人教版 高三英语Units 1-2教学讲义(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

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类别 新 课 标 要 求

词 beard voyager tight tightrope edition hire
moustache brewery conclude length account
athletic fade attempt suitable gradual blank
inspect confirm certificate decade fascinate
enthusiastic committee bid burst underline
globe bush skillful permission schoolmate
administration grandparent recently familiar
concentrate truly delighted delight energetic
helmet cautious outgoing register evaluate
various key origin equip puzzle wander
Asian wealth Africa ambassador motherland
existence accurate navy treasure command
royal embassy zebra volunteer dam arise
radium suggest accomplish sickness unable
sacred refer aircraft evidence chairman praise

1. send in sth. 递送;呈报
2. set down 放下;记下;确定
3.keep track of 与……保持联系;时刻关注
4. stand out 突出;显眼
5. in a row 连续;成一排
6. in the first place 首先
7. make for 有助于;走向;倾向于
8. set a record (for) 创……记录
9. apply for 申请;请求
10. burst into sth 突然……起来;突然出现
11. head down to 开往;前往;朝向
12. be familiar to 熟悉
13. centre on/upon 集中于
14. concentrate on 专心致力于;全神贯注于
15. in the name of 以……的名义;凭……
16. run out 耗尽;用光
17. be rich in 含有丰富的……
18. be equipped with 用……装备
19. in exchange for 与……交换
20. in ripe for 成熟;已适于
21. set sail 启航;开船
22. in return 作为回报
23. bring up 照料;教育(小孩);抚养
24. apart from 除……之外;且不说

法 1. 复习主语(用作主语的有名词、代词、数词、动词不定式、-ing形式和从句)
2. 复习谓语动词

1. More than 60,000 new records are sent in to the book each year, but they cannot all be recorded. (部分否定句)
2. Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.

3. They had no idea what they were up against.
4. Climbing at such high altitudes requires great skill and is not without risk. (双重否定句)
5. At the age of 25, Qu Yinhua was the youngest ever to have reached the summit. (不定式的完成式)
1. More than 60,000 new records are sent in to the book each year, but they cannot all be recorded.
1)send in sth 递送;呈报;参赛
She’s decided to send in this picture for the show. 她已决定呈送这幅画参展。
Applications must be sent in by June 5. 申请表必须在六月五日前交来。
send for send off send out send in send up
⑴Why did you send the children out to play in this wet weather?
⑵Yet another spaceship has been sent up recently.
⑶Be sure to send in your request in plenty of time.
⑷If anyone in the village is ill, Yu Hong is always sent for.
⑸Let’s all go to the airport to send Jim off.
2) …but they cannot all be recorded. (部分否定)
否定词not与all, both, every及其复合词(everything、everybody、everywhere)等词连用, 一般来说表示不完全否定。例如:
All the boys don’t like football. =Not all the boys like football.(Some boys like football but some of them don’t.)不是所有的男孩都喜欢足球。
Every horse can not run fast. = Not every horse can run fast.(Some horses can run fast.)不是每匹马都跑得快。
This kind of thing is not found everywhere.(You can find this kind of thing somewhere.) 这种事不是处处皆有。
否定词not 与表频率的副词always连用时(not always = sometimes)。例如:
I don’t always tell them that they’ve made a mistake. 我并不总是同他们说他们出错了。
He isn’t always late for school. 他上课也不是老迟到。
New scientific theories are seldom accepted immediately. 新的科学理论不是马上就被接受。
You have done little for us. 你几乎没为我们干什么。
⑴Very few people understood what he said. 几乎没人懂他的话。
⑵It is not always easy to spot a bad ad, but there are a few
things we can look out for. 要看出坏广告并不总是容易
⑶Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a
company’s profits. 并不是所有的广告都用来促销商品或为公司增加利润。
⑷I don’t always begin to work at nine in the morning. 我并不总是上午9点开始工作。
⑸Hardly anyone believes that. 怕没几个人相信。
2. Instead, the editors of the book set down the records and keep track of them in other ways.
keep track of与……保持联系;掌握……的线索;关注
It’s hard to keep track of all my old school friends. 与所有的老校友都保持联系是困难的。
He has so many important jobs that it’s difficult for him to keep track of them all. 他有那么多的重要工作,对他来
The Internet also makes it easier for companies to keep in touch with other countries. ( U6, SBII )
The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing. ( U9, SBI )
3. Part of the reason for our interest is probably the same curiosity that led Sir Hugh to write the Guinness Book of World in the first place.
in the first place 首先
In the first place, I must explain the difficult words and obscure symbols. 首先我必须解释那些难懂的词和难解的符号。
Now,in the first place what made you go so suddenly, and in the second why did you leave no message? 首先,什么东西让你突然离去?其次为什么你没留下口信?
in the first place above all first of all at first
to begin with in the beginning
in the first place=to begin with 用于列举理由或发表看法时,强调顺序。
I would not advise you to read that book, because, in the first place, it is very difficult and, in the second place, it is rather dull. 我不会劝你读这本书,首先这本书很难,其次这本书也枯燥乏味。
We can’t go. To begin with, it’s too cold. Besides, we’ve no money. 我们不能去,首先天气太冷,除此之外我们也没钱。
first of all=above all,意为“摆在最重要的位置;特别是”,强调的是程度。
I’m interested in old coins, but first of all / above all I’m a stamp collector. 我对古钱币感兴趣,但最感兴趣的还是集邮。
at first=in the beginning,意为“在最初时”,指的是时间。
At first he didn’t like English but he is very interested in it now. 开始他不喜欢英语但他现在对英语特感兴趣。
4. Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.
as引导让步状语从句,Impressive as the record is, …
=Though the record is impressive, …。as引导的让步状
Young as I am, I already know what career I want to follow. 我虽年青,可对我要从事的事业已胸有成竹。
Hard as he tried, he was unable to make much progress. 尽管他努力尝试过,但未能取得大的进展。
There was not a soul to be found in the house, search as they would. 他们虽然会搜寻整栋住宅,但见不到一个人。
Child as he is, he has to make a living by himself. 尽管他还是个孩子,他就得自己谋生了。
⑴____, Carolina couldn’t get the door open. (2005广东)
A. Try as she might B. As she might try
C. She might as try D. Might she as try
【题解】 本题考查as引导的状语从句的倒装, 动词try 提前。A项正确。
⑵_____, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.
A. A quiet student as he may be (2005重庆)
B. Quiet student as he may be
C. Be a quiet student as he may
D. Quiet as he may be a student
5. Whether we are out to set a new record ourselves or simply enjoy reading about champions, the Guinness Book of World Records makes for interesting reading.
make for有助于;有利于;倾向于;导致;走向
result in move toward tend to contribute to
⑴Cultural exchanges make for understanding(contribute to understanding) between our two peoples.
⑵At the sound, she immediately made for the door(moved toward the door).
⑶Recent construction in the area has made for unearthing
(has resulted in unearthing) some valuable cultural relics.
⑷At yesterday’s meeting I made for the lawyer’s opinion (tended to the lawyer’s opinion) on that matter.
6. He went on to set the speed record and achieve his goal of winning the Tour de France six years in a row from 1999 to 2004.
in a row 连续地;成一排,介词短语in a row在句子中做状语,类似的短语有:
in a hurry 匆忙地 in a panic 惊恐地
in a whisper 低声地 in a word 简言之;总之
in a way 有几分;在某一方面;在某种意义上
⑴You always seem to be in a hurry.
⑵He wrote us seven letters in a row.
⑶No one will meet us here and of course you can speak in a whisper.
⑷The crowd fled in all directions in a panic when they heard that the volcano was erupting.
⑸John is smart, polite and well-behaved. In a word, he is a very outstanding pupil.
⑹I like the new styles, in a way.
7. These new sports are called "extreme sports" and all centre on the "X-factor"...
centre on/upon/round 集中于;以……为中心
in the centre of 在……中心;在……中央
centre on/upon/round 将……当作中心、重点或主题
The social life of the community centres round the local
sports club. 社区的社交活动都集中在当地的体育俱乐
Her research is centred on the social unemployment. 她的
Public whole attention centred on the 2006 FIFA World
Cup in Germany. 公众全部的注意力都聚焦于2006年
8. Then my mind becomes clear and I concentrate on the way my body moves in the air.
concentrate on/ upon sth./doing sth 专心致力于;全神贯注于
⑴Many companies are concentrating on (increasing) their markets overseas. 许多公司都在关注开发海外市场。
⑵I decide to concentrate on science subjects except that I do well in my English. 除了要学好英语外,我决心专心致力于理科。
⑶I can’t concentrate on what I’m doing with all that noise going on. 吵闹声不绝于耳,我没法干我要做的事。
9. When Captain James Cook landed in New Zealand in 1769, he took possession in the name of the British Crown.
in the name of 以……的名义;凭……,是一短语
in the eyes of 在……看来; 在……心目中;
in the form of 以……形式
in the name of 以……的名义
in terms of 就……而言;用……的话;以……的观点
in honor/memory of 为了纪念……
in favor of 赞成;支持……
in case of 万一…… in charge of 负责……
in search of 寻找…… in need/want of 需要……
in anxiety of 渴望…… in hope of 希望……
⑴This book has been written by a boy in the form of letters.
⑵Having a cell-phone also makes us feel safer, since we can call for help in case of an emergency.
⑶In the eyes of the old he was always a good son of the working people.
⑷The last few years of his life were spent in traveling from place to place in search of the missing girl.
⑸Animal experiments are carried on in the name of science.
⑹This book has been well received, but in terms of sales it hasn’t been successful.
⑺I have just finished a long poem in memory of the hero.
⑻The hungry children were in need/want of food.
10. We can send robots equipped with cameras and other tools to do observations for us.
equip vt. (equipped, equipped) 装备;配备;训练;准备
They can’t afford to equip their laboratories properly because of lack of funds. 他们因缺乏资金无力充分装备自己的实验室。
equip sb./ sth. with sth.=supply sb./ sth. with 用……装备
We’ll have to equip our office with word processors, won’t we? 我们公司应该备有文字处理机,不是吗?
be equipped to do sth. 使某人有做准备做某事
We were just not equipped to deal with the problem. 我们没准备好,根本应付不了这个问题。
be equipped with 用……装备, 系表结构表示存在的
All cars nowadays are equipped with safety belts. 现在所有的小汽车都备有安全带。
be equipped with be covered with be marked with
be concerned with be filled with be armed with
be burdened with be faced with be blessed with
be combined with be charged with be lined with
⑴Every pupil’s coat must be marked with his name.
⑵If it is charged with electricity, it will become magnetic.
⑶They are faced with extremely difficult situation.
⑷The soldiers have been equipped with the latest weapons.
⑸Nowadays the child's mind is filled with strange ideas.
⑹All of us hope that he can become a person who is armed
with great knowledge.
⑺When rising prices are combined with a lack of jobs, many people suffer and the nation becomes poorer.
⑻This is an mysterious place and a quarter of the area is covered with virgin forest.
11. Silk from China found its way over land along the Silk Road to India, the Middle East and Rome, in exchange for spices and glass.
in exchange for 与……交换
He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake. 他给我一个苹果换一块蛋糕。
I took his watch in exchange for my camera. =I let him have my watch, and I took his camera in exchange. 我用我的照相机换他的手表。
in return for 作为……的报答
I’d like to do something for you in return for everything you’ve done for me. 我愿意为你做点什么作为你为我付出的报答。
12. By the beginning of the fifteenth century the time was ripe for a grand meeting.
be ripe for (时机等)成熟;已适于
The time is ripe for great social changes. 社会大变革的
We all believe that the land is ripe for development. 我们
be ripe for是一形容词惯用语,此类惯用语在英语中
相当普遍,本单元中还有be rich in“含有丰富的……”;
be active in 积极从事于 be afraid of 害怕;担忧
be aware of 知道;意识到 be bad for 对……不利
be harmful to 对……有害 be careful with 小心
be clear about 对……清楚 be content with 满意于
be curious about 对某事好奇 be equal to 等于;相当于
be angry with 生(某人)的气 be familiar with 熟悉
be famous for 以……而闻名 be fit for 适合于……
be famous as作为……而闻名be absent from 缺席
be friendly to 对……友好 be busy with 忙于……
be good for 对……有好处 be familiar to 熟悉
be proud of 为……自豪 be familiar with熟悉
be keen on喜爱 be fond of 喜爱;爱好
13. Apart from the cold, thin air and low oxygen levels can cause mountain sickness, not without risk.
apart from 别无;除……外
apart from=except
All the children like music apart from Bobby. (Bobby doesn’t like music.) 除博比外所有的孩子都喜欢音乐。
apart from=besides
Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time. (It will take a lot of cost, too.) 除了成本外还要花大量的时间。
apart from=except for
Apart from a few scratches, the car was undamaged.
Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.
14. Born in 1371 in Yunnan province and brought up in a family originally from Central Asia, Zheng He heard many stories of travel...
bring up 培养;提出;呕出
bring about 带来;造成
bring down 使倒下;使下降
bring in 提出;引进;吸收
bring on 引起;导致;有助于
bring out 使显现;阐明;出版;拿出
bring back 归还;使记起;使恢复
bring…to life 使……复活;……使恢复生机
15. They had no idea what they were up against.
be up against 面临;面对
be up against in the face of face to face
be up against为系表结构
They are up against a great trouble. 他们面临大麻烦。
be up against还有“违抗;顶撞”的意思。
He was up against the teacher during the discussion. 在讨
in the face of 在句子中只能作状语。
He succeeded in the face of great difficulties.尽管有巨大的困难,但他成功了。
face to face 短语在句子中用作补足语、状语或表语。
I rushed out of the office and found myself face to face with the boss. 我冲出办公室,面对面地碰上了老板。
They’ve often talked to each other on the telephone, but they’ve never met each other face to face. 他们常常互相通电话,但从来没有见过面。
We were face to face with death during the avalanche.
16. Climbing at such high altitudes requires great skill and is not without risk. (双重否定)
双重否定往往表示肯定,其作用是加强语气, 常见的双重否定句结构有:
1)no...no... no \ not...without
No pains, no gains. 不劳无获。(一分耕耘,一分收获。)
There is no fire without smoke. 没有烟就没有火。(事出有因。)
He can’t do the work without my help. 没有我的帮助, 他干不了这项工作。
She won’t come unless she is invited. 她不会来的除非她受到邀请。
Don’t come unless I call you. 我不叫你,你别来。
3)not...until \ till
Don’t get off until the bus stops. 车没停稳别下车。
Don’t promise him till we have time to think about it.
在我们没时间考虑之前, 别对他做出承诺。
It’s not impossible for us to master a foreign language. 对我们来说要掌握一门外语不是不可能的。= It’s quite possible for us to master a foreign language. 对我们来说要掌握一门外语是完全可能的。
You shouldn’t be careless of your health. 你不应当不顾及你的健康。 = You should be careful of your health. 你应当注意你的健康。
Nothing is changeless. 没有一成不变的东西。
= Anything is changeful. 任何事都是可变的。
5)never \ not + too...to结构
You're never too old to enjoy a Christmas stocking. 你们永远不会觉得年纪太大而不去分享圣诞礼物的快乐。
This book is not too difficult for us to read. 对我们来说这本书还不至于难到我们读不懂。= We can read this book though the book is very difficult. 虽然这本书很难,但我们能看得懂。
17. At the age of 25, Qu Yinhua was the youngest ever to have reached the summit.
Robert is said to have studied abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in. =It is said that Robert has studied abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in. 据说罗伯特在国外留过学,但我不知道他在哪个国家留学。
⑴AIDS is said _____ the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.
A. that it is B. to be
C. that it has been D. to have been
【题解】从题干中over the past few years语境理解应用完成式,to have been“已经成为”应先于is said动作发生,可排除A、B项。原句可转换成It is said that AIDS has been the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years. 可排除C项,唯D项正确
⑵—Is Bob still performing? (2005江苏)
—I’m afraid not. He is said ____ the stage already as he has become an official.
A. to have left B. to leave
C. to have been left D. to be left
【题解】从题干中可见到stage做leave的宾语,不存在被动形式可排除C、D项;句中的already 表示完成概念。因此应选择表示主动兼完成的A项to have left。He is said to…同样可转换成It is said that he has left the stage already…。
⑶You were silly not ____ your car. (2004湖南)
A. to lock B. to have locked
C. locking D. having locked
【题解】be silly 后面要接动词不定式;lock动作发生在were silly之前,所以用D项不定式的完成形式to have locked。
⑷I don’t know whether you happen_____, but I’m going to study in the U.S.A. this September. (2004辽宁)
A. to be heard B. to be hearing
C. to hear D. to have heard
【题解】happen to do sth.碰巧做某事,必须接动词不定式,you和hear 构成主谓关系,可排除A项,从题干I’m going to study语境理解,不可能“正在或将要听说”用完成形式to have heard有“已经”的含义;故用D项不定式完成式的主动形式。
18. 可充当主语的多种形式
1)名词 2)代词 3)数词
4)动名词 5)不定式 6)从句
⑴____ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships. (2006山东)
A. No matter what B. No matter which
C Whatever D. Whichever
【题解】D 名词性从句考查,这是主语从句,A、B项不能用于名词性从句故排除,根据句意可做出正确选择。
⑵—Which driver was to blame? (2006北京)
— Why, ____! It was the child’s fault, clear and simple.
He suddenly came out between two parked cars.
A. both B. each C. either D. neither
【题解】D该题通过语境考查代词的用法,从上下对话理解是Neither of the drivers was to blame的省略,代词neither在句子中做主语。
⑶Women ____ drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those ____ don’t. (2006北京)
A. who;不填 B. who;不填
C. who;who D. 不填;不填
⑷_____ makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services. (2006辽宁)
A. What B. Who C. Whatever D. Whoever
⑸I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ____ Chinese in the school, most____ were from Germany.
A. study;of whom B. study;of them
C. studying;of them D. studying;of whom
【题解】D该题考查两个知识点,从题干there be句式结构理解,第一空考查非谓语动词可排除A、B项,第二空most前的逗号是解题之关键,考查的是非限制性定语从句,故排除C项。从非限制性定语从句结构看,most of which是从句的主语。
⑹Eugene’s never willing to alter any of his opinions. It’s no use _____ with him. (2006上海)
A. to argue B. arguing C. argued D. having argued
【题解】本题考察非谓语动词动名词结构的运用。从题干It’s no use句式理解,选B项arguing;it是形式主语,动名词是真正主语。
⑺In an hour, we can travel to places _____ would have taken our ancestors days to reach. (2006上海)
A. where B. when C. which D. what
I. 单项填空
( )1.They were told that Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Labor Party had, for the first time in its history, ____won its third election.
A. in a hurry B. in a way
C. in a word D. in a row
【题解】D介词短语辨析,从题干won its third election理解,可排除其余各选项。
( )2.This website is designed to allow people to _____a blog (博客) for free..
A. apply for B. stand for
C. prepared for D. bid for
【题解】A 短语动词辨析,从题干for free理解,唯A项符合题意。
( )3. ____ the difficulty of getting a job, it is very hard for me to adjust to the place where it is so cold.
A. Apart from B. As a result of
C. Far from D. In case of
【题解】A短语介词辨析, B项 “因为;由于”;C项“远离;远非”和D项“假设;万一”找工作的困难与“我难以适应……”的句意无法成立。
( )4.Johnny has just graduated from a famous drama school and he ____ above the rest for his perfect performance.
A. stand by B. lives on
C. stands out D. makes out
【题解】C短语动词辨析,从题干from a famous drama school推理,他的表演更胜一筹。
( )5. The best method to¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ____this goal is to unite as many sympathetic people as possible.
A. accomplish B. transform C. accept D. win
【题解】A 动词辨析,从this goal理解,“目的”只能“实现;达到”。
( )6.Many people in the Western world do not now believe in the ____of God.
A. birth B. evidence C. existence D. occurrence
【题解】C the existence of God“上帝的存在”。
( )7.Whether you believe it or not, my sister suddenly burst
_____ laughing surprisingly when we were eating.
A. out B. in C. into D. on
【题解】A. burst out和burst into都有“突然(做什么)”的意义,burst out一般后接一V-ing形式;而burst into一般后接名词;burst out laughing=burst into laughter。
( )8._____ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.
A. The president will attend B. The president to attend
C. The president’s attending D. The president attended
【题解】C 从题干中谓语动词gave them…可看出这是一动名词短语做主语的用法。
( )9._____, I have never seen anyone who is as capable as John.
A. As lone as I have traveled
B. Now that I have traveled so much
C. Much as I have traveled
D. As I have traveled so much
【题解】C as引导的让步状语从句需用倒装形式。
( )10.The good news we have just heard yet wants ____.
A. informing B. to be informed
C. confirming D. confirmed
【题解】C 从题干理解“好消息需要得到证实”可排除AB项,当主语是something时,want后接动名词主动表被动,也可接不定式的被动式。
( )11.How can you concentrate ____your work ____a radio on?
A. to;with B. on;turning
C. upon;putting D. on;with
【题解】D 第一空不难看出concentrate on“全神贯注于”是一短语,第二空是介词with的复合结构,B项有迷惑性。
( )12.Increasing pollution will of course not ____the constant development of the world.
A. make up B. make for
C. make use of D make out
【题解】B短语动词辨析,make for“有助于”符合题意。
( )13.Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners have to _____ with the local police.
A. argue B. consult C. register D. resolve
【题解】C 动词辨析,“外国人需向当地警方登记”符合题意。
( )14.Though we all haven’t seen him before, his name ____every one of us here.
A. is familiar with B. is familiar to
C. is good for D. is friendly to
【题解】B 形容词习惯用语辨析,A项有较大的迷惑性,AB项都有“熟悉”的意思,但A项一般后接something而B项后一般接somebody.
( )15.The recent exam results _____in the speech of our headmaster delighted all of us.
A. refer to B. referring to
C. were referred to D. referred to
【题解】D 非谓语动词考查,对整句话主干“The results delighted all of us”的理解,可知道空白处应是一非谓语动词的选择而排除AC项,results与referred to存在逻辑上的被动关系可排除B项,该题是过去分词短语做后置定语的用法。
( )16.The boys were told to _____themselves with food, tents and sleeping bags for their journey.
A. bring B. equip C. devote D. offer
【题解】B 动词辨析,equip themselves with“给自己准备……”,其余各项在结构上都有误。
( )17.Facing the ____situation there was a ____ expression which we couldn’t understand on his face.
A. puzzling, puzzled B. puzzling, puzzling
C. puzzled, puzzled D. puzzled, puzzling
【题解】A 非谓语动词考查,主要考查分词做前置定语的用法。一般说来,说明被修饰名词特征的用现在分词有“令人……”的意思,第一空应用现在分词,意为“面对令人扑朔迷离的局势”;而所修饰的名词表示所处的状态有“感到……”之意时,都用过去分词形式。第二空用过去分词,意为“困惑的表情”。
( )18.After she arrived in London, she found it was far more difficult to ____ her children on her own.
A. rely on B. adjust to C. bring up D. look into
【题解】C 短语动词辨析,从题干语境on her own理解“独立地;凭自己的力量”,可排除其余各项。
( )19. According to the weather forecast yesterday, which is usually _____, it will snow this afternoon.
A. accurate B. excellent C. perfect D. stable D.
【题解】A 形容词辨析,从常识理解the weather forecast is usually accurate。
( )20.He came to my class every week, but his attitude ____ he was not really interested in the subject.
A. expressed B. described
C. explained D. suggested
【题解】D 动词辨析,从his attitude理解,BC项不合题意,从结构看空白后是一宾语从句A项不妥。D项做“暗示”理解时可接一阐述事实的宾语从句。
The moon rose. The water looked 1 in the moonlight. Most of the night Perry lay down and looked up at the stars, 2 . The villagers needed him. He was the only doctor in the village. It felt good to be 3 . He decided to swim. He pulled his 4 from his belt. “Sharks can smell blood.” he thought. He cut deep into the 5 against his leg. The blood ran out. 6 his white shirt was red and wet, he 7 some cloth around his leg to stop the flow of blood. He tied a long piece of cloth to the shirt. 8 he walked to the edge of the sand and threw the shirt into the water.
The sharks smelt the blood. They came 9 the shirt. He jumped into the water and swam. He was half way across when he 10 to look back. A high bony fin(鳍)was cutting through the water toward him. He put his 11 in the water and kept and pulled himself forward as fast as he could. The shore was 12 now.
He 13 his head again to breathe. He saw the shore very near. From behind, he felt the 14 rush toward him, almost pushing him. He kicked and shouted as loud as he could. Then a great grey body 15 him. It almost rolled him over in the water. He touched the shore with his fingers 16 pulled himself up the stones. The shark 17 by the smell of blood went after him. Its great body 18 against the stones. It rolled and turned as it dropped back into the water. The other sharks jumped on it.
Petty 19 got to his feet saying, “You did not get me.” He climbed up the stones and walked toward the 20 very tiredly.
( )1. A. shallow B. peaceful C. attractive D. shining
( )2. A. thinking B. doubting C. waiting D. praying
( )3. A. shared B. reminded C. needed D. mentioned
( )4. A. gun B. shaver C. shirt D. knife
( )5. A. flesh B. skin C. fur D. layer
( )6. A. Before B. When C. As D. Once
( )7. 7. A. fixed B. left C. loaded D. tied
( )8. A. In time B. Before long
C. Since then D. Later on
( )9. A. passing by B. staying with
C. getting close to D. crossing through
( )10. A. stopped B. turned B. seemed D. bent
( )11. A. mouth B. body C. head D. face
( )12. A. farther B. clearer C. nearer D. safer
( )13. A. lifted B. shook C. hid D. lost
( )14. .A. shark B. water C. wave D. threat
( )15. A. touched B. followed
C. hit D. approached
( )16. A. and B. or C. but D. so
( )17. A. confused B. scared
C. frightened D. excited
( )18. A. fought B. crashed C. struggled D. leaned
( )19. A. eagerly B. regularly C. slowly D. angrily
( )20. A. village B.direction C. distance D. hotel
1. B 月光下海面上很平静,从下文可知海水不是shallow“浅”或“闪闪发光”;从当时的境遇及心理揣测海水也不会是“迷人的”。
2. A 根据下文The villagers needed him. He was the only doctor in the village.是思维的具体内容应选thinking,而非doubting“怀疑”;waiting“等待”和praying“祈祷”
3. C 是村里唯一的医生,被村民们所“需要”的感觉真好。
4. D 从上下文理解,应是“拔出刀”来。
5. A 深深地切开腿上的应该是flesh“肌肉”。
6. B 结合句意考查状语从句,从主从句谓语动词前后动 作基本一致看应该是指时间when“当……的时候”。
7. D 包扎止血,tie“捆,绑,系”。
8. D 从动作先后理解应选later on“稍后”。
9. C 鲨鱼闻到血腥味应该getting close to“靠近;靠拢”the shirt而不是passing by“经过”;staying with“和……在一起”,是一静止状态;crossing through“穿越”。
10. B 转身回头看更顺应故事情节的发展应选最佳turn;A项迷惑最大,危险时刻停下来回头看太冒险,C项语气不肯定;D项在水中不可能弯腰回头看。
11.D 从常识理解只能是脸部face在水中,不可能整个head都在水中。下文有lifted his head again to breathe,正好印证,如果整个head都在水中应该是“露出水面”。
12. C 更靠近nearer。
13. A 抬头lifted呼吸。
14. B 从上下文理解,鲨鱼在后面追赶时所带动的水流rush toward him, almost pushing him,尽管He kicked and shouted. Then a great grey body…,可排除A项;wave气势较大而不仅仅是almost pushing him;threat能感觉但不能rush toward him。
15. C 撞了一下。
16. A 并列关系而非选择or;转折but或结果so。
17. D因血腥味而“兴奋的”鲨鱼紧随其后。
18. B 巨大的身躯“撞击”crashed against the stones;fight against“与……战斗”;struggle against“同……斗争”;lean against“靠在……”。
19. C 一番拼搏后,Petty slowly抓住双腿, 用不着eagerly“急切地”和regularly“有规律地”;从“You did not get me.”理解,感觉到的是幽默而非生气。
20. A 对应上文应是回village。
Short people
Once upon a time, on an isolated island(孤岛) in the Java sea, short people not only lived--they controlled the food chain. Standing no more than three and a half feet tall, these human ancestors hunted giant rats, lumbering lizards(笨拙的蜥蜴), and miniature elephants.
It sounds a bit like a fairy tale, but it’s true. Unearthed relics on the island uncovered the remains of a race of tiny human ancestors. Homo floresiensis, as the newly discovered species has been named, apparently lived up until 13,000 years ago. This means they have a lot in common with modern humans.
So how and why did these people get so small? Scientists suspect that it’s due to the fact that this race lived on an isolated island with limited resources. Take the case of the miniature elephants that are known to have once moved about on the island. When elephants first came to the island either by swimming or some kind of natural land raft, they were probably close to full size. But since there wasn’t much to eat, over time smaller elephants lived longer and fared better. The smaller the elephant was, the less it had to eat to stay strong and healthy.
Scientists call this the “island rule,” and it could apply to humans as well as animals. Given the island’s sparse food supply, it makes sense that the early humans living there would have evolved a body size requiring less food to survive. So bigger isn’t always better. In the case of homo floresiensis, at least, getting smaller was the way to go.
( )1.It can be learned from the text that short people, Homo floresiensis was confirmed ____.
A. after they are discovered
B. from the islanders in the Java Sea
C. according to the unearthed relics
D. from the human ancestors
( )2.The underlined word “miniature” in the first paragraph most probably means ___.
A. tiny B. active C. rare D. wild
( )3. How does the writer explain the reason why short people on the island got so small?
A. They did not have enough food to eat.
B. They gradually developed for lack of food.
C. They shared less food with elephants.
D. They remained alive as the elephants did.
( ) 4. What might be the most suitable title for the text?
A. The history of short people
B. Short people from a fairy tale
C. The proofs on short people
D. Short people on an isolated island
1. C 细节理解题,从第二自然段Unearthed relics on the island uncovered the remains of a race of tiny human ancestors. Homo floresiensis, as the newly discovered species has been named, apparently lived up until 13,000 years ago.理解,对short people的命名应该是根据“unearthed relics”的发现
2. A 词意猜测题,从第三自然段over time smaller elephants lived longer and fared better. The smaller the elephant, the less it had to eat to stay strong and healthy理解,可猜测出“miniature”意为“微小”之意。
3. B 推理判断题,从第三自然段Take the case of the miniature elephants“以小象为例”及短文最后一句getting smaller was the way to go理解,short people的祖先也是因食物缺乏而逐渐进化所致。
4. D 主旨大意概括题,全文中心谈的是short people。
2008 Olympic torch relay
The Beijing 2008 Olympic torch relay will travel across all continents of the world and scale the top of Mount Quomolangma, the world’s highest mountain. The torch relay route will cover 28 foreign cities on the five continebts,
and 70 cities in China, said Liu Qi, president of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG).
“The torch will go to the top of Mount Quomolangma,” he told the 118th session(会议)of the IOC in Turin, where the Winter Olympics were currently taking place. “This has never been done before.” He did not say from which side of the mountain the Chinese side or Nepalese the torch will be carried to the top.
The 145-day relay will take place from March 21, 2008, to August 8, the day when the Games open. About 15,000 people from all over the world will participate in the relay.
“The slogan of the Beijing Games One World, One Dream will also be the theme of the torch relay,” said Liu. “Through the torch relay, we hope to promote the Olympic spirit of peace, friendship and progress globally and send the good wishes of Chinese people to the whole world.” The IOC has approved in principle China’s torch relay plan.
BOCOG will set up a torch relay team and make contact with other Olympic committees on the proposed torch route this year. “We will declare the final route in 2007,” Liu added. Liu and other officials with BOCOG also introduced something to IOC members about Beijing’s ongoing preparations for the Games, covering everything from transport to security. IOC
officials were generally effusive(热情洋溢的)in their praise. “We have no doubt that BOCOG will deliver in a splendid way,” IOC President
Jacques Rogge said after Beijing’s presentation.
( )5. What’s new in the torch relay for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games?
A. This is the longest torch relay all over the world.
B. This is a competition through the five continents.
C. The torch relay will pass through up to 98 cities.
D. 2008 torch will climb up the highest mountain.
( )6. It is in 2007 that we can know_____.
A. when a torch relay team will come into being on a large scale
B. why so many athletes will take part in the torch relay luckily
C. from which side of the mountain the torch will go to the top
D. what time the torch relay will take place and come to an end
( )7 ( ( )7. What Liu Qi said in Paragraph 4 shows _______of
Chinese people.
A. culture and recreation B. courage and enthusiasm
C. happiness and prosperity D. aspiration and attraction
( )8. What could be the best title for this passage?
A. Some details about 2008 relay
B. Preparations for the climbing
C. The theme of the torch relay
D. The presentation about relay
5. D 细节判断题,从第二自然段中This has never been done before.理解,最有价值的信息应该是D项。
6. C细节判断题,从第五自然段中We will declare the final route in 2007理解可得出正确答案。
7. B 综合结论题,D项进行概括性结论。
8. A主旨归纳题,全文主要谈及的是2008 relay。
IV. 短文填空

The weather is getting hotter and you’ll be getting thirstier playing basketball or riding home from school. A cold drink may be just the thing. But be careful what you pour down your throat. Something that looks cool may not be good for your health. There are plenty of so-called energy drinks on the market. Most of them have an attractive color and cool names. Their nutrition lists also contains various things from vitamins to ginseng. Sounds great!
But after a careful check you may find that most energy drinks contain high levels of caffeine. These drinks are typically aimed at young people, students, busy people and sports players. Makers sometimes say their drinks make you better at sports and can keep you awake. But be careful not to drink too much. Caffeine raises your heartbeat. Because of this, the International Olympic Committee has limited their use. The amount of caffeine in most energy drinks is at least as high as in a strong cup of coffee or strong tea.
Research by Australian scientists has found that many teenagers are affected by caffeine. The results of their survey show that 27% of boys aged 8-12 take in more caffeine than their parents. There are potential health risks linked to energy drinks. Just one can of energy drink can make you nervous, have difficulty sleeping and can even cause heart attacks. Teenagers should be discouraged from consuming drinks with a lot of caffeine in them, an expert from the Australia Nutrition Foundation said.

What’s in 1.___________?
Main 2._________ young people, students, busy people and sports players
Promises of makers making 3.________ better at sports and keeping consumers awake
Negative influence Caffeine raises one’s heartbeat.
just one can of energy drink(4._________high levels of caffeine) ▲make one nervous
▲have difficulty sleeping
▲even cause 5._____________
The results of 6.____________ ▲Teenagers are affected by caffeine.(7.__________of boys aged 8-12 take in more caffeine than their parents.)
▲There are 8. linked to energy drinks.
Expert’s 9._____ Teenagers should be discouraged from consuming drinks with a lot of 10.___________ in them.
1. energy drinks 2. consumers 3.athletes 4.containing 5.heart attacks
6.research/ survey 7.27% 8.potential health risks 9. advice/suggestion/idea 10.caffeine





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