新目标英语九年级全册教案unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark(新目标版九年级英语上册教学案例)

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2. 学会陈述自己过去的爱好等
3. 能够表达自己现在和过去在外表、性格、娱乐等方面的变化
4. 能够表达朋友、家人等现在和过去的变化
dark sure terrify on pider insect chew gum
comic hardly death afford patient decision necessary right
used to do sth. 过去经常 be interested in 对…感兴趣
be on the swim team是游泳队成员 be afraid of be terrified of 害怕
with the light on 灯开着做… worry about 担心
these days 目前,如今 not…anymore 不再
chew gum 嚼口香糖
1. I used to be short when I was young. 我年轻时个子很矮。
2. —Did you use to have straight hair? 你过去是直发吗?
—Yes, I did. 是的。
3. —Did you use to play the piano? 你过去弹钢琴吗?
—No, I didn’t. 不,我不弹。
4. I used to be afraid of dark .我过去害怕黑暗。
5. I’m terrified of the snakes. 我害怕蛇。
6. —Did you use to be afraid of being alone? 你过去害怕独自一人呆着吗?
—Yes, I did. 是的,我怕。
7. I used to walk to school.
I used to be really quiet.
You used to have long hair.
Did you use to have straight hair? Yes. I did.
Did you use to play the piano? No ,I didn’t.

Section A
Step 1 Warming up
Play a game of “guessing a person.” Ask the students to think about how to describe a student in class. Ask one to describe what he thinks about, and the others guess who the person is.
Step 2 Presentation
Look at the chart in 1a. Help the students recall the meanings of “appearance” and “personality”. Give specific time to the students, and ask them to write the words as much as possible.
Check the answers.
According to the words in 1a the students have written, ask individual ones, “Are you tall? Are you outgoing?” Then say, “Were you tall five years ago? Were you outgoing five years ago?” After summarizing their answers, tell them:
We can describe like this: Li used to be short, but now he is tall. We use “used to” to talk about how people or things have changed. The Chinese meaning is “过去…..,过去常常….” It’s used in the Past Tense.
Step 3 listening
1b. Listen to the pate and complete the sentences.
Step 4Conversation
According to the listening text, ask the students to make similar dialogues. Ask pairs to act out their conversations.
Step 5 Listening
2a. Ask the students to listen and check the words they hear.
2b. Listen again. Fill in the blanks.
Step 6 Grammar Focus
Look at the sentences in the table and translate them into Chinese. Point our the positive, negative and question forms of “used to”.

Step 1 Warming up
Ask the students to make sentences by using “used to…, and now…..”.
Step 2 Presentation
Say “I’m afraid of snakes. I used to be afraid of snakes. And now I’m still afraid of snakes.”
Ask “What are you afraid of? Did you use to be afraid of….?” Help the students to say the complete sentences.
Explain the meaning of “afraid” and the use of “be afraid of”.
Step 3 Chart
Look at the chart in 3a. Get the students to check in the first two columns. Ask some students to say out their sentences by checking.
Step 4 Pairwork
The students ask their partners according to the conversation in 3b. Check in the last two columns.
Some points in the conversation:
1. be terrified of = be afraid of “害怕…., 恐惧….”
2. … with my bedroom light on
a. with 表伴随 例:He likes to sleep with the window open.
b. on 开着的 off 关着的 turn on turn off
Step 5 Game
Organize a competition between groups about the conversation in 3b.
Make three sentences by using “used to”, then change them into question

Section B
Step 1 Warming up
Talking about hobbies in the past. When talking, try to use “used to like”.
Step 2 talking and writing
1a. Say “Check the things you used to like when you were a child.” Get the students to say the complete sentences.
Write other things in the box. Then ask and answer about “used to like sth / doing sth”
Step 3 Listening
2a. Listen and check the sentences in the tape.
2b. Listen again. Fill in the chart.
Step 4 Reading and practicing
Look at the listening text and put it into Chinese. Read it. Then ask the students to make similar dialogues.
1. 我们过去常走到学校去。
2. 我过去讨厌音乐课,但我现在喜欢它。
3. ---你过去怕狗吗? ---是的,但我现在不怕

Step 1 Revision
Have a competition of “making sentences”. The sentences must be used “used to”.
Step 2 Free Talk
Ask the students “Are you busy these days? Do you have time to play games? Why or why not? How often do you watch TV?”
Talk about these questions freely. Write the problems the students have mentioned on the blackboard.
Step 3 Reading
Get the students to scan the passage with questions “What’s the biggest problem? What are concret problems?”
After understanding the main idea of the passage, study it.
Some points:
Sb spend some time / money on / (in) doing sth 某人花时间(钱)做某事
例:I usually spend one hour (in) reading English.
He spent 50 yuan on / (in) buying this book.
Step 4 Chart
Ask the students to recall the conversation in 2b. Complete the letter in 3b. Check the answers after the students finish it.
Recite the passage in 3a.
Step1 Revision
Review the problems in the passage in 3a. Ask the students to retell the passage.
Step 2 Self check
For Ex 1, ask the students to finish it according to the instructions. Put every sentence into Chinese. Then ask the students to make sentences using the words given.
For Ex 2, remind the students to write about Yu Mei by looking at the pictures. After they write, ask some students to read their writing to share with the others.
1. When I was young, _____________(我常有很多时间).
2. I used to _____________(花许多时间和朋友一起玩游戏).
3. These days, I _____________(几乎不曾有时间去音乐会).
4. ___________(不要担心) things so much. It will make you stressed out.
5. My life ___________(有了很大变化)in the last few years.

Step 1 Presentation
Ask “Did you use to cause trouble for your parents or your teacher? What was the trouble? Do you cause trouble now?”
Step 2 Reading
Say “This passage talks about a boy who used to cause trouble.”
Then comprehend the passage by paragraphs.
Some points:
1. cause trouble = cause problems
2. afford “支付得起,担负得起”,常与can, be able to 连用。
Afford sth / to do sth
例:We can afford that apartment.
Some students can’t afford to pay for their education.
3. unfortunately = unluckily
4. to one’s surprise “令某人吃惊的是” one’s是名词所有格形式或形容词性物主代词。
例:To our surprise, he passed the exam easily.
5. take pride in = be proud of “为….感到骄傲,以…..为自豪”
例:We Chinese people take pride in Yang Liwei.
= We Chinese people are proud of Yang Liwei.
= Yang Liwei is the pride of us Chinese people.
6. pay attention to “注意” 后接sth / sb
例:Please pay attention to your pronunciation.
Step 3 Consolidation
Read the passage and finish 3a and 3b.




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