新目标英语九年级全册教案Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad(新目标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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1. 学习动词make的用法(make+ 宾语+ 形容词和make+ 宾语+ 动词原形)。
2. 学会以下基本句型:
How do you feel about loud music?
Loud music makes me tense.
Loud music makes me want to dance.
Waiting for her made her angry.
1. 能用所学的目标语言简单谈论或询问事物对人的影响,或人对某一事物的看法。
2. 能初步理解动词make的用法,并能在实际情境中简单地运用。
3. 能听懂听力内容,并能完成相应的练习。
Section A
Step 1 Presentation
Play rock music for the students to listen.
T: Do you like this kind of music?
How do you feel about it?
S1: I like it. It makes me comfortable.
S2: I don’t like it. It’s noisy.
Then play a piece of light music again, and ask about the students’ feelings.
T: What about this music?
S1: It’s gentle. I like it.
S2: It’s too quiet. I don’t like it.
It’s OK that different students have different answers. But it’s important to guide them to say out “make”. Write the sentences including “make” that they have said on the blackboard.
Step 2 Discribing pictures
Part 1. Ask the students to describe something about the two pictures. Such as, “These are restaurants. The first girl seems not to stand the music. The second girl seems to be pleased with the restaurant.” And so on.
Step 3 Listening and practicing
1b. Listen to the tape. Raise the question “What do Amy and Tina think of the two restaurants?” Check the answers after listening.
Students read the sentences in this part and comprehend them. Then get them to come up with one use of “make”: make sb / sth + adj.
According to the listening text, ask the students to make up similar conversations about their own opinions.
Step 4 Listening
2a. Before playing the tape, get the students to guess where they are in the pictures. Then listen and number the pictures in the order. Check the answers later on.
2b. Listen again. Check the things that Tina and John said. Check the answers later.
Students read the sentences and say out another use of “make” besides “make sb./ sth. + adj.”: make sb do sth. Ask some students to make up their own sentences according to uses of “make”.
Step 5 Grammar Focus
Read the sentences in Grammar Focus. Ask some students to translate them into Chinese. Ask one student to repeat the uses of “make”.
Step 6 Homework:
a. Master the sentences in 2b.
b. Preview the passage in 3a.
1. 能进一步用所学的目标语言谈论或询问各种事物对人的影响或人对某些事或物的看法。
2. 能理解3a的内容并完成相应的练习。
Step 1 Revision
Review the uses of “make” in the last lesson by organizing the competition about sentence translating. For example,
1. 她说高亢的音乐让她紧张。
2. 高亢的音乐使我高兴。
3. 等候她让我生气。
4. 这太令人悲伤了以至于我们都哭了。
5. 悲伤的电影只会让我想离开。
Step 2 Free talk
Ask “Do you like eating in a restaurant?” What kind of restaurant do you like to go?” Get the students to describe the kind of restaurant they like, including the size, the seats, the wall, the atmosphere.
Step 3 Reading
Ask the students to look through the passage and find out the main idea of it: Restaurant owners have to know how to make not only food but also money. Tell the students to give examples according to the passage. Then learn it carefully.
Make sure students understand every new word and every sentence. Get the students to say out all the sentences in which there if “make” and comprehend them.
Finally, answer the questions below the passage and write the answers down.
Students read the passage loudly again.
Step 4 Discussion
Part 4. First, the students understand the instructions. Then discuss with their partners about the problems in the table. After discussion, share the answers.
Step 5 Homework
Write a short composition named “ My Favorite Restaurant.” (Students must use “make” in their compositions.)
1. 能进一步扩展所学的内容,能用目标语言谈论对商品广告的看法。
2. 能听懂听力内容,完成相应练习。
Section B
Step 1 Revision
Ask some students to read their composition “My Favourite Restaurant”.
Step 2 Lead in
Remind the students of some great advertisement. Let them say out the slogans of them, like “Anything is possible. Just do it.” And so on.
Say, “ Almost every product has its slogan.”
Step 3 Matching and saying
1a. Students look at the pictures and tell what they are. Look at the slogans below the pictures and comprehend them. Then match each slogan with one of the products. Check the answers then.
1b. Students make a list of three products they like and three products they don’t like. Get some of them to talk about the products they like or they dislike and the reasons.
Step 4 Listening
Before listening, look through the information in the columns. Comprehend them. Then raise a phrase “ keep out”. Tell them the meaning of this phrase. Play the tape and finish 2a. Play the tape again. While listening, help the students repeat sentences one by one. Finish 2b at the same time.
Step 5 Exercises
1. His father’s death make him ______________ (离开学校).
2. The students were made _______________ (课前完成练习).
3. The awful movie made make me ________________ (想要离开).
4. Waiting for her ________________ (使我生气).
5. I like to listen to quite music _________________ (在吃饭的时候).
1. 理解阅读文章,找出主要意思并掌握文中相关用法。
2. 能运用目标语言,就广告及对其他事物的看法进行写作。
Step 1 Free talk
Talk about advertisements.
T: Do you like ads or hate ads?
Do you believe ads? Why?
Step 2 A story about ads
Recall a story we have read before: A man saw an advertisement list. On it there is a nice bike. Then he went to the store and decided to buy one. But when the shopkeeper showed him a new bike, he was surprised and asked “ Where are the lights?” The shopkeeper answered, “ If you want lights, you have to pay more.” The man said, “ But the bike on the ad list has.” “ And a girl is on the bike too. Do I also have to send you the girl?”
Ask the students what they think about the story.
Step 3 Reading
Students look through the passage and find out the main idea of it: the advantage and disadvantages of ads.
Learn the passage carefully. Raise the key points in it.
1. be aimed at 意思是“目的是,旨在,针对”
例:The book is aimed at very young children.
aim 意思是“目标,目的”(n.)和“瞄准,对准”(v.)
2. for instance = for example = e.g. (原自拉丁文exempligratia),表示“比如”,常用于举例。
3. so that引导状语从句,可表目的,也可表结果。
例:They worked hard so that they could finish the work soon. (表目的)
He didn’t plan his time well so that he didn’t finish his work on time. (表结果)
so…. that… 引导结果状语从句
例:He is so strong that he can lift the box easily.
4. confuse v. 意思是“混淆,使困惑” confused adj. 意思是“感到困惑” confusing adj. 意思是“令人困惑”
例:I feel confused about his words.
These two problems are confusing. I can’t work them out.
5. lead 意思是“引导” lead sb to do sth “引领某人做某事” lead sb to somewhere “引导某人去某地” lead to “通向,通往”
例:All roads lead to Rome.
Read the passage.
Ask students to list pros and cons about ads according to the passage.
Step 4 Writing
3b. Complete the article using the information about two or more products in 2a and 2b.
Then check the answers.
Step 5 Homework
Read the passage fluently.
1. 熟练掌握和运用本单元一些重点词汇。
2. 理解文章并能作出概括。
Step 1 Revision
Review the passage in 3a by asking the students to sum up the advantages and disadvantages of ads.
Step 2 Self check
Part 1. Fill in each blank with the word given. Students do the exercises by themselves first. Then check the answers by asking some students to comprehend the sentences.
Ask the students themselves to point out the uses of some words and phrases in the exercises.
Step 3 Reading
The students read the passage and finish the chart below.
Raise some words and phrases like “start with, leave sb a note, after all, forget to, bring sth with sb, make sb annoyed with sb, have a wonderful surprise.” Make sure the students understand all of them. Read the passage loudly.
Step 4 Exercises
1. ________ (learn) English well can lead to a good job.
2. The food at that restaurant _______ (taste) terrible.
3. When my mom went out, she _______ (leave) me a note.
4. Last week, I _______ (have) a wonderful party.
5. Soft music makes me _______ (feel) comfortable.
Step 1 Free talk
T: What do you usually get for your birthday?
S1: I usually get a gift.
T: How do you feel when you get gifts?
S1: I feel happy.
S2: I don’t like all of them.

Step 2 Reading
Ask a question “What’s the passage about?” before the students read it. (It’s about “receiving”.) Then comprehend the passage paragraphs one by one. Get the students sum up the main idea of every paragraph.
Paragraph 1: Receiving a gift can be difficult.
Paragraph 2: A gift, purse.
Paragraph 3: A gift, sweater.
Paragraph4: Receiving money.
Then learn the passage carefully.
Key points:
1. buy you a gift= buy a gift for you
buy sb sth= buy sth for sb
2. pretend 意思是“假装”
pretend to do sth /pretend that 从句
例:You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. (Unit 5)
3. would rather 宁愿….. 后接do sth, 也可说would rather do sth than do sth
例:I would rather walk to school than take a bus.
prefer to……rather than….表示“喜欢…..胜过……”
例:I prefer to walk to school rather than take a bus.
prefer doing sth to doing sth 也表示“喜欢…..胜过……”
例:I prefer walking to school to taking a bus.
prefer sth= like sth better
例:---Which one do you prefer, oranges or apples?
--- I prefer oranges.
Students read the passage again. Finish 3a.

Step 3 Homework
Read the passage fluently.




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