浅谈英语教学中的复述 (中学英语教学论文) |
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口头复述是学生理解课文内容及其结构联系和基础上对课文进行加工和整理后,能动地使用某种记忆策略和方法,通过口头表达课文内容的言语过程是学生大量吸收语言材料并向长期记忆输送的有效途径,英语课文的复述不仅可以巩固学生对课文的整体理解,而且对于锻炼学生的口头表达能力有大有好处。下面我将浅淡如何进行英语课文的复述。 ⒈借助于课文关键词进行复述。用课文每句的句首语,或谓语动词,或每段的重点词语和特殊句式的提示,让学生边看边想,用词串句,用句串段,由段及篇,层层扩展。这种方法适合于篇幅不长但故事性较强的文章。如SEFCBOOK1A Lesson50 “Abraham Lincoln”时,可用下列启发性词语,学生再根据课文的内容把关键字串起来。 In 1860,---President of----,Then----for the freedom of---,But the Southern States---a state of their own. where ---be free to ---,Lincoln was not right –to break away from ---.Fighting --.This was---,-which lasted --. In the end , ----Northern states –as one country and---were set free. 2.看图复述。根据课文内容教学挂图或简物画,让学生按照图的顺序复述课文。因为比较直观形象,学生参与的积极性会很高,当然也可以让图片打乱让学生按顺序选图复述。如SEFCBOOK1A UNIT15 LESSON17。教师可以用简明画引导学生复述对话内容。 (1) put some soil in the box (2) sow the seed (3) cover the seed with soil (4) keep the box in the shade (5) put the little plants in the earth (6) water the plants (7) put the plants in rows in the field (8) put some power on the soil. 3.根据问题复述。教师以问的方式来引导学生复述。在接触课文前或后,就课文内容提出一些问题,然后把答案串联复述内容。问题不仅要紧扣课文内容,更要体现主要线索和事例,而且问题不宜过细。如SEFC LESSON33 COMPUTER。针对对话内容,我提出了三个问题: A.Why does Jenny prefer the IBM PC586 to IBM PC386? ( improved, bigger, a waste of money) B. Why does MeiGe prefer the IBM PC386 to the IBM PC586? ( big enough, not necessary ) C. Why do they make a quick answer? ( go up need as soon as possible ) 回答了以上三个问题后,学生就可以针对上面所提出的三个问题进行当堂复述。 MODEL:Jenny and MeiGe are talking about buying a new computer. In Jenny’s opinion, they should buy the IBM PC586 because it has been improved. But Mei Ge thinks the IBM386 is big enough for them. And they had to make a quick decision, for prices might go up and the factory needs a computer as soon as possible. They agree to meet again the next day and make a decision then. 4.编制表格复述。把一些课文 的脉络制成图表,根据表中的提示复述。如LESSON46,根据课文的内容我设制了一张树形图表。 model: IN the centre of London, there is a tall white building with the name of Bush house .It is the house of BBC English. BBC English is part of the BBC World service. The world Servis broadcasts all kinds of English programme in English and 35 other different language. BBC English is for people who want to improve their English… (Lijia) Yester evening,Jill and Bob came to my home for dinner. I prepared some beancurd beef ,chick, panda and soup for them. Jill liked the beancurd so she ate a lot and even wanted to know how to work it. Both of them enjoyed the dinner.] 6通过听说理解整篇课文的复述。 (1) 放课文的录音,先让学生听一句,复述一句;过后听一段,复述一段;最后听每段是的重点词语,进行课文复述,这样既训练听力,又培养了复述能力。 (2) 示范复述。教师可以先慨括每个段落的中心思想,再根据中心思想来复述。当然教师也可以指导好几个语音语调较好的学生就课文的内容在课堂上表演,进行有新意的复述。 当然复述过程中应注意经下几点: (1) 各种形式的交替或混合使用。复述时要根据不同的文章体裁或内容,把各种复述方法交替使用,不要让学生产生单调的感觉。比如上对话时,我一般让学生用第一或第三人称复述课文,但是在上阅读课时,我利用图画或表格等形式进行复述。 (2) 口头和笔头结合。教师可以让学生口头复述后,再进行笔头的复述,以克服部分学生,只会说不会写的通病,保证复述的质量。 (3) 复述与背诵相结合。背诵是对课文一字不漏,一成不变的陈述;但是复述是在理解的基础上对课文进行表述的一种方式。多样灵活的复述方式可以降低背诵的难度,同时又可克服死记硬背的恶习。 综上所述,复述课文不仅可以帮助学生复习和巩固课文中的语言点,还可以充分地培养学生的口头的表达能力。通过英语教学的复述,学生不仅能够从文章字面上找到答案,而且能够从逻辑推理中找到语言深处的含义,从而为培养能力,促进学生提高文章的阅读水平。 相关链接:教学论文
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