, the winters are long and hard, with snow for six months of the year.
e.g. We had a hard winter last year.
Later, another type of coin was used, with holes in it.(Lesson 22)
Possibly this person died without anyone knowing where the coins were hidden. (Lesson 22))
He is reading a book with the glasses on his nose.
without the glasses on his nose.
We’re having an English class with the windows open,
the door closed and the fans running.
Mr. Liu stood there with his eyes fixed on Tom.
In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person. (Lesson10)
8.The temperatures can fall to –60°C, that is 60°C below freezing.
(1)句中的温度读作minus sixty degrees centigrade。其中minus是“负号”或“减”;degree是“度”;centigrade是“摄氏度的”。
1°C 读作one degree centigrade
35°C读作thirty-five degrees centigrade
-12°C读作minus twelve degrees centigrade
0°C读作zero centigrade(zero本身可表示“零度”)
(2)that is “也就是(说),即”
(3)freezing “冰点” freeze – froze – frozen – freezing
When the thermometer is below zero water will __________( vi. )
The cold weather _____________ the lake last night. ( vt. )
The government has decided to _________ prices for six months.
_________ food foods have taken the place of tinned foods in many places.
What _________________ weather!
It’s very cold today; the temperature has dropped to_____________ point.
9.…the average of winter temperature is….
average “平均数,一般水平”。
Tom’s grade is above the average in the class. 汤姆在班里的成绩是中等以上。
What’s the average of these three numbers? 这三个数的平均数是多少?
average “平均的,平常的”
10. Plants grow well all the year round and the parks and gardens are famous for their flowers.
一年到头、一年四季all the year round
整天地,一天到晚地 all day long
整夜地all night long
一直,始终地all the time
11.Canada has one third of the world’s supply of fresh water.
supply “供给”或“贮藏量”
They have a good supply of fresh vegetables.
Water is in short supply in this area.
12.The country has a great deal of coal, oil and natural gas. and these are all exploited for energy.
a great / good deal of “大量的……”,后面接不可数名词。
他在书籍上花很多钱。He spends a great deal of money on books.
exploit vt.利用(use),开发(develop)
 exploit a great deal of coal, oil and natural gas
exploit natural resources (开发天然资源)
exploit oil under the sea
 exploit child labour (剥削)
The company exploited its workers with long hours and low pay.
They made a plan for exploitation of its water resources.
13.Canada is also the world’s biggest producer of the kind of paper which is used for newspapers.
VI Practice:
Do the exercises in SB Page 39, Part 3 and 4
VII Consolidation
Books closed. Get the Ss to tell you as much information about Canada as they can.
VII Homework:
Finish off the workbook exercises.
Blackboard design:
Canada (1)
Area The second largest country in the world
Population 29 million
Capital Ottawa
Settlers 1. from England 2. from France
Official language English French
Weather 1.in the North: very cold, fall to –60c
2.in Ottawa: between –10c and 21c
3.in the west coast: warm,between 3c and 18c, rains a lot
Natural resources fresh water, forest, coal, oil and natural gas
Export wood,a kind of paper used for newspaper fish
Lesson 27 Canada (2) Period 3
I Aims and requirements:
1. Enable the Ss to have a general idea of the text
2. Train the abilities of the Ss’ listening, speaking, reading and writing.
3. Enable the Ss to master the usage of the Agreement
II Revision:
1. Check their homework exercises.
2. Let the Ss tell if these sentences are right or wrong. If wrong, correct them.
Canada is the largest country in the world.
The country covers six time areas.
The population is 125 million.
There are three official languages, English, French and German.
The warmest place in winter is in the east.
Canada has lots of forests.
Canada makes most of its electricity from coal.
III Preparation for reading
Read the passage quickly to find the answers to these questions:
What are they called and where did they come from?
( Inuit, Asia)
IV Reading
Now let the Ss read the passage carefully and answer to these questions:
Where do Inuit live now?
How did they travel?
What did they hunt?
What did they eat?
V Language points:
1.North American Indians have lived in southern Canada for over 20,000 years.
Northern American Indians,北美印第安人,是美洲的土著居民。
2.Others remained in one place and started farms of their own.
动词start “开创,发起”。
They planned to start a school for orphans.
Who started this newspaper?
3. In summer they hunted a type of deer and in winter built small round houses with blocks of snow.
① a type of=a kind of
-----What type of tree is this?
-----It is a type of pine tree.
What type of music do you like? V. ( type a letter ; typewriter )
②block n.木块,石头
a block of wood
The police have put road blocks( 路障 ) around the town.
A fallen tree blocked the road. (阻碍)
The road was blocked.
2. They lived on fish and meat and used to made holes in the ice and catch fish and seals.
live on“以……为食/为生”
Pandas live on bamboo.
The whole big family live on his small salary.
It is very hard for them to live on such a small income.
3. They made clothes and shoes from furs and from skins of seals.
make (A) from (B) “用B制成A”,常可以用于被动句(A is made from B)
The boy made a boat from wood.
=The boat was made from wood.
4. They make use of animal bones, ….
make use of “利用”、“使用”
We should make use of water to produce electricity.
make ( good / better / the best ; full ) use of one’s time ( money )
They made use of water to produce electricity.
You should have made better use of the information.
5.There are about 25,000 Inuit in all.
in all =altogether “总共”
They planted 120 trees in all. 他们一共种了120棵树。
A lot of people were killed---seventeen in all. 丧生者很多——共17个。 
6. They live in settlements.
development(发展) government(政府)  judgement(判断)
movement(运动)improvement(改进) establishment(建立)
7. The government has started a new school project in which Inuit teach their own young children.
We can’t start the car. There must be something wrong with the engine.
What they had done started great trouble.
He started the project for helping blind children.
8.So, it is hoped that the way of Inuit life will be kept alive for many more centuries.
VI Practice
Go quickly through the three example sentences in Language Study and let the Ss do SB Page 40, Part 3 and Page 41, Part 4 and 5.
VII Workbook
Let the Ss do Wb Lesson 27, Exx. 1-3
VIII Homework:
1. Finish off the Workbook exercises
2. Revise the new language points in this unit.
Blackboard design:
Canada(2) People in Canada
Inuit(4,000 years ago)
(from Asia)
(in the north) In the past: traveled, hunted, lived on fish and meat, fur(clothes, shoes),animal bone---tool
Now: in settlements, a new school project, keep the way of Inuit life
North American Indians
(in the South)
(20,000 years ago) 1.live in tents, moved, hunted
2.lived in settlements, started farm
3.today, lived in special area, continue their way of life
Lesson 28 Period 4
Aims and Requirements:
1. Training the Ss’ ability of listening and writing
2. Revise the usage of the Agreement
I Revision:
1. Check the homework exercises.
2. Revise Lesson 27 and ask something about the Inuit.
II Preparation for listening
SB Page 42, Part 1. Wb Listening, Unit 7. Tell the Ss Today we are going to find out more about the Inuit in the north of Canada. Then read through the instructions and the task in Ex.1 and make sure the Ss understand what to do.
III Listening
Play the tape for Ex. 1, then let the Ss check their answers in pairs. Do Exx 2 and 3 in the same way. Finally , discuss the answer with the whole class.
Unit 7 Seasons of Inuit year
A journalist is giving a broadcast about the Inuit of the north of Canada.
1 Listen to the tape. Tick the topics which are discussed.
History ( )
Geography ( )
Travel ( )
Catching fish ( )
Animals ( )
Weather ( )
Schools ( )
2 Listen to the tape again and answer these questions. Then check your answers in pairs.
1 Which is the hardest season for the Inuit?
2 Are snow storms dangerous for the Inuit?
3 Why is spring time difficult?
4 Where do the Inuit catch fish?
5 How do the Inuit manage to kill the deer?
6 What do the Inuit get from the deer that they kill?
7 Which dangerous animal is found in this area?
3 Listen to the beginning of the tape again and fill in the gaps.
______ is the hardest season for the Inuit. The temperature is ______ degrees ______ freezing and there are often snow storms. When the wind is strong, it is impossible to see ______ ______ a few metres. So it is important not to be caught ______ ______ ______ during a snow storm.
Ex.1: travel, catching fish, animals, weather, clothes
Ex.2: 1 Winter.
2 Yes.
3 Because the ice begins to break up; it is difficult to travel on the ice or snow as it becomes soft; there is a danger of falling through the ice into the water.
4 In rivers in the south.
5 They kill them when the deer cross the rivers.
6 Meat, bones and skins.
7 The white bear.
Ex.3: 1 Winter 2 many 3 below 4 more than 5 in the open
IV Grammar
语法: Agreement(主谓一致)
  Li ying and Li Mei are twin sisters .李英和李梅是孪生姐妹。
  The poet and writer has come .那位诗人兼作家来了。(前面用一个冠词,表示同一个人)
  2.两个做主语用的名词或代词由介词with, as well as连接时,谓语动词一般和with,as well as前的名词或代词的人称和数一致。
The teacher with two students was in the room .老师和两个学生当时在房间里。
The girl as well as the boys has learned to drive a car .这个女孩和男孩子一样,也学会了开汽车
  Either he or I am to attend the parents’ meeting不是他就是我去开家长会。
  Neither the children nor the teacher knows anything about it .孩子们和老师都不知道这件事。
  4.某些集体名词如family, class, team, audience等主语,如果作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式,如果就其中的一个个成员而言,谓语动词用复数形式。
  My family is a big one我家是个大家庭。
  The family are watching TV.全家人正在看电视。
  Five minutes is enough. 五分钟就够了。
  Two hundred miles is not a long distance .两百英里并不是一个很长的距离。
  Two dollars is too dear .十块钱太贵了。
  To talk with him is a great pleasure .和他谈话是一件非常愉快的事情。
  Seeing is believing .眼见为实。
None of them have/has a car.他们都没有小汽车(他们没有一个人有小汽车。)
Neither of them know/knows the answer.他们两个全都不知道答案。(他们两个人谁也不知道答案。)
 8.在There be…句型中,如果主语不只一个,谓语动词通常和邻近的主语一致。
 There is a desk, a table, three chairs in the room.
There are three chairs, a desk and a table in the room.
Two and ten is/are twelve.
Three times five is/are fifteen.
1.—____ either he or I fit for the job﹖
—Neither he nor you ____.
A.Am; are B.Is; are C.Are; are D.Is; is
2.(1)A cart and a horse ____ in the distance.
 (2)A cart and horse ____ in the distance.
A.was seen B.were seen C.see D.sees
3.In our country, every boy and every girl ____ the right to go to school.
A.has B.have C.is D.are
4.The wounded ____ good care of here now.
A.is taken B.are being taken C.are taking D.is being taken
5.The factory, including its machines and buildings, ____ burnt last night.
A.is B.are C.were D.was
6.(1) The students in our school each ____ an English dictionary.
(2) Each of the students in our school ____ an English dictionary.
A.are having B.had C.has D.have
7.(1)Many students ____ that mistake before.
 (2)Many a student ____ that mistake before.
A.had made B.has been made C.have made D.has made
8.I, who ____ your good friend, will share your joys and sorrows.
A.was B.are C.is D.am
9.All but him and me ____ to the cinema.
A.are going B.is going C.was going D.has going
10.The rest of the novel ____ very interesting.
A.were B.are C.is D.seem
11.Some person ____ calling for you at the gate.
A.will be B.is being C.is D.are
12.The population of China ____ larger than that of the USA.
A.will be B.are C.is D.was
13.Deer ____ faster than dogs.
A.will run B.are running C.runs D.run
14.Every means ____ tried, but there is no result.
A.have been B.has been C.will be D.were
15.This pair of trousers ____ my sister.My trousers ____.
A.is belong to; is being washed B.belongs to; are being washed
C.belong to; is washed D.are belonging to; has been washed
16.To play basketball and to go swimming ____ useful for character-training.
A.was B.is C.are D.were
17.When and where to build the new factory____yet.
A.has not been decided B.is not decided
C.are not decided D.have not been decided
18.What I want ____ an interesting book while what he wants ____ two cups of coffee.
A.is; are B.are; is B.is; is D.are; are
1.B。在正式文体中,由连词or, either…or, neither…nor, not…but, whether…or, not only…but also等连接两个并列主语时谓语动词要与最近的主语保持一致。
2.(1)B; (2)A。当and或both…and…连接两个不可数名词或可数名词作主语时谓语动词用复数形式但如果并列的两个名词指的是同一个人,同一个事物或一套事物时(第二个名词前往往没有冠词),谓语动词要用单数。
3.A。and连接的并列主语前如果有every, each, no时,谓语动词要用单数。
5.D。but, except, besides, with, together with, along with, including, as well as, rather than, like等词连接主语时,谓语动词和前面的主语保持一致。
6.(1)D; (2)C。each, one, either, neither, anyone, anything, somebody, someone, something, everything, everyone, everybody, no one, nobody, nothing, little,a little作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数;而each作同位语时,谓语动词与句子的主语保持一致。
7.(1)C; (2)D。many修饰主语时,谓语动词用复数。“many a+单数名词”,“more than one+单数名词”,具有复数意义,但作主语时谓语动词要用单数。
8.D.定语从句中的关系代词who, that, which在从句中作主语时其谓语动词要与先行词保持人称和数的一致。
9.A.all, half of, most of, none of, some of, a part of, a lot of, plenty of, the rest (of)等代词以及分数、百分数作主语时,要遵循意义一致的原则即其谓语动词的单复数形式要根据它们所代替或所修饰的词的含义来确定。
10.C.the rest作主语时,谓语动词跟它所指代的名词保持数的一致。
15.B.像trousers, shoes, glasses, clothes等一些由两个部分构成的表示衣物和工具的名词作主语时谓语动词常用复数形式但若主语与a pair of, a kind of等词连用时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。
16.C.and连接两个不定式作主语, 表示两件事情, 谓语动词用复数形式。
V. Writing
SB Page 42, Part 3.Read through the instructions. Collect any suggestions and write them on the Bb.
VII Homework:
Finish off the Workbook exercises
Revision of Unit 7 Period 5
Aims and demands:
1. Review all the key points in this unit.
2. Finish explaining some language points and grammar.
3. Finish doing all the exercises on the exercises book.
I Revision
1. Check the homework
2. Check reading the text.
3. Do some reading exercises.
II Dictation
1. Words and expressions of Unit 7
2. Sentence dictation
III English weekly
1. Explain some key points on the English weekly.
Let the Ss’ ask some questions and explain.
IV Word spelling
1. The boiling-point of water is 100℃___.
2. Even in summer the temperature might suddenly drop below f ___.
3. This year's rainfall came close to the a ___.
4. Would you like me to carry your b ___?
5. We've got to reach a s ___ on the basis of what they've said.
Keys: (centigrade, freezing, average, baggage, settlement)
V Multiple-choice
6. My best friend and classmate ___ his mind again.
A. has changed B. changes C. have changed D. change
7. As we know, ___ of the electricity ___ produced by water.
A. much, is B. much, are C. many, are D. many, is
8. This coat is too big and the other is too small. ___ fits me, so I want ___ of them.
A. Either, either B. Neither, either C. Either, neither D. Neither, neither
9. ___ is one thing, but to do is quite ___.
A. Saying, the other B. To say, another C. To speak, the other D. Speaking, another
10. In my opinion, it's the best use that could be ___ this money.
A. made into B. made from C. made of D. made with
11. --Do you write to your parents very often?
--No. Only ___.
A. all the year B. at the end C. from time to time D. a great deal
12. They got married and ___ here.
A. settled B. noticed C. exploited D. hunted
13. Hangzhou is famous ___ its silk.
A. in B. from C. for D. by
14. When he read the book, he ___ to the dictionary several times.
A. looked up B. asked C. referred D. went
15. Three fourths of the earth's surface ___ covered with water.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
16. Who can ___ me the differences ___ British English and Canadian English?
A. tell, in B. speak, from C. tell, between D. speak, in
17. This kind of apple tastes ___ and sells ___.
A. well, well B. well, good C. good, well D. good, good
18. The Yellow River is ___ second ___ river in China.
A. a, long B. the, long C. the, longer D. the, longest
19. The people live ___ meat and milk.
A. in B. on C. through D. by
20. ___ that we can get the children to study again.
A. It is hoped B. It hoped C. It hopes D. It will hope
(6--10 AADBC 11--15 CACCA 16--20 CCDBA)
VI Composition
P. O. Box 123
Beijing, 100034
June 23,2000
Dear Sir madam:
It's my pleasure to make application for the position of English teacher in your school, which you have advertised for in the China Daily.
I was born in 1969 in Beijing and graduated from the English Department, Beijing Foreign Language University in1991. One year later, I got the teacher's certificate. Since then, I've been teaching English in a middle school. Because of my fluent English, I am very popular among my students. I've worked as a head teacher for 5 years and once was made model head teacher. And I have hobbies, such as sports, music and painting. I'm on our school swimming team. In addition, I am cooperative. I'm the general secretary of the communist youth league in our school. So I believe I am competent at the job.
I hope that you give me an opportunity of interview and give a favorable reply.
Truly yours,
Li Qiang




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