新目标英语九年级全册教案Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.(新目标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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Section A
A. 能运用以下句型进行交际:
By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.
When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.
B. 能从所听到的对话中获取信息。
Step 1 Warming up
Talk something about myself.(I was late today.)
T: Have you ever been late for school?
S: Yes, I have.
T: I was late for school today. When I got up, I found my alarm clock had rung. It was 7:30. So I had to ride my motorbike quickly. At last, when I got to school, it was 7:55.
Step2 Listening
Play the tape, and ask students to complete the sentences.
Ask the students read the sentences together. Ask them it is Past Perfect Tense
had + P. P.
by the time 到…时候为止,在…之前(用于过去完成时)
get — got — gotten leave — left — left
Step 3 Practice
Ask them to look at the pictures, and talk something about Tina’s bad day.
When she got up, it was 8:10.
By the time she went to the bathroom, her brother had ready gotten in the shower.
By the time she got outside, the bus had already left.
She had to run to school.
When she got to school, she realized that she had left her backpack at home.
Step 4 listening
2a Listen to Tina continue her story. Number the pictures 1—4 in the correct order.
2b Listen again, then fill in the blank with the correct verb former.
Ask them to read the listening text sentence by sentence.
I have never been late for school.
I knew I could not get to school on time.
When I got to school, the bell was ringing.
Step 1 Review
Ask them translate several sentences.
(1) 当他到达学校的时候,老师已经开始上课了。
(2) 在我拿书包以前我把门关了。
(3) 在她做完作业之前她的爸爸已经回来了。
After they finish, review the Past Perfect Tense.
by the time / when / before 引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时,主句用过去完成时。
Step 2 Grammar Focus
Ask students to read the sentences in Grammar Focus, and then translate them.
Step 3 Presentation
T: Some students are often late for class. Now we will read a student’s story. Can you guess why
he was late?
S: He got up late. / He overslept. / He was ill. …
Step 4 Reading and Comprehending
Ask students to read the story by themselves, and find out the reason why he was late.
When they read the passage, write some phrases on the blackboard.
be late for go off wake up run off start doing sth on time / in time
give sb a ride
By learning the passage, find out the meaning of these phrases. Then ask them to read the phrases together. At last, read the story together.
Step 5 Discussion
Ask them to discuss the questions in groups and then describe the situation in which these things
happened. Two students in every group practice the dialogue using the information that they discuss just now.
迟到 出去 出来 到什么时候 开始做某事
搭便车 准时 及时 闹响 回到学校
Section B
Step 1 Warming up
Ask some students read the words or phrase one by one. Then read it together.
Put these words in the correct columns in the chart.(noun , verb, adjective)
Ask them use words to make sentences.
Step 2 Presentation and Listening
Ask them to talk about the April Fool’s Day.
Then ask students describe the three picture of 2a.
T: Nick, Dave, and Joe are talking about Fool’s Day, please listen to the tape carefully. Write each person’s name under the correct picture.
Listen again, find out who says each of the phrases in 2b.
Play the tape for the third time, ask students to read the text follow the tape.
Some Keys:
1.invite sb to + sp (邀请某人去某地)
invite sb + 活动 (邀请某人参加某项活动)
invite sb to do sth (邀请某人做某事)
2. What happened to sb / sth (某人或某物发生了什么事?)
Step 3 Exercise
1. 你曾经上课迟到过吗?
2. 昨天我的朋友邀请我去他的生日聚会。
3. 在他走进教室时,老师已经开始上课了。
4. 愚人节那天你发生了什么事?

Step 1 Review
Give them some key words on 3b, and ask them to retell Nick’s and Joe’s experience on April Fool’s Day.
Nick: alarm went off / got up / took a shower / got dressed / went to school / got to school /
school was empty / after an hour / other kids showed up / his brother / fooled him
Joe: was sick / my friend called me / a math test the next day / got to math class / was exhausted / stayed up all night / didn’t have a test at all
Step 2 Presentation
T: On April Fool’s Day, some students fool other student, some students are fooled by others. Have you ever fooled other students?
S: Yes. / No.
T: Now, let’s learn three stories. What do you think is the most believable? What do you think is the least believable?
Step 3 Reading and Comprehending
Ask three students to read the passages, then comprehend three stories.
Key Point:
1. so + adj / adv +that 从句
He is so young that he can’t go to school
So…that… / too…to / enough…to 转换
The box is so heavy that the boy can’t carry it.
The box is too heavy for the boy to carry.
The box isn’t light enough for the boy to carry.
2. convince v. 使确信,使信服 convincing adj 令人信服的 convinced adj 确信的,肯定的
convince sb of sth convince sb that
I convinced him of this story.
I’m convinced that he is honest.= I’m sure that he is honest.
3. reveal = show up 揭露,揭示
4. flee — fled — fled 逃跑,避开
flee from = escape from
5. marry 嫁,娶,与…结婚
marry sb 娶(嫁给)某人 与…结婚
get married 结婚
be / get married to sb 与…结婚
He would like to get married to a beautiful young lady.
= He would like to marry a beautiful young lady.
6. a piece of 一片, 一块
a piece of advice 一个忠告 a piece of music 一支曲子 a piece of news 一条新闻
cut sth into pieces 把…切成小块
break into pieces (使)成为碎片
Step 4 Writing
Ask them to write a story about Nick.
Self Check
Part one, ask them to read the words in the box, and make sure they know the meaning of them. Then the students fill in each blank with the correct words. Then ask five students to analysis five sentences.
Part two , ask them to find out the different words in each group words.
1. The two couples will get (marry).
2. If they stop (grow) rice, what will we eat?
3. Don’t forget (lock) the door when you leave home.
4. What do you use the key for?
It is (use) for making the robot work.
5. By the time I got to the party, everyone (go) home.
6. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I (cook) dinner already.




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