2008年高考一轮复习资料-江苏牛津英语模块四第 十五 讲(译林牛津版高考复习英语必修四教案教学设计)

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模块四 Unit2 Sporting events
I 重点短语
1. sporting adj. = connected with or interested in sport
a ~ event体育比赛项目 a ~ man 爱好体育的人
sport:指各种运动或户外消遣(①可以是娱乐性或锻炼性的,一般作[U];②也可以是竞赛性的或某种运动项目, 一般作[C])。仅限于体力锻炼。如:fishing/ boating/ swimming。
作定语时常用pl.。如: sports meeting / shirt / shoes / facilities / stadium。
game:指有一定规则的,双方竞争的游戏或运动,可以是脑力的,也可以是体力的,通常凡参加者都必须遵守。如:basketball /chess等。美国人常用game,英国人常用match。
match:“比赛”,指大型的、公开的,既可是球类、田径也可是其他项目。如:league match联赛。
前者一般指大型的国际体育运动会。如:the Olympic Games。
后者一般指规模相对较小的运动会。如:sports meet;have sports(进行体育活动)。
2. finish:常作及物动词,其后接名词、代词或动名词,不接不定式或名词从句。有“干完、吃完”的含义。
take part in“参加、参与”(指参加某项活动,如群众性活动、会议等,并在其中起极作用,强调主人翁态度)。可指“参加”(工作、活动、学习等)。注意:无被动式。
join 是指以平等地位“加入”到某一组织、团体或人群中,并成为其中一员。
3. join in sth. 参加某种活动,(多指正在进行的活动)。
join sb. in sth [doing sth]. 和…… 一起做某事
attend 是指“参加、出席”(会议、聚会、讲座等)。
attend a meeting [a lecture , class , school]
compete for the honor of the country 为国家的荣誉而竞赛
show honor to sb. 对某人表示敬意
a man of honor重信义的人
It is a great honor to do sth.很荣幸干某事
4. honor take … as a great honor把……作为很荣幸的事
in honor of … = in one's honor 出于对……的敬意
have the honor of doing sth. (或to do sth.)荣幸干某事
honor sb. / sth. (with sth.)
be honored in…for … :在某方面因某事而获得荣誉
under one’s name 以……名字 如:under a false name 以假名
with the name 名叫……
by name 只……名字/名义上;名叫……
by the name of 名叫……的
5. 比较: He was a professor, Peter , by name.
He was a professor by the name of Peter.
in the name of 以……的名义; 看在……份上
name … after / for sb. 以某人的名字命名……
call one’s names 辱骂(某人)
after an absence of seven years 外出7年以后
one’s absence from school 某人缺席/ 缺课
6. absence in the absence of (某人)不在时;缺少(某物)
absence of mind 心不在焉
be absent from 不在……
sb. to do sth.
7. require + doing sth
that-从句 用虚拟语气 (should) + 动词原形
sth. of sb.
for (quite) a while (好长)一会儿
after a while 过了一会儿 (与动词的过去时连用)
8. while all the while 始终,一直 (与延续性动词连用或与终止性动词的否定连用)
in a (short) while 没一会儿,不久 (与动词的过去时或将来时连用)
once in a while有时,偶尔 = now and then ; from time to time
while /as / when
I met her when / while / as I was walking along the river.
I saw her as / when she was getting off the bus.
③as强调主句与从句表示的动作同时发生,while强调主句表示的动作延续于while所指的整个时间。试比较:She sang while she went along. 她走路时不停地唱。
She sang as she went along. 她边走边唱。
①remove … from … ② remove sth.
比较:remove / move
9. remove ① move强调位置和姿态的改变 ;
① + into使……进入…… ~ a sport into the Olympics
10. enter ② + into把……计入…… ~ all the events of the day into her diary
③ + for 报名参加(比赛) ~ for an exam
④ + into开始进入…… ~ into an argument/ a state of war / business
make way for 为……让路
11. make one’s way to 向……走去
give way to sb. / sth. 放弃……;向……让步
1. Many people enjoy playing different sports while others just enjoy watching them.
2. … however, he does expect his want to get their brains working.
3. Good luck with your report.
Good luck with sth. / Good luck to sb.
try one’s luck
Bad luck!
Just my luck!
bad/ hard luck on sb.
4. In order for a new sport to be added, a current sport must be dropped.
= In order to add a new sport
【例1】 He went back to the hall to try his _______ at finding his lost gold watch, but never found it.
A. best B. success
C. result D. luck
【要点精析】短语try one’s best (努力,尽力) 后常接to do sth.;try one’s luck at doing sth. 意为“碰碰运气做某事”。B、C不符合题意。
【例2】 Their play ________ great success and brought in a large profit to the theatre.
A. appreciated B. enjoyed (2006北京东城5月卷)
C. expected D. seized
1. He was a good swimmer, so he _______ swim to the bank when the boat turned over.
A. must B. was able to
C. could D. might
2. -Tom, you are caught late again.
-Oh, _________.
A. not at all B. just my luck
C. never mind D. that’s all right
3. You must stand it, and see it through, _________ it costs.
A. no matter what B. no matter how
C. what D. which
4. A fence _____ our garden ______ the playing field.
A. divides; into B. separates; into
C. separates; from D. divides; from
5. Would you like to ______ us? We are going to _____ the school’s 20th anniversary celebration.
A. join in; take part in B. join in; join
C. take part in; join D. join; take part in
6. Thousands of athletes______ in many countries will compete _______ medals in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
A. involved; in B. involving; by
C. to involve; against D. involved; for
7. After _____ practice, I have finally taken my Santana _______.
A. many a; under control B. a lot of; into control
C. plenty of; under control D. a great many; out of control
8. Naturally, after I tell my brother what to do, he ______ go and do the opposite.
A. may B. will
C. can D. should
9. _________ your mother, I found her healthy and she had me tell you to work hard.
A. Delighted to see B. Delighting to see
C. Delighted to have seen D. Delighting to have seen
10. When the rich found the poor girl unable to pay the whole for her schooling, he offered to ______ it with her.
A. share in B. cost
C. spend D. pay for
11. We all know that science plays ______ in modern society.
A. an important role B. important role
C. important roles D. important parts
12. We will hold a ceremony _______ those killed in battle.
A. for honour of B. in honour of
C. in honour to D. with honour to
13. Several houses were destroyed to ______ a building.
A. make away with B. make way for
C. make for D. make out
14. She published her novels _____ a man’s name, which she thought was easier to gain popularity.
A. in B. by
C. under D. at
15. ________ fresh air, people may start to feel sick. So make sure you open the windows while working.
A. For the absence of B. In the absence of
C. In the honour of D. In the short of
The 16 picked up the thermos and poured some hot water into the tea-cup and placed it on the small table in front of his 17 , who were a father and daughter, and put the lid on the cup with a clink. Apparently 18 of something, he hurried into the inner room, leaving the 19 on the table. His two guests heard a chest of drawers opening and a rustling (飒飒响声).
They 20 sitting in the living-room, the 10-year-old daughter, looking at the flowers outside the window. The father was just about to take his cup when the 21 came, right there in the living-room. Something was hopelessly broken.
It was the thermos, which had fallen to the floor. The girl looked 22 her shoulder at once, startled (吓一跳), 23 . It was 24 neither of them had touched it, not even a little bit.
The sound caused the host to rush back from the inner room. He looked at the 25 floor and blurted out, “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter!”
The father started to say something. Then he muttered, “Sorry, I 26 it and it fell.”
“ It doesn’t matter,” the host said.
Later, when they left the house, the daughter said, “ Daddy, I saw your 27 in the windowpane (窗玻璃). You were sitting perfectly 28 . Why did you say….”
The father 29 , “What then would you 30 as the cause of its fall?”
“ It fell by itself. The floor is uneven (不平). It wasn’t steady when Mr. Li put it there.”
“It won’t 31 , girl. It sounds more 32 when I say I knocked it down. There are things people accept less the more you 33 them. The truer your story is, the less true it sounds.”
The daughter was 34 in silence for a while. Then she said, “ Can you 35 it only this way?”
“Only this way,” the father said.
16. A. owner B. host C. guest D. master
17. A. friends B. neighbours C. children D. guests
18. A. knowing B. remembering C. hearing D. thinking
19. A. thermos B. cup C. lid D. tea
20. A. enjoyed B. remained C. imagined D. hated
21. A. stranger B. host C. crash D. noise
22. A. around B. at C. behind D. over
23. A. staring B. watching C. shouting D. crying
24. A. helpless B. exciting C. strange D. terrible
25. A. broken B. steaming C. dirty D. flooded
26. A. touched B. used C. hit D. moved
27. A. face B. shadow C. reflection D. action
28.A. calm B. still C. silent D. straight
29. A. shouted B. whispered C. laughed D. repeated
30. A. tell B. make C. accept D. give
31. A. do B. suit C. go D. fit
32. A. comfortable B. friendly C. acceptable D. agreeable
33. A. defend B. support C. discuss D. argue
34. A. kept B. shut C. worried D. lost
35. A. do B. explain C. make D. manage
A four-year-old girl is wowing (博得……称赞) the New York art world with paintings that are drawing comparisons with Jackson Pollock and Wasaily Kandinsky. Marla Olmstead, from Binghampton, in New York state, has been painting since just before she was two years old.
Using brushes, spatulas, her fingers and even ketchup bottles, she is creating canvases (画布) of six by six foot. The prodigy (神童) has already sold about 25 paintings, raising $ 40,000 and a new exhibition opens this week.
Father Mark, speaking to reporters while on a trip to New York city to do television interviews, said, “She does her own thing, she uses a lot of paint but is oblivious (不在意) to the whole thing.” He said she had first started painting shortly before her second birthday as her father tried to stop her distracting him from his own amateur art.
“She went at it with all colors. At first she directed me, and then it evolved to the canvas. I’m her assistant, I hand her the brushes. She doesn’t appreciate that most artists have to wait longer to have an assistant,” he joked.
Gallery owner Anthony Brunelli said of 10 pieces about to go on show, six were already sold, and that the remaining four could fetch between $8000 ~ 10,000. He said Marla’s work was unbelievable for a child. “Her paintings have bright colors. They’re very expressive in the way the paint is applied.”
Mr. Brunelli’s assessments of Marla’s future as an adult artist are cautious. But he said, “You never can tell. I’ve seen her progressing over the past year. The four she just did, each one gets better.”
36. When the passage was written, Marla Olmstead had been painting for about ______.
A. four years B. three years
C. two years D. one year
37. According to the passage, we know that Marla Olmstead’s painting skills are instructed by ________.
A. herself B. her father
C. Wassily Kandinsky D. Jackson Pollock
38. Most people who see Marla Olmstead’s pictures will feel _______.
A. sad B. dull
C. angry D. happy
39. According to the passage, we can infer that ______.
A. Marla Olmstead began painting under the influence of her father
B. Anthony Brunelli is certain about Marla Olmstead’s future
C. Marla Olmstead is considered the prodigy because of her earned money
D. Marla Olmstead shocks the New York art world because of her age

China urged Japan yesterday to keep its commitments (承诺) towards the Taiwan question and to handle former Taiwan “president” Lee Teng-hui’s possible visit to the country in the proper way.
Reports said that Lee planned to travel to Japan on May 10 for two or three weeks at the invitation of private groups.
Lee is the chief representative of the radical (激进的) force for “Taiwan independence”.
“The Taiwan question concerns the Core interests of China and relates to the national feeling of the 1.3 billion Chinese people, as well as the political foundation of Sino-Japanese relations,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan.
Kong told reporters at a regular briefing yesterday that Lee’s repeated request for a visit to Japan was an attempt to find a speaking platform for Taiwan separatists, so as to undermine (破坏) the peaceful reunification (统一) across the Taiwan Straits and Sino-Japanese ties.
Kong said the Chinese side has asked the Japanese Government to abide by the principles of the three political documents including the Sino-Japanese Joint Statement, and to keep its promise on the Taiwan question through practical actions.
Kong yesterday also made a response to the pledges made by Japanese leaders in their speeches to parliament on January 20 to improve ties with its Asian neighbours.
Kong said China has noted the separate speeches of Koizumi and of Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso on forging ties with China and South Korea.
“And we want to see the Japanese side improve bilateral ties with practical actions,” Kong said. He also vowed that China will continue to develop a friendly Sino-Japanese co-operative relationship on the principle of reviewing history and facing the future.
40. The Taiwan question relates to __________.
A. the interests of China
B. the national feeling of the 1.3 billion Chinese people
C. the political foundation of Sino-Japanese relations
D. all of the above
41. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The Taiwan question has nothing to do with Sino-Japanese ties.
B. Japan wants to improve ties with its Asian neighbours.
C. Lee Teng-hui will travel to Japan for a formal visit.
D. Japan has improved bilateral ties with China with practical actions.
42. It can be inferred that ________.
A. Lee Teng-hui is the chief representative of the radical force for “Taiwan induce”
B. Japan supports Lee Teng-hui in “Taiwan independence”
C. the “Taiwan question” is very important for Sino-Japanese ties
D. China will improve bilateral ties with Japan with practical actions
43. The best title may be “________”.
A. Lee Teng-hui’s visit to Japan
B. Japan was urged to keep its commitments
C. The Taiwan question
D. Sino-Japanese relations
Tony:I’m from Sierra Leone.
Jim: Oh really? Where is Sierra Leone? I know it’s (44) o_____ the African continent. How big is it?
Tony: Yes, that’s right. It’s about the (45) s______ of your California.
Jim: That’s interesting. Who’s the president, and how long a term does he (46) s________?
Tony: His name is Ahmad Tejan Kabbah. He is (47) e______ for a five-year term.
Jim: Oh, yeah… I think I’ve heard of him. By the way, you speak English very well. Is that your (48) o_______ language?
Tony: Yes, but it is only (49) s_______ by 20 percent of the population.
Jim: Really? I understand that (50) m______ is a major industry in Sierra Leone. I also hear your country mines diamonds.
Tony: Yes, they are a big export for us. But many people still live by simple subsistence farming (51) l______ my father.
Jim: Tony, it has been really nice meeting you. I’d like to (52) i______ you to my wife. She’s over there.
Tony: Thank you. I’d like to meet (53) h_________.
(45) ________
(46) ________
(47) ________
(48) ________
(49) ________
(50) ________
(51) ________
(52) ________
(53) ________
国内某家英文报纸设有一个求助信箱 (Letters to Dr. Helper)。请根据一份学生现状中列出的部分信息,以高三学生李华的名义,用英语给Dr. Helper写一封短信。
学生现状 1。每天在校时间:9小时
负担过重原因 考试压力大,作业多,家长期望高
Dear Dr. Helper,
I am a Senior 3 student. I am now in great need of your help because I can hardly stand the great pressure.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
1.B。can只能用于一般现在时和一般过去时(could)的句子中,be able to可以用在任何时态中。另外,can只表明具备某种能力,但不一定做了,而be able to表明不仅具备了某种能力,而且还实际实施了。
2.B。just my luck是习语,意为“真倒霉!”。not at all和that's all right多用于对方感谢时的应答语,“不客气”。Never mind用于对方道歉时的应答语,“没关系”。
3.A。no matter what = whatever。
4.C。divide…into…把……分成。separate… from…把……分开。
5.D。join in sth.意为“参加(活动)”。join sb. “和某人一起……”。take part in意为“参加(活动)”。
6.D。第一空考查过去分词短语作定语。第二空考查compete后的介词的用法。compete in意为“在……方面角逐”。compete for意为“为……而角逐”。
7.C。practice是不可数名词,many a修饰可数名词的单数形式,a great many修饰复数名词,故排除A、D选项。take… under control是固定搭配,意为“控制住……”。
10.A。share in意为“分担一部分”。
11.A。play an important part/ role意为“起重要作用”。在这个结构中part / role只能用单数,其前的不定冠词不能漏掉。
12.B。in honour of意为“为纪念……”。
13.B。make away with意为“偷窃(某物)”。make way for“给……让路”。make for意为“朝……走去、有利于”。make out意为“辨认出、了解”
14.C。under/ with/ by one’s name意为“用……的名字”。
15.B。in the absence of意为“在没有……的情况下”。
38.D。 think of“想到某事”。know of知道某事的有关情况;remember“记起”是及物动词,其后不须接of,故不选。
40.B。主人离开后,客人“仍然”坐在那里。enjoy表“喜欢做某事”,imagine“想象”,hate “憎恶”都与题意不符。
42.D。look over one’s shoulder指“某人转头看”。
51.A。do与 will连用常表“合适的”“有用的”“行”。
54.D。女儿“陷入了沉默”be lost in silence。
38.D。由第五段的“Her paintings have bright colors. They’re very expressive in the way the paint is applied.”可知,她所画的画用的是比较鲜明的颜色,因此使人看起来很兴奋。
44. on 45. size 46. serve 47. elected 48. official
49. spoken 50. mining 51. like 52. introduce 53. her
One possible version:
Dear Dr. Helper,
I am a Senior 3 student. I am now in great need of your help because I can hardly stand the great pressure.
Every day I have to stay at school for nine hours to have lessons and spend at least three to four hours doing my homework at home. We teenagers are eager to play and enjoy ourselves, but we hardly have any time to do what we want. Besides, we even don’t have enough sleep.
There seems to be three causes about the overload: the pressure of examinations, too much homework and the high expectations from the parents. We are often warned that if we don’t do our best, we won’t have the chance to go to university. I write this letter only to wish that I could have someone to talk to. I am looking forward to your advice.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua




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